Đề thi giữa kỳ học phần Principles of Management năm 2021 | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

DCom is a marketing company. Team A of 20 members has been working together for a long time already. The team leader, Mr. Phuc, has been staying for 10 years. Some people have committed for approximately 5 years. The newest one will spend their second Tet holiday bonus with the company this year. All of them are currently fine with their own tasks and the workflow is running smooth with busy schedule. Although the Covid quarantine brought up some difficulties, they managed to get through. They even chose to stay in the company for months of quarantine.  Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đón xem.

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Đề thi giữa kỳ học phần Principles of Management năm 2021 | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

DCom is a marketing company. Team A of 20 members has been working together for a long time already. The team leader, Mr. Phuc, has been staying for 10 years. Some people have committed for approximately 5 years. The newest one will spend their second Tet holiday bonus with the company this year. All of them are currently fine with their own tasks and the workflow is running smooth with busy schedule. Although the Covid quarantine brought up some difficulties, they managed to get through. They even chose to stay in the company for months of quarantine.  Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đón xem.

102 51 lượt tải Tải xuống
Date: January 21, 2021
Duraon: 24 hours
Student ID: ________________________________
SUBJECT: Principles of Management
Dean of School of Business Administraon
Full name:
Dr. Trnh Vit Dũng
Full name:
Phước Vân Hnh
Nguyn Duy Yến Linh
1. This is open book examinaon
2. Answer sheet is uploaded on Blackboard when you are done
3. Submit only your answer, DO NOT copy the queson into your answersheet.
4. The exam is 24 hours (from 17.15 - 21/1 to 17.15 - 22/1)
Queson 1: (30 points)
Leadership situaons in Fiedlers model are assessed according to the amount of
control they oer the leader.
a. What are the three conngency variables measuring situaonal control?
b. Apply this model to below case:
DCom is a markeng company. Team A of 20 members has been working
together for a long me already. The team leader, Mr. Phuc, has been staying for 10
years. Some people have commied for approximately 5 years. The newest one will
spend their second Tet holiday bonus with the company this year. All of them are
currently ne with their own tasks and the workow is running smooth with busy
schedule. Although the Covid quaranne brought up some dicules, they
managed to get through. They even chose to stay in the company for months of
Suddenly, the board of directors decide to recruit an experienced person (Ms.
Trang) to ll in the manager posion with the aim to boost the company back on
the run. She might have good reputaon among top levels in the industry, but to
DCom employees, there is sll no informaon to acknowledge. There is also no
formal meeng to introduce her to others.
She will be in charge of Team A, B, C. The rumours among team A seem to be
vary. Some members are ignorant. Some are not quite happy with the new manager.
Assume that the company has used Fiedlers model of conngency leadership to
select Ms. Trang for this posion, which leadership style is the best t for the
situaon of Team A? Show your analysis.
Queson 2: (30 points)
Use the case described in Queson 1.
What can you tell about job sasfacon of DCom employees in general?
Queson 3: (40 points)
What role does reinforcement play in movaon?
Give relevant example following the four reinforcement strategies.
| 1/2

Preview text:

Student ID: ________________________________
SUBJECT: Principles of Management
Dean of School of Business Administration Lecturer Signature: Signature: Full name: Full name: Phước Vân Hạnh Dr. Trịnh Việt Dũng Nguyễn Duy Yến Linh GENERAL INSTRUCTION(S)
1. This is open book examination
2. Answer sheet is uploaded on Blackboard when you are done
3. Submit only your answer, DO NOT copy the question into your answersheet.
4. The exam is 24 hours (from 17.15 - 21/1 to 17.15 - 22/1)
Question 1: (30 points)
Leadership situations in Fiedler’s model are assessed according to the amount of
control they offer the leader.
a. What are the three contingency variables measuring situational control?
b. Apply this model to below case:
DCom is a marketing company. Team A of 20 members has been working
together for a long time already. The team leader, Mr. Phuc, has been staying for 10
years. Some people have committed for approximately 5 years. The newest one will
spend their second Tet holiday bonus with the company this year. All of them are
currently fine with their own tasks and the workflow is running smooth with busy
schedule. Although the Covid quarantine brought up some difficulties, they
managed to get through. They even chose to stay in the company for months of quarantine.
Suddenly, the board of directors decide to recruit an experienced person (Ms.
Trang) to fill in the manager position with the aim to boost the company back on
the run. She might have good reputation among top levels in the industry, but to
DCom employees, there is still no information to acknowledge. There is also no
formal meeting to introduce her to others.
She will be in charge of Team A, B, C. The rumours among team A seem to be
vary. Some members are ignorant. Some are not quite happy with the new manager.
Assume that the company has used Fiedler’s model of contingency leadership to
select Ms. Trang for this position, which leadership style is the best fit for the
situation of Team A? Show your analysis.
Question 2: (30 points)
Use the case described in Question 1.
What can you tell about job satisfaction of DCom employees in general?
Question 3: (40 points)
What role does reinforcement play in motivation?
Give relevant example following the four reinforcement strategies.