2024 - Retail Insights and Shopper Sentiment | Đại học Ngoại Thương

2024 - Retail Insights and Shopper Sentiment. A deep-dive into customer behaviour & the evolution of in-store shopping. Tài liệu tham khảo dành cho các bạn sinh viên ngành Marketing. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

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Downloaded by HOAN NGUYEN THI THU (nguyenthithuhoan_s16@hus.edu.vn)
Downloaded by HOAN NGUYEN THI THU (nguyenthithuhoan_s16@hus.edu.vn)
Downloaded by HOAN NGUYEN THI THU (nguyenthithuhoan_s16@hus.edu.vn)
Shared by Vietnam Market Report & Marketing Research by CTO Vietnam Network
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Downloaded by HOAN NGUYEN THI THU (nguyenthithuhoan_s16@hus.edu.vn)
Downloaded by HOAN NGUYEN THI THU (nguyenthithuhoan_s16@hus.edu.vn)
Downloaded by HOAN NGUYEN THI THU (nguyenthithuhoan_s16@hus.edu.vn)
Shared by Vietnam Market Report & Marketing Research by CTO Vietnam Network
Downloaded by HOAN NGUYEN THI THU (nguyenthithuhoan_s16@hus.edu.vn)