Đề thi speaking Vstep

Tài liệu tổng hợp đề thi speaking Vstep với đa dạng chủ đề giúp các bạn ôn tập tốt và đạt kết quả cao khi thi speaking.


English (TACB) 17 tài liệu


Đại học Cần Thơ 236 tài liệu

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18 trang 1 năm trước

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Đề thi speaking Vstep

Tài liệu tổng hợp đề thi speaking Vstep với đa dạng chủ đề giúp các bạn ôn tập tốt và đạt kết quả cao khi thi speaking.

139 70 lượt tải Tải xuống
PART 1 Social interaction (3 minutes)
Link: https://eng.vn/tai-lieu/tieng-anh-vstep-speaking-common-topics-5227/
1. Where are you from?
2. What part of the city do you live in?
3. How long have you lived there?
4. What are the main tourist attractions in your hometown?
5. What do you like about your hometown?
6. Has your hometown changed a lot in recent years?
7. What changes have taken place in your hometown?
8. What are the problems of your hometown? What are the solutions to these
1. What types of nutritious foods are good for health?
2. What are some ways to keep yourself healthy?
3. What should you do to avoid health problems?
4. How important is our diet in living a healthy life?
5. Would you ever consider having cosmetic surgery?
6. Do you visit the doctor as often as you should?
7. Are people aware of the dangers of cigarettes and alcohol?
8. What is the best way of preventing or dealing with drug addiction?
1. What kinds of music do you often listen?
2. What is your favorite game show?
3. What are the entertainment facilities like in your city?
4. What is the most popular entertainment for young people in your country?
5. What kind of film do you like?
6. What kinds of films are popular in your city?
7. Do you prefer watching films at home or at the cinema?
1. What kinds of music do you like?
2. Do you like music? How often do you listen to music?
3. What is the most popular kind of music in your country?
4. How is music good or bad for people?
5. Can you play any musical instrument? If not, what musical instrument do you
wish to play?
TV programs
1. How many hours a day do you watch television?
2. Which programs do you like?
3. Do you prefer watching television alone or with other people? Why?
1. How often do you go to birthday parties?
2. What do you like about birthday parties?
3. What do you like to wear when you go to a birthday party?
4. When is your birthday?
5. What do you usually do on your birthday?
6. What is your favorite family celebration? Why?
Singers & Celebrities
1. Who is your favorite Vietnamese singer: My Tam or Lam Truong?
2. What do you like about him/her?
3. What kind of songs does your favorite singer often sing?
4. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?
5. Who is your favourite celebrity? .. . (Why?)
6. What would you be willing to sacrifice in order to be famous?
7. Why do you think more and more young people nowadays long for fame and
1. Which means of transport is your least favorite?
2. What is your favorite means of transportation?
3. How often do you use public transport?
4. How do transport problems affect your life?
5. What is the best way to travel in your city?
6. Do you think people should use public transportation more? Why? Why not?
1. What did you do your last holiday?
2. Who do you prefer spending your holiday with? Relatives or friends?
3. Do you prefer going on holiday abroad?
Games and sports
Do you prefer team sports or individual sports?
What qualities do you need to possess in order to do well in a team sport?
What do you think about extreme sports?
What are the most popular sports in your country?
How often do you get around to working out?
What are the pros and cons of doing physical activity?
Have you ever had an amazing sporting experience?
Are there any times that you would rather relax to unwind from the stress of
your routine rather than be active?
What has been your greatest sporting achievement?
What indoor games do you play regularly?
Which indoor games are common in your hometown?
1. Do you have any hobbies?
2. What do you do in your free time?
3. What do you normally do on weekdays? Is it different at weekends?
4. What are some popular hobbies for young people in Vietnam?
5. What free time activity would you like to try in the future?
Keeping fit
1. How often do you do any exercise?
2. Do you prefer to exercise alone or in a class? Why?
3. What do you think is the best type of exercise? Why?
1. What is your favorite season?
2. What do people in your country like to do in different seasons?
3. What is the least favorite season in your country?
4. What are the different between seasons?
5. What season is good for travelling in your hometown?
Family and Friends
Tell me something about your family
Do you live in a big or small family?
Do you prefer to have a big or small family? Why?
Who often does the housework/ shopping/ cooking in your family?
Who is the breadwinner in your family?
What do you often do with your family?
How has family changed in the recent decades in Vietnam?
Do you have many friends? Are they close friends or acquaintances?
What do you often do with your family/friends?
What is more important to you, family or friends?
Do you prefer to spend time with your family or friends?
In what ways do family/ friends important to you?
What qualities do a close friend nned to possess?
With whom would you discuss a difficult personal situation, a family member,
or a close friend? Why?
Education and Work
Did you learn English at secondary school?
What do you think about how English is taught at school now?
In what ways has children’s English much imporved nowadays?
Are you studying or working?
Why did you choose this field of study?
What do you like most about your studies?
What difficulties do you have in your study? What do you do to overcome it?
What do you find most difficult about learning English? How to improve your
What would you like to do after graduating?
What qualities do you need to do that job?
Travel and Tourism
1. Do you often travel? When did the last time you travel?
2. What places in your country do travelers visit most?
3. Do you prefer traveling alone or in a group? Why?
4. Do you like to travel on a package tour?
5. Do you prefer travelling by air or by train? Why?
6. If you had a chance to travel, where would you like to go?
7. What are benefits of travelling? Why do so many people liek travelling
8. What are the positive and negative effects of tourism on local communities?
9. Do you think that tourism in Vietnam will develop in the future?
Fashion and Shopping
1. How often do you go shopping? What do you often buy?
2. Do you prefer to go shopping alone or with other people?
3. What kinds of clothes do you like wearing?
4. Where do you often buy your clothes?
5. What criteria do you base on to choose your clothes?
6. In your opinion, can what people wear show their personality?
7. How has clothing styles changed in Vietnam?
Food and Eating habits
1. What is your favorite food? How you cook it?
2. What food is popular in your country? Why do people like this type of food?
3. Is fast food popular in your country? Why?
4. Can you tell me something about Vietnamese food?
5. Can you cook? What dishes do you often cook?
6. Who usually does the cooking in your home? Why?
7. Do you think you eat healthily? What should we eat to stay healthy?
1. Do you know anyone who has been a victim of crime?
2. Should any illegal substances such as cocaine be legalized?
3. What is the most serious crime one can commit?
4. What can we do to ensure that youngsters don’t get involved in criminal
5. What is the most common crime in your region?
1. How has the internet changed the way we communicate?
2. What negative effects has the internet had on our social lives?
3. Are you keen on talking on the phone? Why (not)?
4. When was the last time you sent a personal letter?
5. Which forms of communication will become obsolete?
PART 2 Solution discussion (4 minutes)
Link: https://www.studocu.com/vn/document/truong-dai-hoc-ngoai-ngu-dai-hoc-da-
Your friend is in his/her early 30 years old. He or she is looking for the true love
of his/her couple life. Which is the best way for him/her to find out the right
person: Speed dating, online dating or dating service?
You wnat to help poor children in mountainous areas. Three ways are suggested
to help them: giving money, giving old clothes, or giving notebooks and
pencils.Which one do you think is the best way?
Mary has started a new school year and she hasn’t had a laptop to study and do
assignments. Three options are suggested: buying a desktop, buying a laptop
and use computers in the school library. Which option is the best choice?
Your cousin is the best student of the class this year. His parents are thinking
about a presnet, there are three options: a laptop, a holiday, or some money.
Which option would you suggest her?
You have seen your neighbor’s son playing game at the Internet shop many
times. What will you do: inform his parents, talk to him or talk to the shop
Your friend who is a teacher complains that many her students do not do
homework. She is considering the punishment among three options: ask the
students to rewrite the task 10 times, require them to stand at the classroom
corner for one hour, or ask the students give some money. Which do you think is
the best choice?
Your friend’s class is discussing whether they should takes photo to celebrate
graduation. They are considering three options: taking photo with formal
clothes, taking photo with informal clothes, or taking no photo at all. Which do
you think is the best choice?
You see a boy who is bullied. What will you do; talk to his teacher, talk to his
parents, or talk with his friends?
You have a Sunday evening out with your friends. There are three suggestions:
seeing a movie, going shopping or singing karaoke. Which one would you
You are going to travel to London. There are three suggestions fo when to go
there: spring, summer and winter. Which one would you choose?
You are considering a birthday present for a friend. A clothing item, a book, a
pair of tickets.
You choose a gift for a friend who is going to study abroad. A book, a self-
designed photo album, a silk scarf.
PART 3 Topic development (5 minutes)
Link: https://www.studocu.com/vn/document/dai-hoc-quoc-gia-ha-noi/academic-
1. It is still dangerous for a driver due to some other unsafe factors.
- Narrow roads and streets
- Old means of transportation
- Careless drivers
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Why should people nowadays travel by bus instead of their own cars?
- What are some serious problems when people use old vehicles?
- Why should the government construct high way nationwide?
1. A company would choose many methods to advertise its products.
- Online advertising
- Tv commercials
- Newspapers
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- How do the media influence our lives?
- What do you think is the most interesting advertisement on TV?
- Why do you think there are regulations in place to control advertising?
1. There are many reasons why children do less reading
- Do other interesting activities
- Dislike reading
- Waste time when reading
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- What are some main benefits that children have from reading books?
- How could parents help their children develop reading habits?
- Why do children prefer screen entertainment than reading?
2. Reading habit should be encouraged among teenagers.
- Reduces stress
- Increases knowledge
- Improves memory
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- What is the difference between the kinds of books read by your parents’
generation and those read by your generation?
- Do you think that governments should support free books for all people?
- In what way can parents help children develop their interest in reading?
3. There are some benefits of having a public library
- Be a great place for kids
- Build better communities
- Improve literacy
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Do you think public libraries will be more popular in the future?
- What kinds of people go to public libraries?
- What can be done to encourage people to go to public libraries?
1. Taking photos is beneficial to people
- Reduce stress
- Save memories
- Improve imagination
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Is taking photos popular in your country? Why/ Why not?
- Do you think it is a good idea to buy a camera, or just a mobile phone is
- Has the number of people taking photos changed in the last 50 years? How?
Education and Work
1. Online learning is beneficial to students
- Flexible
- Affordable
- Convenient
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Is taking photos popular in your country? Why/ Why not?
- Do you think it is a good idea to buy a camera, or just a mobile phone is
- Has the number of people taking photos changed in the last 50 years? How?
2. Cycling to work should be encouraged in big cities
- Saves money
- Keeps people fit
- Protects the environment
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Why kinds of people ride bicycles?
- Has the number of bicycle users changed much in the last 20 years?
- What are the disadvantages of bicycle rides compared to other means of
3. Working in pairs helps students learn better at school
- Improve social skills and interaction
- Gives students the opportunity to learn from others
- Helps students become more active
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- When should pair work be used in school and why?
- What can teachers do to improve the quality of pair work activities?
- What are disadvantages of working in pairs?
4. Students are encouraged to take part in competitions
- Encourage self-improvement
- Encourage learning from others
- Improve social life
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- What kind of competitions is popular in your country
- What are the disadvantages of competitions?
- What can be done to encourage young people to take part in competitions?
5. There are some factors causing stress at work
- Bad management
- Too much work
- Poor working conditions
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- What kind of people easily get stressed at work?
- What are the effects of being stressed at work?
- What are some solutions to deal with the above problems?
1. Childhood is the most important time of a person’s life
- Developing physical health
- Forming personalities
- Learning things fast
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Is taking photos popular in your country? Why/ Why not?
- Do you think it is a good idea to buy a camera, or just a mobile phone is
- Has the number of people taking photos changed in the last 50 years? How?
2. Visiting a foreign country is a valuable experience for us.
- Refreshment
- New experiences
- New friends
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Is going abroad for holiday popular in your country? Why/ Why not?
- What are the disadvantages of traveling abroad?
- Has the number of people travelling abroad changed much in the past few
years? How?
1. A healthy breakfast is the best meal for your health
- Healthy body
- Good work/ study concentration
- Disease prevention
- Your own idea
2. Getting up early in the morning should be encouraged among teenagers
- Effective study
- Morning exercise
- Better preparation to go to school
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- What kinds of people often get up early in the morning?
- What are the negative effects of staying up late?
- What can be done to encourage teenagers to get up early in the morning?
3. A healthy breakfast is the best meal for your health
- Improve breathing
- Reduce stress
- Improve attention
- Your own idea
1. The internet is a good source to collect information
- Easy access
- Rich information
- Low cost
- Your own idea
1. Going camping is very beneficial to college students
- Relaxing
- Discovering
- Networking
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Is going camping popular in your country? Why/ Why not?
- What are the negative effects of going camping?
- What can be done to encourage teenagers to protect the environment when
going camping?
2. Going swimming brings a number of benefits for people
- Improves health
- Relieve stress
- Good for meeting people
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Do you think people pay attention to their health these days?
- In your opinion, should the government be responsible for public health?
- What can be done to improve public health?
1. Vietnam is a good place to visit for foreigners
- Affordable accommodation
- Safety
- Many tourist attractions
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- What should the Vietnamese government do to attract more foreign visitors
to Vietnam?
- How has tourism changed the lives and work of Vietnamese people in the
past 10 years?
- Do you think the Vietnamese government should invest more tourism than in
education in 10 years? Why/ Why not?
1. Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication
- Direct responses
- Feeling
- Better relationships
- Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- What situations do you thin require face-to-face communication? Why?
- What factors may reduce face-to-face communication in modern societies?
- What types of communication wil be popular in the next 10 years? Why do
you think so?
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Preview text:

PART 1 Social interaction (3 minutes)
Link: https://eng.vn/tai-lieu/tieng-anh-vstep-speaking-common-topics-5227/ Hometown 1. Where are you from?
2. What part of the city do you live in?
3. How long have you lived there?
4. What are the main tourist attractions in your hometown?
5. What do you like about your hometown?
6. Has your hometown changed a lot in recent years?
7. What changes have taken place in your hometown?
8. What are the problems of your hometown? What are the solutions to these problems? Health
1. What types of nutritious foods are good for health?
2. What are some ways to keep yourself healthy?
3. What should you do to avoid health problems?
4. How important is our diet in living a healthy life?
5. Would you ever consider having cosmetic surgery?
6. Do you visit the doctor as often as you should?
7. Are people aware of the dangers of cigarettes and alcohol?
8. What is the best way of preventing or dealing with drug addiction? Entertainment
1. What kinds of music do you often listen?
2. What is your favorite game show?
3. What are the entertainment facilities like in your city?
4. What is the most popular entertainment for young people in your country? Film
5. What kind of film do you like?
6. What kinds of films are popular in your city?
7. Do you prefer watching films at home or at the cinema? Music
1. What kinds of music do you like?
2. Do you like music? How often do you listen to music?
3. What is the most popular kind of music in your country?
4. How is music good or bad for people?
5. Can you play any musical instrument? If not, what musical instrument do you wish to play? TV programs
1. How many hours a day do you watch television?
2. Which programs do you like?
3. Do you prefer watching television alone or with other people? Why? Birthday
1. How often do you go to birthday parties?
2. What do you like about birthday parties?
3. What do you like to wear when you go to a birthday party? 4. When is your birthday?
5. What do you usually do on your birthday?
6. What is your favorite family celebration? Why?
Singers & Celebrities
1. Who is your favorite Vietnamese singer: My Tam or Lam Truong?
2. What do you like about him/her?
3. What kind of songs does your favorite singer often sing?
4. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?
5. Who is your favourite celebrity? .. . (Why?)
6. What would you be willing to sacrifice in order to be famous?
7. Why do you think more and more young people nowadays long for fame and money? Transportation
1. Which means of transport is your least favorite?
2. What is your favorite means of transportation?
3. How often do you use public transport?
4. How do transport problems affect your life?
5. What is the best way to travel in your city?
6. Do you think people should use public transportation more? Why? Why not? Holiday
1. What did you do your last holiday?
2. Who do you prefer spending your holiday with? Relatives or friends?
3. Do you prefer going on holiday abroad?
Games and sports
1. Do you prefer team sports or individual sports?
2. What qualities do you need to possess in order to do well in a team sport?
3. What do you think about extreme sports?
4. What are the most popular sports in your country?
5. How often do you get around to working out?
6. What are the pros and cons of doing physical activity?
7. Have you ever had an amazing sporting experience?
8. Are there any times that you would rather relax to unwind from the stress of
your routine rather than be active?
9. What has been your greatest sporting achievement?
10. What indoor games do you play regularly?
11. Which indoor games are common in your hometown? Hobbies 1. Do you have any hobbies?
2. What do you do in your free time?
3. What do you normally do on weekdays? Is it different at weekends?
4. What are some popular hobbies for young people in Vietnam?
5. What free time activity would you like to try in the future? Keeping fit
1. How often do you do any exercise?
2. Do you prefer to exercise alone or in a class? Why?
3. What do you think is the best type of exercise? Why? Season
1. What is your favorite season?
2. What do people in your country like to do in different seasons?
3. What is the least favorite season in your country?
4. What are the different between seasons?
5. What season is good for travelling in your hometown?
Family and Friends
1. Tell me something about your family
2. Do you live in a big or small family?
3. Do you prefer to have a big or small family? Why?
4. Who often does the housework/ shopping/ cooking in your family?
5. Who is the breadwinner in your family?
6. What do you often do with your family?
7. How has family changed in the recent decades in Vietnam?
8. Do you have many friends? Are they close friends or acquaintances?
9. What do you often do with your family/friends?
10. What is more important to you, family or friends?
11. Do you prefer to spend time with your family or friends?
12. In what ways do family/ friends important to you?
13. What qualities do a close friend nned to possess?
14. With whom would you discuss a difficult personal situation, a family member, or a close friend? Why?
Education and Work
1. Did you learn English at secondary school?
2. What do you think about how English is taught at school now?
3. In what ways has children’s English much imporved nowadays?
4. Are you studying or working?
5. Why did you choose this field of study?
6. What do you like most about your studies?
7. What difficulties do you have in your study? What do you do to overcome it?
8. What do you find most difficult about learning English? How to improve your English?
9. What would you like to do after graduating?
10. What qualities do you need to do that job?
Travel and Tourism
1. Do you often travel? When did the last time you travel?
2. What places in your country do travelers visit most?
3. Do you prefer traveling alone or in a group? Why?
4. Do you like to travel on a package tour?
5. Do you prefer travelling by air or by train? Why?
6. If you had a chance to travel, where would you like to go?
7. What are benefits of travelling? Why do so many people liek travelling nowadyas?
8. What are the positive and negative effects of tourism on local communities?
9. Do you think that tourism in Vietnam will develop in the future?
Fashion and Shopping
1. How often do you go shopping? What do you often buy?
2. Do you prefer to go shopping alone or with other people?
3. What kinds of clothes do you like wearing?
4. Where do you often buy your clothes?
5. What criteria do you base on to choose your clothes?
6. In your opinion, can what people wear show their personality?
7. How has clothing styles changed in Vietnam?
Food and Eating habits
1. What is your favorite food? How you cook it?
2. What food is popular in your country? Why do people like this type of food?
3. Is fast food popular in your country? Why?
4. Can you tell me something about Vietnamese food?
5. Can you cook? What dishes do you often cook?
6. Who usually does the cooking in your home? Why?
7. Do you think you eat healthily? What should we eat to stay healthy? Crime
1. Do you know anyone who has been a victim of crime?
2. Should any illegal substances such as cocaine be legalized?
3. What is the most serious crime one can commit?
4. What can we do to ensure that youngsters don’t get involved in criminal behaviour?
5. What is the most common crime in your region? Communication
1. How has the internet changed the way we communicate?
2. What negative effects has the internet had on our social lives?
3. Are you keen on talking on the phone? Why (not)?
4. When was the last time you sent a personal letter?
5. Which forms of communication will become obsolete?
PART 2 Solution discussion (4 minutes) Link:
nang/ngon-ngu-anh/vstep-speaking-part-2-sample-answers-download-tai- tailieudep/32207415
1. Your friend is in his/her early 30 years old. He or she is looking for the true love
of his/her couple life. Which is the best way for him/her to find out the right
person: Speed dating, online dating or dating service?
2. You wnat to help poor children in mountainous areas. Three ways are suggested
to help them: giving money, giving old clothes, or giving notebooks and
pencils.Which one do you think is the best way?
3. Mary has started a new school year and she hasn’t had a laptop to study and do
assignments. Three options are suggested: buying a desktop, buying a laptop
and use computers in the school library. Which option is the best choice?
4. Your cousin is the best student of the class this year. His parents are thinking
about a presnet, there are three options: a laptop, a holiday, or some money.
Which option would you suggest her?
5. You have seen your neighbor’s son playing game at the Internet shop many
times. What will you do: inform his parents, talk to him or talk to the shop owner?
6. Your friend who is a teacher complains that many her students do not do
homework. She is considering the punishment among three options: ask the
students to rewrite the task 10 times, require them to stand at the classroom
corner for one hour, or ask the students give some money. Which do you think is the best choice?
7. Your friend’s class is discussing whether they should takes photo to celebrate
graduation. They are considering three options: taking photo with formal
clothes, taking photo with informal clothes, or taking no photo at all. Which do you think is the best choice?
8. You see a boy who is bullied. What will you do; talk to his teacher, talk to his
parents, or talk with his friends?
9. You have a Sunday evening out with your friends. There are three suggestions:
seeing a movie, going shopping or singing karaoke. Which one would you choose?
10. You are going to travel to London. There are three suggestions fo when to go
there: spring, summer and winter. Which one would you choose?
11. You are considering a birthday present for a friend. A clothing item, a book, a pair of tickets.
12. You choose a gift for a friend who is going to study abroad. A book, a self-
designed photo album, a silk scarf.
PART 3 Topic development (5 minutes) Link:
english/vstep-speaking-part-3-topic-bank/31901201 Transportation
1. It is still dangerous for a driver due to some other unsafe factors.
- Narrow roads and streets
- Old means of transportation - Careless drivers - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Why should people nowadays travel by bus instead of their own cars?
- What are some serious problems when people use old vehicles?
- Why should the government construct high way nationwide? Advertisement
1. A company would choose many methods to advertise its products. - Online advertising - Tv commercials - Newspapers - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- How do the media influence our lives?
- What do you think is the most interesting advertisement on TV?
- Why do you think there are regulations in place to control advertising? Reading
1. There are many reasons why children do less reading
- Do other interesting activities - Dislike reading
- Waste time when reading - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- What are some main benefits that children have from reading books?
- How could parents help their children develop reading habits?
- Why do children prefer screen entertainment than reading?
2. Reading habit should be encouraged among teenagers. - Reduces stress - Increases knowledge - Improves memory - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- What is the difference between the kinds of books read by your parents’
generation and those read by your generation?
- Do you think that governments should support free books for all people?
- In what way can parents help children develop their interest in reading?
3. There are some benefits of having a public library
- Be a great place for kids
- Build better communities - Improve literacy - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Do you think public libraries will be more popular in the future?
- What kinds of people go to public libraries?
- What can be done to encourage people to go to public libraries? Photo
1. Taking photos is beneficial to people - Reduce stress - Save memories - Improve imagination - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Is taking photos popular in your country? Why/ Why not?
- Do you think it is a good idea to buy a camera, or just a mobile phone is enough?
- Has the number of people taking photos changed in the last 50 years? How?
Education and Work
1. Online learning is beneficial to students - Flexible - Affordable - Convenient - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Is taking photos popular in your country? Why/ Why not?
- Do you think it is a good idea to buy a camera, or just a mobile phone is enough?
- Has the number of people taking photos changed in the last 50 years? How?
2. Cycling to work should be encouraged in big cities - Saves money - Keeps people fit
- Protects the environment - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Why kinds of people ride bicycles?
- Has the number of bicycle users changed much in the last 20 years?
- What are the disadvantages of bicycle rides compared to other means of transport?
3. Working in pairs helps students learn better at school
- Improve social skills and interaction
- Gives students the opportunity to learn from others
- Helps students become more active - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- When should pair work be used in school and why?
- What can teachers do to improve the quality of pair work activities?
- What are disadvantages of working in pairs?
4. Students are encouraged to take part in competitions
- Encourage self-improvement
- Encourage learning from others - Improve social life - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- What kind of competitions is popular in your country
- What are the disadvantages of competitions?
- What can be done to encourage young people to take part in competitions?
5. There are some factors causing stress at work - Bad management - Too much work
- Poor working conditions - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- What kind of people easily get stressed at work?
- What are the effects of being stressed at work?
- What are some solutions to deal with the above problems? Childhood
1. Childhood is the most important time of a person’s life
- Developing physical health
- Forming personalities - Learning things fast - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Is taking photos popular in your country? Why/ Why not?
- Do you think it is a good idea to buy a camera, or just a mobile phone is enough?
- Has the number of people taking photos changed in the last 50 years? How?
2. Visiting a foreign country is a valuable experience for us. - Refreshment - New experiences - New friends - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Is going abroad for holiday popular in your country? Why/ Why not?
- What are the disadvantages of traveling abroad?
- Has the number of people travelling abroad changed much in the past few years? How? Health
1. A healthy breakfast is the best meal for your health - Healthy body
- Good work/ study concentration - Disease prevention - Your own idea
2. Getting up early in the morning should be encouraged among teenagers - Effective study - Morning exercise
- Better preparation to go to school - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- What kinds of people often get up early in the morning?
- What are the negative effects of staying up late?
- What can be done to encourage teenagers to get up early in the morning?
3. A healthy breakfast is the best meal for your health - Improve breathing - Reduce stress - Improve attention - Your own idea Internet
1. The internet is a good source to collect information - Easy access - Rich information - Low cost - Your own idea Leisure
1. Going camping is very beneficial to college students - Relaxing - Discovering - Networking - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Is going camping popular in your country? Why/ Why not?
- What are the negative effects of going camping?
- What can be done to encourage teenagers to protect the environment when going camping?
2. Going swimming brings a number of benefits for people - Improves health - Relieve stress
- Good for meeting people - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- Do you think people pay attention to their health these days?
- In your opinion, should the government be responsible for public health?
- What can be done to improve public health? Travel
1. Vietnam is a good place to visit for foreigners
- Affordable accommodation - Safety
- Many tourist attractions - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- What should the Vietnamese government do to attract more foreign visitors to Vietnam?
- How has tourism changed the lives and work of Vietnamese people in the past 10 years?
- Do you think the Vietnamese government should invest more tourism than in
education in 10 years? Why/ Why not? Communication
1. Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication - Direct responses - Feeling - Better relationships - Your own idea
Follow-up questions:
- What situations do you thin require face-to-face communication? Why?
- What factors may reduce face-to-face communication in modern societies? Why?
- What types of communication wil be popular in the next 10 years? Why do you think so?