Đề cương ôn tập môn lịch sử văn minh thế giới | Đại học Ngoại Ngữ - Tin Học Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh

Đề cương ôn tập môn lịch sử văn minh thế giới | Đại học Ngoại Ngữ - Tin Học Thành Phố Hồ Chí Minh được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem

n 26th February 1890, a boy was born in Engelsberg, Austria, the
youngest children.ofsixRomanCatholic His wasname RudolfBautsch,
(laterto Hebecome Stone).Randolph didnʹtcry.He Hedidnʹtbreathe. didnʹ t
move. So he everyone thought ʹd been They born dead. tried to get baby
Rudolf to in lit breathe, but vain. Funeral candles were and placed on each
sideofhim.However,justbeforetheinfantbody bewasaboutto takenaway
forburial,itslowlycameto was twolife.Rudolfʹsmotherdiedwhenhe only
and,attheageofthirteen,heemigratedtotheUSAwithhisfatherandone of
hisfoursisters.Heimmediately earningbegan his own living as a farm hand
in to tendencies,TurtleLake,Wisconsin.Due hisdiligence and devotional he
was given a scholarship to Concordia College in Saint Paul, Minnesota,
where he studied to be a Lutheran minister and learned English by
comparing an AmericantheGermanBiblewith translation.
In1909, at theage ofnineteen,Rudolf realised thatorthodox
religion He could not satisfy his spiritual craving. studied the
works of Vivekananda, Ram Krishnamurti, Tirtha, Yogananda,
Swedenborg Blavatsky; and and others, as well as practising
solitary meditation. But all this failed to satisfy him, because he
wanted as astohelprelievehumansuffering, well hisown.Sohe
naturopathy, naprapathy and neuropathy, and won degrees in
all Stateofthem.Hepassedhis BoardExaminationsin1914;was
granted an Other permitted Practitioners Licence, which him to
perform withoutall methodsofdrugless healing surgery; setup
practice in Chicago; and started teaching at the newly formed
Unique system
For sixty years, ran Dr Randolph Stone a successful practice
in Chicago. Throughout this period ancient he studied many
traditions healing of natural ‐ Ayurvedic, yogic, cabalistic,
hermetic and alchemic ‐ and developed his unique system of
polaritytherapy.Hesays:“Ihave stumbled ontoa sciencewhich
blends of of andtheoldconcept energiesintheconstitution man
have researchlinkeditwiththescientific inspace.”
Handinhandwithhis hishealthresearch,DrStonepursued
spiritual inextricably quest. For him the were two intertwined.
“As without” above, as so below; within, so , he often told his
His big breakthrough came in August 1945 when he stayed
upallonenightreading Mysticism,theSpiritual byPath,Vol.II
Lekh RajPuri. The next morning he exclaimed: “This is exactly
whatIʹvebeenlookingfor all mylife!“
Dr Stone was excited this because book explained explicitly
where all energy comes from and how it can be harnessed for
spiritual development. It also gave him insights into how the
blockage resultsofthisenergy inillnessand unhappiness.
Three Dr years later, Stone published his first book on
polarity therapy, The New Energy Concept of the Healing Art. In
1955, ten initiated years after he was in surat shabd yoga (the
Spiritual Sound Current, the Word) he visited his teacherʹs
ashram in the Some Punjab for the first time. years later he
dividedhisprofessionallifebetween spendinghereandChicago,
sixmonthsofthe treatingyear Americansforafeeandlecturing
to other doctors and students, and six months in India, treating
patients free of charge. He says, “To help others by means of
these new of have principles polarity, I travelled around the
worldthree timesand treatedmany patients,mostly inIndia.I
held helplargefreeclinicsto thehelplessandhopelesscases.As
a I result, am known from Bombay to Calcutta, and wherever I
go, patients are waiting for me as hope. only their last I take
casesthat respond methodshavefailedto toother oftreatment.
ThisI aconsider fairtestofpolaritytherapy.”
He never used his spiritual power for medical or material
ends, and strictly forbade any of his students from doing so.
“Miraclesandpsychichealingarenot ondealtwith thiscourse,”
therapy, plus a book about surat shabd yoga entitled The Mystic
Bible, and had pioneered the techniques of craniosacral therapy
thirty years before John Upledgerʹs seminal textbook on the
when he gave his up practice and moved to California
continuing his teaching there for the summer months and
Before September leaving for India in 1973, at 83, the age of
Dr Stone announced that he had and finished his work
appointed his Pierre oldest student, Pannetier, as his successor.
ashram of his spiritual master at Jaimal Dera Baba Singh, near
Amritsar in the Punjab. There he devoted most of his time to
spiritualpractice,thusfulfilling a lifelong desire.
On9th December1981,Rudolf forBautsch, known sixtyfive
yearsas RandolphDr Stone,passedawaypeacefullyandjoyfully
Dr in inStone theashramofhisspiritualteacher the
Punjab,at oftheage 85
United Kingdom
Slow embraceto
willprobablybeanotherfiftyyearsbeforeit is widelyrecognised
as an effective therapeutic system. Medical practice has always
beenslowtoembracenewideas;andalways will be. It tooktwo
hundred years for for lemon juice to catch on as a preventative
scurvy in it Britain; and has taken two thousand years for yoga
Polarity therapy balance is a natural way to your inner
energyandtobehealthy‐ physically,mentally and emotionally.
Dr Stone says: “The Creator gave each person energy, which
flows from the returns centre to the circumference and by
top downward, and returns by reaction or attraction from the
surface centre thesetothe andfrombelowto above.By pathsof
energyor and cause andlightwaves rays,wecanreach effectsin
the body, and ourselves balance them within by mind and
emotional energy polarity or and hand, as balance; with the
polarityof orthe pranas the thefivelifebreaths whichanimate
fivesenses,as andsensory motorfunctions.”
Inner energy t wasnʹ the invention of Dr merely Stone. He
discovered of for himself what thousands mystics and subtle
physicians had known and practised for thousands of years
beforehim.Theseancientsagesfoundthatthelifeforcein isman
the the the same as life force in in every living thing universe.
They realised that it in whirls round and round the smallest
microscopic cell in it the same manner that spins in the largest
galaxy. Through developing their to awareness, they were able
and physical ‐ and has been known by many names by many
practitioners down the The ages. Chinese called it tao or chi.
Indians called the the higher energy shabd or nam, and lower
energy prana. The the the Greeks called it logos of music of
spheres. Hippocrates called it natureʹs life force. The early
Christians called it the Word or Holy Ghost. Paracelsus called it
munia. Reichenbach calledit Od. Wilhelm Reich called it orgone
energy. energy.AndDrStonecalleditelectromagnetic
Perhaps innerthe themostamazingfeatureof energyisthat,
while everybody has it, it. only a few people know they have
Your inner energy is nearer to you and than your hands feet,
inand around the
body, which vibrates
Dr therapy Stoneʹs polarity is by no means the sole healing
concede this, having constructed his system from diverse
sources. Ayurvedic medicine, acupuncture, acupressure, kum
nye,shiatsu, tʹai chi,and some types of yoga and meditation can
all help to restore the free flow of your inner energy. However,
thespecialgenius heofDrStonewasthat couldexplainhowthis
innerenergyoperates,at a aboth humanlevel and cosmiclevel,
and most that he could demonstrate ‐ to even his critical
colleagues in the medical profession ‐ how this energy can be
balanced by manipulation, nutrition, counselling and a few
Dr therapy Stone called his ʹpolarity balancesʹ because it the
electromagnetic currents of energy which flow backwards and
forwards negative between the positive and poles of thehuman
body, which is like a living magnet. Without polarity we can
haveno no no lifeon this materialplane, energyflow, breathing
inandbreathing feelings pain,out,no of orhot cold,pleasureor
love life or hate. For to to flow there must be poles for it flow
between, just as South planet Earth needs its North Pole and
“Polarity is in the law of opposites their finer attraction
fromcentre centre.to Unityisthemergingofthesecurrentsinto
one Essence. Creation brings forth opposites by its centrifugal
force, like flowing afountain spray of manifestation out to the
limits of and of of the cosmos eachpattern unit.Centres energy
areessentialforcreationof andlifeforms theirgeneration.Itis
essential that energy be concentrated, and work according to
definitepatternsand ordesigns, exhaustionwouldtakeplace.”
DrStoneʹslawofpolarityis cosmic isa law,which expressed
in in the (the microcosm human body) the that same way it is
impressedon creationthe (themacrocosm aboveandbeyond the
The energy centres of your body are but pale reflections
smaller, less dynamic dynamos of of the energy centres the
astral, causal above and spiritual planes it. They have the same
design and share the same primal source of energy ‐ God, Tao,
Love, Life, call it what you will. Which means, says Dr Stone,
that you and every other human being have the possibility of
The general the movementofenergyinbothmanand cosmos
is governed by the three gunas. They are much like the Chinese
concept of yin and yang. The gunas are principles of energy
movementthrough its poles: sattvas, the the neutralphase;rajas,
positive phase; negative phase. and tamas, the All energy must
move through these phases. The gunas, as principles of energy
movement,outline ofits flow. The five elements,as expressions
thequality of thismovement,define progression.its
The first energy centre created in is your body at your eye
centre or ʹthird eyeʺ, which is positioned in your brain, behind
and between your two eyes. From here, via three energy
currents, of a series step down occur, phases which form five
moreenergycentres which DrStone, in common with ayurvedic
doctors,callschakras(in Sanskrit, a chakrameans a whirl or spin).
Asthe energy fountainsoutof youreyecentre or ʹthirdeyeʹ,
it forms a double helix or interlocking two spirals. These two
snake currentslike, spiralling of polarised energy are with
oppositechargesonepositive,the other theynegative.Together
interweave down the The central canal of your spinal cord.
caduceus or of of wand Hermes, traditional the symbol
physicians,reflectsthispattern.Asthey fromdescend theceiling
of of your consciousness to the floor your pelvis, the two
Thewingsrepresentthe thetwohemispheresof brain.
The the positive and negative charges of two serpentine
streams (ida and pingala) cancel each other out where the two
currents meet, so that each crossover point becomes neutral.
Thusfive body.neutral areenergycentres generatedinyour
These energy centres or chakras are like Catherine wheel
fireworks, constantly spinning and whirling, continuously
replenishingyourbodyandall its organs with fresh energy. The
maindifferencebetweenoneenergycentre and anotheris inthe
density of of the energy energy which it directs. The the first
chakrain your spineis the finest, and the energyof the fifth and
final different chakra is the coarsest. This results in five qualities
Physicians of of old called these five qualities energy
ʹ ʹ ʹ elements .We ve used inverted commas here tostress toyou that
these ʹelementsʹ are not physical or chemical states, but subtle
qualities ofinner elements energy. Thefive in descending order
areakashorether, authorair,fire,waterandearth.FranklynSills,
of follows, The the Polarity Process, describes elements as ‘The
five elements are of names given to the qualities energy which arise
from the different energetic chakra centres. These states are also
manifestations of of and qualities consciousness, thus have vast
implications in the understanding of health and disease. Oneʹs quality
of and oneconsciousness ʹspatternsof are at rootbehaviour the of these
but each is in inpredominance its own sphere of psychological
andphysiologicalactivity.Thelowerthe thechakracentre, more
restrictedthe thequalityofconsciousnessandthecoarser quality
of vibration. We become can blocked and imbalanced in any
phase of energy and any
quality of conscious
ness. This blocking
will prevent a
completed circuit
or cycle of energy
to occur, and im
balance and dis
ease processes will
ensue. Health is
the unblocking of
these energy relationships and this process is the foundation of
DrStonesays:“Healthis in lifetheneutralposition bywhich
the the neutral cellular activity of body is in a polarity state
calledbalance. Inthisstatetheenergies in inthebodyare tune
and in communicationwith all life in the cosmos andexchange
freely in etheric essences, and airy and elements so vital to
health,through abalanced flowof electromagneticlightwaves,
likeriversfromauniversaloceanof supply.”
Medical science has discovered thousands of different
diseasesandailments.In overfiftyyearsofdiligent research, Dr
Stone could find only one disease: blocked energy. He says:
“Disease is not an entity, nor a fixed thing. It is nothing but a
blockageof of andthecurrents life in theirflow patterncircuits.
All pain is but an obstruction to this energy flow. A cure
constitutesreachingthelifecurrent andwithin reestablishinga
free flow of its energy currents. Anything short of this is but a
Polarity thera
py balances your inner energy in four natural
arity therapy won you ʹt find any and doctor patient
ns, listening), not as a
ys: balanced touching, balanced balanced eating, stretching,
balanced thinking. It is only in the first of these ‐ bodily
manipulation‐ that the polarity therapist doesany work; at least
threequarters the work theof balancing isdonebyyou, client.
Therapist comes from a Greek word, theraps, an attendan
s accurately describes what a polarity therapist does: she
gives attention to your inner energy, thatʹs all. She doesnʹt
balanceit,youdo.DrStonesays:“Ifyouwish to gain health and
+happiness, youmust workfor it and labourin itsvineyard all
hours,dayandnight, in thoughtsand an andin deeds.Be artist
anarchitectinyourownhouse, your temple,your body and your
mind.Buildand don anybody dostruggle, and ʹtexpect else to it
In pol
tionship‐no teacher andpupil, no adult and child.There are
just people, both bothtwoordinary on thesamelevel, attending
We as a refer to you client (Latin, clie
ient (Latin, patiens, suffering), because you are in therapy to
listen to your body talking, not to suffer the misery of drugs and
surgery. concentrate positiveWeʹdrather onthe quality of health
throughselfawareness, ofratherthanthenegativestates disease
The ba
lanced touch of on polarity therapy works various
patterns in your body: nervous system,
Dykes, an English clergyman, wrote: “How
daily dig their own graves, either with their teeth, their
system of easy
any age can do
any f stretching gentle and
ked energy. The
Atthefoundationof ofourimbalancesarenegativeprocesses
thought and emotional patterning. Dr Stone says: ʺ We become
that contemplate. which we Negative thoughts and fears make
grooves in the mind, as of despondency negative energy waves
and cannot hopelessness. We think negative thoughts and reap
positive results, and therefore we must assert the positive and
maintainapositivepatternof as ourthinkingandacting ideal.ʺ
levels of related energy
cranial, of spinal, musculoskeletal. The therapeutic touch the
polarity therapistis generally gentle, noninvasive sensitive and
The therapist uses both hands, one each on specific polarity
points, as may be needed to balance the the energy currents in
client’s body. This has nothing to do with faith or healing the
ʹ ʹ laying on of hands . The principles of polarity therapy as taught
by Dr Stone are applicable to any system of healing and are
thoroughly explained and illustrated in his books, published
In 1709, Thomas
Through greater self livesawareness, we can redirect our in
more Your constructive directions. polarity therapist will help
youachieve this goal by means ofcaring counselling,as wellas
sensitive bodywork. Clients are encouraged to make a
commitment to to positive change and take responsibility for
If you want to know where your
nearest polarity therapist is, the
United Kingdom Polarity Therapy
Association (UKPTA) can give you a
national list of registered
practitioners. The Association is a
professional organisation which
represents the interests of both client
and had therapist. Therapists within the Association have a
minimumoftwoyears areʹprofessionaltrainingand involvedin
many people
or of too little the right food, can unbalance your energy and
The polarity therapist variety offers a of cleansing diets and
procedures to help the client rid his/her body of its toxicity, to
enable yourvital organs tofunction in a healthier environment.
Theclient’s foodsawarenessofwhich feed animbalance intheir
system also helps them own to take responsibility for their
health. Together, explore client and therapist health building
diets and nutrition using the Ayurvedic
systemofnutrition andthefourelements
The Association monitors and maintains standards of
professionalism. Only qualified polarity therapists are members
oftheUKPTAand name. Forcanusethe theirinitials RPP after a
freelistofqualified and registered practitioners,contact:
which anyone of
Telephone:0700 7052748
where at any time. They consist o
and sound to stimulate the release of bloc
exercises ofaregearedto work thewith interrelatedenergies the
five elements and are intended to support the progress being
made in in your therapy sessions. They be enable you to active
maintaininganopenandbalanced vitalflowof energy.
The the UKPTA is a member (MO12) of
and monitors a a list of approved schools offering professional
training in all aspects of polarity therapy. It also offers
introductory seminars forthegeneralpublic.
Fordetailsoftrainingplease contact theUKPTA (above).
Theembryoin isthemotherʹswomb influencedbythe theenergylinesoffourof
iveelements: embryoearth,water,fireandair.Thepositionofthe reflectsthe
naturalsquattingpostureofman‐a whichpositionin allenergycurrentscanflow
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Preview text:

n 26th February 1890, a boy was born in Engelsberg, Austria, the
(latertobecomeRandolphStone).Hedidnʹtcry.Hedidnʹtbreathe.Hedidnʹ  t
move. So everyone thought heʹd been born dead. They tried to get baby
Rudolf to breathe, but in vain. Funeral candles were lit and placed on each
 
his own living as a farm hand
was given a scholarship to Concordia College in Saint Paul, Minnesota,
where he studied to be a Lutheran minister and learned English by
comparingtheGermanBiblewithan American
religion could not satisfy his spiritual craving. He studied the
works of Vivekananda, Ram Tirtha, Yogananda, Krishnamurti,
patients free of charge. He says, “To help others by means of
Swedenborg and Blavatsky; and others, as well as practising
these new principles of polarity, I have travelled around the
aresult,IamknownfromBombaytoCalcutta ,andwhereverI
naturopathy, naprapathy and neuropathy, and won degrees in
go, patients are waiting for me as their last hope. I only take
granted an Other Practitioners Licence, which permitted him to
ThisIconsider a
 fairtestofpolaritytherapy.”
He never used his spiritual power for medical or material
practice in Chicago; and started teaching at the newly formed
ends, and strictly forbade any of his students from doing so.
“Miraclesandpsychichealingarenotdealtwithonthiscourse,”Unique he system
For sixty years, Dr Randolph Stone ran a successful practice
in Chicago. Throughout this period he studied many ancient
traditions of natural healing ‐ Ayurvedic, yogic, cabalistic,
therapy, plus a book about surat
shabd yoga entitled The Mystic
hermetic and alchemic ‐ and developed his uniqu  e system of
Bible, and had pioneered the techniques of craniosacral therapy
thirty years before John Upledgerʹs seminal textbook on the
blendstheoldconceptofenergiesintheconstitutionofmanand subject.
when he gave up his practice and moved to California
spiritual quest. For him the two were inextricably intertwined.
continuing his teaching there for the summer months and
“As above, so below; as within, so without”,he often told his visitingIndiaannually students.
Before leaving for India in September 1973, at the age of 83, Breakthrough
Dr Stone announced that he had finished his work and
appointed his oldest student, Pierre Pannetier, as his successor.
His big breakthrough came in August 1945 when he stayed
ashram of his spiritual master at Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, near
LekhRajPuri.Thenext morningheexclaimed:“Thisisexactly
Amritsar in the Punjab. There he devoted most of his time to
spiritualpractice,thusfulfilling  a life‐lon  g desire.
Dr Stone was excited because this book explained explicitly
where all energy comes from and how it can be harnessed for
spiritual development. It also gave him insights into how the
Three years later, Dr Stone published his first book on
polarity therapy, The
New Energy Concept of the Healing Art. In UnitedKingdom
1955, ten years after he was initiated in surat shabd yoga (the Polarity
Spiritual Sound Current, the Word) he visited his teacherʹs Therapy
ashram in the Punjab for the first time. Some years later he Association
to other doctors and students, and six months in India, treating Page1 Slowtoembrace
as an effective therapeutic system. Medical practice has always
hundred years for lemon juice to catch on as a preventative for energycentres.
scurvy in Britain; and it has taken two
thousand years for yoga
andacupuncturetobeacceptedhere. Flowingenergy
Polarity therapy is a natural way to balance your inner
Dr Stone says: “The Creator gav 
e each person energy, which
flows from the centre to the circumference and returns by
top downward, and returns by reaction or attraction from the
the body, and balance them within ourselves by mind and
emotional polarity or balance; and with the hand, as energy

while everybody has it, only a few people know they have it.
Your inner energy is nearer to you than your hands and feet,
closertoyouthanyourownnose. Specialgenius Simplisticviewofth electromagneticCur
Dr Stoneʹs polarity therapy is by no means the sole healing
concede this, having constructed his system from diverse
sources. Ayurvedic medicine, acupuncture, acupressure, kum withpulsating
nye,shiatsu,tʹaichi,andsometype  s ofyogaan  d meditationcan wavesofenergy.
all help to restore the free flow of your inner energy. However,
and that he could demonstrate ‐ to even his most critical
colleagues in the medical profession ‐ ho  w this energ  y can be
balanced by manipulation, nutrition, counselling and a few
simplestretchingexercises. Lawofpolarity
Dr Stone called his therapy ʹpolarityʹ because it balances the
electromagnetic currents of energy which flow backwards and
body, which is like a living magnet. Without polarity we can
love or hate. For life to flow there must be poles for it to flow
between, just as planet Earth needs its North Pole and South
Pole.DrStoneexplains: Soundandlight
“Polarity is the law of opposites in thei 
r finer attraction
Inner energy wasnʹt the invention of Dr Stone. He merely
one Essence. Creation brings forth opposites by its centrifugal
discovered for himself what thousands of mystics and subtle
force,likeafountainsprayofmanifestationflowingout to the
physicians had known and practised for thousands of years
the same as the life force in every living thing in the universe.
essential tha 
t energy be concentrated, and work according to
They realised that it whirls round and round in the smallest
microscopic cell in the same manner that it spins in the largest
galaxy. Through developing their awareness, they were able to
in the microcosm (the human body) in the same way that it is
Theinner,energymanifestsatmanylevels‐spiritual,mental humanbody).
and physical ‐ and ha  s been know  n by many name  s by many
practitioners down the ages. The Chinese called it tao o  r chi.
The energy centres of your body are but pale reflections ‐
Indians called the higher energy shabd or nam, and the lower
smaller, less dynamic dynamos ‐of the energy centres of the
energy prana. The Greeks called it logos of the music of the
astral, causal and spiritual planes above it. They have th  e same
spheres. Hippocrates called it natureʹs life force. The early
design and share the same primal source o 
f energy ‐ God , Tao,
Christians called it the Word or Holy Ghost. Paracelsus called it
Love, Life, call it what you will. Which means, says Dr Stone,
that you and every other human being have the possibility of
energy.AndDrStonecalleditelectromagnetic e  nergy.
accesstothesehigherenergycentres. Page2 TheThreeGunas
these energy relationships and this process is the foundation of polaritytherapy.
is governed by the three gunas. They are much like the Chinese Onlyonedisease
concept of yin and yang. The gunas are principles of energy
the cellular activity of the body is in a neutral polarity state
positive phase; and tamas, the negative phase. All energy must
move through these phases. The gunas, as principles of energy
freely in etheric and airy essences, and elements so vital to
health,throughabalancedflowofelectromagneticlightwaves, Fivechakras
The first energy centre created in your body is at your eye Medical science ha  s discovered thousand  s of different
centre or ʹthird eyeʺ, which is positioned in your brain, behind
and between your two eyes. From here, via three energy
Stone could find only one disease: blocked energy. He says: currents,
“Disease is not an entity,
 a series of step down phases occur, which form five
nor a fixed thing. It is nothing but a more
blockageof thecurrentsof life in theirflowand patterncircuits.
energycentreswhichDrStone,incommo  n withayurvedic
doctors,callschakras(inSanskrit ,achakrameans  a whir  l orspin).
All pain is but an obstruction to this energy flow. A cure

free flow of its energy currents. Anything short of this is but a
it forms a double helix or two interlocking spirals. These two
snake‐like, spiralling currents of energy are polarised with
interweave down the central canal of your spinal cord. The
caduceus or wand of Hermes, the traditional symbol of
of your consciousness to the floor of your pelvis, the two
The positive and negative charges of the two serpentine
streams (ida and pingala) cancel each other out where the two
currents meet, so that each crossover poin  t becomes neutral.
These energy centres or chakras are like Catherine wheel
fireworks, constantly spinning and whirling, continuously
replenishingyourbodyandallitsorgan 
s withfreshenergy .The
density of the energy which it directs. The energy of the first
chakrainyourspineisth  e finest,an  d th  e energyofth  e fifthand
Polarityrelationships ofenergy.
Physicians of old called these five qualities of energy
ʹelementsʹ.Weʹveuse  d invertedcomma  s her  e tostresstoyo  u tha  t
these ʹelementsʹ are not
physical or chemical
states, but subtle negativepoles.
of The Polarity Process, describes the elements as follows, ‘The
Polarity therapy balances your inner energy in four natural
five elements are names given to the qualities of
energy which arise
ways: balanced touching, balanced eating, balanced stretching,
from the different chakra centres. These energetic states are also
balanced thinking. It is only in the first of these ‐ bodily
manifestations of qualities of consciousness, and thus have vast manipulation‐tha  t thepolarit  y therapistdoesan  y work ;a  t least
understanding of health anddisease. Oneʹs quality
ofconsciousnessandoneʹspatternsofbehaviourareattheroot  of these
Therapist comes from a Greek word, theraps, an attendant. processes.’
This accurately describes what a polarity therapist does: she
gives attention to your inner energy, thatʹs all. She doesnʹt
but each is in predominance in its own sphere of psychological
balanceit,youdo.DrStonesays:“Ifyouwisht  o gai  n healt  h and
of vibration. We can become blocked and imbalanced in any
phase of energy and any
mind.Buildandstruggle,anddonʹtexpectanybodyelsetodoit quality of conscious‐ foryou.” ness. This blocking
In polarity therapy you wonʹt find any doctor and patient will prevent a
relationship‐noteacherandpupil,n  o adultan  d child.Ther  e are completed circuit
justtwoordinarypeople,bothonthesamelevel,bothattending or cycle of energy
tothesamething:balancingyourenergy. to occur, and im‐
We refer to you as a client (Latin, cliens, listening), not as a balance      and dis‐ ient ease
 (Latin, patiens, suffering), because you are in therapy to  processes will pat
listen to your body talking, not to suffer ensue.  
 the misery of drugs and  Health is the unblocking of
ThefiveenergycentresaresymbolisedbytheCaduceus. andpain.
Thewingsrepresentthetwohemispheresofthebrain. Page3 Therapeutictouch
The balanced touch of polarity therapy works on various
levels of related energy pattern  s in you  r body: nervou  s system,
thought and emotional patterning. Dr Stone says: ʺWe become
cranial, spinal, musculoskeletal. The therapeutic touch of the
that which we contemplate. Negative thoughts and fears make
grooves in the mind, as negative energy waves of despondency
and hopelessness. We cannot think negative thoughts and reap
positive results, and therefore we must assert the positive and

The therapist uses both hands, one each on specific polarity
points, as may be needed to balance the energy currents in the
client’s body. This has nothing to do with faith healing or the
Through greater self‐awareness, we can redirect our lives in ʹlayingonofhand ʹ s .Th 
e principlesofpolaritytherap  y astaught
more constructive directions. Your polarity therapist will help
by Dr Stone are applicable to any system of healing and are
thoroughly explained and illustrated in his books, published
sensitive bodywork. Clients are encouraged to make a duringhislifetime.
commitment to positive change and to take responsibility for theirownhealth. Diet
In 1709, Thomas Dykes , 
an English clergyman , wrote: “How
many people daily dig their own graves, either with their teeth, their
If you want to know where your
nearest polarity therapist is, the
United Kingdom Polarity Therapy
or too little of the right food, can unbalance your energy and
Association(UKPTA)cangiv  e yo  u a shortenyourlife. national list of registered
The polarity therapist offers a variety of cleansing diets and
practitioners. The Association is a
procedures to help the client rid his/her bodyof its toxicity, to professional organisation which
represents the interests of both client
and therapist. Therapists within the Association have had a
system also helps them to take responsibility for their own
health. Together, client and therapist explore health building
diets and nutrition using the Ayurvedic
The Association monitors and maintains standards of
professionalism. Only qualified polarity therapists are members
P aftertheirname.Fora free
listofqualifiedan 
d registeredpractitioners,contact:
balancingoppositeenergies. TheAdministrator,
Stretchingpostures MonomarkHouse, systemofeasy
27OldGloucesterStreet, DrStonedevelopeda LondonWC1N3XX
postures which anyone o  f any ag  e can do
anywhere at any time. They consist of gentle stretching and
rockingexercises,plusmorevigorousexercisesusingmovement 
and sound to stimulate the release of blocked energy. The
The UKPTA is a member (MO12) of the
five elements and are intended to support the progress being
made in your therapy sessions. They enable you to be active in
and monitors a list of approved schools offering a professional
training in all aspects of polarity therapy. It also offers
FordetailsoftrainingpleasecontacttheUKPTA(above).  
polaritytherapistis: DeirdreYoungs 