Article 1 - Importance of Soft skills development in 21st century Curriculum | Học Viện Phụ Nữ Việt Nam

Article 1 - Importance of Soft skills development in 21st century Curriculum | Học Viện Phụ Nữ Việt Nam  được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Importance of Soft skills development in 21st century Curriculum
Deptt of Communication Skills, Mangalayatan University, Aligarh(UP)
Research Scholar in English Language Teaching (AMU), Aligarh.
Article history Received
Accepted 28/10/10
Available online
Key words: Agriculture,
soft skill, School Climate
In the 21st century's global economy, the new challenges are there
and the engineering profession have to face it, confirming the need to restructure
engineering curricula, teaching and learning practices, and processes, including
assessment. Engineering graduates possessing merely technical knowledge, is
no longer a guarantee for a successful career. As a professional, the aim of the
student is to succeed in the career path they have chosen for themselves. They
want to be the best at what they do and move forward. However, sometimes
students might wonder why they are not getting the "breaks" they need.
Basically they have the hard skills; the technical knowledge and skills that will
ensure that they do their job to the highest level of quality. And while all
countries are facing this dilemma, India is also struggling the most. It has been
argued that most Indian engineering educational institutions are struggling with
the systemic problem of centralization coupled with an archaic examination
system that is detrimental to student learning.
International Journal of Education and Allied Sciences
July-Dec. 2010, Volume 2, No. 2, pp. 39-44
ISSN-0975-8380, Online ISSN-2231-4733
© AACS. All rights reserved.
Dr(Mrs) Garima Sharma* & Mrs. Preeti Sharma**
"If you keep doing what you have
always done, you are going to get what you
always got".
All teachers understand how to work
effectively with ELLs (English Language
Learners) in their own classes, including:
Culture plays an essential role in the
Strategies to scaffold content instruction
to make it more comprehensible;
Basic principles of second language
acquisition & how to promote the
development of academic English;
The term curriculum is derived from the
Latin word currere meaning "racecourse" ,
includes contents, learning activities,
teaching methodology, supporting material,
methods of assessment and facilities. When
we refer to "curriculum innovation", we are
referring to the ways in which many factors
may contribute to transformations in
Importance of Soft skills development in 21st century Curriculum
classroom activity.
Aspects of Curriculum Development
Aims/Goal, Objectives and
The term "aim" and "goal" are used
interchangeably (Richard 2001; 112; Zais
1976) as the purpose and basic principle of
curriculum development. Objective is more
specific level of purposes. It is defined as "the
most immediate specific outcomes of
classroom interaction" (Zais 1976: 306).
Content relates to what teacher will teach.
Miller & Seller (1985: 185) have used
"content" interchangeably with subject
matter, knowledge, concepts and Idea. In
language teaching context, content relates to
subject matter and linguistics matter
(Krahnke 1987: 3). Curriculum design
consists of subject-centered, learner-centered
and problem-centered. In today's dynamic
and corporate world, certainly, with the
growing importance of English in
communication and travel, there is an
increasing importance attached to a good
knowledge of English in the employment
market at the national and international
level in this economic world. English
language has important utility values in
today's economic construction, culture, and
education fields. English language is
necessary in each area of life. If there is a
barrier to English language in this economic
world, it may hamper the communication.
We are living in an age of dramatic and
unprecedented linguistic revolution, the
making of a global language .
Major part of our active life is spent in
communicating with others. People need to
communicate as they move from situation to
situation, in family, organization and other
social groups for getting their work done and
for relationships. The main objectives of
communication are as follows:
1) Exchange of information
2) Advice and counseling
3) Persuasion
4) Suggestion
5) Education
6) Motivation
7) Raising morale
8) Warning
9) Global business environment
10) Technological advancement
11) Need for better human & Public
12) Gaining feedback
As we know that the market is
recovering from its deep recession and
demand for fresh recruits with Engineering
MBA or is picking up in the IT/ITES sectors,
the HR manager at MNC and other Indian
companies are equally busy in hiring soft
skills trainers to train the fresh batch of
recruits. Since most of companies have
realized t hat no matter which ever
professional ground a candidate may come
from, the need to fill the soft skills gap has
become very essential to meet company
expectation when it comes to interacting or
delivering value to their customers. Unlike in
the west where the students should pick up
the soft skills like business communication,
Dr(Mrs) Garima Sharma* & Mrs. Preeti Sharma**
leadership, behavioral, teamwork, and
corporate ethics independent of their
professional choice, In India the
academicians have not paid attention to this
yet.. As more Universities are being
privatized and many Institutions are going
for foreign collaboration to pick up the latest
curriculum and teaching methodologies,
hopefully they will make it mandatory for
every student to absorb these soft skills
before they graduate as well rounded
professional ready to be absorbed in the
Industry. The soft skills curriculum should
include 1 semester worth of course work
encompassing all types of soft skills like
communication, behavioral, body language,
phone ethics, teamwork, conflict resolution,
leadership, and business communications.
The MBA institutions can go one step
forward and include International culture
and customer behavior specific to countries
with strong ties to India regarding business
like Japan, South Korea, China, and
Germany. For the benefit of the Industry, it
would be better to standardize the training
content across the country so that basic
needs of the employers would be fulfilled
independent of where the students come
Globalization has brought a lot of
importance to the functional English. It
becomes easier for a student with good
communication skills and well groomed
personality to get a good job in this
competitive era. Companies are looking for
candidates who are smart and can present
themselves well. So soft skills training has
to be given importance in undergraduate
classes. Grooming is also necessary for
both. As communication skill is a part of soft
skills, English faculty is the right person to
be the soft skills trainer after undergoing
professional training.
The hard truth about soft skills is that
these get little respect, but can make or break
the career of the students.
As the name suggests soft skills is not a
visible skill like the domain subject content
but it helps in improving the personality of
the person. We can make a distinction
between hard skills and soft skills. Hard
skills refer to technical and academic skills
while soft skills refer to wide-ranging
personal and interpersonal skills. Hard skills
can be easily defined, measured and
observed, while it is difficult to measure soft
skills as these are intangible. It includes :
Communication skills,
Interpersonal skills,
Group dynamics,
Team work,
Body language,
Selling skills,
Presentation skills,
Confidence building etc.
Thinking skills and Problem solving
skills. Entrepreneur skill
Importance of Soft skills development in 21st century Curriculum
The soft skills must be acquired by each
and every individual in the institutions of
higher learning without which, the student
is regarded as incompetent in the above skill.
The soft skills can be regarded as the
additional generic skills and a bonus to the
student. If these skills are acquired by the
students together with the soft skills. If soft
skill is inculcated in the curriculum along
with grammar, pronunciation and
vocabulary exercises, it will surely boost the
confidence level of students in the selection
processes of the job interview and fetch them
a good job. Job market has changed due to
repurcaration of globalization. These days
jobs are not just administrative ones. In
addition to subject knowledge, one is
expected to have pleasing as well as smart
personality to get an edge over others in this
competitive era. An English faculty's role is
not just improving the language skills of
his/her students, but also fine tuning their
soft skills. With the corporate exposure,
faculty will be in a better position to prepare
the students in the lines of corporate
In addition to communication skills, soft
skills, helps to succeed in interviews and
group discussions and help the students in
getting the job of their choice. Students'
inability to communicate well in English has
many reasons behind it:
The lack of strong basic foundation of
English language continues to haunt the
students in their college life too.
The fear of failure before others, stage
fear, nervousness, lack of content etc are
also the reasons for students to lag
Ignorance of grammar and
overconfidence. So English language
teaching should be transformed into soft
skills training.
Soft skills should cater to the needs of
fine tuning the personality of the students.
These courses are beyond the reach of
common lower middle class students. The
government can help these large financially
down trodden students by implementing soft
skills in English language curriculum.
Even multi-national companies look
forward for candidates who can speak good
English. They give importance to oral
communication skills and accent. Just content
is insufficient to get an edge over others in
this competitive age. multi-national
companies expect their prospective
employees to be young, smart, and confident
candidates. As there is more importance to
language part of English learning than
literature these days, the lovers of literature
may feel sidelined. Traditional learners of
English language will miss the great works
of Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Milton,
Shelly… if changes are brought out in the
curriculum along the lines of the above
suggestions. But changes are a part of the
system. Any system for that matter
undergoes change with the new
developments and when the existing ones
become outdated. One has to move on with
the changing times. The people who like to
read the great works of literature will
continue to read it even without the
Dr(Mrs) Garima Sharma* & Mrs. Preeti Sharma**
supporting curriculum. Reading great books
will remain hobby or special interest for
people who are really interested in literature.
It need not be imposed on the curriculum.
Those who want to continue in academics
and want to take up study of literature will
pursue it. It is not necessary to generalize the
English language curriculum for the sake of
literature lovers .
An English faculty's role is not just
improving the language skills of his/her
students, but also fine tuning their soft
skills. They should encourage the learners to
take responsibility of their learning, take
risks and to discover knowledge as students
need it. The teachers have to understand that
unnecessary intervention in the learning
process is harmful. The functional usage of
language has to be given importance by the
teachers. The teachers have to provide
enough opportunities for the learners to
develop strategies to become effective
speakers, writers and listeners of English.
The time has arrived to brainstorm on what
to teach in English language classrooms in
order to hone their skills. The textbooks
which are filled with prose and poetry are
not catering to the changing demands of the
student community. The students are not
supposed to appreciate the works of
literature to improve their communication
skills. In the present context, where good
verbal and written communication is in
demand, our text books don't give the
necessary input required by them. What can
be done by the universities while designing
the syllabus, so that students don't need
outside support? The curriculum designers
need to take a feedback and suggestions from
the students and the faculty members on
what changes are required. The English
faculty's role is no more mere teaching the
works of literary stalwarts, or grammar. He/
she has to contribute to the improvement of
vocabulary, communication skills,
presentation skills and confidence building
of the students. The ultimate purpose of any
course is to prepare the students for a good
placement. The students should feel
confident of themselves with the content and
the ability to communicate the knowledge as
and when required. As the domain subjects
take care to improve the content part of a
course, the English language classes should
cater to the demands of personality
development or soft skills. In most
undergraduate colleges, students don't take
language sessions seriously as they find that
the syllabus is not that useful for them. So
the attendance is very low or even if they
attend too, they are not attentive. So the
English syllabus needs to be customized
according to the changing needs.
The time has arrived to reflect on and
customize the existing English language
curriculum. The designing of curriculum
should be contextual and need based. The
existing curriculum needs to be updated
constantly to the changing requirements of
the students. In the changing scenario after
globalisation, soft skills has become more
important than the study of literature.
English class room should be converted into
Importance of Soft skills development in 21st century Curriculum
language lab where students are encouraged
to bring out their creativity. More attention
has to be given to practical exercises than
theoretical teaching of literature. Students
should be trained to perform and speak in
different situations with confidence. The
methods of training should be through role
plays, debates, and group discussions. In
addition , there should be sessions on
etiquettes, body language, group dynamics,
and interpersonal skills. Finally, English
curriculum should serve the purpose of
giving a helping hand to the students to
move ahead in their chosen path with
1 Paliwal, AK (2008) Teaching of English.
2, Soft Skills.
3 Zaineb, Asma(2010), Enhance Soft Skills
July 06
4 Moore, Daniel J & Voltmer, David
R(2003)Curriculum for an English
Renaissance, IEEE Transactions on
Education Vol-46, November,no-4.
5 Klaus, Peggy(2008) The Hard Truth
about Soft Skills.
| 1/7

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International Journal of Education and Allied Sciences
July-Dec. 2010, Volume 2, No. 2, pp. 39-44
ISSN-0975-8380, Online ISSN-2231-4733
© AACS. All rights reserved.
Importance of Soft skills development in 21st century Curriculum
Dr(Mrs) Garima Sharma* & Mrs. Preeti Sharma** A R T I C L E I N F O ABSTRACT Article history Received
In the 21st century's global economy, the new challenges are there 18/09/10
and the engineering profession have to face it, confirming the need to restructure
engineering curricula, teaching and learning practices, and processes, including Accepted 28/10/10
assessment. Engineering graduates possessing merely technical knowledge, is
no longer a guarantee for a successful career. As a professional, the aim of the Available online
student is to succeed in the career path they have chosen for themselves. They 30/04/11
want to be the best at what they do and move forward. However, sometimes
students might wonder why they are not getting the "breaks" they need.
Key words: Agriculture,
Basically they have the hard skills; the technical knowledge and skills that will soft skill, School Climate
ensure that they do their job to the highest level of quality. And while all
countries are facing this dilemma, India is also struggling the most. It has been Curriculum
argued that most Indian engineering educational institutions are struggling with
the systemic problem of centralization coupled with an archaic examination
system that is detrimental to student learning. INTRODUCTION
• Basic principles of second language
"If you keep doing what you have
acquisition & how to promote the
always done, you are going to get what you
development of academic English; always got".
The term curriculum is derived from the
All teachers understand how to work
Latin word currere meaning "racecourse" ,
effectively with ELLs (English Language
includes contents, learning activities,
Learners) in their own classes, including:
teaching methodology, supporting material,
• Culture plays an essential role in the
methods of assessment and facilities. When classroom;
we refer to "curriculum innovation", we are •
referring to the ways in which many factors
Strategies to scaffold content instruction
may contribute to transformations in
to make it more comprehensible;
Deptt of Communication Skills, Mangalayatan University, Aligarh(UP)
Research Scholar in English Language Teaching (AMU), Aligarh.
Importance of Soft skills development in 21st century Curriculum classroom activity.
Aspects of Curriculum Development
Major part of our active life is spent in Aims/Goal, Objectives and
communicating with others. People need to Competence
communicate as they move from situation to
situation, in family, organization and other
The term "aim" and "goal" are used
social groups for getting their work done and
interchangeably (Richard 2001; 112; Zais
for relationships. The main objectives of
1976) as the purpose and basic principle of communication are as follows:
curriculum development. Objective is more
specific level of purposes. It is defined as "the 1) Exchange of information
most immediate specific outcomes of 2) Advice and counseling
classroom interaction" (Zais 1976: 306). 3) Persuasion
Content relates to what teacher will teach. 4) Suggestion
Miller & Seller (1985: 185) have used 5) Education 6) Motivation
"content" interchangeably with subject 7) Raising morale
matter, knowledge, concepts and Idea. In 8) Warning
language teaching context, content relates to 9) Global business environment
subject matter and linguistics matter 10) Technological advancement
(Krahnke 1987: 3). Curriculum design
11) Need for better human & Public
consists of subject-centered, learner-centered relations
and problem-centered. In today's dynamic 12) Gaining feedback
and corporate world, certainly, with the
growing importance of English in As we know that the market is
communication and travel, there is an
recovering from its deep recession and
increasing importance attached to a good
demand for fresh recruits with Engineering
knowledge of English in the employment
MBA or is picking up in the IT/ITES sectors,
the HR manager at MNC and other Indian
market at the national and international
companies are equally busy in hiring soft
level in this economic world. English
skills trainers to train the fresh batch of
language has important utility values in
recruits. Since most of companies have
today's economic construction, culture, and
realized that no matter which ever
education fields. English language is
professional ground a candidate may come
necessary in each area of life. If there is a
from, the need to fill the soft skills gap has
barrier to English language in this economic
become very essential to meet company
world, it may hamper the communication.
expectation when it comes to interacting or
We are living in an age of dramatic and
delivering value to their customers. Unlike in
unprecedented linguistic revolution, the
the west where the students should pick up making of a global language .
the soft skills like business communication, (40)
Dr(Mrs) Garima Sharma* & Mrs. Preeti Sharma**
leadership, behavioral, teamwork, and
to be given importance in undergraduate
corporate ethics independent of their
classes. Grooming is also necessary for
professional choice, In India the
both. As communication skill is a part of soft
academicians have not paid attention to this
skills, English faculty is the right person to
yet.. As more Universities are being
be the soft skills trainer after undergoing
privatized and many Institutions are going professional training.
for foreign collaboration to pick up the latest WHAT ARE SOFT SKILLS?
curriculum and teaching methodologies,
hopefully they will make it mandatory for
The hard truth about soft skills is that
every student to absorb these soft skills
these get little respect, but can make or break
before they graduate as well rounded the career of the students.
professional ready to be absorbed in the
Industry. The soft skills curriculum should
As the name suggests soft skills is not a
visible skill like the domain subject content
include 1 semester worth of course work
encompassing all types of soft skills like
but it helps in improving the personality of
the person. We can make a distinction
communication, behavioral, body language,
phone ethics, teamwork, conflict resolution,
between hard skills and soft skills. Hard
skills refer to technical and academic skills
leadership, and business communications.
The MBA institutions can go one step
while soft skills refer to wide-ranging
personal and interpersonal skills. Hard skills
forward and include International culture
and customer behavior specific to countries
can be easily defined, measured and
observed, while it is difficult to measure soft
with strong ties to India regarding business
like Japan, South Korea, China, and
skills as these are intangible. It includes :
Germany. For the benefit of the Industry, it • Communication skills,
would be better to standardize the training
content across the country so that basic • Interpersonal skills,
needs of the employers would be fulfilled • Group dynamics,
independent of where the students come from. • Team work, A NEW PERSPECTIVE • Body language,
Globalization has brought a lot of • Etiquettes,
importance to the functional English. It • Selling skills,
becomes easier for a student with good
communication skills and well groomed • Presentation skills,
personality to get a good job in this • Confidence building etc.
competitive era. Companies are looking for
candidates who are smart and can present
Thinking skills and Problem solving
themselves well. So soft skills training has skills. Entrepreneur skill (41)
Importance of Soft skills development in 21st century Curriculum
The soft skills must be acquired by each
also the reasons for students to lag
and every individual in the institutions of behind.
higher learning without which, the student • Ignorance of grammar and
is regarded as incompetent in the above skill.
overconfidence. So English language
The soft skills can be regarded as the
teaching should be transformed into soft
additional generic skills and a bonus to the skills training.
student. If these skills are acquired by the
students together with the soft skills. If soft
Soft skills should cater to the needs of
skill is inculcated in the curriculum along
fine tuning the personality of the students.
with grammar, pronunciation and
These courses are beyond the reach of
vocabulary exercises, it will surely boost the
common lower middle class students. The
confidence level of students in the selection
government can help these large financially
processes of the job interview and fetch them
down trodden students by implementing soft
a good job. Job market has changed due to
skills in English language curriculum.
repurcaration of globalization. These days
Even multi-national companies look
jobs are not just administrative ones. In
addition to subject knowledge, one is
forward for candidates who can speak good
English. They give importance to oral
expected to have pleasing as well as smart
personality to get an edge over others in this
communication skills and accent. Just content
is insufficient to get an edge over others in
competitive era. An English faculty's role is
not just improving the language skills of
this competitive age. multi-national
companies expect their prospective
his/her students, but also fine tuning their
soft skills. With the corporate exposure,
employees to be young, smart, and confident
candidates. As there is more importance to
faculty will be in a better position to prepare
the students in the lines of corporate
language part of English learning than
literature these days, the lovers of literature expectations.
may feel sidelined. Traditional learners of
In addition to communication skills, soft
English language will miss the great works
skills, helps to succeed in interviews and
of Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Milton,
group discussions and help the students in
Shelly… if changes are brought out in the
getting the job of their choice. Students'
curriculum along the lines of the above
inability to communicate well in English has
suggestions. But changes are a part of the many reasons behind it:
system. Any system for that matter undergoes change with the new
• The lack of strong basic foundation of
developments and when the existing ones
English language continues to haunt the
become outdated. One has to move on with
students in their college life too.
the changing times. The people who like to
• The fear of failure before others, stage
read the great works of literature will
fear, nervousness, lack of content etc are
continue to read it even without the (42)
Dr(Mrs) Garima Sharma* & Mrs. Preeti Sharma**
supporting curriculum. Reading great books
the syllabus, so that students don't need
will remain hobby or special interest for
outside support? The curriculum designers
people who are really interested in literature.
need to take a feedback and suggestions from
It need not be imposed on the curriculum.
the students and the faculty members on
Those who want to continue in academics
what changes are required. The English
and want to take up study of literature will
faculty's role is no more mere teaching the
pursue it. It is not necessary to generalize the
works of literary stalwarts, or grammar. He/
English language curriculum for the sake of
she has to contribute to the improvement of literature lovers . vocabulary, communication skills,
presentation skills and confidence building ROLE OF ENGLISH FACULTY
of the students. The ultimate purpose of any
An English faculty's role is not just
course is to prepare the students for a good
improving the language skills of his/her
placement. The students should feel
students, but also fine tuning their soft
confident of themselves with the content and
skills. They should encourage the learners to
the ability to communicate the knowledge as
take responsibility of their learning, take
and when required. As the domain subjects
risks and to discover knowledge as students
take care to improve the content part of a
need it. The teachers have to understand that
course, the English language classes should
unnecessary intervention in the learning
cater to the demands of personality
process is harmful. The functional usage of
development or soft skills. In most
language has to be given importance by the
undergraduate colleges, students don't take
teachers. The teachers have to provide
language sessions seriously as they find that
enough opportunities for the learners to
the syllabus is not that useful for them. So
develop strategies to become effective
the attendance is very low or even if they
speakers, writers and listeners of English.
attend too, they are not attentive. So the
The time has arrived to brainstorm on what
English syllabus needs to be customized
to teach in English language classrooms in
according to the changing needs.
order to hone their skills. The textbooks CONCLUSION
which are filled with prose and poetry are
not catering to the changing demands of the
The time has arrived to reflect on and
student community. The students are not
customize the existing English language
supposed to appreciate the works of
curriculum. The designing of curriculum
literature to improve their communication
should be contextual and need based. The
skills. In the present context, where good
existing curriculum needs to be updated
verbal and written communication is in
constantly to the changing requirements of
demand, our text books don't give the
the students. In the changing scenario after
necessary input required by them. What can
globalisation, soft skills has become more
be done by the universities while designing
important than the study of literature.
English class room should be converted into (43)
Importance of Soft skills development in 21st century Curriculum
language lab where students are encouraged REFERENCES
to bring out their creativity. More attention
has to be given to practical exercises than 1
Paliwal, AK (2008) Teaching of English.
theoretical teaching of literature. Students
should be trained to perform and speak in 2, Soft Skills.
different situations with confidence. The 3
Zaineb, Asma(2010), Enhance Soft Skills
methods of training should be through role July 06
plays, debates, and group discussions. In
addition , there should be sessions on 4
Moore, Daniel J & Voltmer, David
etiquettes, body language, group dynamics,
R(2003)Curriculum for an English
and interpersonal skills. Finally, English
Renaissance, IEEE Transactions on
curriculum should serve the purpose of
Education Vol-46, November,no-4.
giving a helping hand to the students to 5
Klaus, Peggy(2008) The Hard Truth
move ahead in their chosen path with about Soft Skills. confidence. (44)