Bài tập tự luyện việt đoạn văn | môn tiếng anh đại cương

This is to apply for the position of … advertised on the website ….. I would like to apply for the position of …. posted on ……I am writing to apply for the position of …… posted on ….I am writing in reply/response to your job advertisement on …. for
the post of ….Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !

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Bài tập tự luyện việt đoạn văn | môn tiếng anh đại cương

This is to apply for the position of … advertised on the website ….. I would like to apply for the position of …. posted on ……I am writing to apply for the position of …… posted on ….I am writing in reply/response to your job advertisement on …. for
the post of ….Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !

63 32 lượt tải Tải xuống
lOMoARcPSD| 47207194
I. Wring a job applicaon (a cover leer)
Read the following job adversement on linkedin.com and the candidate’s prole.
Brand Supervisor
Circle K Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City, VN
Job descripon
+ Manage Adversing, Public Relaons, Media and all special events to support sales.
+ Conduct market intelligence in terms of markeng iniaves / trends in the market as well as competors’
markeng acvies / iniaves and strategies.
Bachelors degree in Markeng, Business or equivalent major
Have at least 03 years of experiences in Markeng / Brand management, experiences in Retail industry is
Candidate’s prole
+ Thanh Nguyen, 25 years old
+ B.A. in Markeng, University of Economics HCMC (UEH) Bachelor of Arts in …..
+ Markeng Manager for KFC (5 years), launching 3 markeng campaigns
+ part-me job as waiter for Kichi-Kichi and Hanuri
+ friendly, acve and hard-working
Subject: Applicaon for the posion of …., Thanh Nguyen.
Salutaon Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Last name,
Para 1:
- Reason for wring
the leer
- How you got to
know the vacancy
- Express your
interest in the job
- Assert that you are
the most suitable
for the post.
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is to apply for the posion of … adversed on the website …..
I would like to apply for the posion of …. posted on …… I am
wring to apply for the posion of …… posted on …. I am wring
in reply/response to your job adversement on …. for the post of
Posion = post (n)
Adversement = advert
I am interested in developing/building my career in branding.
I am passionate about working in ….
I have great interest in ……..
I desire to pursue my career in ….
lOMoARcPSD| 47207194
I hope/believe/am sure/am condent that with my
knowledge and
I will be the
most potenal/suitable/appropriate
for the vacancy/posion.
Specialized knowledge
Good qualicaons
Rich/praccal experience
Good/excellent so skills
I am the right match for the posion.
I am of great value to your company.
I will greatly contribute to your company.
I will be a valuable asset for your business.
As for …,
In terms of …,
Regarding …,
With regard to ….,
In relaon to …,
I have/obtained a Bachelors Degree in …… awarded by
I graduated from ….. university, majoring in …..
Regarding qualicaons, I obtained a Bachelors degree in
accounng awarded by UEH University in 2021.
Work experience
I have spent 5 years working as a/an …. for ……
I have 6 years’ experience working as a/an ….. for …..
I have 5-year experience in ……
I used to work as ….. for 2 years for ….. company.
As for work experience, I have spent 5 years working as
Markeng manager for KFC, where I successfully launched
markeng campaigns.
In addion
, when I was in
university, I used to work as a waiter for Kichi-Kichi and
Hanuri for 2 years. Therefore, I am condent that my rich
experience is a strong plus for this post.
Add ideas:
In addion,
I am good at …..
I have good/excellent ….. skills.
Para 2:
Elaborate your
lOMoARcPSD| 47207194
II. Wring: Replying to a job oer
From the following notes, write an email accepng a job oer .
posion: Markeng Director, ABC company
annual salary: $65,000, not including health insurance & three weeks of paid me of
start date: May 10, 2022
mobile phone: 555-555-5555
Subject: Job oer acceptance/conrmaon
Salutaon Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Last name,
Para 1:
- Reason for wring
the email
- Express your
expectaon to
work for the
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is to conrm my acceptance of the job oer for the posion of …
I would like to conrm my acceptance of the job oer for the posion
I am wring to accept the job oer for the post of ….
It is a great honor for me to have a chance to work for ….. company.
I am looking forward to working for your company.
I look forward to seeing the other members of ….. team soon.
I cannot wait to work with my new colleagues at ….. company.
Para 2: conrm salary, benets, starng date
I am condent at ….. skills.
I am
friendly, and hardworking.
I am an
acve and hardworking
I would describe/consider myself as
a/an + Adj
Please nd my CV aached for more/further informaon/details.
I would be grateful for an opportunity of a job interview./
I would really appreciate it if you could oer me an interview for
further discussion.
Thank you for your consideraon. /Thank you for considering my
applicaon./Thank you for reading my leer.
I look forward to your reply./I look forward to hearing from you
Yours sincerely, / Yours faithfully,
Best regards/Kind regards,
Yours sincerely, (know the recipients name)
Yours faithfully, (don’t know the recipients name)
lOMoARcPSD| 47207194
- Ask if you need to
prepare anything
- Oer contact
- Close the leer.
As discussed/conrmed in
the interview, /As what
we discussed in the
interview last week, my
annual salary is …..
Besides, … + benets…. I
will start my employment
on ……/ My rst working
day will start on ….
Please let me know if you
need any further
Please tell me whether/if
I need to prepare any
other documents. Please
inform me if I need to
bring any documents with
me on my rst working
Please tell me if there is
any paperwork I need to
I can be reached any me
at 555-555-555.
If you have any quesons,
just feel free to contact
me via email or phone number 555 …..
If you need anything else, please do not hesitate to contact me via
email or phone number 555 …..
Thank you very much for the oer./Thank you for oering me the
I look forward to seeing you soon.
Yours sincerely,/Yours faithfully,
Best regards,/Kind regards,
| 1/4

Preview text:

lOMoAR cPSD| 47207194
I. Writing a job application (a cover letter)
Read the following job advertisement on linkedin.com and the candidate’s profile. Brand Supervisor Circle K Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City, VN Job description
+ Manage Advertising, Public Relations, Media and all special events to support sales.
+ Conduct market intelligence in terms of marketing initiatives / trends in the market as well as competitors’
marketing activities / initiatives and strategies. Requirements
• Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business or equivalent major
• Have at least 03 years of experiences in Marketing / Brand management, experiences in Retail industry is preferable. Candidate’s profile + Thanh Nguyen, 25 years old
+ B.A. in Marketing, University of Economics HCMC (UEH) Bachelor of Arts in …..
+ Marketing Manager for KFC (5 years), launching 3 marketing campaigns
+ part-time job as waiter for Kichi-Kichi and Hanuri
+ friendly, active and hard-working Email:
Subject: Application for the position of …., Thanh Nguyen. Salutation Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Last name, Para 1:
This is to apply for the position of … advertised on the website ….. - Reason for writing
I would like to apply for the position of …. posted on …… I am the letter
writing to apply for the position of …… posted on …. I am writing - How you got to
in reply/response to your job advertisement on …. for the post of know the vacancy …. - Express your • Position = post (n) interest in the job • Advertisement = advert - Assert that you are
I am interested in developing/building my career in branding. the most suitable
I am passionate about working in …. for the post.
I have great interest in …….. Dear Sir/Madam,
I desire to pursue my career in …. lOMoAR cPSD| 47207194
I hope/believe/am sure/am confident that with my knowledge and
experience/skills I will be the most potential/suitable/appropriate
candidate for the vacancy/position. Specialized knowledge Good qualifications Rich/practical experience Good/excellent soft skills
I am the right match for the position.
I am of great value to your company.
I will greatly contribute to your company.
I will be a valuable asset for your business. As for …, Para 2: In terms of …, - Elaborate your Regarding …,
knowledge/experience/skills With regard to …., In relation to …,
I have/obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in …… awarded by ….university.
I graduated from ….. university, majoring in ….. Eg:
Regarding qualifications, I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in
accounting awarded by UEH University in 2021. Work experience
I have spent 5 years working as a/an …. for ……
I have 6 years’ experience working as a/an ….. for …..
I have 5-year experience in ……
I used to work as ….. for 2 years for ….. company.
As for work experience, I have spent 5 years working as
Marketing manager for KFC, where I successfully launched
3 marketing campaigns. In addition , when I was in
university, I used to work as a waiter for Kichi-Kichi and
Hanuri for 2 years. Therefore, I am confident that my rich
experience is a strong plus for this post. Add ideas: Moreover, Besides, In addition, Additionally, Skills/personality I am good at …..
I have good/excellent ….. skills. lOMoAR cPSD| 47207194
I am confident at ….. skills. …
I am friendly, and hardworking.
I am an active and hardworking employee.
I would describe/consider myself as a/an + Adj person/employee.
Please find my CV attached for more/further information/details.
I would be grateful for an opportunity of a job interview./ Closing
I would really appreciate it if you could offer me an interview for further discussion.
Thank you for your consideration. /Thank you for considering my
application./Thank you for reading my letter.
I look forward to your reply./I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely, / Yours faithfully, Best regards/Kind regards, Name.
Yours sincerely, (know the recipient’s name)
Yours faithfully, (don’t know the recipient’s name)
II. Writing: Replying to a job offer
From the following notes, write an email accepting a job offer .
position: Marketing Director, ABC company
annual salary: $65,000, not including health insurance & three weeks of paid time of start date: May 10, 2022 mobile phone: 555-555-5555
Subject: Job offer acceptance/confirmation Salutation Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Last name, Para 1:
This is to confirm my acceptance of the job offer for the position of … - Reason for writing
I would like to confirm my acceptance of the job offer for the position the email …
I am writing to accept the job offer for the post of ….
It is a great honor for me to have a chance to work for ….. company. - Express your
I am looking forward to working for your company. expectation to
I look forward to seeing the other members of ….. team soon. work for the
I cannot wait to work with my new colleagues at ….. company. company.
Para 2: confirm salary, benefits, starting date Dear Sir/Madam, lOMoAR cPSD| 47207194 Closing:
me via email or phone number 555 ….. - Ask if you need to
If you need anything else, please do not hesitate to contact me via prepare anything
email or phone number 555 ….. else.
Thank you very much for the offer./Thank you for offering me the job.
I look forward to seeing you soon. - Offer contact
Yours sincerely,/Yours faithfully, number Best regards,/Kind regards, Name. - Close the letter. As discussed/confirmed in the interview, /As what we discussed in the interview last week, my annual salary is …..
Besides, … + benefits…. I will start my employment on ……/ My first working day will start on …. Please let me know if you need any further information/documents. Please tell me whether/if I need to prepare any other documents. Please inform me if I need to bring any documents with me on my first working day. Please tell me if there is any paperwork I need to do. I can be reached any time at 555-555-555. If you have any questions, just feel free to contact