Blood Physiology - Đại học Y dược Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

Bài giảng sinh lý học về máu của ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân, nội dung bao gồm những kiến thức cơ bản về máu, cấu trúc, số lượng, phân loại tế bào máu, các loại tế bào gốc máu. Tính chất và vai trò của các loại tế bào máu trong cơ thể nói chung, đặc biệt là hệ miễn dịch, cách đọc kết quả xét nghiệm máu cũng như nhiều áp dụng bệnh lý khác,.... Tài liệu bổ ích mời các bạn đón đọc.


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Blood Physiology - Đại học Y dược Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

Bài giảng sinh lý học về máu của ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân, nội dung bao gồm những kiến thức cơ bản về máu, cấu trúc, số lượng, phân loại tế bào máu, các loại tế bào gốc máu. Tính chất và vai trò của các loại tế bào máu trong cơ thể nói chung, đặc biệt là hệ miễn dịch, cách đọc kết quả xét nghiệm máu cũng như nhiều áp dụng bệnh lý khác,.... Tài liệu bổ ích mời các bạn đón đọc.

43 22 lượt tải Tải xuống
Blood Physiology
Blood volume & composition
Blood volume
is 70 mL/kg.
Blood is
composed of
cells that
circulate in
| 2
| 1
Ging viên :
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Bài ging lý thuyết trc tuyến Khoa Y –ĐHQG HCM
The difference between serum and plasma
| 4
Cells suspended in plasma
| 3
Hemopoietic stem cells
Hemopoietic stem cells are a rare subtype of cell
in the bone marrow
All blood cells are derived from these cells
They express the surface molecule CD34+
They are supported by a range of cells in the
This is disturbed in a range of conditions
| 6
| 5
major types of blood cell
| 7
Red blood cells
| 8
Red blood cells
1,000 times more
common than white cells
Have no nucleus and live
only 120 days
Major purpose is to carry
oxygen to tissues
They are 7 microns in
diameter, flexible
biconcave shape that
allows migration through
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 9
RBCs derive from
erythroblasts in
the bone marrow.
They are packed
with hemoglobin
and carry oxygen
to tissue.
Their production is
regulated by erythropoietin.
| 10
Reticulocytes carry a lot of RNA.
Reticulocytes live for 2 3
days & normally represent up
to 2% of the RBC in the
The number of reticulocytes
in the blood is a useful clinical
When ↑ → the bone
marrow is more active.
When ↓ → problem with
production of RBC from the
bone marrow.
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 11
Pronormoblasts in the bone
marrow are the initial
These differentiate into
The nucleus is then ejected,
and reticulocytes are released
into the blood.
| 12
RBC and Hemoglobin
RBC contain hemoglobin (Hb).
Hb consists of 4 protein
chains that each contain a
pocket for heme. The 4
protein chains in adult Hb
consist of 2 alpha chains
(a) and 2 beta chains (b).
Heme contains iron, and
much of the iron in the
body is found within
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 13
White blood cells
| 14
Lymphocytes are the
cells that mediate the
function of the immune
system They can
survive for many years
& circulate around the
blood & through
lymphoid tissues The 2
major subtypes are T
cells and B cells
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 15
constitute the
immune system. B
cells make
antibodies. T cells
regulate immunity
and helper cells and
can kill virally
infected cells
| 16
Lymphocytes circulate through the
immune system
95% of lymphocytes
are found within
lymphoid tissue, and
they circulate
through the immune
Lymphocytes enter
lymph nodes through
lymph or high
endothelial venules.
They leave lymph
nodes via lymphatic
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 17
Lymphoid Tissue
Most lymphocytes
are within MALT.
MALT is found in
many tissues
within the body.
activated in these
areas home back
to this region
| 18
Neutrophils may play an
important role in controlling
bacterial & fungal infection
They are released from
bone marrow & survive for
2-3 days
They can ingest bacteria
and cells that have become
covered with antibody
They kill these using toxic
enzymes & oxygen radicals
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 19
Neutrophils have a
multilobed nucleus.
The nucleus contains
many granules that
mediate the
destruction of
| 20
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 21
These cells migrate to
tissues, where they
They can ingest
They play an
important role in
triggering immune
| 22
They play an
important role in
linking the initial
phases of immunity
(innate immunity)
to T-cell and B-cell
immunity (adaptive
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 23
Eosinophils and Basophils
| 24
Eosinophils and Basophils
Eosinophils are
important in the
immune response to
helminths (worms).
They are increased in
allergic responses.
The basophil is a rare
cell whose precise
function is unclear
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 25
Myeloid cells
& monocytes
derived from a
precursor cell
| 26
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 27
These are
fragments of
cytoplasm that
bud off
in the bone
They can stick to
areas of damage
within the blood
vessels and
trigger the
formation of a
blood clot
| 28
Bone marrow structure
Blood is made
in the bone
bone marrow is
present in
almost all
bones in
children In
adults it is in
the vertebrae
and proximal
long bones
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 29
Structure of the spleen
The spleen consists
of areas of red pulp
& white pulp
The blood system has
a unique pattern in
which it is not
contained within
The spleen has
hemopoietic &
immune functions
| 30
Investigation and diagnosis
of the blood system
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 31
Clinical Approach
Diagnosis is made by the combination of:
Taking a medical history
| 32
Taking a History
Red cell problems usually present with
anemia (fatigue, shortness of breath).
White cell deficiency leads to unusual or
prolonged infection.
Excess white cells in malignant disease
can cause lumps and swelling.
Disorders of platelets lead to bruising
and bleeding.
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 33
Examination of the nails, skin, and mucous
membranes may suggest anemia.
Examination of the lymph
nodes may suggest leukemia
or lymphoma.
Excessive bruising is seen in
platelet disorders.
The spleen is only palpable
when it is enlarged
| 34
Blood Count
Blood Count is usually the 1st
The 3 main components are:
The red cell count and hemoglobin
The total and individual white cell counts
The platelet count
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 35
| 36
RBC count & Hemoglobin
The normal red cell count is 4-6 x 10^12/L.
The hemoglobin
concentration is expressed in
grams per deciliter.
The normal range in men is
13.5-17.5 g/dL.
The normal range in women
11.5-15.5 g/dL.
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 37
Size of the RBC
Automated red cell counters can provide
information on the volume of the red cells:
The mean cell volume, or MCV
This is very useful in determining the
cause of anemia:
80-95 femtoliters (fl) is normal
< 80 fl is microcytic
> 95 fl is macrocytic
| 38
The normal range is 4-7 x 10^9/L.
A decrease is termed
An increase is
The 2 major subsets of
white cells are
lymphocytes &
neutrophils. This leads to
the terms of lymphopenia or neutropenia and
lymphocytosis or neutrophilia.
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân
Khoa Y ĐHQG - HCM | 39
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Blood Physiology
Giảng viên : ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân ( )
Bài giảng lý thuyết trực tuyến Khoa Y –ĐHQG HCM | 1 1
Blood volume & composition •Blood volume is 70 mL/kg. •Blood is composed of cells that circulate in plasma. | 2 2
Cells suspended in plasma
ThS. BS. ĐặngNguyễnTường Vân
Khoa Y –ĐHQG - HCM | 3 3
The difference between serum and plasma | 4 4 Homopoiesis
ThS. BS. ĐặngNguyễnTường Vân
Khoa Y –ĐHQG - HCM | 5 5 Hemopoietic stem cells
•Hemopoietic stem cells are a rare subtype of cell in the bone marrow
•All blood cells are derived from these cells
•They express the surface molecule CD34+
•They are supported by a range of cells in the microenvironment
•This is disturbed in a range of conditions | 6 6
3 major types of blood cell
ThS. BS. ĐặngNguyễnTường Vân
Khoa Y –ĐHQG - HCM | 7 7 Red blood cells | 8 8 Red blood cells 1,000 times more • common than white cells Have no nucleus and live • only 120 days Major purpose is to carry • oxygen to tissues They are 7 microns in • diameter, flexible biconcave shape that allows migration through capillaries
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 9 9 Erythrocytes •RBCs derive from erythroblasts in the bone marrow. •They are packed with hemoglobin and carry oxygen to tissue. •Their production is regulated by erythropoietin. | 10 10 Reticulocytes
Reticulocytes carry a lot of RNA.
• Reticulocytes live for 2 3
days & normally represent up • to 2% of the RBC in the blood. The number of reticulocytes
in the blood is a useful clinical • test: • When ↑ → the bone marrow is more active. • When ↓ → problem with production of RBC from the bone marrow.
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 11 11 Erythropoiesis Pronormoblasts in the bone • marrow are the initial precursors. These differentiate into • normoblasts. The nucleus is then ejected,
• and reticulocytes are released into the blood. | 12 12 RBC and Hemoglobin RBC contain hemoglobin (Hb). • Hb consists of 4 protein chains that each contain a pocket for heme. The 4 protein chains in adult Hb • consist of 2 alpha chains (a) and 2 beta chains (b). Heme contains iron, and much of the iron in the • body is found within hemoglobin
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 13 13 White blood cells | 14 14 Lymphocytes Lymphocytes are the • cells that mediate the function of the immune system They can • survive for many years & circulate around the blood & through lymphoid tissues The 2 major subtypes are T • cells and B cells
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 15 15 Lymphocytes •Lymphocytes constitute the immune system. B cells make antibodies. T cells regulate immunity and helper cells and can kill virally infected cells | 16 16
Lymphocytes circulate through the immune system 95% of lymphocytes • are found within lymphoid tissue, and they circulate through the immune system. • Lymphocytes enter lymph nodes through lymph or high endothelial venules. • They leave lymph nodes via lymphatic vessels
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 17 17 Mucosal- associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT) •Most lymphocytes are within MALT. •MALT is found in many tissues within the body. •Lymphocytes activated in these areas home back to this region | 18 18 Neutrophils Neutrophils may play an
• important role in controlling
bacterial & fungal infection They are released from
• bone marrow & survive for 2-3 days They can ingest bacteria
• and cells that have become covered with antibody They kill these using toxic enzymes & oxygen radicals •
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 19 19 Neutrophils •Neutrophils have a characteristic multilobed nucleus. •The nucleus contains many granules that mediate the destruction of bacteria | 20 20 Phagocytosis
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 21 21 Monocytes •These cells migrate to tissues, where they become macrophages •They can ingest bacteria •They play an important role in triggering immune responses | 22 22 Monocytes They play an • important role in linking the initial phases of immunity (innate immunity) to T-cell and B-cell immunity (adaptive immunity)
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 23 23
Eosinophils and Basophils | 24 24
Eosinophils and Basophils Eosinophils are • important in the immune response to helminths (worms). They are increased in allergic responses. The basophil is a rare cell whose precise • function is unclear
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 25 25 Myeloid cells & monocytes derived from a common precursor cell | 26 26 Platelets
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 27 27 • These are fragments of cytoplasm that bud off megakaryocytes in the bone marrow •They can stick to areas of damage within the blood vessels and trigger the formation of a blood clot | 28 28 Bone marrow structure Blood is made • in the bone marrow Hemopoietic • bone marrow is present in almost all bones in children In • adults it is in the vertebrae and proximal long bones
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 29 29
Structure of the spleen • The spleen consists of areas of red pulp & white pulp •The blood system has a unique pattern in which it is not contained within capillaries •The spleen has hemopoietic & immune functions | 30 30
Investigation and diagnosis of the blood system
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 31 31 Clinical Approach
Diagnosis is made by the combination of: • Taking a medical history • Examination • Investigation | 32 32 Taking a History
• Red cell problems usual y present with
anemia (fatigue, shortness of breath).
• White cel deficiency leads to unusual or prolonged infection.
• Excess white cel s in malignant disease can cause lumps and swel ing.
• Disorders of platelets lead to bruising and bleeding.
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 33 33 Examination
• Examination of the nails, skin, and mucous membranes may suggest anemia. • Examination of the lymph nodes may suggest leukemia or lymphoma.
• Excessive bruising is seen in platelet disorders.
• The spleen is only palpable when it is enlarged | 34 34 Blood Count
• Blood Count is usually the 1st
• The 3 main components are: 
The red cell count and hemoglobin 
The total and individual white cell counts The platelet count
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 35 35 | 36 36
RBC count & Hemoglobin
• The normal red cell count is 4-6 x 10^12/L. • The hemoglobin concentration is expressed in grams per deciliter.
• The normal range in men is 13.5-17.5 g/dL. • The normal range in women is 11.5-15.5 g/dL.
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 37 37 Size of the RBC
Automated red cell counters can provide
information on the volume of the red cells:
• The mean cell volume, or MCV
• This is very useful in determining the cause of anemia:
 80-95 femtoliters (fl) is normal  < 80 fl is microcytic  > 95 fl is macrocytic | 38 38 WBC
• The normal range is 4-7 x 10^9/L. • A decrease is termed leukopenia. • An increase is leukocytosis. • The 2 major subsets of white cells are lymphocytes & neutrophils. This leads to
the terms of lymphopenia or neutropenia and
lymphocytosis or neutrophilia.
ThS. BS. Đặng Nguyễn Tường Vân Khoa Y – ĐHQG - HCM | 39 39