Bài kiểm tra ngữ pháp tiếng anh - English Linguistics | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam

Bài kiểm tra ngữ pháp tiếng anh - English Linguistics | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

PRACTICE 24 23/12/2021
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. resort seeing B. seaside C. safari D. sight
2. A. shortage age C. package B. lugg D. landscape
3. A. country B. enough ouchdown C. tourist D. t
4. A. explor B. relax C. tann ed ed ed D. delayed
5. A. perience pedition plore ex B. C. exciting ex D. ex
II. Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others.
6. A. promote B. narrow C. broadcast D. injure
7. A. pyramid historic B. C. stimulate D. breathtaking
8. A. erosion B. souvenir C. safari D. endanger
9. A. cooperation B. expedition C. preservation D. dormitory
Your answers:
III. Write the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.
10. Son Doong Cave________________(find) in 1991 by a local man named Ho Khanh.
11. People________________(enjoy) the journey when suddenly the ship_____________(hit) an iceberg.
12. Right after Johnson a short video about Phu Quoc Island, he__________ (decide) to go to there. watched
13. Nick told me he ______________ (not visit) Italy before his trip last year.
14. Have you ever dream of _____________ (visit) Mars and its two moons.
15. NASA has said it plans ______________ (send) people to Mars in the 2030s.
IV. Write the correct form of the words in brackets.
16. These tours often combine jungle trekking and cave __________.(explore)
17. __________ of the underground limestone can create a cave. (erode)
18. You can purchase good quality furniture at __________ prices at IKEA. (reason)
19. Europe is one of the most popular _________ attractions. (tour)
20. As the capital of Morbihan, Vannes attracts large numbers of __________. (sightsee)
21. Some areas of the park are ___________ by car from November to May due to heavy snow. (access)
V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate that underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
22. Amazon Forest on Earth, but part of it is now under The is still the most extensive rainforest a large
danger of disappearing for good.
A. The Amazon forest D. under danger of B. on Earth C. a large
23. The number of foreign tourists to Vietnam have relatively quickly during the past years. increased
A. The number D. relatively quickly B. to Vietnam C. have
24. She suggested him to go to France and visit instead of this summer. the Eiffel Tower Italy
A. him to go D. this summer B. the Eiffel Tower C. instead of
25. daily life by going ten-days trip from the North the South of Vietnam. He refreshed his on a to
A. D. todaily life -days B. ten C. on
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Practice 27 cn 181222 - Bài kiểm tra ngữ pháp tiếng anh
VI. Match a sentence in the left column to a response in the right column.
26. How long do you plan to stay in America?
27. Have you ever been in Australia before?
28. What's the purpose of your visit?
29. Could you please open this bag for me?
30. How long is the delay?
31. How much do I have to pay for the extra bag?
32. Are there any direct flights to Dallas?
33. When does the flight to Da Nang leave?
34. Does it cost a lot to visit Vietnam?
35. What time do we have to check out?
a. I'm here on vacation.
b. $150
c. Not at all. You can have a wonderful time there
without breaking the bank.
d. At 2:00 PM.
e. You'll have to leave your room by 12:00 PM.
f. No, you'll have to transfer in Chicago.
g. About two weeks.
h. Two hours.
i. Sure.
j. Yes, I was there for about two months last year.
Your answers:
VII. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.
Ecotourism: See the World While Saving It
Imagine a vacation in a place of amazing natural beauty. Picture yourself relaxing on a clean beach in Belize.
Picture yourself exploring the desert on a camel in Dubai. Or picture yourself following lions and zebras in
Kenya. Now imagine that you are enjoying these experiences and helping to preserve the environment. You
are protecting wildlife and supporting local communities. Is this too good to be true? No! These vacations
are part of a growing trend in the travel industry. The trend is called ecotourism.
Ecotourism was not common before the 1990s. It is now a multi-billion dollar industry. But what is
ecotourism? These are some of its characteristics:
It means travel to natural, often far away, places. These are often protected areas where development is
• Ecotourism destinations focus on recycling, water conservation, and using renewable energy sources.
• It builds environmental awareness. Visitors explore an area and learn about it.
protect it. It provides an economic reason to save the environment It raises money to help
• It creates financial opportunities and jobs for the local people.
Costa Rica was one of the first success stories. Costa Rica once had the highest rate of deforestation in Latin
America. However, since ecotourism, there has been a major reduction in deforestation. Now, more than a
quarter of Costa Rica's land is protected from development. Costa Rica is now the world's top ecotourism
destination. This small country of four million people has about 1.5 million visitors per year!
Ecotourism is very important to preserving the land in Costa Rica. This is true for other ecotourism sites
around the world. Ecotourism provides visitors with a special vacation too. These vacations are unforgettable
and educational. Ecotourism is basically . It is good for both the tourists and the a win-win situation
countries they visit.
36. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The rise of ecotourism in Costa Rica. B. Ecotourism and its positive effects.
C. The impact of ecotourism on the environment. D. How to develop ecotourism.
37. What is not the purpose of ecotourism?
A. To conserve the natural environment.
B. To promote the environmental awareness of visitors.
C. To attract more tourists to protected natural areas.
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Practice 27 cn 181222 - Bài kiểm tra ngữ pháp tiếng anh
D. To provide financial benefits for local communities.
38. Which of the following statements is not true about ecotourism?
A. It first came onto the scene in the early 1990s.
B. It can mean travel to far off places of great natural beauty.
C. It contributes to conservation of the natural resources.
D. It is big business, generating millions of dollars annually.
39. Which of the following statements is not true about Costa Rica?
A. Costa Rica was very successful in embracing ecotourism.
B. Costa Rica experienced the world's highest deforestation rate.
C. Costa Rica is a small country with a population of 4 million.
D. Costa Rica is known worldwide as a top spot for ecological tourism.
40. What is the meaning of "a win-win situation"?
A. A situation in which everyone benefits.
B. A situation in which there is no chance of success.
C. A situation in which something unpleasant could happen.
D. A situation in which people achieve success after a lot of difficulty.
41. According to the passage, ecotourism in Costa Rica________
A. has helped diminish deforestation in the country.
B. prevents farmland from being converted to other uses.
C. contributed to land development of the country.
D. will encourage ecotourists to come to the country.
42. It can be inferred from the passage that ecotourism
A. can earn a lot of money and do a lot of harm to nature
B. aims to boost visits to natural protected areas. environm ent.
C. offers tourists an enjoyable holiday while conserving
D. is more damaging than helpful to wildlife.
Your answers:
VIII. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
Chasing cheese
Last May I decided to join the thousands of visitors who go to Cooper's Hill in the Cotswolds region of
England every year to (43 -famous cheese-rolling competition. The rules are simple: a )..................the world
cheese is rolled to the bottom of the hill and dozens of people chase it. The event used to be
(44)..................for residents of the local village but nowadays people come from all over the world to take
part. Nobody (45)..................manages to catch the cheese as it picks up speeds of up to 112 kilometres per
hour. The winner is simply the first person to reach the bottom of the hill.
Sounds harmless? That's what I thought, and even imagined I might (46)..................it a go. Then I saw
Cooper's Hill. This was no (47)..................sloping hill: it drops away at an angle of nearly 70 degrees before
abruptly flattening, giving runners just a few metres to stop before (48)..................into a fence at the bottom.
If the ground is dry it's dangerous enough but if it's soaking (49).................., as it was the day I went, then it's
absolutely deadly. In fact the runners don't ( )..................they sit 50)..................start the race standing up. (51
at the starting line before (52)..................themselves down the slope. Frankly, you need to be completely out
of your (53 - it's amazing that people aren't more (54) ................hurt than they are. )..................to take part
43 B C D A watch spectate look stare
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Practice 27 cn 181222 - Bài kiểm tra ngữ pháp tiếng anh
44 B utterly C D A totally inclusively exclusively
45 A indeed B C D possibly actually truly
46 B have C D get A give try
47 B C partly D gently A quietly lightly
48 B hitting C D beating A breaking crashing
49 B humid C D A damp wet rainy
50 B C D dare A try attempt risk
51 A Moreover B C D However Instead Alternatively
52 B C D A falling launching setting charging
53 B C head D brain A mind sense
54 A extremely B deeply C D strongly seriously
Your answers
1A 2D 3B 4A 5D 6C 7C 8D 9C 10B 11A 12D
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Practice 27 cn 181222 - Bài kiểm tra ngữ pháp tiếng anh
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Practice 27 cn 181222 - Bài kiểm tra ngữ pháp tiếng anh PRACTICE 24 23/12/2021
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. resort B. seaside C. safari D. sightseeing 2. A. shortage B. lug a g ge C. package D. landscape 3. A. country B. enough C. tourist D. touchdown 4. A. explored B. relaxed C. tanned D. delayed 5. A. experience B. exciting C. expedition D. explore
II. Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others. 6. A. promote B. narrow C. broadcast D. injure 7. A. pyramid B. h istoric C. stimulate D. breathtaking 8. A. erosion B. souvenir C. safari D. endanger 9. A. cooperation B. expedition C. preservation D. dormitory Your answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
III. Write the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.
10. Son Doong Cave________________(find) in 1991 by a local man named Ho Khanh.
11. People________________(enjoy) the journey when suddenly the ship_____________(hit) an iceberg.
12. Right after Johnson watched a short video about Phu Quoc Island, he__________ (decide) to go to there.
13. Nick told me he ______________ (not visit) Italy before his trip last year.
14. Have you ever dream of _____________ (visit) Mars and its two moons.
15. NASA has said it plans ______________ (send) people to Mars in the 2030s.
IV. Write the correct form of the words in brackets.
16. These tours often combine jungle trekking and cave __________.(explore)
17. __________ of the underground limestone can create a cave. (erode)
18. You can purchase good quality furniture at __________ prices at IKEA. (reason)
19. Europe is one of the most popular _________ attractions. (tour)
20. As the capital of Morbihan, Vannes attracts large numbers of __________. (sightsee)
21. Some areas of the park are ___________ by car from November to May due to heavy snow. (access)
V. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate that underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
22. The Amazon Forest is still the most extensive rainforest on Earth, but a large part of it is now under
danger of disappearing for good. A. The Amazon forest B. on Earth C. a large D. under danger of
23. The number of foreign tourists to Vietnam have increased relatively quickly during the past years. A. The number B. to Vietnam C. have D. relatively quickly
24. She suggested him to go to France and visit the Eiffel Tower instead of Italy this summer. A. him to go B. the Eiffel Tower C. instead of D. this summer
25. He refreshed his daily life by going on a ten-days trip from the North t o the South of Vietnam. A. daily life B. ten-days C. on D. to 1 about:blank 1/4 19:01 1/8/24
Practice 27 cn 181222 - Bài kiểm tra ngữ pháp tiếng anh
VI. Match a sentence in the left column to a response in the right column.
26. How long do you plan to stay in America? a. I'm here on vacation.
27. Have you ever been in Australia before? b. $150
28. What's the purpose of your visit?
c. Not at all. You can have a wonderful time there
29. Could you please open this bag for me? without breaking the bank. 30. How long is the delay? d. At 2:00 PM.
31. How much do I have to pay for the extra bag?
e. You'll have to leave your room by 12:00 PM.
32. Are there any direct flights to Dallas?
f. No, you'll have to transfer in Chicago.
33. When does the flight to Da Nang leave? g. About two weeks.
34. Does it cost a lot to visit Vietnam? h. Two hours.
35. What time do we have to check out? i. Sure.
j. Yes, I was there for about two months last year. Your answers: 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
VII. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.
Ecotourism: See the World While Saving It
Imagine a vacation in a place of amazing natural beauty. Picture yourself relaxing on a clean beach in Belize.
Picture yourself exploring the desert on a camel in Dubai. Or picture yourself following lions and zebras in
Kenya. Now imagine that you are enjoying these experiences and helping to preserve the environment. You
are protecting wildlife and supporting local communities. Is this too good to be true? No! These vacations
are part of a growing trend in the travel industry. The trend is called ecotourism.
Ecotourism was not common before the 1990s. It is now a multi-billion dollar industry. But what is
ecotourism? These are some of its characteristics:
• It means travel to natural, often far away, places. These are often protected areas where development is limited.
• Ecotourism destinations focus on recycling, water conservation, and using renewable energy sources.
• It builds environmental awareness. Visitors explore an area and learn about it.
• It provides an economic reason to save the environment It raises money to help protect it.
• It creates financial opportunities and jobs for the local people.
Costa Rica was one of the first success stories. Costa Rica once had the highest rate of deforestation in Latin
America. However, since ecotourism, there has been a major reduction in deforestation. Now, more than a
quarter of Costa Rica's land is protected from development. Costa Rica is now the world's top ecotourism
destination. This small country of four million people has about 1.5 million visitors per year!
Ecotourism is very important to preserving the land in Costa Rica. This is true for other ecotourism sites
around the world. Ecotourism provides visitors with a special vacation too. These vacations are unforgettable
and educational. Ecotourism is basically a win-win situation. It is good for both the tourists and the countries they visit.
36. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The rise of ecotourism in Costa Rica.
B. Ecotourism and its positive effects.
C. The impact of ecotourism on the environment. D. How to develop ecotourism.
37. What is not the purpose of ecotourism?
A. To conserve the natural environment.
B. To promote the environmental awareness of visitors.
C. To attract more tourists to protected natural areas. 2 about:blank 2/4 19:01 1/8/24
Practice 27 cn 181222 - Bài kiểm tra ngữ pháp tiếng anh
D. To provide financial benefits for local communities.
38. Which of the following statements is not true about ecotourism?
A. It first came onto the scene in the early 1990s.
B. It can mean travel to far off places of great natural beauty.
C. It contributes to conservation of the natural resources.
D. It is big business, generating millions of dollars annually.
39. Which of the following statements is not true about Costa Rica?
A. Costa Rica was very successful in embracing ecotourism.
B. Costa Rica experienced the world's highest deforestation rate.
C. Costa Rica is a small country with a population of 4 million.
D. Costa Rica is known worldwide as a top spot for ecological tourism.
40. What is the meaning of "a win-win situation"?
A. A situation in which everyone benefits.
B. A situation in which there is no chance of success.
C. A situation in which something unpleasant could happen.
D. A situation in which people achieve success after a lot of difficulty.
41. According to the passage, ecotourism in Costa Rica________
A. has helped diminish deforestation in the country.
B. prevents farmland from being converted to other uses.
C. contributed to land development of the country.
D. will encourage ecotourists to come to the country.
42. It can be inferred from the passage that ecotourism
A. can earn a lot of money and do a lot of harm to nature
B. aims to boost visits to natural protected areas. environment.
C. offers tourists an enjoyable holiday while conserving
D. is more damaging than helpful to wildlife. Your answers: 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.
VIII. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. Chasing cheese
Last May I decided to join the thousands of visitors who go to Cooper's Hill in the Cotswolds region of
England every year to (43)..................the world-famous cheese-rolling competition. The rules are simple: a
cheese is rolled to the bottom of the hill and dozens of people chase it. The event used to be
(44)..................for residents of the local village but nowadays people come from all over the world to take
part. Nobody (45)..................manages to catch the cheese as it picks up speeds of up to 112 kilometres per
hour. The winner is simply the first person to reach the bottom of the hill.
Sounds harmless? That's what I thought, and even imagined I might (46)..................it a go. Then I saw
Cooper's Hill. This was no (47)..................sloping hill: it drops away at an angle of nearly 70 degrees before
abruptly flattening, giving runners just a few metres to stop before (48)..................into a fence at the bottom.
If the ground is dry it's dangerous enough but if it's soaking (49).................., as it was the day I went, then it's
absolutely deadly. In fact the runners don't (50)..................start the race standing up. (51)..................they sit
at the starting line before (52)..................themselves down the slope. Frankly, you need to be completely out
of your (53)..................to take part - it's amazing that people aren't more (54) ................hurt than they are. 43 A watch B spectate C look D stare 3 about:blank 3/4 19:01 1/8/24
Practice 27 cn 181222 - Bài kiểm tra ngữ pháp tiếng anh 44 A totally B utterly C inclusivel y D exclusively 45 A indeed B actually C trul y D possibly 46 A give B have C tr y D get 47 A quietly B lightl y C partly D gently 48 A breaking B hitting C crashing D beating 49 A damp B humid C wet D rainy 50 A try B attempt C risk D dare 51 A Moreover B However C Instead D Alternatively 52 A falling B launchin g C settin g D chargin g 53 A mind B sense C head D brain 54 A extremely B deeply C strongl y D seriously Your answers 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.
1A 2D 3B 4A 5D 6C 7C 8D 9C 10B 11A 12D 4 about:blank 4/4