Bài tập thì Tương lai hoàn thành - English Linguistics | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam

Bài tập thì Tương lai hoàn thành - English Linguistics | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Bài 2: Chia đ ng t trong ngoc thì Tương lai hoàn thành
1. The pilot __________ an aeroplane 20000 ft above the surface level.
2. Why ____ he________ driven his bike at the speed of 135mph? (not)
3. She will __________ to Paris to meet her parents. (go)
4. I ____ have _____ to cut my hairs into this kind of hairstyle. (decide)
5. They ___________ an award for the best dance performance.
6. The teacher ____ not ________ in their college premises. (look)
7. He ___________ all the messages before his girlfriend’s arrival.
8. Before he enters the bedroom, the thief ___________ from there.
9. ____they ___________ from the goa tour? (return)
10.I will have ________ him his pending amount by the date. (give)
11.She will have _______ her dinner on time. (eat)
12._____ the principal ________ his application for organizing a sports
event? (approve)
13.Both of them ___________ this month. (marry)
14.Players ___________ their game in the hot climate. (play)
15.I ___________ three shirts from this shop. (purchase)
Bài 3 To câu hi Yes/No vi thì Tương lai hoàn thành
1. _______ you _______ it by tomorrow? (to do)
2. _______ she _______ dinner before I return? (to cook)
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3. _______ he _______ her by that time? (to forget)
4. _______ they _______ the report by the end of the day? (to type)
5. _______ we _______ our order by tomorrow? (to receive)
6. _______ you _______ from your trip by Tuesday? (to return)
7. _______ they _______ the movies when I come? (to watch)
8. _______ Rachel _______ this work by next Friday? (to do)
9. _______ we _______ New York by 11 am? (to reach)
10._______ I _______ him by the end of the day? (to talk to)
Bài 4: Chia đng t thì Tương lai hoàn thành
1. He ___________ in front of local people. ( )beat
2. They ___________ a cricket kit for their team. (buy)
3. ____ they ___________ outside an office? ( )stand
4. She _______________ in the shrubs in a forest. ( )hide
5. I _____ have ____ all the bills of this month. ( )pay
6. ____ she ____________ with her husband in the bedroom? ( )sleep
7. He ____________ his car for over 800 kms. ( )drive
8. Raghav _______________ his article for the newspaper. ( )write
9. Poor children _____________ food by our foundation. ( )give
10.We both __________ at the college premises for a little
misunderstanding. ( )fight
11.I _____________ anything to you about my plan. ( )not/say
12. She ___________ a lot on the global warming issue. ( )speak
13.We ____________ our most of the time in this restaurant. ( )spend
14.She ____________ her favourite parrot in the cage to save her from
cats. ( )keep
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15.You _________ have _____ anything about me from now. ( )not/hear
Bài 5: To câu hi thì Tương lai hoàn thành
1. How many posts _________ you _________ by 5 o’clock? (to write)
2. What _________ he _________ by tomorrow? (to finish)
3. Where _________ they _________ by Monday? (to be)
4. How many cups of tea _________ she _________ by the end of the
day? (to drink)
5. What _________ you _________ when I come home? (to cook)
6. How many books _________ they _________ by the end of the year?
(to read)
7. How _________ she _________ to pack all her stuff by 2 o’clock? (to
8. What _________ the children _________ by the evening? (to eat)
9. Who _________ I _________ by midday? (to meet)
10.How many mushrooms _________ we _________ before it gets
dark? (to gather)
Bài 6: Da vào các t cho sn, hãy viết thành câu hoàn chnh
1. she / finish / her homework / by the time / I / arrive
2. concert / start / by the time / we / find / our seats
3. they / have left / the party / before / we / even / arrive
4. movie / already / begin / by the time / he / get / to the theater
5. read / book / by the time / you / come / I / will
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6. complete / assignment / before / the teacher / return
7. travel / to many countries / by the time / I / retire
8. his birthday / end / before / the party / even / start
9. finish / their meal / by the time / we / order
10. his presentation / not / be ready / before / the meeting / start
11. Tommy/study/French/before/move/France.
12. My children/play/volleyball/yard/their friends.
13.Lan/take part/the dance competition?
14.Hung/finish/project/by the end/next month.
15.My mother/not/prepare/dinner/by the time/we come.
16.Before/they/arrive/Salim/read ‘Harry Potter’.
Bài 7: Tìm và sa li sai trong các câu sau
1. By the time you will arrive, I’ll have already left.
2. He’s confident that he is win the competition by next week.
3. They are going to married for ten years in 2023.
4. By this time next year, they are going to move into their new house.
5. By the time you reach the summit, the sun will have rise.
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6.In two years’ time we will have reconstruct our house.
7.Will have your father returned by Sunday?
8.My friend will taken up a new job before summer.
9.Will you prepared everything for me when I arrive?
10.Will you have gone to bed at midnight?
11. By the end of next week Sharon has come back from Greece.
12. We will have tidy up the rooms before our guests appear.
13. Next month we will be married for five years.
14. The translation will be ready when you need it. Greg is going to do it by
15. At the end of this exercise I will correct ten mistakes.
16.Don’t worry so much, I will finish the report before the manager returns from
his business trip.
17.My mother will be at home by the time my brother is 2 years old.
18.Son is going to settle down here before he marries his girlfriend.
19. Your order will deliver to you before 9 a.m on July 20.
20. Minh will find a solution to this problem before time is up.
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Bài 8: Hoàn thành nhng mu hi thoi sau bng cách chia dng đúng c a
đng t
1.A: Do you think everything will be finished when I get back from the store?
B: Don’t worry. By the time you get back, I (pick) ______ up the living room
and (finish) _____ washing the dishes. Everything will be perfect when your
parents arrive.
A: I hope so. They (arrive) _____ around 6 o’clock.
B: Everything (be) _____ spotless by the time they get here.
A: I just have two more courses before I graduate from university. By this time
next year, I (graduate) _____, and I will already be looking for a job.
B: Does that scare you? Are you worried about the future?
A: Not really. I (go) ______ to a career counselor and get some advice on how
to find a good job.
B: That’s a good idea.
A: I am also going to do an internship so that when I leave school, I (complete,
not only) _____ over 13 business courses, but I (work, also) ______ in the real
A: How long have you been in Miami?
B: I have only been here for a couple of weeks.
A: How long do you plan on staying?
B: I love Miami, so I (stay) ______ here for an extended period of time. When I
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go back home, I (be) ______ here for more than three months.
A: Wow, that’s quite a vacation! You (see, definitely) _____ just about
everything there is to see in Miami by then.
Bài 9: Hoàn thành nhng câu sau đây bng cách chia đng t trong ngo c
1. We ___________ the washing by 8 o’clock. (do)
2. She ___________Paris by the end of next year. (visit)
3. I __________ this by 6 o’clock. (finish)
4. Sam __________ by next week. (leave)
5. She ________ this with her mother tonight. (discuss)
6. They __________their essay by tomorrow. (write)
7. When you arrive I probably ________ the job. (start)
8. You _________ a lot of your work by the end of this month. (do)
9. By November all the leaves ________. (fall)
10.If he doesn’t hurry, they _________ before he comes. (leave)
11.I am sure that tomorrow you ________ all these rules. (forget)
12.Be quick! The child _______ before you rescue it. (drown)
13.The airman _______ more than a thousand miles, before the end of this
month. (fly)
14.If you ring me up after nine o’clock. I ____ to the doctor. (speak)
15.We _____ twenty miles more before we cross the frontier. (travel)
Bài 10: Viết câu h ng lai hoàn thành. Si thì tươ d trongng đng t
bng dưới đây
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1. What time …………. you ………………………………. the
windows?/ By 6 o’clock, I hope.
2. When ………… Sara …………………………………………… the
book?/ She’ll give it back to you in two weeks’ time, she promised.
3. How many projects …………… you ………….. when you finish this
one?/ This is only my second project.
4. When ………….. Miley ……………………………………….. the
portrait?/ Before the end of the day, I would say.
5. ………… you …………………………………………. the oil before
we collect our car?/ Yes, I will. I’ll have done it by two o’clock.
6. ………… the show ………………………………………… if we come
in three hours?/ I’m afraid it will start in an hour.
7. ………… Anna ………………… her CV by the time she goes to the
interview?/ She’s already done it.
8. When ………… you …………………………………………………..
all the topics?/ When I finish my lectures. ………… we
………………………………………….. the top of the mountain
before the sun sets?
9. Don’t worry. It’s just two hours’ walk./ ………… my hair
…………………………………….. grey in a ten years’ time?
Bài 11:
1. In two years’ time we will have reconstruct our house.
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2. Will have your father returned by Sunday?
3. My friend will taken up a new job before summer.
4. Will you prepared everything for me when I arrive?
5. Will you have gone to bed at midnight?
6. By the end of next week Sharon has come back from Greece.
7. We will have tidy up the rooms before our guests appear.
8. Next month we will be married for five years.
9. The translation will be ready when you need it. Greg is going to do it by
10. At the end of this exercise I will correct ten mistakes.
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Preview text:

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Bài 2: Chia động từ trong ngoặc thì Tương lai hoàn thành
1. The pilot __________ an aeroplane 20000 ft above the surface level. (fly)
2. Why ____ he________ driven his bike at the speed of 135mph? (not)
3. She will __________ to Paris to meet her parents. (go)
4. I ____ have _____ to cut my hairs into this kind of hairstyle. (decide)
5. They ___________ an award for the best dance performance. (receive)
6. The teacher ____ not ________ in their college premises. (look)
7. He ___________ all the messages before his girlfriend’s arrival. (delete)
8. Before he enters the bedroom, the thief ___________ from there. (escape)
9. ____they ___________ from the goa tour? (return)
10.I will have ________ him his pending amount by the date. (give)
11.She will have _______ her dinner on time. (eat)
12._____ the principal ________ his application for organizing a sports event? (approve)
13.Both of them ___________ this month. (marry)
14.Players ___________ their game in the hot climate. (play)
15.I ___________ three shirts from this shop. (purchase)
Bài 3 Tạo câu hỏi Yes/No với thì Tương lai hoàn thành
1. _______ you _______ it by tomorrow? (to do)
2. _______ she _______ dinner before I return? (to cook) about:blank 1/9 21:22 1/8/24
3. _______ he _______ her by that time? (to forget)
4. _______ they _______ the report by the end of the day? (to type)
5. _______ we _______ our order by tomorrow? (to receive)
6. _______ you _______ from your trip by Tuesday? (to return)
7. _______ they _______ the movies when I come? (to watch)
8. _______ Rachel _______ this work by next Friday? (to do)
9. _______ we _______ New York by 11 am? (to reach)
10._______ I _______ him by the end of the day? (to talk to)
Bài 4: Chia động từ thì Tương lai hoàn thành
1. He ___________ in front of local people. (beat)
2. They ___________ a cricket kit for their team. (buy)
3. ____ they ___________ outside an office? (stand)
4. She _______________ in the shrubs in a forest. (hide)
5. I _____ have ____ all the bills of this month. (pay)
6. ____ she ____________ with her husband in the bedroom? (sleep)
7. He ____________ his car for over 800 kms. (drive)
8. Raghav _______________ his article for the newspaper. (write)
9. Poor children _____________ food by our foundation. (give)
10.We both __________ at the college premises for a little
misunderstanding. (fight)
11.I _____________ anything to you about my plan. (not/say)
12. She ___________ a lot on the global warming issue. (speak)
13.We ____________ our most of the time in this restaurant. (spend)
14.She ____________ her favourite parrot in the cage to save her from cats. (keep) about:blank 2/9 21:22 1/8/24
15.You _________ have _____ anything about me from now. (not/hear)
Bài 5: Tạo câu hỏi thì Tương lai hoàn thành
1. How many posts _________ you _________ by 5 o’clock? (to write)
2. What _________ he _________ by tomorrow? (to finish)
3. Where _________ they _________ by Monday? (to be)
4. How many cups of tea _________ she _________ by the end of the day? (to drink)
5. What _________ you _________ when I come home? (to cook)
6. How many books _________ they _________ by the end of the year? (to read)
7. How _________ she _________ to pack all her stuff by 2 o’clock? (to manage)
8. What _________ the children _________ by the evening? (to eat)
9. Who _________ I _________ by midday? (to meet)
10.How many mushrooms _________ we _________ before it gets dark? (to gather)
Bài 6: Dựa vào các từ cho sẵn, hãy viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh
1. she / finish / her homework / by the time / I / arrive
2. concert / start / by the time / we / find / our seats
3. they / have left / the party / before / we / even / arrive
4. movie / already / begin / by the time / he / get / to the theater
5. read / book / by the time / you / come / I / will about:blank 3/9 21:22 1/8/24
6. complete / assignment / before / the teacher / return
7. travel / to many countries / by the time / I / retire
8. his birthday / end / before / the party / even / start
9. finish / their meal / by the time / we / order
10. his presentation / not / be ready / before / the meeting / start
11. Tommy/study/French/before/move/France.
12. My children/play/volleyball/yard/their friends.
13.Lan/take part/the dance competition?
14.Hung/finish/project/by the end/next month.
15.My mother/not/prepare/dinner/by the time/we come.
16.Before/they/arrive/Salim/read ‘Harry Potter’.
Bài 7: Tìm và sửa lỗi sai trong các câu sau
1. By the time you will arrive, I’ll have already left.
2. He’s confident that he is win the competition by next week.
3. They are going to married for ten years in 2023.
4. By this time next year, they are going to move into their new house.
5. By the time you reach the summit, the sun will have rise. about:blank 4/9 21:22 1/8/24
6.In two years’ time we will have reconstruct our house.
7.Will have your father returned by Sunday?
8.My friend will taken up a new job before summer.
9.Will you prepared everything for me when I arrive?
10.Will you have gone to bed at midnight?
11. By the end of next week Sharon has come back from Greece.
12. We will have tidy up the rooms before our guests appear.
13. Next month we will be married for five years.
14. The translation will be ready when you need it. Greg is going to do it by then.
15. At the end of this exercise I will correct ten mistakes.
16.Don’t worry so much, I will finish the report before the manager returns from his business trip.
17.My mother will be at home by the time my brother is 2 years old.
18.Son is going to settle down here before he marries his girlfriend.
19. Your order will deliver to you before 9 a.m on July 20.
20. Minh will find a solution to this problem before time is up. about:blank 5/9 21:22 1/8/24
Bài 8: Hoàn thành những mẩu hội thoại sau bằng cách chia dạng đúng của động từ
1.A: Do you think everything will be finished when I get back from the store?
B: Don’t worry. By the time you get back, I (pick) ______ up the living room
and (finish) _____ washing the dishes. Everything will be perfect when your parents arrive.
A: I hope so. They (arrive) _____ around 6 o’clock.
B: Everything (be) _____ spotless by the time they get here. 2.
A: I just have two more courses before I graduate from university. By this time
next year, I (graduate) _____, and I will already be looking for a job.
B: Does that scare you? Are you worried about the future?
A: Not really. I (go) ______ to a career counselor and get some advice on how to find a good job. B: That’s a good idea.
A: I am also going to do an internship so that when I leave school, I (complete,
not only) _____ over 13 business courses, but I (work, also) ______ in the real world. 3.
A: How long have you been in Miami?
B: I have only been here for a couple of weeks.
A: How long do you plan on staying?
B: I love Miami, so I (stay) ______ here for an extended period of time. When I about:blank 6/9 21:22 1/8/24
go back home, I (be) ______ here for more than three months.
A: Wow, that’s quite a vacation! You (see, definitely) _____ just about
everything there is to see in Miami by then.
Bài 9: Hoàn thành những câu sau đây bằng cách chia động từ trong ngoặc
1. We ___________ the washing by 8 o’clock. (do)
2. She ___________Paris by the end of next year. (visit)
3. I __________ this by 6 o’clock. (finish)
4. Sam __________ by next week. (leave)
5. She ________ this with her mother tonight. (discuss)
6. They __________their essay by tomorrow. (write)
7. When you arrive I probably ________ the job. (start)
8. You _________ a lot of your work by the end of this month. (do)
9. By November all the leaves ________. (fall)
10.If he doesn’t hurry, they _________ before he comes. (leave)
11.I am sure that tomorrow you ________ all these rules. (forget)
12.Be quick! The child _______ before you rescue it. (drown)
13.The airman _______ more than a thousand miles, before the end of this month. (fly)
14.If you ring me up after nine o’clock. I ____ to the doctor. (speak)
15.We _____ twenty miles more before we cross the frontier. (travel)
Bài 10: Viết câu hỏi ở thì tương lai hoàn thành. Sử dụng động từ trong bảng dưới đây start reach cover read clean about:blank 7/9 21:22 1/8/24
BÀI TẬP THÌ TƯƠNG LAI HOÀN Thành turn paint do change update
1. What time …………. you ………………………………. the
windows?/ By 6 o’clock, I hope.
2. When ………… Sara …………………………………………… the
book?/ She’ll give it back to you in two weeks’ time, she promised.
3. How many projects …………… you ………….. when you finish this
one?/ This is only my second project.
4. When ………….. Miley ……………………………………….. the
portrait?/ Before the end of the day, I would say.
5. ………… you …………………………………………. the oil before
we collect our car?/ Yes, I will. I’ll have done it by two o’clock.
6. ………… the show ………………………………………… if we come
in three hours?/ I’m afraid it will start in an hour.
7. ………… Anna ………………… her CV by the time she goes to the
interview?/ She’s already done it.
8. When ………… you …………………………………………………..
all the topics?/ When I finish my lectures. ………… we
………………………………………….. the top of the mountain before the sun sets?
9. Don’t worry. It’s just two hours’ walk./ ………… my hair
…………………………………….. grey in a ten years’ time? Bài 11:
1. In two years’ time we will have reconstruct our house. about:blank 8/9 21:22 1/8/24
2. Will have your father returned by Sunday?
3. My friend will taken up a new job before summer.
4. Will you prepared everything for me when I arrive?
5. Will you have gone to bed at midnight?
6. By the end of next week Sharon has come back from Greece.
7. We will have tidy up the rooms before our guests appear.
8. Next month we will be married for five years.
9. The translation will be ready when you need it. Greg is going to do it by then.
10. At the end of this exercise I will correct ten mistakes. about:blank 9/9