Essay - Chemistry for engineers | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Essay - Chemistry for engineers | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Despite the fact that Current decade have witnessed
the proliferation of cutting-edge software translation,
learning foreign languages also brings various benefits
to individuals. From my perspective, I completely agree
with this statement.
Translated programs are beneficial in some ways.
Firstly, with the application of translation softwares,
helping students learning the meaning of foreign
vocabulary. when people read the international
information, however, they possess the superficial
knowledge of this language, they could utilize
translated programs for understanding thorough
meaning of this information. Secondly, it is impossible
for the ordinary to learn various language, hence
translation software programs are vital for connecting
and communicating with foreigners around the world.
For example, by translation tools, travelers could easily
question the natives to help them find the street district
or the hotel, irrespective of the capacity for this
language they have
However, I believe that Learning foreign language are
crucial for all individuals. The significant of words in
language relies on context and emotion of speakers.As a
result, translated programs are more likely to translate
unproper meaning of vocabulary lead to
missunderstanding , thus Learning language help
people using language more flexible and proper.
Additionally, it is difficulty for using translation tools in
conventional communication because native people tend
to use “slang word” and “high speed voice” to express
their ideas. This means the capacity for translating of
tools is restricted.
Despite the fact that translation tools have negative
influence on helping people connect and communicate
easily, I think that the advantageous of learning
language is indispensable.
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Despite the fact that Current decade have witnessed
the proliferation of cutting-edge software translation,
learning foreign languages also brings various benefits
to individuals. From my perspective, I completely agree with this statement.

Translated programs are beneficial in some ways.
Firstly, with the application of translation softwares,
helping students learning the meaning of foreign
vocabulary. when people read the international
information, however, they possess the superficial
knowledge of this language, they could utilize
translated programs for understanding thorough
meaning of this information. Secondly, it is impossible
for the ordinary to learn various language, hence
translation software programs are vital for connecting
and communicating with foreigners around the world.
For example, by translation tools, travelers could easily
question the natives to help them find the street district
or the hotel, irrespective of the capacity for this language they have

However, I believe that Learning foreign language are
crucial for all individuals. The significant of words in
language relies on context and emotion of speakers.As a
result, translated programs are more likely to translate
unproper meaning of vocabulary lead to
missunderstanding , thus Learning language help
people using language more flexible and proper.
Additionally, it is difficulty for using translation tools in
conventional communication because native people tend
to use “slang word” and “high speed voice” to express
their ideas. This means the capacity for translating of tools is restricted.

Despite the fact that translation tools have negative
influence on helping people connect and communicate

easily, I think that the advantageous of learning language is indispensable.