Essential Elements Of a Good Marketing Plan | Học viện phụ nữ Việt Nam

Essential Elements Of a Good Marketing Plan | Học viện phụ nữ Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

To foster the spirit of Entrepreneurship and to allow Management students to initiate the
realization of their dreams, marketing plan works as a tool that nurtures young minds and
materializes their ideas through a channelized guidance. Innovation, novelty, uniqueness and
logical preparation with market requirements are what make an impressive Marketing Plan.
A marketing plan is a written document that outlines your band’s goals and the strategies you
intend to use to achieve the goals. If you’re going to sell products and/or services, you should
have a marketing plan.
It should ideally include the following-
1. Cover sheet-
Product Name, Company Logo, Address, Telephone Number, Em ail Address, Web
Address (URL)
2. Introduction/ Executive Summary-
Brief Explanation of Enterprise Objectives, Market Prospects, Financial forecasts,
sources, resources and uses, i.e.
Problem-Purpose of the plan
Solution -Product or service and its advantages
Market opportunity
Management team
Track record, if any
3. Product/Service and feasibility studies-
Detailed Description of Products or Services, Patents/Trademarks, Certifications
4. Environmental Scanning-( ) Comparison with competitors
PEST analysis
5. Organizational Appraisal-(focus on Marketing Department)
SWOT Analysis
6. Market Analysis Summary -
a) Industry-
Industry Analysis: Market Background, Industry Wise Information and Trends, Local
Industry Information and Trends, Market Capture and Expectations, Social, Economic ,
Legal and technical Issues Market Segmentation, Target Market Segment Strategy ,
Market Needs, Market Trends, Market Growth, Key Markets, Future Markets.
b) Customers-
Customer Analysis: Customer Definition, Key Customer, Individual Customer
Demographics, Business Customer Demographics
c) Competitors-
Competition Analysis: SWOT Analysis and competitive and distinctive competencies
Trends in competitive Companies, ompetitors and Alternatives. C
d) Marketing Strategy
Designing your Company's own Marketing Strategy.
7. Marketing Plan
a) Sales and distribution Strategy
How you will sell your product or service to the target market. Considerations include:
Sales rep
Revenue Sharing Partners
b) Price
How you will set the price charged for your product or service. Considerations include:
Competitors’ prices
Level of competition in the market
Perception of quality-price relationship by customers
Production costs and overheads
Chain of distribution and the added-value at each stage
The extent to which the buyer can control the price
c) Promotion
Marketing and Communications Strategy
How you will promote your product or service in the marketplace. Considerations include:
Advertising – where, when, how, to whom
Public relations
Direct marketing
Website and internet marketing
Exhibitions and conferences
Word of mouth
Potential internal problems
Contingency plan to counteract the most significant risks
Marketing Plan Format
The following format should provide a good overview of a prospective marketing plan.
1. Company
o Vision of business
o Mission statement
2. Products
o Product description
o Development schedule
o Differentiation
o Price point
3. Market
o Trends
o Historic and projected sizes in rupees
o Product match to market definition
4. Distribution
o Sales channels
o Partnerships
o Customers
5. Competition
o Competitors
o Competitive advantages
6. Team
o Background of management
o Board composition
7. Financials
o Historic and projected Profit & Loss (first two years by quarters)
o Projected cash flow (first two years by quarters)
o Current balance sheet
o Projected head count by functional area (R&D, sales, marketing, G&A)
o Capitalization schedule
The marketing plan page should highlight your approach to the marketing 4P's (price, place,
product, and promotion). Discuss how you reach your customers. For example, which channel(s)
do you plan on utilizing to acquire customers. If you are already operational, discuss your current
channel(s). If you offer more than one product or service please provide detail for each. This
section should:
Identify and describe your marketwho your customers are, and what the demand is for
your products & services
Describe your channels of distribution
Explain your marketing Strategy, specific to pricing, promotion, products and place
Explain how 4Ps converting into 4CS.
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To foster the spirit of Entrepreneurship and to allow Management students to initiate the
realization of their dreams, marketing plan works as a tool that nurtures young minds and
materializes their ideas through a channelized guidance. Innovation, novelty, uniqueness and
logical preparation with market requirements are what make an impressive Marketing Plan.
A marketing plan is a written document that outlines your band’s goals and the strategies you
intend to use to achieve the goals. If you’re going to sell products and/or services, you should have a marketing plan. .
It should ideally include the following- 1. Cover sheet-
Product Name, Company Logo, Address, Telephone Number, Email Address, Web Address (URL)
2. Introduction/ Executive Summary-
Brief Explanation of Enterprise Objectives, Market Prospects, Financial forecasts,
sources, resources and uses, i.e.  Problem-Purpose of the plan 
Solution -Product or service and its advantages  Market opportunity  Management team  Competition  Track record, if any
3. Product/Service and feasibility studies-
Detailed Description of Products or Services, Patents/Trademarks, Certifications
4. Environmental Scanning-( Comparison with competitors) PEST analysis
5. Organizational Appraisal-(focus on Marketing Department) SWOT Analysis 6. Market Analysis Summary - a) Industry-
Industry Analysis: Market Background, Industry Wise Information and Trends, Local
Industry Information and Trends, Market Capture and Expectations, Social, Economic ,
Legal and technical Issues Market ,
Segmentation, Target Market Segment Strategy
Market Needs, Market Trends, Market Growth, Key Markets, Future Markets. b) Customers-
Customer Analysis: Customer Definition, Key Customer, Individual Customer
Demographics, Business Customer Demographics c) Competitors-
Competition Analysis: SWOT Analysis and competitive and distinctive competencies
Trends in competitive Companies, Competitors and Alternatives. d) Marketing Strategy
Designing your Company's own Marketing Strategy. 7. Marketing Plan
a) Sales and distribution Strategy
How you will sell your product or service to the target market. Considerations include: • Directly • Retail • Distributor • Agent • Sales rep • Website • Revenue Sharing Partners b) Price
How you will set the price charged for your product or service. Considerations include: • Competitors’ prices
• Level of competition in the market
• Perception of quality-price relationship by customers
• Production costs and overheads
• Chain of distribution and the added-value at each stage
• The extent to which the buyer can control the price c) Promotion
Marketing and Communications Strategy
How you will promote your product or service in the marketplace. Considerations include:
 Advertising – where, when, how, to whom  Public relations  Direct marketing
 Website and internet marketing
 Exhibitions and conferences  Word of mouth • Potential internal problems •
Contingency plan to counteract the most significant risks Marketing Plan Format
The following format should provide a good overview of a prospective marketing plan. 1. Company o Vision of business o Mission statement 2. Products o Product description o Development schedule o Differentiation o Price point 3. Market o Trends o
Historic and projected sizes in rupees o
Product match to market definition 4. Distribution o Sales channels o Partnerships o Customers 5. Competition o Competitors o Competitive advantages 6. Team o Background of management o Board composition 7. Financials o
Historic and projected Profit & Loss (first two years by quarters) o
Projected cash flow (first two years by quarters) o Current balance sheet o
Projected head count by functional area (R&D, sales, marketing, G&A) o Capitalization schedule
The marketing plan page should highlight your approach to the marketing 4P's (price, place,
product, and promotion). Discuss how you reach your customers. For example, which channel(s)
do you plan on utilizing to acquire customers. If you are already operational, discuss your current
channel(s). If you offer more than one product or service please provide detail for each. This section should: 
Identify and describe your market – who your customers are, and what the demand is for your products & services 
Describe your channels of distribution 
Explain your marketing Strategy, specific to pricing, promotion, products and place (4Ps). 
Explain how 4Ps converting into 4CS.