Bài thi tự luận và trắc nghiệm cuối kỳ môn Logistics

Bài thi tự luận và trắc nghiệm cuối kỳ môn Logistics
Logistics (Đại học Hoa Sen)
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The Supply Chain Management Concept
Discuss the difference between a supply chain and supply chain
management? (bàn luận về sự khác nhau giữa chuỗi cung ứng với quản trị
chuỗi cung ứng?)
Chuỗi cung ứng đề cập đến các hoạt động được tổ chức liên quan đến
luồng di chuyển của hàng hóa từ giai đoạn còn là nguyên liệu thô, cho đến
người dùng cuối cùng, cũng như các hoạt động liên quan. Mặc dù bất kỳ tổ
chức nào có thể là một phần của chuỗi cung ứng, quản trị chuỗi cung ứng
đòi hỏi nỗ lực quản lý giữa các tổ chức trong chuỗi cung ứng. Hơn nữa,
quản lý chuỗi cung ứng không thể thành công trừ khi các công ty tham gia
phải có góc nhìn enterprise to enterprise.
What is procurement? What is its relevance to logistics? (thu mua là gì? Sự
liên quan của nó với logistics là gì?)
Distinguish between a single sourcing approach and a multiple sourcing
approach. (phân biệt giữa phương pháp tiếp cận đơn nguồn cung và đa
nguồn cung?)
o Thu mua đề cập đến nguyên liệu thô, các bộ phận cấu thành và
nguồn cung cấp được mua từ các tổ chức bên ngoài để hỗ trợ hoạt
động của công ty. Nó liên quan chặt chẽ đến logistics kể từ khi hàng
hóa và dịch vụ mua lại phải được chuyển vào chuỗi cung ứng với số
lượng chính xác và vào thời điểm chính xác mà họ cần. Thu mua
cũng quan trọng bởi vì chi phí của nó thường nằm trong khoảng từ
60-80% doanh thu của một tổ chức
o Phương pháp đơn nguồn cung là việc củng cố cũng như chắc chắn
khối lượng mua với một nhà cung cấp duy nhất với hy vọng được
hưởng chi phí thấp hơn trên mỗi đơn vị tăng cường hợp tác và truyền
thông trong mối quan hệ cung ứng. Đối với đa nguồn cung, việc sử
dụng nhiều hơn một nhà cung cấp có thể dẫn đến tăng số lượng cạnh
tranh của các nhà cung cấp, giảm thiểu được nhiều rủi ro nguồn cung
hơn và cải thiện tình báo thị trường.
Demand Management, Order
Management, and Customer Service
What is the relationship between demand management, order management,
and customer service?
What are some advantages and disadvantages to checking all orders for
completeness and accuracy?
Mối quan hệ giữa quản lý nhu cầu, quản lý đơn đặt hàng dịch vụ khách
hàng là gì?
Một số ưu điểm và nhược điểm để kiểm tra tất cả các đơn đặt hàng về tính
đầy đủ và chính xác là gì?
Có một số liên kết quan trọng giữa quản lý đơn đặt hàng và dự báo nhu
cầu, trong đó một cty không đơn giản chờ các đơn đặt hàng đến để tìm hiểu
những gì đang xảy ra. Dự báo được thực hiện bán hàng và hàng hóa phải
sẵn sàng trong kho để cty có thể thực hiện các đơn đặt hàng một cách hoàn
hỏa. Ngoài ra còn có một liên kết quan trọng giữa quản lý đơn đặt hàng và
dịch vụ khách hàng bởi vì nhiều tổ chức phân tích các tiêu chuẩn dịch vụ
khách hàng theo bốn gian đoạn của chu kỳ đặt hàng.
Nó có thể được lập luận rằng tất cả các đơn đặt hàng, bất kể phương pháp
truyền tải, nên được kiểm tra tính đầy đủ và chính xác, các đơn đặt hàng
không đầy đủ hoặc không chính xác có thể ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến sự hài
lòng của khách hàng và tăng chi phí để giải quyết bù đắp cho sự hài lòng
của khách hàng. Tuy nhiên, việc kiểm tra tất cả các đơn đặt hàng về sự đẩy
đủ và chính xác sẽ thêm chi phí và thời gian vào chu kỳ đặt hàng.
Ngoài ra, các cty có thể tạo nên chức năng nhận đơn đặt hàng để phản ánh
xu hướng và lịch sử về tính hoàn chỉnh và độ chính xác của các đơn đặt
hàng. Với cách này, các phương thức truyền đơn đặt hàng luôn thể hiện sự
hoàn chỉnh và chính xác cao cấp sẽ được cho qua hoạt động kiểm tra đơn
Inventory Management
How might different organizational functions have different inventory
management objectives?( các chức năng trong tổ chức khác nhau ảnh
hưởng đến mục tiêu quản trị tồn kho như thế nào?
Ví dụ, marketing cho xu hướng muốn đảm bảo rằng có hàng tồn kho cho
nhu cầu của khách hàng để tránh các tình huống thiếu hàng tiềm hàng –
điều này sẽ tạo nên mức tồn kho cao hơn. Ngược lại, nhóm tài chính
thường tìm cách giảm thiểu chi phí liên quan đến việc giữ hàng tồn kho,
điều này làm cho mức hàng tồn kho thấp hơn.
International Logistics
Discuss the positive attributes of inland water transportation
Why is it important to know about the characteristics of a country’s
transportation infrastructure?
Thảo luận các thuộc tính tích cực của vận tải đường thủy nội địa.
Tại sao điều quan trọng là phải biết về các đặc điểm của cơ sở hạ tầng giao
thông của một quốc gia?
Xét về mặt tích cực, vận tải đường thủy nội địa tương đối rẻ người dùng.
Tại một thời điểm vận chuyển đường thủy nội địa vào những năm 1980 cho
phép các đường ống trở thành phương thức rẻ nhất. Tuy nhiên, vận tải
đường thủy nội địa khá rẻ khi so sánh với vận tải đường sắt và tàu sân ba.
Như một hướng dẫn chung, trên cơ sở tấn trên dặm, chi phí đường sắt cao
gấp khoảng hai đến ba lần các hãng vận tải đường thủy nội địa, trong khi
chi phí xe tải cao hơn khoảng 20-30 lần so với các hãng vận tải nội địa.
Ngoài ra cách thức vận chuyển đường thủy nội địa có thể chuyên chở đa
dạng về các loại hàng hóa từ hàng hóa có giá trị thấp đến khoáng sản như
dầu mỏ, hóa chất công nghiệp. Ngoài ra, khối lượng có thể vận chuyển
bằng đường thủy nội bộ vẫn vượt xa so với đường sắt và đường bộ.
Bởi vì cấu trúc liên kết, nền kinh tế, cơ sở hạ tầng các yếu tố môi trường
vĩ mô khác của một quốc gia riêng lẻ ảnh hưởng đến hệ thống giao thông
của quốc gia đó. Vì số lượng lô hàng được vận chuyển ngày càng nhiều qua
biên giới của nhiều quốc gia khác nhau cho nên kiến thức về đặc điểm
sở hạ tầng của 1 quốc gia sẽ giúp tránh được các vấn đề giao thông tiềm
tàng. Ví dụ: một số quốc gia có ít sân bay cho nên không thể vận chuyển lô
hàng qua đường hàng không đến quốc gia đó được.
Trắc nghiệm
are stores with large amounts of both floor space and product for
power retailers
big-box retailers
do-it- yourself (DIY) retailers
mass merchandisers
Which of the following is not a reason for the increased importance of
reduction in economic regulation
growing power of manufacturers
technological advances
globalization of trade
A cost trade-off is a situation where:
some costs increase and some costs decrease
all costs are reflected as a percentage variation from standard costs
some costs are eliminated by efficient management controls
all costs react according to their individual degrees of inflation in the
“How well a company does what it says it’s going to do” represents
leading edge logistics
refers to the delay of value-added activities such as assembly,
production, and packaging to the latest possible time.
lean manufacturing
building blocks
Which channel covers the movement of title to the goods?
Channel intermediaries:
assume temporary ownership of the goods
fill niches
tend to lack focus
tend to disappear as the market becomes organized
Which concept refers to the storage of finished product and movement to
the customer?
supply chain management
business logistics
materials management
physical distribution
The approach indicates that a company’s objectives can be realized
by recognizing the mutual interdependence of major functional areas.
supply chain
The movement and storage of materials into a firm refers to:
supply chain management
materials management
physical distribution
materials handling
refers to the removal of intermediaries between producer and
market demassification
direct channels
Co-branding allows customers to purchase products from two or more
name-brand retailers at one store location. Which of the following
statements about co-branding is false?
all of the above are true
they offer potential customers convenience by satisfying needs at one
they boost brand awareness
they create relatively few logistical challenges
Channel intermediaries:
assume temporary ownership of the goods
fill niches
tend to lack focus
tend to disappear as the market becomes organized
Every customer getting the same type and level of logistics service refers
to .
mass logistics
tailored logistics
World trade grew at an average annual rate of approximately percent
between 1991 and 2011.
Brokers are intermediaries that are commonly associated with the
refers to the delay of value-added activities such as assembly,
production, and packaging to the latest possible time.
lean manufacturing
building blocks
some costs increase and some costs decrease
all costs are reflected as a percentage variation from standard costs
some costs are eliminated by efficient management controls
all costs react according to their individual degrees of inflation in the
is bringing together similar stocks from different sources.
utility refers to having products available where they are
Which of the following is not a dimension associated with socially
responsible procurement?
the environment
human rights
Procurement’s historical focus in many organizations was to .
minimize loss and damage
achieve the lowest possible cost
incur minimal supply disruptions
use a limited number of suppliers
Buying the right products, at the right price, from the right source, at the
right specifications, in the right quantity, for delivery at the right time to
the right internal customer is associated with what procurement
managing the supply base
supporting operational requirements
supporting organizational goals and objectives
managing the purchasing process effectively and efficiently
Which of the following is false?
in the factor-input strategy, an organization is seeking low costs or high
global procurement refers to buying components and inputs anywhere in
the world
all of the above are true
planning is the first step in global procurement
Procurement costs often range between of an organization’s
Supplier development is synonymous with .
materials management
supplier selection and evaluation
reverse marketing
With respect to the supplier selection and evaluation process, looks
at both the internal and external environment within which the supply
decision is to be made.
identify the need for supply
identify suppliers
evaluate suppliers
materials are no longer serviceable, have been discarded, or are a
by-product of the production process.
selecting suppliers is the final step of the supplier selection and evaluation
some supplier selection criteria may be contradictory
the evolution of business practices and philosophies may require new
supplier selection and evaluation generally involves multiple criteria
identifies opportunities to recover revenues or reduce costs
associated with scrap, surplus, obsolete, and waste materials.
reverse logistics
investment recovery
In general, there are possible ways to transmit orders.
refers to a process that continuously identifies, understands, and
adapts outstanding processes inside and outside an organization.
environmental scanning
quality management
continuous improvement
Which of the following is false?
order management has been profoundly impacted by advances in
some organizations have expanded the order management concept to
include the length of time it takes an organization to receive payment for an
all of the above are true
the order cycle should be analyzed in terms of total cycle time and cycle
time variability
What component of customer service focuses on the ease of doing
business with a seller?
Which forecasting technique tends to be appropriate when there is little or
no historical data?
time series
exponential smoothing
cause and effect
What are multichannel marketing systems?
channels that have multiple intermediaries between the producer and the
channels that combine horizontal and vertical marketing systems
channels that do business in multiple countries
separate marketing channels that serve an individual customer
The percentage of orders that can be completely and immediately filled
from existing stock is the rate.
order cycle
order fill
optimal inventory
perfect order
Surveys and analog techniques are examples of forecasting.
cause and effect
time series
exponential smoothing
The creation across the supply chain and its markets of a coordinated
flow of demand is the definition of .
order management
order cycle
supply chain management
demand management
Inventory carrying costs in the United States in the twenty-first century
have ranged between and percent.
4; 9
19; 24
9; 14
14; 19
Inventory shrinkage .
refers to the fact that more items are recorded entering than leaving
warehousing facilities
is another name for inventory turnover
refers to situations where the size and/or volume of inventory is decreased
over time
refers to a technique of stabilizing unit loads by using shrink wrap
items refer to those that are used or distributed together.
products refer to those that customers view as being able to fill the
same need or want as another product.
Which of the following situations is likely the most damaging (costly) with
respect to a stockout?
the customer says, “Call me when it’s in
the customer buys a substitute product that yields a lower profit for the
the customer goes to a competitor for a purchase
the customer buys a substitute product that yields a higher profit for the
stock refers to inventory that is held for several reasons, to include
seasonal demand, projected price increases, and potential shortages of
Concerning the EOQ model, if the ordering costs increase by 10% and the
product value increases by 10%, then the EOQ will .
it depends on the particular product
stay unchanged
Which of the following statements about the lean approach and JIT is
the lean approach views inventory as waste
organizations should give careful consideration before adopting a lean
JIT tends to focus on product movement from manufacturer to retailer
trucking is an important mode of transportation in JIT systems
ABC analysis of inventory .
recognizes that inventories are not of equal value to a firm
is synonymous with vendor-managed inventory
is an alternative to the EOQ model
applies activity-based costing to managing inventory
Which of the following is not an example of a lean inventory approach?
collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment
quick response
just-in- time
What two countries account for approximately one-third of the world’s
China and Indonesia
China and India
India and the United States
the United States and China
A brownfield is .
a term for where crushed boxes are stored before recycling
a property for which use and redevelopment is complicated by past use
an airport that lacks paved runways
a term that refers to a potential site that has no trees needing to be cleared
before construction
The processing point for a weight-losing raw material .
should be near its source
should be equidistant between the source and the market
can be anywhere near the source and the market
should be near the final market
A pure material .
comes from the ocean
is soluble in water
is one that loses no weight in manufacturing
cannot be mixed with other materials
The existence of transportation competition, whether intermodal or
intramodal, tends to .
have both cost and service benefits to a user
have both cost and service benefits to a user
have neither cost nor service benefits to a user
have cost, but not service, benefits to a user
The initial focus in facility location is on a .
state or province
efficient consumer response
Supplier parks are a concept that developed around and their
apparel makers
computer makers
The general trend in recent years has been for companies to do what with
maintain the status quo
relocate their facilities
reduce the number of facilities
slightly increase the number of facilities
improving supply chain efficiency
eliminating redundant capacity in mergers and acquisitions
poor planning
all of the above are possible reasons
real estate
corporate franchising
refers to the short distance movement that usually takes place within
the confines of a building such as a plant or distribution center and
between a building and a transportation service provider.
materials handling
materials management
physical distribution
How many countries in the world do not currently use the metric system
of measurement?
What has been described as the “last frontier of logistics savings
transportation consolidation
information technology
inventory management
packaging inefficiencies
From a space utilization perspective, one pallet occupies times more
space than a plastic slip sheet.
A major drawback to metal and plastic pallets is their .
incompatibility with existing forklifts
A “box-maker’s certificate” .
refers to what box makers receive upon finishing their training
is given in recognition of superior box making ability
assures railroads and motor carriers that boxes are sufficiently sturdy to
meet their handling requirements
assures that boxes are free from any visible defects
Which of the following is not a key piece of classification and labeling
information provided by the Globally Harmonized System of Classification
and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS)?
a symbol
a signal word (e.g., “danger”)
Firms that specialize in carrying packages that weigh up to 150 pounds
are called .
accessorial carriers
expedited carriers
parcel carriers
Consignees are .
extremely large less-than- truckload carriers
shippers of freight
receivers of freight
preferred suppliers
Which mode is not the “best” or “worst” on any of the six attributes (e.g.,
capability, flexibility, etc.) that were used to compare the modes?
motor carriers
Which of the following is not an environmentally-friendly packaging
strategy that firms might adopt?
reduce the amount of packing materials used
use more environmentally-friendly packaging materials
use reusable containers
Biodegradable plastics cost as much as conventional plastics.
Which of the following statements regarding perishable products is false?
they require special storage
they require special monitoring
they require special loading
all of the above are true
a hazard statement (e.g., “severe projection hazard”)
a picture of the chemical or hazardous material
three times
two times
four times
five times
water carriers
Rail gauge refers to .
the thickness of rail track
the length of rail track
the allowable speed on a particular segment of track
the distance between the inner sides of two parallel rail tracks
The primary advantage for motor carriers is .
The primary advantage to land bridge service is .
less loss and damage
improved reliability
reduced transit times
lower transportation cost
Truckload carriers focus on shipments of greater than pounds.
have a level of market concentration and dominance that is not
found in the other modes.
motor carriers
transportation occurs when two or more modes work closely
together in an attempt to utilize the advantages of each mode while at the
same time minimizing their disadvantages.
railroads; railroads
railroads; truck
trucks; railroads
trucks; trucks
With respect to a commodity’s freight classification, shippers tend to
prefer a classification number and carriers tend to prefer a
classification number.
higher, higher
lower, higher
higher, lower
lower, lower
refers to rapidly moving a shipment through a carrier’s system.
fast logistics
Which of the following is not a factor used to determine a product’s
all of the above are factors used to determine a product’s classification
liability to damage and theft
refers to how heavy a product is in relation to its size.
An invoice submitted by the carrier requesting to be paid is .
a freight bill
a carnet
a bill of lading
Which of the following is false?
shippers or carriers are entitled to a product’s full retail value when filing a
freight claim
freight claims must be filed within nine months of the delivery date
the volume of freight claims activity has dropped since transportation
concealed loss and damage is a delicate area for shippers and carriers
An order bill of lading is used .
to guard against disruptions in transit
when a shipment must be expedited
for overseas shipments
when a shipment is started before the buyer is known
signifies the price charged for freight transportation.
Suppose that a particular item is Class 200 according to the National
Motor Freight Classification. What is the relationship between this item’s
rate and the rate for an item in Class 100?
the class 200 rate is higher than the class 100 rate
the rate relationship depends on other factors
the class 200 rate is lower than the class 100 rate
the rates are identical
n the class rate system, freight rates are expressed in dollars or cents per
Which of the following is not a cultural factor that can influence
international logistics?
time orientation
national holidays
Which of the following is not true of sachets?
they can be easier to lose
they tend to be sold in higher-income countries
different packaging is needed
they are more prone to theft
A specifies the country (ies) in which a product is manufactured and
can be required by governments for control purposes or by an exporter to
verify the location of manufacture.
shipper’s export declaration
commercial invoice
certificate of origin
A often serves as the basis for a country’s official export statistics.
shipper’s export declaration
commercial invoice
certificate of origin
Which of the following statements is false?
some countries limit a motor carrier’s operations to within a particular
in China, freight is often given lower priority than passengers in rail
highway freight transportation can be provided by animals and carts in
some countries
China ranks first in the world in terms of highway mileage
Which of the following is not open for negotiation in a bilateral air
the number of flights between the two countries
the types of aircraft to be used
all of the above are open for negotiation
the carriers that will service particular city pairs
A is similar in nature to a domestic bill of lading and summarizes the
entire transaction.
certificate of origin
commercial invoice
shipper’s letter of instruction
shipper’s export declaration
are taxes that governments place on the importation of certain items.
Short-sea shipping is widely accepted and practiced in .
South America
North America
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Bài thi tự luận và trắc nghiệm cuối kỳ môn Logistics
Logistics (Đại học Hoa Sen)
Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university
The Supply Chain Management Concept
Discuss the difference between a supply chain and supply chain
management? (bàn luận về sự khác nhau giữa chuỗi cung ứng với quản trị chuỗi cung ứng?)
Chuỗi cung ứng đề cập đến các hoạt động được tổ chức liên quan đến
luồng di chuyển của hàng hóa từ giai đoạn còn là nguyên liệu thô, cho đến
người dùng cuối cùng, cũng như các hoạt động liên quan. Mặc dù bất kỳ tổ
chức nào có thể là một phần của chuỗi cung ứng, quản trị chuỗi cung ứng
đòi hỏi nỗ lực quản lý giữa các tổ chức trong chuỗi cung ứng. Hơn nữa,
quản lý chuỗi cung ứng không thể thành công trừ khi các công ty tham gia
phải có góc nhìn enterprise to enterprise. Procurement
What is procurement? What is its relevance to logistics? (thu mua là gì? Sự
liên quan của nó với logistics là gì?)
Distinguish between a single sourcing approach and a multiple sourcing
approach. (phân biệt giữa phương pháp tiếp cận đơn nguồn cung và đa nguồn cung?)
o Thu mua đề cập đến nguyên liệu thô, các bộ phận cấu thành và
nguồn cung cấp được mua từ các tổ chức bên ngoài để hỗ trợ hoạt
động của công ty. Nó liên quan chặt chẽ đến logistics kể từ khi hàng
hóa và dịch vụ mua lại phải được chuyển vào chuỗi cung ứng với số
lượng chính xác và vào thời điểm chính xác mà họ cần. Thu mua
cũng quan trọng bởi vì chi phí của nó thường nằm trong khoảng từ
60-80% doanh thu của một tổ chức
o Phương pháp đơn nguồn cung là việc củng cố cũng như chắc chắn
khối lượng mua với một nhà cung cấp duy nhất với hy vọng được
hưởng chi phí thấp hơn trên mỗi đơn vị tăng cường hợp tác và truyền
thông trong mối quan hệ cung ứng. Đối với đa nguồn cung, việc sử
dụng nhiều hơn một nhà cung cấp có thể dẫn đến tăng số lượng cạnh
tranh của các nhà cung cấp, giảm thiểu được nhiều rủi ro nguồn cung
hơn và cải thiện tình báo thị trường.
Demand Management, Order
Management, and Customer Service
What is the relationship between demand management, order management, and customer service?
What are some advantages and disadvantages to checking all orders for completeness and accuracy?
Mối quan hệ giữa quản lý nhu cầu, quản lý đơn đặt hàng và dịch vụ khách hàng là gì?
Một số ưu điểm và nhược điểm để kiểm tra tất cả các đơn đặt hàng về tính
đầy đủ và chính xác là gì?
Có một số liên kết quan trọng giữa quản lý đơn đặt hàng và dự báo nhu
cầu, trong đó một cty không đơn giản chờ các đơn đặt hàng đến để tìm hiểu
những gì đang xảy ra. Dự báo được thực hiện bán hàng và hàng hóa phải
sẵn sàng trong kho để cty có thể thực hiện các đơn đặt hàng một cách hoàn
hỏa. Ngoài ra còn có một liên kết quan trọng giữa quản lý đơn đặt hàng và
dịch vụ khách hàng bởi vì nhiều tổ chức phân tích các tiêu chuẩn dịch vụ
khách hàng theo bốn gian đoạn của chu kỳ đặt hàng.
Nó có thể được lập luận rằng tất cả các đơn đặt hàng, bất kể phương pháp
truyền tải, nên được kiểm tra tính đầy đủ và chính xác, các đơn đặt hàng
không đầy đủ hoặc không chính xác có thể ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến sự hài
lòng của khách hàng và tăng chi phí để giải quyết bù đắp cho sự hài lòng
của khách hàng. Tuy nhiên, việc kiểm tra tất cả các đơn đặt hàng về sự đẩy
đủ và chính xác sẽ thêm chi phí và thời gian vào chu kỳ đặt hàng.
Ngoài ra, các cty có thể tạo nên chức năng nhận đơn đặt hàng để phản ánh
xu hướng và lịch sử về tính hoàn chỉnh và độ chính xác của các đơn đặt
hàng. Với cách này, các phương thức truyền đơn đặt hàng luôn thể hiện sự
hoàn chỉnh và chính xác cao cấp sẽ được cho qua hoạt động kiểm tra đơn hàng.
Inventory Management
How might different organizational functions have different inventory
management objectives?( các chức năng trong tổ chức khác nhau ảnh
hưởng đến mục tiêu quản trị tồn kho như thế nào?
Ví dụ, marketing cho xu hướng muốn đảm bảo rằng có hàng tồn kho cho
nhu cầu của khách hàng để tránh các tình huống thiếu hàng tiềm hàng –
điều này sẽ tạo nên mức tồn kho cao hơn. Ngược lại, nhóm tài chính
thường tìm cách giảm thiểu chi phí liên quan đến việc giữ hàng tồn kho,
điều này làm cho mức hàng tồn kho thấp hơn.
International Logistics
Discuss the positive attributes of inland water transportation
Why is it important to know about the characteristics of a country’s
transportation infrastructure?
Thảo luận các thuộc tính tích cực của vận tải đường thủy nội địa.
Tại sao điều quan trọng là phải biết về các đặc điểm của cơ sở hạ tầng giao
thông của một quốc gia?
Xét về mặt tích cực, vận tải đường thủy nội địa tương đối rẻ người dùng.
Tại một thời điểm vận chuyển đường thủy nội địa vào những năm 1980 cho
phép các đường ống trở thành phương thức rẻ nhất. Tuy nhiên, vận tải
đường thủy nội địa khá rẻ khi so sánh với vận tải đường sắt và tàu sân ba.
Như một hướng dẫn chung, trên cơ sở tấn trên dặm, chi phí đường sắt cao
gấp khoảng hai đến ba lần các hãng vận tải đường thủy nội địa, trong khi
chi phí xe tải cao hơn khoảng 20-30 lần so với các hãng vận tải nội địa.
Ngoài ra cách thức vận chuyển đường thủy nội địa có thể chuyên chở đa
dạng về các loại hàng hóa từ hàng hóa có giá trị thấp đến khoáng sản như
dầu mỏ, hóa chất công nghiệp. Ngoài ra, khối lượng có thể vận chuyển
bằng đường thủy nội bộ vẫn vượt xa so với đường sắt và đường bộ.
Bởi vì cấu trúc liên kết, nền kinh tế, cơ sở hạ tầng và các yếu tố môi trường
vĩ mô khác của một quốc gia riêng lẻ ảnh hưởng đến hệ thống giao thông
của quốc gia đó. Vì số lượng lô hàng được vận chuyển ngày càng nhiều qua
biên giới của nhiều quốc gia khác nhau cho nên kiến thức về đặc điểm cơ
sở hạ tầng của 1 quốc gia sẽ giúp tránh được các vấn đề giao thông tiềm
tàng. Ví dụ: một số quốc gia có ít sân bay cho nên không thể vận chuyển lô
hàng qua đường hàng không đến quốc gia đó được. Trắc nghiệm C1
are stores with large amounts of both floor space and product for sale. power retailers big-box retailers
do-it- yourself (DIY) retailers mass merchandisers
Which of the following is not a reason for the increased importance of logistics?
reduction in economic regulation
growing power of manufacturers technological advances globalization of trade
A cost trade-off is a situation where:
some costs increase and some costs decrease
all costs are reflected as a percentage variation from standard costs
some costs are eliminated by efficient management controls
all costs react according to their individual degrees of inflation in the economy
“How well a company does what it says it’s going to do” represents . leading edge logistics productivity efficiency effectiveness
refers to the delay of value-added activities such as assembly,
production, and packaging to the latest possible time. postponement deferral lean manufacturing building blocks
Which channel covers the movement of title to the goods? finance promotions ownership logistics
Channel intermediaries:
assume temporary ownership of the goods fil niches tend to lack focus
tend to disappear as the market becomes organized
Which concept refers to the storage of finished product and movement to the customer? supply chain management business logistics materials management physical distribution The
approach indicates that a company’s objectives can be realized
by recognizing the mutual interdependence of major functional areas. rhochrematics supply chain interfunctionality systems
The movement and storage of materials into a firm refers to: supply chain management materials management physical distribution materials handling
refers to the removal of intermediaries between producer and consumer. consolidation market demassification direct channels disintermediation
Co-branding allows customers to purchase products from two or more
name-brand retailers at one store location. Which of the following
statements about co-branding is false? all of the above are true
they offer potential customers convenience by satisfying needs at one place they boost brand awareness
they create relatively few logistical chal enges
Channel intermediaries:
assume temporary ownership of the goods fil niches tend to lack focus
tend to disappear as the market becomes organized
Every customer getting the same type and level of logistics service refers to . effectiveness mass logistics tailored logistics efficiency
World trade grew at an average annual rate of approximately percent
between 1991 and 2011. 5.5 2.5 4.5 3.5
Brokers are intermediaries that are commonly associated with the channel. ownership finance negotiation promotions
refers to the delay of value-added activities such as assembly,
production, and packaging to the latest possible time. postponement deferral lean manufacturing building blocks
A cost trade-off is a situation where:
some costs increase and some costs decrease
all costs are reflected as a percentage variation from standard costs
some costs are eliminated by efficient management controls
all costs react according to their individual degrees of inflation in the economy
is bringing together similar stocks from different sources. assorting accumulating al ocating auditing
utility refers to having products available where they are
needed by customers. Possession Time Form Place C6
Which of the following is not a dimension associated with socially
responsible procurement? safety the environment profit human rights
Procurement’s historical focus in many organizations was to . minimize loss and damage
achieve the lowest possible cost
incur minimal supply disruptions
use a limited number of suppliers
Buying the right products, at the right price, from the right source, at the
right specifications, in the right quantity, for delivery at the right time to
the right internal customer is associated with what procurement objective? managing the supply base
supporting operational requirements
supporting organizational goals and objectives
managing the purchasing process effectively and efficiently
Which of the following is false?
in the factor-input strategy, an organization is seeking low costs or high quality sources of supply
global procurement refers to buying components and inputs anywhere in the world all of the above are true
planning is the first step in global procurement
Procurement costs often range between
of an organization’s revenues. 50-70% 60-80% 30-50% 40-60%
Supplier development is synonymous with . materials management
supplier selection and evaluation reverse marketing procurement
With respect to the supplier selection and evaluation process, looks
at both the internal and external environment within which the supply
decision is to be made. situation analysis identify the need for supply identify suppliers evaluate suppliers
materials are no longer serviceable, have been discarded, or are a
by-product of the production process. obsolete excess scrap waste
Which of the following statements is false?
selecting suppliers is the final step of the supplier selection and evaluation process
some supplier selection criteria may be contradictory
the evolution of business practices and philosophies may require new supplier selection criteria
supplier selection and evaluation general y involves multiple criteria
identifies opportunities to recover revenues or reduce costs
associated with scrap, surplus, obsolete, and waste materials. reverse logistics reuse recycling investment recovery C7
In general, there are
possible ways to transmit orders. three four five six
refers to a process that continuously identifies, understands, and
adapts outstanding processes inside and outside an organization. benchmarking environmental scanning quality management continuous improvement
Which of the following is false?
order management has been profoundly impacted by advances in information systems
some organizations have expanded the order management concept to
include the length of time it takes an organization to receive payment for an order all of the above are true
the order cycle should be analyzed in terms of total cycle time and cycle time variability
What component of customer service focuses on the ease of doing
business with a seller? communication convenience time dependability
Which forecasting technique tends to be appropriate when there is little or
no historical data? time series judgmental exponential smoothing cause and effect
What are multichannel marketing systems?
channels that have multiple intermediaries between the producer and the consumer
channels that combine horizontal and vertical marketing systems
channels that do business in multiple countries
separate marketing channels that serve an individual customer
The percentage of orders that can be completely and immediately filled
from existing stock is the rate. order cycle order fill optimal inventory perfect order
Surveys and analog techniques are examples of forecasting. cause and effect time series judgmental exponential smoothing
The creation across the supply chain and its markets of a coordinated
flow of demand is the definition of . order management order cycle supply chain management demand management C8
Inventory carrying costs in the United States in the twenty-first century
have ranged between and percent. 4; 9 19; 24 9; 14 14; 19
Inventory shrinkage .
refers to the fact that more items are recorded entering than leaving warehousing facilities
is another name for inventory turnover
refers to situations where the size and/or volume of inventory is decreased over time
refers to a technique of stabilizing unit loads by using shrink wrap packaging
items refer to those that are used or distributed together. me-too complementary substitute co-branded
products refer to those that customers view as being able to fill the
same need or want as another product. co-branded substitute copycat me-too
Which of the following situations is likely the most damaging (costly) with
respect to a stockout?
the customer says, “Call me when it’s in”
the customer buys a substitute product that yields a lower profit for the sel er
the customer goes to a competitor for a purchase
the customer buys a substitute product that yields a higher profit for the sel er
stock refers to inventory that is held for several reasons, to include
seasonal demand, projected price increases, and potential shortages of product. pipeline base safety speculative
Concerning the EOQ model, if the ordering costs increase by 10% and the
product value increases by 10%, then the EOQ will .
it depends on the particular product decrease stay unchanged increase
Which of the following statements about the lean approach and JIT is false?
the lean approach views inventory as waste
organizations should give careful consideration before adopting a lean philosophy
JIT tends to focus on product movement from manufacturer to retailer
trucking is an important mode of transportation in JIT systems
ABC analysis of inventory .
recognizes that inventories are not of equal value to a firm
is synonymous with vendor-managed inventory
is an alternative to the EOQ model
applies activity-based costing to managing inventory
Which of the following is not an example of a lean inventory approach?
collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment quick response just-in- time efficient consumer response C9
What two countries account for approximately one-third of the world’s population? China and Indonesia China and India India and the United States the United States and China
A brownfield is .
a term for where crushed boxes are stored before recycling
a property for which use and redevelopment is complicated by past use
an airport that lacks paved runways
a term that refers to a potential site that has no trees needing to be cleared before construction
The processing point for a weight-losing raw material . should be near its source
should be equidistant between the source and the market
can be anywhere near the source and the market
should be near the final market
A pure material . comes from the ocean is soluble in water
is one that loses no weight in manufacturing
cannot be mixed with other materials
The existence of transportation competition, whether intermodal or
intramodal, tends to .
have both cost and service benefits to a user
have both cost and service benefits to a user
have neither cost nor service benefits to a user
have cost, but not service, benefits to a user
The initial focus in facility location is on a . county state or province region city
Supplier parks are a concept that developed around and their
suppliers in Europe. automakers apparel makers supermarkets computer makers
The general trend in recent years has been for companies to do what with
their distribution networks? maintain the status quo relocate their facilities
reduce the number of facilities
slightly increase the number of facilities
Which of the following is not a possible reason for a facility closing?
improving supply chain efficiency
eliminating redundant capacity in mergers and acquisitions poor planning
all of the above are possible reasons
From a business perspective,
taxes are analogous to the personal
property taxes paid by individuals. real estate inventory corporate franchising sales C11
refers to the short distance movement that usually takes place within
the confines of a building such as a plant or distribution center and
between a building and a transportation service provider. warehousing materials handling materials management physical distribution
How many countries in the world do not currently use the metric system of measurement? zero three five two
What has been described as the “last frontier” of logistics savings opportunities? transportation consolidation information technology inventory management packaging inefficiencies
From a space utilization perspective, one pallet occupies times more
space than a plastic slip sheet. 20 40 80 60
A major drawback to metal and plastic pallets is their . price weight lifespan
incompatibility with existing forklifts
A “box-maker’s certificate” .
refers to what box makers receive upon finishing their training
is given in recognition of superior box making ability
assures railroads and motor carriers that boxes are sufficiently sturdy to
meet their handling requirements
assures that boxes are free from any visible defects
Which of the following is not a key piece of classification and labeling
information provided by the Globally Harmonized System of Classification
and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS)? a symbol
a signal word (e.g., “danger”)
a hazard statement (e.g., “severe projection hazard”)
a picture of the chemical or hazardous material
Which of the following is not an environmentally-friendly packaging
strategy that firms might adopt?
all of the above are strategies
reduce the amount of packing materials used
use more environmentally-friendly packaging materials use reusable containers B
iodegradable plastics cost
as much as conventional plastics. three times two times four times five times
Which of the following statements regarding perishable products is false? they require special storage
they require special monitoring they require special loading all of the above are true C12
Firms that specialize in carrying packages that weigh up to 150 pounds are called . accessorial carriers expedited carriers parcel carriers couriers Consignees are .
extremely large less-than- truckload carriers shippers of freight receivers of freight preferred suppliers
Which mode is not the “best” or “worst” on any of the six attributes (e.g.,
capability, flexibility, etc.) that were used to compare the modes? motor carriers pipelines railroads water carriers
Rail gauge refers to . the thickness of rail track the length of rail track
the allowable speed on a particular segment of track
the distance between the inner sides of two parallel rail tracks
The primary advantage for motor carriers is . speed reliability flexibility capability
The primary advantage to land bridge service is . less loss and damage improved reliability reduced transit times lower transportation cost
Truckload carriers focus on shipments of greater than pounds. 17,500 15,000 20,000 10,000
have a level of market concentration and dominance that is not
found in the other modes. pipelines railroads motor carriers airlines
transportation occurs when two or more modes work closely
together in an attempt to utilize the advantages of each mode while at the
same time minimizing their disadvantages. intramodal intermodal bifurcated col aborative
In the United States,
account for the largest share of ton-miles and
account for the majority of freight revenues. railroads; railroads railroads; truck trucks; railroads trucks; trucks C13
With respect to a commodity’s freight classification, shippers tend to
prefer a classification number and carriers tend to prefer a
classification number. higher, higher lower, higher higher, lower lower, lower
refers to rapidly moving a shipment through a carrier’s system. recoupering expediting cross-docking fast logistics
Which of the following is not a factor used to determine a product’s classification?
all of the above are factors used to determine a product’s classification stowability liability to damage and theft density
refers to how heavy a product is in relation to its size. density weight volume stowability
An invoice submitted by the carrier requesting to be paid is . dunnage a freight bil a carnet a bill of lading
Which of the following is false?
shippers or carriers are entitled to a product’s full retail value when filing a freight claim
freight claims must be filed within nine months of the delivery date
the volume of freight claims activity has dropped since transportation deregulation
concealed loss and damage is a delicate area for shippers and carriers
An order bill of lading is used .
to guard against disruptions in transit
when a shipment must be expedited for overseas shipments
when a shipment is started before the buyer is known
signifies the price charged for freight transportation. tariff revenue rate fare
Suppose that a particular item is Class 200 according to the National
Motor Freight Classification. What is the relationship between this item’s
rate and the rate for an item in Class 100?
the class 200 rate is higher than the class 100 rate
the rate relationship depends on other factors
the class 200 rate is lower than the class 100 rate the rates are identical
n the class rate system, freight rates are expressed in dollars or cents per . kilograms pounds tons hundredweight C14 Approximately
of cross-border shipments move by water transportation. 40% 50% 60% 70%
Which of the following is not a cultural factor that can influence
international logistics? time orientation language national holidays population
Which of the following is not true of sachets? they can be easier to lose
they tend to be sold in higher-income countries different packaging is needed they are more prone to theft A
specifies the country (ies) in which a product is manufactured and
can be required by governments for control purposes or by an exporter to
verify the location of manufacture.
shipper’s export declaration waybil commercial invoice certificate of origin A
often serves as the basis for a country’s official export statistics. carnet
shipper’s export declaration commercial invoice certificate of origin
Which of the following statements is false?
some countries limit a motor carrier’s operations to within a particular state’s borders
in China, freight is often given lower priority than passengers in rail transportation
highway freight transportation can be provided by animals and carts in some countries
China ranks first in the world in terms of highway mileage
Which of the following is not open for negotiation in a bilateral air agreement?
the number of flights between the two countries
the types of aircraft to be used
all of the above are open for negotiation
the carriers that will service particular city pairs A
is similar in nature to a domestic bill of lading and summarizes the
entire transaction. certificate of origin commercial invoice
shipper’s letter of instruction
shipper’s export declaration
are taxes that governments place on the importation of certain items. surcharges reciprocities embargoes tariffs
Short-sea shipping is widely accepted and practiced in . South America North America Europe Asia