Choose a company and then analyze its control system | Bài tiểu luận học phần Principle of management | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

Have an opportunity to work at Nintendo. Employees will never be the same as in their old jobs. Employees can interact with each other throughout the day and form strong bonds. The company encourages its employees to have fun, and employees can play video games at work. There are numerous exciting activities to make their jobs more entertaining, including office parties, video game tournaments, and sports fields to help strengthen the employees together. A survey of 81 employees at Nintendo is satisfied with a clear sense of purpose, ability to meet personal goals, and an inclusive work environment. The CEO of Nintendo Europe, Mr. Koji Miyake, describes the work philosophy at Nintendo of Europe with these three concepts. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đón xem.

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Choose a company and then analyze its control system | Bài tiểu luận học phần Principle of management | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

Have an opportunity to work at Nintendo. Employees will never be the same as in their old jobs. Employees can interact with each other throughout the day and form strong bonds. The company encourages its employees to have fun, and employees can play video games at work. There are numerous exciting activities to make their jobs more entertaining, including office parties, video game tournaments, and sports fields to help strengthen the employees together. A survey of 81 employees at Nintendo is satisfied with a clear sense of purpose, ability to meet personal goals, and an inclusive work environment. The CEO of Nintendo Europe, Mr. Koji Miyake, describes the work philosophy at Nintendo of Europe with these three concepts. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đón xem.

55 28 lượt tải Tải xuống
Principle of management
SEM II (2021-2022)
Topic: Choose a company and then analyze its control system.
Contributor: Hứa Gia Huy- BABAWE21509
Nowadays, Video games are becoming an entire potential market, with millions of dollars in revenue.
Nintendo is a pioneer in the modern gaming industry with more than 45 years of making video games. It is
also the father of many franchises we know and love, such as Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, and evolutional
gaming consoles like NES, SNES, Wii, and Nintendo switch. To have a successful company, Nintendo
knows how to manage and control the company to see how well it is doing and make continuous
adjustments to get it right on track.
Table of content
1. History of the company…………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
2. Control…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
3. Controlling denion……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
4. Controlling process …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
5. Types on control ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4-7
6. Concuon…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
7. Reference ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
A. History of the company
Nintendo was born in 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi to manufacture and sell Hanafuda, which is
the Japanese playing card. Later, Yamauchi started with other love hotels, foods, and toys but
failed. Nintendo started making their first home game console inspired by the first gaming
console, the Magnavox Odyssey. From 1978 to 1981, Nintendo developed and sold
successful arcades and gained many achievements, such as Donkey Kong, Popeyes, and
Punch outs; during this period, the Nintendo legends employee and creator Gunpei Yokoi
invented the GAME AND WATCH, the first portable gaming device. In 1983, Nintendo
released the revolution Family Computer (known as Nintendo entertainment systems outside
Japan), which substantially impacted the gaming industry. In 1985, Super Mario Bros was
born and became a popular franchise following The Legend of Zelda, Tetris, and Pokémon. In
2022, Nintendo become a global brand with a $57.3B net worth.
B. Control
1. Controlling definition
- Controlling is assessing performance and taking steps to guarantee that intended
outcomes are achieved.
2. Controlling process
a) Establish performance objectives and standards
b) Measure actual performance
c) Compare actual performance with objectives and standards
d) Take corrective action when needed and provide good feedback for work havebeen
3. Types of Control
a) Based on the working process
- Feedforward control
+ Before a work activity begins, feedforward controls are implemented. They
ensure that the objectives are clear, that correct instruction is created, and that
the necessary resources are available to achieve the goals.
+ Nintendo Wii is one of the greatest gaming consoles globally, with more
than 101 million units sold. Before the console is made, Genyo Takeda, a
longtime hardware developer who wants to make the new gaming consoles,
wants to make the console flashier, faster, and more powerful than the previous
Nintendo product GameCube. However, Miyamoto Shigeru,
the co-
developer and the father of Mario and Zelda found that:" Too many powerful
consoles can-
not coexist. It is like having only ferocious dinosaurs. They might fight and
hasten their own extinction". So the idea was changed soon after which it
became a target at family members rather than a severe gamers, so new players
could easily approach the game console and play. In order to invent to console,
the target has to be silent and less power
consumed so the machine can work 24/7.
Shigeru Miyamoto brought out the idea of
the controller in a thick rod as a
combination of remote control over many
prototypes. They used a unique technology
called a gyroscopic pointer.
- Concurrent control
+Concurrent controls focus on what hap-
pens during the work process. They make
sure things are done according to plan.
- Feedback control
+ Feedback controls, also called post-action controls, occur after work is
completed. They focus on the quality of results rather than on inputs and activities.
+ Joy-con drift is an issue when the joystick attached to the controllers of the
Nintendo Switch is controlling the game console without the player's control due
to a manufacturing error. Nintendo has received many complaints about the
customers' service and sued Nintendo for the problem. So, Nintendo apologized
for their error product. Current president of Nintendo was apologized for the
trouble caused to their customer of the broken Joy-con . They promise to fix the
first 4 controllers for free and have additional fees for the next joy-con
b)Based on the whole
- Internal
An ocial Nintendo
website for user can x
their controller for free
control: Allows
motivated individuals
and groups to exercise self-
discipline in fulfilling job expectations
+ Self-control: is an internal control that occurs through self-discipline in
fulfilling work and personal responsibilities
+ Have an opportunity to work at Nintendo. Employees will never be the same
as in their old jobs. Employees can interact with each other throughout the day
and form strong bonds. The company encourages its employees to have fun, and
employees can play video games at work. There are numerous exciting activities
to make their jobs more entertaining, including office parties, video game
tournaments, and sports fields to help strengthen the employees together. A
survey of 81 employees at Nintendo is satisfied with a clear sense of purpose,
ability to meet personal goals, and an inclusive work environment. The CEO of
Nintendo Europe, Mr. Koji Miyake, describes the work philosophy at Nintendo
of Europe with these three concepts:
"One of Nintendo's strong points is that we are a team of individuals who
independently create new value. It's important that each individual thinks and
acts for themselves. Our employees take the initiative and work diligently
according to their beliefs.
Nintendo has faced the greatest changes in its business environment in the past
several decades, and we cannot rely on past success. Employees must have a
high awareness of their role as stakeholders in responding to changes. As a
company we ask all employees to challenge themselves in their roles, every
Collaboration is essential in achieving our goals. Nintendo comprises many
individuals with diverse values working in a range of job categories, who work
together toward a shared goal. Collaboration doesn't necessarily mean there
aren't conflicting ideas; the primary objective of collaboration is working
together to achieve results that cannot be achieved by any individual alone. It's
important to think things over by yourself, as doing so ensures effective
collaboration because you're better able to communicate your views or ideas.
Nintendo needs to be made up of individuals who make continual efforts to
collaborate effectively".[ CITATION Nin \l 1033 ]
+ Clan control: influences behavior through norms and expectations set by
the organizational culture.
Employees have an enjoyable workplace at the office, seem more
creative, and have innovative ideas. Employees have to keep on track
with the Nintendo workforce by depend on their creativity
+ Market control: the inuence of market compeon on the behavior of
organizaons and their members
Nintendo competors, Playstaon and Xbox are focused on
professional players that target teenagers and young adults. However, the
leading players using Nintendo products are primarily children and young
adults who have never played many video games. They want simple
gameplay for relaxaon. Nintendo also targets hardcore fans of The
Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, and Super Mario Bros by releasing many
products and games based on their character brands. Nintendo console is
the cheapest gaming console compared to Xbox and PlayStaon.
According to Amazon, the cheapest Playstaon 5 is $1000, and Xbox series
X is $745, but Nintendo Switch with more than $500 and 1 game included.
+ Bureaucratic control: influences behavior through authority, policies,
procedures, job descriptions, budgets, and day-to-day supervision +
Nintendo distributes the Nintendo Standard of Behavior, which serves as
the company's policy for all activities of employees. All of this is contained
Nintendo Code of Conduct, a basic rule to maintain as members of the
society, and the Nintendo DNA comes from the spirit and strength of their
Nintendo are found a ways to control fo their busiess right on track and brings more
customer and emplolyees satisfaction as their priority. Nintendo sucessfuly matsering avery
types of control so that they are the top of the word
1. [ CITATION Nin22 \l 1033 ], [ CITATION Mac22 \l 1033 ] History amd Networth of Nintendo
2. [CITATION JOH13 \l 1033 ] Control, definition of control and types of control definition
3. [ CITATION Doc19 \l 1033 ] The Story of Nintendo Wii ( The Wii’s *awful* Prototypes )
4. [ CITATION IGN17 \l 1033 ] Nintendo Appologized for the Joy-con drift
5. [ CITATION Nin \l 1033 ] Working environment of Nintendo Europe
| 1/8

Preview text:

Principle of management SEM II (2021-2022)
Topic: Choose a company and then analyze its control system.
Contributor: Hứa Gia Huy- BABAWE21509 1 Introduction
Nowadays, Video games are becoming an entire potential market, with millions of dollars in revenue.
Nintendo is a pioneer in the modern gaming industry with more than 45 years of making video games. It is
also the father of many franchises we know and love, such as Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, and evolutional
gaming consoles like NES, SNES, Wii, and Nintendo switch. To have a successful company, Nintendo
knows how to manage and control the company to see how well it is doing and make continuous
adjustments to get it right on track. Table of content
1. History of the company…………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
2. Control…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
3. Controlling definition……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
4. Controlling process …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
5. Types on control ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4-7 2
6. Concution…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
7. Reference ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 3
A. History of the company
Nintendo was born in 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi to manufacture and sell Hanafuda, which is
the Japanese playing card. Later, Yamauchi started with other love hotels, foods, and toys but
failed. Nintendo started making their first home game console inspired by the first gaming
console, the Magnavox Odyssey. From 1978 to 1981, Nintendo developed and sold
successful arcades and gained many achievements, such as Donkey Kong, Popeyes, and
Punch outs; during this period, the Nintendo legends employee and creator Gunpei Yokoi
invented the GAME AND WATCH, the first portable gaming device. In 1983, Nintendo
released the revolution Family Computer (known as Nintendo entertainment systems outside
Japan), which substantially impacted the gaming industry. In 1985, Super Mario Bros was
born and became a popular franchise following The Legend of Zelda, Tetris, and Pokémon. In
2022, Nintendo become a global brand with a $57.3B net worth. B. Control
1. Controlling definition
- Controlling is assessing performance and taking steps to guarantee that intended outcomes are achieved.
2. Controlling process
a) Establish performance objectives and standards b) Measure actual performance
c) Compare actual performance with objectives and standards
d) Take corrective action when needed and provide good feedback for work havebeen well 3. Types of Control
a) Based on the working process - Feedforward control
+ Before a work activity begins, feedforward controls are implemented. They
ensure that the objectives are clear, that correct instruction is created, and that
the necessary resources are available to achieve the goals.
+ Nintendo Wii is one of the greatest gaming consoles globally, with more
than 101 million units sold. Before the console is made, Genyo Takeda, a
longtime hardware developer who wants to make the new gaming consoles,
wants to make the console flashier, faster, and more powerful than the previous
Nintendo product GameCube. However, Miyamoto Shigeru, Wiimote the co-
developer and the father of Mario and Zelda found that:" Too many powerful consoles can-
not coexist. It is like having only ferocious dinosaurs. They might fight and 4
hasten their own extinction". So the idea was changed soon after which it
became a target at family members rather than a severe gamers, so new players
could easily approach the game console and play. In order to invent to console,
the target has to be silent and less power
consumed so the machine can work 24/7.
Shigeru Miyamoto brought out the idea of
the controller in a thick rod as a
combination of remote control over many
prototypes. They used a unique technology called a gyroscopic pointer. - Concurrent control +Concurrent controls focus on what hap-
pens during the work process. They make
sure things are done according to plan. + - Feedback control
+ Feedback controls, also called post-action controls, occur after work is
completed. They focus on the quality of results rather than on inputs and activities.
+ Joy-con drift is an issue when the joystick attached to the controllers of the
Nintendo Switch is controlling the game console without the player's control due
to a manufacturing error. Nintendo has received many complaints about the
customers' service and sued Nintendo for the problem. So, Nintendo apologized
for their error product. Current president of Nintendo was apologized for the
trouble caused to their customer of the broken Joy-con . They promise to fix the
first 4 controllers for free and have additional fees for the next joy-con b)Based on the whole company - Internal An official Nintendo website for user can fix their controller for free control: Allows motivated individuals
and groups to exercise self-
discipline in fulfilling job expectations
+ Self-control: is an internal control that occurs through self-discipline in
fulfilling work and personal responsibilities 5
+ Have an opportunity to work at Nintendo. Employees will never be the same
as in their old jobs. Employees can interact with each other throughout the day
and form strong bonds. The company encourages its employees to have fun, and
employees can play video games at work. There are numerous exciting activities
to make their jobs more entertaining, including office parties, video game
tournaments, and sports fields to help strengthen the employees together. A
survey of 81 employees at Nintendo is satisfied with a clear sense of purpose,
ability to meet personal goals, and an inclusive work environment. The CEO of
Nintendo Europe, Mr. Koji Miyake, describes the work philosophy at Nintendo
of Europe with these three concepts:
"One of Nintendo's strong points is that we are a team of individuals who
independently create new value. It's important that each individual thinks and
acts for themselves. Our employees take the initiative and work diligently
according to their beliefs.

Nintendo has faced the greatest changes in its business environment in the past
several decades, and we cannot rely on past success. Employees must have a
high awareness of their role as stakeholders in responding to changes. As a
company we ask all employees to challenge themselves in their roles, every day.

Collaboration is essential in achieving our goals. Nintendo comprises many
individuals with diverse values working in a range of job categories, who work
together toward a shared goal. Collaboration doesn't necessarily mean there
aren't conflicting ideas; the primary objective of collaboration is working
together to achieve results that cannot be achieved by any individual alone. It's
important to think things over by yourself, as doing so ensures effective
collaboration because you're better able to communicate your views or ideas.
Nintendo needs to be made up of individuals who make continual efforts to
collaborate effectively".[ CITATION Nin \l 1033 ]

+ Clan control: influences behavior through norms and expectations set by the organizational culture.
Employees have an enjoyable workplace at the office, seem more
creative, and have innovative ideas. Employees have to keep on track
with the Nintendo workforce by depend on their creativity
+ Market control: the influence of market competition on the behavior of
organizations and their members
Nintendo competitors, Playstation and Xbox are focused on
professional players that target teenagers and young adults. However, the
leading players using Nintendo products are primarily children and young 6
adults who have never played many video games. They want simple
gameplay for relaxation. Nintendo also targets hardcore fans of The
Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, and Super Mario Bros by releasing many
products and games based on their character brands. Nintendo console is
the cheapest gaming console compared to Xbox and PlayStation.
According to Amazon, the cheapest Playstation 5 is $1000, and Xbox series
X is $745, but Nintendo Switch with more than $500 and 1 game included.
+ Bureaucratic control: influences behavior through authority, policies,
procedures, job descriptions, budgets, and day-to-day supervision +
Nintendo distributes the Nintendo Standard of Behavior, which serves as
the company's policy for all activities of employees. All of this is contained
Nintendo Code of Conduct, a basic rule to maintain as members of the
society, and the Nintendo DNA comes from the spirit and strength of their legacy C.Conclution
Nintendo are found a ways to control fo their busiess right on track and brings more
customer and emplolyees satisfaction as their priority. Nintendo sucessfuly matsering avery
types of control so that they are the top of the word 7 Reference
1. [ CITATION Nin22 \l 1033 ], [ CITATION Mac22 \l 1033 ] History amd Networth of Nintendo
2. [CITATION JOH13 \l 1033 ] Control, definition of control and types of control definition
3. [ CITATION Doc19 \l 1033 ] The Story of Nintendo Wii ( The Wii’s *awful* Prototypes )
4. [ CITATION IGN17 \l 1033 ] Nintendo Appologized for the Joy-con drift
5. [ CITATION Nin \l 1033 ] Working environment of Nintendo Europe 8