Final Exam template - Chemistry for engineers | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Final Exam template - Chemistry for engineers | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

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Final Exam template - Chemistry for engineers | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Final Exam template - Chemistry for engineers | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

167 84 lượt tải Tải xuống
International University - VNUHCM
School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Final Examination
Date: August 09 2023, ; Duration: 120 minutes
Close bookd ; Offline; Laptops/Cell-phone are not allowed.
SUBJECT: Chemistry for Engineers (ID:CH011IU)
Approval by the School
of Chemical and
Environmental Engineering
Full name:
Full name:
Proctor 1
Full name:
Proctor 2
Full name:
Student name:
Student ID:
INSTRUCTIONS: the total point is 100 (equivalent to 40% of the course)
1. Purpose:
Test your knowledge in intermolecular forces properties of gases, liquids, and solids, (3) (1) , (2)
chemical reactions, chemical kinetics, and chemical equilibrium, (4) chemistry of acids and bases,
(5) thermal chemistry, and (6) chemical thermodynamics (CLOi)
2. Requirement:
Read carefully each question and answer it following the requirements of each question including
multiple-choice questions and free response questions.-
Write the answers and draw models CLEAN and TIDY directly in this exam paper
-choice Multiple __________________/80 pts
Free response __________________/20 pts
__________________/100 pts
HCMC National University
:Student Name
International University
Student ID:
……… …………………
PART I: MULTIPLE CHOICE ( 2 points/question40 questions )
Q41. (5 pts)
Q42. (5 pts)
Q43. 10 pts) (
HCMC National University
:Student Name
International University
Student ID:
……… …………………
HCMC National University
:Student Name
International University
Student ID:
……… …………………
Appendix 1: Periodic Table with Relative Atomic Masses
Appendix 2: Three types of cubic unit cells
HCMC National University
:Student Name
International University
Student ID:
……… …………………
Student’s name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Student ID: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
1 A B C D A B C D 21
2 A B C D A B C D 22
3 A B C D A B C D 23
4 A B C D A B C D 24
5 A B C D A B C D 25
6 A B C D A B C D 26
7 A B C D A B C D 27
8 A B C D A B C D 28
9 A B C D A B C D 29
10 A B C D A B C D 30
11 A B C D A B C D 31
12 A B C D A B C D 32
13 A B C D A B C D 33
14 A B C D A B C D 34
15 A B C D A B C D 35
16 A B C D A B C D 36
17 A B C D A B C D 37
18 A B C D A B C D 38
19 A B C D A B C D 39
20 A B C D A B C D 40
n A B C D
Chose A
n A B C D Chose C instead of A
n A b C D Chose A again
| 1/5

Preview text:

International University - VNUHC M
School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering ----------------- Final Examination
Date: August 09, 2023; Duration: 120 minutes
Closed book; Offline; Laptops/Cell-phone are not allowed.
SUBJECT: Chemistry for Engineers (ID:CH011IU)
Approval by the School of Chemical and Lecturer: Environmental Engineering Signature Signature Full name: Full name: Proctor 1 Proctor 2 Signature Signature Full name: Full name: STUDENT INFO Student name: Student ID:
INSTRUCTIONS: the total point is 100 (equivalent to 40% of the course) 1. Purpose:
• Test your knowledge in (1) intermolecular forces, (2) properties of gases, liquids, and solids, (3)
chemical reactions, chemical kinetics, and chemical equilibrium, (4) chemistry of acids and bases,
(5) thermal chemistry, and (6) chemical thermodynamics (CLOi ) 2. Requirement:
• Read carefully each question and answer it following the requirements of each question including
multiple-choice questions and free-response questions.
• Write the answers and draw models CLEAN and TIDY directly in this exam paper
PART I Multipl -choice e __________________/80 pt s
PART II Free response __________________/20 pts
Total __________________/100 pts HCMC National University Student Nam :
e ………...……………………….
International University Student ID:……………………………. ------------ QUESTIONS
PART I: MULTIPLE CHOICE (40 questions – 2 points/question)
PART II: FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS (20 points) Q41. (5 pts) Q42. (5 pts) Q43. (10 pts) 2 /5 HCMC National University Student Nam :
e ………...……………………….
International University Student ID:……………………………. ------------ – END – 3 /5 HCMC National University Student Nam :
e ………...……………………….
International University Student ID:……………………………. ------------
Appendix 1: Periodic Table with Relative Atomic Masses
Appendix 2: Three types of cubic unit cells 4 /5 HCMC National University Student Nam :
e ………...……………………….
International University Student ID:……………………………. ------------ ANSWER SHEET
Student’s name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Student ID: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. QUESTION ANSWER QUESTION ANSWER 1 A B C D 21 A B C D 2 A B C D 22 A B C D 3 A B C D 23 A B C D 4 A B C D 24 A B C D 5 A B C D 25 A B C D 6 A B C D 26 A B C D 7 A B C D 27 A B C D 8 A B C D 28 A B C D 9 A B C D 29 A B C D 10 A B C D 30 A B C D 11 A B C D 31 A B C D 12 A B C D 32 A B C D 13 A B C D 33 A B C D 14 A B C D 34 A B C D 15 A B C D 35 A B C D 16 A B C D 36 A B C D 17 A B C D 37 A B C D 18 A B C D 38 A B C D 19 A B C D 39 A B C D 20 A B C D 40 A B C D INSTRUCTION: QUESTION ANSWER n A B C D Chose A n A B C D Chose C instead of A n A b C D Chose A again 5 /5