Dàn bài gợi ý speaking B2 part 2

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English (TACB) 17 tài liệu


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Dàn bài gợi ý speaking B2 part 2

Tài liệu cung cấp ý tưởng khi thi speaking B2 part 2. Mời bạn đọc đón xem.

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Khi câu nhiều ý : thấy số (1) nói firstly (2) However, /… (3) finally
Thấy EX : nói -For example
Thấy dấu : (hai chấm) nói -such as/ for instance/ for example
Gặp dấu / hoặc (….) thì chọn 1 để nói
Đa sốc câu chưa hoàn tất cần phải thêm vào các phần thiếu cho đầy
đủ cấu trúc như là chủ từ/ động từ / từ nối (and, but...)
biết thêm thì thôi! )
1. Situation: Your sister wants to lose weight. Three ways are suggested: going to
the gym, taking weight-lost medicine and going on a diet. Which way is the best
choice for her?
(1) …. a good and safe way to lose weight b/c …. just cook and eat healthy food
Besides…, can choose food and cook by myself , so ….can save a lot of money
(2) …..NOT choose to go to the gym [dzim] đi đến phòng tập thể thao b/c….
expensive to pay for equipment and trainers, so ….cannot afford it.
(3) …NOT want to take medicine [mét/đi/sin] uống thuốc b/c …. because it has
side effect [ sai/ì/phách] ( tác dụng phụ) ,so …. not good for my health.
2. Situation: Your class is going to have a field trip to know about Ha Noi next
Three places are suggested: Uncle Ho Mausoleum, Sword Lake, Hanoi
[ấn/khô/Hô/] [mó/sơ/li/ầm] lăng Bác; [Squo/ lách/k ] Hồ Hoàn kiếm
[Miu/zí/ầm] Viện bảo tàng Field trip [phiu/ tríp] đi dã ngoại
Which place is the best choice for them?
…. A fascinating /interesting way to know about HN when seeing real objects
or photos displayed at the museum. [địt/splê/d] trưng bày
Besides…, …. learn a lot of information about history, culture, customs of HN now
and in the past.
…NOT choose going to the sword Lake b/c …. visit beautiful landscapes
around the lake but …cannot learn a lot of information about HN
. around [ờ/ raun/d] xung quanh
….NOT visit Uncle Ho mausoleum because …. very time- consuming b/c
have to make a long line and wait for many people. Xếp hàng dài ch đi
INTRODUTION: Among the three options, I think that visiting HN museum is
the best choice for our class because of some reasons.
Firstly, Visiting HN museum is a fascinating /interesting way to know about HN
when seeing real objects or photos displayed at the museum.
Besides that, we can learn a lot of information about history, culture, customs of
HN now and in the past.
However, I don’t choose going to the sword Lake because we just visit beautiful
landscapes around the lake but we cannot gain a lot of information about HN
Finally, we don’t choose to visit Uncle Ho mausoleum because it is very time-
consuming because we have to make a long line and wait for many people.
From the reasons above, I believe that visiting HN museum is the best choice
3. Situation: Your friend wants to prepare for her English exam. There are 3
choices for her to do: self-study with a tutor, an online course, or attend an English
class. Which is the best choice?
….is not expensive. My friend does not to pay a lot of money for the course.
Besides…, …suitable for her to learn online b/c she is working now, so …can
learn her lessons at any time and at any places .
… NOT choose to study with a tutor [thíu/ thờ] gia sư b/c…. expensive, so
cannot afford it.
…. NOT attend an English class b/c
the timetable of the class is fixed but
busy working, so cannot go to class ontime.
[ờ/then] tham ga timetable [thai/ thấy/bồ] thời khoa biểu fixed [phít/st] cố định
4. Situation: A foreign friend is going to visit a city in Vietnam. There are 3
choices: HCM city, Ha Noi and Hue. Which place is the best choice for him?
(1). more intereting/ fascinating to visit HN because the capital of the
country now. [khé/pí/tô] thủ đô
Besides…, …. is a modern city but …also has many ancient streets and houses
which show the tradition and culture of Vietnamese people.[én/si/ần] cổ xưa
(2) NOT go to Hue b/c … is the old capital of the country, so …. just visit many
old tombs and temples in the past. [tum/z] lăng m temples [thém/bồ/z] đền đài
(3) ….NOT visit HCM city b/c …. a new and modern city with many tall buildings
and shopping centers. It may not be interesting to my friends
5. Situation: A family is going to have a trip together. There are 3 places for them
to choose: a sea resort, a lake hotel, a country cottage. Which place is the best
choice for them?
INTRODUTION: A SEA RESORT [ si/ zọt/] khu nghĩ dưỡng biển
(1) …. a big and interesting place for children b/c …. can do many outdoor
activities : swimming, fishing and eating sea food.
Besides…, ….has many beautiful sights for us to enjoy and take pictures
(2) ….NOT choose a lake hotel b/c ….a small place, so …..not have space to play
(2) NOT want A country cottage [kót/ tịt/dz] (nhà nhỏ vùng quê)
b/c ….. is not new to children b/c ….often go to the countryside at weekend to
visit relatives , so … will feel bored.
[khấn/tri/sai/d] miền quê [ré/lơ/ti/v/] họ ng
6. Situation: Your cousin is a freshman at a university in Nội. There are 3
options for her to choose to live: a universty dormitory, a rent in a flat, a stay at a
relative’s. Which place is the best choice for him/her? [ph/rét/s/mân] sinh viên năm
(1) …. interesting b/c …. can live and study with many friends, so they can help
each other
Besides…, …. is not expensive to live in …. so, ….has to pay little money for
living fees [phi/z] chí phí sinh hoạt
(2) ….NOT rent a flat because …. expensive, so …. cannot afford it.
[rent/ ờ /ph/lét] (mướn 1 căn hộ)
(3) ….NOT live with a relative, because …. cannot do things he likes
EX: …cannot entertain his friends at home or ….cannot return home late.
[én/thơ/then] tiếp (khách)j l ở nhà
7. Situation: You are thinking of doing volunteer this summer. Your friend
suggested that you could help children in mountainous areas. There are three ways
to help them: giving money, giving old clothes and giving notebooks and pencils.
Which one is the
best way to help those children?
Introduction : chọn GIVING OLD CLOTHES
(1) …. easy to collect old clothes. My friends or relatives can give me a lot of old
clothes. [kho/lách/] thu thập
Besides…, chidren need a lot of warm clothes b/c …. very cold in the mountain.
(2) NOT giving money to children
B/c…. as a teacher (student) don’t have a lot of money, so I cannot give money
to many children
(3) Notebooks and pencils …. also necessary but many volunteers have already
given them at the beginning of the school year, so … think they need more clothes
for school.
8. Situation: Your group is planning to organize a sport event. There are three
options: a marathon race, a table tennis competition or a football match. Which one
do you think is suitable for your group?
Introduction : chọn a marathon race (má: / ra/ thân) (rây/s): cuộc đua chạy bộ
đường dài
(1) ….easy for everybody because all people in the group can join it.
Besides …, it doesn’t need many special skills to run in a big group.
(2) NOT choose football
b /c some people in the group cannot play football
so we do not have enough members for a football team.
(2) NOT want a table tennis competition
….is expensive b/c …. need to buy special equipment to play
so … cannot afford it.
+ A table tennis [thấy/bồ/ tén/ nìs] bóng bàn competetion [khom/ pi/tí/ sần]thi
9. Situation: you are going to organize a 10-year high school reunion. There are 3
options: Visiting old school and teacher? Organizing a party and invite old
teachers? Organizing a one-day trip? Which one do you think is suitable for your
INTRODUTION: Organizing a party and inviting old teachers
BODY [ó/ gơ/ nai/zing] tổ chức [pát/ ti] bửa tiệc [ìn/vái/ting] mi
(1) …is more meaningful because ….have more time to talk with teachers and
Besides…, ….also have time to do many interesting activies together
EX: enjoying delicious food, taking photos for memory or singing together.
(2) NOT…. choose visiting teachers at school
because …. have very little time with them at school, so the visit is not meaningful.
(3) NOT want a one-day trip
because …. difficult for many class members to join
because …. very busy with their own work + family.
10. Situation: You are looking for materials for your graduate thesis. There are 3
places to choose materials: from free online materials, from books or from
journals? Which one is the best option?
BODY [mờ/ thía/ ri/ồ/z] tài liệu [chớ/ nồ] tạp chí khoa học
(1) knowledge and information from journals is reliable [ rì/lái/ơ/bồ] đáng tin cậy.
And it is good for my thesis [thí/ sịt/s] luận văn
Besides…, …many sources of jounals online + in libraries, so …easy to find
materials for my thesis.
(2) NOT
information and my teachers will not accept it. [ờ/ sép] chấp nhận
(3) NOT choose books because knowledge and information is not updated, so it is
not good for my thesis. [ập/đấy/tịch] cập nhật
11. Situation: You are choosing a wedding present. Which wedding gift you do
want to give to your friend: money, present or couple clothes? Which one do you
think is the best choice?
wedding present [quét/ đinh] đám cưới [pré/zầnt] = gift [ghíp/t] q
…. choose money b/c the new couple can use it for their wedding expenses .
Besides…, …. can also save the money for their new life.
[khấp/bồ] cặp đôi
…NOT a gift. B/c ….. not easy to choose a suitable gift. If they don’t like and
don’t use the present, it is a waste of money.
NOT giving a couple clothes B/C …also difficult + time-consuming to choose
clothes for them if I don’t know their tastes . [thây/st] sở thích/ gu
[khấp/bồ][clô/z] đồ đôi [thai/ khần/sím/mình] mất thời gian
12. Situation: Your foreign friend are going to travel to Ha Noi. You are
considering where he should stay. There are 3 options: student hostels, homestay,
and hotels?
Which place is the best choice for him?
(1) Homestay is good and inexpensive for my friend to live. He/she just pays little
money for the house owner.
Besides…, …easy for him to travel around and learn the culture b/c people in the
homestay can help him.
(2) He/she should not stay in a hotel because it is expensive, so he cannot afford it.
(3) He should not choose a hostel because ….not enough facilities + it is also very
noisy + unsafe with many people around
Hostel [hót/stồ] nhà nghỉ giá rẻ unsafe [ần/sép] ko an tn
13. Situation: You are going to a Prom for Graduate students. You are considering
who you should go with. There are 3 options: You can go with your darling, your
best friend or alone. Which one is the best option?
Pom [prôm] dạ tiệc chia tay của HS tốt nghiệp cấp 2/3/ hoặc ĐH
(1) Going with darling to a prom is interesting because I can join many activities
with my darling.
Besides…, ….. a good chance for me to introduce my lover to other people.
(2) NOT go there alone b/c …. there are many activities for couple, so ….feel
lonely. Alone [ờ/lôn] một mình Lonely [lốn/lì] cô đơn
(3) NOT want to go there with my best friend B/c people will misundertand our
relationship. [mít/s/ ấn/đơ/ sten] (hiểu lầm) [rì/lấy/sân/síp] (mối quan hệ)
14. Situation: You are going to go shopping for TET Holidays. There are 3 places
to choose: open air market, department store, and super market. Which place is the
best choice for you?
open air market: chợ
department store: [đì/pát/mần] [sto] cửa hàng bách hóa
(1) choose a Supermarket b/c we can buy many things for Tet.
EX: food or clothes
Besides…, …. Easy togo shopping in a clean +cool environment and the prices are
(2) Not choose a Depatment store b/c ….is not convenient because there are not
enough goods for me to buy.
(goods: hàng hóa) [khần/ví/nhần] convenient: tiện lợi
(3) I don’t go to the open air- market because the goods in market are not high-
quality and it is often not clean. (High quality [hai/khóa/li/ti] chất lượng cao)
15. Situation: There are 3 ways to reduce stress: playing sports, talking to with
friends or family, taking medicine. Which one is the best way?
Reduce stress [rì/điu/s] giảm stress
Introduction : chọn playing sports (chơi thể thao)
(1) I choose playing sports b/c….can relax my mind after woking hard
Besides…, playing sports increases my mood, so I feel happy
Increase [ình/k/ri/z] mood [mút] làm tốt tâm trạng
(2) I don’t like taking medicine because it has side-effects
[thách/king] [mét/sin] uống thuốc [sai/][ đì/ phách] (tác dụng phụ)
(3) Meeting and talking with many people makes me tired, so it is not a good way
to reduce stress. tired [thái/rệch] mệt
(gặp nói chuyện với nhiều người làm tôi mệt)
16. Situation: You want to do something to relax at weekends. There are 3
options: going out with friends, having a picnic with your family, and staying at
home. Which is the best choice for you?
(1) Having a picnic with my family is more interesting b/c …spend more time with
my family (to have a Picnic [he/vờ/ pích/nịch] đi cắm trại)
Besides…, many outdoor activities for children to play : cooking or playing
sports together.
(2) NOT…. to stay home at weekends because I just cook meals and watch TV at
home .IF so, it is very boring.
(3) NOT want to go out at weekend with my friends because we learn and play
together during the week . (go out: đi chơi)
17. Situation: You want to keep a pet. There are 3 kinds of animals you can
choose: dogs, cats, and birds. Which animal is the best pet for you?
Introduction : chọn RAISING A DOG
(1) b/c …. is very smart, so it can help me to keep my house from the burglars.
Smart [smát] thông minh burglar [bớt/g/lờ] kẻ trộm
Besides…, ….a good friend, so I can talk and play with him after working hard.
Therefore, …..a good way to reduce stress.
(2) NOT like to keep a bird because it is just for fun but it is not useful.
(3) NOT want to keep a cat because it is not as smart as a dog. (Ko thông minh
bằng con chó)
18. Situation: You want to do something on your friend’s birthday. 3 ways to do:
posting wishes on Facebook, cooking a meal and giving a gift. Which one is the
best option?
Introduction : chọn COOKING A MEAL
(1) I choose cooking a meal for my friend’s birthday because I can cook many
dishes he loves .
Besides…, I think .is a meaningful present from me, so my friend likes it
(2) …NOT want to post my wishes on Facebook because it is not special and
everyone can do it quickly on the net now. [spé/sồ] (đặc biệt)
[pốt/s/ mai/ quít/sì/z] gởi lời chúc mừng lên facebook [phây/s/ búc]
(3) NOT.. choose giving a gift because ….not easy and time-consuming to choose
a suitable gift. If ….not like my gift, it is a waste of money.
19. Situation: Your friend talks ill of you. 3 ways to react: block her Facebook,
deactivate an account, and ignore her. Which one is the best option?
talks ill : nói xấu
(1) I will choose to ignore that friend [ịt/no] (ko quan tâm) it helps me to keep
calm [kham] (giử bình tỉnh).
(2) NOT .. want to deactivate my account,[đì/ ắt/ ti /vây] [/ờ/ khau] (vô hiệu hóa
tài khoản của tôi) If so, …. cannot contact with other people or friends.
If so,: nếu thế thì contact with [khòn/thắt] liên lạc với
(3) I don’t want to block her Facebook because it means that I hate her, so I
cannot keep relationship with her.
(Chặn facebook của ta ) (Điều đó nghĩa tôi ghét ta).
20. Situation: You have plan on weekend holiday. There are 3 options: travel with
your family, travel with friend or travel alone. Which one is the best option?
(1) ….. is more interesting/fascinating b/c ….have good time together. (có thời
gian vui vẻ bên nhau)
Besides…, can do many activities together with my family.
EX: taking photos for memory or enjoying delicious food together.
Memory [mé/mơ/rì] niệm
(2) NOT want to travel alone because …not share ideas or feelings with other
people. The trip is very boring
(3) NOT want to travel my friends b/c ….meet and play together during the week,
so I want to spend more time with my family , not with them.
21. Situation: You have a plan on summer vacation. There are 3 options for you to
go: Hanoi, Sapa, Da nang. Which one is the best option?
ĐN…a new destination of VN I haven’t been there.
Besides that, Travelling to …. is more interesting b/c …can visit beautiful
landscapes: Ba Na Hill or Golden Bridge + …. many outdoor activities for us to
join : swimming or fishing on boats.
Not want to go to HN b/c …. a modern city, but there are not many interesting
actvities for children.
NOT like to visit SAPA b/c…. very cold and has snow, so my children cannot
stand the cold weather
(ko thể chịu đựng thời tiết này)
Weather [qué /đờ] thời tiết Snow [snô] tuyết (cannot stand: ko chịu đựng được)
22. Situation: your class are going to organize a farewell party. There are 3
options: in a classroom? At the teacher’s house? At a restaurant? Which one do you
think is suitable for your class?
BODY [ó/gơ/nái/zing] tổ chức organize = to hold
(1) Organizing …. more interesting b/c ….can spend more time talking with the
teacher when doing many things to prepare for the party together.
Besides…, ….a large space for us to do many activities: cooking, singing or
(2) NOT like to hold a party in a classroom, we do not have a place to cook food
and prepare for the party.
(2) NOT want to have a party in a restaurant b/c…expensive, so ….cannot afford
23 Situation: Your niece will be twelve on her next birthday? Among three
options: a dress, an English book, a bouquet of flowers, what do you think is the
most suitable gift for her?
Niece [nít/s] cháu gái
(1) a dress : a suitable gift for a small girl. like it because it makes her more
beautiful on her birthday party.
Besides…, …easy for me to choose a dress for …. b/c I know her size and her
favorite color.
(2) NOT want to choose flowers for her b/c …….not meaningful to a small girl
and …. can fade away easily. (fade away [phây/đờ/quê] phai tàn.)
(3) An English book is not interesting to her b/c …..has a lot of English books in
25. Situation: A group of foreign students want to learn about Vietnam. They are
considering 3 options: Watch TV, visit the museum, or read history books. Which
is the best choice for them?
(1) Visiting….an effective way to gain a lot of information and knowledge about
Vietnam not only in the present but also in the past.
Effective [ì phách/ti/v] hiệu quả (to gain information …có đươc thông tin … )
Besides..., .... interesting way to learn when…look at many pictures and objects
displayed or listening to the speech from the museum guide.
Object [ốp/chạch/s] hiện vật display [địt/s/plê] trưng bày
(2) NOT choose to read history books b/c …. boring to them. They will not like
this way + …. difficult to imagine what they read in the books.
Imagine [ìm/mé/chin] tưởng tượng
(3) NOT want to watch TV b/c …. also feel bored when they stay home, watching
TV. TV programs do not help them understand VN clearly.
26 Situation: Your family won lottery 10.000.000 .There are 3 choices to use
money: buy a TV, deposit money in a bank, have a short holiday abroad. Which is
the best choice?
Depositing money in a bank [đì/ pó/ zịt/ting ] gởi tiền vào ngân hàng
(1) ….choose depositing money in a bank b/c ….help me to save money for future
EX: I can use it to do business or to study further.
Besides…, deposting in…. safe and …. earn more interests from the bank
Interest : tiền lời [ính./trịt/s]
….NOT want to have a short holiday abroad
very expensive, so my
family cannot afford it.
(3) …NOT like to buy a TV ….not necessary for my family. …..have a TV at
home, so …. a waste of money. [ờ/ quây/stợp/ mấn/nì] phí tiền
27. Situation: You want to choose a present for a 30 year-wedding anniversary for
your parents. There are 3 choices: buy couple watches, have a vacation holiday
abroad, or take a family photo. Which one is the best choice?
(1) ….choose planning a vacation abroad for my parents b/c....haven’t been
arbroad (chưa từng đi nước ngoài)
Besides…, ….helps my parents to gain new information about another country , so
…have special memories of this trip.
Vacation abroad [vơ/khấy/sần/ ờ/ bród] một kì nghỉ ở nước ngoài
Celebrate [sé/lơ/brây] tổ chức anniversary [én/ni/vớ/ sơ/ri] lễ kỉ niệm
(2) NOT… like taking a family photos as …. not special. .... often take photos on
the new year days or some special occasions (ngày đầu năm)
(chụp ảnh gia đình) [spé/sồ] đặc biệt occcasion [ọt/ khấy/sần] dịp
(2) NOT
want to buy couple watches for my parents b/c ….both have watches, so
…. a waste of money. (mua đồng hồ đôi)
28. Situation: Your school want to support poor students. There are 3 ways:
organizing a school concert, a second-hand market, or a marathon race. Which one
is the best choice?
CHỨC CHỢ ĐỒ CỦ) organizing [ó/gơ/nái/zing] tổ chức
BODY a second-hand market [sé/cân/hen/ má/kịt] chợ đồ củ
(1) Organising …. easy to raise money for poor students b/c students can sell and
buy old things and donnate their money. [đô/nây] quyên góp
Besides..., …easy+ interesting for all students to join this activity.
(2) NOT like my school to organize a marathon race b/c not all students can
particiate in this activity. a marathon race [má/ra/thơn] [rây/s]
(3) NOT like my school to organize a concert b/c …. Expensive + difficult to find
the concert band + not all students like this music event. (sự kiện âm nhạc)
concert band [khón/sợt/ ben/d] ban hòa nhạc [míu/zịch/ì /ven/t] music event
29. Situation: You want to send a gift to your friend. There are 3 choices: a book,
a CD, or a diary. Which one is the best choice? [đái/ơ/rì] nhật kí
BODY Gift [gíp/t] quà = present [pré/zần]
(1) choosing …. A suitable gift for my friend b/c ….. loves reading books. I
choose a novel/ (a comic/ a science book) which is her favorite (chọn 1 loại)
Novel [nó/vồ] tiểu thuyết /comic [kh ó/mịch] truyện ời
Besides…, …. not very expensive to buy a good book for …. , so…..afford….
(2) ….NOT want to choose a CD for her because I don’t know what music she
likes. If
not her favourite, …… a waste of money.
(3). NOT like A diary for her b/c …. not like writing diary. If so, my gift ….not
meaningful to her . a diary [đía/ơ/rì] quyển nhật kí
30. Situation: You are going to have some days off work. There are 3 options:
staying at home with your family, hiking with your friends, or travelling abroad.
Which one is the best choice?
have some days off work: vài ngày nghỉ Hiking [hái/king] đi bộ ngoại
(1) …choose staying …. b/c after working hard, …want to spend more time with
my family for some days. So … build close-knit relationship with them
build close-knit relationship with [cl âu/s/nịch] xây dựng mối quan hệ khắn khít
Besides…., …do many activities together.
EX: cooking family meal , doing the housework or playing sports together.
(2) NOT want to go hiking with friends because every day we meet and work
together, so …boring to go and play with them again.
(3) NOT like to travell abroad for some days b/c …very expensive ,so ….cannot
afford it. .
31. Situation: A group of foreign friends want to learn Vietnamese history. They
are introduced 3 ways: visiting a museum, reading books in libraries or taking an
online course. Which one is the best choice for them?
INTRODUCTION: VISITING A MUSEUM [miu/sí/ầm] viện bảo tàng
(1) …. interesting for my foreign friends to go outside and visit the museum to
learn about Vietnamese history
Besides…, …. Practical way to learn the history of a coutry b/c …. see pictures
and real objects displayed in the museum +….also listen to the explanation from
the tour guide in the museum. , so ….easy for them to understand the historical
events. History [hít/strì] lịch sử / historical [hịt/stó/ri/k ồ] [ì/ven/t] sự kiện lịch s
real [riu] objects [ốp/ chạch] hiện vật / display [địch/spl ê] trưng bày
(2) NOT want them to read books in a library b/c boring to them.
[lái/bơ/rì] thư viện
(3) NOT like them to take an online course b/c …. time-consuming + not
interesting to follow a fixed timetable of a class.
a fixed timetable (TKB cố định) Time-consuming [ thai/khần/sím/mình] mấtTGian
32. Situation: Your club wants to organize an event and invite a speaker. There are
3 choices: a famous singer, an excellent student, a director. Which one is the best
choice? Exellent [ách/xe/lần] suất sắc
BODY Club [klấp] u lạc bộ
(1) Inviting… Practical way for students to learn a lot of information about jobs
Director. ai/rách/tờ] giám đốc [in/phôm/mấy/sần] thông tin
Besides…, students can also build good social relationship with the company.
(2) NOT want to invite an excellent student b/c ….not experienced when talking
about social issues to other student. [số/sô] [í/sù] các vấn ddef XH
(Exprienced [ịch/ pía/ri/ần/s] có kinh nghiệm)
(2) NOT like to invite a singer. …. very expensive, so …. cannot afford….
33 Situation: You want to choose a birthday present for your friend’s birthday?
Among three options: a phone card, a pair of ear phones, or a picture. What do you
think is the most suitable gift for her?
(1) …..is a good present for my friend b/c ….. helps her to keep in touch with
many friends and family. To keep in touch with [kíp/ in tấ/ch] giử liên lạc với
Besides…, ….can use it for many activities in daily life: studying or entertaining .
(2) ….NOT want to choose a picture for her b/c …don’t know her taste ,so ...
difficult for me to choose a suitable picture. If ….doesn’t like the picture, …. a
waste of money.
(3) ….NOT choose a pair of ear phone b/c…..not special to her. She has had it
already. [spé/sồ] đặc biệt A pair of ear phone [ờ/pe/rốp/ ia/ phôn] Tai nghe phôn
34 Situation: You are going to attend your friend’s wedding party. Among three
options: jewelry, couple clothes, money, what do you think is the most suitable gift
for her?
Introduction: MONEY
…. choose money b/c the new couple can use it for their wedding expenses .
Besides…, …. can also save the money for their new life.
EX: they can use money to buy things for their new baby
Couple [khấp/bồ] cặp đôi / Wedding expenses [ịch/pen/sì/v] chi phí đám cưới
…NOT want to buy jewelery for the couple b/c ….very expensive so I cannot
afford it. Jewelry [chú/ơ/ rì] nữ trang
NOT giving a couple clothes B/C …also difficult + time-consuming to
choose clothes for them if I don’t know their tastes . [thây/st] sở thích/ gu
[khấp/bồ][clô/z] đồ đôi [thai/ khần/sím/mình] mất thời gian
35 Situation: Your younger brother is going to graduate from university. There are
three options for him to do: going travelling, going to work, studying for a master
(1) ….. good for him to go to work after school b/c …. learn working experience in
real work, which is necessary for his future.
Besides…, needs to earn money to support his family.
(2) NOT want him to travel b/c …. is expensive and ….cannot afford ….
(3) NOT like him to study a master degree . …. unnecessary and very boring if…
has to study for some more years after school. (Master degree [mát/stơ][đì/g/ri]
bằng thạc sĩ )
/unnecessary [ần/nét/xét/sơ/ri] không cần thiết
36. Situation: You are going to spend your summer holidays. There are 3 options:
Taking up a sport, doing volunteer work, taking a language course. Which one is
the best choice?
(1) Doing…. good b/c …. spend summer time helping other people, especially the
Besides…, …..meet and talk with many people to build good social relationship,
which …. good for my job and life.
(2) Not want to take up a sport is just for fun [phân]. I can do it later.
Take up a sport: [thách/kấp] (bắt đầu chơi thể thao như 1 sở thích chỉ để vui thôi)
...NOT like to take a language course in summer time b/c ....want to relax
after ....hard . Learning more will make me tired. tired [thái /rợt] mệt
take a language course ( học một khóa học tiếng) language [lén/quịt/ch]
37. Situation: You are going to have a birthday party. There are three places to
celebrate you party: at home, in a restaurant, or in a karaoke bar. Which one is the
best choice?
Celebrating : [se/lơ/brấy/ting] tổ chức karaoke bar [kara/ố/khì/ ba]
(1) …... home …. not expensive b/c ...can prepare+ cook food for the party.
Besides..., ...have a big yard ,so ...can do many interesting activities at home. EX:
cooking, playing, or singing together
(2) Not want to have .... a karaoke bar b/c .... very expensive, …cannot afford...
...have to pay a lot of money for the food + services [sớ/vịt/sì] dịch vụ
(2) Not want to organize .... a restaurant b/c .....very crowded + …cannot have
privacy to do many interesting activities [ặt/tí/vi/tì] hoạt động
Crowded [kraun/địch] đông đúc Privacy (n) [p/rái/vịch/xi] sự riêng
38. Situation: You are studying for your coming exam. Among the 3 places for self
study: At home, at a coffee shop, or at a library school, which one is the best
choice for you?
(1) ..... good to study .... library because ... always quiet, and ... also has good
EX: ... good seats + cool places for people to work . Therefore, ...easy for me
to study there / quiet [khoái/ệch] yên lặng
Besides..., ... also borrow a lot of books for reference and other necessary
materials, which help me to gain more knowledge for the exam
Borrow [bó/rô] mượn /Reference [rép/phơ/rần/s] tham khảo/
/ material [mờ tía/ri/ồ] tài liệu
(2) NOT want to study ....home b/c ....a lot of people in my house. Especially my
younger brother often makes noise, so ….dificult for ...to focus on my lessons.
Make noise [/ noi/s] làm ồn To Focus on [phố/k ợt/s] tập trung vào ...
(3) NOT like to learn .... a coffee shop b/c ….often noisy with many customers +
loud music. This place... not suitable for working or studying.
39. Situation: You are thinking of how to promote the qualities of your education
system. Among the three options: invest money into teachers, students, or facilities.
Which one is the best choice?
promote the qualities [prồ/mâu] [khó/li/ti] nâng cao chất lượng
Education system (hệ thống giáo dục)
To invest into [ìn/vést/] đầu facilities [phờ/sí/li/ti/z] cơ s vật chất
(1) .... necessary to invest into teachers, so they can teach students more effectively
. [ì/phách/tiv/lì] một cách hiệu quả.
Investing into people is a long-term investment, which makes our education more
effective. (a long-term investment : đầu tư lâui)
Besides..., ...... not expensive to make investment into teachers
(2) NOT choose to invest into students
b/c .... so many students in a school .... not enough money to support all of them.
(3) NOT want school to invest into facilities b/c
....very expensive and ...... cannot
afford it.
EX: school has to pay a lot for teaching equipment and the lab rooms.
40. Situation : You want to do something for memory of graduation of your class.
There are 3 options: making a video, a class uniform, an album. Which one is the
best choice? memory of graduation (nhớ về lễ tốt nghiệp [gr é/điu/ấy/sần])
INTRODUCTION: MAKING AN ALBUM [ón/ bờm] một album nh
(1) Making …. easy and practial because the photo album can help to keep
memory for our class.
Besides..., We can do it by ourselves. Therefore, ... save money + have a special
album in our own way.
(2) Not want to make a video
B/c ….dificult to make a good/ professional video. .... need to hire an expert to help
us, which. ....expensive , so ...cannot afford ... (to hire [hai/ờ] ớn)
Expert [ách/spợt] chuyên gia to make a video [ví/đi/ồ]m phim
(3) NOT like to make the class uniform
b/c we make the class uniform every school year but this is our graduation year , so
we need to have something special .
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Preview text:

• Khi câu có nhiều ý : thấy số (1) –nói firstly (2) However, /… (3) finally
• Thấy EX : nói -For example
• Thấy dấu : (hai chấm) nói -such as/ for instance/ for example
• Gặp dấu / hoặc (….) thì chọn 1 để nói –
• Đa số các câu là chưa hoàn tất – cần phải thêm vào các phần thiếu cho đầy
đủ cấu trúc như là chủ từ/ động từ / từ nối (and, but...)
BỔ SUNG ĐỂ NÓI NHIỀU HƠN – NHƯNG CẦN NÓI ĐÚNG (không biết thêm thì thôi! )
1. Situation: Your sister wants to lose weight. Three ways are suggested: going to
the gym, taking weight-lost medicine and going on a diet. Which way is the best choice for her?
(1) …. a good and safe way to lose weight b/c …. just cook and eat healthy food
Besides…, … can choose food and cook by myself , so ….can save a lot of money
(2) …..NOT choose to go to the gym [dzim] đi đến phòng tập thể thao b/c….
expensive to pay for equipment and trainers, so ….cannot afford it.
(3) …NOT want to take medicine [mét/đi/sin] uống thuốc b/c …. because it has
side –effect [ sai/ì/phách] ( tác dụng phụ) ,so …. not good for my health. + CONCLUSION
2. Situation: Your class is going to have a field trip to know about Ha Noi next week. 2 Three places are suggested:
Uncle Ho Mausoleum, Sword Lake, Hanoi Museum,
[ấn/khô/Hô/] [mó/sơ/li/ầm] lăng Bác; [Squo/ lách/k ] Hồ Hoàn kiếm
[Miu/zí/ầm] Viện bảo tàng
Field trip [phiu/ tríp] đi dã ngoại
Which place is the best choice for them?
(1) …. A fascinating /interesting way to know about HN when seeing real objects
or photos displayed at the museum. [địt/splê/d] trưng bày
Besides…, …. learn a lot of information about history, culture, customs of HN now and in the past.
(2) …NOT choose going to the sword Lake b/c …. visit beautiful landscapes
around the lake but …cannot learn a lot of information about HN
. around [ờ/ raun/d] xung quanh
(3) ….NOT visit Uncle Ho mausoleum because …. very time- consuming b/c …
… have to make a long line and wait for many people. Xếp hàng dài và chờ đợi SAMPLE SPEAKING
INTRODUTION: Among the three options, I think that visiting HN museum is
the best choice for our class because of some reasons. BODY
Firstly, Visiting HN museum is a fascinating /interesting way to know about HN
when seeing real objects or photos displayed at the museum.
Besides that, we can learn a lot of information about history, culture, customs of HN now and in the past. 3
However, I don’t choose going to the sword Lake because we just visit beautiful
landscapes around the lake but we cannot gain a lot of information about HN
Finally, we don’t choose to visit Uncle Ho mausoleum because it is very time-
consuming because we have to make a long line and wait for many people. + CONCLUSION
From the reasons above, I believe that visiting HN museum is the best choice
3. Situation: Your friend wants to prepare for her English exam. There are 3
choices for her to do: self-study with a tutor, an online course, or attend an English
class. Which is the best choice?
(1) ….is not expensive. My friend does not to pay a lot of money for the course.
Besides…, …suitable for her to learn online b/c she is working now, so …can
learn her lessons at any time and at any places .
(2) … NOT choose to study with a tutor [thíu/ thờ] gia sư b/c…. expensive, so … cannot afford it.
(3) …. NOT attend an English class b/c the timetable of the class is fixed but …
… busy working, so … cannot go to class ontime.
[ờ/then] tham ga timetable [thai/ thấy/bồ] thời khoa biểu fixed [phít/st] cố định + CONCLUSION
4. Situation: A foreign friend is going to visit a city in Vietnam. There are 3
choices: HCM city, Ha Noi and Hue. Which place is the best choice for him?
(1). … more intereting/ fascinating to visit HN because … the capital of the
country now. [khé/pí/tô] thủ đô
Besides…, …. is a modern city but …also has many ancient streets and houses
which show the tradition and culture of Vietnamese people.[én/si/ần] cổ xưa
(2) NOT go to Hue b/c … is the old capital of the country, so …. just visit many
old tombs and temples in the past. [tum/z] lăng mộ temples [thém/bồ/z] đền đài
(3) ….NOT visit HCM city b/c …. a new and modern city with many tall buildings
and shopping centers. It may not be interesting to my friends + CONCLUSION
5. Situation: A family is going to have a trip together. There are 3 places for them
to choose: a sea resort, a lake hotel, a country cottage. Which place is the best choice for them?
INTRODUTION: A SEA RESORT [ si/ rì zọt/] khu nghĩ dưỡng ở biển BODY
(1) …. a big and interesting place for children b/c …. can do many outdoor
activities : swimming, fishing and eating sea food.
Besides…, ….has many beautiful sights for us to enjoy and take pictures
(2) ….NOT choose a lake hotel b/c ….a small place, so …..not have space to play together.
(2) NOT want A country cottage [kót/ tịt/dz] (nhà nhỏ ở vùng quê)
b/c ….. is not new to children b/c
….often go to the countryside at weekend to
visit relatives , so … will feel bored.
[khấn/tri/sai/d] miền quê [ré/lơ/ti/v/] họ hàng CONCLUSION 5
6. Situation: Your cousin is a freshman at a university in Hà Nội. There are 3
options for her to choose to live: a universty dormitory, a rent in a flat, a stay at a
relative’s. Which place is the best choice for him/her? [ph/rét/s/mân] sinh viên năm nhất
INTRODUTION: LIVING IN A DORMITORY [đó/mi/tri] sống ở kí túc xá BODY
(1) …. interesting b/c …. can live and study with many friends, so they can help each other
Besides…, …. is not expensive to live in …. so, ….has to pay little money for
living fees [phi/z] chí phí sinh hoạt
(2) ….NOT rent a flat because …. expensive, so …. cannot afford it.
[rent/ ờ /ph/lét] (mướn 1 căn hộ)
(3) ….NOT live with a relative, because …. cannot do things he likes
EX: …cannot entertain his friends at home or ….cannot return home late.
[én/thơ/then] tiếp (khách)j l ở nhà + CONCLUSION
7. Situation: You are thinking of doing volunteer this summer. Your friend
suggested that you could help children in mountainous areas. There are three ways
to help them: giving money, giving old clothes and giving notebooks and pencils. Which one is the
best way to help those children?
Introduction : chọn GIVING OLD CLOTHES Bod
(1) …. easy to collect old clothes. My friends or relatives can give me a lot of old
clothes. [kho/lách/] thu thập 6
Besides…, chidren need a lot of warm clothes b/c …. very cold in the mountain.
(2) NOT giving money to children
B/c…. as a teacher (student) … don’t have a lot of money, so I cannot give money to many children
(3) Notebooks and pencils …. also necessary but many volunteers have already
given them at the beginning of the school year, so … think they need more clothes for school.
8. Situation: Your group is planning to organize a sport event. There are three
options: a marathon race, a table tennis competition or a football match. Which one
do you think is suitable for your group?
Introduction : chọn a marathon race (má: / ra/ thân) (rây/s): cuộc đua chạy bộ đường dài Body
(1) ….easy for everybody because all people in the group can join it.
Besides …, it doesn’t need many special skills to run in a big group. (2) NOT choose football
b /c some people in the group cannot play football
so we do not have enough members for a football team.
(2) NOT want a table tennis competition
….is expensive b/c …. need to buy special equipment to play so … cannot afford it.
+ A table tennis [thấy/bồ/ tén/ nìs] bóng bàn competetion [khom/ pi/tí/ sần]thi đấu Conclusion
9. Situation: you are going to organize a 10-year high school reunion. There are 3
options: Visiting old school and teacher? Organizing a party and invite old 7
teachers? Organizing a one-day trip? Which one do you think is suitable for your group?
INTRODUTION: Organizing a party and inviting old teachers
BODY [ó/ gơ/ nai/zing] tổ chức [pát/ ti] bửa tiệc [ìn/vái/ting] mời
(1) …is more meaningful because ….have more time to talk with teachers and friends.
Besides…, ….also have time to do many interesting activies together
EX: enjoying delicious food, taking photos for memory or singing together.
(2) NOT…. choose visiting teachers at school
because …. have very little time with them at school, so the visit is not meaningful. (3) NOT want a one-day trip
because …. difficult for many class members to join
because …. very busy with their own work + family.
10. Situation: You are looking for materials for your graduate thesis. There are 3
places to choose materials: from free online materials, from books or from
journals? Which one is the best option?
[mờ/ thía/ ri/ồ/z] tài liệu [chớ/ nồ] tạp chí khoa học
(1) knowledge and information from journals is reliable [ rì/lái/ơ/bồ] đáng tin cậy.
And it is good for my thesis [thí/ sịt/s] luận văn
Besides…, …many sources of jounals online + in libraries, so …easy to find materials for my thesis.
(2) NOT choose free online materials because they do not have reliable
information and my teachers will not accept it. [ờ/ sép] chấp nhận 8
(3) NOT choose books because knowledge and information is not updated, so it is not good for my thesis.
[ập/đấy/tịch] cập nhật + CONCLUSION
11. Situation: You are choosing a wedding present. Which wedding gift you do
want to give to your friend: money, present or couple clothes? Which one do you
think is the best choice?
wedding present [quét/ đinh] đám cưới [pré/zầnt] = gift [ghíp/t] quà
(1) …. choose money b/c the new couple can use it for their wedding expenses .
Besides…, …. can also save the money for their new life. [khấp/bồ] cặp đôi
(2) …NOT a gift. B/c ….. not easy to choose a suitable gift. If they don’t like and
don’t use the present, it is a waste of money.
(3) NOT giving a couple clothes B/C …also difficult + time-consuming to choose
clothes for them if I don’t know their tastes . [thây/st] sở thích/ gu
[khấp/bồ][clô/z] đồ đôi [thai/ khần/sím/mình] mất thời gian + CONCLUSION
12. Situation: Your foreign friend are going to travel to Ha Noi. You are
considering where he should stay. There are 3 options: student hostels, homestay, and hotels?
Which place is the best choice for him?
(1) Homestay is good and inexpensive for my friend to live. He/she just pays little money for the house owner.
Besides…, …easy for him to travel around and learn the culture b/c people in the homestay can help him.
(2) He/she should not stay in a hotel because it is expensive, so he cannot afford it.
(3) He should not choose a hostel because ….not enough facilities + it is also very
noisy + unsafe with many people around
Hostel [hót/stồ] nhà nghỉ giá rẻ
unsafe [ần/sép] ko an toàn + CONCLUSION
13. Situation: You are going to a Prom for Graduate students. You are considering
who you should go with. There are 3 options: You can go with your darling, your
best friend or alone. Which one is the best option?
Pom [prôm] dạ tiệc chia tay của HS tốt nghiệp cấp 2/3/ hoặc ĐH
(1) Going with darling to a prom is interesting because I can join many activities with my darling.
Besides…, ….. a good chance for me to introduce my lover to other people.
(2) NOT go there alone b/c …. there are many activities for couple, so ….feel lonely. Alone [ờ/lôn] một mình Lonely [lốn/lì] cô đơn
(3) NOT want to go there with my best friend B/c people will misundertand our
relationship. [mít/s/ ấn/đơ/ sten] (hiểu lầm) [rì/lấy/sân/síp] (mối quan hệ) + CONCLUSION 10
14. Situation: You are going to go shopping for TET Holidays. There are 3 places
to choose: open air market, department store, and super market. Which place is the best choice for you?
open air market: chợ department store: [đì/pát/mần] [sto] cửa hàng bách hóa
(1) choose a Supermarket b/c we can buy many things for Tet. EX: food or clothes
Besides…, …. Easy togo shopping in a clean +cool environment and the prices are fixed.
(2) Not choose a Depatment store b/c ….is not convenient because there are not
enough goods for me to buy.
(goods: hàng hóa) [khần/ví/nhần] convenient: tiện lợi
(3) I don’t go to the open air- market because the goods in market are not high-
quality and it is often not clean. (High – quality [hai/khóa/li/ti] chất lượng cao) + CONCLUSION
15. Situation: There are 3 ways to reduce stress: playing sports, talking to with
friends or family, taking medicine. Which one is the best way?
Reduce stress [rì/điu/s] giảm stress
Introduction : chọn playing sports (chơi thể thao) Body
(1) I choose playing sports b/c….can relax my mind after woking hard
Besides…, playing sports increases my mood, so I feel happy
Increase [ình/k/ri/z] mood [mút] làm tốt tâm trạng
(2) I don’t like taking medicine because it has side-effects
[thách/king] [mét/sin] uống thuốc [sai/][ đì/ phách] (tác dụng phụ) 11
(3) Meeting and talking with many people makes me tired, so it is not a good way to reduce stress. tired [thái/rệch] mệt
(gặp và nói chuyện với nhiều người làm tôi mệt)
16. Situation: You want to do something to relax at weekends. There are 3
options: going out with friends, having a picnic with your family, and staying at
home. Which is the best choice for you?
(1) Having a picnic with my family is more interesting b/c …spend more time with my family
(to have a Picnic [he/vờ/ pích/nịch] đi cắm trại)
Besides…, … many outdoor activities for children to play : cooking or playing sports together.
(2) NOT…. to stay home at weekends because I just cook meals and watch TV at
home .IF so, it is very boring.
(3) NOT want to go out at weekend with my friends because we learn and play
together during the week . (go out: đi chơi) + CONCLUSION
17. Situation: You want to keep a pet. There are 3 kinds of animals you can
choose: dogs, cats, and birds. Which animal is the best pet for you?
Introduction : chọn RAISING A DOG Body
(1) b/c …. is very smart, so it can help me to keep my house from the burglars.
Smart [smát] thông minh burglar [bớt/g/lờ] kẻ trộm
Besides…, ….a good friend, so I can talk and play with him after working hard.
Therefore, …..a good way to reduce stress.
(2) NOT like to keep a bird because it is just for fun but it is not useful. 12
(3) NOT want to keep a cat because it is not as smart as a dog. (Ko thông minh bằng con chó)
18. Situation: You want to do something on your friend’s birthday. 3 ways to do:
posting wishes on Facebook, cooking a meal and giving a gift. Which one is the best option?
Introduction : chọn COOKING A MEAL Body
(1) I choose cooking a meal for my friend’s birthday because I can cook many dishes he loves .
Besides…, I think ….is a meaningful present from me, so my friend likes it
(2) …NOT want to post my wishes on Facebook because it is not special and
everyone can do it quickly on the net now. [spé/sồ] (đặc biệt)
[pốt/s/ mai/ quít/sì/z] gởi lời chúc mừng lên facebook [phây/s/ búc]
(3) NOT.. choose giving a gift because ….not easy and time-consuming to choose
a suitable gift. If ….not like my gift, it is a waste of money. Conclusion
19. Situation: Your friend talks ill of you. 3 ways to react: block her Facebook,
deactivate an account, and ignore her. Which one is the best option? talks ill : nói xấu
(1) I will choose to ignore that friend [ịt/no] (ko quan tâm) it helps me to keep
calm [kham] (giử bình tỉnh). Besides…,
(2) NOT .. want to deactivate my account,[đì/ ắt/ ti /vây] [/ờ/ khau] (vô hiệu hóa
tài khoản của tôi) If so, …. cannot contact with other people or friends.
If so,: nếu thế thì … contact with [khòn/thắt] liên lạc với 13
(3) I don’t want to block her Facebook because it means that I hate her, so I
cannot keep relationship with her.
(Chặn facebook của cô ta ) (Điều đó có nghĩa là tôi ghét cô ta). Conclusion
20. Situation: You have plan on weekend holiday. There are 3 options: travel with
your family, travel with friend or travel alone. Which one is the best option?
(1) ….. is more interesting/fascinating b/c ….have good time together. (có thời gian vui vẻ bên nhau)
Besides…, can do many activities together with my family.
EX: taking photos for memory or enjoying delicious food together.
Memory [mé/mơ/rì] kĩ niệm
(2) NOT want to travel alone because …not share ideas or feelings with other
people. The trip is very boring
(3) NOT want to travel my friends b/c ….meet and play together during the week,
so I want to spend more time with my family , not with them. + CONCLUSION
21. Situation: You have a plan on summer vacation. There are 3 options for you to
go: Hanoi, Sapa, Da nang. Which one is the best option?
(1) ĐN…a new destination of VN I haven’t been there. 14
Besides that, Travelling to …. is more interesting b/c …can visit beautiful
landscapes: Ba Na Hill or Golden Bridge + …. many outdoor activities for us to
join : swimming or fishing on boats.
(2) Not want to go to HN b/c …. a modern city, but there are not many interesting actvities for children.
(3) NOT like to visit SAPA b/c…. very cold and has snow, so my children cannot
stand the cold weather (ko thể chịu đựng thời tiết này)
Weather [qué /đờ] thời tiết Snow [snô] tuyết (cannot stand: ko chịu đựng được) + CONCLUSION
22. Situation: your class are going to organize a farewell party. There are 3
options: in a classroom? At the teacher’s house? At a restaurant? Which one do you
think is suitable for your class?
[ó/gơ/nái/zing] tổ chức organize = to hold
(1) Organizing …. more interesting b/c ….can spend more time talking with the
teacher when doing many things to prepare for the party together.
Besides…, ….a large space for us to do many activities: cooking, singing or dancing.
(2) NOT like to hold a party in a classroom, we do not have a place to cook food and prepare for the party.
(2) NOT want to have a party in a restaurant b/c…expensive, so ….cannot afford
23 Situation: Your niece will be twelve on her next birthday? Among three
options: a dress, an English book, a bouquet of flowers, what do you think is the
most suitable gift for her? Niece [nít/s] cháu gái
(1) a dress : a suitable gift for a small girl. … like it because it makes her more
beautiful on her birthday party.
Besides…, …easy for me to choose a dress for …. b/c I know her size and her favorite color.
(2) NOT want to choose flowers for her b/c …….not meaningful to a small girl
and …. can fade away easily. (fade away [phây/đờ/quê] phai tàn.)
(3) An English book is not interesting to her b/c …..has a lot of English books in school. + CONCLUSION
25. Situation: A group of foreign students want to learn about Vietnam. They are
considering 3 options: Watch TV, visit the museum, or read history books. Which is the best choice for them?
(1) Visiting….an effective way to gain a lot of information and knowledge about
Vietnam not only in the present but also in the past.
Effective [ì phách/ti/v] hiệu quả (to gain information …có đươc thông tin … )
Besides..., .... interesting way to learn when…look at many pictures and objects
displayed or listening to the speech from the museum guide. 16
Object [ốp/chạch/s] hiện vật display [địt/s/plê] trưng bày
(2) NOT choose to read history books b/c …. boring to them. They will not like
this way + …. difficult to imagine what they read in the books.
Imagine [ìm/mé/chin] tưởng tượng
(3) NOT want to watch TV b/c …. also feel bored when they stay home, watching
TV. TV programs do not help them understand VN clearly. + CONCLUSION
26 Situation: Your family won lottery 10.000.000 .There are 3 choices to use
money: buy a TV, deposit money in a bank, have a short holiday abroad. Which is the best choice?
Depositing money in a bank [đì/ pó/ zịt/ting ] gởi tiền vào ngân hàng BODY
(1) ….choose depositing money in a bank b/c ….help me to save money for future
EX: I can use it to do business or to study further.
Besides…, deposting in…. safe and …. earn more interests from the bank
Interest : tiền lời [ính./trịt/s]
(2) ….NOT want to have a short holiday abroad …. very expensive, so m y family cannot afford it.
(3) …NOT like to buy a TV ….not necessary for my family. …..have a TV at
home, so …. a waste of money. [ờ/ quây/stợp/ mấn/nì] phí tiền CONCLUSION
27. Situation: You want to choose a present for a 30 year-wedding anniversary for
your parents. There are 3 choices: buy couple watches, have a vacation holiday
abroad, or take a family photo. Which one is the best choice?
(1) ….choose planning a vacation abroad for my parents b/c....haven’t been
arbroad (chưa từng đi nước ngoài)
Besides…, ….helps my parents to gain new information about another country , so
…have special memories of this trip.
Vacation abroad [vơ/khấy/sần/ ờ/ bród] một kì nghỉ ở nước ngoài
Celebrate [sé/lơ/brây] tổ chức anniversary [én/ni/vớ/ sơ/ri] lễ kỉ niệm
(2) NOT… like taking a family photos as …. not special. .... often take photos on
the new year days or some special occasions (ngày đầu năm)
(chụp ảnh gia đình) [spé/sồ] đặc biệt occcasion [ọt/ khấy/sần] dịp
(2) NOT want to buy couple watches for my parents b/c ….both have watches, so
…. a waste of money. (mua đồng hồ đôi)
28. Situation: Your school want to support poor students. There are 3 ways:
organizing a school concert, a second-hand market, or a marathon race. Which one is the best choice?
CHỨC CHỢ ĐỒ CỦ) organizing [ó/gơ/nái/zing] tổ chức BODY
a second-hand market [sé/cân/hen/ má/kịt] chợ đồ củ
(1) Organising …. easy to raise money for poor students b/c students can sell and
buy old things and donnate their money. [đô/nây] quyên góp
Besides..., …easy+ interesting for all students to join this activity.
(2) NOT like my school to organize a marathon race b/c not all students can
particiate in this activity. a marathon race [má/ra/thơn] [rây/s]
(3) NOT like my school to organize a concert b/c …. Expensive + difficult to find
the concert band + not all students like this music event. (sự kiện âm nhạc)
concert band [khón/sợt/ ben/d] ban hòa nhạc [míu/zịch/ì /ven/t] music event 18
29. Situation: You want to send a gift to your friend. There are 3 choices: a book,
a CD, or a diary. Which one is the best choice? [đái/ơ/rì] nhật kí
Gift [gíp/t] quà = present [pré/zần]
(1) choosing …. A suitable gift for my friend b/c ….. loves reading books. I …
choose a novel/ (a comic/ a science book) which is her favorite (chọn 1 loại)
Novel [nó/vồ] tiểu thuyết /comic [kh ó/mịch] truyện cười
Besides…, …. not very expensive to buy a good book for …. , so…..afford….
(2) ….NOT want to choose a CD for her because I don’t know what music she
likes. If not her favourite, …… a waste of money.
(3). NOT like A diary for her b/c …. not like writing diary. If so, my gift ….not
meaningful to her . a diary [đía/ơ/rì] quyển nhật kí
30. Situation: You are going to have some days off work. There are 3 options:
staying at home with your family, hiking with your friends, or travelling abroad. Which one is the best choice?
have some days off work: có vài ngày nghỉ Hiking [hái/king] đi bộ dã ngoại
(1) …choose staying …. b/c after working hard, …want to spend more time with
my family for some days. So … build close-knit relationship with them
build close-knit relationship with [cl âu/s/nịch] xây dựng mối quan hệ khắn khít
Besides…., …do many activities together.
EX: cooking family meal , doing the housework or playing sports together.
(2) NOT want to go hiking with friends because every day we meet and work
together, so …boring to go and play with them again. 19
(3) NOT like to travell abroad for some days b/c …very expensive ,so ….cannot afford it. . CONCLUSION
31. Situation: A group of foreign friends want to learn Vietnamese history. They
are introduced 3 ways: visiting a museum, reading books in libraries or taking an
online course. Which one is the best choice for them?
INTRODUCTION: VISITING A MUSEUM [miu/sí/ầm] viện bảo tàng BODY
(1) …. interesting for my foreign friends to go outside and visit the museum to
learn about Vietnamese history
Besides…, …. Practical way to learn the history of a coutry b/c …. see pictures
and real objects displayed in the museum +….also listen to the explanation from
the tour guide in the museum. , so ….easy for them to understand the historical
events. History [hít/strì] lịch sử / historical [hịt/stó/ri/k ồ] [ì/ven/t] sự kiện lịch sử
real [riu] objects [ốp/ chạch] hiện vật / display [địch/spl ê] trưng bày
(2) NOT want them to read books in a library b/c … boring to them. [lái/bơ/rì] thư viện
(3) NOT like them to take an online course b/c …. time-consuming + not
interesting to follow a fixed timetable of a class.
a fixed timetable (TKB cố định) Time-consuming [ thai/khần/sím/mình] mấtTGian CONCLUSION
32. Situation: Your club wants to organize an event and invite a speaker. There are
3 choices: a famous singer, an excellent student, a director. Which one is the best
choice? Exellent [ách/xe/lần] suất sắc
BODY Club [klấp] câu lạc bộ 20
(1) Inviting… Practical way for students to learn a lot of information about jobs
Director. [đai/rách/tờ] giám đốc [in/phôm/mấy/sần] thông tin
Besides…, students can also build good social relationship with the company.
(2) NOT want to invite an excellent student b/c
….not experienced when talking
about social issues to other student. [số/sô] [í/sù] các vấn ddef XH
(Exprienced [ịch/ pía/ri/ần/s] có kinh nghiệm)
(2) NOT like to invite a singer. …. very expensive, so …. cannot afford…. CONCLUSION
33 Situation: You want to choose a birthday present for your friend’s birthday?
Among three options: a phone card, a pair of ear phones, or a picture. What do you
think is the most suitable gift for her?
(1) …..is a good present for my friend b/c ….. helps her to keep in touch with
many friends and family. To keep in touch with [kíp/ in tấ/ch] giử liên lạc với
Besides…, ….can use it for many activities in daily life: studying or entertaining .
(2) ….NOT want to choose a picture for her b/c …don’t know her taste ,so ...
difficult for me to choose a suitable picture. If ….doesn’t like the picture, …. a waste of money.
(3) ….NOT choose a pair of ear phone b/c…..not special to her. She has had it
already. [spé/sồ] đặc biệt A pair of ear phone [ờ/pe/rốp/ ia/ phôn] Tai nghe phôn CONCLUSION
34 Situation: You are going to attend your friend’s wedding party. Among three
options: jewelry, couple clothes, money, what do you think is the most suitable gift for her?
Introduction: MONEY 21 Body
(1) …. choose money b/c the new couple can use it for their wedding expenses .
Besides…, …. can also save the money for their new life.
EX: they can use money to buy things for their new baby
Couple [khấp/bồ] cặp đôi / Wedding expenses [ịch/pen/sì/v] chi phí đám cưới
(2) …NOT want to buy jewelery for the couple b/c ….very expensive so I cannot
afford it. Jewelry [chú/ơ/ rì] nữ trang
(3) NOT giving a couple clothes B/C
…also difficult + time-consuming to
choose clothes for them if I don’t know their tastes . [thây/st] sở thích/ gu
[khấp/bồ][clô/z] đồ đôi [thai/ khần/sím/mình] mất thời gian
35 Situation: Your younger brother is going to graduate from university. There are
three options for him to do: going travelling, going to work, studying for a master degree.
(1) ….. good for him to go to work after school b/c …. learn working experience in
real work, which is necessary for his future.
Besides…, … needs to earn money to support his family.
(2) NOT want him to travel b/c …. is expensive and ….cannot afford ….
(3) NOT like him to study a master degree . …. unnecessary and very boring if…
has to study for some more years after school. (Master degree [mát/stơ][đì/g/ri]
bằng thạc sĩ ) /unnecessary [ần/nét/xét/sơ/ri] không cần thiết CONCLUSION 22
36. Situation: You are going to spend your summer holidays. There are 3 options:
Taking up a sport, doing volunteer work, taking a language course. Which one is the best choice?
(1) Doing…. good b/c …. spend summer time helping other people, especially the poor.
Besides…, …..meet and talk with many people to build good social relationship,
which …. good for my job and life.
(2) Not want to take up a sport is just for fun [phân]. I can do it later.
Take up a sport: [thách/kấp] (bắt đầu chơi thể thao như 1 sở thích chỉ để vui thôi)
...NOT like to take a language course in summer time b/c ....want to relax
after ....hard . Learning more will make me tired. tired [thái /rợt] mệt
take a language course ( học một khóa học tiếng) language [lén/quịt/ch] CONCLUSION
37. Situation: You are going to have a birthday party. There are three places to
celebrate you party: at home, in a restaurant, or in a karaoke bar. Which one is the best choice?
Celebrating : [se/lơ/brấy/ting] tổ chức
karaoke bar [kara/ố/khì/ ba] BODY
(1) …... home …. not expensive b/c ...can prepare+ cook food for the party.
Besides..., ...have a big yard ,so ...can do many interesting activities at home. EX:
cooking, playing, or singing together
(2) Not want to have .... a karaoke bar b/c .... very expensive, …cannot afford...
...have to pay a lot of money for the food + services [sớ/vịt/sì] dịch vụ 23
(2) Not want to organize .... a restaurant b/c .....very crowded + …cannot have
privacy to do many interesting activities [ặt/tí/vi/tì] hoạt động
Crowded [kraun/địch] đông đúc Privacy (n) [p/rái/vịch/xi] sự riêng tư CONCLUSION
38. Situation: You are studying for your coming exam. Among the 3 places for self
–study: At home, at a coffee shop, or at a library school, which one is the best choice for you?
(1) ..... good to study .... library because ... always quiet, and ... also has good facilities.
EX: ... good seats + cool places for people to work . Therefore, ...easy for me
to study there / quiet [khoái/ệch] yên lặng
Besides..., ... also borrow a lot of books for reference and other necessary
materials, which help me to gain more knowledge for the exam
Borrow [bó/rô] mượn /Reference [rép/phơ/rần/s] tham khảo/
/ material [mờ tía/ri/ồ] tài liệu
(2) NOT want to study ....home b/c ....a lot of people in my house. Especially my
younger brother often makes noise, so ….dificult for ...to focus on my lessons.
Make noise [/ noi/s] làm ồn To Focus on [phố/k ợt/s] tập trung vào ...
(3) NOT like to learn .... a coffee shop b/c ….often noisy with many customers +
loud music. This place... not suitable for working or studying. CONCLUSION
39. Situation: You are thinking of how to promote the qualities of your education
system. Among the three options: invest money into teachers, students, or facilities. Which one is the best choice? 24
promote the qualities [prồ/mâu] [khó/li/ti] nâng cao chất lượng
Education system (hệ thống giáo dục)
To invest into [ìn/vést/] đầu tư facilities [phờ/sí/li/ti/z] cơ sở vật chất
(1) .... necessary to invest into teachers, so they can teach students more effectively
. [ì/phách/tiv/lì] một cách hiệu quả.
Investing into people is a long-term investment, which makes our education more
effective. (a long-term investment : đầu tư lâu dài)
Besides..., ...... not expensive to make investment into teachers
(2) NOT choose to invest into students
b/c .... so many students in a school .... not enough money to support all of them.
(3) NOT want school to invest into facilities b/c ....very expensive and ...... cannot afford it.
EX: school has to pay a lot for teaching equipment and the lab rooms. CONCLUSION
40. Situation : You want to do something for memory of graduation of your class.
There are 3 options: making a video, a class uniform, an album. Which one is the
best choice? memory of graduation (nhớ về lễ tốt nghiệp [gr é/điu/ấy/sần])
INTRODUCTION: MAKING AN ALBUM [ón/ bờm] một album ảnh BODY
(1) Making …. easy and practial because the photo album can help to keep memory for our class.
Besides..., We can do it by ourselves. Therefore, ... save money + have a special album in our own way. (2) Not want to make a video 25
B/c ….dificult to make a good/ professional video. .... need to hire an expert to help
us, which. ....expensive , so ...cannot afford ... (to hire [hai/ờ] mướn)
Expert [ách/spợt] chuyên gia
to make a video [ví/đi/ồ] làm phim
(3) NOT like to make the class uniform
b/c we make the class uniform every school year but this is our graduation year , so
we need to have something special . CONCLUSION