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Risk Management and Healthcare Policy Dovepress
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Open Access Full Text Article
A Policy Category Analysis Model for Tourism
Promotion in China During the COVID-19
Pandemic Based on Data Mining and Binary
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy
Tinggui Chen
Lijuan Peng
Xiaohua Yin
Bailu Jing
Guodong Cong
Gongfa Li
School of Statistics and Mathematics,
Zhejiang Gongshang University,
Hangzhou 310018, People’s Republic of
School of Management and
E-Business, Zhejiang Gongshang
University, Hangzhou 310018, People’s
Republic of China;
Department of
Computer Science and Information
Systems, University of North Georgia,
Oakwood, GA 30566, USA;
School of
Tourism and Urban-Rural Planning,
Zhejiang Gongshang University,
Hangzhou 310018, People’s Republic of
Hubei Key Laboratory of
Mechanical Transmission and
Manufacturing Engineering, Wuhan
University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan 430081, People’s Republic of
Correspondence: Guodong Cong
Email cgd@mail.zjgsu.edu.cn
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Background and Aim: At the
end of 2019, the outbreak of
COVID-19 had a significant
impact on China’s tourism
industry, which was almost at a
standstill in the short-term. After
reaching the preliminarily stable
state, the government and the
scenic area management
department implemented a series
of incentive policies in order to
speed up the recovery of the
tourism industry. Therefore,
analyzing all sorts of social effects
after policy implementa- tion is of
guiding significance for the
government and the scenic areas.
Methods: Targeted as the social
effect with the implementation of
tourism promotion policy during
the COVID-19 pandemic, this
paper briefly analyzes the impact
of COVID-19 on the national
cultural and tourism industry and
selects several representative types
of tourism policies, crawls the
comment data of Weibo users, analyzes users’ perception and emotional preference to the
policy, and thus mines the social effect of various policies. Subsequently, by identifying the
social effects of various policies as dependent variables, a binary logistic regression model is
constructed to obtain the best combination of tourism promotion policies and promote the
rapid revitalization of the cultural and tourism industry.
Results: The results show that from the single policy, the social effect of the “safety” policy
is the best. From the perspective of combination policies, the simultaneous release of
“safety” policies and “economy” policies have the greatest social impact, which can drama-
tically accelerate the recovery of the cultural and tourism industry. Finally, this paper
proposes suggestions for policy formulation to improve the ability of the cultural tourism
industry to cope with crisis events.
Conclusion: These results explain the perceived effects of the public on the government
policies and can be used to judge whether the policies have been released in place. Based on
the above results, corresponding suggestions are proposed as follows: 1) the combination of
economic policies and security policies can achieve better results; and 2) the role of “opinion
leaders” can be played to improve the perceived effect of policies.
Keywords: online comments, social effects, combination optimization, data mining, binary
logistic regression, COVID-19
With the progress of science and technology, as well as the improvement of
people’s living conditions and material level, China’s tourism industry has entered
a new take-off stage after more than 20 years of development. However, the
outbreak of COVID-19 in late 2019 greatly impacted on China’s tourism industry,
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wiping out more than 450 million tourist revenues. About
2 months after the enforcement of prevention and control,
on February 25, the national culture and tourism office
issued the guidance to lead the national scenic spots to
implement the epidemic prevention and control to make
recovery steadily. Meanwhile, local governments and sce-
nic spots have issued a series of promoting policies, such
as travel coupons, current limiting, 2.5-days off, which
aims to stimulate recovery of the tourism industry while
preventing COVID-19. However, the policies have
received mixed reviews from netizens, who have focused
on the safety issues brought about by the opening of scenic
spots. For the government and scenic spots, the most
concerning question is which kind of policies have the
most obvious stimulating effect on the tourism economy.
In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to
conduct an emotional analysis of a series of policies issued
by the government and scenic spots, measure the effect of
policy implementation according to online netizens’ com-
ments, and summarize the policy combination with the
best implementation effect, so as to help the government
and scenic spots maximize the validity to promote
At present, domestic and foreign scholars have carried
out some researches on the implementation effect of tour-
ism policies, mainly including drawing on multi-
disciplinary research methods such as consumer behavior,
public management, and journalism and communication,
designing research scales and measurement processes, and
conducting research on the impact of tourism policies
based on tourism consumption behavior intention.
However, few scholars directly use online comment data
of tourism public opinion for research, but whether to
travel is easily affected by public opinion. Therefore, it
is of great significance to carry out text mining on tourists’
online comment data on tourism policy, so as to analyze
the social effect of policy implementation.
Based on this, this paper evaluates the effects of
a series of policies issued by the government and scenic
spots against the background of COVID-19. In particular,
this paper analyzes the present situation and the existing
supporting policy to select the representative tourism poli-
cies released by government, then reviews Weibo com-
ments data to understand users’ intention and emotion
preference, as well as the social effect of all kinds of
policy implementation. Besides, this article builds
a binary logistic regression model, making social effects
influenced by various policies as the dependent variable,
and making other factors (Weibo comments, comments
time, like quantity) as independent variables. In turn, it
combines the results of the single policy and mixed policy
with the most promoting effect for tourism, providing
suggestions for the government and the scenic spot to
accelerate the revitalization of the culture and tourism
The structure is as follows: Literature Review analyzes
the literature of tourism policy; Analysis on Supporting
Policies of Cultural Tourism Industry During COVID-19
discusses the tourism support policies; Data Mining Based
on Online Comments of Travel Policies During COVID-
19 conducts data mining on the online comments on tour-
ism policies; The Social Effect Analysis of Tourism
Policies Based on Binary Logistic Regression Model con-
structs a binary logistic regression model to measure the
social effects of tourism revitalization policies and seek for
the optimal combination of policies; Conclusions and
Suggestions summarizes the whole paper and provides
policy suggestions.
Literature Review
At present, there are text mining, emotion analysis, and
combinatorial optimization methods for policy implemen-
tation effect analysis in both domestic and international
research. These methods are still practiced in the study of
tourism policy implementation effect. Therefore, this
paper draws on the methods of evaluating the implementa-
tion effect of other policies to analyze the research status
of a tourism policy implementation effect.
Tourism policies mainly refer to policies that promote
tourism activities in various aspects. In order to understand
the impact of these policies on the actual tourism industry,
scholars have conducted in-depth studies with policy mea-
surement tools, and the representative results are as fol-
lows: David et al
introduces the research method of
system theory into the political field, and puts forward
the “political system theory” for the first time. It holds
that the interaction between policy system and environ-
ment is realized through “input, transformation and out-
put” in politics through “requirements and support”
existing in the environment. Rossouw and Saayman
demonstrated the relevance and necessity of using the
tourism satellite account (TSAs) as a tool for South
African decision-makers (especially tourism decision-
makers) to improve and expand the application of the
general equilibrium (AGE) model. The reasons for the
need for economic models for policy analysis and other
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Chen et al
purposes were expounded, and the new and old methods
for tourism policy modeling were summarized. Steve
extended and applied a non-parametric method to estimate
the effect of heterogeneous treatment, and examined how
the policy effect changed over time. The study showed that
this method had potential value in evaluating the impact of
a series of environmental policies and environmental
impacts. Dong and Liu
used a threshold model and quan-
tile regression model to explore the threshold effect of
policy power on policy implementation effect and the
transformation of policy implementation effect in different
development stages. The results showed that the effect of
industrial policy varied greatly in different development
stages, and policy power had a significant threshold effect
on its operation intensity. Matousek et al
studied how the
uncertainty of economic policy affected the capital short-
age of financial companies in the new crisis of the event.
The study found that if the response of policy-makers and
politicians was not timely and decisive during the severe
market downturn, then there would be a price for the
delay. Joseph
used the classical stability theory to model
the complex social and political system, and the causes of
social collapse were studied. Chen et al
analyzed the
polarization of public opinion in group behavior based on
the SIR model, and at the same time considered the influ-
ence of external information and individual internal char-
acteristics on the polarization of public opinion. Alexander
and Yusaku
took Japan as an example, and carried out
a survey experiment to let citizens understand the policy
information of the US, which varied according to the
source, policy content, and problem prominence. The
results showed that when the source signal (Trump attribu-
tion) led to negative views in the US, policy content
(cooperative than uncooperative) had a greater impact on
shaping the opinions of American citizens. Ho
the success factors of a convalescent tourism policy, and
discussed the priority and importance of success factors of
the recuperation tourism policy by using an AHP analysis
method. Yin
redefined the theory of the political system
based on the agenda setting theory in communication
science, and constructed a “network public opinion deci-
sion hypothesis model” to analyze how and to what extent
network public opinion affects government decision-
making. In addition, as there are many types of policies,
some scholars have classified the policy tools, among
which Rothwell and Zegvelk
were the most representa-
tive ones. When studying industrial innovation and public
policy, they divided the policy tools into three types:
Environmental policy tools, Supply-oriented policy tools,
and Demand-oriented policy tools.
In spite of various studies on tourism policy, even
though some scholars explore the effects of tourism policy
implementation, few scholars study the optimal combina-
tion of tourism policy, namely through the data mining of
online reviews, research released by any combination of
tourism policy content can bring about a better social
effect. In addition, as far as the social effects of tourism
policies are concerned, there is still a lack of objective
analysis based on network text data, so the research meth-
ods need to be innovated. In view of this, this paper takes
the Weibo comments as the data source to find out the
optimal combination that can make tourism promotion
policies exert the greatest social effect, so as to provide
suggestions on the content form of policies issued by
government departments.
In order to understand the actual effect of policy imple-
mentation, scholars have conducted relevant studies on the
evaluation methods of the policy implementation effect.
Kim et al
studied the “free public transport” policy and
the “citizen participation alternative day no driving” sys-
tem implemented by Seoul government in order to reduce
dust. They adopted a regression analysis method to ana-
lyze the impact of traffic on fine dust, and used text mining
technology to analyze the response of two traffic policies
and citizens’ petition, and proposed policy improvement
direction according to the research results. Lee et al
text mining technology and emotional text analysis tech-
nology to test the online evaluation of Japanese tourism
websites after the 2011 Japanese tsunami, and studied the
impact of the tsunami on Japan’s tourism industry. The
results show that the low exchange rate and the positive
sentiment of online reviews from tourism websites have
a positive impact on the number of tourists to Japan. Chen
et al
used text mining and emotion analysis methods to
implement the effect of online education under the epi-
demic situation. Also, the experience effect was studied
from the perspective of user and platform. Bucek
text mining technology to investigate the twitter accounts
of US President Barack Obama from March 2012 to
January 2016, so as to study whether politicians’ behavior
on social networks would affect actual economic policy.
Qi et al
analyzed the innovative fiscal policy texts of
provinces and cities in China based on python, so as to
understand the regulation and control of tax policies. The
results declared that fiscal policy and regional innovation
capability showed obvious spatial heterogeneity, and R&D
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Chen et al Dovepress
investment and industrial structure were the main sources
of improving innovation capability. Sun
proposed an
evaluation scheme to optimize the policy process by
using sorting and clustering strategies, and proposed
a combination algorithm combining the algorithm with
policy priority evaluation. Finally, satisfactory policies
and rules were selected to improve the matching speed.
The experimental results showed that the method reduced
the matching operation and improved the evaluation effi-
ciency. Pellesova
discussed the technology of using an
econometric method to optimize economic policy, mainly
studied the target variable method, and explored the
advantages and disadvantages of the selected method and
its possible application in the formulation of optimal eco-
nomic policy. Dash and Kajiji
proposed a mixed integer
nonlinear objective program (MINLGP), which aimed to
solve the model of multi-objective portfolio optimization
decision-makers facing binary hedging decision-making
between Portfolio Rebalancing periods. It was found that
when percentile risk measurement was used, the expected
catastrophic loss of the best diversified portfolio of hed-
ging was obviously less than that of non hedging products.
Yang et al
evaluated the impact of the recently imple-
mented policy of improving gasoline quality on reducing
the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM). The
study illustrated that it was difficult to completely solve
the particulate pollution problem in China by a single
policy, and a series of policy system designs were needed
to alleviate this problem. Geng and Kamal
analyzed the
optimal policy options for two main types of price regula-
tion in China, and found that the domestic optimal external
reference pricing (ERP) policy reduced domestic prices
while maintaining export incentives for enterprises.
Maansi and Nomesh
measured the efficiency of Indian
high courts using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).
Secondly, they studied the impact of including pending
cases on judicial efficiency. Kelly et al
a composite index to assess home-heating energy-poverty
risk across 18,641 small area clusters in Ireland. The index
offered the capacity to analyze changes in energy-poverty
risk associated with specific policy intervention proposals,
including major contemporary environmental policy tran-
sitions. Elke and Andreas
examined the acceptance of
burden sharing rules by using multivariate binary and
ordered Probit models. The rule involved the costs of the
German energy transition, which was one of the most
challenging and disputed national climate and energy pol-
icy measures. The results declared that polluter-pays rule
had by far the highest support. Carlotta et al
Random Forest and Gradient Boosted Regression Trees
algorithms to predict the response of freshwater ecosys-
tems to multiple anthropogenic pressures, with the goal of
informing the definition of water policy targets and man-
agement measures to recover and protect aquatic biodiver-
sity. Ekaterina et al
confirmed a positive impact of the
zone merger on the gas trading market’s spatial equili-
brium and indicated the causes of remaining market inef-
ficiencies used by an extended parity bounds model, which
provided a tool for evaluating the efficiency of policy
decision-making. Dong and Liu
analyzed the optimal
functioning power of policies and determined the direction
of future policy implementation. This paper utilized the
COPA framework to analyze policy evolution in respect of
the new-energy vehicle industry (NEVI). Smith and
discussed the methods and practices involved in
quantitative evaluations of implementation research stu-
dies, and analyzed available measurement methods for
common quantitative implementation outcomes involved
in such an evaluation-adoption, fidelity, implementation
cost, reach, and sustainment, and the sources of such
data for these metrics using established taxonomies and
According to the above literature, many scholars have
studied public policies and built many models. However,
due to the epidemic, the formulation of tourism policies
should also take the characteristics of emergencies, health,
and safety into account. At present, there are few studies
on this aspect in the literature. Therefore, this paper takes
the implementation of the promotion policy as the back-
ground, classifies policy, analyzes online reviews, uses the
binary regression model to evaluate the implementation
effect under a different combination of policies, and finally
selects policy combination ways with better effect, which
provide a decision basis and support for the release of the
government’s policy.
Analysis on Supporting Policies of
the Cultural Tourism Industry
During COVID-19
The status of the cultural and tourism industry during
COVID-19 needs to be analyzed before analyzing the
implementation effect of the tourism revitalization policy
issued by the government. In light of the update of the
epidemic, when should the government issue policies?
What policies have been issued? What topics have been
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discussed on Weibo? Which media does report the policy
heavily? What kind of publicity effect did it have? Based
on this, the current situation of tourism is elaborated
below, and the current implementation of decentralized
tourism revitalization policies are summarized. More
topics related to tourism policies discussed by the public
are selected through the Microblog platform, and the
online comment data of the public are retrieved, so as to
prepare for the subsequent in-depth analysis of the social
effects brought by the implementation of policies.
A Brief Analysis of the Current Situation
of the Cultural Tourism Industry in China
The outbreak of COVID-19 at the end of 2019 spread
rapidly across the country and seriously affected China’s
economic and social development and people’s livelihood.
In particular, the impact of the epidemic on the tourism
industry includes both direct losses of many tourism enter-
prises and related employees and indirect losses of related
industries in the tourism industry. Just consider the Spring
Festival, the direct economic loss caused by the shutdown
of China’s tourism industry is as high as 400 to 500 billion
Yuan, resulting in the annual expectation to change from
a “year-on-year growth of about 10% to a negative growth
of 14% to about 18%. On January 24, the General Office
of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China issued an
Urgent Notice on COVID-19 prevention and control to
suspend the business activities of tourism enterprises,
requiring travel agencies and the online tourism industry
of China to suspend the operation of group tourism and
“air ticket + hotel” tourism products. As of February 1,
450 million people had canceled or postponed their Spring
Festival trips.
Statistics show that during the Spring Festival in 2018,
the country received 386 million tourists, rising
12.1% year on year. Tourism revenue reached 475 billion
Yuan, rising 12.6% year on year. During the Spring
Festival in 2019, 415 million tourists traveled across the
country, rising 7.6% year-on-year. Tourism revenue
reached 513.9 billion Yuan, up 8.2% year on year. By
2020, more than 450 million tourism revenues have been
lost. At the same time, online travel agency (OTA) plat-
forms such as Ctrip and Tuniu have invested more than
hundreds of millions of Yuan in cancellation fees, and
more than 260,000 travel agencies are struggling.
According to STR, the hotel occupancy rate on the
Chinese mainland peaked at 70% in early January 2020,
and began to plummet a day later, plummeting to 17% on
January 26.
As can be seen from the above brief description of the
current situation, with the sudden outbreak of COVID-19,
the Chinese government responded quickly and took var-
ious measures to block the transmission channels of
COVID-19. As it turned out, China suddenly went into
a “dormant” state. However, the economic development,
especially the development of the tertiary industry, has
encountered regression this year. The cultural and tourism
industries, which are characterized by crowd gathering,
bear the brunt of the contraction. How much impact will
this “disaster” have on economic development? Can the
cultural tourism industry survive? Is tourism a fragile
industry? Experts, scholars, and ordinary people are con-
cerned about these issues.
Supporting Policies of the Cultural and
Tourism Industry During COVID-19
The cultural and tourism industry is a modern service
industry with human service targeted with human services.
Its basic feature is the movement of people, and the pursuit
of security is the primary condition for people’s needs. By
May 2020, the epidemic prevention and control situation
in China has been stable, laying the foundation and creat-
ing the basic conditions for people to travel safely during
the May 1 holiday. Since the outbreak, the industry has
acquired high attention from international organizations to
the central ministries and commissions, and from local
government, industry association to the tourism enter-
prises, and tourism-related aspects. Taking positive action
and dealing with unprecedented pressure that the tourism
industries are facing should manage well in two aspects:
the first is to provide epidemic prevention and control,
the second is to introduce all kinds of policy for supporting
all kinds of damaged industries and enterprises. As for the
various policies issued by the government, through the
Internet reports of major media, the public can express
their own opinions and cognitive emotions on the public
events they care about, thus forming mixed opinions on
the revitalization of tourism policy.
Based on the comprehensive analysis of Weibo content
and online comment related to the policy of “revitalizing
tourism”, this paper summarizes the policies that netizens
have paid close attention to and discussed enthusiastically,
striving to cover and describe the public’s response to the
government’s policies in the cyberspace to the greatest
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extent. Firstly, this paper summarizes government policy
as five major series and regards them as the first-level
subject category, collects the network comment, and
chooses the topic with most comments on each category
acknowledged by the CCTV news, the blue whale finan-
cial journalist work platform, Sina News, People’s Daily,
and the Paper. Further, it uses the octopus Weibo topic
review as a selected collection to distinguish between
policy and Weibo topics. In order to distinguish policies
and the post in Weibo, ”#” is used to annotate. The
categories of policies and online discussion topics for
revitalizing tourism are shown in Table 1. (The number
of the comments in Table 1 are all from Weibo. The
limitation search of Weibo is as follows: first, it may
produce a lot of meaningless information; second, the
search of Weibo still adopts the traditional way, and the
information content cannot be reprocessed.)
Data Mining Based on Online
Comments of Travel Policies During
The Internet represents an important channel for people to
express their interests and emotions. Since the COVID-19
outbreak, people have become more vocal on the Internet
due to restrictions on travel, and there has been a lot of
discussion about the travel-related topic. As a reflection of
public sentiment, the influence of online public opinion is
not only manifested in its influence on major develop-
ments, but also penetrates the political level, becoming
an important channel for the government to listen to the
voices of the people and understand public opinion. In
order to explore the public’s attitudes towards various
official tourism policies during COVID-19, this section
conducts data mining on the comments on the Weibo
topic mentioned above. Firstly, the data of netizen com-
ments were selected and cleaned, then the pre-processed
netizen comments were analyzed from the perspective of
policy perception, and the categories of policies were
divided. Finally, the visualization analysis and emotional
analysis of netizen comments were conducted based on
different policy categories.
The Selection and Cleanout of
According to the second-level microblog topics, comments
on Weibo topics at different times were selected as the
research objects. In the first category, under the
government policy “online tourism,” the topic #Travel
around China online# and the netizens’ comments from
April 25 to May 5, 2020 were selected. In the second
category, under the government policy of #Many pro-
vinces define 2.5 days off#, the netizens’ comments on
five topics on January 14, 2020, from March 19 to April 1,
from April 26 to July 24 were selected. In the third
category, under the government policy #Measures in sce-
nic spots (free tickets or restricted access or real-name
purchasing system)#, eight hot topics were selected and
the discussions were divided into two categories: because
Huangshan Mountain scenic spot was congested, the gov-
ernment introduced a series of policies for the situation
rapidly to adjust scenic spot, which arouses heat discus-
sion in the Internet. The comments with regard to
#Huangshan Scenic Spot starts emergency plan# from
April 5 to April 6 were collected. After the introduction
of policies for national scenic spots, the comments were
collected from February 19 to March 18, and from
April 13 to April 15. In the fourth category, under the
government policy #The tourism industry in many places
across the country resumes business#, the netizens’ com-
ments from February 21 to April 29, 2020 and from
July 14, 2020 to July 15 were collected. In the fifth
category, under the government policy #Travel coupons
issued in many places across the country#, the netizens’
comments from March 26, 2020 to July 1, 2020 were
Through octopus crawling to get the corresponding
Weibo topic comments, as the original data contains
some trivial comments, these trivial comments will inter-
fere with the subsequent analysis results, so the trivial
data needs to be processed. In view of the requirement of
emotion analysis, the data needs to be processed. First,
the symbols, emoticons, punctuation, and some useless
marks in the comments should be removed. The second
is to clean out comments irrelevant to the policy, such as
advertising, the word count comments, etc. The software
Python is mainly used to remove Chinese and English
symbols, emoticons, invalid texts (such as “ah”, “en”,
and other modal words, comments that are not related to
the tourism topic of this article, and irrelevant advertise-
ments), and some key codes to realize this function are
as follows: import re; the line = line. decode (“utf8”);
String = re.sub (“ [\s +\!\/_ $% ^ * (+\\”] + | [+ -.??, ~
@ # $% and * () “+”. decode (“utf8”), ““. decode
(“utf8”),line). The data after cleanout is shown in
Table 2.
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Table 1
Policies on Revitalizing Tourism and Classification of Online Discussion Topics
The Primary Category
(Government Policy)
The Secondary Category
(Weibo Discussion Topic)
The Number of Comments
Collected on Weibo Topics
Travel coupons issued in many places across the
#National version of the consumer coupons will be
launched tomorrow# Here comes the strategy
#Hangzhou will issue 1.68 billion Yuan consumption
#Wuhan will issue 500 million Yuan consumption coupons#
#Zhejiang Jiaxing issues 200 million Yuan consumption
Many provinces define 2.5 days off
#Zhejiang encourages 2.5 days off a week#
#2.5 days of weekend vacation system will be implemented
in three places#
#Jiangxi tries out 2.5-day flexible work and rest on
#2.5-day flexible vacation system implemented in Yichang,
Hubei Province#
#It is suggested that one of three flexible weekend vacation
systems can be implemented#
Measures in scenic spots (free tickets or
restricted access or real-name purchasing
#Notice on stopping receiving tourists in Huangshan Scenic
#112 scenic spots in Sichuan are free of admission to all
tourists in April#
#Huangshan scenic spot is congested#
#Huangshan Scenic Spot starts emergency plan#
#The Ministry of culture and tourism requires that the
opening of scenic spots should strictly control the flow#
#Real-name purchasing system is required for Sichuan
scenic spots to reopen#
#Visitors are required to be 1 meter apart in the opening of
the scenic area#
#During the epidemic period, only outdoor areas are
Online travel (live travel or live commerce)
#Travel around China online#
The tourism industry in many places across the
country resumes business
#The West Lake in Hangzhou will open up orderly from
#Ministry of culture and tourism issues notice to resume
inter-provincial team Tourism#
#Yunnan tourism industry resumed business#
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Table 2
Selected Data After Cleanout
Classification of
Specific policies
Travel around
China online
2.5 days
a week
Resuming inter-
provincial travel
Number of
Percentage of
Analysis of Netizens Perception of the
The Classification of Comments
Netizen perception refers to whether the netizen’s under-
standing of the policy is consistent with policy-makers’
desired goals. From the perspective of policy, this paper
divides the above five policy categories into four cate-
gories, namely, economy, safety, idle, and feasible cate-
gory. The economy category refers to the policy-makers’
expectation to achieve the purpose of promoting the econ-
omy through the policy, such as “consumption coupon”.
The safety category refers to the policies formulated by
policy-makers to avoid crowd gathering and virus cross-
infection in scenic spots from the perspective of safety,
such as “Scenic spot policy”, “Huangshan crowded”, and
“Travel around China online”. The idle category refers to
the policy made by the policymaker from the perspective
of whether tourists have free time to travel, such as “2.5
days off a week”. The feasible category refers to whether
the scenic spot is open, such as “Resuming tourism indus-
try”, “Resuming inter-provincial travel”.
Although policymakers formulate from the above four
perspectives, different netizens have different understand-
ing of policy. Taking coupon for example, some netizens
consider it from an economy perspective, and point out
that “in order to stimulate consumption, various places
think about the different ways”. From a safety perspective,
some netizens think “it will lead to offline congestion,
which is not safe”. Therefore, in order to understand
netizens’ perception of the four types of policies, we
divided netizen comments into five types according to
their comment content and designated tag numbers for
subsequent data processing. The specific division criteria
are shown in Table 3.
According to the above criteria, all the comments made
by netizens should be classified. Since the total number of
comments on all policies is as huge as 82,486, TextCNN
convolutional neural network is adopted in this paper to
Table 3
Policy Division Criteria from the Perspective of Netizens
Classification of
Comment Examples
When it comes to money, the economy, etc
“Just back to work, no money”
When it comes to epidemic situation, safety, etc
“Is it safe? The epidemic is not over”
When it comes to holidays, whether you have time to
travel, etc
“Oh, where did you get your vacation when you just
went to work?” “school is not allowed to go out”
From the perspective of whether the scenic spot is
open or not, we can see whether the tour is feasible
“Many scenic spots are not open. How can I get
Other netizens’ comments except for the above four
“Like” “support”
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automatically classify the comments. TextCNN is a deep
learning algorithm. By inputting a training set and
a verification set with classification tags, the computer
can automatically learn the classification method, so as to
classify and predict other data. The algorithm includes five
parts: word list construction, word vector construction,
convolution, maximum pooling, and K classification. The
specific steps for classifying netizen comments are as
1) Data cleaning: emoji, spaces, blank lines, and other
contents should be cleaned up to make the message con-
tent more concise. Remove invalid messages, such as
duplicate 1, 11, etc.
2) Training data selection: 20,000 pieces of data were
randomly selected from more than 80,000 comments for
model training, accounting for about 25% of the total data.
A better model training effect will be achieved. The policies
of each category were selected in proportion, and finally 1,240
economic categories, 12,600 security categories, 4,780 free
categories, and 1,380 feasible categories were selected.
3) Manual labeling of the selected training data: the
selected netizen comment data of a total of 20,000 pieces
were manually classified according to the classification
labels of five types of netizens, and each data was labeled
(label number is 04).
4) Training neural network model: 20,000 pieces of data
were randomly divided into a training set, validation set, and
test set according to a proportion of 80%, 10%, and 10%,
and put into the model for training. The test set was used to
test the classification accuracy of the final trained model, and
the results showed that the accuracy of the training set
reached 88.6%, indicating that the model training effect
was good and could be used for classification prediction.
5) Prediction by model: The model trained in the pre-
vious step is used to automatically classify the remaining
more than 60,000 pieces of data.
The Analysis of Results
All comments were classified by the above steps, and the
classification results are shown in Table 4.
As can be seen from Table 4, netizens’ comments are
mixed with many contents irrelevant to the policy perspec-
tive, that is, comments of other categories take up a large
proportion. In addition to these unrelated perspectives, neti-
zens have different perceptions of various policies.
Overall, the perception of policies is ranked as econ-
omy > idle > feasible > safety.
In terms of economy, “consumption coupon” policies
were the most popular, with 54.8% of netizens expressing
their views from an economic perspective, which may be
related to the timing and characteristics of the coupon
policy. Consumption coupon aims to stimulate the social
economy after the epidemic turned around, when the epi-
demic was not serious and people were less worried about
safety. At the same time, the policy also has low require-
ments for travel. People can use coupon for offline dining
and shopping without worrying about no free time.
In terms of safety, the netizens’ perception of the three
policies was relatively low, with 6.7%, 18.5%, and 0.3% of
the netizens respectively expressing their opinions from the
perspective of safety. Under the “scenic spot policy”, most
people think about the travel problem. Under the topic
#Huangshan crowded#, people have considered both econ-
omy and safety issues. Some people mentioned the eco-
nomic help of the free ticket policy, but people are still
concerned about the virus infection caused by cluster beha-
viors during COVID-19. Under the topic of #Travel around
Table 4
Classification Results of Netizens’ Comments
Classification of Policy Perspectives
Specific Policies
Classification of Netizens’ Perspective
Consumption coupon
Scenic spot policy
Huangshan crowded
Travel around China online
2.5 days off a week
Resuming tourism industry
Resuming inter-provincial travel
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China online#, people expressed their opinions from a more
free perspective, such as “Travel around China online every
weekend at 9:30 am”. This policy allows people to enjoy the
beautiful scenery of different places without leaving home,
which disperses the risk of crowd gathering brought by
offline travel, and there is no time limit.
In terms of idle, netizens with the #Many provinces
define 2.5 days off# policy perceived better, with 36.8% of
netizens expressing their opinions from the perspective of
idle. Some netizens were skeptical of the policy, saying
“we don’t even have a two-day weekend anyway.” Some
netizens understood the purpose of the proposal, saying
that “tourism is an important pillar of future development,
so we can take a few more days off.”
In terms of feasibility, netizens’ perception of the two
policies was general, 15.9% and 22.2% of netizens, respec-
tively, expressed their opinions from the perspective of feasi-
bility. In early February, netizens commented on the
restoration of the scenic spot, questioning whether it should
be open to the public. In April, when the epidemic was greatly
controlled in China, most netizens expressed their support for
the opening of the Yellow Crane Tower scenic spot, saying
that it was getting better and better after a long time.
Visual Analysis Based on Different Policy
The online comments of the public on the policies during
the epidemic period were obtained from the websites. As
they were relatively redundant and dispersed, the software
ROST CM5.8.0 was used to classify the emotional ten-
dency of user comments, and analyze the policies that
aroused better public perception and the emotional ten-
dency of the public on such policies. Then, according to
the visual analysis technology of the semantic network, the
hot public concern about the travel during the epidemic
period is mined, which can be used as the basis for the
follow-up test of whether the public perceives the policy.
Sentiment Analysis
software is a digital research platform for
humanities and social sciences based on content mining. It
is a group of digital academic research platforms with close
functional connections, which can collaborate intelligently
with each other, and finally conduct an intelligent analysis of
humanities and social sciences according to a certain para-
digm. ROST CM software is capable of semantic network
and emotion analysis. In this paper, ROST CM5.8 is used for
emotion analysis, and the analysis results are used to inte-
grate the proportion of positive, neutral, and negative com-
ments brought by the implementation of four kinds of
policies during COVID-19, as shown in Table 5.
According to the proportion of positive, neutral, and
negative comments in Table 5, 37.90% hold a positive
attitude, 54.68% hold a neutral attitude, and only 7.42%
hold a negative attitude towards the online tourism policy
issued by the government, indicating that most netizens
have a favorable impression and support this policy. For
Table 5
Sentiment Analysis of Various Weibo Topics
Policy Category
The Proportion of
Positive Emotions
The Proportion of
Negative Emotions
The Proportion of
Neural Emotions
Online travel
Travel around China online
Scenic spot measures
Measures for Huangshan
Scenic Area
National scenic spot
Many provinces define 2.5
days off
Many provinces define 2.5
days off
Coupons issued in many
places across the country
Coupons issued in many
places across the country
National Tourism
Resuming tourism industry
throughout the country
Resuming inter-provincial
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tourists to gather together after Huangshan scenic spot
opened, although the government issued a series of mea-
sures to control the flow, 37.96% of the population held
a negative mood for this event, which is more than the
number of people with positive emotions. It indicates that
government departments should prepare for emergency
measures and security measures before opening a scenic
spot, rather than wait and solve problems when they arise.
Measures of the scenic spots in the country mainly include
“online booking”, “flow restriction”, etc. Then, 48.99% of
the people show positive emotions, which are far more
than negative emotions, indicating that the implementation
of scenic spot measures in various places has a significant
effect, which can give people enough sense of safety
during the trip. The negative comments on the “2.5 days
off” policy reached 23.18%, when the positive comments
reached 37.49%. Although the government called on
every medium enterprise to extend rest time, under
COVID-19, employees hope to recover economic loss as
soon as possible, so more people heold a neutral attitude.
Under the “economy” policy, 46.78% of netizens held
a positive attitude, while only 15.06% hold a negative
attitude, indicating that most netizens held a positive atti-
tude in support of the policy. It can be seen from the
“feasible” policy that the number of people holding posi-
tive emotions in this policy is much higher than the
number of people holding negative emotions, by more
than 30%, indicating that this policy is supported by the
Visual Analysis Based on Semantic Network Under
Different Policy Categories
According to ROST CM analysis of the proportion of
positive and negative opinions in people’s online com-
ments, those posts under the four categories of policies,
namely “safety”, “idle”, “economy”, and “feasible”, are
generally positive. Here, in order to obtain the major
concerns of the public under each type of policy, semantic
network visual analysis was adopted to analyze the online
comment data of the four policies under the background of
COVID-19. The semantic network is one of the represen-
tations of an artificial intelligence program, which
expresses human knowledge construction in the form of
a network. It consists of arcs between nodes, where nodes
represent concepts (events or things), and arcs represent
relationships between them. The semantic network dia-
gram is used to represent the degree of association
between words and reflect the most concerned words in
user comments. The main purpose is to find the words that
are mentioned most in netizens’ comments, so as to judge
whether people perceive the content of the policy. By
ROST CM5.8.0 analysis, a relevant semantic network
diagram can be obtained. Figures 17 represent the seman-
tic network diagram of user comment content under each
travel topic, and represent the relationship between words
in each user comment content.
The Analysis of Safety Policies
The semantic graph of the Internet is obtained by analyz-
ing the comments made by netizens under the topic of
#Travel around China Online#.
From Figure 1, netizen focus more on the reporters and
anchors of online travel live-streaming. “Travel around
China online” is broadcasted at a fixed time every day.
Generally speaking, beautiful anchors or journalists attract
more audience, especially web celebrity “Weiya”.
Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, people can neither
travel abroad nor buy travel products. Through online
mode, people can be personally involved and promote
the consumption of tourism products in remote areas.
According to Figures 3 and 4, Xinjiang, Sanya, Shanxi
Pingyao, Changbai Mountain, Guilin, and other places
have attracted more netizens’ attention. Through live
streaming of local food and scenic spots, people want to
travel in person, which accelerates the sales of tourism
In addition, the Internet semantic graph of Figures 2
and 3 is obtained by analyzing the comments made by
netizens under the topics #Huangshan Scenic Spot mea-
sures# and #National Scenic spot measures# on Weibo.
Since announcing it was open, Huangshan Mountain
scenic area has been crowded, indicating that, after stabi-
lizing of the epidemic, the majority of people are chasing
for tourism, but congestions cause certain difficulties for
epidemic control. Huangshan Mountain scenic area started
the emergency plan, stopped serving tourists, preventing a
widespread infection epidemic. It can be seen from Figure
2 that Tomb-sweeping Day (the first holiday after the
epidemic), has become the relaxation of travel for people
all over the country after they have been “confinedfor
a long time, which also increases the difficulty for the
government to prevent and control the epidemic. “Wear
Mask” has become important and necessary. In Figure 3,
the nodes of “Anhui”, “Huangshan”, and “local” indicate
that most tourists to Huangshan scenic spot are residents
of Anhui province. Many tourism enterprises, such as
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Figure 1
Semantic graph of #Travel around China Online#.
Figure 2
Semantic graph of #Huang shan Scenic Spot measures#.
Ctrip and Feizhu, have launched local and provincial tours
to narrow the traveling scope and make the public feel
more assured. As can be seen from the “current-limiting”,
“making an appointment”, “free”, and “time” nodes, the
government has taken measures such as online booking,
limiting the visiting number of scenic spots, offering free
tickets, and extending the opening hours of scenic spots to
provide people with a safe place to travel, and at the same
time actively controlling the mass influx of people into
scenic spots. Despite a series of measures to control flow,
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Figure 3
Semantic graph of #National Scenic spot measures#.
Figure 4
Semantic graph of #Many provinces define 2.5 days off#.
for the emergence measures taken by Huangshan, 37.96%
of people hold a negative mood for this event, which is
more than the number of positive emotions. It indicates
while recovering tourism, government should consider
unexpected circumstances, optimize emergency measures,
and avoid crowding in advance.
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Figure 5
Semantic graph of #Coupons issued in many places across the country#.
Figure 6
Semantic graph of #Resuming tourism industry throughout the country#.
The Analysis of Idle Policies
The semantic graph is obtained by analyzing the com-
ments made by netizens under five topics.
In order to stimulate the recovery of the tourism indus-
try, the government proposed the “2.5 days off” policy.
Hubei, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, and other provinces
responded positively. Figure 4 shows that around the
“rest” node, most people mention “implement”, “work
overtime”, “double rest”, “civil servants”, and “private
enterprise”. It shows that most of the private personnel
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Figure 7
Semantic graph of #Resuming inter-provincial travel#.
hope to implement 2.5 days off as early as possible, and
guarantee their overtime pay. For state-owned enterprises,
organizations and institutions, employees rarely work
overtime compared with people from private sectors, so
they do not extravagantly hope for 2.5 days off. It can be
seen from the nodes “economy” and “development”, this
policy is mainly aimed at stimulating people’s consump-
tion in holidays and developing the economy. At present,
most enterprises have responded positively to this policy
by changing the former bonus payment into “complimen-
tary travel products” or “company incentive group travel”,
which promotes the recovery of the tourism industry. The
sentiment analysis results of Table 5 show that negative
emotions reached 23.18%, and the number of positive
emotion accounts for about 10%. Some people paid hourly
or daily encounter huge economic pressure, so they reduce
the demand for tourism and extend working hours to
afford their family expenses.
The Analysis of Economy Policies
The semantic graph is obtained by analyzing the
comments made by netizens under four sub-category
In Figure 5, the above analysis result shows that the
national policy of issuing coupons aims to “stimulate
economy”, “benefit the people”, “provide public welfare”,
and “stimulate the market”. The coupon platforms include
“Alipay”, “Dianping”, and “Mafengwo”. As the most
common application in the national people’s life,
“Alipay” has spread to all industries. Hangzhou, the city
where Alibaba is located, also responded positively to the
government’s policies and issued 1.68 billion Yuan of
consumption coupons. “Wuhan”, as an important node, is
the city hit the hardest by the epidemic. For this reason,
Wuhan issued 500 million Yuan of consumption coupons
to stimulate Wuhan’s economy, encouraging small and
middle enterprises to resume work and production, and
increasing people’s welfare. According to the
“Consumption node in Figure 5, the government’s pur-
pose of promoting tourism consumption by issuing con-
sumption vouchers can be well accepted by the public.
People can buy travel vouchers in advance, which can be
used after the epidemic stabilizes, and it is also a kind of
advance consumption. At the same time, the government
also advocates daily consumption and issues a series of
coupons. “Supermarket”, “the Mall”, and “Market” are all
perceptions of the coupon policy. If the government wants
to emphasize tourism vouchers, the content of the infor-
mation should be clear when the policy is issued. The node
“Positive” indicates that netizens are optimistic about the
epidemic situation in China and are eager to travel after
the epidemic stabilizes.
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The Analysis of Feasible Policies
The semantic graph of the network is obtained by integrating
and analyzing the comments of the netizens under three sub-
categories of Weibo topics, as shown in Figures 6 and 7.
During April and the Tomb-Sweeping Day, that is, when
the COVID-19 was gradually controlled, the tourism industry
across the country resumed business one after another.
Yunnan, as one of the major winter tourism destinations in
China, relies mainly on the cultural tourism industry sup-
ported by the floating population economy. Cultural and
tourism authorities at all levels are restoring confidence,
optimizing the modern tourism governance system, and
opening several scenic spots while strengthening of the epi-
demic prevention and control. In July, when the epidemic
was controlled, the ministry of Cultural and Tourism
announced the resumption of inter-provincial travel. At the
same time, cinemas began operating. From the node “entry
and exit”, “unemployment”, “half a year”, and so on, the
issued policies for returning to work make the unemployed
encouraged, ignite people’s inspiration to travel abroad, and
solve the problems for employees with the need to leave the
country for work or enterprises with foreign business. The
node “nucleic acid”, “testing”, and protect” show that
although the epidemic is in a stable state at present, the
country has not taken the prevention and control of the
epidemic carelessly.
The Social Effect Analysis of
Tourism Policies Based on Binary
Logistic Regression Model
The logistic regression model mainly studies the probabil-
ity P of some phenomena and discusses the factors related
to the probability P. In this article, studying whether peo-
ple perceive the government policy belongs to the 01
binary classification variables. Therefore, by constructing
a strictly monotone function Logistic (P) to study the
model between P and the independent variables, this
nodes after the visual characteristics of tourism revitaliza-
tion policies under COVID-19, the netizen-related vari-
ables are selected from the perspective of netizens,
including: total number of Microblogs, the timeliness of
comments posted, the division of policy in the view of
user, users’ emotional score (opinion tendency), thumb up
number in netizens comments, the netizen comments, the
gender of the netizens, the number of fans, the number of
the followers, the degree of activity, and the level of
development of COVID-19. These 11 variables obtained
by the network data after the expansion of crawl can fully
show the impact of netizens personal influence, individual
opinion on the effects of the policy implementation. The
meanings of 11 variables are shown in Table 6.
The Construction of Binary Logistic
Regression Model
The dependent variables set in this paper are binary classifi-
cation variables (ie, the Boolean variables), therefore, the
binary classification logical model (Binary Logistic
Regression) is adopted to study the factors affecting netizens’
perception to policy, as well as set an optimal combination of
policy and explain the influence of factors on perception
effect. In the regression model, the independent variable is
, and the dependent variable Y represents whether the
policy content is perceived from the perspective of Internet
users. ε is the error term, assuming that it is independent of
other variables; β
is the regression coefficient in logistic
regression; In
represents the logarithmic change value
of the ratio for the probability of occurrence to non-
occurrence when X
changes a unit. By referring to the
definition of logistic model in literature,
the influencing
factor model of netizens’ perceived effects on tourism poli-
cies is constructed, as shown in Equation (1).
Þ ¼ β X
þ β X
þ β X
þ β X
þ β X
1 2 3 4 5
paper selects the binary logistic regression model.
Variable Selection and Data Definition
From the above analysis, various policies to revitalize
tourism during COVID-19 arise people’s attention and
discussion on the Internet. As the main channel of major
government policy, the new media must consider the guid-
ing force of influential people, who are represented by
a large quantity of Weibo and fans. Combining the analy-
sis of the emotional distribution and semantic network
The combination of different types of policies cause diverse
social effects, leading to different public perception of the
degree as well as the influencing factors of netizens’ percep-
tion. In order to find the best combination of tourism promo-
tion policy, by dividing tourism policy into four categories
and combining them, 15 kinds of policy combinations can be
acquired (economy, idle, feasible, safety, economy + safety,
economy + feasible, economy + idle, idle + safety, idle +
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Table 6
Variables and Definitions
Table 6
Level of development of
According to the level of
response to major public health
emergencies, The first level
response was from January 24
to April 30, the second level
response was from April 30 to
June 12, the level 3 response
was from June 12 to July 30.
feasible, safety + feasible, economy + idle + feasible, econ-
omy + idle + feasible + safety). With regard to the policy
combinations, the binary logistic regression model is set up.
In the binary logistics regression model, how many indepen-
dent variables are introduced needs to be studied. If fewer
independent variables are introduced, the regression equation
will not be able to explain the changes of dependent variables
in an accurate manner, but it does not mean that more
independent variables are absolutely better. Therefore, it is
necessary to adopt some strategies to control the independent
variables by introducing regression equations. The Stepwise
Selection method is adopted here, that is, the introduction
threshold of P-value is tested according to the significance of
the set regression coefficient, independent variables are intro-
duced into the model one by one, then P-values of all coeffi-
cients in the model are recalculated, and variables are
screened according to the set elimination threshold. The
Stepwise Selection method includes forward selection
method and backward selection method. The forward selec-
tion method is relatively simple, but the biggest disadvantage
is that if there is multicollinearity, the final model may be
mixed with less important independent variables. The back-
ward selection method is more conservative in terms of
information. The backward selection method is chosen in
this article. Data processing was conducted in SPSS25.0
software, and the significance level of entering the model
was set at 0.05, and the significance level of removing or
retaining variables was also set at 0.05.
The main steps of regression analysis are as follows:
using LR Likelihood Method to select the independent
variables with a significant relationship between public
perception effect, conduct significance test for the variable
regression coefficient and model to get binary logistics
regression equation between each variable and dependent
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Dependent variable
(Policy implementation
The division of policies
from the perspective of
Judge whether the classification
of the netizen’s perspective and
policy perspective is consistent,
if it’s 1, otherwise it’s 0 (If it is
consistent, it indicates that this
policy is effective and produces
better social effect).
The policy concerns the
total number of
The number of netizens’
comments on Microblog topics
under each policy category.
Timeliness of comments
The Microblog topics involved
under each policy category, the
average difference between
netizens’ comment time and
Weibo release time.
Opinion tendency
ROST was used to score each
netizen’s comments
emotionally, a number less than
zero indicates a negative
emotion, A number greater
than zero is a positive emotion,
equals zero is neutral.
Thumb up number
The number of thumb ups each
netizen comments on the
policy from other netizens.
Comment number
The number of thumb ups each
netizen comments on the
policy from other netizens.
Netizens gender
Gender of netizens
participating in comments
under each policy category, it’s
1 for women and 0 for men.
Number of fans
The number of followers of
netizens participating in
comments under each policy
Number of followers
Netizens participating in
comments under each policy
category, the number of
followers of other netizens on
The degree of active
The number of original
Microblogs posted by netizens
participating in comments
under each policy category.
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Table 7
Significance Test of Independent Variables Selected by “Economic Policies
Model Log Likelihood
Change in-2 Log Likelihood
Degrees of Freedom
Significance of the Change
Means backward stepwise selection regression method is adopted in regression analysis.
Table 8
The Variable Coefficients in the “Economic Policy Equation
Standard Error
Degrees of Freedom
Means backward stepwise selection regression method is adopted in regression analysis.
variable, and test the prediction accuracy of the overall
model. The following is a detailed introduction to the
regression analysis of the public perception effect under
the “economy” tourism policy, and the regression analysis
process of the remaining 13 tourism policy combinations
can be similarly obtained.
The regression model construction process of the pub-
lic perception effect under the “economy” tourism policy
is illustrated as an example. Based on the comment data of
“economy” policy obtained above, SPSS was used for
binary logistics regression. After eliminating the indepen-
dent variable X
which could not be introduced, the inde-
pendent variable could be selected and the results were
shown in Table 7, the value of regression coefficient of
each variable was shown in Table 8, and the model regres-
sion statistical results were shown in Tables 9 and 10.
1. Generally speaking, the significance level is to estimate
the probability of wrong parameter within a certain
interval. When the original hypothesis is true and repre-
sented by α, the probability of rejecting the original
hypothesis is usually 0.05. When the decision to accept
the original hypothesis is made, the probability of its
correctness is 95%. It can be seen from Table 7 that in
the selection of independent variables, the significance
level Sig.<0.05 is X
for the timeliness of comment
release, the number of attention is X
, and the develop-
ment level of COVID-19 is X
. Therefore, there is
a significant relationship between the public perception
of “economy” policies and these three variables, so
Table 9
Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients Under the Policy
of “Economic”
Degrees of
Step 7
Means backward stepwise selection regression method is adopted in
regression analysis.
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Table 10
The Final Model of Economic Policy Predicts Rates
Have a Sense
of the Policy
Netizens Did
Not Perceive
the Policy
perception of
policy: Y
Means backward stepwise selection regression method is adopted in
regression analysis.
independent variables of the binary logistics model
under such policies can be screened out.
2. According to the selected independent variable, the
coefficient of its independent variable is determined
by the value of Exp(B) in Table 4. Exp(B) is also
known as the preponderance ratio, which means
that the preponderance ratio is twice that of the
original Exp(B) when the other independent vari-
ables are fixed and unchanged.
3. The regression equation of public perception under
the “economy” policy can be obtained as follows:
Y ¼ 0:465 þ 1:029X
þ X
þ 1:38X
Due to the Sig. <0.05 in Table 9, it indicates that model is
significant under 95% significance level, so the X
, X
, and
can be used as factors that influence the public perception
of policies. According to the model prediction accuracy in
Table 10, the probability of the model in formula (2) that can
predict the public perception of policy is 67.8%.
Similarly, according to the above policy categories, the
basic four kinds of policies are combined. When policy
content contains one, two, three, or four kinds of information,
15 class policy combinations can be obtained. The construc-
tion of regression model under 15 combinations all meet the
test of significance level. The results are shown in Table 11.
Analyzing the Implementation Effect of
Tourism Policy
1) After the release of the 15 policy combinations, the
binary logistic regression model was established based on
public perception of policy. From Table 11, the
conclusions can be made that the release of “safety” policy
brings better social effect, whose social policy implemen-
tation effect is 93.2%. If the “safety policies + feasible
policies” and “economy policies + safety policies” can be
released together, people’s perceptions are 92.2%, 89.3%,
followed by the “economy + safety + feasible policies”,
which is 88.5%.
As can be seen from Table 5, the main topic of “safety”
policy on Weibo is “Travel around China Online”. By
means of online travel, people lower their travel frequency
while keeping their enthusiasm for travel consumption
after COVID-19. Moreover, during the epidemic period,
the safety of the tourism environment is the most con-
cerned and worried issue. The most fundamental problem
for the revitalization of the tourism industry is to control
the development of the domestic epidemic. After the
security is guaranteed, the “economy” and “feasible” poli-
cies will be released at the same time, which can promote
the revitalization of the tourism industry. As for the “econ-
omy” policy, it is mainly to issue tourism coupon, while
the “feasible” policy is to open major tourist attractions or
to resume inter-provincial travel. Only when the tourist
attractions start to operate normally, can people use tour-
ism coupon to recover the tourism industry through scenic
spot consumption.
2) The combinations of “economy + feasible”, “economy +
idle + feasible”, “economy + idle” bring poorer social effect
than other policy combinations. This is because if the govern-
ment does not release the information of epidemic develop-
ment situation nor the safety measures for travel, people are not
interested in traveling. Before safety is guaranteed, the effect of
policy is poor. Based on this, it is suggested that the govern-
ment should report the development of epidemic situation at
home and abroad in real time, as well as the relevant safety
measures taken in tourist attractions or the process of tourism
in the content of the revitalization of tourism policy, so as to
ensure more obvious social effects after the release of the
3) From Table 11, the conclusions can be made that the
netizens’ activeness X
greatly impacts on public’s perception
effect. In the top five optimized policy combinations, the
greater the X
of Internet users is, the stronger the perception
about policy is, the greater the effect of policy implementation
brings. The activeness of netizens is the original Weibo
released by netizens. Generally speaking, the more active
a netizen is on Weibo, the greater his personal influence will
be, and the stronger the effect of network public opinion will be
caused. For government departments, if they want to expand
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Table 11
Results of Binary Logistic Regression Model for 15 Policy Portfolios
of Policy
Ranking of
Different Policy
Mix Categories
Binary Logistic
Regression Model
Factors Influencing the Social Effect
of Policies
of the Effects
of Policy
Safety policies
Y ¼ 4:881 þ 0:988X
Opinion tendency\Netizens gender\The
þ X
þ 0:03X
degree of active\Level of development of
Safety policies +
Feasible policies
Y ¼ 0:891 þ X
þ 0:996X
The policy concerns the total number of
Microblogs\Timeliness of comments
posted\Opinion tendency\Netizens gender
\Level of development of COVID-19
Economy policies
+ Safety policies
Y ¼ 1:114 þ X
þ 0:999X
The policy concerns the total number of
Microblogs\Timeliness of comments
posted\Netizens gender\The degree of
Economy policies
+ Safety policies +
Y ¼ 0:992 þ 0:995X
Opinion tendency\Netizens gender\The
degree of active\Level of development of
Feasible policies
Idle policies +
Y ¼ 2:927 þ X
þ 0:998X
The policy concerns the total number of
Safety policies
Microblogs\Timeliness of comments
þ X
þ 0:059X
þ 0:187X
posted\Opinion tendency\Netizens gender
\Number of followers\The degree of active
\Level of development of COVID-19
Economy policies
+ Idle policies +
Safety policies
Y ¼ 2:927 þ X
þ 0:998X
Safety policies +
Y ¼ 1:651 þ X
þ 0:996X
The policy concerns the total number of
Idle policies +
Feasible policies
þ 0:951X
þ X
þ 0:354X
Microblogs\Timeliness of comments
posted\Opinion tendency\Thumb up
gender\Number of followers\Level of
development of COVID-19
Economy policies
+ Safety policies +
Feasible policies +
Y ¼ 1:59 þ X
þ 0:999X
The policy concerns the total number of
Microblogs\Timeliness of comments
posted\Opinion tendency\Netizens gender
Idle policies
\Number of followers\The degree of active
\Level of development of COVID-19
Feasible policies
Y ¼ 0:975X
þ 0:972X
The policy concerns the total number of
Economy policies
Y ¼ 0:465 þ 1:029X
Timeliness of comments posted\Number
of followers\Level of development of
Idle policies +
Feasible policies
Y ¼ 0:214 þ X
þ 0:986X
The policy concerns the total number of
Microblogs\Opinion tendency\Netizens
gender\Number of followers\Level of
development of COVID-19
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Table 11
of Policy
Ranking of
Different Policy
Mix Categories
Binary Logistic
Regression Model
Factors Influencing the Social Effect
of Policies
of the Effects
of Policy
Idle policies
Y ¼ 0:53 þ 0:99X
Opinion tendency\Netizens gender\Number
of followers\The degree of active
Economy policies
+ Feasible policies
The implementation effect of the three policy combinations is not as good
as that of the single policy release (This regression model is meaningless,
AIC value is meaningless)
Economy policies
+ Idle policies +
Feasible policies
Economy policies
+ Idle policies
the social effects brought by the policies, they can forward the
policies through “opinion leaders on Weibo to let more people
know the contents of the policies, promote tourism consump-
tion, and drive the tourism economy.
4) From Table 11, except for the “idle + feasible”, “econ-
omy”, “economy + safety” policy, opinion tendency degree X
impacts on the effect of different policy combination. X
regression equation coefficient shows that each type of policy
combination regression coefficients is above 0.9, indicating
that X
had a greater influence on the effect of the policy
implementation. This is because after the release of policy,
netizens hold positive, negative, or neutral attitudes, which
affects the tendency of public opinion. If the policy is released,
“opinion leaders” hold negative attitudes, which will not be
conducive to policy implementation and cause rejection on the
network platform. Therefore, after the release of policy, gov-
ernment should control trend of public opinion, timely stop
bad happens so as to play the positive impact of policies.
Conclusions and Suggestions
This paper selects Weibo comments, comments time, gender,
the original Weibo number, and other aspects from January 11,
2020 to July 24 on the revitalization of the tourism policy, and
divides the revitalization of tourism policy into “economy”,
“safety”, “idle”, “feasible” four major categories. From the
perspective of users, by constructing binary logistic regression
model, the combination of all kinds of policy is analyzed.
Based on the above analysis, this paper provides the following
suggestions for the government and scenic spots to cope with
public health emergencies and improve the perceived effect of
Tourism Policies Under the Epidemic
Situation Should Highlight Safety
The epidemic brings great challenge to China’s governance
system and capacity. For the tourism industry, it is neces-
sary to carry out the corresponding assessment, prevention,
and treatment, and handle the tourism crisis properly, which
not only requires scientific decision-making and precise
measures by the government, but also requires the joint
efforts of scenic spot practitioners. According to the analy-
sis of this paper, the public’s perception of “safety” policies
is the strongest. Only when tourists perceive that it is safe to
travel can the cultural and tourism industry gradually
resume work and production. Based on this, the government
should timely issue a “safety” policy after the initial stabi-
lity of the epidemic. For example, on February 25, the
Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a “Guide to
Prevention and Control Measures for Reopening of Tourist
Attractions”, which enables tourists to perceive that the
government encourages the cultural and tourism industry
to resume work and production, and it is relatively safe to
travel in the current environment. In addition, the govern-
ment can issue a series of advocacy policies, such as advo-
cating industry associations to strengthen the safety and
supervision of epidemic prevention and control, and guiding
scenic spots to actively participate in relevant work;
Secondly, the scenic spot should issue a series of effective
and feasible prevention and control policies to ensure safety,
such as implementing a series of policies in terms of limit-
ing the capacity of tourists, keeping social distance between
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tourists, regularly disinfecting all scenic spots, and requiring
tourists to wear face masks.
The Combination of Economic Policies
and Security Policies Can Achieve Better
The most fundamental problem of reviving the tourism
industry is to control the development of the epidemic.
When safety is guaranteed, “economy” and “safety” poli-
cies will be issued at the same time, which will greatly
accelerate the recovery of the tourism industry. The rea-
lity of the difficulties in view of the current tourism
industry development, in addition to the policy of issuing
coupons to attract tourists, governments at all levels can
introduce more perfect tourism industry revitalization
policy, especially the release and enforcement of fiscal
policy, tax policy, credit policy, and social security policy
for the troubled tourism-related businesses. Providing
financial subsidies for tourism services and related enter-
prises to resume operation and production. For tourism
enterprises that have special difficulties and fail to pay
tax on time, tax payment shall be reduced or postponed
appropriately. Tourist attractions can also release a series
of “economy” policies to attract tourists, such as free
tickets or appropriate discounts, multi-scenic joint ticket
discounts and other marketing policies. In addition, “fea-
sible” policies will be issued at the same time, such as
enforcing the paid leave system for employees and 2.5
days off policy.
Play the Role of “Opinion Leaders” to
Improve the Perceived Effect of Policies
Through analysis, this paper finds that “opinion leaders have
a significant impact on the perceived effect of the public after
the release of policies. The greater the influence of “opinion
leaders is, the stronger the perception of policies will be, and
the greater the social effect brought by the implementation of
policies will be. Therefore, the government can advocate
“opinion leaders” on Weibo to forward and expand the
exposure of the policy, so as to improve the perceived effect
of the policy, let more people know the content of the policy,
boost tourism consumption and drive the tourism economy.
Use Big Data of Tourism to Improve the
Effect of Policies
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, big data of tourism
has played an important role. However, in the face of the
sudden outbreak, the release of policy information and
monitoring of public perception is still lagging behind. In
this regard, local governments and scenic spots can use the
big data platform to accurately locate the spread path of
the epidemic, quickly track the flow of tourists and their
movements, and establish a tourist relationship map, so as
to provide data protection for “safety” policies and reduce
tourists’ concerns about safety. In addition, big data can be
used to speed up the connectivity of all kinds of policy
information and expand the exposure of policies, so as to
increase the public’s perception of the effect of policies.
This research is supported by the National Social Science
Foundation of China (Grant No. 20BTQ059), Hubei Key
Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission and Manufacturing
Engineering (MECOF2020B04), Contemporary Business
and Trade Research Center and Center for Collaborative
Innovation Studies of Modern Business of Zhejiang
Gongshang University of China (Grant No.
14SMXY05YB), as well as First Class Discipline of
Zhejiang-A (Zhejiang Gongshang University- Statistics).
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest
for this work.
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lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy Dovepress
open access to scientific and medical research Open Access Full Text Article
A Policy Category Analysis Model for Tourism
Promotion in China During the COVID-19
Pandemic Based on Data Mining and Binary Regression
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy Tinggui Chen1 Email cgd@mail.zjgsu.edu.cn Lijuan Peng1 Xiaohua Yin1 Bailu Jing2 Jianjun Yang 3 Guodong Cong4 Gongfa Li5
1School of Statistics and Mathematics,
Zhejiang Gongshang University,
Hangzhou 310018, People’s Republic of
China; 2School of Management and
E-Business, Zhejiang Gongshang
University, Hangzhou 310018, People’s
Republic of China; 3Department of
Computer Science and Information
Systems, University of North Georgia,
Oakwood, GA 30566, USA; 4School of
Tourism and Urban-Rural Planning,
Zhejiang Gongshang University,
Hangzhou 310018, People’s Republic of
China; 5Hubei Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission and
Manufacturing Engineering, Wuhan
University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan 430081, People’s Republic of China Correspondence: Guodong Cong lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Background and Aim:
comment data of Weibo users, analyzes users’ perception and emotional preference to the At the
policy, and thus mines the social effect of various policies. Subsequently, by identifying the end of 2019, the outbreak of
social effects of various policies as dependent variables, a binary logistic regression model is COVID-19 had a significant impact on China’s tourism
constructed to obtain the best combination of tourism promotion policies and promote the
rapid revitalization of the cultural and tourism industry.
industry, which was almost at a
Results: The results show that from the single policy, the social effect of the “safety” policy
standstill in the short-term. After
is the best. From the perspective of combination policies, the simultaneous release of
reaching the preliminarily stable
“safety” policies and “economy” policies have the greatest social impact, which can drama- state, the government and the 021 2
tically accelerate the recovery of the cultural and tourism industry. Finally, this paper - scenic area management un
proposes suggestions for policy formulation to improve the ability of the cultural tourism J-
department implemented a series 11
industry to cope with crisis events.
of incentive policies in order to on
Conclusion: These results explain the perceived effects of the public on the government 0 speed up the recovery of the 3
policies and can be used to judge whether the policies have been released in place. Based on 0. tourism industry. Therefore, 11.
the above results, corresponding suggestions are proposed as follows: 1) the combination of
analyzing all sorts of social effects 23.
economic policies and security policies can achieve better results; and 2) the role of “opinion
after policy implementa- tion is of 113
leaders” can be played to improve the perceived effect of policies. y guiding significance for the b /
Keywords: online comments, social effects, combination optimization, data mining, binary
government and the scenic areas. om c.s Methods: logistic regression, COVID-19 Targeted as the social s re
effect with the implementation of ep ov
tourism promotion policy during d. . y Introduction w the COVID-19 pandemic, this w onl
With the progress of science and technology, as well as the improvement of w/ e
paper briefly analyzes the impact /: s s u people’s pt of COVID-19 on the national
living conditions and material level, China’s tourism industry has entered ht onal
cultural and tourism industry and
a new take-off stage after more than 20 years of development. However, the rs romf pe
selects several representative types
outbreak of COVID-19 in late 2019 greatly impacted on China’s tourism industry, or ded F
of tourism policies, crawls the nloa ow
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wiping out more than 450 million tourist revenues. About
and making other factors (Weibo comments, comments
2 months after the enforcement of prevention and control,
time, like quantity) as independent variables. In turn, it
on February 25, the national culture and tourism office
combines the results of the single policy and mixed policy
issued the guidance to lead the national scenic spots to
with the most promoting effect for tourism, providing
implement the epidemic prevention and control to make
suggestions for the government and the scenic spot to
recovery steadily. Meanwhile, local governments and sce-
accelerate the revitalization of the culture and tourism
nic spots have issued a series of promoting policies, such industry. 021 2-
as travel coupons, current limiting, 2.5-days off, which
The structure is as follows: Literature Review analyzes un J-
aims to stimulate recovery of the tourism industry while
the literature of tourism policy; Analysis on Supporting 11 on
preventing COVID-19. However, the policies have
Policies of Cultural Tourism Industry During COVID-19 0 3
received mixed reviews from netizens, who have focused
discusses the tourism support policies; Data Mining Based 0. 11.
on the safety issues brought about by the opening of scenic
on Online Comments of Travel Policies During COVID- 23.
spots. For the government and scenic spots, the most
19 conducts data mining on the online comments on tour- 113 y
concerning question is which kind of policies have the
ism policies; The Social Effect Analysis of Tourism b /
most obvious stimulating effect on the tourism economy.
Policies Based on Binary Logistic Regression Model con- om c.s
In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to
structs a binary logistic regression model to measure the s re
conduct an emotional analysis of a series of policies issued
social effects of tourism revitalization policies and seek for ep ov
by the government and scenic spots, measure the effect of
the optimal combination of policies; Conclusions and d. . y w
policy implementation according to online netizens’ com-
Suggestions summarizes the whole paper and provides w onl w // e : s
ments, and summarize the policy combination with the policy suggestions. s u p t
best implementation effect, so as to help the government
ht onalrs and scenic spots maximize the validity to promote Literature Review romf pe recovery.
At present, there are text mining, emotion analysis, and or ded F
At present, domestic and foreign scholars have carried
combinatorial optimization methods for policy implemen- nloa
out some researches on the implementation effect of tour-
tation effect analysis in both domestic and international ow d y
ism policies, mainly including drawing on multi-
research. These methods are still practiced in the study of olic P
disciplinary research methods such as consumer behavior,
tourism policy implementation effect. Therefore, this are
public management, and journalism and communication,
paper draws on the methods of evaluating the implementa- hc
designing research scales and measurement processes, and
tion effect of other policies to analyze the research status ealt H
conducting research on the impact of tourism policies
of a tourism policy implementation effect. and
based on tourism consumption behavior intention.
Tourism policies mainly refer to policies that promote nt e
However, few scholars directly use online comment data
tourism activities in various aspects. In order to understand
of tourism public opinion for research, but whether to
the impact of these policies on the actual tourism industry, nagem a
travel is easily affected by public opinion. Therefore, it
scholars have conducted in-depth studies with policy mea- M kis
is of great significance to carry out text mining on tourists’
surement tools, and the representative results are as fol- R
online comment data on tourism policy, so as to analyze
lows: David et al1 introduces the research method of
the social effect of policy implementation.
system theory into the political field, and puts forward
Based on this, this paper evaluates the effects of
the “political system theory” for the first time. It holds
a series of policies issued by the government and scenic
that the interaction between policy system and environ-
spots against the background of COVID-19. In particular,
ment is realized through “input, transformation and out-
this paper analyzes the present situation and the existing
put” in politics through “requirements and support”
supporting policy to select the representative tourism poli-
existing in the environment. Rossouw and Saayman2
cies released by government, then reviews Weibo com-
demonstrated the relevance and necessity of using the
ments data to understand users’ intention and emotion
tourism satellite account (TSAs) as a tool for South
preference, as well as the social effect of all kinds of
African decision-makers (especially tourism decision-
policy implementation. Besides, this article builds
makers) to improve and expand the application of the
a binary logistic regression model, making social effects
general equilibrium (AGE) model. The reasons for the
influenced by various policies as the dependent variable,
need for economic models for policy analysis and other
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Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2020:13 DovePress lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Dovepress Chen et al
purposes were expounded, and the new and old methods
Environmental policy tools, Supply-oriented policy tools,
for tourism policy modeling were summarized. Steve3
and Demand-oriented policy tools.
extended and applied a non-parametric method to estimate
In spite of various studies on tourism policy, even
the effect of heterogeneous treatment, and examined how
though some scholars explore the effects of tourism policy
the policy effect changed over time. The study showed that
implementation, few scholars study the optimal combina-
this method had potential value in evaluating the impact of
tion of tourism policy, namely through the data mining of
a series of environmental policies and environmental
online reviews, research released by any combination of 021 2-
impacts. Dong and Liu4 used a threshold model and quan-
tourism policy content can bring about a better social un J-
tile regression model to explore the threshold effect of
effect. In addition, as far as the social effects of tourism 11 on
policy power on policy implementation effect and the
policies are concerned, there is still a lack of objective 0 3
transformation of policy implementation effect in different
analysis based on network text data, so the research meth- 0. 11.
development stages. The results showed that the effect of
ods need to be innovated. In view of this, this paper takes 23.
industrial policy varied greatly in different development
the Weibo comments as the data source to find out the 113 y
stages, and policy power had a significant threshold effect
optimal combination that can make tourism promotion b /
on its operation intensity. Matousek et al5 studied how the
policies exert the greatest social effect, so as to provide om c.s
uncertainty of economic policy affected the capital short-
suggestions on the content form of policies issued by s re
age of financial companies in the new crisis of the event. government departments. ep ov
The study found that if the response of policy-makers and
In order to understand the actual effect of policy imple- d. . y w
politicians was not timely and decisive during the severe
mentation, scholars have conducted relevant studies on the w onl w // e : s
market downturn, then there would be a price for the
evaluation methods of the policy implementation effect. s u p t
delay. Joseph6 used the classical stability theory to model
Kim et al13 studied the “free public transport” policy and ht onalrs
the complex social and political system, and the causes of
the “citizen participation alternative day no driving” sys- romf pe
social collapse were studied. Chen et al7,8 analyzed the
tem implemented by Seoul government in order to reduce or ded F
polarization of public opinion in group behavior based on
dust. They adopted a regression analysis method to ana- nloa
the SIR model, and at the same time considered the influ-
lyze the impact of traffic on fine dust, and used text mining ow d y
ence of external information and individual internal char-
technology to analyze the response of two traffic policies olic P
acteristics on the polarization of public opinion. Alexander
and citizens’ petition, and proposed policy improvement are
and Yusaku9 took Japan as an example, and carried out
direction according to the research results. Lee et al14 used hc
a survey experiment to let citizens understand the policy
text mining technology and emotional text analysis tech- ealt H
information of the US, which varied according to the
nology to test the online evaluation of Japanese tourism and
source, policy content, and problem prominence. The
websites after the 2011 Japanese tsunami, and studied the nt e
results showed that when the source signal (Trump attribu-
impact of the tsunami on Japan’s tourism industry. The
tion) led to negative views in the US, policy content
results show that the low exchange rate and the positive nagem a
(cooperative than uncooperative) had a greater impact on
sentiment of online reviews from tourism websites have M kis
shaping the opinions of American citizens. Ho10 analyzed
a positive impact on the number of tourists to Japan. Chen R
the success factors of a convalescent tourism policy, and
et al15,16 used text mining and emotion analysis methods to
discussed the priority and importance of success factors of
implement the effect of online education under the epi-
the recuperation tourism policy by using an AHP analysis
demic situation. Also, the experience effect was studied
method. Yin11 redefined the theory of the political system
from the perspective of user and platform. Bucek17 used
based on the agenda setting theory in communication
text mining technology to investigate the twitter accounts
science, and constructed a “network public opinion deci-
of US President Barack Obama from March 2012 to
sion hypothesis model” to analyze how and to what extent
January 2016, so as to study whether politicians’ behavior
network public opinion affects government decision-
on social networks would affect actual economic policy.
making. In addition, as there are many types of policies,
Qi et al18 analyzed the innovative fiscal policy texts of
some scholars have classified the policy tools, among
provinces and cities in China based on python, so as to
which Rothwell and Zegvelk12 were the most representa-
understand the regulation and control of tax policies. The
tive ones. When studying industrial innovation and public
results declared that fiscal policy and regional innovation
policy, they divided the policy tools into three types:
capability showed obvious spatial heterogeneity, and R&D lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Chen et al Dovepress
investment and industrial structure were the main sources
had by far the highest support. Carlotta et al27 used
of improving innovation capability. Sun19 proposed an
Random Forest and Gradient Boosted Regression Trees
evaluation scheme to optimize the policy process by
algorithms to predict the response of freshwater ecosys-
using sorting and clustering strategies, and proposed
tems to multiple anthropogenic pressures, with the goal of
a combination algorithm combining the algorithm with
informing the definition of water policy targets and man-
policy priority evaluation. Finally, satisfactory policies
agement measures to recover and protect aquatic biodiver-
and rules were selected to improve the matching speed.
sity. Ekaterina et al28 confirmed a positive impact of the 021 2-
The experimental results showed that the method reduced
zone merger on the gas trading market’s spatial equili- un J-
the matching operation and improved the evaluation effi-
brium and indicated the causes of remaining market inef- 11 on
ciency. Pellesova20 discussed the technology of using an
ficiencies used by an extended parity bounds model, which 0 3
econometric method to optimize economic policy, mainly
provided a tool for evaluating the efficiency of policy 0. 11.
studied the target variable method, and explored the
decision-making. Dong and Liu29 analyzed the optimal 23.
advantages and disadvantages of the selected method and
functioning power of policies and determined the direction 113 y
its possible application in the formulation of optimal eco-
of future policy implementation. This paper utilized the b /
nomic policy. Dash and Kajiji21 proposed a mixed integer
COPA framework to analyze policy evolution in respect of om c.s
nonlinear objective program (MINLGP), which aimed to
the new-energy vehicle industry (NEVI). Smith and s re
solve the model of multi-objective portfolio optimization
Hasan30 discussed the methods and practices involved in ep ov
decision-makers facing binary hedging decision-making
quantitative evaluations of implementation research stu- d. . y w
between Portfolio Rebalancing periods. It was found that
dies, and analyzed available measurement methods for w onl w // e : s
when percentile risk measurement was used, the expected
common quantitative implementation outcomes involved s u p t
catastrophic loss of the best diversified portfolio of hed-
in such an evaluation-adoption, fidelity, implementation
ht onalrs ging was obviously less than that of non hedging products. cost, reach, and sustainment, and the sources of such romf pe
Yang et al22 evaluated the impact of the recently imple-
data for these metrics using established taxonomies and or ded F
mented policy of improving gasoline quality on reducing frameworks. nloa
the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM). The
According to the above literature, many scholars have ow d y
study illustrated that it was difficult to completely solve
studied public policies and built many models. However, olic P
the particulate pollution problem in China by a single
due to the epidemic, the formulation of tourism policies are
policy, and a series of policy system designs were needed
should also take the characteristics of emergencies, health, hc
to alleviate this problem. Geng and Kamal23 analyzed the
and safety into account. At present, there are few studies ealt H
optimal policy options for two main types of price regula-
on this aspect in the literature. Therefore, this paper takes and
tion in China, and found that the domestic optimal external
the implementation of the promotion policy as the back- nt e
reference pricing (ERP) policy reduced domestic prices
ground, classifies policy, analyzes online reviews, uses the
while maintaining export incentives for enterprises.
binary regression model to evaluate the implementation nagem a
Maansi and Nomesh24 measured the efficiency of Indian M
effect under a different combination of policies, and finally k is
high courts using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).
selects policy combination ways with better effect, which R
Secondly, they studied the impact of including pending
provide a decision basis and support for the release of the
cases on judicial efficiency. Kelly et al25 proposed government’s policy.
a composite index to assess home-heating energy-poverty
risk across 18,641 small area clusters in Ireland. The index
Analysis on Supporting Policies of
offered the capacity to analyze changes in energy-poverty
the Cultural Tourism Industry
risk associated with specific policy intervention proposals,
including major contemporary environmental policy tran- During COVID-19
sitions. Elke and Andreas26 examined the acceptance of
The status of the cultural and tourism industry during
burden sharing rules by using multivariate binary and
COVID-19 needs to be analyzed before analyzing the
ordered Probit models. The rule involved the costs of the
implementation effect of the tourism revitalization policy
German energy transition, which was one of the most
issued by the government. In light of the update of the
challenging and disputed national climate and energy pol-
epidemic, when should the government issue policies?
icy measures. The results declared that polluter-pays rule
What policies have been issued? What topics have been
3214 submit your manuscript | www.dovepress.com
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2020:13 DovePress lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Dovepress Chen et al
discussed on Weibo? Which media does report the policy
and began to plummet a day later, plummeting to 17% on
heavily? What kind of publicity effect did it have? Based January 26.
on this, the current situation of tourism is elaborated
As can be seen from the above brief description of the
below, and the current implementation of decentralized
current situation, with the sudden outbreak of COVID-19,
tourism revitalization policies are summarized. More
the Chinese government responded quickly and took var-
topics related to tourism policies discussed by the public
ious measures to block the transmission channels of
are selected through the Microblog platform, and the
COVID-19. As it turned out, China suddenly went into 021 2-
online comment data of the public are retrieved, so as to
a “dormant” state. However, the economic development, un J-
prepare for the subsequent in-depth analysis of the social
especially the development of the tertiary industry, has 11 on
effects brought by the implementation of policies.
encountered regression this year. The cultural and tourism 0 3 0.
industries, which are characterized by crowd gathering, 11. 23
A Brief Analysis of the Current Situation bear the brunt of the contraction. How much impact will . 113
of the Cultural Tourism Industry in China this “disaster” have on economic development? Can the y
cultural tourism industry survive? Is tourism a fragile b /
The outbreak of COVID-19 at the end of 2019 spread
industry? Experts, scholars, and ordinary people are con- om c.
rapidly across the country and seriously affected China’s s cerned about these issues. s re
economic and social development and people’s livelihood. ep
In particular, the impact of the epidemic on the tourism ov d. . y
Supporting Policies of the Cultural and w
industry includes both direct losses of many tourism enter- w onl w / e
prises and related employees and indirect losses of related /
Tourism Industry During COVID-19 : s s u p t
industries in the tourism industry. Just consider the Spring
The cultural and tourism industry is a modern service ht onalrs
Festival, the direct economic loss caused by the shutdown
industry with human service targeted with human services. romf pe
of China’s tourism industry is as high as 400 to 500 billion
Its basic feature is the movement of people, and the pursuit or ded F
Yuan, resulting in the annual expectation to change from
of security is the primary condition for people’s needs. By nloa
a “year-on-year growth of about 10% to a negative growth
May 2020, the epidemic prevention and control situation ow d y
of 14% to about 18%. On January 24, the General Office
in China has been stable, laying the foundation and creat- olic
of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China issued an
ing the basic conditions for people to travel safely during P
Urgent Notice on COVID-19 prevention and control to
the May 1 holiday. Since the outbreak, the industry has are hc
suspend the business activities of tourism enterprises,
acquired high attention from international organizations to ealt H
requiring travel agencies and the online tourism industry
the central ministries and commissions, and from local and
of China to suspend the operation of group tourism and
government, industry association to the tourism enter- nt e
“air ticket + hotel” tourism products. As of February 1,
prises, and tourism-related aspects. Taking positive action
450 million people had canceled or postponed their Spring
and dealing with unprecedented pressure that the tourism nagem a Festival trips.
industries are facing should manage well in two aspects: M kis
Statistics show that during the Spring Festival in 2018,
the first is to provide epidemic prevention and control, R
the country received 386 million tourists, rising
the second is to introduce all kinds of policy for supporting
12.1% year on year. Tourism revenue reached 475 billion
all kinds of damaged industries and enterprises. As for the
Yuan, rising 12.6% year on year. During the Spring
various policies issued by the government, through the
Festival in 2019, 415 million tourists traveled across the
Internet reports of major media, the public can express
country, rising 7.6% year-on-year. Tourism revenue
their own opinions and cognitive emotions on the public
reached 513.9 billion Yuan, up 8.2% year on year. By
events they care about, thus forming mixed opinions on
2020, more than 450 million tourism revenues have been
the revitalization of tourism policy.
lost. At the same time, online travel agency (OTA) plat-
Based on the comprehensive analysis of Weibo content
forms such as Ctrip and Tuniu have invested more than
and online comment related to the policy of “revitalizing
hundreds of millions of Yuan in cancellation fees, and
tourism”, this paper summarizes the policies that netizens
more than 260,000 travel agencies are struggling.
have paid close attention to and discussed enthusiastically,
According to STR, the hotel occupancy rate on the
striving to cover and describe the public’s response to the
Chinese mainland peaked at 70% in early January 2020,
government’s policies in the cyberspace to the greatest lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Chen et al Dovepress
extent. Firstly, this paper summarizes government policy
government policy “online tourism,” the topic #Travel
as five major series and regards them as the first-level
around China online# and the netizens’ comments from
subject category, collects the network comment, and
April 25 to May 5, 2020 were selected. In the second
chooses the topic with most comments on each category
category, under the government policy of #Many pro-
acknowledged by the CCTV news, the blue whale finan-
vinces define 2.5 days off#, the netizens’ comments on
cial journalist work platform, Sina News, People’s Daily,
five topics on January 14, 2020, from March 19 to April 1,
and the Paper. Further, it uses the octopus Weibo topic
from April 26 to July 24 were selected. In the third 021 2-
review as a selected collection to distinguish between
category, under the government policy #Measures in sce- un J-
policy and Weibo topics. In order to distinguish policies
nic spots (free tickets or restricted access or real-name 11 on
and the post in Weibo, ”#” is used to annotate. The
purchasing system)#, eight hot topics were selected and 0 3
categories of policies and online discussion topics for
the discussions were divided into two categories: because 0. 11.
revitalizing tourism are shown in Table 1. (The number
Huangshan Mountain scenic spot was congested, the gov- 23.
of the comments in Table 1 are all from Weibo. The
ernment introduced a series of policies for the situation 113 y
limitation search of Weibo is as follows: first, it may
rapidly to adjust scenic spot, which arouses heat discus- b /
produce a lot of meaningless information; second, the
sion in the Internet. The comments with regard to om c.s
search of Weibo still adopts the traditional way, and the
#Huangshan Scenic Spot starts emergency plan# from s re
information content cannot be reprocessed.)
April 5 to April 6 were collected. After the introduction ep ov
of policies for national scenic spots, the comments were d. . y w w onl
Data Mining Based on Online
collected from February 19 to March 18, and from w // e : s s u
Comments of Travel Policies During April 13 to April 15. In the fourth category, under the pt ht onal COVID-19
government policy #The tourism industry in many places rs
across the country resumes business#, the netizens’ com- romf pe
The Internet represents an important channel for people to
ments from February 21 to April 29, 2020 and from or ded F
express their interests and emotions. Since the COVID-19
July 14, 2020 to July 15 were collected. In the fifth nloa
outbreak, people have become more vocal on the Internet
category, under the government policy #Travel coupons ow d
due to restrictions on travel, and there has been a lot of y
issued in many places across the country#, the netizens’
discussion about the travel-related topic. As a reflection of olic P
comments from March 26, 2020 to July 1, 2020 were
public sentiment, the influence of online public opinion is are selected. hc
not only manifested in its influence on major develop-
Through octopus crawling to get the corresponding ealt
ments, but also penetrates the political level, becoming H
Weibo topic comments, as the original data contains
an important channel for the government to listen to the and
some trivial comments, these trivial comments will inter- nt
voices of the people and understand public opinion. In e
fere with the subsequent analysis results, so the trivial
order to explore the public’s attitudes towards various
data needs to be processed. In view of the requirement of nagem a
official tourism policies during COVID-19, this section
emotion analysis, the data needs to be processed. First, M k
conducts data mining on the comments on the Weibo is
the symbols, emoticons, punctuation, and some useless R
topic mentioned above. Firstly, the data of netizen com-
marks in the comments should be removed. The second
ments were selected and cleaned, then the pre-processed
is to clean out comments irrelevant to the policy, such as
netizen comments were analyzed from the perspective of
advertising, the word count comments, etc. The software
policy perception, and the categories of policies were
Python is mainly used to remove Chinese and English
divided. Finally, the visualization analysis and emotional
symbols, emoticons, invalid texts (such as “ah”, “en”,
analysis of netizen comments were conducted based on
and other modal words, comments that are not related to different policy categories.
the tourism topic of this article, and irrelevant advertise-
ments), and some key codes to realize this function are The Selection and Cleanout of
as follows: import re; the line = line. decode (“utf8”); Comments
String = re.sub (“ [\s +\!\/_ $% ^ * (+\“\”] + | [+ -.??, ~
According to the second-level microblog topics, comments
@ # $% and * () “+”. decode (“utf8”), ““. decode
on Weibo topics at different times were selected as the
(“utf8”),line). The data after cleanout is shown in
research objects. In the first category, under the Table 2.
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Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2020:13 DovePress lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Dovepress Chen et al
Table 1 Policies on Revitalizing Tourism and Classification of Online Discussion Topics The Primary Category The Secondary Category The Number of Comments (Government Policy)
(Weibo Discussion Topic)
Collected on Weibo Topics
Travel coupons issued in many places across the #National version of the consumer coupons will be 5439 country
launched tomorrow# Here comes the strategy
#Hangzhou will issue 1.68 billion Yuan consumption 021 coupons# 2- un J-
#Wuhan will issue 500 million Yuan consumption coupons# 11
#Zhejiang Jiaxing issues 200 million Yuan consumption on 03 voucher# 0. 11.
Many provinces define 2.5 days off
#Zhejiang encourages 2.5 days off a week# 17,731 23.
#2.5 days of weekend vacation system will be implemented 113 y in three places# b / om
#Jiangxi tries out 2.5-day flexible work and rest on c.ss weekends# re ep
#2.5-day flexible vacation system implemented in Yichang, ov d. . y Hubei Province# w w onl w // e
#It is suggested that one of three flexible weekend vacation : s s u p systems can be implemented# t ht onalrs
Measures in scenic spots (free tickets or
#Notice on stopping receiving tourists in Huangshan Scenic 30,961 romf pe
restricted access or real-name purchasing Area# or ded F system)
#112 scenic spots in Sichuan are free of admission to all nloa tourists in April# ow d y
#Huangshan scenic spot is congested# olic P
#Huangshan Scenic Spot starts emergency plan# are hc
#The Ministry of culture and tourism requires that the ealt
opening of scenic spots should strictly control the flow# H and
#Real-name purchasing system is required for Sichuan nt e scenic spots to reopen#
#Visitors are required to be 1 meter apart in the opening of nagem a the scenic area# M kisR
#During the epidemic period, only outdoor areas are opened#
Online travel (live travel or live commerce) #Travel around China online# 38,216
The tourism industry in many places across the #The West Lake in Hangzhou will open up orderly from 5306 country resumes business today#
#Ministry of culture and tourism issues notice to resume
inter-provincial team Tourism#
#Yunnan tourism industry resumed business# lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Chen et al Dovepress
Table 2 Selected Data After Cleanout Classification of Economy Safety Idle Feasible Policy Perspectives Specific policies Consumption Scenic Huangshan Travel around 2.5 days Resuming Resuming inter- coupon spot crowded China online off tourism provincial travel policy a week industry 021 2- un Number of 4,473 8,286 20,802 26,808 17,156 3,251 1,710 J- comments 11 on 0 Percentage of 5.42% 67.76% 20.80% 6.01% 3 0. comments 11. 23. 113 y
Analysis of Netizens’ Perception of the
the scenic spot is open, such as “Resuming tourism indus- b / Policy
try”, “Resuming inter-provincial travel”. om c.s
The Classification of Comments
Although policymakers formulate from the above four s re
Netizen perception refers to whether the netizen’s under-
perspectives, different netizens have different understand- ep ov
standing of the policy is consistent with policy-makers’
ing of policy. Taking coupon for example, some netizens d. . y w w
desired goals. From the perspective of policy, this paper
consider it from an economy perspective, and point out onl w // e : s u
divides the above five policy categories into four cate-
that “in order to stimulate consumption, various places s p t ht
gories, namely, economy, safety, idle, and feasible cate-
think about the different ways”. From a safety perspective, onal rs rom
gory. The economy category refers to the policy-makers’
some netizens think “it will lead to offline congestion, f pe or
expectation to achieve the purpose of promoting the econ-
which is not safe”. Therefore, in order to understand ded F
omy through the policy, such as “consumption coupon”.
netizens’ perception of the four types of policies, we nloa ow
The safety category refers to the policies formulated by d
divided netizen comments into five types according to y
policy-makers to avoid crowd gathering and virus cross-
their comment content and designated tag numbers for olic P
infection in scenic spots from the perspective of safety,
subsequent data processing. The specific division criteria are hc
such as “Scenic spot policy”, “Huangshan crowded”, and are shown in Table 3. ealt
“Travel around China online”. The idle category refers to
According to the above criteria, all the comments made H
the policy made by the policymaker from the perspective
by netizens should be classified. Since the total number of and nt
of whether tourists have free time to travel, such as “2.5 e
comments on all policies is as huge as 82,486, TextCNN
days off a week”. The feasible category refers to whether
convolutional neural network is adopted in this paper to nagem a M kis
Table 3 Policy Division Criteria from the Perspective of Netizens R Classification of Tag Meaning Comment Examples Netizens’ Number Perspective Economy 0
When it comes to money, the economy, etc
“Just back to work, no money” Safety 1
When it comes to epidemic situation, safety, etc
“Is it safe? The epidemic is not over” Idle 2
When it comes to holidays, whether you have time to “Oh, where did you get your vacation when you just travel, etc
went to work?” “school is not allowed to go out” Feasible 3
From the perspective of whether the scenic spot is “Many scenic spots are not open. How can I get
open or not, we can see whether the tour is feasible there?” Others 4
Other netizens’ comments except for the above four “Like” “support” categories
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Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2020:13 DovePress lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Dovepress Chen et al
automatically classify the comments. TextCNN is a deep
5) Prediction by model: The model trained in the pre-
learning algorithm. By inputting a training set and
vious step is used to automatically classify the remaining
a verification set with classification tags, the computer
more than 60,000 pieces of data.
can automatically learn the classification method, so as to The Analysis of Results
classify and predict other data. The algorithm includes five
All comments were classified by the above steps, and the
parts: word list construction, word vector construction,
classification results are shown in Table 4. 021
convolution, maximum pooling, and K classification. The 2-
As can be seen from Table 4, netizens’ comments are un
specific steps for classifying netizen comments are as J-
mixed with many contents irrelevant to the policy perspec- 11 follows:
tive, that is, comments of other categories take up a large on
1) Data cleaning: emoji, spaces, blank lines, and other 0 3
proportion. In addition to these unrelated perspectives, neti- 0.
contents should be cleaned up to make the message con- 11
zens have different perceptions of various policies. .
tent more concise. Remove invalid messages, such as 23.
Overall, the perception of policies is ranked as econ- duplicate 1, 11, etc. 113
omy > idle > feasible > safety. y b
2) Training data selection: 20,000 pieces of data were /
In terms of economy, “consumption coupon” policies om
randomly selected from more than 80,000 comments for c.
were the most popular, with 54.8% of netizens expressing s s
model training, accounting for about 25% of the total data. re
their views from an economic perspective, which may be ep
A better model training effect will be achieved. The policies
related to the timing and characteristics of the coupon ov d. . y
of each category were selected in proportion, and finally 1,240 w
policy. Consumption coupon aims to stimulate the social w onl w
economic categories, 12,600 security categories, 4,780 free // e
economy after the epidemic turned around, when the epi- : s s u p
categories, and 1,380 feasible categories were selected. t
demic was not serious and people were less worried about ht onal
3) Manual labeling of the selected training data: the rs
safety. At the same time, the policy also has low require- romf pe
selected netizen comment data of a total of 20,000 pieces
ments for travel. People can use coupon for offline dining or ded F
were manually classified according to the classification
and shopping without worrying about no free time. nloa
labels of five types of netizens, and each data was labeled
In terms of safety, the netizens’ perception of the three ow d (label number is 0–4). y
policies was relatively low, with 6.7%, 18.5%, and 0.3% of olic
4) Training neural network model: 20,000 pieces of data
the netizens respectively expressing their opinions from the P
were randomly divided into a training set, validation set, and
perspective of safety. Under the “scenic spot policy”, most are hc
test set according to a proportion of 80%, 10%, and 10%,
people think about the travel problem. Under the topic ealt H
and put into the model for training. The test set was used to
#Huangshan crowded#, people have considered both econ- and
test the classification accuracy of the final trained model, and
omy and safety issues. Some people mentioned the eco- nt e
the results showed that the accuracy of the training set
nomic help of the free ticket policy, but people are still
reached 88.6%, indicating that the model training effect
concerned about the virus infection caused by cluster beha- nagem a
was good and could be used for classification prediction.
viors during COVID-19. Under the topic of #Travel around M kis R
Table 4 Classification Results of Netizens’ Comments
Classification of Policy Perspectives Specific Policies
Classification of Netizens’ Perspective Economy Safety Idle Feasible Others Economy Consumption coupon 54.80% 0.30% 0.10% 0.40% 44.30% Safety Scenic spot policy 13.40% 6.70% 0.50% 17.20% 61.90% Huangshan crowded 18.90% 18.50% 0.20% 2.20% 60.00% Travel around China online 0.80% 0.30% 3.80% 0.10% 94.70% Idle 2.5 days off a week 11.70% 0.60% 36.80% 0.30% 50.40% Feasible Resuming tourism industry 7.10% 2.70% 0.40% 15.90% 73.80%
Resuming inter-provincial travel 9.00% 8.70% 0.10% 22.20% 59.80% lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Chen et al Dovepress
China online#, people expressed their opinions from a more
they were relatively redundant and dispersed, the software
free perspective, such as “Travel around China online every
ROST CM5.8.0 was used to classify the emotional ten-
weekend at 9:30 am”. This policy allows people to enjoy the
dency of user comments, and analyze the policies that
beautiful scenery of different places without leaving home,
aroused better public perception and the emotional ten-
which disperses the risk of crowd gathering brought by
dency of the public on such policies. Then, according to
offline travel, and there is no time limit.
the visual analysis technology of the semantic network, the
In terms of idle, netizens with the #Many provinces
hot public concern about the travel during the epidemic 021 2-
define 2.5 days off# policy perceived better, with 36.8% of
period is mined, which can be used as the basis for the un J-
netizens expressing their opinions from the perspective of
follow-up test of whether the public perceives the policy. 11 on
idle. Some netizens were skeptical of the policy, saying 0 3 0. “we don’t even have a two Sentiment Analysis -day weekend anyway.” Some 11.
netizens understood the purpose of the proposal, saying
ROST CM31 software is a digital research platform for 23.
that “tourism is an important pillar of future development,
humanities and social sciences based on content mining. It 113 y
is a group of digital academic research platforms with close b
so we can take a few more days off.” /
functional connections, which can collaborate intelligently om
In terms of feasibility, netizens’ perception of the two c.ss
policies was general, 15.9% and 22.2% of netizens, respec-
with each other, and finally conduct an intelligent analysis of re
humanities and social sciences according to a certain para- ep
tively, expressed their opinions from the perspective of feasi- ov
digm. ROST CM software is capable of semantic network d .
bility. In early February, netizens commented on the . y w
and emotion analysis. In this paper, ROST CM5.8 is used for w onl
restoration of the scenic spot, questioning whether it should w// e : s
emotion analysis, and the analysis results are used to inte- s u
be open to the public. In April, when the epidemic was greatly pt
grate the proportion of positive, neutral, and negative com- ht onal
controlled in China, most netizens expressed their support for rs
ments brought by the implementation of four kinds of romf
the opening of the Yellow Crane Tower scenic spot, saying pe
policies during COVID-19, as shown in Table 5. or ded F
that it was getting better and better after a long time.
According to the proportion of positive, neutral, and nloa
negative comments in Table 5, 37.90% hold a positive ow d y
Visual Analysis Based on Different Policy attitude, 54.68% hold a neutral attitude, and only 7.42% olic P Categories
hold a negative attitude towards the online tourism policy are
The online comments of the public on the policies during
issued by the government, indicating that most netizens hc
the epidemic period were obtained from the websites. As
have a favorable impression and support this policy. For ealt H and
Table 5 Sentiment Analysis of Various Weibo Topics nt e
Classification Policy Category Topic The Proportion of The Proportion of The Proportion of Positive Emotions
Negative Emotions Neural Emotions nagem a M k Safety Online travel
Travel around China online 37.90% 7.42% 54.68% is R Scenic spot measures Measures for Huangshan 31.53% 37.96% 30.51% Scenic Area National scenic spot 48.99% 16.21% 34.79% measures Idle
Many provinces define 2.5 Many provinces define 2.5 37.49% 23.18% 39.33% days off days off Economy Coupons issued in many Coupons issued in many 46.78% 15.04% 38.18% places across the country places across the country Feasible National Tourism
Resuming tourism industry 49.91% 18.78% 31.31% recovery throughout the country Resuming inter-provincial 47.31% 15.60% 37.09% travel
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Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2020:13 DovePress lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Dovepress Chen et al
tourists to gather together after Huangshan scenic spot
user comments. The main purpose is to find the words that
opened, although the government issued a series of mea-
are mentioned most in netizens’ comments, so as to judge
sures to control the flow, 37.96% of the population held
whether people perceive the content of the policy. By
a negative mood for this event, which is more than the
ROST CM5.8.0 analysis, a relevant semantic network
number of people with positive emotions. It indicates that
diagram can be obtained. Figures 1–7 represent the seman-
government departments should prepare for emergency
tic network diagram of user comment content under each
measures and security measures before opening a scenic
travel topic, and represent the relationship between words 021 2-
spot, rather than wait and solve problems when they arise. in each user comment content. un J-
Measures of the scenic spots in the country mainly include 11 on
“online booking”, “flow restriction”, etc. Then, 48.99% of
The Analysis of Safety Policies 0 3
the people show positive emotions, which are far more
The semantic graph of the Internet is obtained by analyz- 0. 11.
than negative emotions, indicating that the implementation
ing the comments made by netizens under the topic of 23.
of scenic spot measures in various places has a significant #Travel around China Online#. 113 y
effect, which can give people enough sense of safety
From Figure 1, netizen focus more on the reporters and b /
during the trip. The negative comments on the “2.5 days
anchors of online travel live-streaming. “Travel around om c.s
off” policy reached 23.18%, when the positive comments
China online” is broadcasted at a fixed time every day. s re
reached 37.49%. Although the government called on
Generally speaking, beautiful anchors or journalists attract ep ov
every medium enterprise to extend rest time, under
more audience, especially web celebrity “Weiya”. d. . y w
COVID-19, employees hope to recover economic loss as
Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, people can neither w onl w // e : s
soon as possible, so more people heold a neutral attitude.
travel abroad nor buy travel products. Through online s u p t
Under the “economy” policy, 46.78% of netizens held
mode, people can be personally involved and promote ht onalrs
a positive attitude, while only 15.06% hold a negative
the consumption of tourism products in remote areas. romf pe
attitude, indicating that most netizens held a positive atti-
According to Figures 3 and 4, Xinjiang, Sanya, Shanxi or ded F
tude in support of the policy. It can be seen from the
Pingyao, Changbai Mountain, Guilin, and other places nloa
“feasible” policy that the number of people holding posi-
have attracted more netizens’ attention. Through live ow d y
tive emotions in this policy is much higher than the
streaming of local food and scenic spots, people want to olic P
number of people holding negative emotions, by more
travel in person, which accelerates the sales of tourism are
than 30%, indicating that this policy is supported by the products. hc masses.
In addition, the Internet semantic graph of Figures 2 ealt H
and 3 is obtained by analyzing the comments made by and
Visual Analysis Based on Semantic Network Under
netizens under the topics #Huangshan Scenic Spot mea- nt e Different Policy Categories
sures# and #National Scenic spot measures# on Weibo.
According to ROST CM analysis of the proportion of
Since announcing it was open, Huangshan Mountain nagem a
positive and negative opinions in people’s online com-
scenic area has been crowded, indicating that, after stabi- M kis
ments, those posts under the four categories of policies,
lizing of the epidemic, the majority of people are chasing R
namely “safety”, “idle”, “economy”, and “feasible”, are
for tourism, but congestions cause certain difficulties for
generally positive. Here, in order to obtain the major
epidemic control. Huangshan Mountain scenic area started
concerns of the public under each type of policy, semantic
the emergency plan, stopped serving tourists, preventing a
network visual analysis was adopted to analyze the online
widespread infection epidemic. It can be seen from Figure
comment data of the four policies under the background of
2 that Tomb-sweeping Day (the first holiday after the
COVID-19. The semantic network is one of the represen-
epidemic), has become the relaxation of travel for people
tations of an artificial intelligence program, which
all over the country after they have been “confined” for
expresses human knowledge construction in the form of
a long time, which also increases the difficulty for the
a network. It consists of arcs between nodes, where nodes
government to prevent and control the epidemic. “Wear
represent concepts (events or things), and arcs represent
Mask” has become important and necessary. In Figure 3,
relationships between them. The semantic network dia-
the nodes of “Anhui”, “Huangshan”, and “local” indicate
gram is used to represent the degree of association
that most tourists to Huangshan scenic spot are residents
between words and reflect the most concerned words in
of Anhui province. Many tourism enterprises, such as lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Chen et al Dovepress 021 2- un J- 11 on 030. 11. 23. 113 yb/ om c.ssre ep ov d. . y w w onl w / e /: s s u
Figure 1 Semantic graph of #Travel around China Online#. p t ht onal rs romf pe or ded F nloa ow d y olic P are hc ealt H and nt e nagem a M kisR
Figure 2 Semantic graph of #Huang shan Scenic Spot measures#.
Ctrip and Feizhu, have launched local and provincial tours
limiting the visiting number of scenic spots, offering free
to narrow the traveling scope and make the public feel
tickets, and extending the opening hours of scenic spots to
more assured. As can be seen from the “current-limiting”,
provide people with a safe place to travel, and at the same
“making an appointment”, “free”, and “time” nodes, the
time actively controlling the mass influx of people into
government has taken measures such as online booking,
scenic spots. Despite a series of measures to control flow,
3222 submit your manuscript | www.dovepress.com
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2020:13 DovePress lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Dovepress Chen et al 021 2- un J- 11 on 030. 11. 23. 113 yb/ om c.ssre ep ov d. . y w w onl w // e : s
Figure 3 Semantic graph of #National Scenic spot measures#. s u p t ht onalrs romf pe or ded F nloa ow d y olic P are hc ealt H and nt e nagem a M kisR
Figure 4 Semantic graph of #Many provinces define 2.5 days off#.
for the emergence measures taken by Huangshan, 37.96%
while recovering tourism, government should consider
of people hold a negative mood for this event, which is
unexpected circumstances, optimize emergency measures,
more than the number of positive emotions. It indicates
and avoid crowding in advance. lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Chen et al Dovepress 021 2- un J- 11 on 030. 11. 23. 113 yb/ om c.ssre ep ov d. . y w w onl w // e : s u
Figure 5 Semantic graph of #Coupons issued in many places across the country#. s p t ht onal rs romf pe or ded F nloa ow d y olic P are hc ealt H and nt e nagem a M kisR
Figure 6 Semantic graph of #Resuming tourism industry throughout the country#. The Analysis of Idle Policies
Hubei, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, and other provinces
The semantic graph is obtained by analyzing the com-
responded positively. Figure 4 shows that around the
ments made by netizens under five topics.
“rest” node, most people mention “implement”, “work
In order to stimulate the recovery of the tourism indus-
overtime”, “double rest”, “civil servants”, and “private
try, the government proposed the “2.5 days off” policy.
enterprise”. It shows that most of the private personnel
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Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2020:13 DovePress lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Dovepress Chen et al 021 2- un J- 11 on 030. 11. 23. 113 yb/ om c.ssre ep ov d. . y w w onl w // e : s
Figure 7 Semantic graph of #Resuming inter-provincial travel#. s u p t ht onalrs romf pe
hope to implement 2.5 days off as early as possible, and
and “stimulate the market”. The coupon platforms include or ded F
guarantee their overtime pay. For state-owned enterprises,
“Alipay”, “Dianping”, and “Mafengwo”. As the most nloa
organizations and institutions, employees rarely work
common application in the national people’s life, ow d
overtime compared with people from private sectors, so
“Alipay” has spread to all industries. Hangzhou, the city y olic
they do not extravagantly hope for 2.5 days off. It can be
where Alibaba is located, also responded positively to the P
seen from the nodes “economy” and “development”, this
government’s policies and issued 1.68 billion Yuan of are hc
policy is mainly aimed at stimulating people’s consump-
consumption coupons. “Wuhan”, as an important node, is ealt H
tion in holidays and developing the economy. At present,
the city hit the hardest by the epidemic. For this reason, and
most enterprises have responded positively to this policy
Wuhan issued 500 million Yuan of consumption coupons nt e
by changing the former bonus payment into “complimen-
to stimulate Wuhan’s economy, encouraging small and
tary travel products” or “company incentive group travel”,
middle enterprises to resume work and production, and nagem a
which promotes the recovery of the tourism industry. The increasing
people’s welfare. According to the M k
sentiment analysis results of Table 5 show that negative is
“Consumption” node in Figure 5, the government’s pur- R
emotions reached 23.18%, and the number of positive
pose of promoting tourism consumption by issuing con-
emotion accounts for about 10%. Some people paid hourly
sumption vouchers can be well accepted by the public.
or daily encounter huge economic pressure, so they reduce
People can buy travel vouchers in advance, which can be
the demand for tourism and extend working hours to
used after the epidemic stabilizes, and it is also a kind of afford their family expenses.
advance consumption. At the same time, the government
also advocates daily consumption and issues a series of
The Analysis of Economy Policies
coupons. “Supermarket”, “the Mall”, and “Market” are all
The semantic graph is obtained by analyzing the
perceptions of the coupon policy. If the government wants
comments made by netizens under four sub-category
to emphasize tourism vouchers, the content of the infor- topics.
mation should be clear when the policy is issued. The node
In Figure 5, the above analysis result shows that the
“Positive” indicates that netizens are optimistic about the
national policy of issuing coupons aims to “stimulate
epidemic situation in China and are eager to travel after
economy”, “benefit the people”, “provide public welfare”, the epidemic stabilizes. lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Chen et al Dovepress
The Analysis of Feasible Policies
nodes after the visual characteristics of tourism revitaliza-
The semantic graph of the network is obtained by integrating
tion policies under COVID-19, the netizen-related vari-
and analyzing the comments of the netizens under three sub-
ables are selected from the perspective of netizens,
categories of Weibo topics, as shown in Figures 6 and 7.
including: total number of Microblogs, the timeliness of
During April and the Tomb-Sweeping Day, that is, when
comments posted, the division of policy in the view of
the COVID-19 was gradually controlled, the tourism industry
user, users’ emotional score (opinion tendency), thumb up
across the country resumed business one after another.
number in netizens comments, the netizen comments, the 021 2-
Yunnan, as one of the major winter tourism destinations in
gender of the netizens, the number of fans, the number of un J-
China, relies mainly on the cultural tourism industry sup-
the followers, the degree of activity, and the level of 11 on
ported by the floating population economy. Cultural and
development of COVID-19. These 11 variables obtained 0 3
tourism authorities at all levels are restoring confidence,
by the network data after the expansion of crawl can fully 0. 11.
optimizing the modern tourism governance system, and
show the impact of netizens personal influence, individual 23.
opening several scenic spots while strengthening of the epi-
opinion on the effects of the policy implementation. The 113 y
demic prevention and control. In July, when the epidemic
meanings of 11 variables are shown in Table 6. b /
was controlled, the ministry of Cultural and Tourism om c.s
announced the resumption of inter-provincial travel. At the s
The Construction of Binary Logistic re
same time, cinemas began operating. From the node “entry ep ov
and exit”, “unemployment”, “half a year”, and so on, the Regression Model d. . y w
issued policies for returning to work make the unemployed
The dependent variables set in this paper are binary classifi- w onl w // e : s
encouraged, ignite people’s inspiration to travel abroad, and
cation variables (ie, the Boolean variables), therefore, the s u p t
solve the problems for employees with the need to leave the
binary classification logical model (Binary Logistic
ht onalrs country for work or enterprises with foreign business. The Regression) is adopted to study the factors affecting netizens’ romf pe
node “nucleic acid”, “testing”, and “ protect” show that
perception to policy, as well as set an optimal combination of or ded F
although the epidemic is in a stable state at present, the
policy and explain the influence of factors on perception nloa
country has not taken the prevention and control of the
effect. In the regression model, the independent variable is ow d y epidemic carelessly.
X1~X10, and the dependent variable Y represents whether the olic P
policy content is perceived from the perspective of Internet are
The Social Effect Analysis of
users. ε is the error term, assuming that it is independent of hc ealt
Tourism Policies Based on Binary
other variables; βi is the regression coefficient in logistic H
regression; Inð Pi Þ —
represents the logarithmic change value 1 Pi
Logistic Regression Model and
of the ratio for the probability of occurrence to non- nt e
The logistic regression model mainly studies the probabil-
occurrence when Xi changes a unit. By referring to the
ity P of some phenomena and discusses the factors related
definition of logistic model in literature,32 the influencing nagem a
to the probability P. In this article, studying whether peo- M
factor model of netizens’ perceived effects on tourism poli- k
ple perceive the government policy belongs to the 0–1 is
cies is constructed, as shown in Equation (1). R
binary classification variables. Therefore, by constructing Pi
a strictly monotone function Logistic (P) to study the Y ¼ Inð
Þ ¼ β X1 þ β X2 þ β X3 þ β X4 þ β X5 1 2 3 4 5
model between P and the independent variables, this 1 — Pi
paper selects the binary logistic regression model.
þ β6X6 þ β7X7 þ β8X8 þ β9X9 þ β10X10 þ ε (1)
Variable Selection and Data Definition
The combination of different types of policies cause diverse
From the above analysis, various policies to revitalize
social effects, leading to different public perception of the
tourism during COVID-19 arise people’s attention and
degree as well as the influencing factors of netizens’ percep-
discussion on the Internet. As the main channel of major
tion. In order to find the best combination of tourism promo-
government policy, the new media must consider the guid-
tion policy, by dividing tourism policy into four categories
ing force of influential people, who are represented by
and combining them, 15 kinds of policy combinations can be
a large quantity of Weibo and fans. Combining the analy-
acquired (economy, idle, feasible, safety, economy + safety,
sis of the emotional distribution and semantic network
economy + feasible, economy + idle, idle + safety, idle +
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Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2020:13 DovePress lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Dovepress Chen et al
Table 6 Variables and Definitions Table 6 (Continued). Variables Code Definitions Variables Code Definitions Dependent variable Y
Judge whether the classification Level of development of X10 According to the level of (Policy implementation
of the netizen’s perspective and COVID-19
response to major public health effect):
policy perspective is consistent, emergencies, The first level The division of policies
if it’s 1, otherwise it’s 0 (If it is response was from January 24 from the perspective of
consistent, it indicates that this 021 2 to April 30, the second level - netizens
policy is effective and produces un response was from April 30 to J- better social effect). June 12, the level 3 response 11 on The policy concerns the X1 The number of netizens’ was from June 12 to July 30. 0 3 total number of comments on Microblog topics 0. Microblogs under each policy category. 11. 23.
feasible, safety + feasible, economy + idle + feasible, econ- Timeliness of comments X2 The Microblog topics involved 113 posted
under each policy category, the
omy + idle + feasible + safety). With regard to the policy y b / average difference between
combinations, the binary logistic regression model is set up. om c netizens’ comment time and .
In the binary logistics regression model, how many indepen- s s Weibo release time. re
dent variables are introduced needs to be studied. If fewer ep Opinion tendency X3 ROST was used to score each
independent variables are introduced, the regression equation ov d. . y netizen’s comments w
will not be able to explain the changes of dependent variables w onl w
emotionally, a number less than // es
in an accurate manner, but it does not mean that more : s u zero indicates a negative p t
independent variables are absolutely better. Therefore, it is ht emotion, A number greater onal rs
than zero is a positive emotion,
necessary to adopt some strategies to control the independent romf pe equals zero is neutral. or
variables by introducing regression equations. The Stepwise ded F Thumb up number X
Selection method is adopted here, that is, the introduction 4 The number of thumb ups each nloa ow netizen comments on the
threshold of P-value is tested according to the significance of d y policy from other netizens.
the set regression coefficient, independent variables are intro- olic P Comment number X5 The number of thumb ups each
duced into the model one by one, then P-values of all coeffi- are netizen comments on the
cients in the model are recalculated, and variables are hc policy from other netizens.
screened according to the set elimination threshold. The ealt H Netizens gender X6 Gender of netizens
Stepwise Selection method includes forward selection and participating in comments
method and backward selection method. The forward selec- nt e
under each policy category, it’s
tion method is relatively simple, but the biggest disadvantage 1 for women and 0 for men. nagem
is that if there is multicollinearity, the final model may be a M Number of fans X7 The number of followers of
mixed with less important independent variables. The back- k is netizens participating in R
ward selection method is more conservative in terms of comments under each policy
information. The backward selection method is chosen in category.
this article. Data processing was conducted in SPSS25.0 Number of followers X8 Netizens participating in
software, and the significance level of entering the model comments under each policy
was set at 0.05, and the significance level of removing or category, the number of
followers of other netizens on
retaining variables was also set at 0.05. Weibo.
The main steps of regression analysis are as follows:
using LR Likelihood Method to select the independent The degree of active X9 The number of original Microblogs posted by netizens
variables with a significant relationship between public participating in comments
perception effect, conduct significance test for the variable under each policy category.
regression coefficient and model to get binary logistics (Continued)
regression equation between each variable and dependent lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Chen et al Dovepress
Table 7 Significance Test of Independent Variables Selected by “Economic” Policies Variable Model Log Likelihood
Change in-2 Log Likelihood Degrees of Freedom
Significance of the Change Step1a X2 −3031.611 437.468 1 0.000 X3 −2812.878 0.003 1 0.960 X4 −2813.892 2.031 1 0.154 X5 −2814.068 2.383 1 0.123 X6 −2813.835 1.916 1 0.166 021 2- X7 −2813.162 0.571 1 0.450 un J- X8 −2814.975 4.197 1 0.041 11 X9 −2813.964 2.175 1 0.140 on X10 −2848.757 71.761 1 0.000 0 3 0.
Note: aMeans backward stepwise selection regression method is adopted in regression analysis. 11. 23 . 113
Table 8 The Variable Coefficients in the “Economic” Policy Equation y b / B Standard Error Wald Degrees of Freedom Significance Exp(B) AIC om c.s Step7aX2 0.028 0.002 310.135 1 0.000 1.028 s re ep X8 0.000 0.000 4.090 1 0.043 1.000 ov d. . y w X10 0.309 0.037 70.078 1 0.000 1.361 w onl w // e : s u Constant −0.688 0.086 63.620 1 0.000 0.502 s p t ht onal 519.426 rs romf pe Step1a 540.505 or ded F
Note: aMeans backward stepwise selection regression method is adopted in regression analysis. nloa ow d y olic P
variable, and test the prediction accuracy of the overall
hypothesis is usually 0.05. When the decision to accept are
model. The following is a detailed introduction to the
the original hypothesis is made, the probability of its hc
regression analysis of the public perception effect under
correctness is 95%. It can be seen from Table 7 that in ealt H
the “economy” tourism policy, and the regression analysis
the selection of independent variables, the significance and
process of the remaining 13 tourism policy combinations
level Sig.<0.05 is X2 for the timeliness of comment nt e can be similarly obtained.
release, the number of attention is X8, and the develop- nagem
The regression model construction process of the pub-
ment level of COVID-19 is X10. Therefore, there is a M
lic perception effect under the “economy” tourism policy
a significant relationship between the public perception k is R
is illustrated as an example. Based on the comment data of
of “economy” policies and these three variables, so
“economy” policy obtained above, SPSS was used for
binary logistics regression. After eliminating the indepen-
dent variable X1 which could not be introduced, the inde-
Table 9 Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients Under the Policy
pendent variable could be selected and the results were of “Economic”
shown in Table 7, the value of regression coefficient of Chi-Square Degrees of Significance
each variable was shown in Table 8, and the model regres- Freedom
sion statistical results were shown in Tables 9 and 10. Step 7aStep −2.673 1 0.102
1. Generally speaking, the significance level is to estimate Block 526.017 3 0.000
the probability of wrong parameter within a certain Model 526.017 3 0.000
interval. When the original hypothesis is true and repre-
Note: aMeans backward stepwise selection regression method is adopted in
sented by α, the probability of rejecting the original regression analysis.
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Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2020:13 DovePress lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Dovepress Chen et al
Table 10 The Final Model of “Economic” Policy Predicts Rates
conclusions can be made that the release of “safety” policy Observed Predicted
brings better social effect, whose social policy implemen-
tation effect is 93.2%. If the “safety policies + feasible Netizens Netizens Did Percentage
policies” and “economy policies + safety policies” can be
Have a Sense Not Perceive Correct of the Policy the Policy
released together, people’s perceptions are 92.2%, 89.3%,
followed by the “economy + safety + feasible policies”, Step 1341 680 66.4 021 7aNetizen’s which is 88.5%. 2- un perception of
As can be seen from Table 5, the main topic of “safety” J- policy: Y
policy on Weibo is “Travel around China Online”. By 11 759 1693 69.0 on
means of online travel, people lower their travel frequency 0 3 0. Overall 67.8
while keeping their enthusiasm for travel consumption 11. percentage
after COVID-19. Moreover, during the epidemic period, 23.
Note: aMeans backward stepwise selection regression method is adopted in
the safety of the tourism environment is the most con- 113 regression analysis. y
cerned and worried issue. The most fundamental problem b / om
for the revitalization of the tourism industry is to control c.s
independent variables of the binary logistics model
the development of the domestic epidemic. After the s re
security is guaranteed, the “economy” and “feasible” poli
under such policies can be screened out. - ep ov d .
2. According to the selected independent variable, the
cies will be released at the same time, which can promote . y w
the revitalization of the tourism industry. As for the “econ w onl
coefficient of its independent variable is determined - w // e : s
omy” policy, it is mainly to issue tourism coupon, while s u
by the value of Exp(B) in Table 4. Exp(B) is also p t ht
known as the preponderance ratio, which means
the “feasible” policy is to open major tourist attractions or onal rs rom
that the preponderance ratio is twice that of the
to resume inter-provincial travel. Only when the tourist f pe or
original Exp(B) when the other independent vari-
attractions start to operate normally, can people use tour- ded F
ables are fixed and unchanged.
ism coupon to recover the tourism industry through scenic nloa ow
3. The regression equation of public perception under spot consumption. d y
the “economy” policy can be obtained as follows:
2) The combinations of “economy + feasible”, “economy + olic P
idle + feasible”, “economy + idle” bring poorer social effect are
than other policy combinations. This is because if the govern- hc
Y ¼ 0:465 þ 1:029X2 þ X8 þ 1:38X10 (2)
ment does not release the information of epidemic develop- ealt H
Due to the Sig. <0.05 in Table 9, it indicates that model is
ment situation nor the safety measures for travel, people are not and
significant under 95% significance level, so the X2, X8, and
interested in traveling. Before safety is guaranteed, the effect of nt e
X10 can be used as factors that influence the public perception
policy is poor. Based on this, it is suggested that the govern-
of policies. According to the model prediction accuracy in
ment should report the development of epidemic situation at nagem a M
Table 10, the probability of the model in formula (2) that can
home and abroad in real time, as well as the relevant safety k is
predict the public perception of policy is 67.8%.
measures taken in tourist attractions or the process of tourism R
Similarly, according to the above policy categories, the
in the content of the revitalization of tourism policy, so as to
basic four kinds of policies are combined. When policy
ensure more obvious social effects after the release of the
content contains one, two, three, or four kinds of information, policy.
15 class policy combinations can be obtained. The construc-
3) From Table 11, the conclusions can be made that the netizens’
tion of regression model under 15 combinations all meet the
activeness X9 greatly impacts on public’s perception
effect. In the top five optimized policy combinations, the
test of significance level. The results are shown in Table 11. greater the X
9 of Internet users is, the stronger the perception
Analyzing the Implementation Effect of
about policy is, the greater the effect of policy implementation
brings. The activeness of netizens is the original Weibo Tourism Policy
released by netizens. Generally speaking, the more active
1) After the release of the 15 policy combinations, the
a netizen is on Weibo, the greater his personal influence will
binary logistic regression model was established based on
be, and the stronger the effect of network public opinion will be
public perception of policy. From Table 11, the
caused. For government departments, if they want to expand lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Chen et al Dovepress
Table 11 Results of Binary Logistic Regression Model for 15 Policy Portfolios Ordinal Ranking of Different Policy Binary Logistic
Factors Influencing the Social Effect Public Number Different Mix Categories Regression Model of Policies Perception of Policy Policy of the Effects Portfolios Preferences of Policy 1 1 Safety policies
Y ¼ 4:881 þ 0:988X þ
Opinion tendency\Netizens gender\The 93.2% 3 0:789X
degree of active\Level of development of AIC=2,869.762 6 þ X9 þ 0:03X 021 10 2- COVID-19 un J- 2 2 Safety policies + 11 Y ¼ 0:891 þ X
The policy concerns the total number of 92.2% 1 þ 0:996X2 on Feasible policies þ 0:983X
Microblogs\Timeliness of comments AIC=1,641.991 3 þ 0:857X6 0 3 þ 0:399X
posted\Opinion tendency\Netizens gender 10 0.
\Level of development of COVID-19 11. 23. 3 3 Economy policies Y ¼ 1:114 þ X
The policy concerns the total number of 89.3% 1 þ 0:999X2 113 + Safety policies þ 0:747X
Microblogs\Timeliness of comments AIC=4,768.212 6 þ X9 y b /
posted\Netizens gender\The degree of om active c.ssre 4 4 Economy policies
Y ¼ 0:992 þ 0:995X
Opinion tendency\Netizens gender\The 88.5% 3 ep + Safety policies + þ 0:78X
degree of active\Level of development of AIC=229.69
6 þ X9 þ 0:788X10 ov d. . y Feasible policies COVID-19 w w onl w // es 5 5 Idle policies + :
Y ¼ 2:927 þ X1 þ 0:998X2
The policy concerns the total number of 85.5% s u p t Safety policies
þ 0:987X3 þ 0:946X6
Microblogs\Timeliness of comments AIC=2,148.01 ht onal þ X þ þ
posted\Opinion tendency\Netizens gender 8 0:059X9 0:187X10 rs romf pe
\Number of followers\The degree of active or 6 6 Economy policies Y ¼ 2:927 þ X 85.5% 1 þ 0:998X2
\Level of development of COVID-19 ded F + Idle policies + þ 0:987X AIC=218.008 3 þ 0:946X6 nloa Safety policies þ X þ þ 8 X9 0:187X10 ow d y 7 6 Safety policies +
Y ¼ 1:651 þ X1 þ 0:996X2
The policy concerns the total number of 85.2% olic P Idle policies + þ 0:985X
Microblogs\Timeliness of comments AIC=2,746.003
3 þ X4 þ 0:997X5 are Feasible policies þ 0:951X þ þ
posted\Opinion tendency\Thumb up 6 X8 0:354X10 hc
number\Comment number\Netizens ealt
gender\Number of followers\Level of H development of COVID-19 and nt e 8 7 Economy policies Y ¼ 1:59 þ X
The policy concerns the total number of 82.8% 1 þ 0:999X2 + Safety policies + þ 0:991X
Microblogs\Timeliness of comments AIC=4,731.289 3 þ 0:892X6 nagem Feasible policies + þ X
posted\Opinion tendency\Netizens gender a
8 þ X9 þ 0:627X10 M Idle policies
\Number of followers\The degree of active k is R
\Level of development of COVID-19 9 8 Feasible policies
Y ¼ 0:975X1 þ 0:972X3
The policy concerns the total number of 79.8% þ 1:363X6
Microblogs\Opinion tendency\Netizens AIC=60.456 gender 10 9 Economy policies
Y ¼ 0:465 þ 1:029X2
Timeliness of comments posted\Number 67.8%
þ X8 þ 1:38X10
of followers\Level of development of AIC=519.426 COVID-19 11 10 Idle policies + Y ¼ 0:214 þ X
The policy concerns the total number of 66.9% 1 þ 0:986X3 Feasible policies þ 1:277X þ
Microblogs\Opinion tendency\Netizens AIC=514.627 6 þ X8 0:93X10
gender\Number of followers\Level of development of COVID-19 (Continued)
3230 submit your manuscript | www.dovepress.com
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2020:13 DovePress lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Dovepress Chen et al Table 11 (Continued). Ordinal Ranking of Different Policy Binary Logistic
Factors Influencing the Social Effect Public Number Different Mix Categories Regression Model of Policies Perception of Policy Policy of the Effects Portfolios Preferences of Policy 12 11 Idle policies
Y ¼ 0:53 þ 0:99X
Opinion tendency\Netizens gender\Number 63.2% 3 021 2 þ 1:261X
of followers\The degree of active AIC=91.277 - 6 þ X8 þ X9 un J- 13 12 Economy policies
The implementation effect of the three policy combinations is not as good 63.4% 11 + Feasible policies
as that of the single policy release (This regression model is meaningless, on 0 AIC value is meaningless) 3 14 13 Economy policies 63.2% 0. 11 + Idle policies + . 23. Feasible policies 113 y 15 14 Economy policies 59.4% b / + Idle policies om c. s s re
the social effects brought by the policies, they can forward the ep
Tourism Policies Under the Epidemic ov d .
policies through “opinion leaders” on Weibo to let more people . y
Situation Should Highlight Safety w w onl
know the contents of the policies, promote tourism consump- w // e Measures : s u
tion, and drive the tourism economy. s p t
The epidemic brings great challenge to China’s governance ht
4) From Table 11, except for the “idle + feasible”, “econ- onal rs rom omy”,
system and capacity. For the tourism industry, it is neces-
“economy + safety” policy, opinion tendency degree X3 f pe
sary to carry out the corresponding assessment, prevention, or
impacts on the effect of different policy combination. X3 ded F
regression equation coefficient shows that each type of policy
and treatment, and handle the tourism crisis properly, which nloa ow
combination regression coefficients is above 0.9, indicating
not only requires scientific decision-making and precise d y that X
measures by the government, but also requires the joint
3 had a greater influence on the effect of the policy olic P
implementation. This is because after the release of policy,
efforts of scenic spot practitioners. According to the analy- are
netizens hold positive, negative, or neutral attitudes, which
sis of this paper, the public’s perception of “safety” policies hc
affects the tendency of public opinion. If the policy is released,
is the strongest. Only when tourists perceive that it is safe to ealt H
“opinion leaders” hold negative attitudes, which will not be
travel can the cultural and tourism industry gradually and
conducive to policy implementation and cause rejection on the
resume work and production. Based on this, the government nt e
network platform. Therefore, after the release of policy, gov-
should timely issue a “safety” policy after the initial stabi-
ernment should control trend of public opinion, timely stop
lity of the epidemic. For example, on February 25, the nagem a M
bad happens so as to play the positive impact of policies.
Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a “Guide to k is R
Prevention and Control Measures for Reopening of Tourist
Conclusions and Suggestions
Attractions”, which enables tourists to perceive that the
This paper selects Weibo comments, comments time, gender,
government encourages the cultural and tourism industry
the original Weibo number, and other aspects from January 11,
to resume work and production, and it is relatively safe to
2020 to July 24 on the revitalization of the tourism policy, and
travel in the current environment. In addition, the govern-
divides the revitalization of tourism policy into “economy”,
ment can issue a series of advocacy policies, such as advo-
“safety”, “idle”, “feasible” four major categories. From the
cating industry associations to strengthen the safety and
perspective of users, by constructing binary logistic regression
supervision of epidemic prevention and control, and guiding
model, the combination of all kinds of policy is analyzed.
scenic spots to actively participate in relevant work;
Based on the above analysis, this paper provides the following
Secondly, the scenic spot should issue a series of effective
suggestions for the government and scenic spots to cope with
and feasible prevention and control policies to ensure safety,
public health emergencies and improve the perceived effect of
such as implementing a series of policies in terms of limit- policies:
ing the capacity of tourists, keeping social distance between lOMoAR cPSD| 36066900 Chen et al Dovepress
tourists, regularly disinfecting all scenic spots, and requiring
sudden outbreak, the release of policy information and tourists to wear face masks.
monitoring of public perception is still lagging behind. In
this regard, local governments and scenic spots can use the
The Combination of Economic Policies
big data platform to accurately locate the spread path of
and Security Policies Can Achieve Better the epidemic, quickly track the flow of tourists and their Results
movements, and establish a tourist relationship map, so as
to provide data protection for “safety” policies and reduce 021 2
The most fundamental problem of reviving the tourism -
tourists’ concerns about safety. In addition, big data can be un J
industry is to control the development of the epidemic. -
used to speed up the connectivity of all kinds of policy 11
When safety is guaranteed, “economy” and “safety” poli- on
information and expand the exposure of policies, so as to 0
cies will be issued at the same time, which will greatly 3
increase the public’s perception of the effect of policies. 0.
accelerate the recovery of the tourism industry. The rea- 11.
lity of the difficulties in view of the current tourism 23.
industry development, in addition to the policy of issuing 113 Funding y b
coupons to attract tourists, governments at all levels can /
This research is supported by the National Social Science om
introduce more perfect tourism industry revitalization c
Foundation of China (Grant No. 20BTQ059), Hubei Key . s s
policy, especially the release and enforcement of fiscal
Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission and Manufacturing re ep
policy, tax policy, credit policy, and social security policy
Engineering (MECOF2020B04), Contemporary Business ov d. . y
for the troubled tourism-related businesses. Providing
and Trade Research Center and Center for Collaborative w w onl
financial subsidies for tourism services and related enter- w e
Innovation Studies of Modern Business of Zhejiang //: s s u
prises to resume operation and production. For tourism p Gongshang University of China (Grant No. t ht onal
enterprises that have special difficulties and fail to pay
14SMXY05YB), as well as First Class Discipline of rs romf pe
tax on time, tax payment shall be reduced or postponed
Zhejiang-A (Zhejiang Gongshang University- Statistics). or ded F
appropriately. Tourist attractions can also release a series nloa
of “economy” policies to attract tourists, such as free Disclosure ow d
tickets or appropriate discounts, multi-scenic joint ticket y
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest
discounts and other marketing policies. In addition, “fea- olic for this work. P
sible” policies will be issued at the same time, such as are hc
enforcing the paid leave system for employees and 2.5 References ealt days off policy. H
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