Excercise - CTTT (BT Ly 1) | Bài tập môn Vật lý đại cương 1 CTTT | Trường Đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội

Excercise - CTTT (BT Ly 1) | Bài tập môn Vật lý đại cương 1 CTTT | Trường Đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội. Tài liệu gồm 25 trang giúp bạn tham khảo ôn tập đạt kết quả cao trong kỳ thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem.

Excercises: 1, 7, 9, 17, 23, 25, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 57, 51, 55
Problems: 59(62), 67(71), 69(73), 71, 75(79), 77(81), 79, 85(89), 89(93), 91(95)
Excercises: 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21, 31, 33, 37, 39, 43, 45, 57, 51, 53
Problems: 57(57), 59(59), 65(65), 67(67), 69(69), 73(73), 75(75), 79(79), 81(81), 83(83), 85(85), 89(89), 93(93)
2.81. A football is kicked vertically upward from the ground and a student gazing out of the window sees it moving
upward pass her at 5 m/s. The window is 12m above the ground. Ignore the air resistance. (a) How high is the
ball go above ground? (b) How much time does it take to go from the ground to its highest point?
Excercises: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 19, 21, 23, 25, 33, 37, 41, 43
Problems: 45, 51(51), 53(53), 55(55), 57, 61(61), 63(63), 65(65), 69(69), 71, 73, 75(75), 79, 81(81), 85(85),
50(50), 77(77).
3.45(B). A student is moving in a dark room try to find out a 20$ bill. The student's coordinate is given as a function of
time by x(t) = at and y(t) = 15.0m - bt
, where a = 1.20 m/s and b = 0.500 m/s
. Unknown to the student, the 20$
bill is at the origin. a) at which time(s) the student's velocity is perpendicular to his acceleration? b) at which
time(s) the student's speed instantaneously not changing? c) At which time(s) the student's velocity is
perpendicular to his position vector? What is location of the student at these times? d) What is minimum distance
from the student to the bill? At what time it occurs? e) Sketch the path of hapless student.
3.57(B). Hallway Catch. You are playing catch with a friend in the hallway of your domitory. The distance from floor
to ceiling is D, and you throw the ball with an initial speed v0 = (6gD)
.What is the maximum horizontal distance
(in term of D) that the ball can travel without bouncing? (Assume that the ball is launched from the floor).
3.71(O). Free Throw. A basket player is fouled and knocked to the floor during a layup attempt. The player is awarded two
free throws. The center of the basket is a horizontal distance of 4.21 m from the foul line and it is a height of 3.05 m
above the floor. On the first attempt he shoots the ball at an angel 35.0
above the horizontal and with the speed of
= 4.88 m/s. The ball is released 1.83 m above the floor. This shot missed badly. You can ignore air resistance.
(a) What is the maximum height reached by the ball? (b) At what distance along the floor from the free throw line
does the ball land? (c) For the second throw, the ball is thrown into the center of basket. For this second throw, the
player again shoots the ball at 35.0o above the horizontal and releases it 1.83 m above the floor. What initial speed
does the player give the ball on this second attempt? (d) For the second throw what is the maximum height
reached by the ball? At this point, how far horizontally is the ball from the basket?
3.73(O). A rocket is initially at rest on the ground. When its engines fire, the rocket flies off in a straight line at an angle 53.1
above the horizontal with a constant acceleration of magnitude g. The engines stop at a time T after the launch,
after which the rocket is put in projectile motion. You can ignore air resistance and assume g is dependent of
altitude. (a) Draw the trajectory of the rocket from when its engines first fire until the rocket hits the ground.
Indicate the direction of the velocity and acceleration vectors at various points along the trajectory. (b) Sketch v
and v
-t graphs for the motion of the rocket from when its engines first fire until the rocket hits the ground. (c)
Find the maximum altitude reached by the rocket (in term of g and T). (d) Find the horizontal distance from the
launch point to where the rocket hits the ground (the range) in term of g and T.
3.79(E). The carrier Pigeon Problem. Larry is driving east at 40 km/h. His twin brother Harry is driving west at 30
km/ h, toward Larry in and identical car on the same direction straight road. When they are 42 km apart, Larry
sends out a carrier pigeon, which flies at a constant speed of 50 km/h (all speeds are relative to the earth). The
pigeon flies to Harry, becomes confused and immediately returns, becomes more confused and immediately flies
back to Harry. This continues until the twin meet, at which time the dazed pigeon drops to the ground in
exhaution. Ignoring turnaround time, how far did the pigeon fly?
Note: All exercises have to be done orally. All problems have to be done writtenly. If you use your printed textbook (11-
th edition) do the numbers outside brackets. If you use electronic version (12-th edition) do the numbers inside
brackets. There are some numbers in the 11-th edition are omitted in the 12-th edition, here they are typed explicitly.
Excercises: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35, 37, 43, 45, 51, 53
Problems: 57, 59(64), 61(66), 63(68), 73(78), 75(79), 81(83), 83(85), 89(92), 93, 95(96), 109(109),
111(111), 113(113), 115(115)
5.57. A man is pushing up a refrigerator up a ramp at constant speed. The ramp is inclined at an angel a above the
horizontal, but the man applies a horizontal force F. Caculate the magnitude of F in term of a and refrigerator
mass m. You can ignore friction on the refrigerator.
5.93. Two blocks, with mass m1 and m2, are stacked one on top of the other and placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. There
is friction between the two blocks. An external force of magnitude F is applied to the top block at angel a below
horizontal. a) If the two blocks move together, find acceleration. b) Show that the two blocks will move together only if
1 1 2
2 1 2
( )
cos ( ) sin
m m m
m m m
α µ α
Excercises: 5, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35, 39, 43, 45, 47, 49, 53,57
Problems: 65(70), 69(74), 71(76), 73(78), 75(80), 77(83), 81(87), 83(89), 91(97), 95(101), 97(103),
99(105), 101(107), 105(111)
Excercises: 1, 5, 7, 13, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 47, 49, 53
Problems: 57(57), 63(62), 65(66), 69(69), 73(73), 77(77), 83(83), 85(85), 89(89), 91(91), 93(93),
97(97), 98(98), 99(99)
Excercises: 3, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 35, 37
Problems: 43(43), 47(47), 49(49), 51(51), 53(53), 55(55), 59(59), 61(61), 63(63), 65(65), 67(67),
73(73), 75(75), 79(79), 81(80), 83(83)
Excercises: 1, 3, 5, 13, 17, 21, 23, 27, 29
Problems: 47(50), 53(55), 57(59), 59(61), 63(65), 65(67), 71(73), 73(75), 75(77), 77(79)
Excercises: 5, 7, 11, 13, 19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 35, 37, 41, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 59
Problems: 63(10.55), 65(66), 67(68), 71(71), 73(73), 81(81), 83(83), 85(85), 87(87), 91(91), 97(97), 100(100)
Excercises: 1, 3, 5, 11, 13, 19, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35, 37, 39, 43, 45, 49
Problems: 54(54), 57(58), 61(62), 63(64), 65(66), 67(68), 69(69), 75(76), 79(80), 85(85), 87(87), 89(89), 93(93), 97(97)
Excercises: 1, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 23, 25, 27, 29, 33, 35, 39, 41, 43, 49, 51, 55
Problems: 59(65), 61(66), 65(68), 69(75), 71(77), 73(79), 75(81), 85(88), 89(92), 91(94), 93(95)
Excercises: 1, 5, 7, 11, 15, 17, 23, 31, 33, 37, 39, 41, 43
Problems: 47(49), 51(53), 53(55), 61(63), 63(65), 65(67), 67(69), 71(73), 77(79)
H.D. Young, R.A. Freedman, University Physics With Modern Physics,
Addison Wesley, 2004.
Books for additional reading:
1. B. Crowell, The Light And Matter, download here http://www.lightandmatter.com/lm.pdf
2. D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 9th ed., John Wiley &
Sons, 2011.
3. Lương Duyên Bình (Ch󰺈 biên), V󰹎t lý d󰹂i cương t󰹎p 1: Cơ- Nhi󰹨t, NXB Giáo d󰺆c Viêt Nam,
4. J.-M. Brebec (Ch󰺈 biên), Cơ h󰹮c I, II, NXB Giáo d󰺆c, 2001. Sách dung cho sinh viên chương
trình K󰺚 sư ch󰹆t lư󰺄ng cao c󰺈a Pháp.
Excercises: 1, 7, 9, 17, 23, 25, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 57, 51, 55
Problems: 59(62), 67(71), 69(73), 71, 75(79), 77(81), 79, 85(89), 89(93), 91(95)
The Hydrogen Maser. You can use the radio waves generated by a hydrogen maser as a standard of frequency. The
frequency of these waves is 1,420,405,751.786 hertz. (A hertz is another name for one cycle per second.) A clock
controlled by a hydrogen maser is off by only 1 second in 100,000 years. For the following questions, use only three
significant figures. (The large number of significant figures given for the frequency simply illustrates the remarkable accu-
racy to which it has been measured). (a) What is the time for one cycle of the radio wave? (b) How many cycles occur in
1 h? (c) How many cycles would have occurred during the age of the earth, which is estimated to be 4.6x10
years? By
how many seconds would a hydrogen maser clock be off after a time interval equal to the age of the earth?
You are to program a robotic arm on an assembly line to move in the xy-plane. Its first displacement is A; its
second displacement is B, of magnitude 6.40 cm and direction 63.0
measured in the sense from the +x-axis
toward the -y-axis. The resultant C = A + B of the two displacements should also have a magnitude of 6.40 cm, but a
direction 22.0
measured in the sense from the +x-axis toward the +y-axis. (a) Draw the vector addition diagram for
these vectors, roughly to scale. (b) Find the components of A. (c) Find the magnitude and direction of A.
" " "
Figure 1.71b
we calculated agrees qualitatively with vector A
1.69(73). A spelunker is surveying a cave. She follows a passage 180 m straight west, then 210 m in a direction 45° east of
south, and then 280 m at 30° east of north. After a fourth unmeasured displacement she finds herself back where she
started. Use the method of components to determine the magnitude and direction of the fourth displacement. Draw the
vector addition diagram and show that it is in qualitative agreement with your numerical solution.
1.71. A cross-country skier skis 2.80 km in the direction 45
west of south, then 7.40 km in the direction 30.0
north of east,
and finally 3.30 km in the direction 22.0
south of west. (a) Show these displacement in a diagram. (b) How far
and in what direction is she from the starting point?
1.75(79). A ship leaves the island of Guam and sails 285 km at 40.0
north of west. In which direction must it now head
and how far must it sail so that its resultant displacement will be 115 km directly east of Guam?
1.77(81). Bones and Muscles. A patient in therapy has a forearm that weighs 20.5 N and that lifts a 112.0-N weight.
These two forces have direction vertically downward. The ouly other significant forces on his forearm come from
the biceps muscle (which acts perpendicularly to the forearm) and the force at the elbow. If the biceps produces a
pull of 232 N when the forearm is raised 43
above the horizontal, find the magnitude and direction of the force that the
elbow exerts on the forearm. (The sum of the elbow force and the biceps force must balance the weight of the arm and
the weight it is carrying, so their vector sum must be 132.5 N, upward.)
1.79. You can canoying on a lake. You start at your camp on the shore, travelling 240m in the direction 32.0
south of east
to reach a store to purchase supplies. You know the distance because you have located your both your camp and the
store in the lake map. On the re turn trip, you travel distance B in the direction 48.0
north of west, distance C in the
direction 62.0
south of west and then return to your camp. Use vector method to caculate C and B
1.85(89). Given two vectors A = -2.00i + 3.00j + 4.00k and B= 3.00i + 1.00j - 3.00k, do the following. (a) Find the magni-
tude of each vector. (b) Write an expression for the vector difference A - B, using unit vectors. (c) Find the magnitude
of the vector difference A - B. Is this the same as the magnitude of B - A?
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
1.91(95). You are given vectors A = 5.0i - 6.5j and B = -3.5i + 7.0j. A third vector C lies in the xy-plane. Vector C is perpendicular to
vector A, and the scalar product of C with B is 15.0. From this information, find the components of vector C.
" "
" " "
1.89(93). A cube is placed so that one corner is at the origin and three edges are along the x-, y-, and z-axes of a coordi-
nate system. Use vectors to compute: (a) the angle between the edge along the z-axis (line ab) and the diagonal from
the origin to the opposite corner (line ad), and (b) the angle between line ac (the diagonal of a face) and line ad.
Note: Numbers, given in brackets, stay for the 12-th edition, whiles the other numbers stay for the 11-th edition.
2.59. A world-class sprinter accelerates to his maximum speed in 4.0 s. He then maintains this speed for the remainder of
a 100m race, finishing with a total time of 9.1 s. (a) What is the runner's average acceleration during the first 4.0 s?
(b) What is his average acceleration during the last 5.1 s? (c) What is his average acceleration for the entire race? (d)
Explain why your answer to part (c) is not the average of the answers to parts (a) and (b).
Excercises: 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21, 31, 33, 37, 39, 43, 45, 57, 51, 53
Problems: 57, 59, 65, 67, 69, 73, 75, 79, 81, 83, 85, 89, 93
2.57. Dan gets on Interstate Highway I-80 at Seward,
Nebraska, and drives due west in a straight line and at
an average velocity of magnitude 88 km/h. After
travelling 76 km, he reaches the Aurora exit. Realizing he
has gone too far, he turns around and drives due east
34 km back to the York exit at an average
velocity of magnitude 72 km/h. For his whole trip
from Seward to the York exit, what are (a) his average
speed and (b) the magnitude of his average velocity?
2.65. A ball starts from rest and rolls down a hill with uniform acceleration, traveling 150 m during the second 5.0 s of its
motion. How far did it roll during the first 5.0 s of motion?
Large cockroaches can run as fast as 1.50 m/s in short bursts. Suppose you turn on the light in a cheap motel and
see one scurrying directly away from you at a constant 1.50 m/s. If you start 0.90 m behind the cockroach with
an initial speed of 0.80 m/s toward it, what minimum constant acceleration would you need to catch up with it
when it has traveled 1.20 m, just short of safety onder a counter?
2.69. An automobile and a truck start from rest at the same instant, with the automobile initially at some distance behind the
truck. The truck has a constant acceleration of 2.10 m/s
, and the automobile an acceleration of 3.40 m/s
. The automobile
overtakes the truck after the truck has moved 40.0 m. (a) How much time does it take the automobile to overtake the truck? (b)
How far was the automobile behind the truck initially? (c) What is the speed of each when they are abreast? (d) On a
single graph, sketch the position of each vehicle as a function of time. Take x = 0 at the initial location of the truck.
2.73. Passing. The driver of a car wishes to pass a truck that is traveling at a constant speed of 20.0 m/s (about 45 mi/h). Initially, the
car is also traveling at 20.0 m/s and its front bumper is 24.0 m behind the truck's rear bumper. The car accelerates at a constant
0.600 m/s
, then pulls back into the truck's lane when the rear of the car is 26.0 m ahead of the front of the truck. The car is 4.5 m
long and the truck is 21.0 m long. (a) How much time is required for the car to pass the truck? (b) What distance does the car
travel during this time? (c) What is the final speed of the car?
2.75. The acceleration of a particle is given by a
(t) = -2.0m/s
+ (3.00m/s
)t. (a) Find the initial velocity v
, such that the
particle will have the same x-coordinate at t = 4.00 s as it had at t = 0. (b) What will be the velocity at t = 4.00 s?
2.79. Visitors at an amusement park watch divers step off a platform 21.3 m (70 ft) above a pool of water. According to
the announcer, the divers enter the water at a speed of 56 mi/h (25 m/s). Air resistance may be ignored. (a) Is the
announcer correct in this claim? (b) Is it possible for a diver to leap directly upward off the board so that,
missing the board on the way down, she enters the water at 25.0 m/s? If so, what initial upward speed is required? Is
the required initial speed physically attainable?
2.81. A football is kicked vertically upward from the ground and a student gazing out of the window sees it moving
upward pass her at 5 m/s. The window is 12m above the ground. Ignore the air resistance. (a) Howhigh is the ball go
above ground? (b) How much time does it take to go from the ground to its highest point?
2.83. Look Out Below. Sam heaves a l6-lb shot straight upward, giving it a constant upward acceleration from rest of
45.0 m/s
for 64.0 cm. He releases it 2.20 m above the ground. You may ignore air resistance. (a) What is the speed
of the shot when Sam releases it? (b) How high above the ground does it go? (c) How much time does he have to get
out of its way before it returns to the height of the top of his head, 1.83 m above the ground?
2.85. Juggling Act. A juggler performs in a room whose ceiling is 3.0 m above the level of his hands. He throws a ball
upward so that it just reaches the ceiling. (a) What is the initial velocity of the ball? (b) What is the time required for
the ball to reach the ceiling? At the instant when the first ball is at the ceiling. the juggler throws a second ball upward
with two-thirds the initial velocity of the first: (c) How long after the second ball is thrown did the two balls pass each
other? (d) At what distance above the juggler's hand do they pass each other?
2.89. Falling Can. A painter is standing on scaffolding that is raised at constant speed. As he travels upward, he accident
ally nudges a paint can off the scaffolding and it falls 15.0 m to the ground. You are watching. and measure with your
stopwatch that it takes 3.25 s for the can to reach the ground. Ignore air resistance. (a) What is the speed of the can
just before it hits the ground? (b) Another painter is standing on a ledge, with his hands 4.00 m above the can when it
falls off. He has lightning-fast reflexes and if the can passes in front of him, he can catch it. Does he get the chance?
2.93. Two cars, A and B, travel in a straight line. The distance of A from the starting point is given as a function of
time by x
(t) = at + bt
, with a = 2.60 m/s and b = 1.20 m/s
. The distance of B from the starting point is x
(t) =
- dt
, with g = 2.80m/s
and d = 0.20m/s
. (a) Which car is ahead just after they leave the starting point?
(b) At what time(s) are the cars at the same point? (c) At what time(s) is the distance from A to B
neither increasing nor decreasing? (d) At what time(s) do A and B have the same acceleration?
What is the importance of this chapter in mechanics? What do you expect from studying this chapter?
What is the difference between traveled distance and displacement? Give examples where they have:
a) the same value b) different values.
Distinguish speed and velocity. What is the differences between average speed and average velocity?
Give examples where they have : a) the same value b) different values.
Can a velocity vector change its direction while the acceleration vector is of a constant value?
A ball is thrown upward from a point above the ground with an initial speed. Simultaneously, the second ball
is thrown downward from the point with the same initial speed. Air resistance can be neglected. Compare
speeds of the two balls when they hit they ground
a) Can a point mass have a zero velocity, while maintaining acceleration?
b) Can a point mass move on a line with constant velocity but with changing speed? Vice versa?
Excercises: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 19, 21, 23, 25, 33, 37, 41, 43
Problems: 45, 51, 53, 55, 57, 61, 63, 65, 69, 71, 73, 75, 79, 81, 85, 50, 77
3.45(B). A student is moving in a dark room try to find out a 20$ bill. The student's coordinate is given as a function of time by
x(t) = at and y(t) = 15.0m - bt
, where a = 1.20 m/s and b = 0.500 m/s
. Unknown to the student, the 20$ bill is at the origin. a) at
which time(s) the student's velocity is perpendicular to his acceleration? b) at which time(s) the student's speed instantaneously
not changing? c) At which time(s) the student's velocity is perpendicular to his position vector? What is location of the student at these
times? d) What is minimum distance from the student to the bill? At what time it occurs? e) Sketch the path of hapless student.
3.51(B). A jungle veterinarian with a blow-gun loaded with a tranquilizer dart and a sly 1.5 kg monkey are each 25 m above the ground in trees
90 m apart. Just as the hunter shoots horizontally at the monkey, the monkey drops from the tree in a vain attempt to escape being hit.
What must the minimum muzzle velocity of the dart have been for the hunter to hit the monkey before it reached the ground?
3.53. In fighting forest fires, airplanes work in support of ground crews by dropping water on the fires. A pilot is practicing by dropping
a canister of red dye, hoping to hit a target on the ground below. If the plane is flying in a horizontal path 90.0 m above the ground and
with a speed of 64.0 m/s (143 mi/h), at what horizontal distance from the target should the pilot release the canister? Ignore air
3.55. The Longest Home Run. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest home run ever measured was hit by
Roy "Dizzy" Carlyle in a minor league game. The ball traveled 188 m (618 ft) before landing on the ground outside the ballpark. (a)
Assuming the ball's initial velocity was 45° above the horizontal and ignoring air resistance, what did the initial speed of the ball need
to be to produce such a home run if the ball was hit at a point 0.9 m (3.0 ft) above ground level? Assume that the ground was
perfectly flat. (b) How far would the ball be above a fence 3.0 m (10 ft) high if the fence was 116 m (380 ft) from home plate?
3.57(B). Hallway Catch. You are playing catch with a friend in the hallway of your dormitory. The distance from floor to ceiling is
D, and you throw the ball with an initial speed v0 =(6gD)
. What is the maximum horizontal distance (in term of D) that
the ball can travel without bouncing? (Assume that the ball is launched from the floor).
3.61(E). (a) Prove that a projectile launched at angle a
has the same horizontal range as one launched with the same speed at angle (90
- a
(b) A frog jumps at a speed of 2.2 m/s and lands 25 cm from its starting point. At which angles above the horizontal could it have
3.65(E). A 5500-kg cart carrying a vertical rocket launcher moves to the right at a constant speed of 30.0 m/s along a horizontal track.
It launches a 45.0-kg rocket vertically upward with an initial speed of 40.0 m/s relative to the cart. (a) How high will the rocket
go? (b) Where, relative to the cart, will the rocket land? (c) How far does the cart move while the rocket is in the air? (d) At
what angle, relative to the horizontal, is the rocket traveling just as it leaves the cart, as measured by an observer at rest on the
ground? (e) Sketch the rocket's trajectory as seen by an observer (i) stationary on the cart and (ii) stationary on the ground.
3.69. Two tanks are engaged in a training exercise on level ground The first tank fires a paint-filled training round with a muzzle
speed of 250 m/s at 10.0
above the horizontal while advancing toward the second tank with a speed of 15.0 m/s relative to
the ground The second tank is retreating at 35.0 m/s relative to the ground, but is hit by the shell. You can ignore air resistance
and assume the shell hits at the same height above ground from which it was fired. Find the distance between the tanks (a)
when the round was first fired and (b) at the time of impact.
3.63(B). Leaping the River II. A physics professor did daredevil stunts in his spare
time. His last stunt was an attempt to jump across a river on a motorcycle (Fig.).
The takeoff ramp was inclined at 53.0
, the river was 40.0 m wide, and the far
bank was 15.0 m lower than the top of the ramp. The river itself was 100 m
below the ramp. You can ignore air resistance. (a) What should his speed have
been at the top of the ramp to have just made it to the edge of the far bank? (b) If
his speed was only half the value found in (a), where did he land?
3.71(O). Free Throw. A basket player is fouled and knocked to the floor during a layup attempt. The player is awarded two free
throws. The center of the basket is a horizontal distance of 4.21 m from the foul line and it is a height of 3.05 m above the
floor. On the first attempt he shoots the ball at an angel 35.0
above the horizontal and with the speed of v
= 4.88 m/s. The
ball is released 1.83 m above the floor. This shot missed badly. You can ignore air resistance. (a) What is the maximum height
reached by the ball? (b) At what distance along the floor from the free throw line does the ball land? (c) For the second throw,
the ball is thrown into the center of basket. For this second throw, the player again shoots the ball at 35.0
above the horizontal
and releases it 1.83 m above the floor. What initial speed does the player give the ball on this second attempt? (d) For the
second throw what is the maximum height reached by the ball? At this point, how far horizontally is the ball from the basket?
3.73(O). A rocket is initially at rest on the ground. When its engines fire, the rocket flies off in a straight line at an angle
above the horizontal with a constant acceleration of magnitude g. The engines stop at a time T after the launch, after
which the rocket is put in projectile motion. You can ignore air resistance and assume g is dependent of altitude. (a) Draw the
trajectory of the rocket from when its engines first fire until the rocket hits the ground. Indicate the direction of the velocity
and acceleration vectors at various points along the trajectory. (b) Sketch v
-t and v
-t graphs for the motion of the rocket from
when its engines first fire until the rocket hits the ground. (c) Find the maximum altitude reached by the rocket (in term of g
and T). (d) Find the horizontal distance from the launch point to where the rocket hits the ground (the range) in term of g and T.
3.75(O). A rock tied to a rope moves in the xy-plane. Its coordinates are given as functions of time by x(t) = Rcosωt and y(t) = Rsinωt, where R
and ω are constants. (a) Show that the rock's distance from the origin is constant and equal to R, that is, the path is a circle of radius R.
(b) Show that at every point the rock's velocity is perpendicular to its position vector. (c) Show that the rock's acceleration is always
opposite in direction to its position vector and has magnitude ω
R. (d) Show that the magnitude of the rock's velocity is constant
and equal to ωR. (e) Combine the results of parts (c) and (d) to show that the rock's acceleration has constant magnitude v
3.79(E). The carrier Pigeon Problem. Larry is driving east at 40 km/h. His twin brother Harry is driving west at 30 km/ h, toward
Larry in and identical car on the same direction straight road. When they are 42 km apart, Larry sends out a carrier pigeon,
which flies at a constant speed of 50 km/h (all speeds are relative to the earth). The pigeon flies to Harry, becomes confused
and immediately returns, becomes more confused and immediately flies back to Harry. This continues until the twin meet, at
which time the dazed pigeon drops to the ground in exhaution. Ignoring turnaround time, how far did the pigeon fly?
3.81(B). An airplane pilot sets a compass course due west and maintains an airspeed of 220 km/h. After flying for 0.500 h, she
finds herself over a town 120 km west and 20 km south of her starting point. (a) Find the wind velocity (magnitude and
direction). (b) If the wind velocity is 40 km/h due south, in what direction should the pilot set her course to travel due
west? Use the same airspeed of 220 km/h.
3.85. In a World Cup soccer match, Juan is running due north toward the goal with a speed of 8.00 m/s relative to the ground. A
teammate passes the ball to him. The ball has a speed of 12.0 m/s and is moving in a direction of 37.0
east of north, relative to
the ground. What are the magnitude and direction of the ball's velocity relative to Juan?
3.50. Spiraling Up. It is common to see birds of prey rising upward on thermals. The paths they take may be spiral-like. You can model
the spiral motion as uniform circular motion combined with a constant upward velocity. Assume a bird completes a circle of
radius 8.00 m every 5.00 s and rises vertically at a rate of 3.00 m/s. Determine: (a) the speed of the bird relative to the ground;
(b) the bird's acceleration (magnitude and direction); and (c) the angle between the bird's velocity vector and the horizontal.
3.77. Cycloid. A particle moves in the xy-plane. Its coordinates are given as functions of time by x(t) = R(wt - sinwt) and
y(t) = R(l - coswt), where R and w, are constants. (a) Sketch the trajectory of the particle. (This is the trajectory of a point
on the rim of a wheel that is rolling at a constant speed on a horizontal surface. The curve traced out by such a
point as it moves through space is called a cycloid). (b) Determine the velocity components and
the acceleration components of the particle at any time t. (c) At which times is the particle momentarily at
rest? What are the coordinates of the particle at these times? What are the magnitude and direction of the acceleration at these
times? (d) Does the magnitude of the acceleration depend on time? Compare to uniform circular motion.
1. Could it be to consider mot i o n of a projectile i n the a b s e nce of a ir resistan c e three-dimensi o n a l instead of a t w o -dimensional
2. In long jump sport, does it matter what height the sportsman can reach? What factors determine his jump length?
3. How could you determine the height of the hill you are standing up on, when there are only a watch and a stone in your
4. Quantitatively describe components of acceleration in a spiral motion with constant speed.
Excercises: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35, 37, 43, 45, 51, 53
Problems: 57, 59, 61, 63, 73, 75, 81, 83, 89, 93, 95, 109, 111, 113, 115
5.57. A man is pushing up a refrigerator up a ramp at constant speed. The ramp is inclined at an angel a above the
horizontal, but the man applies a horizontal force F. Caculate the magnitude of F in term of a and refrigerator mass
m. You can ignore friction on the refrigerator.
! !
5.59(64). Another Rope with Mass. A block with mass M is attached to the lower end of a vertical, uniform rope with mass m
and length L. A constant upward force F is applied to the top of the rope, causing the rope and block to accelerate
upward. Find the tension in the rope at a distance x from the top end of the rope, where x can have any value from 0 to L.
5.61(66). (a) Block A in Fig. weighs 60.0 N. The coefficient of static friction between the
block and the surface on which it rests is 0.25. The weight w is 12.0 N and the system
is in equilibrium. Find the friction force exerted on block A.
(b) Find the maximum weight w for which the system will remain in equilibrium.
5.63(68). A window washer pushes his scrub brush up a vertical window at
constant speed by applying a force F as shown in Fig. The brush weighs 12.0 N
and the coefficient of kinetic friction is m
= 0.150. Calculate (a) the magnitude
of the force F and (b) the normal force exerted by the window on the brush.
5.73(78). If the coefficient of static friction between a table and a uniform massive rope is m
, what fraction of the rope
can hang over the edge of the table without the rope sliding?
3.75(79). A 30.0-kg packing case is initially at rest on the floor of a l500-kg pickup truck. The coefficient of static friction between the
case and the truck floor is 0.30, and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.20. Before each acceleration given below, the truck
is traveling due north at constant speed. Find the magnitude and direction of the friction force acting on the case (a)
when the truck accelerates at 2.20 m/s
northward and (b) when it accelerates at 3.40 m/s
5.81(83). Block A in Fig. weighs 1.40 N, and block B weighs 4.20 N. The coefficient
of kinetic friction between all surfaces is 0.30. Find the magnitude of the horizontal
force F necessary to drag block B to the left at constant speed if A and B are
connected by a light, flexible cord passing around a fixed, frictionless pulley.
5.83(85). Block A in Fig. has a mass of 4.00 kg, and block B has mass 12.0 kg. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between block B and the horizontal surface is
0.25. (a) What is the mass of block C if block B is moving to the right and
speeding up with an acceleration 2.00 m/s
? (b) What is the tension in each
cord when block B has this acceleration?
5.89(92). Two blocks with masses 4.00 kg and 8.00 kg are connected by a string and
slide down a 30.0o inclined plane (Fig.). The coefficient of kinetic friction between the
4.00-kg block and the plane is 0.25; that between the 8.00-kg block and the plane
is 0.35. (a) Calculate the acceleration of each block.
(b) Calculate the tension in the string. (c) What happens if the positions of the blocks
are reversed, so the 4.00-kg block is above the 8.00-kg block?
5.93. Two blocks, with mass m
and m
, are stacked one on top of the other and placed on a frictionless horizontal surface.
There is friction between the two blocks. An external force of magnitude F is applied to the top block at angel a below
horizontal. a) If the two blocks move together, find acceleration. b) Show that the two blocks will move together only if
1 2
Solving the inequality for F gives the desired result.
1 1 2
2 1 2
( )
cos ( ) sin
m m m
m m m
α µ α
5.95(96). Banked Curve II. Consider a wet roadway banked as in Example 5.23 (Section 5.4), where there is a coefficient of
static friction of 0.30 and a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.25 between the tires and the roadway. The radius of the
carve is R = 50 m. (a) If the banking angle is b = 25
, what is the maximum speed the automobile can have before sliding
up the banking? (b) What is the minimum speed the automobile can have before sliding down the banking?
5.109. Merry-Go-Round. One December identical twins Jena and Jackie are playing on a large merry-go-round (a disk
mounted parallel to the ground, on a vertical axle through its center) in their school playground in northem Minnesota.
Each twin has mass 30.0 kg. The icy coating on the merry-go-round surface makes it frictionless. The merry-go-round
revolves at a constant rate as the twins ride on it. Jena, sitting 1.80 m from the center of the merry-go-round, must hold
on to one of the metal posts attached to the merry-go-round with a horizontal force of 60.0 N to keep from sliding off.
Jackie is sitting at the edge, 3.60 m from the center. (a) With what horizontal force must Jackie hold on to keep from
falling off? (b) If Jackie falls off, what will be her horizontal velocity when she becomes air borne?
5.111. On the ride "Spindletop" at the amusement park Six Flags Over Texas, people stood against the inner wall of a
hollow vertical cylinder with radius 2.5 m. The cylinder started to rotate, and when it reached a constant rotation rate
of 0.60 rev/s, the floor on which people were standing dropped about 0.5 m. The people remained pinned against
the wall. (a) Draw a force diagram for a person on this ride, after the floor has dropped. (b) What minimum
coefficient of static friction is required if the person on the ride is not to slide downward to the new position of the
floor? (c) Does your answer in part (b) depend on the mass of the passenger? (Note: When the ride is over, the
cylinder is slowly brought to rest. As it slows down, people slide down the walls to the floor.)
5.113. Ulterior Motives. You are driving a classic 1954 Nash Ambassador with a friend who is sitting to your right on the
passenger side of the front seat. The Ambassador has flat bench seats. You would like to be closer to your friend
and decide to use physics to achieve your romantic goal by making a quick turn. (a) Which way (to the left or to the
right) should you turn the car to get your friend to slide closer to you? (b) If the coefficient of static friction
between your friend and the car seat is 0.35, and you keep driving at a constant speed of 20 m/s, what is the
maximum radius you could make your turn and still have your friend slide your way?
5.115. A small bead can slide without friction on a circular hoop that is in a vertical
plane and has a radius of 0.100 m. The hoop rotates at a constant rate of 4.00 rev/s
about a vertical diameter (Fig.). (a) Find the angle b at which the bead is in vertical
equilibrium. (Of course, it has a radial acceleration toward the axis.)
(b) Is it possible for the bead to ''ride'' at the same elevation as the center of the hoop?
(c) What will happen if the hoop rotates at 1.00 rev/s?
1. Give examples of inertial and non-inertial frames of reference. Where the Newtons second law can be applied?
2. How does weight of a body depends on the latitude of its location?
3. Walking on a slippery surface, which way is better: taking small steps or large steps?
4. C e nt r i fu g a l an d c ent r ipe t al f o r ce s h a ve t h e sa m e mag n i tu d e , bu t opp o s it e d i re c t io n s . Do t h ey c o m pe n s at e e ach o t he r ?
5. What are the natures of forces: weight, friction, elastic, tension, centrifugal, centripetal and normal?
Excercises: 5, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35, 39, 43, 45, 47, 49, 53,57
Problems: 59, 65, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 81, 83, 91, 95, 97, 99, 101, 105
8.59. The net force acting on a 2.00-kg discus while it is being thrown is αt
.i+(β+gt).j, where α = 25.0 N/s
, β = 30.0 N and
γ = 5.0 N/s. If the discus was originally at rest, what is its velocity after the net force has acted for 0.500 s? Express your
answer in terms of the unit vectors i and j.
8.65(70). A railroad handcar is moving along straight, frictionless tracks with negligible air resistance. In the following cases,
the car initially has a total mass (car and contents) of 200 kg and is traveling east with a velocity of magnitude 5.00 m/s.
Find the final velocity of the car in each case, assuming that the handcar does not leave the tracks. (a) A 25.0-kg mass is
thrown sideways out of the car with a velocity of magnitude 2.00 m/s relative to the car's initial velocity. (b) A 25.0-kg mass is
thrown backward out of the car with a velocity of 5.00 m/s relative to the initial motion of the car. (c) A 25.0-kg mass is
thrown into the car with a velocity of 6.00 m/s relative to the ground and opposite in direction to the initial velocity of the car.
! !
8.69(74). A 0.150-kg frame, when suspended from a coil spring, stretches the spring 0.050 m. A
0.200-kg lump of putty is dropped from rest onto the frame from a height of 30.0 cm (Fig.).
Find the maximum distance the frame moves downward from its initial position. the spring to
find the force constant k of the spring. Let s be the amount the spring is stretched.
8.71(76). A Ricocheting Bullet. 0.100-kg stone rests on a frictionless, horizontal surface. A bullet of mass 6.00 g, traveling
horizontally at 350 m/s, strikes the stone and rebounds horizontally at right angles to its original direction with a speed of 250
m/s. (a) Compute the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the stone after it is struck. (b) Is the collision perfectly elastic?
8.(73)78. Two identical masses are released from rest in a smooth hemispherical bowl of radius
R, from the positions shown in Fig. You can ignore friction between the masses and the
surface of the bowl. If they stick together when they collide, how high above the bottom of
the bowl will the masses go after colliding?
8.75(80). A 20.00-kg lead sphere is hanging from a hook by a thin wire 3.50 m long, and is free to swing in a complete
circle. Suddenly it is struck horizontally by a 5.00-kg steel dart that embeds itself in the lead sphere. What must be the
minimum initial speed of the dart so that the combination makes a complete circular loop after the collision?
8.77(83). A 4.00-g bullet, traveling horizontally with a velocity of magnitude 400 m/s, is fired into a wooden block with
mass 0.800 kg, initially at rest on a level surface. The bullet passes through the block and emerges with its speed
reduced to 120 m/s. The block slides a distance of 45.0 cm along the surface from its initial position. (a) What is the
coefficient of kinetic friction between block and surface? (b) What is the decrease in kinetic energy of the bulllet? (c)
What is the kinetic energy of the block at the instant after the bullet passes through it?
8.81(87). In a shipping company distribution center, an open cart of mass 50.0 kg is
rolling to the left at a speed of 5.00 m/s (Fig.). You can ignore friction between the
cart and the floor. A 15.0-kg package slides down a chute that is inclined at 37°
from the horizontal and leaves the end of the chute with a speed of 3.00 m/s. The
package lands in the cart and they roll off together. If the lower end of the chute is
a vertical distance of 4.00 m above the bottom of the cart, what are (a) the speed of
the package just before it lands in the cart and (b) the final speed of the cart?
8.83(89). Two asteroids with masses m
and m
are moving with velocities v
and v
with respect to an astronomer in a
space vehicle. (a) Show that the total kinetic energy as measured by the astronomer is
with v
and M defined as in Section 8.5, v'
= v
- v
and v'
= v
- v
. In this expression the total kinetic energy of
the two asteroids is the energy associated with their center of mass plus the energy associated with the internal motion
relative to the center of mass. (b) If the asteroids collide, what is the minimum possible kinetic energy they can have
after the collision, as measured by the astronomer? Explain.
! !
! ! ! ! !
2 2 2
1 1
2 2
Mv m v m v
= + +
8.91(97). Hockey puck B rests on a smooth ice surface and is struck by a second puck A, which has the same mass. Puck A is
initially traveling at 15.0 m/s and is deflected 25.0
from its initial direction. Assume that the collision is perfectly
elastic. Find the final speed of each puck and the direction of B's velocity after the collision. [Hint: Use the relationship
derived in part (d) of Problem 8.96.]
8.95(101). You are standing on a concrete slab that in turn is resting on a frozen lake. Assume there is no friction
between the slab and the ice. The slab has a weight five times your weight. If you begin walking forward at 2.00
m/s relative to the ice, with what speed, relative to the ice, does the slab move?
8.97(103). A fireworks rocket is fired vertically upward. At its maximum height of 80.0 m, it explodes and breaks into two
pieces, one with mass 1.40 kg and the other with mass 0.28 kg. In the explosion, 860 J of chemical energy is converted
to kinetic energy of the two fragments. (a) What is the speed of each fragment just after the explosion? (b) It is observed
that the two fragments hit the ground at the same time. What is the distance between the points on the ground where
they land? Assume that the ground is level and air resistance can be ignored.
8.99(105). A Nuclear Reaction. Fission, the process that supplies energy
in nuclear power plants, occurs when a heavy nucleus is split into
two medium-sized nuclei. One such reaction occurs when a neutron
colliding with a 235U (uranium) nucleus splits that nucleus into a
Ba (barium) nucleus and a
Kr (krypton) nucleus. In this reaction,
two neutrons also are split off from the original
U. Before the
collision, the arrangement is as shown in Fig.a. After the collision, the
Ba nucleus is moving in the +z-direction and the
Kr nucleus
in the -z-direction. The three neutrons are moving in the xy-plane, as
shown in Fig.b. If the incoming neutron has an initial velocity of
magnitude 3.0x10
m/s and a final velocity of magnitude 2.0x10
m/s in the directions shown, what are the speeds of the other two
neutruns, and what can you say about the speeds of the
Ba and
Kr nuclei? (The mass of the
Ba nucleus is approximately
kg, and the mass of
Kr is about 1.5x10
8.101(107). The coefficient of restitution P for a head-on collision is defined as the ratio of the relative speed after the
collision to the relative speed before. (a) What is P for a completely inelastic collision? (b) What is P for an elastic
collision? (c) A ball is dropped from a height h onto a stationary surface and rebounds back to a height H1. Show that
P = H1/h (d) A properly inflated basketball should have a coefficient of restitution of 0.85. When dropped from a
height of 1.2 m above a solid wood floor, to what height should a properly inflated basketball bounce? (e) The height of
the first bounce is H1. If P is constant, show that the height of the n-th bounce is H
= P
h. (f) If P is constant, what is
the height of the eighth bounce of a properly inflated basketball dropped from 1.2 m?
8.105(111). A Multistage Rocket. Suppose the first stage of a two-stage rocket has total mass 12,000 kg, of which 9000 kg
is fuel. The total mass of the second stage is 1000 kg, of which 700 kg is fuel. Assume that the relative speed v
ejected material is constant, and ignore any effect of gravity. (The effect of gravity is small during the firing period if
the rate of fuel consumption is large). (a) Suppose the entire fuel supply carried by the two-stage rocket is utilized in a
single-stage rocket with the same total mass of 13,000 kg. In terms of v
, what is the speed of the rocket, starting from
rest, when its fuel is exhausted? (b) For the two-stage rocket, what is the speed when the fuel of the first stage is
exhausted if the first stage carries the second stage with it to this point? This speed then becomes the initial speed of the
second stage. At this point, the second stage separates from the first stage. (c) What is the final speed of the second
stage? (d) What value of v
is required to give the second stage of the rocket a speed of 7.00 km/s?
Excercises: 1, 5, 7, 13, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 47, 49, 53
Problems: 57
, 63
, 65
, 69, 73, 77, 83, 85, 89, 91, 93, 97, 98, 99
6.57(57). A luggage handler pulls a 20.0-kg suitcase up a ramp inclined at 25.0 ° above the horizontal by a force F of magnitude 140 N
that acts parallel to the ramp. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the ramp and the incline is m
= 0.300. If the
suitcase travels 3.80 m along the ramp, calculate (a) the work done on the suitcase by the force F; (b) the work done on
the suitcase by the gravitational force; (c) the work done on the suitcase by the normal force; (d) the work done on the
suitcase by the friction force; (e) the total work done on the suitcase. (f) If the speed of the suitcase is zero at the bottom
of the ramp, what is its speed after it has traveled 3.80 m along the ramp?
6.63(62). A 5.00-kg package slides 1.50 m down a long ramp that is inclined at 12.0° below the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic
friction between the package and the ramp is
= 0.310. Calculate (a) the work done on the package by friction; (b) the work done
on the package by gravity; (c) the work done on the package by the normal force; (d) the total work done on the pack age. (e) If
the package has a speed of 2.20 m/s at the top of the ramp, what is its speed after sliding 1.50 m down the ramp ?
6.63. Find how far down the ramp the package slides before it stop using the work-energy theorem.
6.65(66). The gravitational pull of the earth on an object is inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the ob-
ject from the center of the earth. At the earth's surface this force is equal to the object's normal weight mg, where g
= 9.8 m/s
, and at large distances, the force is zero. If a 20,000-kg asteroid falls to earth from a very great distance away,
what will be its minimum speed as it strikes the earth's surface, and how much kinetic energy will it impart to our planet?
You can ignore the effects of the earth's atmosphere.
6.69. A small block with a mass of 0.120 kg is attached to a cord passing through a hole in a
frictionless, horizontal surface (Fig.). The block is originally revolving at a distance of
0.40 m from the hole with a speed of 0.70 m/s. The cord is then pulled from below,
shortening the radius of the circle in which the block revolves to 0.10 m. At this new
distance, the speed of the block is observed to be 2.80 m/s. (a) What is the tension in the
cord in the original situation when the block has speed v = 0.70 m/s? (b) What is the
tension in the cord in the final situation when the block has speed v = 2.80 m/s? (c) How
much work was done by the person who pulled on the cord?
6.73. You and your bicycle have combined mass 80.0 kg. When you
reach the base of a bridge, you are traveling along the road at 5.00 m/s
(Fig.). At the top of the bridge, you have climbed a vertical distance
of 5.20 m and have slowed to 1.50 m/s. You can ignore work done
by friction and any inefficiency in the bike or your legs. (a) What
is the total work done on you and your bicycle when you go from
the base to the top of the bridge? (b) How much work have you
done with the force you apply to the pedals?
6.77. A 2.50-kg textbook is forced against a horizontal spring of negligible mass and force constant 250 N/m, compressing the spring
a distance of 0.250 m. When released, the textbook slides on a horizontal tabletop with coefficient of kinetic friction m
= 0.30. Use
the work-energy theorem to find how far the textbook moves from its initial position before coming to rest.
6.83. Consider the system shown in Fig. The rope and pulley have negligible mass,
and the pulley is frictionless. Initially the 6.00-kg block is moving downward and the
8.00-kg block is moving to the right, both with a speed of 0.900 m/s. The blocks
come to rest after moving 2.00 m. Use the work-energy theorem to calculate
the coefficient of kinetic friction between the 8.00-kg block and the tabletop.
On an essentially frictionless, horizontal ice rink, a skater moving at 3.0 m/s encounters a rough patch that reduces her
speed by 45% due to a friction force that is 25% of her weight. Use the work-energy theorem to find the length of this
rough patch.
6.89. A physics student spends part of her day walking between classes or for recreation, during which time she expends
energy at an average rate of 280 W. The remainder of the day she is sitting in class, studying, or resting; during these
activities, she expends energy at an average rate of 100 W. If she expends a total of 1.1x10
J of energy in a 24-hour
day, how much of the day did she spend walking?
6.91. The Grand Coulee Dam is 1270 m long and 170 m high. The electrical power ou1pot from generators at its base is
approximately 2000 MW. How many cubic meters of water must flow from the top of the dam per second to
produce this amount of power if 92% of the work done on the water by gravity is converted to electrical energy?
(Each cubic meter of water has a mass of 1000 kg.)
6.93. Power of the Human Heart. The human heart is a powerful and extremely reliable pump. Each day it takes in and dis-
charges about 7500 l of blood. Assume that the work done by the heart is equal to the work required to lift this amount of blood a
height equal to that of the average American woman (1.63 m). The density (mass per unit volume) of blood is 1.05x10
. (a) How much work does the heart do in a day? (b) What is the heart's power output in watts?
6.97. Cycling. For a touring bicyclist the drag coefficient C (f
= 1/2.CArv
) is 1.00, the frontal area A is 0.463 m
, and the
coefficient of rolling friction is 0.0045. The rider has mass 50.0 kg, and her bike has mass 12.0 kg. (a) To
maintain a speed of 12.0m/s (about 27 mi/h) on a level road, what must the rider's power output to the rear wheel be?
(b) For racing, the same rider oses a different bike with coefficient of rolling friction 0.0030 and mass 9.00 kg. She also
crouches down, reducing her drag coefficient to 0.88 and reducing her frontal area to 0.366 m
. What must her
power output to the rear wheel be then to maintain a speed of 12.0 m/s? (c) For the situation in part (b), what power
output is required to maintain a speed of 6.0 m/s? Note the great drop in power requirement when the speed is only
halved. (For more on aerodynamic speed limitations for a wide variety of human-powered vehicles, see "The Aerody-
namics of Human-Powered Land Vehicles," Scientific American, December 1983.)
6.98. Automotive Power I. A truck engine transmits 28.0 kW (37.5 hp) to the driving wheels when the truck is traveling at a
constant velocity of magnitude 60.0km/h (37.3 mi/h) on a level road. (a) What is the resisting force acting on the truck?
(b) Assume that 65% of the resisting force is due to rolling friction and the remainder is due to air resistance. If the force
of rolling friction is independent of speed, and the force of air resistance is proportional to the square of the speed, what
power will drive the truck at 30.0 km/h? At 120.0 km/h? Give your answers in kilowatts and in horsepower.
6.99. Automotive Power II. (a) If 8.00 hp are required to drive a 1800-kg automobile at 60.0 km/h on a level road, what is
the total retarding force due to friction, air resistance, and so on? (b) What power is necessary to drive the car at 60.0
km/h up a 10.00/0 grade (a hill rising 10.0 m vertically in 100.0 m horizontally)? (c) What power is necessary to drive
the car at 60.0 km/h down a 1.00% grade? (d) Down what percent grade wonld the car coast at 60.0 km/h?
Excercises: 3, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 35, 37
Problems: 43, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 73, 75, 79, 81, 83
A block with mass 0.50 kg is forced against a horizontal
spring of negligible mass, compressing the spring a distance of
0.20 m (Fig.) . When released, the block moves on a hori-
zontal tabletop for 1.00 m before coming to rest. The spring
constant k is 100 N/m. What is the coefficient of kinetic
friction m
between the block and the tabletop?
7.47. A 2.0-kg piece of wood slides on the surface shown in Fig. The curved sides are
perfectly smooth, but the rough horizontal bottom is 30 m long and has a kinetic
friction coefficient of 0.20 with the wood. The piece of wood starts from rest 4.0 m
above the rough bottom. (a) Where will this wood eventually come to rest? (b) For the
motion from the initial release until the piece of wood comes to rest. what is the total
amount of work done by friction?
7.49. A 15.0-kg stone slides down a snow-covered hill (Fig.), leaving point A with a speed of 10.0
m/s. There is no friction on the hill between points A and B, but there is friction on the level
ground at the bottom of the hill, between B and the wall. After entering the rough
horizontal region, the stone travels 100 m and then runs into a very long, light spring with
force constant 2.00 N/m. The coefficients of kinetic and static friction between the
stone and the hoizontal ground are 0.20 and 0.80, respectively. (a) What is the speed of the
stone when it reaches point B? (b) How far will the stone compress the spring? (c) Will
the stone move again after it has been stopped by the spring?
7.51. Bungee Jump. A bungee cord is 30.0 m long and, when stretched a distance x, it exerts a restoring force of magnitude
kx. Your father-in-law (mass 95.0 kg) stands on a platform 45.0 m above the ground, and one end of the cord is tied
securely to his ankle and the other end to the platform. You have promised him that when he steps off the platform he
will fall a maximum distance of only 41.0 m before the cord stops him. You had several bungee cords to select from, and you
tested them by stretching them out, tying one end to a tree, and pulling on the other end with a force of 380.0 N. When
you do this, what distance will the bungee cord that you should select have stretched?
The Great Sandini is a 60-kg circus performer who is shot from a cannon (actually a spring gun). You don't find
many men of his caliber, so you help him design a new gun. This new gun has a very large spring with a very small
mass and a force constant of 1100 N/m that he will compress with a force of 4400 N. The inside of the gun barrel is
coated with Teflon, so the average friction force will be only 40 N during the 4.0 m he moves in the barrel. At
what speed will he emerge from the end of the barrel, 2.5 m above his initial rest position?
7.55. A system of two paint buckets connected by a lightweight rope is released from rest with the
l2.0-kg bucket 2.00 m above the floor (Fig.). Use the principle of conservation of energy to
find the speed with which this bucket strikes the floor. You can ignore friction and the mass of
the pulley.
7.59. A 0.l00-kg potato is tied to a string with length 2.50 m, and the other end of the string is tied to a rigid support. The
potato is held straight out horizontally from the point of support, with the string pulled taut, and is then released. (a)
What is the speed of the potato at the lowest point of its motion? (b) What is the tension in the string at this point?
7.61. Down the Pole. A fireman of mass m slides a distance d down a pole. He starts from rest. He moves as fast at the bottom as if
he had stepped off a platform a distance h £ d sbove the ground and descended with negligible air resistance. (a) What
average friction force did the fireman exert on the pole? Does your answer make sense in the special cases of h = d and
h = 0? (b) Find a numerical value for the average friction force a 75-kg fireman exerts, for d = 2.5 m and h = 1.0 m. (c)
In terms of g, h and d, what is the speed of the fireman when he is a distance y above the bottom of the po1e?
A skier starts at the top of a very large, frictionless snowball, with a very small
initial speed, and skis straight down the side (Fig.). At what point does she
lose contact with the snowball and fly off at a tangent? That is, at the instant
she loses contact with the snowball, what angle a does a radial line from the
center of the snowball to the skier make with the vertical?
7.65. In a truck-loading station at a post office. a small 0.200-kg pack-
age is re1eased from rest at point A on a track that is one-quar-
ter of a circle with radius 1.60 m (Fig.). The size of the package is
muchlessthan 1.60 m, so the package can be treated as a particle.
It slides down the track and reaches point B with a speed of 4.80
m/s. From point B, it slides on a level surface a distance of 3.00 m
to point C, where it comes to rest (a) What is the coefficient of kinetic
friction on the horizontal surface? (b) How much work is done on the
package by friction as it slides down the circular arc from A to B?
A certain spring is found notto obey Hooke's law; it exerts a restoring force F
(x) = -ax - bx
if it is stretched or
compressed, where a = 60.0 N/m and b = 18.0 N/m
. The mass of the spring is negligib1e. (a) Calculate the potential-energy
function U(x) for this spring. Let U = 0 when x = 0. (b) An object with mass 0.900 kg on a frictionless. horizontal
surface is attached to this spring, pulled a distance 1.00 m to thenght (the +x-direction) to stretch the spring, and
released. What is the speed of the object when it is 0.50m to the right of the x = 0 equilibrium position?
7.73. A wooden block with mass 1.50 kg is placed against a compressed spring at the bottom of an incline of slope 30.0
(point A). When the spring is released, it projects the block up the incline. At point B, a distance of 6.00 m up the
incline from A, the block is moving up the incline at 7.00 m/s and is no longer in contact with the spring. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the incline is m
= 0.50. The mass of the spring is negligible.
Calculate the amount of potential energy that was initially stored in the spring.
75. A 0.500-kg block, attached to a spring with length 0.60 m and
force constant 40.0 N/m, is at rest with the back of the block at
point A on a frictionless, horizontal air table (Fig.). The mass of
the spring is negligible. You move the block to the right along
the surface by pulling with a constant 20.0-N horizontal force. (a)
What is the block's speed when the back of the block reaches point
B, which is 0.25 m to the right of point A? (b) When the back of
the block reaches point B, you let go of the block. In the subsequent
motion, how close does the block get to the wall where the left end
of the spring is attached?
7.79. A hydroelectric dam holds back a lake of surface area 3.0x10
that has vertical sides below the water level. The
water level in the lake is 150 m above the base of the dam. When the water passes through turbines at the base of the dam, its
mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy with 90% efficiency. (a) If gravitational potential energy is taken to
be zero at the base of the dam, how much energy is stored in the top meter of the water in the lake? The density of water is 1000
. (b) What volume of water must pass through the dam to produce 1000 kilowatt-hours of electrical energy? What
distance does the level of water in the lake fall when this much water passes through the dam?
How much total energy is stored in the lake in Problem 7.79? As in that problem, take the gravitational potential
energy to be zero at the base of the dam. Express your answer in joules and in kilowatt-hours. (Hint: Break the lake
up into infinitesimal horizontal layers of thickness dy, and integrate to find the total potential energy.)
7.83. A cutting tool under microprocessor control has several forces acting on it. One force is F = -axy
j, a force in the
negative y-direction whose magnitude depends on the position of the tool. The constant is a = 2.50 N/m
Consider the displacement of the tool from the origin to the point x = 3.00 m, y = 3.00 m. (a) Calculate the work done
on the tool by F if this displacement is along the straight line y = x that connects these two points. (b) Calculate
the work done on the tool by F if the tool is first moved out along the x-axis to the point x = 3.00 m, y = 0 and then
moved parallel to the y-axis to the point x = 3.00 m, y = 3.00 m. (c) Compare the work done by F along these two paths.
Is F conservative or nonconservative? Explain.
Excercises: 1, 3, 5, 13, 17, 21, 23, 27, 29
Problems: 47, 53, 57, 59, 63, 65, 71, 73, 75, 77
12.47(50). A uniform sphere with mass 60.0 kg is held with its center at the origin, and a second uniform sphere with
mass 80.0 kg is held with its center at the point x = 0, y = 3.00 m. (a) What are the magnitude and direction of
the net gravitational force due to these objects on a third uniform sphere with mass 0.500 kg placed at the point x
= 4.00 m, y = 0? (b) Where, other than infinitely far away, could the third sphere be placed such that the net
gravitational force acting on it from the other two spheres is equal to zero?
( 80.0 60.0) (3.00 m) 60.0y+ = and 1.39 my =
Thus the sphere would have to be placed at the point 0,
x = 1.39 my =
EVALUATE: For the forces to have the same magnitude the third sphere must be closer to the sphere that has smaller
7.53(55). Geosynchronous Satellites. Many satellites are moving in a circle in the earth's equatorial plane. They are at
such a height above the earth's surface that they always remain above the same point. (a) Find the altitude of these
satellites above the earth's surface. (Such an orbit is said to be geosynchronous.) (b) Explain, with a sketch, why
the radio signals from these satellites cannot directly reach receivers on earth that are north of 81.3° N latitude.
12.57(59). (a) Suppose you are at the earth's equator and observe a satellite passing directly overhead and moving from west to
east in the sky. Exactly 12.0 hours later, you again observe this satellite to be directly overhead. How far above the
earth's surface is the satellite's orbit? (b) You observe another satellite directly overhead and traveling east to west.
This satellite is again ovethead in 12.0 hours. How far is this satellite's orbit above the surface of the earth?
12.59(61). There are two equations from which a change in the gravitational potential energy U of the system of a mass m and the
earth can be calculated. One is U = mgy (Eq. 7.2). The other is U = - Gm
m/r (Eq. 12.9). As shown in Section 12.3,
the first equation is correct only if the gravitational force is a constant over the change in height Dy. The second
is always correct. Actually, the gravitational force is never exactly constant over any change in height, but if the
variation is small, we can ignore it. Consider the difference in U between a mass at the earth's surface and a
distance h ahove it using both equations, and find the value of h for which Eq. (7.2) is in error by 1%. Express
this value of h as a fraction of the earth's radius, and also obtain a numerical value for it.
12.63(65). An unmanned spacecraft is in a circular orbit around the moon, observing the lunar surface from an altitude of
50.0 km (see Appendix F). To the dismay of scientists on earth, an electrical fault causes an on-board thruster to
fire, decreasing the speed of the spacecraft by 20.0 m/s. If nothing is done to correct its orbit, with what speed (in
km/h) will the spacecraft crash into the lunar surface?
12.65(67). Falling Hammer. A hammer with mass m is dropped from rest from a height h above the earth's surface. This height is
not necessarily small compared with the radius R
of the earth. If you ignore air resistance, derive an expression for the speed
v of the hammer when it reaches the surface of the earth. Your expression should involve h, R
and m
, the mass of the earth.
12.71(73). Binary Star-Equal Masses. Two identical stars with mass M orbit around their center of mass. Each orbit is
circular and has radius R, so that the two stars are always on opposite sides of the circle. (a) Find the gravitational
force of one star on the other. (b) Find the orbital speed of each star and the period of the orbit. (c) How much
energy would be required to separate the two stars to infinity?
12.75(77). Consider a spacecraft in an elliptical orbit around the earth. At the low point, or perigee, of its orbit, it is 400 km
above the earth's surface; at the high point, or apogee, it is 4000 km above the earth's surface. (a) What is the period
of the spacecraft's orbit? (b) Using conservation of angular momentum, find the ratio of the spacecraft's speed at
perigee to its speed at apogee. (c) Using conservation of energy, find the speed at perigee and the speed at apogee.
(d) It is necessary to have the spacecraft escape from the earth completely. If the spacecraft's rockets are fired at
perigee, by how much would the speed have to be increased to achieve this? What if the rockets were fired at
apogee? Which point in the orbit is more efficient to use?
12.73(75). Comets travel around the sun in elliptical orbits with large eccentricities. If a comet has speed 2.0x10
when at a distance of 2.5x10
m from the center of the sun, what is its speed when at a distance of 5.0x10
12.77(79). A 3000-kg spacecraft is in a circular orbit 2000 km above the surface of Mars. How much work must the
spacecraft engines perform to move the spacecraft to a circular orbit that is 4000 km above the surface?
1 . W e i g h t i s a c o m b i n a t i o n o f a l l f o r c e s e x e r t e d o n t h e b o d y , o n e o f t h o s e a n d a l s o t h e m a j o r
c o n t r i b u t o r i s a t t r a c t i o n f r o m t h e E a r t h . A t m i d d a y , t h e S u n i s r i g h t a b o v e y o u r h e a d , t h e n i t s
attraction is opposite to Earths. In contrast, at midnight, the Earth is in between the Sun
and you, attractions from the Sun and the Earth amplify each other. One may come to
a conclusion that your weight at midnight is greater than at midday. Is that statement
correct? Explain your answer. Rotation of the Earth about its axis can be neglected.
2. How weight of a body changes when it’s moved along a path connecting centers of
the Earth and the Moon.
3. Attraction on the Earth from the Sun is 175 times greater than from the Moon.
Explain why the Moon causes a higher tide?
4. On popular TV shows, in journals, ads, and other media aids, astronauts in space
stations are always shown as if they felt no attraction from the Earth at all. Does
gravitation disappear in these conditions?
Excercises: 5, 7, 11, 13, 19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 35, 37, 41, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 59
Problems: 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 81, 83, 85, 87, 91, 97, 100
9.63(10.55). Speedometer. Your car's speedometer converts the angular speed of the wheels to the linear speed of the car,
assoming standard-size tires and no slipping on the pavement. (a) If your car's standard tires are 24 inches in diameter,
at what rate (in rpm) are your wheels rotating when you are driving at a freeway speed of 60 mi/h? (b) Suppose you put
oversize, 30-inch-diameter tires on your car. How fast are you really going when your speedometer reads 60 mi/h? (c)
If you now put on undersize, 20-inch-diameter tires, what will the speedometer read when you are actually traveling at 50 mi/h?
9.65(66). A roller in a printing press turns through an angle q(t) given by q(t) = gt
- bt
, where g = 3.20 rad/s
and b = 0.500 rad/
. (a) Calculate the angular velocity of the roller as a function of time. (b) Calculate the angular acceleration of the
roller as a function of time. (c) What is the maximum positive angular velocity, and at what value of t does it occur?
9.67(68). When a toy car is rapidly scooted across the floor, it stores energy in a flywheel. The car has mass 0.180 kg, and its
flywheel has moment of inertia 4.00x10
. The car is 15.0 cm long. An advertisement claims that the car can
travel at a scale speed of up to 700 km/h (440 mi/h). The scale speed is the speed of the toy car multiplied by the ratio of
the length of an actual car to the length of the toy. Assume a length of 3.0 m for a real car. (a) For a scale speed of 700
km/h, what is the actual translational speed of the car? (b) If all the kinetic energy that is initially in the flywheel is
converted to the translational kinetic energy of the toy, how much energy is originally stored in the flywheel? (c) What
initial angular velocity of the flywheel was needed to store the amount of energy calculated in part (b)?
9.71. A vacuum cleaner belt is looped over a shaft of radius 0.45 cm and a wheel of radius 2.00 cm. The arrangement of the
belt, shaft, and wheel is similar to that of the chain and sprockets. The motor turns the shaft at 60.0 rev/s and the
moving belt turns the wheel, which in turn is connected by another shaft to the roller that beats the dirt out of the rug
being vacuumed. Assume that the belt doesn't slip on either the shaft or the wheel. (a) What is the speed of a point on
the belt? (b) What is the angular velocity of the wheel, in rad/s?
9.73. A wheel changes its angular velocity with a constant angular acceleration while rotating about a fixed axis through its
center (a) Show that the change in the magnitude of the radial acceleration during any time interval of a point on the
wheel is twice the product of the angular acceleration, the angular dispIacement, and the perpendicular distance of the point
from the axis. (b) The radial acceleration of a point on the wheel that is 0.250 m from the axis changes from 25.0 m/s
to 85.0
as the wheel rotates through 15.0 rad. Calculate the tangential acceleration of this point. (c) Show that the change in
the wheel's kinetic energy during any time interval is the product of the moment of inertia about the axis, the
angular acceleration, and the angular displacement. (d) During the 15.0-rad angular displacement of part (b), the kinetic
energy of the wheel increases from 20.0 J to 45.0 J. What is the moment of inertia of the wheel about the rotation axis?
9.81. A metal sign for a car dealership is a thin, uniform right triangle with base length b and height h. The sign has mass M. (a)
What is the moment of inertia of the sign for rotation about the side of length h? (b) If M = 5.40 kg, b = 1.60 m, and h = 1.20 m,
what is the kinetic energy of the sign when it is rotating about an axis along the 1.20-m side at 2.00 rev/s?
9.83. A meter stick with a mass of 0.160 kg is pivoted about one end so it can rotate without friction about a horizontal axis. The
meter stick is held in a horizontal position and released. As it swings through the vertical, calculate (a) the change in
gravitational potential energy that has occurred; (b) the angular speed of the stick; (c) the linear speed of the end of the stick
opposite the axis. (d) Compare the answer in part (c) to the speed of a particle that has fallen 1.00 m, starting from rest.
9.85. The pulley in Fig. has radius R and a moment of inertia I. The rope does
not slip over the pulley, and the pulley spins on a frictiouless axle. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between block A and the tabletop is mk. The system
is released from rest, and block B descends. Block A has mass mA and block
B has mass mB. Use energy methods to calculate the speed of block B as a
function of the distance d that it has descended.and B and the pulley.
9.87. You hang a thin hoop with radius R over a nail at the rim of the hoop. You displace it to the side (within the plane of
the hoop) through an angle b from its equilibrium position and let it go. What is its angular speed when it returns to its
equilibrium position? [Hint: Use Eq. (9.18).]
9.91. In the system shown in Fig., a l2.0-kg mass is released from rest and
falls, causing the uniform 10.0-kg cylinder of diameter 30.0 cm to
turn about a frictiouless axle through its center. How far will the
mass have to descend to give the cylinder 250 J of kinetic energy?
*9.97. A cylinder with radius R and mass M has density that increases linearly with distance r from the cylinder axis, r = ar,
where a is a positive constant. (a) Calculate the moment of inertia of the cylinder about a longitudinal axis through
its center in terms of M and R. (b) Is your answer greater or smaller than the moment of inertia of a cylinder of the
same mass and radius but of uniform density? Explain why this result makes qualitative sense.
9.100. Calculate the moment of inertia of a uniform solid cone about an axis
through its center. The cone has mass M and altitude h. The radius of its
circular base is R.
| 1/25

Preview text:

Excercises: 1, 7, 9, 17, 23, 25, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 57, 51, 55
Problems: 59(62), 67(71), 69(73), 71, 75(79), 77(81), 79, 85(89), 89(93), 91(95)
Excercises: 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21, 31, 33, 37, 39, 43, 45, 57, 51, 53
Problems: 57(57), 59(59), 65(65), 67(67), 69(69), 73(73), 75(75), 79(79), 81(81), 83(83), 85(85), 89(89), 93(93)
2.81. A football is kicked vertically upward from the ground and a student gazing out of the window sees it moving
upward pass her at 5 m/s. The window is 12m above the ground. Ignore the air resistance. (a) How high is the
ball go above ground? (b) How much time does it take to go from the ground to its highest point?
Excercises: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 19, 21, 23, 25, 33, 37, 41, 43
Problems: 45, 51(51), 53(53), 55(55), 57, 61(61), 63(63), 65(65), 69(69), 71, 73, 75(75), 79, 81(81), 85(85), 50(50), 77(77).
3.45(B). A student is moving in a dark room try to find out a 20$ bill. The student's coordinate is given as a function of
time by x(t) = at and y(t) = 15.0m - bt2, where a = 1.20 m/s and b = 0.500 m/s2. Unknown to the student, the 20$
bill is at the origin. a) at which time(s) the student's velocity is perpendicular to his acceleration? b) at which
time(s) the student's speed instantaneously not changing? c) At which time(s) the student's velocity is
perpendicular to his position vector? What is location of the student at these times? d) What is minimum distance
from the student to the bill? At what time it occurs? e) Sketch the path of hapless student.
3.57(B). Hallway Catch. You are playing catch with a friend in the hallway of your domitory. The distance from floor
to ceiling is D, and you throw the ball with an initial speed v0 = (6gD)1/2.What is the maximum horizontal distance
(in term of D) that the ball can travel without bouncing? (Assume that the ball is launched from the floor).
3.71(O). Free Throw. A basket player is fouled and knocked to the floor during a layup attempt. The player is awarded two
free throws. The center of the basket is a horizontal distance of 4.21 m from the foul line and it is a height of 3.05 m
above the floor. On the first attempt he shoots the ball at an angel 35.0o above the horizontal and with the speed of
v0 = 4.88 m/s. The ball is released 1.83 m above the floor. This shot missed badly. You can ignore air resistance.
(a) What is the maximum height reached by the ball? (b) At what distance along the floor from the free throw line
does the ball land? (c) For the second throw, the ball is thrown into the center of basket. For this second throw, the
player again shoots the ball at 35.0o above the horizontal and releases it 1.83 m above the floor. What initial speed
does the player give the ball on this second attempt? (d) For the second throw what is the maximum height
reached by the ball? At this point, how far horizontally is the ball from the basket?
3.73(O). A rocket is initially at rest on the ground. When its engines fire, the rocket flies off in a straight line at an angle 53.1o
above the horizontal with a constant acceleration of magnitude g. The engines stop at a time T after the launch,
after which the rocket is put in projectile motion. You can ignore air resistance and assume g is dependent of
altitude. (a) Draw the trajectory of the rocket from when its engines first fire until the rocket hits the ground.
Indicate the direction of the velocity and acceleration vectors at various points along the trajectory. (b) Sketch v -t x
and v -t graphs for the motion of the rocket from when its engines first fire until the rocket hits the ground. (c) y
Find the maximum altitude reached by the rocket (in term of g and T). (d) Find the horizontal distance from the
launch point to where the rocket hits the ground (the range) in term of g and T.
3.79(E). The carrier Pigeon Problem. Larry is driving east at 40 km/h. His twin brother Harry is driving west at 30
km/ h, toward Larry in and identical car on the same direction straight road. When they are 42 km apart, Larry
sends out a carrier pigeon, which flies at a constant speed of 50 km/h (all speeds are relative to the earth). The
pigeon flies to Harry, becomes confused and immediately returns, becomes more confused and immediately flies
back to Harry. This continues until the twin meet, at which time the dazed pigeon drops to the ground in
exhaution. Ignoring turnaround time, how far did the pigeon fly?
Note: All exercises have to be done orally. All problems have to be done writtenly. If you use your printed textbook (11-
th edition) do the numbers outside brackets. If you use electronic version (12-th edition) do the numbers inside
brackets. There are some numbers in the 11-th edition are omitted in the 12-th edition, here they are typed explicitly.
Excercises: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35, 37, 43, 45, 51, 53
Problems: 57, 59(64), 61(66), 63(68), 73(78), 75(79), 81(83), 83(85), 89(92), 93, 95(96), 109(109),
111(111), 113(113), 115(115)
5.57. A man is pushing up a refrigerator up a ramp at constant speed. The ramp is inclined at an angel ! a above the !
horizontal, but the man applies a horizontal force F. Caculate the magnitude of F in term of a and refrigerator
mass m. You can ignore friction on the refrigerator.
5.93. Two blocks, with mass m1 and m2, are stacked one on top of the other and placed on a frictionless horizontal surface. There
is friction between the two blocks. An external force of magnitude F is applied to the top block at angel a below
horizontal. a) If the two blocks move together, find acceleration. b) Show that the two blocks will move together only if
µ m ( m + m ) s 1 1 2 F m cos α µ − ( m m + ) sinα 2 s 1 2
Excercises: 5, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35, 39, 43, 45, 47, 49, 53,57
Problems: 65(70), 69(74), 71(76), 73(78), 75(80), 77(83), 81(87), 83(89), 91(97), 95(101), 97(103),
99(105), 101(107), 105(111)
Excercises: 1, 5, 7, 13, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 47, 49, 53
Problems: 57(57), 63(62), 65(66), 69(69), 73(73), 77(77), 83(83), 85(85), 89(89), 91(91), 93(93), 97(97), 98(98), 99(99)
Excercises: 3, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 35, 37
Problems: 43(43), 47(47), 49(49), 51(51), 53(53), 55(55), 59(59), 61(61), 63(63), 65(65), 67(67),
73(73), 75(75), 79(79), 81(80), 83(83)
Excercises: 1, 3, 5, 13, 17, 21, 23, 27, 29
Problems: 47(50), 53(55), 57(59), 59(61), 63(65), 65(67), 71(73), 73(75), 75(77), 77(79)
Excercises: 5, 7, 11, 13, 19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 35, 37, 41, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 59
Problems: 63(10.55), 65(66), 67(68), 71(71), 73(73), 81(81), 83(83), 85(85), 87(87), 91(91), 97(97), 100(100)
Excercises: 1, 3, 5, 11, 13, 19, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35, 37, 39, 43, 45, 49
Problems: 54(54), 57(58), 61(62), 63(64), 65(66), 67(68), 69(69), 75(76), 79(80), 85(85), 87(87), 89(89), 93(93), 97(97)
Excercises: 1, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 23, 25, 27, 29, 33, 35, 39, 41, 43, 49, 51, 55
Problems: 59(65), 61(66), 65(68), 69(75), 71(77), 73(79), 75(81), 85(88), 89(92), 91(94), 93(95)
Excercises: 1, 5, 7, 11, 15, 17, 23, 31, 33, 37, 39, 41, 43
Problems: 47(49), 51(53), 53(55), 61(63), 63(65), 65(67), 67(69), 71(73), 77(79) Textbook:
H.D. Young, R.A. Freedman, “University Physics With Modern Physics”, Addison Wesley, 2004.
Books for additional reading:
1. B. Crowell, “The Light And Matter”, download here http://www.lightandmatter.com/lm.pdf
2. D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker, “Fundamentals of Physics”, 9th ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
3. Lương Duyên Bình (Ch biên), “V t lý d i cương” t p 1: Cơ- Nhi t, NXB Giáo d c Viêt Nam, 2010.
Excercises: 1, 7, 9, 17, 23, 25, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 57, 51, 55
Problems: 59(62), 67(71), 69(73), 71, 75(79), 77(81), 79, 85(89), 89(93), 91(95)
1.59(62). The Hydrogen Maser. You can use the radio waves generated by a hydrogen maser as a standard of frequency. The
frequency of these waves is 1,420,405,751.786 hertz. (A hertz is another name for one cycle per second.) A clock
controlled by a hydrogen maser is off by only 1 second in 100,000 years. For the following questions, use only three
significant figures. (The large number of significant figures given for the frequency simply illustrates the remarkable accu-
racy to which it has been measured). (a) What is the time for one cycle of the radio wave? (b) How many cycles occur in
1 h? (c) How many cycles would have occurred during the age of the earth, which is estimated to be 4.6x109 years? By
how many seconds would a hydrogen maser clock be off after a time interval equal to the age of the earth? "
1.67(71). You are to program a robotic arm on an assembly line to move in the xy-plane. Its first displacement is A; its "
second displacement is B, of magnitude 6.40 cm and direction 63.0o measured in the sense from the +x-axis " " " "
toward the -y-axis. The resultant C = A + B of the two displacements should also have a magnitude of 6.40 cm, but a
direction 22.0o measured in the sense from the +x-axis toward the +y-axis. (a) Draw the vector addition diagram for "
these vectors, roughly to scale. (b) Find the components of A. (c) Find the magnitude and direction of A.
1.69(73). A spelunker is surveying a cave. She follows a passage 180 m straight west, then 210 m in a direction 45° east of
south, and then 280 m at 30° east of north. After a fourth unmeasured displacement she finds herself back where she
started. Use the method of components to determine the magnitude and direction of the fourth displacement. Draw the
vector addition diagram and show that it is in qualitative agreement with your numerical solution.
1.71. A cross-country skier skis 2.80 km in the direction 45o west of south, then 7.40 km in the direction 30.0o north of east,
and finally 3.30 km in the direction 22.0o south of west. (a) Show these displacement in a diagram. (b) How far
and in what direction is she from the starting point?
1.75(79). A ship leaves the island of Guam and sails 285 km at 40.0o north of west. In which direction must it now head
and how far must it sail so that its resultant displacement will be 115 km directly east of Guam?
1.77(81). Bones and Muscles. A patient in therapy has a forearm that weighs 20.5 N and that lifts a 112.0-N weight.
These two forces have direction vertically downward. The ouly other significant forces on his forearm come from
the biceps muscle (which acts perpendicularly to the forearm) and the force at the elbow. If the biceps produces a
pull of 232 N when the forearm is raised 43o above the horizontal, find the magnitude and direction of the force that the
elbow exerts on the forearm. (The sum of the elbow force and the biceps force must balance the weight of the arm and
the weight it is carrying, so their vector sum must be 132.5 N, upward.)
1.79. You can canoying on a lake. You start at your camp on the shore, travelling 240m in the direction 32.0o south of east
to reach a store to purchase supplies. You know the distance because you have located your both your camp and the
store in the lake map. On the re turn trip, you travel distance B in the direction 48.0o north of west, distance C in the
direction 62.0o south of west and then return to your camp. Use vector method to caculate C and B. " " " " " " " "
1.85(89). Given two vectors A = -2.00i + 3.00j + 4.00k and B= 3.00i + 1.00j - 3.00k, do the following. (a) Find the magni- " "
tude of each vector. (b) Write an expression for the vector difference A - B, using unit vectors. (c) Find the magnitude " " " "
of the vector difference A - B. Is this the same as the magnitude of B - A?
1.89(93). A cube is placed so that one corner is at the origin and three edges are along the x-, y-, and z-axes of a coordi-
nate system. Use vectors to compute: (a) the angle between the edge along the z-axis (line ab) and the diagonal from
the origin to the opposite corner (line ad), and (b) the angle between line ac (the diagonal of a face) and line ad. " " " " " " " "
1.91(95). You are given vectors A = 5.0i - 6.5j and B = -3.5i + 7.0j. A third vector C lies in the xy-plane. Vector C is perpendicular to " " " "
vector A, and the scalar product of C with B is 15.0. From this information, find the components of vector C.
Note: Numbers, given in brackets, stay for the 12-th edition, whiles the other numbers stay for the 11-th edition. Figure 1.71b
" we calculated agrees qualitatively with vector A
Excercises: 3, 7, 9, 13, 15, 19, 21, 31, 33, 37, 39, 43, 45, 57, 51, 53
Problems: 57, 59, 65, 67, 69, 73, 75, 79, 81, 83, 85, 89, 93
2.57. Dan gets on Interstate Highway I-80 at Seward,
Nebraska, and drives due west in a straight line and at
an average velocity of magnitude 88 km/h. After
travelling 76 km, he reaches the Aurora exit. Realizing he
has gone too far, he turns around and drives due east
34 km back to the York exit at an average
velocity of magnitude 72 km/h. For his whole trip
from Seward to the York exit, what are (a) his average
speed and (b) the magnitude of his average velocity?
2.59. A world-class sprinter accelerates to his maximum speed in 4.0 s. He then maintains this speed for the remainder of
a 100m race, finishing with a total time of 9.1 s. (a) What is the runner's average acceleration during the first 4.0 s?
(b) What is his average acceleration during the last 5.1 s? (c) What is his average acceleration for the entire race? (d)
Explain why your answer to part (c) is not the average of the answers to parts (a) and (b).
2.65. A ball starts from rest and rolls down a hill with uniform acceleration, traveling 150 m during the second 5.0 s of its
motion. How far did it roll during the first 5.0 s of motion?
2.67. Large cockroaches can run as fast as 1.50 m/s in short bursts. Suppose you turn on the light in a cheap motel and
see one scurrying directly away from you at a constant 1.50 m/s. If you start 0.90 m behind the cockroach with
an initial speed of 0.80 m/s toward it, what minimum constant acceleration would you need to catch up with it
when it has traveled 1.20 m, just short of safety onder a counter?
2.69. An automobile and a truck start from rest at the same instant, with the automobile initially at some distance behind the
truck. The truck has a constant acceleration of 2.10 m/s2, and the automobile an acceleration of 3.40 m/s2. The automobile
overtakes the truck after the truck has moved 40.0 m. (a) How much time does it take the automobile to overtake the truck? (b)
How far was the automobile behind the truck initially? (c) What is the speed of each when they are abreast? (d) On a
single graph, sketch the position of each vehicle as a function of time. Take x = 0 at the initial location of the truck.
2.73. Passing. The driver of a car wishes to pass a truck that is traveling at a constant speed of 20.0 m/s (about 45 mi/h). Initially, the
car is also traveling at 20.0 m/s and its front bumper is 24.0 m behind the truck's rear bumper. The car accelerates at a constant
0.600 m/s2, then pulls back into the truck's lane when the rear of the car is 26.0 m ahead of the front of the truck. The car is 4.5 m
long and the truck is 21.0 m long. (a) How much time is required for the car to pass the truck? (b) What distance does the car
travel during this time? (c) What is the final speed of the car?
2.75. The acceleration of a particle is given by ax(t) = -2.0m/s2 + (3.00m/s3)t. (a) Find the initial velocity v0x, such that the
particle will have the same x-coordinate at t = 4.00 s as it had at t = 0. (b) What will be the velocity at t = 4.00 s?
2.79. Visitors at an amusement park watch divers step off a platform 21.3 m (70 ft) above a pool of water. According to
the announcer, the divers enter the water at a speed of 56 mi/h (25 m/s). Air resistance may be ignored. (a) Is the
announcer correct in this claim? (b) Is it possible for a diver to leap directly upward off the board so that,
missing the board on the way down, she enters the water at 25.0 m/s? If so, what initial upward speed is required? Is
the required initial speed physically attainable?
2.81. A football is kicked vertically upward from the ground and a student gazing out of the window sees it moving
upward pass her at 5 m/s. The window is 12m above the ground. Ignore the air resistance. (a) Howhigh is the ball go
above ground? (b) How much time does it take to go from the ground to its highest point?
2.83. Look Out Below. Sam heaves a l6-lb shot straight upward, giving it a constant upward acceleration from rest of
45.0 m/s2 for 64.0 cm. He releases it 2.20 m above the ground. You may ignore air resistance. (a) What is the speed
of the shot when Sam releases it? (b) How high above the ground does it go? (c) How much time does he have to get
out of its way before it returns to the height of the top of his head, 1.83 m above the ground?
2.85. Juggling Act. A juggler performs in a room whose ceiling is 3.0 m above the level of his hands. He throws a ball
upward so that it just reaches the ceiling. (a) What is the initial velocity of the ball? (b) What is the time required for
the ball to reach the ceiling? At the instant when the first ball is at the ceiling. the juggler throws a second ball upward
with two-thirds the initial velocity of the first: (c) How long after the second ball is thrown did the two balls pass each
other? (d) At what distance above the juggler's hand do they pass each other?
2.89. Falling Can. A painter is standing on scaffolding that is raised at constant speed. As he travels upward, he accident
ally nudges a paint can off the scaffolding and it falls 15.0 m to the ground. You are watching. and measure with your
stopwatch that it takes 3.25 s for the can to reach the ground. Ignore air resistance. (a) What is the speed of the can
just before it hits the ground? (b) Another painter is standing on a ledge, with his hands 4.00 m above the can when it
falls off. He has lightning-fast reflexes and if the can passes in front of him, he can catch it. Does he get the chance?
2.93. Two cars, A and B, travel in a straight line. The distance of A from the starting point is given as a function of
time by x (t) = at + bt2, with a = 2.60 m/s and b = 1.20 m/s2. The distance of B from the starting point is x (t) = A B
gt2 - dt3, with g = 2.80m/s2 and d = 0.20m/s3. (a) Which car is ahead just after they leave the starting point?
(b) At what time(s) are the cars at the same point? (c) At what time(s) is the distance from A to B
neither increasing nor decreasing? (d) At what time(s) do A and B have the same acceleration? Questions:
1. What is the importance of this chapter in mechanics? What do you expect from studying this chapter?
2. What is the difference between traveled distance and displacement? Give examples where they have:
a) the same value b) different values.
3. Distinguish speed and velocity. What is the differences between average speed and average velocity?
Give examples where they have : a) the same value b) different values.
4. Can a velocity vector change its direction while the acceleration vector is of a constant value?
5. A ball is thrown upward from a point above the ground with an initial speed. Simultaneously, the second ball
is thrown downward from the point with the same initial speed. Air resistance can be neglected. Compare
speeds of the two balls when they hit they ground
6. a) Can a point mass have a zero velocity, while maintaining acceleration?
b) Can a point mass move on a line with constant velocity but with changing speed? Vice versa?
Excercises: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 19, 21, 23, 25, 33, 37, 41, 43
Problems: 45, 51, 53, 55, 57, 61, 63, 65, 69, 71, 73, 75, 79, 81, 85, 50, 77
3.45(B). A student is moving in a dark room try to find out a 20$ bill. The student's coordinate is given as a function of time by
x(t) = at and y(t) = 15.0m - bt2, where a = 1.20 m/s and b = 0.500 m/s2. Unknown to the student, the 20$ bill is at the origin. a) at
which time(s) the student's velocity is perpendicular to his acceleration? b) at which time(s) the student's speed instantaneously
not changing? c) At which time(s) the student's velocity is perpendicular to his position vector? What is location of the student at these
times? d) What is minimum distance from the student to the bill? At what time it occurs? e) Sketch the path of hapless student.
3.51(B). A jungle veterinarian with a blow-gun loaded with a tranquilizer dart and a sly 1.5 kg monkey are each 25 m above the ground in trees
90 m apart. Just as the hunter shoots horizontally at the monkey, the monkey drops from the tree in a vain attempt to escape being hit.
What must the minimum muzzle velocity of the dart have been for the hunter to hit the monkey before it reached the ground?
3.53. In fighting forest fires, airplanes work in support of ground crews by dropping water on the fires. A pilot is practicing by dropping
a canister of red dye, hoping to hit a target on the ground below. If the plane is flying in a horizontal path 90.0 m above the ground and
with a speed of 64.0 m/s (143 mi/h), at what horizontal distance from the target should the pilot release the canister? Ignore air resistance.
3.55. The Longest Home Run. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest home run ever measured was hit by
Roy "Dizzy" Carlyle in a minor league game. The ball traveled 188 m (618 ft) before landing on the ground outside the ballpark. (a)
Assuming the ball's initial velocity was 45° above the horizontal and ignoring air resistance, what did the initial speed of the ball need
to be to produce such a home run if the ball was hit at a point 0.9 m (3.0 ft) above ground level? Assume that the ground was
perfectly flat. (b) How far would the ball be above a fence 3.0 m (10 ft) high if the fence was 116 m (380 ft) from home plate?
3.57(B). Hallway Catch. You are playing catch with a friend in the hallway of your dormitory. The distance from floor to ceiling is
D, and you throw the ball with an initial speed v0 =(6gD)1/2. What is the maximum horizontal distance (in term of D) that
the ball can travel without bouncing? (Assume that the ball is launched from the floor).
3.61(E). (a) Prove that a projectile launched at angle a0 has the same horizontal range as one launched with the same speed at angle (90o- a0).
(b) A frog jumps at a speed of 2.2 m/s and lands 25 cm from its starting point. At which angles above the horizontal could it have jumped?
3.63(B). Leaping the River II. A physics professor did daredevil stunts in his spare
time. His last stunt was an attempt to jump across a river on a motorcycle (Fig.).
The takeoff ramp was inclined at 53.0o, the river was 40.0 m wide, and the far
bank was 15.0 m lower than the top of the ramp. The river itself was 100 m
below the ramp. You can ignore air resistance. (a) What should his speed have
been at the top of the ramp to have just made it to the edge of the far bank? (b) If
his speed was only half the value found in (a), where did he land?
3.65(E). A 5500-kg cart carrying a vertical rocket launcher moves to the right at a constant speed of 30.0 m/s along a horizontal track.
It launches a 45.0-kg rocket vertically upward with an initial speed of 40.0 m/s relative to the cart. (a) How high will the rocket
go? (b) Where, relative to the cart, will the rocket land? (c) How far does the cart move while the rocket is in the air? (d) At
what angle, relative to the horizontal, is the rocket traveling just as it leaves the cart, as measured by an observer at rest on the
ground? (e) Sketch the rocket's trajectory as seen by an observer (i) stationary on the cart and (ii) stationary on the ground.
3.69. Two tanks are engaged in a training exercise on level ground The first tank fires a paint-filled training round with a muzzle
speed of 250 m/s at 10.0o above the horizontal while advancing toward the second tank with a speed of 15.0 m/s relative to
the ground The second tank is retreating at 35.0 m/s relative to the ground, but is hit by the shell. You can ignore air resistance
and assume the shell hits at the same height above ground from which it was fired. Find the distance between the tanks (a)
when the round was first fired and (b) at the time of impact.
3.71(O). Free Throw. A basket player is fouled and knocked to the floor during a layup attempt. The player is awarded two free
throws. The center of the basket is a horizontal distance of 4.21 m from the foul line and it is a height of 3.05 m above the
floor. On the first attempt he shoots the ball at an angel 35.0o above the horizontal and with the speed of v = 4.88 m/s. The 0
ball is released 1.83 m above the floor. This shot missed badly. You can ignore air resistance. (a) What is the maximum height
reached by the ball? (b) At what distance along the floor from the free throw line does the ball land? (c) For the second throw,
the ball is thrown into the center of basket. For this second throw, the player again shoots the ball at 35.0o above the horizontal
and releases it 1.83 m above the floor. What initial speed does the player give the ball on this second attempt? (d) For the
second throw what is the maximum height reached by the ball? At this point, how far horizontally is the ball from the basket?
3.73(O). A rocket is initially at rest on the ground. When its engines fire, the rocket flies off in a straight line at an angle
53.1o above the horizontal with a constant acceleration of magnitude g. The engines stop at a time T after the launch, after
which the rocket is put in projectile motion. You can ignore air resistance and assume g is dependent of altitude. (a) Draw the
trajectory of the rocket from when its engines first fire until the rocket hits the ground. Indicate the direction of the velocity
and acceleration vectors at various points along the trajectory. (b) Sketch v -t and v -t graphs for the motion of the rocket from x y
when its engines first fire until the rocket hits the ground. (c) Find the maximum altitude reached by the rocket (in term of g
and T). (d) Find the horizontal distance from the launch point to where the rocket hits the ground (the range) in term of g and T.
3.75(O). A rock tied to a rope moves in the xy-plane. Its coordinates are given as functions of time by x(t) = Rcosωt and y(t) = Rsinωt, where R
and ω are constants. (a) Show that the rock's distance from the origin is constant and equal to R, that is, the path is a circle of radius R.
(b) Show that at every point the rock's velocity is perpendicular to its position vector. (c) Show that the rock's acceleration is always
opposite in direction to its position vector and has magnitude ω2R. (d) Show that the magnitude of the rock's velocity is constant
and equal to ωR. (e) Combine the results of parts (c) and (d) to show that the rock's acceleration has constant magnitude v2/R.
3.79(E). The carrier Pigeon Problem. Larry is driving east at 40 km/h. His twin brother Harry is driving west at 30 km/ h, toward
Larry in and identical car on the same direction straight road. When they are 42 km apart, Larry sends out a carrier pigeon,
which flies at a constant speed of 50 km/h (all speeds are relative to the earth). The pigeon flies to Harry, becomes confused
and immediately returns, becomes more confused and immediately flies back to Harry. This continues until the twin meet, at
which time the dazed pigeon drops to the ground in exhaution. Ignoring turnaround time, how far did the pigeon fly?
3.81(B). An airplane pilot sets a compass course due west and maintains an airspeed of 220 km/h. After flying for 0.500 h, she
finds herself over a town 120 km west and 20 km south of her starting point. (a) Find the wind velocity (magnitude and
direction). (b) If the wind velocity is 40 km/h due south, in what direction should the pilot set her course to travel due
west? Use the same airspeed of 220 km/h.
3.85. In a World Cup soccer match, Juan is running due north toward the goal with a speed of 8.00 m/s relative to the ground. A
teammate passes the ball to him. The ball has a speed of 12.0 m/s and is moving in a direction of 37.0o east of north, relative to
the ground. What are the magnitude and direction of the ball's velocity relative to Juan?
3.50. Spiraling Up. It is common to see birds of prey rising upward on thermals. The paths they take may be spiral-like. You can model
the spiral motion as uniform circular motion combined with a constant upward velocity. Assume a bird completes a circle of
radius 8.00 m every 5.00 s and rises vertically at a rate of 3.00 m/s. Determine: (a) the speed of the bird relative to the ground;
(b) the bird's acceleration (magnitude and direction); and (c) the angle between the bird's velocity vector and the horizontal.
3.77. Cycloid. A particle moves in the xy-plane. Its coordinates are given as functions of time by x(t) = R(wt - sinwt) and
y(t) = R(l - coswt), where R and w, are constants. (a) Sketch the trajectory of the particle. (This is the trajectory of a point
on the rim of a wheel that is rolling at a constant speed on a horizontal surface. The curve traced out by such a
point as it moves through space is called a cycloid). (b) Determine the velocity components and
the acceleration components of the particle at any time t. (c) At which times is the particle momentarily at
rest? What are the coordinates of the particle at these times? What are the magnitude and direction of the acceleration at these
times? (d) Does the magnitude of the acceleration depend on time? Compare to uniform circular motion. Question:
1. Could it be to consider motion of a projectile in the absence of air resistance three-dimensional instead of a two-dimensional motion?
2. In long jump sport, does it matter what height the sportsman can reach? What factors determine his jump length?
3. How could you determine the height of the hill you are standing up on, when there are only a watch and a stone in your arrangement?
4. Quantitatively describe components of acceleration in a spiral motion with constant speed.
Excercises: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35, 37, 43, 45, 51, 53
Problems: 57, 59, 61, 63, 73, 75, 81, 83, 89, 93, 95, 109, 111, 113, 115
5.57. A man is pushing up a refrigerator up a ramp at constant speed. The ramp is inclined at an angel a above the ! !
horizontal, but the man applies a horizontal force F. Caculate the magnitude of F in term of a and refrigerator mass
m. You can ignore friction on the refrigerator.
5.59(64). Another Rope with Mass. A block with mass M is attached to the lower end of a vertical, uniform rope with mass m !
and length L. A constant upward force F is applied to the top of the rope, causing the rope and block to accelerate
upward. Find the tension in the rope at a distance x from the top end of the rope, where x can have any value from 0 to L.
5.61(66). (a) Block A in Fig. weighs 60.0 N. The coefficient of static friction between the
block and the surface on which it rests is 0.25. The weight w is 12.0 N and the system
is in equilibrium. Find the friction force exerted on block A.
(b) Find the maximum weight w for which the system will remain in equilibrium.
5.63(68). A window washer pushes his
! scrub brush up a vertical window at
constant speed by applying a force F as shown in Fig. The brush weighs 12.0 N and the coefficient !
of kinetic friction is mk = 0.150. Calculate (a) the magnitude
of the force F and (b) the normal force exerted by the window on the brush.
5.73(78). If the coefficient of static friction between a table and a uniform massive rope is m , what fraction of the rope s
can hang over the edge of the table without the rope sliding?
3.75(79). A 30.0-kg packing case is initially at rest on the floor of a l500-kg pickup truck. The coefficient of static friction between the
case and the truck floor is 0.30, and the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.20. Before each acceleration given below, the truck
is traveling due north at constant speed. Find the magnitude and direction of the friction force acting on the case (a)
when the truck accelerates at 2.20 m/s2 northward and (b) when it accelerates at 3.40 m/s2 southward.
5.81(83). Block A in Fig. weighs 1.40 N, and block B weighs 4.20 N. The coefficient
of kinetic friction between all surfaces is 0.30. Find the magnitude of the horizontal !
force F necessary to drag block B to the left at constant speed if A and B are
connected by a light, flexible cord passing around a fixed, frictionless pulley.
5.83(85). Block A in Fig. has a mass of 4.00 kg, and block B has mass 12.0 kg. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between block B and the horizontal surface is
0.25. (a) What is the mass of block C if block B is moving to the right and
speeding up with an acceleration 2.00 m/s2? (b) What is the tension in each
cord when block B has this acceleration?
5.89(92). Two blocks with masses 4.00 kg and 8.00 kg are connected by a string and
slide down a 30.0o inclined plane (Fig.). The coefficient of kinetic friction between the
4.00-kg block and the plane is 0.25; that between the 8.00-kg block and the plane
is 0.35. (a) Calculate the acceleration of each block.
(b) Calculate the tension in the string. (c) What happens if the positions of the blocks
are reversed, so the 4.00-kg block is above the 8.00-kg block?
5.93. Two blocks, with mass m1 and m2, are stacked one on top of the other and placed on a frictionless horizontal surface.
There is friction between the two blocks. An external force of magnitude F is applied to the top block at angel a below
horizontal. a) If the two blocks move together, find acceleration. b) Show that the two blocks will move together only if
µ m ( m + m ) s 1 1 2 F m cos α µ − ( m m + ) sin α 2 s 1 2
5.95(96). Banked Curve II. Consider a wet roadway banked as in Example 5.23 (Section 5.4), where there is a coefficient of
static friction of 0.30 and a coefficient of kinetic friction of 0.25 between the tires and the roadway. The radius of the
carve is R = 50 m. (a) If the banking angle is b = 25o, what is the maximum speed the automobile can have before sliding
up the banking? (b) What is the minimum speed the automobile can have before sliding down the banking?
5.109. Merry-Go-Round. One December identical twins Jena and Jackie are playing on a large merry-go-round (a disk
mounted parallel to the ground, on a vertical axle through its center) in their school playground in northem Minnesota.
Each twin has mass 30.0 kg. The icy coating on the merry-go-round surface makes it frictionless. The merry-go-round
revolves at a constant rate as the twins ride on it. Jena, sitting 1.80 m from the center of the merry-go-round, must hold
on to one of the metal posts attached to the merry-go-round with a horizontal force of 60.0 N to keep from sliding off.
Jackie is sitting at the edge, 3.60 m from the center. (a) With what horizontal force must Jackie hold on to keep from
falling off? (b) If Jackie falls off, what will be her horizontal velocity when she becomes air borne?
5.111. On the ride "Spindletop" at the amusement park Six Flags Over Texas, people stood against the inner wall of a
hollow vertical cylinder with radius 2.5 m. The cylinder started to rotate, and when it reached a constant rotation rate
of 0.60 rev/s, the floor on which people were standing dropped about 0.5 m. The people remained pinned against
the wall. (a) Draw a force diagram for a person on this ride, after the floor has dropped. (b) What minimum
coefficient of static friction is required if the person on the ride is not to slide downward to the new position of the
floor? (c) Does your answer in part (b) depend on the mass of the passenger? (Note: When the ride is over, the
cylinder is slowly brought to rest. As it slows down, people slide down the walls to the floor.)
5.113. Ulterior Motives. You are driving a classic 1954 Nash Ambassador with a friend who is sitting to your right on the
passenger side of the front seat. The Ambassador has flat bench seats. You would like to be closer to your friend
and decide to use physics to achieve your romantic goal by making a quick turn. (a) Which way (to the left or to the
right) should you turn the car to get your friend to slide closer to you? (b) If the coefficient of static friction
between your friend and the car seat is 0.35, and you keep driving at a constant speed of 20 m/s, what is the
maximum radius you could make your turn and still have your friend slide your way?
5.115. A small bead can slide without friction on a circular hoop that is in a vertical
plane and has a radius of 0.100 m. The hoop rotates at a constant rate of 4.00 rev/s
about a vertical diameter (Fig.). (a) Find the angle b at which the bead is in vertical
equilibrium. (Of course, it has a radial acceleration toward the axis.)
(b) Is it possible for the bead to ''ride'' at the same elevation as the center of the hoop?
(c) What will happen if the hoop rotates at 1.00 rev/s? Questions:
1. Give examples of inertial and non-inertial frames of reference. Where the Newton’s second law can be applied?
2. How does weight of a body depends on the latitude of its location?
3. Walking on a slippery surface, which way is better: taking small steps or large steps?
4. Centrifugal and centripetal forces have the same magnitude, but opposite directions. Do they compensate each other?
5. What are the natures of forces: weight, friction, elastic, tension, centrifugal, centripetal and normal? 1 2
Solving the inequality for F gives the desired result.
Excercises: 5, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35, 39, 43, 45, 47, 49, 53,57
Problems: 59, 65, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 81, 83, 91, 95, 97, 99, 101, 105 ! !
8.59. The net force acting on a 2.00-kg discus while it is being thrown is αt2.i+(β+gt).j, where α = 25.0 N/s2, β = 30.0 N and
γ = 5.0 N/s. If the discus was originally at rest, what is its velocity after the net force has acted for 0.500 s? Express your ! !
answer in terms of the unit vectors i and j.
8.65(70). A railroad handcar is moving along straight, frictionless tracks with negligible air resistance. In the following cases,
the car initially has a total mass (car and contents) of 200 kg and is traveling east with a velocity of magnitude 5.00 m/s.
Find the final velocity of the car in each case, assuming that the handcar does not leave the tracks. (a) A 25.0-kg mass is
thrown sideways out of the car with a velocity of magnitude 2.00 m/s relative to the car's initial velocity. (b) A 25.0-kg mass is
thrown backward out of the car with a velocity of 5.00 m/s relative to the initial motion of the car. (c) A 25.0-kg mass is
thrown into the car with a velocity of 6.00 m/s relative to the ground and opposite in direction to the initial velocity of the car.
8.69(74). A 0.150-kg frame, when suspended from a coil spring, stretches the spring 0.050 m. A
0.200-kg lump of putty is dropped from rest onto the frame from a height of 30.0 cm (Fig.).
Find the maximum distance the frame moves downward from its initial position. the spring to
find the force constant k of the spring. Let s be the amount the spring is stretched.
8.71(76). A Ricocheting Bullet. 0.100-kg stone rests on a frictionless, horizontal surface. A bullet of mass 6.00 g, traveling
horizontally at 350 m/s, strikes the stone and rebounds horizontally at right angles to its original direction with a speed of 250
m/s. (a) Compute the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the stone after it is struck. (b) Is the collision perfectly elastic?
8.(73)78. Two identical masses are released from rest in a smooth hemispherical bowl of radius
R, from the positions shown in Fig. You can ignore friction between the masses and the
surface of the bowl. If they stick together when they collide, how high above the bottom of
the bowl will the masses go after colliding?
8.75(80). A 20.00-kg lead sphere is hanging from a hook by a thin wire 3.50 m long, and is free to swing in a complete
circle. Suddenly it is struck horizontally by a 5.00-kg steel dart that embeds itself in the lead sphere. What must be the
minimum initial speed of the dart so that the combination makes a complete circular loop after the collision?
8.77(83). A 4.00-g bullet, traveling horizontally with a velocity of magnitude 400 m/s, is fired into a wooden block with
mass 0.800 kg, initially at rest on a level surface. The bullet passes through the block and emerges with its speed
reduced to 120 m/s. The block slides a distance of 45.0 cm along the surface from its initial position. (a) What is the
coefficient of kinetic friction between block and surface? (b) What is the decrease in kinetic energy of the bulllet? (c)
What is the kinetic energy of the block at the instant after the bullet passes through it?
8.81(87). In a shipping company distribution center, an open cart of mass 50.0 kg is
rolling to the left at a speed of 5.00 m/s (Fig.). You can ignore friction between the
cart and the floor. A 15.0-kg package slides down a chute that is inclined at 37°
from the horizontal and leaves the end of the chute with a speed of 3.00 m/s. The
package lands in the cart and they roll off together. If the lower end of the chute is
a vertical distance of 4.00 m above the bottom of the cart, what are (a) the speed of
the package just before it lands in the cart and (b) the final speed of the cart? ! !
8.83(89). Two asteroids with masses mA and mB are moving with velocities vA and vB with respect to an astronomer in a
space vehicle. (a) Show that the total kinetic energy as measured by the astronomer is 1 2 1
K = Mv + m v m + v′ 2 cm 2 ( 2 2 A A B B ), ! ! ! ! ! ! !
with vcm and M defined as in Section 8.5, v'A = vA - vcm and v'B = vB - vcm . In this expression the total kinetic energy of
the two asteroids is the energy associated with their center of mass plus the energy associated with the internal motion
relative to the center of mass. (b) If the asteroids collide, what is the minimum possible kinetic energy they can have
after the collision, as measured by the astronomer? Explain.
8.91(97). Hockey puck B rests on a smooth ice surface and is struck by a second puck A, which has the same mass. Puck A is
initially traveling at 15.0 m/s and is deflected 25.0o from its initial direction. Assume that the collision is perfectly
elastic. Find the final speed of each puck and the direction of B's velocity after the collision. [Hint: Use the relationship
derived in part (d) of Problem 8.96.]
8.95(101). You are standing on a concrete slab that in turn is resting on a frozen lake. Assume there is no friction
between the slab and the ice. The slab has a weight five times your weight. If you begin walking forward at 2.00
m/s relative to the ice, with what speed, relative to the ice, does the slab move?
8.97(103). A fireworks rocket is fired vertically upward. At its maximum height of 80.0 m, it explodes and breaks into two
pieces, one with mass 1.40 kg and the other with mass 0.28 kg. In the explosion, 860 J of chemical energy is converted
to kinetic energy of the two fragments. (a) What is the speed of each fragment just after the explosion? (b) It is observed
that the two fragments hit the ground at the same time. What is the distance between the points on the ground where
they land? Assume that the ground is level and air resistance can be ignored.
8.99(105). A Nuclear Reaction. Fission, the process that supplies energy
in nuclear power plants, occurs when a heavy nucleus is split into
two medium-sized nuclei. One such reaction occurs when a neutron
colliding with a 235U (uranium) nucleus splits that nucleus into a .
141Ba (barium) nucleus and a 92Kr (krypton) nucleus. In this reaction,
two neutrons also are split off from the original 235U. Before the
collision, the arrangement is as shown in Fig.a. After the collision, the
141Ba nucleus is moving in the +z-direction and the 92Kr nucleus
in the -z-direction. The three neutrons are moving in the xy-plane, as
shown in Fig.b. If the incoming neutron has an initial velocity of
magnitude 3.0x103 m/s and a final velocity of magnitude 2.0x103
m/s in the directions shown, what are the speeds of the other two
neutruns, and what can you say about the speeds of the 141Ba and
92Kr nuclei? (The mass of the 141Ba nucleus is approximately
2.3x10-25 kg, and the mass of 92Kr is about 1.5x10-25 kg.)
8.101(107). The coefficient of restitution P for a head-on collision is defined as the ratio of the relative speed after the
collision to the relative speed before. (a) What is P for a completely inelastic collision? (b) What is P for an elastic
collision? (c) A ball is dropped from a height h onto a stationary surface and rebounds back to a height H1. Show that
P = H1/h (d) A properly inflated basketball should have a coefficient of restitution of 0.85. When dropped from a
height of 1.2 m above a solid wood floor, to what height should a properly inflated basketball bounce? (e) The height of
the first bounce is H1. If P is constant, show that the height of the n-th bounce is Hn = P2nh. (f) If P is constant, what is
the height of the eighth bounce of a properly inflated basketball dropped from 1.2 m?
*8.105(111). A Multistage Rocket. Suppose the first stage of a two-stage rocket has total mass 12,000 kg, of which 9000 kg
is fuel. The total mass of the second stage is 1000 kg, of which 700 kg is fuel. Assume that the relative speed vex of
ejected material is constant, and ignore any effect of gravity. (The effect of gravity is small during the firing period if
the rate of fuel consumption is large). (a) Suppose the entire fuel supply carried by the two-stage rocket is utilized in a
single-stage rocket with the same total mass of 13,000 kg. In terms of vex, what is the speed of the rocket, starting from
rest, when its fuel is exhausted? (b) For the two-stage rocket, what is the speed when the fuel of the first stage is
exhausted if the first stage carries the second stage with it to this point? This speed then becomes the initial speed of the
second stage. At this point, the second stage separates from the first stage. (c) What is the final speed of the second
stage? (d) What value of vex is required to give the second stage of the rocket a speed of 7.00 km/s?
Excercises: 1, 5, 7, 13, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 47, 49, 53
Problems: 57(57), 63(62), 65(66), 69, 73, 77, 83, 85, 89, 91, 93, 97, 98, 99 "
6.57(57). A luggage handler pulls a 20.0-kg suitcase up a ramp inclined at 25.0° above the horizontal by a force F of magnitude 140 N
that acts parallel to the ramp. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the ramp and the incline is mk = 0.300. If the "
suitcase travels 3.80 m along the ramp, calculate (a) the work done on the suitcase by the force F; (b) the work done on
the suitcase by the gravitational force; (c) the work done on the suitcase by the normal force; (d) the work done on the
suitcase by the friction force; (e) the total work done on the suitcase. (f) If the speed of the suitcase is zero at the bottom
of the ramp, what is its speed after it has traveled 3.80 m along the ramp?
6.63(62). A 5.00-kg package slides 1.50 m down a long ramp that is inclined at 12.0° below the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic
friction between the package and the ramp is mk = 0.310. Calculate (a) the work done on the package by friction; (b) the work done
on the package by gravity; (c) the work done on the package by the normal force; (d) the total work done on the pack age. (e) If
the package has a speed of 2.20 m/s at the top of the ramp, what is its speed after sliding 1.50 m down the ramp?
6.63. Find how far down the ramp the package slides before it stop using the work-energy theorem.
6.65(66). The gravitational pull of the earth on an object is inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the ob-
ject from the center of the earth. At the earth's surface this force is equal to the object's normal weight mg, where g
= 9.8 m/s2, and at large distances, the force is zero. If a 20,000-kg asteroid falls to earth from a very great distance away,
what will be its minimum speed as it strikes the earth's surface, and how much kinetic energy will it impart to our planet?
You can ignore the effects of the earth's atmosphere.
6.69. A small block with a mass of 0.120 kg is attached to a cord passing through a hole in a
frictionless, horizontal surface (Fig.). The block is originally revolving at a distance of
0.40 m from the hole with a speed of 0.70 m/s. The cord is then pulled from below,
shortening the radius of the circle in which the block revolves to 0.10 m. At this new
distance, the speed of the block is observed to be 2.80 m/s. (a) What is the tension in the
cord in the original situation when the block has speed v = 0.70 m/s? (b) What is the
tension in the cord in the final situation when the block has speed v = 2.80 m/s? (c) How
much work was done by the person who pulled on the cord?
6.73. You and your bicycle have combined mass 80.0 kg. When you
reach the base of a bridge, you are traveling along the road at 5.00 m/s
(Fig.). At the top of the bridge, you have climbed a vertical distance
of 5.20 m and have slowed to 1.50 m/s. You can ignore work done
by friction and any inefficiency in the bike or your legs. (a) What
is the total work done on you and your bicycle when you go from
the base to the top of the bridge? (b) How much work have you
done with the force you apply to the pedals?
6.77. A 2.50-kg textbook is forced against a horizontal spring of negligible mass and force constant 250 N/m, compressing the spring
a distance of 0.250 m. When released, the textbook slides on a horizontal tabletop with coefficient of kinetic friction m = 0.30. Use k
the work-energy theorem to find how far the textbook moves from its initial position before coming to rest.
6.83. Consider the system shown in Fig. The rope and pulley have negligible mass,
and the pulley is frictionless. Initially the 6.00-kg block is moving downward and the
8.00-kg block is moving to the right, both with a speed of 0.900 m/s. The blocks
come to rest after moving 2.00 m. Use the work-energy theorem to calculate
the coefficient of kinetic friction between the 8.00-kg block and the tabletop.
6.85. On an essentially frictionless, horizontal ice rink, a skater moving at 3.0 m/s encounters a rough patch that reduces her
speed by 45% due to a friction force that is 25% of her weight. Use the work-energy theorem to find the length of this rough patch.
6.89. A physics student spends part of her day walking between classes or for recreation, during which time she expends
energy at an average rate of 280 W. The remainder of the day she is sitting in class, studying, or resting; during these
activities, she expends energy at an average rate of 100 W. If she expends a total of 1.1x107 J of energy in a 24-hour
day, how much of the day did she spend walking?
6.91. The Grand Coulee Dam is 1270 m long and 170 m high. The electrical power ou1pot from generators at its base is
approximately 2000 MW. How many cubic meters of water must flow from the top of the dam per second to
produce this amount of power if 92% of the work done on the water by gravity is converted to electrical energy?
(Each cubic meter of water has a mass of 1000 kg.)
6.93. Power of the Human Heart. The human heart is a powerful and extremely reliable pump. Each day it takes in and dis-
charges about 7500 l of blood. Assume that the work done by the heart is equal to the work required to lift this amount of blood a
height equal to that of the average American woman (1.63 m). The density (mass per unit volume) of blood is 1.05x105
kg/m3. (a) How much work does the heart do in a day? (b) What is the heart's power output in watts?
6.97. Cycling. For a touring bicyclist the drag coefficient C (fair = 1/2.CArv2) is 1.00, the frontal area A is 0.463 m2 , and the
coefficient of rolling friction is 0.0045. The rider has mass 50.0 kg, and her bike has mass 12.0 kg. (a) To
maintain a speed of 12.0m/s (about 27 mi/h) on a level road, what must the rider's power output to the rear wheel be?
(b) For racing, the same rider oses a different bike with coefficient of rolling friction 0.0030 and mass 9.00 kg. She also
crouches down, reducing her drag coefficient to 0.88 and reducing her frontal area to 0.366 m2. What must her
power output to the rear wheel be then to maintain a speed of 12.0 m/s? (c) For the situation in part (b), what power
output is required to maintain a speed of 6.0 m/s? Note the great drop in power requirement when the speed is only
halved. (For more on aerodynamic speed limitations for a wide variety of human-powered vehicles, see "The Aerody-
namics of Human-Powered Land Vehicles," Scientific American, December 1983.)
6.98. Automotive Power I. A truck engine transmits 28.0 kW (37.5 hp) to the driving wheels when the truck is traveling at a
constant velocity of magnitude 60.0km/h (37.3 mi/h) on a level road. (a) What is the resisting force acting on the truck?
(b) Assume that 65% of the resisting force is due to rolling friction and the remainder is due to air resistance. If the force
of rolling friction is independent of speed, and the force of air resistance is proportional to the square of the speed, what
power will drive the truck at 30.0 km/h? At 120.0 km/h? Give your answers in kilowatts and in horsepower.
6.99. Automotive Power II. (a) If 8.00 hp are required to drive a 1800-kg automobile at 60.0 km/h on a level road, what is
the total retarding force due to friction, air resistance, and so on? (b) What power is necessary to drive the car at 60.0
km/h up a 10.00/0 grade (a hill rising 10.0 m vertically in 100.0 m horizontally)? (c) What power is necessary to drive
the car at 60.0 km/h down a 1.00% grade? (d) Down what percent grade wonld the car coast at 60.0 km/h?
Excercises: 3, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 35, 37
Problems: 43, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 73, 75, 79, 81, 83
7.43. A block with mass 0.50 kg is forced against a horizontal
spring of negligible mass, compressing the spring a distance of
0.20 m (Fig.) . When released, the block moves on a hori-
zontal tabletop for 1.00 m before coming to rest. The spring
constant k is 100 N/m. What is the coefficient of kinetic
friction mk between the block and the tabletop?
7.47. A 2.0-kg piece of wood slides on the surface shown in Fig. The curved sides are
perfectly smooth, but the rough horizontal bottom is 30 m long and has a kinetic
friction coefficient of 0.20 with the wood. The piece of wood starts from rest 4.0 m
above the rough bottom. (a) Where will this wood eventually come to rest? (b) For the
motion from the initial release until the piece of wood comes to rest. what is the total
amount of work done by friction?
7.49. A 15.0-kg stone slides down a snow-covered hill (Fig.), leaving point A with a speed of 10.0
m/s. There is no friction on the hill between points A and B, but there is friction on the level
ground at the bottom of the hill, between B and the wall. After entering the rough
horizontal region, the stone travels 100 m and then runs into a very long, light spring with
force constant 2.00 N/m. The coefficients of kinetic and static friction between the
stone and the hoizontal ground are 0.20 and 0.80, respectively. (a) What is the speed of the
stone when it reaches point B? (b) How far will the stone compress the spring? (c) Will
the stone move again after it has been stopped by the spring?
7.51. Bungee Jump. A bungee cord is 30.0 m long and, when stretched a distance x, it exerts a restoring force of magnitude
kx. Your father-in-law (mass 95.0 kg) stands on a platform 45.0 m above the ground, and one end of the cord is tied
securely to his ankle and the other end to the platform. You have promised him that when he steps off the platform he will v
fall a maximum distance of only 41.0 m before the cord stops him. You had several bungee cords to select from, and you 2
tested them by stretching them out, tying one end to a tree, and pulling on the other end with a force of 380.0 N. When
you do this, what distance will the bungee cord that you should select have stretched?
7.53. The Great Sandini is a 60-kg circus performer who is shot from a cannon (actually a spring gun). You don't find
many men of his caliber, so you help him design a new gun. This new gun has a very large spring with a very small
mass and a force constant of 1100 N/m that he will compress with a force of 4400 N. The inside of the gun barrel is
coated with Teflon, so the average friction force will be only 40 N during the 4.0 m he moves in the barrel. At
what speed will he emerge from the end of the barrel, 2.5 m above his initial rest position?
7.55. A system of two paint buckets connected by a lightweight rope is released from rest with the
l2.0-kg bucket 2.00 m above the floor (Fig.). Use the principle of conservation of energy to
find the speed with which this bucket strikes the floor. You can ignore friction and the mass of the pulley.
7.59. A 0.l00-kg potato is tied to a string with length 2.50 m, and the other end of the string is tied to a rigid support. The
potato is held straight out horizontally from the point of support, with the string pulled taut, and is then released. (a)
What is the speed of the potato at the lowest point of its motion? (b) What is the tension in the string at this point?
7.61. Down the Pole. A fireman of mass m slides a distance d down a pole. He starts from rest. He moves as fast at the bottom as if
he had stepped off a platform a distance h £ d sbove the ground and descended with negligible air resistance. (a) What
average friction force did the fireman exert on the pole? Does your answer make sense in the special cases of h = d and
h = 0? (b) Find a numerical value for the average friction force a 75-kg fireman exerts, for d = 2.5 m and h = 1.0 m. (c)
In terms of g, h and d, what is the speed of the fireman when he is a distance y above the bottom of the po1e?
7.63. A skier starts at the top of a very large, frictionless snowball, with a very small
initial speed, and skis straight down the side (Fig.). At what point does she
lose contact with the snowball and fly off at a tangent? That is, at the instant
she loses contact with the snowball, what angle a does a radial line from the
center of the snowball to the skier make with the vertical?
7.65. In a truck-loading station at a post office. a small 0.200-kg pack-
age is re1eased from rest at point A on a track that is one-quar-
ter of a circle with radius 1.60 m (Fig.). The size of the package is
muchlessthan 1.60 m, so the package can be treated as a particle.
It slides down the track and reaches point B with a speed of 4.80
m/s. From point B, it slides on a level surface a distance of 3.00 m
to point C, where it comes to rest (a) What is the coefficient of kinetic
friction on the horizontal surface? (b) How much work is done on the
package by friction as it slides down the circular arc from A to B?
7.67. A certain spring is found notto obey Hooke's law; it exerts a restoring force F (xx) = -ax - bx2 if it is stretched or
compressed, where a = 60.0 N/m and b = 18.0 N/m2 . The mass of the spring is negligib1e. (a) Calculate the potential-energy
function U(x) for this spring. Let U = 0 when x = 0. (b) An object with mass 0.900 kg on a frictionless. horizontal
surface is attached to this spring, pulled a distance 1.00 m to thenght (the +x-direction) to stretch the spring, and
released. What is the speed of the object when it is 0.50m to the right of the x = 0 equilibrium position?
7.73. A wooden block with mass 1.50 kg is placed against a compressed spring at the bottom of an incline of slope 30.0o
(point A). When the spring is released, it projects the block up the incline. At point B, a distance of 6.00 m up the
incline from A, the block is moving up the incline at 7.00 m/s and is no longer in contact with the spring. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the incline is mk = 0.50. The mass of the spring is negligible.
Calculate the amount of potential energy that was initially stored in the spring.
7.75. A 0.500-kg block, attached to a spring with length 0.60 m and
force constant 40.0 N/m, is at rest with the back of the block at
point A on a frictionless, horizontal air table (Fig.). The mass of
the spring is negligible. You move the block to the right along
the surface by pulling with a constant 20.0-N horizontal force. (a)
What is the block's speed when the back of the block reaches point
B, which is 0.25 m to the right of point A? (b) When the back of
the block reaches point B, you let go of the block. In the subsequent
motion, how close does the block get to the wall where the left end of the spring is attached?
7.79. A hydroelectric dam holds back a lake of surface area 3.0x106 m2 that has vertical sides below the water level. The
water level in the lake is 150 m above the base of the dam. When the water passes through turbines at the base of the dam, its
mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy with 90% efficiency. (a) If gravitational potential energy is taken to
be zero at the base of the dam, how much energy is stored in the top meter of the water in the lake? The density of water is 1000
kg/m3. (b) What volume of water must pass through the dam to produce 1000 kilowatt-hours of electrical energy? What
distance does the level of water in the lake fall when this much water passes through the dam?
7.81(80). How much total energy is stored in the lake in Problem 7.79? As in that problem, take the gravitational potential
energy to be zero at the base of the dam. Express your answer in joules and in kilowatt-hours. (Hint: Break the lake
up into infinitesimal horizontal layers of thickness dy, and integrate to find the total potential energy.) ! !
7.83. A cutting tool under microprocessor control has several forces acting on it. One force is F = -axy2j, a force in the
negative y-direction whose magnitude depends on the position of the tool. The constant is a = 2.50 N/m3.
Consider the displacement of the tool from the origin to the point x = 3.00 m, y = 3.00 m. (a) Calculate the work done !
on the tool by F if this displacement is along the straight line y = x that connects these two points. (b) Calculate !
the work done on the tool by F if the tool is first moved
out along the x-axis to the point x = 3.00 m, y = 0 and then !
moved parallel to the y-axis to the point x = 3.00 m, y = 3.00 m. (c) Compare the work done by F along these two paths. !
Is F conservative or nonconservative ? Explain.
Excercises: 1, 3, 5, 13, 17, 21, 23, 27, 29
Problems: 47, 53, 57, 59, 63, 65, 71, 73, 75, 77
12.47(50). A uniform sphere with mass 60.0 kg is held with its center at the origin, and a second uniform sphere with
mass 80.0 kg is held with its center at the point x = 0, y = 3.00 m. (a) What are the magnitude and direction of
the net gravitational force due to these objects on a third uniform sphere with mass 0.500 kg placed at the point x
= 4.00 m, y = 0? (b) Where, other than infinitely far away, could the third sphere be placed such that the net
gravitational force acting on it from the other two spheres is equal to zero?
7.53(55). Geosynchronous Satellites. Many satellites are moving in a circle in the earth's equatorial plane. They are at
such a height above the earth's surface that they always remain above the same point. (a) Find the altitude of these
satellites above the earth's surface. (Such an orbit is said to be geosynchronous.) (b) Explain, with a sketch, why
the radio signals from these satellites cannot directly reach receivers on earth that are north of 81.3° N latitude.
12.57(59). (a) Suppose you are at the earth's equator and observe a satellite passing directly overhead and moving from west to
east in the sky. Exactly 12.0 hours later, you again observe this satellite to be directly overhead. How far above the
earth's surface is the satellite's orbit? (b) You observe another satellite directly overhead and traveling east to west.
This satellite is again ovethead in 12.0 hours. How far is this satellite's orbit above the surface of the earth?
12.59(61). There are two equations from which a change in the gravitational potential energy U of the system of a mass m and the
earth can be calculated. One is U = mgy (Eq. 7.2). The other is U = - GmEm/r (Eq. 12.9). As shown in Section 12.3,
the first equation is correct only if the gravitational force is a constant over the change in height Dy. The second
is always correct. Actually, the gravitational force is never exactly constant over any change in height, but if the
variation is small, we can ignore it. Consider the difference in U between a mass at the earth's surface and a
distance h ahove it using both equations, and find the value of h for which Eq. (7.2) is in error by 1%. Express
this value of h as a fraction of the earth's radius, and also obtain a numerical value for it.
12.63(65). An unmanned spacecraft is in a circular orbit around the moon, observing the lunar surface from an altitude of
50.0 km (see Appendix F). To the dismay of scientists on earth, an electrical fault causes an on-board thruster to
fire, decreasing the speed of the spacecraft by 20.0 m/s. If nothing is done to correct its orbit, with what speed (in
km/h) will the spacecraft crash into the lunar surface?
12.65(67). Falling Hammer. A hammer with mass m is dropped from rest from a height h above the earth's surface. This height is
not necessarily small compared with the radius RE of the earth. If you ignore air resistance, derive an expression for the speed
v of the hammer when it reaches the surface of the earth. Your expression should involve h, RE and mE, the mass of the earth.
12.71(73). Binary Star-Equal Masses. Two identical stars with mass M orbit around their center of mass. Each orbit is
circular and has radius R, so that the two stars are always on opposite sides of the circle. (a) Find the gravitational
force of one star on the other. (b) Find the orbital speed of each star and the period of the orbit. (c) How much
energy would be required to separate the two stars to infinity?
12.73(75). Comets travel around the sun in elliptical orbits with large eccentricities. If a comet has speed 2.0x104 m/s
when at a distance of 2.5x1011 m from the center of the sun, what is its speed when at a distance of 5.0x1010 m?
12.75(77). Consider a spacecraft in an elliptical orbit around the earth. At the low point, or perigee, of its orbit, it is 400 km
above the earth's surface; at the high point, or apogee, it is 4000 km above the earth's surface. (a) What is the period
of the spacecraft's orbit? (b) Using conservation of angular momentum, find the ratio of the spacecraft's speed at
perigee to its speed at apogee. (c) Using conservation of energy, find the speed at perigee and the speed at apogee.
(d) It is necessary to have the spacecraft escape from the earth completely. If the spacecraft's rockets are fired at
perigee, by how much would the speed have to be increased to achieve this? What if the rockets were fired at
apogee? Which point in the orbit is more efficient to use?
12.77(79). A 3000-kg spacecraft is in a circular orbit 2000 km above the surface of Mars. How much work must the
spacecraft engines perform to move the spacecraft to a circular orbit that is 4000 km above the surface? ( 80.0 + 60.0) y (
= 3.00 m) 60.0 and y =1.39 m
Thus the sphere would have to be placed at the point x 0 = , y =1.39 m
EVALUATE: For the forces to have the same magnitude the third sphere must be closer to the sphere that has smaller mass. Questions
1. Weight is a combination of all forces exerted on the body, one of those and also the major
contributor is attraction from the Earth. At midday, the Sun is right above your head, then its
attraction is opposite to Earth’s. In contrast, at midnight, the Earth is in between the Sun
and you, attractions from the Sun and the Earth amplify each other. One may come to
a conclusion that your weight at midnight is greater than at midday. Is that statement
correct? Explain your answer. Rotation of the Earth about its axis can be neglected.
2. How weight of a body changes when it’s moved along a path connecting centers of the Earth and the Moon.
3. Attraction on the Earth from the Sun is 175 times greater than from the Moon.
Explain why the Moon causes a higher tide?
4. On popular TV shows, in journals, ads, and other media aids, astronauts in space
stations are always shown as if they felt no attraction from the Earth at all. Does
gravitation disappear in these conditions?
Excercises: 5, 7, 11, 13, 19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 35, 37, 41, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 59
Problems: 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 81, 83, 85, 87, 91, 97, 100
9.63(10.55). Speedometer. Your car's speedometer converts the angular speed of the wheels to the linear speed of the car,
assoming standard-size tires and no slipping on the pavement. (a) If your car's standard tires are 24 inches in diameter,
at what rate (in rpm) are your wheels rotating when you are driving at a freeway speed of 60 mi/h? (b) Suppose you put
oversize, 30-inch-diameter tires on your car. How fast are you really going when your speedometer reads 60 mi/h? (c)
If you now put on undersize, 20-inch-diameter tires, what will the speedometer read when you are actually traveling at 50 mi/h?
9.65(66). A roller in a printing press turns through an angle q(t) given by q(t) = gt2 - bt3, where g = 3.20 rad/s2 and b = 0.500 rad/
s3. (a) Calculate the angular velocity of the roller as a function of time. (b) Calculate the angular acceleration of the
roller as a function of time. (c) What is the maximum positive angular velocity, and at what value of t does it occur?
9.67(68). When a toy car is rapidly scooted across the floor, it stores energy in a flywheel. The car has mass 0.180 kg, and its
flywheel has moment of inertia 4.00x10-5 kg.m2 . The car is 15.0 cm long. An advertisement claims that the car can
travel at a scale speed of up to 700 km/h (440 mi/h). The scale speed is the speed of the toy car multiplied by the ratio of
the length of an actual car to the length of the toy. Assume a length of 3.0 m for a real car. (a) For a scale speed of 700
km/h, what is the actual translational speed of the car? (b) If all the kinetic energy that is initially in the flywheel is
converted to the translational kinetic energy of the toy, how much energy is originally stored in the flywheel? (c) What
initial angular velocity of the flywheel was needed to store the amount of energy calculated in part (b)?
9.71. A vacuum cleaner belt is looped over a shaft of radius 0.45 cm and a wheel of radius 2.00 cm. The arrangement of the
belt, shaft, and wheel is similar to that of the chain and sprockets. The motor turns the shaft at 60.0 rev/s and the
moving belt turns the wheel, which in turn is connected by another shaft to the roller that beats the dirt out of the rug
being vacuumed. Assume that the belt doesn't slip on either the shaft or the wheel. (a) What is the speed of a point on
the belt? (b) What is the angular velocity of the wheel, in rad/s?
9.73. A wheel changes its angular velocity with a constant angular acceleration while rotating about a fixed axis through its
center (a) Show that the change in the magnitude of the radial acceleration during any time interval of a point on the
wheel is twice the product of the angular acceleration, the angular dispIacement, and the perpendicular distance of the point
from the axis. (b) The radial acceleration of a point on the wheel that is 0.250 m from the axis changes from 25.0 m/s2 to 85.0
m/s2 as the wheel rotates through 15.0 rad. Calculate the tangential acceleration of this point. (c) Show that the change in
the wheel's kinetic energy during any time interval is the product of the moment of inertia about the axis, the
angular acceleration, and the angular displacement. (d) During the 15.0-rad angular displacement of part (b), the kinetic
energy of the wheel increases from 20.0 J to 45.0 J. What is the moment of inertia of the wheel about the rotation axis?
9.81. A metal sign for a car dealership is a thin, uniform right triangle with base length b and height h. The sign has mass M. (a)
What is the moment of inertia of the sign for rotation about the side of length h? (b) If M = 5.40 kg, b = 1.60 m, and h = 1.20 m,
what is the kinetic energy of the sign when it is rotating about an axis along the 1.20-m side at 2.00 rev/s?
9.83. A meter stick with a mass of 0.160 kg is pivoted about one end so it can rotate without friction about a horizontal axis. The
meter stick is held in a horizontal position and released. As it swings through the vertical, calculate (a) the change in
gravitational potential energy that has occurred; (b) the angular speed of the stick; (c) the linear speed of the end of the stick
opposite the axis. (d) Compare the answer in part (c) to the speed of a particle that has fallen 1.00 m, starting from rest.
9.85. The pulley in Fig. has radius R and a moment of inertia I. The rope does
not slip over the pulley, and the pulley spins on a frictiouless axle. The
coefficient of kinetic friction between block A and the tabletop is mk. The system
is released from rest, and block B descends. Block A has mass mA and block
B has mass mB. Use energy methods to calculate the speed of block B as a
function of the distance d that it has descended.and B and the pulley.
9.87. You hang a thin hoop with radius R over a nail at the rim of the hoop. You displace it to the side (within the plane of
the hoop) through an angle b from its equilibrium position and let it go. What is its angular speed when it returns to its
equilibrium position? [Hint: Use Eq. (9.18).]
9.91. In the system shown in Fig., a l2.0-kg mass is released from rest and
falls, causing the uniform 10.0-kg cylinder of diameter 30.0 cm to
turn about a frictiouless axle through its center. How far will the
mass have to descend to give the cylinder 250 J of kinetic energy?
*9.97. A cylinder with radius R and mass M has density that increases linearly with distance r from the cylinder axis, r = ar,
where a is a positive constant. (a) Calculate the moment of inertia of the cylinder about a longitudinal axis through
its center in terms of M and R. (b) Is your answer greater or smaller than the moment of inertia of a cylinder of the
same mass and radius but of uniform density? Explain why this result makes qualitative sense.
9.100. Calculate the moment of inertia of a uniform solid cone about an axis
through its center. The cone has mass M and altitude h. The radius of its circular base is R.