Chuyên đề phát âm - English Linguistics | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam

Chuyên đề phát âm - English Linguistics | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

1. 20 Nguyên âm (Vowels)
- Đầu tiên: - 7 nguyên âm ngắn (Short vowels)
/ə/: ago, mother, together
/i/: hit, bit, sit
/ /: stʌ udy, shut, must
/ /: gɒ ot job, hospital
/u/: put, should, foot
/e/: bed, send, tent, spend
/æ/: cat, chat, man
- Thứ 2: 5 nguyên âm dài (Long vowels)
/i /: mː eet, beat, heat
/u:/: school, food, moon
/a:/: father, star, car
/ /: spɔː ort, more, store
/ /: bird, shirt,ɜː early
- Thứ 3: 8 nguyên âm đôi (Diphthongs)
/ai/: buy, skỵ, hi, shy
/ /: bɔɪ oy, enjoy, toy
/ei/: day, baby, stay
/ou/: no, go, so
/au/: now, sound, cow
/ ə/: pʊ oor, sure, tour
/eə/: air, care, share
/ ə/: nɪ ear, tear, cheer
1. 24 Phụ âm (Consonants)
/b/: bag /d/: dog
/m/: mother /n/: many
/l/: love /r/: river
/p/: pupil /k/: kiss
/j/: yes /s/: see
/z/: zoo /h/: hat
/t/: tea /g/: get
/f/: fall /v/: visit
/w/: wet /t /:ʃ children
/d /: villʒ age /θ/: thin
ð/: mother / /:ʃ she
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/ n/: viʒ sion /ŋ/: thank
2. Cách phát âm của đuôi –s
- /S/: khi âm tận cùng trước nó là: /k/, /p/, /f/, /t/, /θ/
- /IZ/: khi trước -s là: ch, sh, ss, x, ge, se, ce
- /Z/: khi âm tận cùng trước nó là: nguyên âm và các phụ âm còn lại
3. Cách phát âm của đuôi –ed
- /t/: khi âm tận cùng trước nó là: /k/, /p/, /f/, /s/, / /, /t /ʃ ʃ
- /id/: khi trước -ed là: /t/ hoặc /d/
- /d/: khi âm tận cùng trước -ed là:nguyên âm và các phụ âm còn lại
Lưu ý:
Một số từ kết thúc bằng -ed được dùng làm tính từ/danh từ, đuôi -ed
được phát âm là /id/:
1. - aged /e d id/ (a): cao tuổi, lớn tuổiɪ ʒ
aged /e d d/ (Vpast): ɪ ʒ trở nên già, làm cho già cỗi
2. - blessed /blesid/ (a): thần thánh, thiêng liêng
3. - crooked /kr kid/ (a): cong, oằn, vặn vẹoʊ
4. - dogged /d di / (a): gan góc, gan lì, bền bỉɒɡ
5. - naked /neikid/ (a): trơ trụi, trần truồng
6. - learned /l nid/ (a): có học thức, thông ɜː
thái, uyên bác learned /l nd/ ɜː
(Vpast): học
7. - ragged /ræ id / (a): rách tả tơi, bù xùɡ
8. - wicked /wikid/ (a): tinh quái, ranh mãnh, nguy hại
9. - wretched / ret d/ (a): khốn khổ, bần cùng, tồi tệˈ ʃɪ
10. - beloved /b l v d/ (a): yêu thươngɪˈ ʌ ɪ
11. - cursed /k st/ (a): tức giận, khó chịuɜː
12. - rugged / r d/ (a): xù xì, gồ ghềˈ ʌɡɪ
13. - sacred / se kr d / (a): thiêng liêng, trân trọngˈ ɪ ɪ
14. - legged / le d / (a): có chânˈ ɡɪ
15. - hatred / he tr d / (a): lòng hận thùˈ ɪ ɪ
16. - crabbed / kræbid / (a): càu nhàu, gắt gỏngˈ
Exercise 1.1 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to :
indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three
in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1: A. B. C. round ground shout D. touch
2: A. D. travelled B. behaved C. practised combined
3: A. B. C. D. threatened promised injured agreed
4: A. B. C. D. bread heat peak steal
5: A. performed B. discussed C. cancelled D. followed
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6: A. leave B. teach C. speak D. learn
7: A. count B. doubt C. group D. sound
8: A. happened B. reduced C. survived
D. bothered
9: A. B. C. D. deal teach break clean
10: A. supported B. approached C. noticed D. finished
11: A. laughs B. drops C. maintains D. imports
12: A. justice B. campus C. culture D. brush
13: A. wanted B. stopped C. decided D. hated
14: A. century B. culture C. secure D. applicant
15: A. B. C. D. finished developed defeated looked
16: A. hesitate B. reserve C. physics D. basic
17: A. sale B. chalk C. date D. plane
18: A. toured B. jumped C. solved D. rained
19: A. dressed B. dropped C. matched D. joined
20: A. walk B. call C. take D. talk
21: A. B. C. D. date face page map
22: A. played B. planned C. cooked D. lived
23: A. find B. think C. drive D. mind
24: A. missed B. talked C. watched D. cleaned
25: A. washed B. passed C. worked
D. opened
26: A. B. C. D. hate face make dance
27: A. B. C. D. mood flood spoon moon
28: A. listens B. reviews C. protects
D. enjoys
29: A. delays B. begins C. attracts D. believes
30: A. B. C. D. head bean meal team
31: A. great B. C. cheap clean D. mean
32: A. improves B. destroys C. suggests D. reminds
33: A. B. C. D. dream wear treat mean
34: A. attacks B. medals C. concerns D. fingers
35: A. B. C. D. meat threat beat seat
36: A. wonders B. problems C. mountains D. moments
37: A. washed B. formed C. turned D. boiled
38: A. house B. mouth C. could D. found
39: A. drought B. fought C. brought D. bought
40: A. builds B. destroys C. occurs D. prevents
41: A. dumb B. shut C. sunny D. tube
42: A. advertise B. variety C. standard D. natural
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43: A. appeal B. ease C. team D. already
44: A. page B. age C. village D. stage
45: A. abroad B. coal C. road D. toasty
46: A. good B. book C. foot D. food
47: A. dear B. near C. bear D. fear
48: A. sound B. touch C. amount D. account
49: A. undermine B. imagine C. discipline D. magazine
50: A. timeline B. memorise C. citadel D. financial
51: A. stool B. blood C. soon D. moon
52: A. feat B. great C. seat D. meat
53: A. stomach B. chopstick C. monument D. robbery
54: A. floppy B. accompany C. trophy D. simplify
55: A. shoulder B. announce C. around D. background
56: A. email B. prepare C. equal D. jewel
57: A. awful B. straw C. award D. outlaw
58: A. eliminate B. private C. locate D. stimulate
59: A. sorrow B. follow C. eyebrow D. show
60: A. laughter B. caution C. applause D. autumn
Exercise 1.2 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to :
indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three
in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1: A. B. C. D. captain table lazy base
2: A. teammate B. reading C. seaside D. creating
3: A. vegetation B. destination C. adventure D. detective
4: A. risky B. imprison C. wildlife D. victory
5: A. orphan B. torch C. afford D. oxford
6: A. B. C. D. relieve believe thief ancient
7: A. ghost B. lost C. post D. mostly
8: A. B. C. D. crowded towel towed vowel
9: A. globe B. emotion C. official D. lonely
10: A. changes B. durables C. privileges D. marches
11: A. abandoned B. flourished C. pumped D. passed
12: A. variety B. varied C. variable D. variation
13: A. discover B. awesome C. tongue D. won
14: A. citrus B. cereal C. composer D. cinema
15: A. ginger B. gesture C. gymnasium D. gradual
16: A. criticism B. arrival C. interrupt D. primitive
17: A. character B. aching C. chamber
D. orchestra
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18: A. recommend B. recognize C. refrigerate D. reference
19: A. organ B. torn C. landlord D. worldly
20: A. sense B. develop C. enlarge D. reserved
21: A. Mars B. particular C. superstar D. charter
22: A. preschool B. preposition C. presence D. pressure
23: A. postponed B. received C. attached D. mingled
24: A. oxygen B. typist C. syllable D. typical
25: A. breakfast B. bread C. reason D. meant
26: A. design B. preserve C. physical D. basic
27: A. fund B. unusual C. volunteer D. muddy
28: A. B. C. D. fake amaze framework merchant
29: A. requires B. widens C. scores D. attacks
30: A. laugh B. plough C. fought D. height
31: A. none B. phone C. stone D. zone
32: A. life B. like C. live D. lively
33: A. beard B. hear C. rear D. swear
34: A. ancient B. educate C. stranger D. transfer
35: A. account B. astound C. country D. mounting
36: A. distributed B. used C. emailed D. copied
37: A. invented B. contributed C. attributed D. welcomed
38: A. coughed B. developed C. introduced D. downloaded
39: A. wicked B. reduced C. influenced D. expressed
40: A. accessed B. searched C. surfed D. recorded
41: A. international B. nation C. national D. nationality
42: A. language B. massage C. marriage D. shortage
43: A. because B. nurse C. horse
D. purpose
44: A. cultures B. customs C. ideas D. migrants
45: A. passed B. realized C. touched D. wished
46: A. endangered B. gorilla C. global D. dragon
47: A. change B. poaching C. chemical D. achievement
48: A. horn B. vehicle C. hippo D. habitat
49: A. species B. nest C. special D. helpful
50: A. snorkelling B. sensitive C. diversity D. reserve
51: A. application B. combustion C. navigation D. recognition
52: A. C. computer B. communication command D. complicated
53: A. advanced B. automated C. constructed D. reunited
54: A. arrangement B. application C. activate D. assistance
55: A. potential B. production C. promotion D. psychology
56: A. B. advertisement applicant C. candidate D. management
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57: A. relevant B. energetic C. enthusiastic D. engineer
58: A. organized B. prioritize C. important D. opportunity
59: A. D. competitive B. entrepreneur C. apprenticeship conscientious
60: A. challenging B. energetic C. management D. organized
Exercise 1.3 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to :
indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three
in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1: A. tedious B. secure C. temporary D. rewarding
2: A. enthusiastic B. smooth C. southern D. trustworthy
3: A. tertiary B. trustworthy C. tempting D. shortlist
4: A. pension B. commission C. passion D. decision
5: A. shortlist B. temporary C. afford D. accordingly
6: A. graduate B. mandatory C. explode D. persuade
7: A. investigate B. neglect C. gaol D. progress
8: A. chooses B. clothes C. encourages D. boxes
9: A. design B. persuade C. pursue D. increase
10: A. motivation B. initiative C. optional D. restricted
11: A. amazing B. charge C. female D. taste
12: A. B. C. D. break breath thread tread
13: A. enough B. plough C. rough D. tough
14: A. believes B. dreams C. girls D. parents
15: A. kissed B. laughed C. looked D. loved
16: A. lake B. C. bay cane D. lack
17: A. lurk B. luck C. D. but put
18: A. stopped B. expected C. finished
D. faced
19: A. thoughtful B. threaten C. therefore D. thin
20: A. grease B. sympathy C. horse D. rose
21: A. C. secondary B. complimentary vocabulary D. supplementary
22: A. idiot B. idea C. idol D. ideal
23: A. police B. policy C. polite D. pollute
24: A. preferable B. preference C. preferably D. preferential
25: A. athlete B. capital C. stalk D. talent
26: A. emblem B. member C. regret D. theme
27: A. August B. gerund C. purpose D. suggest
28: A. dream B. mean C. peace D. steady
29: A. consist B. disable C. suggest D. vision
30: A. genius B. gorilla C. global D. gases
31: A. pollution B. poaching C. physical D. pesticide
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32: A. warming B. warn C. walk D. wasn't
33: A. floor B. flood C. moorland D. door
34: A. increase B. release C. please D. grease
35: A. degree B. doctorate C. graduate D. kindergarten
36: A. bachelor B. chapter C. chemistry D. teacher
37: A. culture B. student C. institution D. university
38: A. appreciate B. psychology C. programme D. respectively
39: A. scholar B. technique C. archaeology D. achievement
40: A. ancient B. concern C. associate D. special
41: A. itinerary B. abundant C. elegance D. landscape
42: A. tomb B. dome C. mosaic D. poetic
43: A. numerous B. luxury C. perfume D. moment
44: A. academic B. apply C. apology D. achieve
45: A. dweller B. overcrowded C. network D. waste
46: A. commercial B. electricity C. advanced D. processing
47: A. inhabitant B. geography C. radiation D. available
48: A. upgrade B. presentation C. description D. consumption
49: A. disposal B. optimistic C. population D. occupy
50: A. sugar B. consume C. transfat D. obesity
51: A. vitamin B. mineral C. diet D. fitness
52: A. medicine B. remedy C. exercise D. obesity
53: A. balanced B. yoga C. fatty D. natural
54: A. vegetable B. hygiene C. sugary D. longevity
55: A. culture B. public C. sustain D. butterfly
56: A. pollution B. coral C. problem D. ecology
57: A. discount B. observe C. safari D. scuba-diving
58: A. relax B. departure C. benefit D. interest
1. Trọng âm theo phiên âm
- Trọng âm không bao giờ rơi vào âm /ə/ hoặc là âm /ə /:ʊ Lưu ý: Nếu
như trong từ có chứa cả 2 âm /ə/ và /ə / thì trọng âm rơi vào phần có chứaʊ
âm /ə /ʊ
Ví dụ:
mother / m ðə(r)/ˈ ʌ
hotel /hə tel/ʊˈ
- Trọng âm thường rơi vào những âm sau:
+ Nguyên âm dài:
Ví dụ:
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/d zɪˈ iːz/
+ Nguyên âm đôi:
Ví dụ:
/ k splɪ ˈ eɪn/
+ Âm cuối kết thúc với nhiều hơn một phụ âm
Ví dụ:
/ k mpr heˌ ɒ ɪˈ nd/
- Nếu tất cả các âm mà ngắn hết thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất
Ví dụ:
- Trọng âm với hậu tố/ đuôi
+ Hậu tố/ đuôi NHẬN TRỌNG ÂM
-oo: bamboo /bam bu:/ˈ
-oon: cartoon/k tu n/ɑːˈ ː
-ee: interviewee / ntəvju i /ɪ ːˈ ː
-eer: volunteer / v lən t ə/ˌ ɒ ˈ ɪ
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-ese: Vietnamese / v etnə mi z/ˌ ɪ ˈ ː
-esque: picturesque / p kt ə resk/ˌ ɪ ʃ ˈ
-ette: cigarette /s ə ret/ɪɡ ˈ
-ade: lemonade /lemə ne d/ˈ ɪ
-mental: environmental / n va ərən ment(ə)l/ɪ ˌ ɪ ˈ
-nental: continental /k nt nent(ə)l/ɒ ɪˈ
-ain: entertain /entə te n/ˈ ɪ
+ Hậu tố/ đuôi làm trọng âm rơi vào trước âm đó
-ion: population /p pj le (ə)n/ɒ ʊˈ ɪʃ
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-ic: economic / i n m k/ˌ ː ˈ ɒ ɪ
-ial: industrial / n d str əl/ɪ ˈ ʌ ɪ
-ive: expensive / k spens v/ɪ ˈ ɪ
-ible: responsible /r sp ns b(ə)l/ɪˈ ɒ ɪ
-ity: ability /ə b ləti/ˈ ɪ
-graphy: photography /fə t rəfi/ˈ ɒɡ
-ious: industrious / n d str əs/ɪ ˈ ʌ ɪ
-eous: advantageous / ædvən te d əs/ˌ ˈ ɪ ʒ
-ish: selfish / self /ˈ ɪʃ
-ian: politician /p l t (ə)n/ɒ ɪˈ ɪʃ
+ Hậu tố/ đuôi làm trọng âm dịch chuyển 3 âm tính từ cuối lên
-y: biology /ba ləd i/ɪˈɒ ʒ
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-ce: difference / d f(ə)r(ə)ns/ˈ ɪ
-ate: graduate / ræd e t/ˈɡ ʒʊ ɪ
-ise/ ize: apologise /ə p ləd z/ˈ ɒ ʒʌɪ
-ism/izm: tourism / t ər z(ə)m/ˈ ʊ ɪ
+ Hậu tố không ảnh hưởng đến trọng âm của từ
tất cả những hậu tố còn lại:
-ly -ment -hood -ship – age -ing – ance
-able -al -ure -ledge -ful -er -or -ist -ous
-less -ness -dom -some …
Ví dụ: freedom / fri dəm/ˈ ː
+ Tiền Tố Không ảnh hưởng đến trọng âm của từ
un-: unhappy / n hæpi/ʌ ˈ
in-: inexpensive / n k spens v/ɪ ɪ ˈ ɪ
im-: impolite / mpə l t/ɪ ˈ ʌɪ
ir-: irresponsible / r sp ns b(ə) /ɪ ɪˈ ɒ ɪ l
il-: illogical / l d k(ə) /ɪˈ ɒ ʒɪ l
dis-: dishonest /d s n st/ɪ ˈɒ ɪ
non-: non-profit /n n pr f t/ɒ ˈ ɒ ɪ
re-: reproductive / ri prə d kt v/ˌ ː ˈ ʌ ɪ
ab-: abnormal /əb n m(ə) /ˈ ɔː l
en-: enrichment /en r t m(ə)nt/ˈ ɪ ʃ
inter-: internationally / ntə na (ə) (ə)li/ɪ ˈ ʃ n
mis-: misunderstanding / m s ndə stand ŋ/ˌ ɪ ʌ ˈ ɪ
2. Trọng âm với từ ghép
+ Danh từ ghép (trọng âm rơi vào từ đầu)
Danh từ ghép gồm
Noun 1 + Noun 2
Adj + Noun
Gerund + Noun
Noun + Gerund
Noun + Verb + er
+ Động từ ghép (trọng âm rơi vào từ thứ 2)
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+ Tính từ ghép
Tính từ ghép gồm:
Noun + Adj: trọng âm rơi vào Noun
Adj + Noun: trọng âm rơi vào Adj
Adj + Adj: trọng âm rơi vào Adj thứ 2
Adj + Noun + ed: trọng âm rơi vào từ thứ 2
Adj + Vp2: trọng âm rơi vào từ thứ 2
Noun + Vp2: trọng âm rơi vào Vp2
Adv + Gerund: trọng âm rơi vào từ thứ 2
Exercise 1.1 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that :
differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of
the following questions.
Question 1: A. recipe B. candidate instrument C. D. commitment
Question 2: A. conceal B. contain conserve conquer C. D.
Question 3: A. advantageous oceanic compulsory influential B. C. D.
Question 4: A. inflation B. maximum C. applicant character D.
Question 5: A. compulsory B. biography curriculum admirable C. D.
Question 6: A. struggle B. anxious C. confide D. comfort
Question 7: A. offer canoe country B. C. D. standard
Question 8: A. pollution B. computer currency C. D. allowance
Question 9: A. financial B. fortunate marvelous physical C. D.
Question 10: A. prepare B. survive C. finish D. appeal
Question 11: A. bamboo B. forget deserve channel C. D.
Question 12: A. endanger B. furniture C. determine D. departure
Question 13 A. teacher B. lesson C. action D. police
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Question 14: A. important B. happiness C. employment D. relation
Question 15: A. possible B. cultural C. confident supportive D.
Question 16: A. office B. nature C. result D. farmer
Question 17: A. difficult B. popular C. effective national D.
Question 18: A. answer B. reply C. singer D. future
Question 19: A. medical B. essential C. dangerous regular D.
Question 20: A. doctor B. student C. advice D. parent
Question 21: A. advice B. justice C. circus D. product
Question 22: A. politician B. genetics C. artificial D. controversial
Question 23: A. sympathy poverty equipment character B. C. D.
Question 24: A. intend B. install follow C. D. decide
Question 25: A. apartment B. benefit C. argument vacancy D.
Question 26: A. B. explain involve borrow C. D. discuss
Question 27: A. B. behave relax enter allow C. D.
Question 28: A. B. C. D. disaster origin charity agency
29: A. B. C. president opponent assistant companion D.
Question 30: A. B. obtain perform affect happen C. D.
Question 31: A. inform explore prevent B. C. D. cancel
Question 32: A. B. C. attitude manager invention company D.
Question 33: A. B. C. carry remove protect consist D.
Question 34: A. B. C. D. passenger principal continent solution
Question 35: A. festival summary selection B. C. D. holiday
Question 36: A. reward study delete B. C. D. survive
Question 37: A. B. C. terrific chemical general beautiful D.
Question 38: A. B. C. provide collect repeat listen D.
Question 39: A. B. C. article addition exercise D. energy
Question 40: A. travel return connect B. C. D. deny
Question 41: A. B. C. refuse musician history mechanic D.
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Question 42: A. B. C. museum destroy threatened economy D.
43: A. B. computer communicate comfortable C. D. flamingo
Question 44: A. B. C. poison comer improve capture D.
45: A. B. C. ingredient maintenance performance replacement D.
Question 46: A. B. C. D. childish spacious resource wallet
Question 47: A. average decorate gratitude B. C.
D. instruction
Question 48: A. B. harvester gigantic memento C. D. exciting
49: A. B. renewable aspiration politician energetic C. D.
Question 50: A. general popular interrupt B. C. D. dedicate
Exercise 1.2 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in:
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. stimulate altitude influence decision B. C. D.
Question 2: A. B. C. longevity enthusiast biography
D. operation
3: A. B. anniversary universally sophisticated representative C. D.
Question 4: A. emigrate immigrate advocate inhabit B. C. D.
Question 5: A. B. confide comfort inflate C. D. severe
6: A. B. biology environment geography scientific C. D.
7: A. B. estimate prestigious proportion urbanity C. D.
8: A. B. C. drawback greenhouse mindset overload D.
Question 9: A. B. C. D. tablet media social subscribe
Question 10: A. B. C. D. newspaper smartphone access device
11: A. B. C. D. computer technology magazine connection
12: A. B. C. D. networking television socialize communication
13: A. B. C. D. digital entertain Internet cyberspace
Question 14: A. B. C. anthem appear attire attend D.
Question 15: A. B. C. D. unify unique uniqueness unite
Question 16: A. B. C. assimilate diagnose festival scenery D.
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Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm
Question 17: A. diversity endanger geography B. C. D. opposite
18: A. circumstance considerate community identity B. C. D.
Question 19: A. B. C. D. visit extinct survive evolve
Question 20: A. B. C. dangerous survivor habitat vulnerable D.
Question 21: A. convenient endanger critical B. C. D. tradition
Question 22: A. B. C. D. pollution collision protection valuable
Question 23: A. migrate giant panda rhino B. C. D.
Question 24: A. B. C. D. machine robot human fiction
25: A. B. C. D. applicable automation artificial evolution
26: A. B. algorithm exterminate intelligence technology C. D.
Question 27: A. B. C. D. capable robotic industry futurist
Question 28: A. B. assembly interfere reunite C. D. resurrect
29: A. B. experience apprenticeship C. administration D. prioritize
Question 30: A. advertisement B. probation competitive relevant C. D.
31: A. organization enthusiastic compassionate B. C.
D. qualification
Question 32: A. encourage interview graduate B. C. D. organize
33: A. B. C. D. successful significant experienced challenging
34: A. rewarding fascinating tedious B. C. D. challenging
Question 35: A. B. prospect reference promoted C.
D. interview
36: A. C. D. unemployment B. economics manufacture responsible
Question 37: A. workforce high-flyer handshake headhunt B. C. D.
38: A. B. C. D. commuter commitment employee attendant
Question 39: A. B. C. authentic ultimate graduate personal D.
30: A. B. compulsory voluntary initiative investigate C. D.
Question 41: A. B. C. D. optional primary selective national
Question 42: A. C. D. unchangeable B. adjustable emotional privilege
Question 43: A. reluctant different flexible willingly B. C. D.
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Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm
Question 44: A. B. access afford brochure C. D. casual
Question 45: A. B. behaviour determined counselor C.
D. decisive
Question 46: A. B. donate compare campaign C. D. flashy
Question 47: A. B. C. D. experience mobility independent prioritise
Question 48: A. romantic solution protective B. C. D. elegant
Question 49: A. B. C. legal obey forbid impose D.
50: A. B. C. constitution disrespectful sympathetic elongated D.
Exercise 1.3 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in:
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
1: A. generational B. interpersonal discrimination C. D. nationality
Question 2: A. B. C. D. studious unite mature involve
Question 3: A. frustrating charity impairment B. C. D. infectious
Question 4: A. B. campaign female humour partner C. D.
Question 5: A. B. C. advice contact mature D. maintain
6: A. favourite recommend understand volunteer B. C. D.
:7 A. B. C. argument counsellor reconcile romantic D.
8: A. comfortable preservative relationship significant B. C. D.
9: A. B. C. D. reliable independent responsible decisiveness
10: A. B. C. D. difficult confident critical important
11: A. B. permission well-informed activity effective C. D.
12: A. B. C. D. routine problem lonely hygiene
13: A. B. C. D. laundry punish depend reason
14: A. B. C. disrespectful independent physically understanding D.
15: A. B. C. D. donate impair mental support
Question 16: A. B. C. D. campaign hearing slogan talent
17: A. B. C. community energetic enthusiast participate D.
Question 18: A. B. cognitive volunteer medical C. D. physical
Question 19: A. B. assistance confident dynamic C. D. external
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Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm
20: A. B. C. D. academic behaviour participate relationship
Question 21: A. B. C. D. charter depict enter purchase
Question 22: A. B. athlete continue C. principle D. regional
23: A. B. C. competition fundamental interference stability D.
Question 24: A. B. C. D. campaign global balance carbon
Question 25: A. natural B. C. endangered dangerous habitat D.
Question 26: A. rainforest tropical discover animal B. C. D.
Question 27: A. B. C. D. pollution continue enormous disappear
28: A. devastated environment diversity B. C. D. ecology
29: A. B. biology geography education C. D. relationship
Question 30: A. B. broaden provide pursue C. D. succeed
Question 31: A. B. C. D. college degree language subject
32: A. B. C. D. analytical opportunity qualification university
33: A. B. C. D. bachelor diploma internship scholarship
34: A. B. C. archaeology itinerary unforgettable D. authenticity
35: A. B. C. D. magnificent associate mausoleum harmonious
36: A. B. C. religious masterpiece prestigious D. abundant
Question 37: A. B. intact nightlife relic C. D. complex
Question 38: A. B. cultural heritage memory represent C. D.
39: A. B. organiser comfortable technology C. D. populated
40: A. presentation pessimistic residential B. C. D. innovative
41: A. B. renewable sustainable insfrastructure environment C. D.
Question 42: A. B. familiar generate assignment C. D. pollutant
43: A. overcrowded inhabitant geography convenient B. C. D.
Question 44: A. B. suggest involve travel C. D. sustain
Question 45: A. natural B. C. safari interest benefit D.
46: A. B. C. butterfly departure tradition protection D.
Question 47: A. environment ecology sustainable beneficial B. C. D.
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Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm
48: A. B. ecotourism relaxation preservation C. D. disappointed
Question 49: A. B. C. D. disposal animal energy poverty
Question 50: A. awareness solution importance happines B. C. D.
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Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm CHUYÊN ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM I. NGUYÊN ÂM 1. 20 Nguyên âm (Vowels)
- Đầu tiên: - 7 nguyên âm ngắn (Short vowels)
/ə/: ago, mother, together /i/: hit, bit, sit /ʌ/: study, shut, must /ɒ/: got job, hospital /u/: put, should, foot /e/: bed, send, tent, spend /æ/: cat, chat, man
- Thứ 2: 5 nguyên âm dài (Long vowels) /i / ː : meet, beat, heat /u:/: school, food, moon /a:/: father, star, car / /: sp ɔː ort, more, store / /: bird, shirt, ɜː early
- Thứ 3: 8 nguyên âm đôi (Diphthongs)
/ai/: buy, skỵ, hi, shy /ɔɪ/: boy, enjoy, toy /ei/: day, baby, stay /ou/: no, go, so /au/: now, sound, cow / ə/: p ʊ oor, sure, tour /eə/: air, care, share / ə/: n ɪ ear, tear, cheer II. PHỤ ÂM 1. 24 Phụ âm (Consonants) /b/: bag /d/: dog /m/: mother /n/: many /l/: love /r/: river /p/: pupil /k/: kiss /j/: yes /s/: see /z/: zoo /h/: hat /t/: tea /g/: get /f/: fall /v/: visit /w/: wet /t /: ʃ children /dʒ/: village /θ/: thin ð/: mother / /: ʃ she about:blank 1/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm /ʒn/: vision /ŋ/: thank
2. Cách phát âm của đuôi –s
/S/: khi âm tận cùng trước nó là: /k/, /p/, /f/, /t/, /θ/
- /IZ/: khi trước -s là: ch, sh, ss, x, ge, se, ce
- /Z/: khi âm tận cùng trước nó là: nguyên âm và các phụ âm còn lại
3. Cách phát âm của đuôi –ed
- /t/: khi âm tận cùng trước nó là: /k/, /p/, /f/, /s/, / / ʃ , /t / ʃ
- /id/: khi trước -ed là: /t/ hoặc /d/
- /d/: khi âm tận cùng trước -ed là:nguyên âm và các phụ âm còn lại Lưu ý:
Một số từ kết thúc bằng -ed được dùng làm tính từ/danh từ, đuôi -ed được phát âm là /id/:
1. - aged /e d ɪ
id/ (a): cao tuổi, lớn tuổi ʒ aged /e d ɪ d/ ( ʒ
Vpast): trở nên già, làm cho già cỗi 2.
- blessed /blesid/ (a): thần thánh, thiêng liêng 3.
- crooked /kr kid/ (a): cong, oằn, vặn vẹo ʊ 4. - dogged /d
di / (a): gan góc, gan lì, bền bỉ ɒɡ 5.
- naked /neikid/ (a): trơ trụi, trần truồng 6.
- learned /l nid/ (a): có học thức, thông ɜː
thái, uyên bác learned /lɜːnd/ (Vpast): học 7.
- ragged /ræ id / (a): rách tả tơi, bù xù ɡ 8.
- wicked /wikid/ (a): tinh quái, ranh mãnh, nguy hại 9. - wretched / ret ˈ
d/ (a): khốn khổ, bần cùng, tồi tệ ʃɪ 10. - beloved /b l ɪˈ v ʌ d/ (a): yêu thương ɪ 11.
- cursed /k st/ (a): tức giận, khó chịu ɜː 12. - rugged /ˈr d/ (a): xù xì, gồ ghề ʌɡɪ 13. - sacred / se ˈ kr ɪ
d / (a): thiêng liêng, trân trọng ɪ 14. - legged / le ˈ d / (a): có chân ɡɪ 15. - hatred / he ˈ tr ɪ d / (a): lòng hận thù ɪ 16.
- crabbed /ˈkræbid / (a): càu nhàu, gắt gỏng
Exercise 1.1
: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three
in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1: A. round B. ground C. shout D. touch
2: A. travelled B. behaved C. practised D. combined
3: A. threatened B. promised C. injured D. agreed
4: A. bread B. heat C. peak D. steal
5: A. performed B. discussed C. cancelled D. followed about:blank 2/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm
6: A. leave B. teach C. speak D. learn
7: A. count B. doubt C. group D. sound
8: A. happened B. reduced C. survived D. bothered
9: A. deal B. teach C. break D. clean
10: A. supported B. approached C. noticed D. finished
11: A. laughs B. drops C. maintains D. imports
12: A. justice B. campus C. culture D. brush
13: A. wanted B. stopped C. decided D. hated
14: A. century B. culture C. secure D. applicant
15: A. finished B.
developed C. defeated D. looked
16: A. hesitate B. reserve C. physics D. basic
17: A. sale B. chalk C. date D. plane
18: A. toured B. jumped C. solved D. rained
19: A. dressed B. dropped C. matched D. joined
20: A. walk B. call C. take D. talk
21: A. date B. face C. page D. map
22: A. played B. planned C. cooked D. lived
23: A. find B. think C. drive D. mind
24: A. missed B. talked C. watched D. cleaned
25: A. washed B. passed C. worked D. opened
26: A. hate B. face C. make D. dance
27: A. mood B. flood C. spoon D. moon
28: A. listens B. reviews C. protects D. enjoys
29: A. delays B. begins C. attracts D. believes
30: A. head B. bean C. meal D. team
31: A. great B. cheap C. clean D. mean
32: A. improves B. destroys C. suggests D. reminds
33: A. dream B. wear C. treat D. mean
34: A. attacks B. medals C. concerns D. fingers
35: A. meat B. threat C. beat D. seat
36: A. wonders B. problems C. mountains D. moments
37: A. washed B. formed C. turned D. boiled
38: A. house B. mouth C. could D. found
39: A. drought B. fought C. brought D. bought
40: A. builds B. destroys C. occurs D. prevents
41: A. dumb B. shut C. sunny D. tube
42: A. advertise B. variety C. standard D. natural about:blank 3/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm
43: A. appeal B. ease C. team D. already
44: A. page B. age C. village D. stage
45: A. abroad B. coal C. road D. toasty
46: A. good B. book C. foot D. food
47: A. dear B. near C. bear D. fear
48: A. sound B. touch C. amount D. account
49: A. undermine B. imagine C. discipline D. magazine
50: A. timeline B. memorise C. citadel D. financial
51: A. stool B. blood C. soon D. moon
52: A. feat B. great C. seat D. meat
53: A. stomach B. chopstick C. monument D. robbery
54: A. floppy B. accompany C. trophy D. simplify
55: A. shoulder B. announce C. around D. background
56: A. email B. prepare C. equal D. jewel
57: A. awful B. straw C. award D. outlaw
58: A. eliminate B. private C. locate D. stimulate
59: A. sorrow B. follow C. eyebrow D. show
60: A. laughter B. caution C. applause D. autumn
Exercise 1.2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three
in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1: A. captain B. table C. lazy D. base
2: A. teammate B. reading C. seaside D. creating
3: A. vegetation B. destination C. adventure D. detective
4: A. risky B. imprison C. wildlife D. victory
5: A. orphan B. torch C. afford D. oxford
6: A. relieve B. believe C. thief D. ancient
7: A. ghost B. lost C. post D. mostly
8: A. crowded B. towel C. towed D. vowel
9: A. globe B. emotion C. official D. lonely
10: A. changes B. durables C. privileges D. marches
11: A. abandoned B. flourished C. pumped D. passed
12: A. variety B. varied C. variable D. variation
13: A. discover B. awesome C. tongue D. won
14: A. citrus B. cereal C. composer D. cinema
15: A. ginger B. gesture C. gymnasium D. gradual
16: A. criticism B. arrival C. interrupt D. primitive
17: A. character B. aching C. chamber D. orchestra about:blank 4/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm
18: A. recommend B. recognize C. refrigerate D. reference
19: A. organ B. torn C. landlord D. worldly
20: A. sense B. develop C. enlarge D. reserved
21: A.
Mars B. particular C. superstar D. charter
22: A. preschool B. preposition C. presence D. pressure
23: A. postponed B. received C. attached D. mingled
24: A. oxygen B. typist C. syllable D. typical
25: A. breakfast B. bread C. reason D. meant
26: A. design B. preserve C. physical D. basic
27: A. fund B. unusual C. volunteer D. muddy
28: A. fake B. amaze C. framework D. merchant
29: A. requires B. widens C. scores D. attacks
30: A. laugh B. plough C. fought D. height
31: A. none B. phone C. stone D. zone
32: A. life B. like C. live D. lively
33: A. beard B. hear C. rear D. swear
34: A. ancient B. educate C. stranger D. transfer
35: A. account B. astound C. country D. mounting
36: A. distributed B. used C. emailed D. copied
37: A. invented B. contributed C. attributed D. welcomed
38: A. coughed B. developed C. introduced D. downloaded
39: A. wicked B. reduced C. influenced D. expressed
40: A. accessed B. searched C. surfed D. recorded
41: A. international B. nation C. national D. nationality
42: A. language B. massage C. marriage D. shortage
43: A. because B. nurse C. horse D. purpose
44: A. cultures B. customs C. ideas D. migrants
45: A. passed B. realized C. touched D. wished
46: A. endangered B. gorilla C. global D. dragon
47: A. change B. poaching C. chemical D. achievement
48: A. horn B. vehicle C. hippo D. habitat
49: A. species B. nest C. special D. helpful
50: A. snorkelling B. sensitive C. diversity D. reserve
51: A. application B. combustion C. navigation D. recognition
52: A. computer B. communication C. command D. complicated
53: A. advanced B. automated C. constructed D. reunited
54: A. arrangement B. application C. activate D. assistance
55: A. potential B. production C. promotion D. psychology
56: A. advertisement B. applicant C. candidate D. management about:blank 5/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm
57: A. relevant B. energetic C. enthusiastic D. engineer
58: A. organized B. prioritize C. important D. opportunity
59: A. competitive B. entrepreneur C. apprenticeship D. conscientious
60: A. challenging B. energetic C. management D. organized
Exercise 1.3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three
in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1: A. tedious B. secure C. temporary D. rewarding
2: A. enthusiastic B. smooth C. southern D. trustworthy
3: A. tertiary B. trustworthy C. tempting D. shortlist
4: A. pension B. commission C. passion D. decision
5: A. shortlist B. temporary C. afford D. accordingly
6: A. graduate B. mandatory C. explode D. persuade
7: A. investigate B. neglect C. gaol D. progress
8: A. chooses B. clothes C. encourages D. boxes
9: A. design B. persuade C. pursue D. increase
10: A. motivation B. initiative C. optional D. restricted
11: A. amazing B. charge C. female D. taste
12: A. break B. breath C. thread D. tread
13: A. enough B. plough C. rough D. tough
14: A. believes B. dreams C. girls D. parents
15: A. kissed B. laughed C. looked D. loved
16: A. lake B. bay C. cane D. lack
17: A. lurk B. luck C. but D. put
18: A. stopped B. expected C. finished D. faced
19: A. thoughtful B. threaten C. therefore D. thin
20: A. grease B. sympathy C. horse D. rose
21: A. secondary B. complimentary C. vocabulary D. supplementary
22: A. idiot B. idea C. idol D. ideal
23: A. police B. policy C. polite D. pollute
24: A. preferable B. preference C. preferably D. preferential
25: A. athlete B. capital C. stalk D. talent
26: A. emblem B. member C. regret D. theme
27: A. August B. gerund C. purpose D. suggest
28: A. dream B. mean C. peace D. steady
29: A. consist B. disable C. suggest D. vision
30: A. genius B. gorilla C. global D. gases
31: A. pollution B. poaching C. physical D. pesticide about:blank 6/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm
32: A. warming B. warn C. walk D. wasn't
33: A. floor B. flood C. moorland D. door
34: A. increase B. release C. please D. grease
35: A. degree B. doctorate C. graduate D. kindergarten
36: A. bachelor B. chapter C. chemistry D. teacher
37: A. culture B. student C. institution D. university
38: A. appreciate B. psychology C. programme D. respectively
39: A. scholar B. technique C. archaeology D. achievement
40: A. ancient B. concern C. associate D. special
41: A. itinerary B. abundant C. elegance D. landscape
42: A. tomb B. dome C. mosaic D. poetic
43: A. numerous B. luxury C. perfume D. moment
44: A. academic B. apply C. apology D. achieve
45: A. dweller B. overcrowded C. network D. waste
46: A. commercial B. electricity C. advanced D. processing
47: A. inhabitant B. geography C. radiation D. available
48: A. upgrade B. presentation C. description D. consumption
49: A. disposal B. optimistic C. population D. occupy
50: A. sugar B. consume C. transfat D. obesity
51: A. vitamin B. mineral C. diet D. fitness
52: A. medicine B. remedy C. exercise D. obesity
53: A. balanced B. yoga C. fatty D. natural
54: A. vegetable B. hygiene C. sugary D. longevity
55: A. culture B. public C. sustain D. butterfly
56: A. pollution B. coral C. problem D. ecology
57: A. discount B. observe C. safari D. scuba-diving
58: A. relax B. departure C. benefit D. interest TRỌNG ÂM 1. Trọng âm theo phiên âm
- Trọng âm không bao giờ rơi vào âm /ə/ hoặc là âm /ə /:
ʊ Lưu ý: Nếu
như trong từ có chứa cả 2 âm /ə/ và /ə /
ʊ thì trọng âm rơi vào phần có chứa âm /ə / ʊ Ví dụ: mother / m ˈ ðə(r)/ ʌ hotel /hə tel/ ʊˈ
- Trọng âm thường rơi vào những âm sau: + Nguyên âm dài: Ví dụ: about:blank 7/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm disease /d z ɪˈ z/ + Nguyên âm đôi: Ví dụ: explain / k ɪ spl ˈ n/
+ Âm cuối kết thúc với nhiều hơn một phụ âm Ví dụ: comprehend / k ˌ ɒmpr he ɪˈ nd/
- Nếu tất cả các âm mà ngắn hết thì trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất Ví dụ: animal
- Trọng âm với hậu tố/ đuôi
+ Hậu tố/ đuôi NHẬN TRỌNG ÂM
-oo: bamboo /bam bu:/ ˈ -oon: cartoon/k tu ɑːˈ n/ ː
-ee: interviewee / ntəvju ɪ i ːˈ / ː -eer: volunteer / v ˌ lən ɒ tˈ ə/ ɪ about:blank 8/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm -ese: Vietnamese / v ˌ etnə ɪ mi ˈ z/ ː -esque: picturesque / p ˌ ɪkt ə ʃ resk/ ˈ
-ette: cigarette /sɪɡəˈret/
-ade: lemonade /lemə ne ˈ d/ ɪ
-mental: environmental / n ɪ va ˌ ərən ɪ ment(ə)l/ ˈ
-nental: continental /k nt ɒ nent(ə)l/ ɪˈ
-ain: entertain /entə te ˈ n/ ɪ
+ Hậu tố/ đuôi làm trọng âm rơi vào trước âm đó -ion: population /p pj ɒ le ʊˈ (ə)n/ ɪʃ about:blank 9/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm -ic: economic / i ˌ kə ː n ˈ ɒm k/ ɪ -ial: industrial / n ɪ d ˈ str ʌ ɪəl/ -ive: expensive / k ɪ spens ˈ v/ ɪ
-ible: responsible /r sp ɪˈ ns ɒ b(ə)l/ ɪ -ity: ability /ə b ˈ ləti/ ɪ
-graphy: photography /fə t ˈ rəfi/ ɒɡ -ious: industrious / n ɪ d ˈ str ʌ əs/ ɪ
-eous: advantageous / ædvən ˌ te ˈ d ɪ əs/ ʒ -ish: selfish / self ˈ / ɪʃ -ian: politician /p l ɒ t ɪˈ (ə)n/ ɪʃ
+ Hậu tố/ đuôi làm trọng âm dịch chuyển 3 âm tính từ cuối lên -y: biology /ba ləd ɪˈɒ i/ ʒ about:blank 10/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm -ce: difference / d ˈ f(ə)r(ə)ns/ ɪ
-ate: graduate /ˈɡræd e ʒʊ t/ ɪ
-ise/ ize: apologise /ə p ˈ ləd ɒ z/ ʒʌɪ -ism/izm: tourism / t ˈ ər ʊ z(ə)m/ ɪ
+ Hậu tố không ảnh hưởng đến trọng âm của từ
tất cả những hậu tố còn lại:
-ly -ment -hood -ship – age -ing – ance
-able -al -ure -ledge -ful -er -or -ist -ous -less -ness -dom -some … Ví dụ: freedom / fr ˈ i dəm/ ː
+ Tiền Tố Không ảnh hưởng đến trọng âm của từ un-: unhappy / n ʌ hæpi/ ˈ in-: inexpensive / n ɪ ɪkˈspens v/ ɪ im-: impolite / mpə ɪ ˈl t/ ʌɪ ir-: irresponsible / r ɪ sp ɪˈ ns ɒ b(ə) ɪ /l il-: illogical / l ɪˈ d ɒ ʒɪk(ə)l/ dis-: dishonest /d s ɪ ˈɒnɪst/ non-: non-profit /n n ɒ ˈpr f ɒ t/ ɪ re-: reproductive / ri ˌ prə ː d ˈ ʌkt v/ ɪ
ab-: abnormal /əbˈnɔːm(ə)l/ en-: enrichment /en r ˈ t ɪ m(ə)nt/ ʃ
inter-: internationally / ntə ɪ na ˈ (ə) ʃ (ə)li/ n
mis-: misunderstanding / m ˌ s ɪ ndə ʌ stand ˈ ŋ/ ɪ
2. Trọng âm với từ ghép
+ Danh từ ghép (trọng âm rơi vào từ đầu)
Danh từ ghép gồm Noun 1 + Noun 2 Adj + Noun Gerund + Noun Noun + Gerund Noun + Verb + er
+ Động từ ghép (trọng âm rơi vào từ thứ 2) about:blank 11/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm + Tính từ ghép Tính từ ghép gồm:
Noun + Adj:
trọng âm rơi vào Noun
Adj + Noun: trọng âm rơi vào Adj
Adj + Adj: trọng âm rơi vào Adj thứ 2
Adj + Noun + ed: trọng âm rơi vào từ thứ 2
Adj + Vp2: trọng âm rơi vào từ thứ 2
Noun + Vp2: trọng âm rơi vào Vp2
Adv + Gerund: trọng âm rơi vào từ thứ 2
Exercise 1.1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that
differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of
the following questions.

Question 1: A. recipe B. candidate C. instrument D. commitment
Question 2: A. conceal B. contain C. conserve D. conquer
Question 3: A. advantageous B. oceanic C. compulsory D. influential
Question 4: A. inflation B. maximum C. applicant D. character
Question 5: A. compulsory B. biography C. curriculum D. admirable
Question 6: A. struggle B. anxious C. confide D. comfort
Question 7: A. offer B. canoe C. country D. standard
Question 8: A. pollution B. computer C. currency D. allowance
Question 9: A. financial B. fortunate C. marvelous D. physical
Question 10: A. prepare B. survive C. finish D. appeal
Question 11: A. bamboo B. forget C. deserve D. channel
Question 12: A. endanger B. furniture C. determine D. departure
Question 13 A. teacher B. lesson C. action D. police about:blank 12/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm
Question 14: A. important B. happiness C. employment D. relation
Question 15: A. possible B. cultural C. confident D. supportive
Question 16: A. office B. nature C. result D. farmer
Question 17: A. difficult B. popular C. effective D. national
Question 18: A. answer B. reply C. singer D. future
Question 19: A. medical B. essential C. dangerous D. regular
Question 20: A. doctor B. student C. advice D. parent
Question 21: A. advice B. justice C. circus D. product
Question 22: A. politician B. genetics C. artificial D. controversial
Question 23: A. sympathy B. poverty C. equipment D. character
Question 24: A. intend B. install C. follow D. decide
Question 25: A. apartment B. benefit C. argument D. vacancy
Question 26: A. explain B. involve C. borrow D. discuss
Question 27: A. behave B. relax C. enter D. allow
Question 28: A. disaster B.
origin C. charity D. agency
29: A. president B. opponent C. assistant D. companion
Question 30: A. obtain B. perform C. affect D. happen
Question 31: A. inform B. explore C. prevent D. cancel
Question 32: A. attitude B. manager C. invention D. company
Question 33: A. carry B. remove C. protect D. consist
Question 34: A. passenger B. principal C. continent D. solution
Question 35: A. festival B. summary C. selection D. holiday
Question 36: A. reward B. study C. delete D. survive
Question 37: A. terrific B. chemical C. general D. beautiful
Question 38: A. provide B. collect C. repeat D. listen
Question 39: A. article B. addition C. exercise D. energy
Question 40: A. travel B. return C. connect D. deny
Question 41: A. refuse B. musician C. history D. mechanic about:blank 13/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm
Question 42: A. museum B. destroy C. threatened D. economy
43: A. computer B. communicate C. comfortable D. flamingo
Question 44: A. poison B. comer C. improve D. capture
45: A. ingredient B. maintenance C. performance D. replacement
Question 46: A. childish B. spacious C. resource D. wallet Question 47: A. average B. decorate C. gratitude D. instruction
Question 48: A. harvester B. gigantic C. memento D. exciting
49: A. renewable B. aspiration C. politician D. energetic
Question 50: A. general B. popular C. interrupt D. dedicate
Exercise 1.2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. stimulate B. altitude C. influence D. decision Question 2: A. longevity B. enthusiast C. biography D. operation
3: A. anniversary B. universally C. sophisticated D. representative
Question 4: A. emigrate B. immigrate C. advocate D. inhabit
Question 5: A. confide B. comfort C. inflate D. severe
6: A. biology B. environment C. geography D. scientific
7: A. estimate B. prestigious C. proportion D. urbanity
8: A. drawback B. greenhouse C. mindset D. overload
Question 9: A. tablet B. media C. social D. subscribe
Question 10: A. newspaper B. smartphone C. access D. device
11: A. computer B.
technology C. magazine D. connection
12: A. networking B. television C. socialize D. communication
13: A. digital B. entertain C. Internet D. cyberspace
Question 14: A. anthem B. appear C. attire D. attend
Question 15: A. unify B. unique C. uniqueness D. unite
Question 16: A. assimilate B. diagnose C. festival D. scenery about:blank 14/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm
Question 17: A. diversity B. endanger C. geography D. opposite
18: A. circumstance B. considerate C. community D. identity
Question 19: A. visit B. extinct C. survive D. evolve
Question 20: A. dangerous B. survivor C. habitat D. vulnerable
Question 21: A. convenient B. endanger C. critical D. tradition
Question 22: A. pollution B. collision C. protection D. valuable
Question 23: A. migrate B. giant C. panda D. rhino
Question 24: A. machine B. robot C. human D. fiction
25: A. applicable B. automation C. artificial D. evolution
26: A. algorithm B. exterminate C. intelligence D. technology
Question 27: A. capable B. robotic C. industry D. futurist
Question 28: A. assembly B. interfere C. reunite D. resurrect
29: A. experience B. apprenticeship C. administration D. prioritize
Question 30: A. advertisement B. probation C. competitive D. relevant 31: A. organization B. enthusiastic C. compassionate D. qualification
Question 32: A. encourage B. interview C. graduate D. organize
33: A. successful B. significant C. experienced D. challenging
34: A. rewarding B. fascinating C. tedious D. challenging Question 35: A. prospect B. reference C. promoted D. interview
36: A. unemployment B. economics C. manufacture D. responsible
Question 37: A. workforce B. high-flyer C. handshake D. headhunt
38: A. commuter B. commitment C. employee D. attendant
Question 39: A. authentic B. ultimate C. graduate D. personal
30: A. compulsory B. voluntary C. initiative D. investigate
Question 41: A. optional B. primary C. selective D. national
Question 42: A. unchangeable B. adjustable C. emotional D. privilege
Question 43: A. reluctant B. different C. flexible D. willingly about:blank 15/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm
Question 44: A. access B. afford C. brochure D. casual Question 45: A. behaviour B. determined C. counselor D. decisive
Question 46: A. donate B. compare C. campaign D. flashy
Question 47: A. experience B. mobility C. independent D. prioritise
Question 48: A. romantic B. solution C. protective D. elegant
Question 49: A. legal B. obey C. forbid D. impose
50: A. constitution B. disrespectful C. sympathetic D. elongated
Exercise 1.3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in
the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
1: A. generational B. interpersonal C. discrimination D. nationality
Question 2: A. studious B. unite C. mature D. involve
Question 3: A. frustrating B. charity C. impairment D. infectious
Question 4: A. campaign B. female C. humour D. partner
Question 5: A. advice B. contact C. mature D. maintain
6: A. favourite B. recommend C. understand D. volunteer
:7 A. argument B. counsellor C. reconcile D. romantic
8: A. comfortable B. preservative C. relationship D. significant
9: A. reliable B. independent C. responsible D. decisiveness
10: A. difficult B. confident C. critical D. important
11: A. permission B. well-informed C. activity D. effective
12: A. routine B. problem C. lonely D. hygiene
13: A. laundry B. punish C. depend D. reason
14: A. disrespectful B. independent C. physically D. understanding
15: A. donate B. impair C. mental D. support
Question 16: A. campaign B. hearing C. slogan D. talent 17: A.
community B. energetic C. enthusiast D. participate
Question 18: A. cognitive B. volunteer C. medical D. physical
Question 19: A. assistance B. confident C. dynamic D. external about:blank 16/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm
20: A. academic B. behaviour C. participate D. relationship Question 21: A.
charter B. depict C. enter D. purchase
Question 22: A. athlete B. continue C. principle D. regional
23: A. competition B. fundamental C. interference D. stability
Question 24: A. campaign B. global C. balance D. carbon
Question 25: A. natural B. endangered C. dangerous D. habitat
Question 26: A. rainforest B. tropical C. discover D. animal
Question 27: A. pollution B. continue C. enormous D. disappear
28: A. devastated B. environment C. diversity D. ecology
29: A. biology B. geography C. education D. relationship
Question 30: A. broaden B. provide C. pursue D. succeed
Question 31: A. college B. degree C. language D. subject
32: A. analytical B. opportunity C. qualification D. university
33: A. bachelor B. diploma C. internship D. scholarship
34: A. archaeology B. itinerary C. unforgettable D. authenticity
35: A. magnificent B. associate C. mausoleum D. harmonious 36: A.
religious B. masterpiece C. prestigious D. abundant
Question 37: A. intact B. nightlife C. relic D. complex
Question 38: A. cultural B. heritage C. memory D. represent
39: A. organiser B. comfortable C. technology D. populated
40: A. presentation B. pessimistic C. residential D. innovative
41: A. renewable B. sustainable C. insfrastructure D. environment
Question 42: A. familiar B. generate C. assignment D. pollutant
43: A. overcrowded B. inhabitant C. geography D. convenient
Question 44: A. suggest B. involve C. travel D. sustain
Question 45: A. natural B. safari C. interest D. benefit
46: A. butterfly B. departure C. tradition D. protection
Question 47: A. environment B. ecology C. sustainable D. beneficial about:blank 17/18 19:08 1/8/24
Chuyên ĐỀ PHÁT ÂM - phát âm
48: A. ecotourism B. relaxation C. preservation D. disappointed
Question 49: A. disposal B. animal C. energy D. poverty
Question 50: A. awareness B. solution C. importance D. happines about:blank 18/18