Conditional Sentences - English Linguistics | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam

Conditional Sentences - English Linguistics | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

A. Lý thuyết
1. Type 1: điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai
If clause Main clause
S + V1 / V s(es)
S + will / can/ may + V
2. Type 2: điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại
If clause Main clause
S + V-ed / V2 S + would/could /should +V
3. Type 3: điều kiện không có thật trong quá khứ ( học ở chương trình THPT)
(Tham khảo )
If clause Main clause
S + had + P.P S + would / could /should + have +P.P
4. Những cách khác để diễn đạt câu điều kiện:
a. Unless = If ….not
you hard, you can’t earn enough money for your living.If don’t work
= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unless
b. Without: không có = if … not
Without water, life wouldn’t exist.
= If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.
Chú ý
B. Bài tập
Exercise 1. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct type 1 conditional
1. If I (to study)______________, I (to pass) ______________the exams.
2. If the sun (to shine)______________, we (to walk)______________into town.
3. If he (to have)______________a temperature, he (to see)______________the
4. If my friends (to come)______________, I (to be)______________very happy.
5. If she (to earn)______________a lot of money, she (to fly)______________to
New York.
6. If we (to travel)______________to London, we (to visit)______________the
7. If you (to wear)sandals in the mountains, you (to slip)______________on the
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Conditional Sentences
8. If Rita (to forget)______________her homework, the teacher (to
give)______________her a low mark.
9. If they (to go)______________to the disco, they (to listen)______________to
loud music.
10. If you (to wait)______________a minute, I (to ask)______________my parents
11. If you (eat) _____________an ice-cream, I (have) _____________a hot
12. If she (need) _____________a computer, her brother (give) _____________her
his computer.
13. If we (have / not) _____________time this afternoon, we (meet)
14. He (talk)_____________to her if you (want / not)_____________to do it.
15. You (win / not) _____________the game if you (know / not)_____________the
Exercise II. Chia các động từ sau
1.If today _______ (tobe/not) cold, we would go swimming.
2. If I throw an object away, it _______ (drop).
3. If Hoang ______ (tobe) to study harder, he would get good marks.
4. If Kim _______ (tobe/not) lazy, she wouldn’t have failed her exam.
5. If they _______ (go/not) to her birthday party tomorrow, they would be very
6. If Lin (know) ________ his father’s telephone number, I would give it to you.
7. If I learnt English harder, I ________ (pass) the test yesterday.
8. If Nam _______ (see) her, he would have said ‘hello’.
9. If my sister ______ (miss) the bus, she would have been late for her interview.
10. If it don’t rain, I and my best friends ___________ (go) out.
Exercise III: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.
Nhắc lại
ĐKL1: hiện tại or tương lai
If S + V( HTĐ), S + V(TLĐ) ( will Vnt)
ĐKL2: trái ngược hiện tại
If + S + V(QKĐ), S + would V
1. If we meet at 9:30, we (have) _________________plenty of time. Will have
2. If you (find) _________________ a skeleton in the cellar, don't mention it to
Cellar (n) hầm rượu
Mention (v) nhắc tới
‘Skeleton (n) bộ xương
Punish (v) phạt
punish sb with a fine phạt ai đó
3. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she ( feed)
_________________ the animals.
4. If you pass your examination, we (have) _________________a celebration.
5. Lisa would find the milk if she (look) _________________ for it in the fridge.
Look after = take care of : chăm sóc
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Conditional Sentences
Look for: tìm kiếm
Look up: tra từ điển
6. What (happen) _________________if I press this button?
7. The door will be unlocked if you (press)_________________ the green button.
8. I should have voted for her if I (have) _________________ a vote then.
9. If you go to Paris, where you (stay) _________________?
10. If you (swim) _________________ in this lake, you'll shiver from cold.
11. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose)
Offer to V:
12. The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) _________________thick.
13. If the milkman (come) _________________, tell him to leave two pints.
14. I (call) _________________ the office if I were you.
15. Someone (sit) _________________on your glasses if you leave them there.
16. You would hear my explanation if you (not talk) _________________so much.
17. What I (do) _________________if I hear the burglar alarm?
18. If you (read) _________________the instructions carefully, you wouldn't have
answered the wrong question.
19. If Mel (ask) _________________ her teacher, he'd have answered her
20. I would repair the roof myself if I (have) _________________a long ladder.
21. Unless they turn that radio off, I (go) _________________mad.
22. If you were made redundant, what you (do) _________________?
23. We'll have a long way to walk if we (run) _________________out of petrol here.
Run out of sth: hết/ cạn kiệt cái gì
Recognize: nhận ra
24. If you shake that bottle of port, it (not be) _________________ fit to drink.
25. If you spoke louder, your classmates (understand) _________________ you.
26. I'll probably get lost unless he (come) _________________with me.
27. You (not have) _________________ so many accidents if you drove more
28. If you (wear) _________________ a false beard, nobody would have
recognized you.
29. If she (leave) _________________ the fish here, the cat will eat it.
30. You (have) _________________ no trouble at school if you had done your
31. Unless you (tell) __________________ the truth, I won't help you.
32. You'll get pneumonia if you (not change) _________________ your wet clothes.
Pneu’monia: bệnh viêm phổi
33. If I had known that you couldn't eat octopus, I (not buy) _________________ it.
34. If they (hang) _________________ that picture lower, people would be able to
see it.
35. She (be) _________________able to walk faster if she didn't have such high-
heel shoes.
36. I (bring) _________________ you some beer if I had known that you were
37. If you had touched that electric cable, you (be) _________________
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Conditional Sentences
38. If the story hadn't been true, the newspaper (not print) _________________ it.
39. I (not buy) _________________ things on the installment system if I were you.
40. Dan (arrive) _________________ safe if he drove slowly.
*Exercise IV. Using the given information, make conditional sentences using
1. Don't hurry. You will not make mistakes.
→ Unless you _____________________________________________
2. Be careful. You will not fall down.
→ Provided that _____________________________________________
3. You mustn't panic. You will manage it.
→ If you _____________________________________________
4. I am not tall enough to join the basketball team
→ If I ……………………………………………………………………
5. He doesn’t see the signal so he doesn’t stop his car
→ If he ………………………………………………………………….
6. Peter gets bad marks because he doesn’t prepare his lessons well
→ If Peter ………………………………………………………………
7. Mary doesn’t have enough money. She can’t buy a new car.
→ If Mary ………………………………………………………………
8. Go right now or you’ll be late for the train.
→ If you………………………………………………………………….
9. He doesn’t apply for the job because he doesn’t have enough qualifications.
→ If he ………………………………………………………………….
10. Hurry up, or we will be late for the exam.
→ If we …………………………………………………………………
11. They do not understand you because you do not often talk to them.
→ If you …………………………………………………………………
12. Because you speak English unnaturally, they do not understand you.
→ If you …………………………………………………………………
13. She doesn’t live in London because she doesn’t know anyone there
→ She’d ……………………………………………………………….
14. I don’t have a spare ticket. I can’t take you to the concert
→ If I ………………………………………………………………...
15. Go right now or you’ll be late for the train.
→ If you………………………………………………………………….
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Conditional Sentences
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21:03 1/8/24 Conditional Sentences
CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (Câu điều kiện) A. Lý thuyết
1. Type 1: điều kiện có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai
If clause Main clause
S + V1 / V s(es) S + will / can/ may + V

2. Type 2: điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại If clause Main clause
S + V-ed / V2 S + would/could /should +V
3. Type 3: điều kiện không có thật trong quá khứ ( học ở chương trình THPT) (Tham khảo ) If clause Main clause
S + had + P.P S + would / could /should + have +P.P
4. Những cách khác để diễn đạt câu điều kiện: a. Unless = If ….not
If you don’t work hard, you can’t earn enough money for your living.
= Unless ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
b. Without: không có = if … not
Without water, life wouldn’t exist.
= If ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. Chú ý B. Bài tập
Exercise 1. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct type 1 conditional sentence
1. If I (to study)______________, I (to pass) ______________the exams.
2. If the sun (to shine)______________, we (to walk)______________into town.
3. If he (to have)______________a temperature, he (to see)______________the doctor.
4. If my friends (to come)______________, I (to be)______________very happy.
5. If she (to earn)______________a lot of money, she (to fly)______________to New York.
6. If we (to travel)______________to London, we (to visit)______________the museums.
7. If you (to wear)sandals in the mountains, you (to slip)______________on the rocks. about:blank 1/4 21:03 1/8/24 Conditional Sentences
8. If Rita (to forget)______________her homework, the teacher (to
give)______________her a low mark.
9. If they (to go)______________to the disco, they (to listen)______________to loud music.
10. If you (to wait)______________a minute, I (to ask)______________my parents
11. If you (eat) _____________an ice-cream, I (have) _____________a hot chocolate.
12. If she (need) _____________a computer, her brother (give) _____________her his computer.
13. If we (have / not) _____________time this afternoon, we (meet) _____________
14. He (talk)_____________to her if you (want / not)_____________to do it.
15. You (win / not) _____________the game if you (know / not)_____________the rules.
Exercise II. Chia các động từ sau
1.If today _______ (tobe/not) cold, we would go swimming.
2. If I throw an object away, it _______ (drop).
3. If Hoang ______ (tobe) to study harder, he would get good marks.
4. If Kim _______ (tobe/not) lazy, she wouldn’t have failed her exam.
5. If they _______ (go/not) to her birthday party tomorrow, they would be very angry.
6. If Lin (know) ________ his father’s telephone number, I would give it to you.
7. If I learnt English harder, I ________ (pass) the test yesterday.
8. If Nam _______ (see) her, he would have said ‘hello’.
9. If my sister ______ (miss) the bus, she would have been late for her interview.
10. If it don’t rain, I and my best friends ___________ (go) out.
Exercise III: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc. Nhắc lại
ĐKL1: hiện tại or tương lai
If S + V( HTĐ), S + V(TLĐ) ( will Vnt)

ĐKL2: trái ngược hiện tại If + S + V(QKĐ), S + would V
1. If we meet at 9:30, we (have) _________________plenty of time. Will have
2. If you (find) _________________ a skeleton in the cellar, don't mention it to anyone. Cellar (n) hầm rượu Mention (v) nhắc tới ‘Skeleton (n) bộ xương Punish (v) phạt
punish sb with a fine phạt ai đó
3. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she ( feed) _________________ the animals.
4. If you pass your examination, we (have) _________________a celebration.
5. Lisa would find the milk if she (look) _________________ for it in the fridge.
Look after = take care of : chăm sóc about:blank 2/4 21:03 1/8/24 Conditional Sentences Look for: tìm kiếm Look up: tra từ điển
6. What (happen) _________________if I press this button?
7. The door will be unlocked if you (press)_________________ the green button.
8. I should have voted for her if I (have) _________________ a vote then.
9. If you go to Paris, where you (stay) _________________?
10. If you (swim) _________________ in this lake, you'll shiver from cold.
11. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose) _________________? Offer to V:
12. The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) _________________thick.
13. If the milkman (come) _________________, tell him to leave two pints.
14. I (call) _________________ the office if I were you.
15. Someone (sit) _________________on your glasses if you leave them there.
16. You would hear my explanation if you (not talk) _________________so much.
17. What I (do) _________________if I hear the burglar alarm?
18. If you (read) _________________the instructions carefully, you wouldn't have answered the wrong question.
19. If Mel (ask) _________________ her teacher, he'd have answered her questions.
20. I would repair the roof myself if I (have) _________________a long ladder.
21. Unless they turn that radio off, I (go) _________________mad.
22. If you were made redundant, what you (do) _________________?
23. We'll have a long way to walk if we (run) _________________out of petrol here.
Run out of sth: hết/ cạn kiệt cái gì Recognize: nhận ra
24. If you shake that bottle of port, it (not be) _________________ fit to drink.
25. If you spoke louder, your classmates (understand) _________________ you.
26. I'll probably get lost unless he (come) _________________with me.
27. You (not have) _________________ so many accidents if you drove more slowly.
28. If you (wear) _________________ a false beard, nobody would have recognized you.
29. If she (leave) _________________ the fish here, the cat will eat it.
30. You (have) _________________ no trouble at school if you had done your homework.
31. Unless you (tell) __________________ the truth, I won't help you.
32. You'll get pneumonia if you (not change) _________________ your wet clothes.
Pneu’monia: bệnh viêm phổi
33. If I had known that you couldn't eat octopus, I (not buy) _________________ it.
34. If they (hang) _________________ that picture lower, people would be able to see it.
35. She (be) _________________able to walk faster if she didn't have such high- heel shoes.
36. I (bring) _________________ you some beer if I had known that you were thirsty.
37. If you had touched that electric cable, you (be) _________________ electrocuted. about:blank 3/4 21:03 1/8/24 Conditional Sentences
38. If the story hadn't been true, the newspaper (not print) _________________ it.
39. I (not buy) _________________ things on the installment system if I were you.
40. Dan (arrive) _________________ safe if he drove slowly.
*Exercise IV. Using the given information, make conditional sentences using “IF”
1. Don't hurry. You will not make mistakes.
→ Unless you _____________________________________________
2. Be careful. You will not fall down.
→ Provided that _____________________________________________
3. You mustn't panic. You will manage it.
→ If you _____________________________________________
4. I am not tall enough to join the basketball team
→ If I ……………………………………………………………………
5. He doesn’t see the signal so he doesn’t stop his car
→ If he ………………………………………………………………….
6. Peter gets bad marks because he doesn’t prepare his lessons well
→ If Peter ………………………………………………………………
7. Mary doesn’t have enough money. She can’t buy a new car.
→ If Mary ………………………………………………………………
8. Go right now or you’ll be late for the train.
→ If you………………………………………………………………….
9. He doesn’t apply for the job because he doesn’t have enough qualifications.
→ If he ………………………………………………………………….
10. Hurry up, or we will be late for the exam.
→ If we …………………………………………………………………
11. They do not understand you because you do not often talk to them.
→ If you …………………………………………………………………
12. Because you speak English unnaturally, they do not understand you.
→ If you …………………………………………………………………
13. She doesn’t live in London because she doesn’t know anyone there
→ She’d ……………………………………………………………….
14. I don’t have a spare ticket. I can’t take you to the concert
→ If I ………………………………………………………………...
15. Go right now or you’ll be late for the train.
→ If you…………………………………………………………………. about:blank 4/4