Assignment - Math for business | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Assignment - Math for business | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

1. If the line, P=(-2/3) Q+6 , is sketched with P on the horizontal axis, and Q on the vertical
axis, which of the following gives the gradient, m, and vertical intercept, c?
-Need to note that if P: Horizontal =>> đổi lại hàm =>>
=>m: -3/2; c: 9
2. During 2020 the price of a good increase by 8%. In the sales on January 1 2021, all items are
reduced by 25%. If the sale price of the good is $688.50, find the original price at the beginning of 2020.
If they ask to compute
Percentage need to : increase prevailing 2020
A person wishes to save a regular amount at the beginning of each month in order to buy a
car in 18 months’ time. An account offers a return of 4.8% compounded monthly. Work
out the monthly savings if the total amount saved at the end of 18 months is $18
000. Round your answer to two decimal places.
4. A project requires an initial investment of $7,000, and is guaranteed to yield a return of
$1,500 at the end of the first year, $2,500 at the end of the second year and $x at the end
of the third year. Find the value of x, correct to the nearest $, given that the net present
value (NPV) is $838.18 when the interest rate is 6% compounded annually.
-Initial investment:
-Return: First year = 1500; second = 2500; third year = x$
5. Supply and demand equations for a certain product are
– 200P + 1800 = 0 =>>
+ 100P – 1800 = 0 respectively, where p represents the price per unit in dollars and q
represents the number of units sold per time period. Find the equilibrium price when a tax of
27 cents = $0.27 per unit is imposed on the supplier.
-Equilibrium point: Q = Q
- : Imposing tax =>> Supplier will be incurred
Thế vào pt Qd:
=>>P if tax = $0.27:
6. Find the elasticity for the demand function Q = 80 – 2P – 0.5P averaged along an arc
joining P1 = 6 to P2 = 8. Give your answer to two decimal places.
Ta sử dụng midpoint method:
-At 32
7. The value (in cents) of shares, x years after their flotation on the stock market, is modelled by
V = 6e^0.8x
Find the increase in the value of these shares, to the nearest cent, 4 years and 2 months later.
X: years =>> x = 4 + 2/12=
8. A firm’s average cost function takes the form AC=4Q+a+6/Q and it is known that MC =
35 when Q = 3. Find the value of AC when Q = 6
MC=35 at Q=3 =>>
9. A principal of $7,650 is invested at a rate of 3.7% compounded annually. After how many
years will the investment first exceed $12,250? =>> Thế khi nào nó lớn hơn 12250 là được.
10. A firm’s demand function is P = 60 – 0.5Q. If fixed costs are 10 and variable cost are Q +
3 per unit, find the maximum profit
=>> Bấm máy để ra luôn max tại Q=19;
11. Find the sum of the first 12 terms of the geometric series 5 – 20 + 80 – 320 +….
=>> ta có d ng c a sốố h ng
Muốốn tính SUM=>>
12. State the degree of homogeneity of the production function
So K by , L by Replacing
We have:
We have:
To compute the real price of houses in 2003:
| 1/3

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1. If the line, P=(-2/3) Q+6 , is sketched with P on the horizontal axis, and Q on the vertical
axis, which of the following gives the gradient, m, and vertical intercept, c?
-Need to note that if P: Horizontal =>> đổi lại hàm =>> =>m: -3/2; c: 9
2. During 2020 the price of a good increase by 8%. In the sales on January 1st 2021, all items are
reduced by 25%. If the sale price of the good is $688.50, find the original price at the beginning of 2020. If they ask to compute
Percentage need to increase prevailing 2020: 3.
A person wishes to save a regular amount at the beginning of each month in order to buy a
car in 18 months’ time. An account offers a return of 4.8% compounded monthly. Work
out the monthly savings if the total amount saved at the end of 18 months is $18
000. Round your answer to two decimal places.
4. A project requires an initial investment of $7,000, and is guaranteed to yield a return of
$1,500 at the end of the first year, $2,500 at the end of the second year and $x at the end
of the third year. Find the value of x, correct to the nearest $, given that the net present
value (NPV) is $838.18 when the interest rate is 6% compounded annually. -Initial investment:
-Return: First year = 1500; second = 2500; third year = x$ - -
5. Supply and demand equations for a certain product are
3QS – 200P + 1800 = 0 =>> and
3QD + 100P – 1800 = 0 respectively, where p represents the price per unit in dollars and q
represents the number of units sold per time period. Find the equilibrium price when a tax of
27 cents = $0.27 per unit is imposed on the supplier. -Equilibrium point: QD = QS - - :
Imposing tax =>> Supplier will be incurred Thế vào pt Qd: =>>
=>>P if tax = $0.27:
6. Find the elasticity for the demand function Q = 80 – 2P – 0.5P2 averaged along an arc
joining P1 = 6 to P2 = 8. Give your answer to two decimal places.
Ta sử dụng midpoint method: -At -At 32 =>>
7. The value (in cents) of shares, x years after their flotation on the stock market, is modelled by V = 6e^0.8x
Find the increase in the value of these shares, to the nearest cent, 4 years and 2 months later.
X: years =>> x = 4 + 2/12=
8. A firm’s average cost function takes the form AC=4Q+a+6/Q and it is known that MC =
35 when Q = 3. Find the value of AC when Q = 6 =>> MC=35 at Q=3 =>> =>>
9. A principal of $7,650 is invested at a rate of 3.7% compounded annually. After how many
years will the investment first exceed $12,250? =>> Thế khi nào nó lớn hơn 12250 là được.
10. A firm’s demand function is P = 60 – 0.5Q. If fixed costs are 10 and variable cost are Q +
3 per unit, find the maximum profit
=>> Bấm máy để ra luôn max tại Q=19;
11. Find the sum of the first 12 terms of the geometric series 5 – 20 + 80 – 320 +…. =>> ta có d ng c ạ a sốố h ủ ng ạ Muốốn tính SUM=>>
12. State the degree of homogeneity of the production function
So Replacing K by , L by We have: We have: 13.
To compute the real price of houses in 2003: