Chương 2: Thỏa thuận quốc tế và khu vực thương mại | Đại học Thái Nguyên

The GATT and the WTO. RIAs. The North American free trade agreement. The European Unit (EU). Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Other regional agreements. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!

lOMoARcPSD| 45349271
Internaonal & Regional
Internaonal trade
Nguyen Thi Minh Anh
Internaonal School - Thai Nguyen University
1. The GATT and the WTO
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Was established in 1945 Was established in 1995
“Contracng pares” Replacing the GATT (CPs
Each CP must grant to every other CP the most favorable tari
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Certain excepons, such as free trade areas, customs unions, or
other preferenal arrangements
Trade liberalizaon
Reduce trade barriers
The establishment of a permanent trade organizaon
Selement of trade disputes
The GATT/WTO has played an important role in resolving trade
disputes between CPs.
Give trade retaliaon for a party when it did not follow GATTs
Trade in goods
The GATT rules apply to all products both imported and exported
1994 - a new general agreement on trade in services, intellectual
property and investment
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WTO members are permied to enter into RIAs under
specic condions.
establish free trade on most goods in
the regional area
refrain from raising their taris
against countries outside the
Since January 1995, nearly 600 RIAs have been noed to
the WTO
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The major drivers of RIAs are stated as follows:
Preferenal Trade Arrangements: Agreement among parcipang
naons to lower trade barriers.
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Free Trade Area: All barriers are removed on trade among members
but each naon retains its own barriers on trade with nonmembers.
Customs Union: In addion to an agreement to lower or remove trade
barriers, members establish a common system of taris against
nonmembers (common external tari).
Common Market: A common market includes all the elements of a
customs union and allows free movement of labor and capital
among member naons.
Economic Union: Economic union goes beyond a common market and
requires members to harmonize and/or unify monetary and scal
policies of member states.
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Canada, the United States, Mexico
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Negoang Objecves
The U.S:
- Rapid progress Canada: Mexico:
in trade - Operate larger - Provide a secure
liberalizaon plants access to a large
- Provide a secure
- Prevailing trend access to a large consumer market - Canada
& consumer market - Aract FDI Mexico are the - Reduce
the -reformFoster domesc most important uncertainty
trading partners
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Market Access for Goods
Government Procurement
Extend the naonal treatment standard
Contract of goods,
and/or services
Construcon contracts
Procurement contracts
$6.5 million
$8 million
Financial, telecommunicaons, trucking,
and rail services
No less favorably than its own service providers; phase
out limits on equity ownership; allows to take
lOMoARcPSD| 45349271
prudenal measures to protect the integrity of the
nancial system
Commits to impose no condions on access to public
telecommunicaon networks
(1) removes most limitaons on cross-border trucking
and rail, and liberalizes Mexican investment restricons
in these sectors
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(2) preserves exisng cabotage laws (not to make
addional stops unless the vehicle and cargo are registered
in the country)
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protecon of intellectual property rights (IPRs)
Include: patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyright,
and industrial designs.
Valid: 20 years (from the date of ling) /17 years (from the
date of grant)
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serious injury to domesc producers
emergency acon temporarily
Technical and Other Standards
Require: provide sixty days’ noce before
adopng new standards, not as a disguised
restricon to trade
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lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 International & Regional Agreements International trade Nguyen Thi Minh Anh
International School - Thai Nguyen University 1. The GATT and the WTO GATT WTO 1 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 Was established in 1945 Was established in 1995 “Contracting parties” Replacing the GATT (CPs ) Nondiscrimination
• Each CP must grant to every other CP the most favorable tariff treatment 2 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271
• Certain exceptions, such as free trade areas, customs unions, or
other preferential arrangements Trade liberalization • Reduce trade barriers
• The establishment of a permanent trade organization (WTO) Settlement of trade disputes
• The GATT/WTO has played an important role in resolving trade disputes between CPs.
• Give trade retaliation for a party when it did not follow GATT’s recommendations Trade in goods
• The GATT rules apply to all products both imported and exported
• 1994 - a new general agreement on trade in services, intellectual property and investment 3 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 4 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271
WTO members are permitted to enter into RIAs under specific conditions.
establish free trade on most goods in the regional area
refrain from raising their tariffs against countries outside the agreement
Since January 1995, nearly 600 RIAs have been notified to the WTO 5 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271
The major drivers of RIAs are stated as follows: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE
Preferential Trade Arrangements: Agreement among participating
nations to lower trade barriers. 6 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271
Free Trade Area: All barriers are removed on trade among members
but each nation retains its own barriers on trade with nonmembers.
Customs Union: In addition to an agreement to lower or remove trade
barriers, members establish a common system of tariffs against
nonmembers (common external tariff).
Common Market: A common market includes all the elements of a
customs union and allows free movement of labor and capital among member nations.
Economic Union: Economic union goes beyond a common market and
requires members to harmonize and/or unify monetary and fiscal policies of member states. INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE 7 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 8 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 Date 01/01/1994 Participants
Canada, the United States, Mexico 9 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 10 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 Negotiating Objectives The U.S: - Rapid progress Canada: Mexico: in trade - Operate larger - Provide a secure liberalization plants access to a large - Provide a secure
- Prevailing trend access to a large consumer market - Canada &
consumer market - Attract FDI Mexico are the - Reduce
the -reformFoster domestic most important uncertainty trading partners 11 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 12 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 Market Access for Goods Government Procurement
Extend the national treatment standard Minimum: Contract of goods, Construction contracts and/or services Procurement contracts $50,000 $6.5 million Government $250,000 $8 million enterprises Services
Financial, telecommunications, trucking, and rail services
No less favorably than its own service providers; phase
out limits on equity ownership; allows to take 13 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271
prudential measures to protect the integrity of the financial system
Commits to impose no conditions on access to public telecommunication networks Services Transport (1)
removes most limitations on cross-border trucking
and rail, and liberalizes Mexican investment restrictions in these sectors 14 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 (2)
preserves existing cabotage laws (not to make
additional stops unless the vehicle and cargo are registered in the country) 15 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 16 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271
protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs)
Include: patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyright, and industrial designs.
Valid: 20 years (from the date of filing) /17 years (from the date of grant) 17 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271
serious injury to domestic producers emergency action temporarily
Technical and Other Standards
Require: provide sixty days’ notice before
adopting new standards, not as a disguised restriction to trade 18 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 19 lOMoAR cPSD| 45349271 20