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English Grammar in Use - Key to Exercises môn English | Đại học Bách Khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng
English Grammar in Use - Key to Exercises môn English | Đại học Bách Khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả cao cũng như có thể vận dụng tốt những kiến thức mình đã học
English (TTTTT21) 27 tài liệu
Trường Đại học Bách khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng 411 tài liệu
English Grammar in Use - Key to Exercises môn English | Đại học Bách Khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng
English Grammar in Use - Key to Exercises môn English | Đại học Bách Khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả cao cũng như có thể vận dụng tốt những kiến thức mình đã học
Môn: English (TTTTT21) 27 tài liệu
Trường: Trường Đại học Bách khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng 411 tài liệu
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Key to Exercises
In some of the exercises you have to use your own ideas to write sentences. Example answers are given in the Key.
If possible, check your answers with somebody who speaks English well. UNIT 1 2.3 3.4 3 rises 7 translates 2 It’s always breaking down. 1.1 4 make 8 don’t tell 3 I’m always making the same 2 He’s tying / He is tying 5 don’t eat 9 flows mistake. / … that mistake.
3 They’re crossing / They are crossing 6 doesn’t believe 4 You’re always leaving your
4 He’s scratching / He is scratching phone at home.
5 She’s hiding / She is hiding 2.4
6 They’re waving / They are waving
2 Does your sister play tennis? UNIT 4
3 How often do you go to the cinema? 1.2 4 What does your brother do? 4.1 2 e 6 h 5 Do you speak Spanish? 2 believes 3 g 7 b
6 Where do your grandparents live?
3 I don’t remember / I do not 4 a 8 c
remember or I can’t remember 5 d 2.5 4 I’m using / I am using 2 I promise 1.3 5 I need 3 I insist 2 Why are you crying? 6 consists 4 I apologise 3 Is she working today? 7 does he want 5 I recommend
4 What are you doing these days? 8 is he looking 6 I agree
5 What is she studying? / What’s she 9 Do you recognise studying?
10 I’m thinking / I am thinking UNIT 3 6 What are they doing? 11 do you think 7 Are you enjoying it? 3.1 12 he seems 8 Why are you walking so fast? 3 is trying 4.2 4 phones 1.4 2 I’m thinking. 5 OK
3 I’m not listening / I am not listening 3 Who does this umbrella 6 are they talking
4 She’s having / She is having belong to? 7 OK
5 He’s learning / He is learning 4 This smells good. 8 OK
6 they aren’t speaking / they’re not 5 Is anybody sitting there?
9 It’s getting / It is getting
speaking / they are not speaking 6 These gloves don’t fit me. 10 I’m coming / I am coming
7 it’s getting / it is getting 11 He always starts 4.3
8 isn’t working / ’s not working / is not 12 OK 3 OK (I feel is also correct) working 4 does it taste 9 I’m looking / I am looking 3.2 5 OK
10 It’s working / It is working 2 a Are you listening 6 do you see
11 They’re building / They are building b Do you listen 7 OK
12 He’s not enjoying / He is not enjoying 3 a flows
13 The weather’s changing / The b is flowing / ’s flowing 4.4 weather is changing 4 a I don’t do 2 ’s / is
14 He’s starting / He is starting b do you usually do 3 ’s being / is being
5 a She’s staying / She is staying 4 ’re / are UNIT 2 b She always stays 5 are you being 6 Are you 2.1 3.3 2 go 2 She speaks UNIT 5 3 causes
3 Everybody’s waiting / Everybody is 4 closes waiting 5.1 5 live 4 do you pronounce 2 had 6 take
5 isn’t working / is not working / ’s not 3 She walked to work 7 connects working
4 It took her (about) half an hour 6 is improving 5 She started work 2.2 7 lives
6 She didn’t have (any) lunch. / … eat 2 do the banks close
8 I’m starting / I am starting (any) lunch. 3 don’t use
9 They’re visiting / They are visiting 7 She finished work 4 does Maria come 10 does your father do
8 She was tired when she got home. 5 do you do 11 it doesn’t take 9 She cooked / She made 6 does this word mean
12 I’m learning / I am learning … 10 She didn’t go 7 doesn’t do is teaching / ’s teaching 11 She went to bed 8 takes … does it take 12 She slept 336 Key to Exercises 5.2 UNIT 7 8.2 2 taught 3 haven’t eaten 7.1 3 sold 4 I haven’t played (it) 2 Her English has improved. 4 fell … hurt 5 I’ve had / I have had 3 My bag has disappeared. 5 threw … caught 6 I haven’t read 4 Lisa has broken her leg. 6 spent … bought … cost
7 I’ve never been / I haven’t been 5 The bus fare has gone up.
8 it’s happened / it has happened or 5.3 6 Dan has grown a beard.
that’s happened / that has happened 2 did you travel / did you go
7 It’s stopped raining. / It has stopped
9 I’ve never tried / I haven’t tried or
3 did it take (you) / was your trip / were raining.
I’ve never eaten / I haven’t eaten you there 8 My sweater has shrunk. / My 10 ’s been / has been 4 did you stay sweater’s shrunk.
11 I’ve never seen / I haven’t seen 5 Was the weather 7.2
6 Did you go to / Did you see / 8.3 2 been 4 gone Did you visit Example answers: 3 gone 5 been
2 I haven’t travelled by bus this week. 5.4 7.3
3 I haven’t been to the cinema 3 didn’t disturb 2 Have you seen it recently. 4 left
3 I’ve forgotten / I have forgotten
4 I haven’t read a book for ages. 5 were 4 he hasn’t replied
5 I haven’t lost anything today. 6 didn’t sleep 5 has it finished 7 didn’t cost 8.4 6 The weather has changed 8 flew
2 It’s the first time they’ve seen a 7 You haven’t signed 9 didn’t have
giraffe. / … they have seen … 8 have they gone 10 wasn’t
3 She’s / She has never ridden a horse 9 He hasn’t decided yet before.
10 I’ve just seen her / I have just seen her UNIT 6
4 This is the second time they’ve been
11 He’s already gone / He has 6.1
to Japan. / … they have been to already gone 2 wasn’t listening Japan. 12 Has your course started yet 3 were sitting
5 It’s not the first time she’s / she has /
You can also use the past simple (Did 4 was working
Emily has stayed at this hotel.
you see, he didn’t reply etc.) in this 5 weren’t looking
6 He’s / He has / Ben has never played exercise. 6 was snowing
tennis before. or He/Ben hasn’t 7.4 7 were you going played tennis before.
2 he’s just gone out / he has just 8 was looking gone out or he just went out UNIT 9 6.2
3 I haven’t finished yet. or I didn’t 9.1 2 e 5 c finish yet.
2 ’s been watching TV / has been 3 a 6 d
4 I’ve already done it. / I have already watching TV 4 g 7 b or … watching
done it. or I already did it. / I did it television 6.3 already.
3 ’ve been playing tennis / have 1 didn’t see … was looking
5 Have you found a place to live yet? been playing tennis 2 was cycling … stepped … or Did you find a place …?
4 ’s been running / has been running was going … managed …
6 I haven’t decided yet. or I didn’t 9.2 didn’t hit decide yet.
7 she’s just come back / she has just 2 Have you been waiting long? 6.4
come back or she just came back 3 What have you been doing? 2 were you doing
4 How long have you been working 3 Did you go UNIT 8 here?
4 were you driving … happened
5 How long have you been doing that? 8.1 5 took … wasn’t looking
2 Have you ever been to California? 9.3 6 didn’t know … did
3 Have you ever run a marathon?
2 ’ve been waiting / have been waiting 7 saw … was trying
4 Have you ever spoken to a famous
3 ’ve been learning Japanese /
8 was walking … heard … was person? have been learning Japanese following … started
5 What’s the most beautiful place 4 She’s been working there / 9 wanted … changed
you’ve ever visited? / … you have She has been working there
10 dropped … was doing … didn’t break ever visited? 5 They’ve been going there /
They have been going there or … going to Italy 3 Key to Exercises 9.4 UNIT 11 12.3
2 I’ve been looking / I have been
3 He has been ill/unwell since Sunday. 11.1 looking 4 She got married a year ago. 2 have you lived 3 are you looking
5 I’ve had a headache since I woke up. 3 It’s raining
4 She’s been teaching / She has
6 The meeting started/began at 4 has been been teaching 9o’clock. 5 Have you been waiting
5 I’ve been thinking / I have
7 I’ve been working in a hotel for six 6 We’re living been thinking
months. / I’ve been working there … 7 I haven’t known
6 he’s working / he is working
8 Kate started learning Japanese a 8 She’s
7 She’s been working / She has long time ago. 9 have you had been working 10 I’ve been feeling 12.4
8 you’re driving / you are driving
2 No, I haven’t seen Lisa/her 9 has been travelling 11.2 for about a month. 2 How long have you known
3 No, I haven’t been swimming for a UNIT 10 Katherine? long time. 3 How long has your sister 10.1
4 No, I haven’t ridden a bike for ages. been in Australia?
2 She’s been travelling / She has been
6 No, it’s about a month since I (last) 4 How long have you been travelling … saw Lisa/her. or
teaching English? / How long have
She’s visited / She has visited …
No, it’s been about a month since … you taught English? 3 He’s won / He has won …
7 No, it’s a long time since I
5 How long have you had that jacket?
He’s been playing tennis / He has (last) went swimming. or
6 How long has Joe been working been playing …
No, it’s been a long time since …
at the airport? / How long has Joe
4 They’ve been making / They
8 No, it’s ages since I (last) rode a bike. worked at the airport? have been making …
or No, it’s been ages since …
7 Have you always lived in Chicago?
They’ve made / They have made … 11.3 10.2 UNIT 13 3 ’s been / has been 2 Have you been waiting long? 13.1 4 ’s / is 3 Have you caught any fish? 2 has gone 5 had 5 haven’t played
4 How many people have you invited? 3 forgot 6 has broken
6 ’ve been waiting / have been waiting
5 How long have you been teaching? 4 went 7 ’ve known / have known
6 How many books have you written? 8 hasn’t been 13.2
How long have you been writing
9 lives or ’s living / is living
3 did William Shakespeare write books?
10 ’s lived / has lived or ’s been living 4 OK 7 How long have you been / has been living 5 Who invented saving (money)?
11 ’s been watching / has been 6 OK How much money have you saved? watching 7 We washed 10.3 12 haven’t watched 8 Where were you born? 2 Somebody’s broken / 13 ’ve had / have had 9 OK Somebody has broken 14 haven’t been
10 Albert Einstein was the scientist who 3 Have you been working
15 ’ve always wanted / have always developed 4 Have you ever worked wanted 13.3 5 has she gone
3 I’ve forgotten / I have forgotten 6 I’ve had / I have had UNIT 12 4 arrested
7 I’ve been watching / I have been 12.1
5 it’s improved / it has improved watching
2 for (also correct without for) 6 Have you finished
8 He’s appeared / He has appeared
3 for (also correct without for) 7 I applied 9 I haven’t been waiting 4 since 8 It was
10 you’ve been crying / you have 5 for
9 There’s been / There has been been crying 6 since 10 did you find … It was
11 it’s stopped / it has stopped 7 since
11 He’s / He has broken … or He
12 They’ve been playing / They 8 for
broke … did that happen … He fell have been playing
13 I’ve lost / I have lost … Have 12.2 UNIT 14 you seen
2 How long have you had this car? 14.1
14 I’ve been reading / I have been
3 How long have you been waiting? 3 OK
reading … I haven’t finished 4 When did your course start? 4 I bought 15 I’ve read / I have read
5 When did Anna arrive in London?
6 How long have you known each 5 Where were you other? 6 Maria left school 7 OK 8 OK 9 OK 10 When was this bridge built? 338 Key to Exercises 14.2 UNIT 16 17.3
2 The weather has been cold recently.
3 I didn’t have / hadn’t got my phone 16.1 3 It was cold last week.
4 I have a cold or I’ve got a cold
2 They’d been playing football. /
4 I didn’t eat any fruit yesterday. 5 OK They had been playing …
5 I haven’t eaten any fruit today. 6 I didn’t have any energy
3 I’d been looking forward to it.
6 Emily has earned a lot of money
7 OK (or It hasn’t got many shops.)
/ I had been looking forward … thisyear.
8 Did you have (Had you is unusual)
4 She’d been having a bad dream. /
7 She didn’t earn so much last year. 9 OK She had been having …
8 Have you had a holiday recently? 10 he had a beard
5 He’d been watching a film. /
11 OK (or We’ve got plenty of time.) 14.3 He had been watching … 12 do you have a shower 3 I didn’t sleep
6 They’d been waiting a long time. / 4 There was … there were They had been waiting … 17.4 5 worked … he gave 2 has a break 16.2
6 She’s lived / She has lived 3 had a party
2 I’d been waiting / I had been waiting 7 died … I never met 4 have a look
… I realised (that) I was (in …)
8 I’ve never met / I have never met
5 ’s having / is having a nice time
3 went … had been working or had 9 I haven’t seen 6 had a chat worked 10 Did you go … was 7 Did you have trouble
4 had been playing … started
11 It’s been / It has been … it was 8 had a baby 5 Example answer:
12 have you lived / have you been living 9 was having a shower
I’d been walking for about ten
… did you live … did you live
10 haven’t had a holiday / haven’t had a minutes when a car suddenly break 14.4 stopped just behind me. Example answers: 16.3 UNIT 18
2 I haven’t bought anything today. 2 We’d been travelling
3 I didn’t watch TV yesterday. 18.1 3 He was looking 4 I went out with some friends 2 used to have/ride 4 She’d been running yesterday evening. 3 used to live 5 He was walking
5 I haven’t been to the cinema recently. 4 used to be 6 I’d had it
6 I’ve read a lot of books recently. 5 used to eat/like/love 7 I’d been going 6 used to take 8 I’ve been training UNIT 15 7 used to be
9 (When I finally arrived,) she was 8 used to work 15.1
waiting … she’d been waiting 3 It had changed a lot. (such a long time) 18.2 4 I hadn’t heard it before. 10 a he was already working 2 used
5 She’d arranged to do something else. / b had already been working 3 used to be She had arranged … c He’s been working 4 did
6 The film had already started. 5 used to
7 We hadn’t been there before. UNIT 17 6 use
8 I hadn’t seen him for five years. 7 to 17.1
9 They’d just had lunch. / They had 8 be able 2 h just had … 9 didn’t 3 c
10 He’d never played before. / He had 4 g 18.3 never played … 5 b 2–6 15.2 6 a 2 there was … 7 e
she works very hard these days. She’d gone / She had gone 8 f 3 He’d just come back from /
but she eats lots of cheese now. or 17.2 He had just come back from
She used not to like cheese, but …
3 don’t have / haven’t got (haven’t is … He looked less usual) 4 got a phone call but she hasn’t played the 4 didn’t have He was
piano for a long time. / … played it
5 doesn’t have / hasn’t got (hasn’t is
He’d sent her / He had sent her … for a long time. less usual)
she’d never replied (to them) / she
6 do you have / have you got (have had never replied (to them)
but she likes it now. or She used you is less usual) not to drink tea, but … 15.3 7 didn’t have 2 I went
8 Does he have / Has he got (Has he is died two years ago. 3 had gone less usual)
4 he’d already travelled / he had 9 did you have already travelled
10 don’t have / haven’t got 5 broke 11 had … didn’t
6 we saw … had broken … we stopped 3 Key to Exercises 18.4 20.2 22.2 Example answers: 2 I’m going to try 2 It will look
3 I used to be a vegetarian, but now I 3 I’m going to say
3 you’ll like / you will like eat meat sometimes. 4 I’m going to wash
4 You’ll enjoy / You will enjoy
4 I used to watch TV a lot, but I 5 I’m not going to accept 5 You’ll get / You will get don’t watch it much now. 6 I’m going to learn 6 people will live
5 I used to hate getting up early, but 7 I’m going to run 7 we’ll meet / we will meet now it’s no problem. 8 I’m going to complain
8 she’ll come / she will come
7 I didn’t use to drink coffee, but I 9 I’m not going to tell 9 she’ll mind drink it every day now. 10 it will be 20.3
8 I didn’t use to like hot weather, but 2 He’s going to be late. 22.3 now I love it. 3 The boat is going to sink. 2 Do you think it will rain?
4 They’re going to run out of petrol.
3 When do you think it will end? UNIT 19
5 It’s going to cost a lot (of money) to
4 How much do you think it will cost? 19.1 repair the car.
5 Do you think they’ll get married? / … 2 How long are you going for? they will get married? 3 When are you leaving? 20.4
6 What time do you think you’ll 4 Are you going alone? 2 was going to buy
be back? / … you will be back? 5 Are you travelling by car? 3 were going to play
7 What do you think will happen? 6 Where are you staying? 4 was going to phone 5 was going to be 22.4 19.2 6 was going to give up Example answers: 2 We’re having 7 were you going to say 2 I’ll be in bed. 3 I’m not working 3 I’ll be at work. 4 I’m leaving UNIT 21 4 I’ll probably be at home. 5 are you going
5 I don’t know where I’ll be. 21.1
6 Laura isn’t coming / Laura’s not
2 I’ll turn / I’ll switch / I’ll put 22.5 coming 3 I’ll check 2 I’ll never forget it. 7 I’m going 4 I’ll do 3 You’ll laugh
8 He’s working / He is working 5 I’ll show 4 I’m going 19.3 6 I’ll have 5 will win Example answers: 7 I’ll stay / I’ll wait 6 is coming
2 I’m working tomorrow morning. 8 I’ll try 7 It won’t hurt 3 I’m not doing anything 8 What will happen 21.2 tomorrow evening. 9 we’re going 2 I think I’ll go to bed.
4 I’m going swimming next Sunday.
3 I think I’ll go for a walk.
5 I’m going to a party this evening. UNIT 23
4 I don’t think I’ll have (any) lunch. 23.1 19.4
5 I don’t think I’ll go swimming today. 2 I’ll lend 2 Are you going 21.3 3 I’m going to wash 3 he’s moving / he is moving 3 I’ll meet 4 I’ll show
4 I’m going / I am going … 4 I’ll stay 5 are you going to paint does it start 5 I’m having 6 I’m going to buy
5 we’re meeting / we are meeting 6 I won’t forget 7 I’ll have 6 Are you doing 7 we’re going 8 I’m not going to finish
7 does this term end … starts 8 Are you doing
9 (What) is he going to study / (What)’s
8 We’re going / We are going … 9 Will you do he going to study
Who’s getting / Who is getting 10 Do you go 10 I’ll call 9 Are you watching 11 won’t tell
11 he’s going to have … he’s going to do 10 leaves … arrives 12 I’ll do 11 It finishes 23.2
12 I’m not using / I am not using 21.4 2 I’ll see
2 Where shall we go (on holiday)? 3 I’m going to sell UNIT 20 3 Shall I buy it?
4 you’ll find (you’re going to find is
4 Shall we get a taxi (or) (shall we) walk? 20.1 also possible) 5 a I’m going to throw 2 What are you going to wear? 5 What shall I give/buy/get
3 Where are you going to put it? Helen (for her birthday)? 5 b I’ll have it. 6 a I’ll take 4 Who are you going to invite? 6 What time shall we meet?
5 How are you going to cook it?
6 b Amy is going to take (or Amy is UNIT 22 taking) 22.1 23.3 2 won’t 5 ’ll / will 2 d 6 a 3 ’ll / will 6 won’t 3 h 7 e 4 won’t 4 g 8 b 5 c 340 Key to Exercises UNIT 24 25.4 27.4 2 if 6 When 3 couldn’t wear 24.1 3 If 7 if 4 couldn’t have managed 2 b is true 4 when 8 if 5 couldn’t have been 3 a and c are true 5 If
6 couldn’t afford (or couldn’t manage) 4 b and d are true 7 couldn’t have studied 5 c and d are true UNIT 26 8 couldn’t stand 6 c is true 26.1 24.2 3 can UNIT 28 2 be going 4 be able to 28.1 3 won’t be playing 5 been able to 2 must 4 will be starting 6 can (or will be able to) 3 can’t 5 be watching 7 be able to 4 must 6 will you be doing 8 can 5 must 7 won’t be going 9 be able to 6 can’t 8 will be landing 7 must 26.2 24.3 8 can’t Example answers:
2 we’ll be playing / we will be playing 9 must
2 I used to be able to run fast.
3 She’ll be waiting / She will be waiting 10 can’t
3 I’d like to be able to play the piano.
4 it will have finished (or it will be 11 must
4 I’ve never been able to get up early. finished) 28.2
5 you’ll still be living / you will still be 26.3 3 know living 2 could run 4 have left
6 she’ll have travelled / she will have 3 can wait 5 be travelled 4 couldn’t sleep 6 have been
7 I’ll be staying / I will be staying 5 can’t hear 7 be looking
8 he’ll have spent / he will have spent 6 couldn’t believe 8 have heard
9 I won’t be doing / I will not be doing 26.4 9 have been 2 was able to finish it 10 be joking UNIT 25 3 were able to solve it 11 get / be getting or have 25.1 4 was able to get away 28.3 2 we’ll let 26.5
3 It must have been very expensive. 3 starts 4 couldn’t 4 They must have gone away. 4 it changes 5 managed to 5 I must have left it in the 5 I’ll make 6 could restaurant last night. 6 I’m 40 7 managed to
6 It can’t have been easy for her. 7 I’ll wait 8 could 7 He must have been waiting 8 he grows up 9 couldn’t for somebody. 9 you’re 10 managed to 8 She can’t have understood 10 is
what I said. or She couldn’t have 11 will be UNIT 27 understood what I said. 12 you’ve had 27.1
9 I must have forgotten to lock it. 25.2 2 e
10 They must have been having a party. 2 she goes 3 b
11 The driver can’t have seen the 3 you know 4 f red light. or The driver
4 I’ll wait / I will wait … you’re / you are 5 a couldn’t have seen … 5 Will you still be … I get 6 d
12 He can’t have worn them much.
6 there are … I’ll let / I will let 27.2
7 You won’t recognise / You will not UNIT 29 2 could 7 could recognise … you see 3 can 8 can 29.1 8 you need … I’m / I am 4 could 9 could 2 might know 25.3 5 can 10 could 3 might be Brazilian 2 it gets dark 6 can 4 may not be possible
3 you decide or you’ve decided / 5 may be Tom’s 27.3 you have decided 6 might be driving 2 could have come
4 you’re in Hong Kong / you go 7 might have one 3 could be to Hong Kong 8 may not be feeling well 4 could have been
5 build the new road or ’ve built the 5 could have
new road / have built the new road 6 could come 6 she apologises or she’s 7 have moved
apologised / she has apologised 8 gone 3 Key to Exercises 29.2 31.2 32.5 2 have been 3 have to make
3 You needn’t shout. / You don’t need 3 have arrived 4 don’t have to decide
to shout. / You don’t have to shout. 4 be waiting 5 had to ask
4 I didn’t need to go out. / I didn’t 5 have told 6 don’t have to pay have to go out. 6 have gone 7 didn’t have to go 5 OK 7 be watching 8 has to make
6 You needn’t lock the door. / You 8 have 9 had to stand
don’t need to lock the door. / You 9 have left
10 will have to drive / ’ll have to drive / is
don’t have to lock the door. 10 have heard going to have to drive
7 I didn’t need to say anything. / I 11 have forgotten
didn’t have to say anything. 31.3 8 OK 29.3
3 OK (I have to remember is also correct) 2 might not have wanted 4 I had to walk home. UNIT 33 3 couldn’t have been
5 OK (You have to come is also correct) 4 couldn’t have tried 6 He has to study 33.1 5 might not have been American 7 We have to go
2 You should look for another job.
8 She has had to wear glasses since …
3 He shouldn’t stay up so late. UNIT 30
For the present perfect (has had) with 4 You should take a picture.
5 She shouldn’t worry so much. 30.1
since, see Units 11–12.
6 He should put some pictures on 2 I’m going to get 31.4 thewalls. 3 He might come 3 don’t have to 4 I might hang 4 mustn’t 33.2 5 She’s going 5 don’t have to 2 should be here soon 6 I might go away 6 doesn’t have to 3 should be working OK 4 shouldn’t take long 30.2 7 don’t have to 5 should receive 2 might wake 8 mustn’t 6 should be much warmer 3 might spill 9 mustn’t 7 shouldn’t cost more 4 might need 10 don’t have to 8 should solve 5 might hear 6 might slip UNIT 32 33.3 32.1 3 should do 30.3 2 d 5 g 4 should have done 2 might have to leave 3 b 6 a 5 should have won 3 might be able to meet 4 e 7 c 6 should come 4 might have to pay 7 should have turned 5 might have to wait 32.2 8 should have done 6 might be able to fix 2 must 3 mustn’t 33.4 30.4 4 don’t need to
2 We should have reserved a table. 2 I might not recognise him. 5 mustn’t
3 I should have written down her
3 We might not be able to get tickets 6 needn’t
address. / I should have written her for the game. 7 mustn’t
address down. or I should have
4 I might not have time to do the 8 don’t need to written it down. shopping. 9 needn’t … must
4 The shop should be open (now / by
5 I might not be able to go to the now). / The shop should have wedding. 32.3
opened by now. or It should … 2 needn’t come 30.5
5 I shouldn’t have been looking at my 3 needn’t walk
2 I might as well buy a new one. phone. or 4 needn’t keep
3 I might as well paint the bathroom too.
I should have looked / been looking 5 needn’t worry 4 We might as well watch it. where I was going. 32.4
6 She shouldn’t be doing 50. / UNIT 31
2 You needn’t have walked home. You
Sheshouldn’t be driving so fast. / 31.1 could have taken a taxi.
She should be driving more slowly.
3 I have to go / I’ll have to go
3 They needn’t have stayed at a hotel.
7 I shouldn’t have gone to work
4 do you have to go / will you
They could have stayed with us. (yesterday). have to go
4 She needn’t have phoned me at
8 Team A should win (the match). 5 he has to get up
3am. She could have waited until
9 The driver in front shouldn’t have 6 We had to run the morning.
stopped without warning. / … 7 does she have to work
5 You needn’t have shouted at me.
shouldn’t have stopped so suddenly. 8 I had to do
You could have been more patient. 9 do you have to be 10 We had to close 11 did you have to pay 342 Key to Exercises UNIT 34 35.3 UNIT 37 2 had 34.1 37.1 3 not
2 I should stay / I stay / I stayed a little 2 g 4 should longer 3 d 5 to
3 they should visit / they visit / they 4 b 6 I’d visited the museum after lunch 5 a 7 were
4 we should pay / we pay / we paid 6 h 8 better the rent by Friday 7 f 9 hadn’t
5 we should go / we go / we went to 8 c 10 do the cinema 11 did 37.2 34.2 12 was 2 Would you like 2 OK 3 I’d like 35.4
(‘suggested that we should meet’ is 4 Would you like to come 2 It’s time I had a holiday. also correct) 5 Can I take
3 It’s time the children were in bed. / 3 What do you suggest I do / 6 I’d like to … went to bed. I should do 7 Would you like to try
4 It’s time I started cooking (the) 4 OK 8 Do you mind dinner.
(‘suggest I buy’ is also correct)
5 It’s time she/Kate stopped 37.3
5 I suggest you read / you should complaining about everything. 2 Can/Could I/we have the read …
6 It’s time (some) changes were made
bill, please? or … get the bill? 6 OK
3 Can/Could you check these forms
(‘suggested that Anna should learn’, UNIT 36 (for me)? or Do you think you
‘suggested that Anna learns’ and could check …?
‘suggested that Anna learnt/learned’ 36.1
4 Can/Could you turn the music are also correct) Example answers:
down, please? / … turn it down? or
2 I wouldn’t like to be a teacher. 34.3
Do you think you could turn …?
3 I’d love to learn to fly a plane. 2 should say
5 Is it OK if I close the window? or
4 It would be nice to have a big garden. 3 should worry Isit all right if …? or 5 I’d like to go to Mexico. 4 should leave CanIclose…? or 5 should ask 36.2 Do you mind if I close …? 6 should vote 2 ’d enjoy / would enjoy
6 Would you like to sit down? or 7 should be done
3 ’d have enjoyed / would have Would you like a seat? or enjoyed Can I offer you a seat? 34.4 4 would you do
7 Can/Could you tell me how to get to 2 If it should rain
5 ’d have stopped / would have the station?
3 If there should be any problems or … the way to the stopped station? 4 If anyone should ask or … where the station is? 6 would have been
8 Can/Could I try on these trousers? 6 Should it rain or 7 ’d be / would be
Can/Could I try these (trousers) on? 7 Should there be any problems or 8 would have
I’d like to try on these trousers. 8 Should anyone ask or 36.3 Is it OK if I try … 34.5 2 e 5 a
9 Can/Could I get your autograph? / 2 I should keep 3 b 6 d … have your autograph? or 3 I should call 4 f
Do you think I could get/have your 4 I should get autograph? 36.4 UNIT 35 2 He promised he’d call. / UNIT 38 … he would call. 35.1 38.1
3 You promised you wouldn’t tell
2 We’d better reserve a table. 2 dropped
her. or … wouldn’t tell anyone/
3 You’d better put a plaster on it. 3 lost anybody.
4 You’d better not go to work this 4 happened
4 They promised they’d wait (for us). / morning. 5 went … they would wait.
5 I’d/We’d better check what time the 6 did film starts. 36.5 7 was
6 I’d better not disturb her right now. 2 wouldn’t tell 38.2 3 wouldn’t speak 35.2 2 b 4 wouldn’t let 2 OK 3 a
3 You should come more often. 36.6 4 b 4 OK 2 would shake 5 b 5 OK 3 would share 6 a
6 everybody should learn a foreign 4 would always forget 7 b language 5 would stay 7 OK 6 would always smile 3 Key to Exercises 38.3 UNIT 40 UNIT 41 2 I bought 40.1 41.1 3 would you invite
2 If she’d missed / she had missed 2 hope 4 he asked
(the train), she’d have missed / she 3 wish 5 I’d be / I would be
would have missed (her flight too). 4 wished
6 somebody gave … I’d have / I would
3 I’d have forgotten / I would have 5 hope have
forgotten (if) you hadn’t reminded 6 wish 7 Would you be … you met
4 I’d had / I had had (your email 7 hope
8 would you do … you were … it
address) I’d have sent / I would have stopped 41.2 sent (you an email) 2 wasn’t/weren’t 38.4
5 they’d have enjoyed / they would 3 ’d told / had told
2 If we stayed at a hotel, it would cost
have enjoyed (it more if the weather) 4 had / could have too much. had been (better) 5 could
3 If I told you what happened, you
6 It would have been (quicker if) we’d 6 hadn’t bought
wouldn’t believe me. or … believe it. walked / we had walked 7 didn’t have
4 If she left her job, it would be hard to
7 you’d told / you had told (me) I’d 8 have gone find another one.
have tried / I would have tried
5 If he applied for the job, he wouldn’t 8 I were / I was 41.3 get it. 9 I’d been / I had been 2 I wish she would come. or … would hurry up. 40.2 UNIT 39 3 I wish somebody would give
2 If the road hadn’t been icy, the me a job. 39.1
accident wouldn’t have happened. 4 I wish the/that dog would 3 I’d help / I would help
3 If I’d known / If I had known (that stop barking. 4 It would taste
you had to get up early), I’d have
5 I wish you wouldn’t drive so fast. 5 we lived
woken / I would have woken you up.
6 I wish you wouldn’t leave the 6 we’d live / we would live
4 If I hadn’t lost my phone (or If I’d had door open (all the time). 7 I was / I were
my phone), I’d have called you. or
7 I wish people wouldn’t drop 8 it wasn’t / it weren’t
… I would have called you. or litter in the street.
9 I wouldn’t wait … I’d go / I would go … I could have called you.
10 you didn’t go … you wouldn’t be
5 If Karen hadn’t been wearing a seat 41.4
11 there weren’t … there wouldn’t be
belt, she’d have been injured / 3 I knew
12 would you do if you didn’t have
shewould have been injured (in the 4 we hadn’t gone 5 the bus would come 39.2
crash). or … she might have been 6 I could come
2 I’d / I would buy them if they weren’t injured or … she could have 7 it was/were so expensive. beeninjured 8 I’d taken / I had taken
3 We’d / We would go on holiday if we
6 If you’d had / If you had had (some)
9 you’d listen / you would listen could afford it.
breakfast, you wouldn’t be hungry 4 We could have lunch outside now. 10 you wouldn’t complain or
if it weren’t/wasn’t raining.
7 If I’d had / If I had had enough youdidn’t complain
5 If I wanted his advice, I’d / I would
money, I’d have got / I would have 11 it wasn’t/weren’t ask for it.
got a taxi. (or … taken a taxi) 12 the weather would change
8 If Dan had done well/better at 13 I had / I could have 39.3
school, he could/would have gone 14 we could have stayed 2 I wish I had more free time. touniversity. 3 I wish Helen were/was here. UNIT 42
4 I wish it weren’t/wasn’t (so) cold. 40.3 42.1
5 I wish I didn’t live in a big city.
2 I wish I’d learned / I wish I had learned 2 is made
6 I wish I could find my phone.
to play a musical instrument (when I 3 was damaged
7 I wish I was/were feeling well/better.
was younger). or I wish I could play 4 are shown
8 I wish I didn’t have to get up early
… / I wish I was able to play … 5 were invited tomorrow.
3 I wish I hadn’t painted it red. or 6 ’s/is found
9 I wish I knew more about science.
… the gate red. or I wish I had 7 were overtaken painted it a different colour. 39.4
4 I wish we’d gone / I wish we had 8 are held Example answers: gone by train. 9 was injured or 1 I wish I was at home.
I wish we hadn’t gone by car. 10 is surrounded 2 I wish I had a big garden.
5 I wish we’d had / I wish we had had 11 was sent 3 I wish I could tell jokes.
more time (to do all the things we 12 is owned 4 I wish I was taller. wanted to do). 42.2
6 I wish I hadn’t moved (to my new
2 When was television invented?
flat). or I wish I’d stayed where I 3 How are mountains formed?
was. / … stayed in my old flat. 4 When was DNA discovered? 5 What is silver used for? 344 Key to Exercises 42.3 UNIT 44 45.3 2 a covers
2 You’re / You are supposed to 44.1 b is covered be my friend. 2 was given 3 a was stolen
3 I’m / I am supposed to be on a diet. 3 wasn’t told / was not told b disappeared
4 It was supposed to be a joke. 4 ’s paid / is paid 4 a died
5 Or maybe it’s / it is supposed 5 been shown b were brought up to be a flower. 6 was asked 5 a sank
6 You’re / You are supposed to
7 weren’t given / were not given b was rescued be working. 8 to be offered 6 a was fired
7 It’s supposed to be open every day. b resigned 44.2 45.4 7 a doesn’t bother 2 being invited
2 ’re / are supposed to start b ’m/am not bothered 3 being given 3 was supposed to phone 8 a was knocked 4 being knocked down
4 aren’t / ’re not / are not b fell 5 being bitten supposed to put 9 a are they called 6 being treated 5 was supposed to depart b do you call 7 being stuck
6 isn’t / ’s not / is not supposed to lift 42.4 44.3
2 All flights were cancelled because 2 got stung UNIT 46 of fog. 3 get used 46.1
3 I was accused of stealing money. 4 got stolen 1 b 3 a 4 How is this word used? 5 get paid 2 a 4 b
5 All taxes are included in the price. 6 get broken 46.2
6 We were warned not to go out alone. 7 get asked
2 Sarah has her car serviced once a year.
7 This office isn’t / is not used any more. 8 got stopped
3 Have you had your eyes tested
8 Five hundred people were invited to 44.4 recently? the wedding. 3 were
4 I don’t like having my hair cut. 4 given UNIT 43
5 It cost fifteen pounds to have my suit 5 lost cleaned. 43.1 6 being
6 You need to get this document 3 be made 7 get
translated as soon as possible. 4 be kept 8 doesn’t 5 have been repaired 9 was 46.3 6 be carried 10 weren’t 2 I had it cut. 7 have been arrested 3 We had them cleaned. 8 be delayed UNIT 45 4 He had it built. 9 have been caused 5 I had them delivered. 45.1 10 be knocked 6 She had them repaired. 2 Many people are reported to 11 be known be homeless after the floods. 46.4 12 have been forgotten
3 The thieves are thought to have got 2 f 5 c 43.2
in through a window in the roof. 3 a 6 b
3 It’s been stolen! / It has been stolen!
4 The driver (of the car) is alleged to 4 e 4 Somebody has taken it. or
have been driving at 110 miles an 46.5 …taken my umbrella.
hour. or … to have driven at … 2 We had our bags searched.
5 He hasn’t been seen since then.
5 The building is reported to have
3 I’ve had my salary increased. or
6 I haven’t seen her for ages.
been badly damaged by the fire. Ihad my salary increased.
7 Have you ever been stung by a bee?
6 The company is said to be losing a
4 He’s had his application refused. or
8 It’s / It is being repaired at the moment. lot of money.
He had his application refused.
9 It hasn’t / It has not been found yet.
7 The company is believed to have lost
10 The furniture had been moved. a lot of money last year. UNIT 47
8 The company is expected to make a 43.3 47.1 loss this year. 2 A new road is being built 2 (that) it was too far
3 Two new hotels have been built 45.2
3 (that) she didn’t want to go
4 some new houses were being built
2 they’re / they are supposed to be
4 (that) he would let me know next week.
5 The date of the meeting has been
3 it’s / it is supposed to have been
5 (that) he hadn’t seen her for a while changed.
4 they’re / they are supposed to have 6 (that) I could borrow hers.
6 I didn’t know that our conversation won
7 (that) she wasn’t enjoying it very much was being recorded. 5 the view is supposed to be
8 (that) he sold it a few months ago
7 Is anything being done about the
6 she’s / she is supposed to be living
or he’d sold it … / he had sold it … problem? 9 (that) she didn’t know
8 They hadn’t / had not been cleaned
10 (that) there were twenty students in for ages. her class 3