First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice -  Kinh tế quốc tế | Trường Đại học Kinh tế, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội

First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice -  Kinh tế quốc tế | Trường Đại học Kinh tế, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !

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First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice -  Kinh tế quốc tế | Trường Đại học Kinh tế, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội

First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice -  Kinh tế quốc tế | Trường Đại học Kinh tế, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !

80 40 lượt tải Tải xuống
lectronic Government and Electronic Participation
H.J. Scholl et al. (Eds.)
© 2016 The authors and IOS Press.
This article is published online with Open Access by IOS Press and distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0).
First ChoiCe, Free ChoiCe or No
Differences in Secure Digital Post in the Scandinavian Countries
a 1
), JeSper B. BERGER
UniverSity of OSlo,,
Ærø Kommune,
Linkøping UniverSity, goran.goldkuhl@liu.Se
As part of their egovernment plans, many countries aim at digitizing their communication With its
citizens and the business sector. The effects of e-government depend on particular policy and design
decisions. The aim of this paper is to compare the enactment of particular policies in supposedly similar
contexts. The comparative case constitutes digital communication betWeen public sector and citizens in the
Scandinavian countries. From a grounded approach, We have described the policy, design and effects elements
of the three case settings. Our study indicates that apparently similar solutions in comparable contexts may be
enacted in rather different Ways and have quite different effects. The three countries operate on a scale of
coercion from mandatory (Denmark), over nudging (NorWay) to voluntary (SWeden).
KeyWords: e-government, digital communication, policy, design, effect
Digitizatiofl of coMMuflicatiofl betWeefl public adMifliStratiofl afld citizeflS SeeMS to
be a global trefld ifl SocietieS’ developMefltS. PerSoflal MeetiflgS afld ordiflary Mail are
replaced by digital chaflflelS for coMMuflicatiofl. There are great challeflgeS ifl deSigfliflg
afld iMpleMefltiflg
oftefl labelled
“digital by default” or
“digital firSt choice” [14,22]. The aMbitioflS are that citizeflS afld buSifleSSeS Should
chooSe digital MeaflS firSt. It MuSt hoWever be queStiofled if “digital firSt choice” alWayS
iS a real choice. What iS the effect of differeflt flatioflal StrategieS for iMpleMefltiflg
digital coMMuflicatiofl? We Waflt to addreSS theSe queStioflS through a coMparative
Study of StrategieS afld architecture for digital poSt ifl the three Scafldiflaviafl coufltrieS.
DeflMark, NorWay afld SWedefl have rather SiMilar political SySteMS, it iS lot of
they are actively participatiflg
the Europeafl
IflforMatiofl Society projectS. We Would expect that their ICT policieS reSeMble a lot.
HoWever, there are a fluMber of differeflceS, related to their Specific hiStory afld
traditioflS. ThiS iS alSo reflected ifl their differeflt digitizatiofl StrategieS [See 14, 19, 22].
Although the overall
all three
that digital
Should be the preferred
each coufltry
defifled rather
differeflt digital chaflflel StrategieS.
Research framework “From policy to design and effects”
Our reSearch fraMeWork departS froM a SiMple Model for e-goverflMeflt reSearch
coflSiStiflg of three flotioflS: policy, deSigfl afld effectS [10]. Cefltral ifl the Model iS
Corresponding Author
 !"#$% &'%(
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136 A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice
deSigfl proceSS afld deSigfled productS of e-goverflMeflt artefactS. DeSigfl iS
cofltext coflSidered to be a
of policy
a diStiflct
Strategy, Where the policy backgroufld iS Seefl aS eSSefltial cofltext to the deSigfl proceSS.
The third eleMeflt; the effectS are the Specific reSultS (of e.g. uSe) of afld correSpofldiflg
coflSequeflceS for actorS iflvolved. The aflalySiS ifl thiS paper Will focuS ofl three levelS:
policy level,
idefltifyiflg goal, legal
MeaSureS, but liMited to What iS relevaflt for the Specific caSeS.
goverflMeflt architecture afld the Supportiflg iflforMatiofl iflfraStructure, iflcludiflg
aflalyziflg techflical afld orgaflizatioflal characteriSticS, buSifleSS Model, etc.
The effect level, coMpriSiflg citizeflS’ afld public
iflStitutioflS’ reSpoflSeS
to the
policy afld iMpleMefltatiofl through their adoptiofl, uSe afld the coflSequeflceS.
TheSe three projectS are aflalyzed ifl our Study: “Digital Post
ifl DeflMark, “Sikker
Digital Post (EflgliSh: Secure Digital PoSt)
ifl NorWay afld Mina meddelanden
(EflgliSh: My MeSSageS)
ifl SWedefl. Other SolutioflS exiSt; hoWever, theSe projectS
coflStitute the Major flatioflal iflitiativeS. Our reSearch fraMeWork iS depicted ifl figure 1.
Figure 1. Basic conceptualization of study domain
Our reSearch iS ofl the Whole baSed ofl a qualitative approach, iflcludiflg aflalySiS of
policy docuMefltS, StrategieS afld project deScriptioflS aS Well aS relevaflt reviSioflS ifl
laWS afld regulatioflS, etc. We have adopted a Sort of “grouflded” approach aS flo Specific
theorieS or propoSitioflS guided the aflalySiS [6]. HoWever, We have uSed a Set of factorS
related to policy afld deSigfl aS ShoW ifl Table 2 & 3 beloW ifl coMpariflg our three
The policy paperS that regulate digital coMMuflicatiofl With public Sector ifl
DeflMark coMpriSe: 1) the flatioflal e-goverflMeflt Strategy, 2) legal regulatioflS afld
3) legal agreeMefltS betWeefl the DafliSh goverflMeflt afld Subordiflate public iflStitutioflS.
The DafliSh flatioflal e-goverflMeflt Strategy 2011-2015: The digital path to future
welfare [22], uflderpiflS a fleW e-goverflMeflt paradigM. Accordiflg to Jæger afld
DafliSh e-goverflMeflt haS developed Siflce the 1990ieS froM “DafliSh valueS” like
deMocracy, citizeflS’ IT rightS, traflSpareflcy, buttofl-up experiMefltal approacheS,
citizeflS’ eMpoWerMeflt afld Social iflcluSiofl, to More cefltrally cofltrolled e-
A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice 137
priMarily to iflcreaSe public Sector efficieflcy. The curreflt 2011-2015 Strategy carrieS
Slogafl that “thoSe that cafl, MuSt [be digital]” afld it iS clearly Stated that “it Will be
Mafldatory to uSe digital SolutioflS ifl Writtefl coMMuflicatiofl With public Sector” [22, p.
5] for both buSifleSSeS (froM 2013) afld citizeflS (froM 2014). The coercive Strategy iS a
reSult of lack of taflgible beflefitS froM forMer e-goverflMeflt StrategieS.
NorWay iS a rather Sector-orieflted afld decefltralized, but uflitary State Where the
MuflicipalitieS have autofloMy Withifl the flatioflal legal fraMeWork. Ofle iMplicatiofl iS
that NorWegiafl reforM proceSSeS Might be More SegMeflted afld Sector-orieflted thafl ifl
for Moderflizatiofl,
coordiflateS public Sector
reforMS, lauflched a fleW digitizatiofl prograM ifl 2016, focuSiflg ofl efficieflcy afld uSer-
orieflted ServiceS, but alSo ofl iflflovatiofl ifl private Sector, cofltifluiflg forMer StrategieS.
The fleW prograM iS Streflgthefliflg “Digital aS firSt optiofl” aS afl overall priflciple,
Meafliflg that “Digital coMMuflicatiofl iS to be the gefleral rule for cofltact With the
public Sector. Paper-baSed SolutioflS Will Still be afl optiofl, but coMMuflicatiofl Will be
digital by default” [14]. All citizeflS afld buSifleSSeS Will receive Mail froM the public
Sector aS certified digital Mail, uSiflg Secure eID for autheflticatiofl.
The iflitiative for digital poSt ifl SWedefl did flot coMe froM a political-MifliSterial
level. It WaS a public authority iflitiative aroufld 2009: The SWediSh Tax Ageflcy, Which
had exteflSive coMMuflicatiofl With tax payerS ofl tax declaratioflS afld other taxatiofl
The coSt reductiofl for SWitchiflg to digital poSt WaS eStiMated to be high.
ThiS iflitiative WaS diScuSSed Withifl afl authority coMMittee for “buSifleSS Set up afld
public authoritieS.
authoritieS had becoMe
reSpoflSible oWflerS of the SWediSh flatioflal buSifleSS liflk portal verkSaMt.Se, Which
WaS lauflched 2009. There WaS afl ifltereSt (froM the Ageflcy for EcofloMic afld
GroWth afld the SWediSh CoMpaflieS RegiStratiofl Office) to have digital poSt aS afl
ifltegrated part of thiS buSifleSS liflk portal, but the Tax Ageflcy had a Stroflg iflcefltive ifl
gettiflg ofle digital Solutiofl that covered both citizeflS afld buSifleSSeS. IflStead, a Separate
digital Solutiofl WaS choSefl called “Mifla Meddelafldefl” (My MeSSageS). The
developMeflt of thiS joifled-up digital coMMuflicatiofl Service haS beefl iflflueflced by
differeflt policy StateMefltS ofl e-goverflMeflt developMeflt ifl SWedefl.
Digital architecture
Principles for digital post architectures – certified mail systems
Ifl 1999, the Stafldardizatiofl Sector of the Iflterflatioflal TelecoMMuflicatiofl Ufliofl
publiShed the recoMMefldatiofl X.400, Which defifleS the gefleric SySteM architecture of
MeSSage Hafldliflg ServiceS, MHS [20]. ThiS architectural Model haS beefl adopted With
Miflor chaflgeS by Mafly Mailiflg SySteMS today, iflcludiflg MoSt CMS (Certified Mail
a gefleric iflfraStructure: Mail
TraflSfer SySteM
(MTS) that
cofltaiflS MeSSage TraflSfer AgefltS (MTA) afld cafl coflflect With USer AgefltS (UA);
furtherMore MeSSage StoreS (MS) afld AcceSS UflitS (AU), Which cafl be deviSeS that
coflvert digital MaSSageS to phySical Mail. The fuflctioflal Model of the gefleric X.400
MHS iS illuStrated ifl figure 2 beloW.
138 A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice
All public iflstitutiofls cafl register as seflder afld recipieflt. All persofls age 15+ are
autoMatically registered as recipieflts based ofl their uflique persofl ID (CPR). Citizefls
cafl apply for exeMptiofl. Citizefls cafl register phofle flo. afld e-Mail for flotificatiofl.
Public iflstitutiofls sefld Messages froM various applicatiofl systeMs (UAs). The citizefl
cafl iflitiate Messages through the UA, which the MTA delivers as a secure e-Mail or via
a web service to the public iflstitutiofl. There is ofle authorized MTS-provider.
Figure 2. Systems architecture of the generic X.400 MHS, called CMS (from Tauber [20] )
The citizefl UA coflsist of the flatioflal eID, the citizefl portal ( afld the
Digital Post froflt-efld systeM. The recipieflt has the respoflsibility to provide access to a
device that cafl rufl the flatioflal portals, Iflterflet access afld afl active eID to be able to
coMMuflicate with public iflstitutiofls, afld to be able to receive Messages that May have
legal or
goverflMeflt Made
for public
iflstitutiofls to offer Digital Post as a coMMuflicatiofl chaflflel for citizefls already ifl
2010. Digital Post was lauflched ifl 2010, but by the tiMe the Law was passed ifl 2012,
alMost flo busiflesses had registered afld less thafl ofle of five citizefls.
The Norwegiafl CMS is based ofl a siMplified afld asyMMetric versiofl of the gefleric
MHS Model. The citizefls that accept to use a digital coMMuflicatiofl chaflflel are offered
the optiofl to choose betweefl two Mail boxes: Digipost by Postefl Norge afld e-Boks by
e-Boks AS. The ifltefltiofl is that they shall receive Mail froM public ageflcies ifl the
saMe Mailbox as froM private seflders. Receipt afld storiflg of digital Mail froM public
ageflcies are free of charge for the citizefls, as are the use of ID-portal to log ofl.
A citizefl May however iflteract with public ageflcies ifl differeflt ways. The Most
typical sceflario is whefl a citizefls coMplete a “digital forM” available froM a public
ageflcy, florMally by usiflg a secure logifl/autheflticatiofl service provided by the flatioflal
eID. If the citizefl is registered ifl the exeMptiofl register, a paper-based Message shall be
seflt. All public iflstitutiofls have to register as seflder ifl CMS. All persofls age 15+ cafl
register as recipieflts based ofl their uflique persofl ID, but they do flot have to.
Public iflstitutiofls that qualify cafl register as seflder ifl My Messages. Busiflesses
(legal efltities) afld citizefls cafl register, based ofl their uflique busifless/citizefl ID as
recipieflts. Recipieflts Must register a phofle flo. afld e-Mail for flotificatiofls. Public
iflstitutiofls sefld Messages froM various applicatiofl systeMs (UAs) to MTA. These
be dispatched
these applicatiofl
(e.g. case hafldliflg
systeMs), usiflg differeflt techfliques, iflto the Message traflsfer systeM. The Tax Ageflcy
is respoflsible for this architecture
the provisiofl of the
There are procedures of
A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice 139
affiliatiofl. The Specific type of MeSSage fleedS alSo to be regiStered. Natioflal ageflcieS
afld MuflicipalitieS cafl be affiliated to thiS MeSSage traflSfer Service. There iS ofle Mail-
box (“Mifl
by the Tax Ageflcy) that
MeSSageS froM the public Sector. BeSideS thiS Mail-box, there exiSt at the MoMeflt tWo
coMMercial digital Mail-boxeS that are certified to diStribute MeSSageS froM the public
Sector. A citizefl cafl chooSe to receive MeSSageS froM the public Sector digitally or by
The digital choice
active choice. If
flo Such
choice iS
regiStered, the default optiofl iS ordiflary Mail. The citizefl cafl alSo chooSe Which Mail-
box operator to uSe for digital poSt; i.e. the public digital Mail-box or ofle of the
coMMercial ofleS. It iS alSo poSSible to chooSe flot to receive MeSSageS froM SoMe
diSpatchiflg public ageflcieS; i.e. deSelectiflg SoMe public ageflcy froM digital poSt
Adoption and effectS
The fluMber of regiStered
afld yearly
table 1,
ShoWiflg clearly hoW Mafldatory e-goverflMeflt booStS adoptiofl afld uSe. Afl evaluatiofl
of the Digital PoSt buSifleSS caSe for 2013 afld foufld that public iflStitutioflS had realized
Digital PoSt, thuS
poStal coSt reductiofl thafl expected, See Berger afld
AflderSefl [4]. Siflce the State budget WaS reduced beforehafld, the authorS eStiMated
that public
iflStitutioflS had had a direct deficit of More thafl 100 Milliofl DKK. The
WaS alSo evaluated for 2014 for local goverflMefltS afld ShoWed agaifl a direct deficit of
38 Milliofl DKK (79 Milliofl DKK ifl 2013). ESpecially SMall buSifleSS oWflerS Were
fruStrated about the iMpleMefltatiofl proceSS, the coMplexity of the Solutiofl, afld that
they had to pay to be Supported aloflg With the lack of Support reSourceS. Civil ServafltS
due to
coMplexity, lack of
iflteroperability afld the iflcreaSed deMafld for aSSiStaflce froM eSpecially vulflerable
citizeflS [1]. Civil ServafltS report that citizeflS loSe Welfare rightS afld beflefitS becauSe
they are flot able to acceSS Digital PoSt. Elderly afld vulflerable citizeflS, that depefld ofl
public beflefitS, May alSo Suffer froM techflo aflxiety [e.g. 11]. Social WorkerS Stated that
forciflg citizeflS to be digital Worked agaiflSt their treatMeflt of the clieflt.
The public iflStitutiofl that hafldleS child Support Started Sefldiflg coflfirMatiofl letterS
ifl 2013 to Siflgle parefltS ifl Digital PoSt. More thafl 300 Siflgle parefltS did flot See the
Digital PoSt, SubSequefltly they loSt child Support. The Couflcil of Appeal ruled, ofl
behalf of Several coMplaifltS, that the deciSiofl Should be reverSed [21]. The turbuleflce
of iMpleMefltiflg Digital PoSt Were criticiSed ifl DafliSh Media [12].
SoMe State ageflcieS have offered a SiMple digital poSt Service to citizeflS, baSed ofl
uflcoordiflated afld rather uflSecure SolutioflS. The Tax directorate haS uSed the digital
Mail Service offered by Altiflfl Siflce 2005 to iflforM citizeflS about the
taxeS. Ifl 2015, 93 % of all tax payer received digital flotice froM through Altiflfl.
DIFI put itS firSt verSiofl iflto operatiofl fall 2014 afld haS the overall reSpoflSible for
operatiflg the Solutiofl. Ifl Muflicipal Sector, a coMMofl digital Mail Service haS beefl
offered Siflce 2013, baSed ofl a Solutiofl developed by Bergefl Muflicipality ifl 2011. The
Cofltact afld reServatiofl regiSter afld DigipoSt Were put iflto operatiofl late 2014, While
available Spriflg 2015. By April 2016, 21% are uSerS of CMS, While 2.3 %
are regiStered for exeMptiofl. HoWever, about 90.5 are regiStered ifl the CRR, afld Will
140 A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice
receive “uflSecured” digital MeSSageS, but flot fleceSSarily by SDP. Other State ageflcieS
uSe their oWfl Mailbox SySteM for uflSecure Mail. Table 1 beloW ShoW SoMe data ofl
the adoptiofl of Digital poSt ifl the three coufltrieS.
Table 1. E-government policy attributes for the Scandinavian countries
455 45 454 45 45 456
89'9$:( ;
<: 4: 5: =>: =>:
892!$:( ; ; ;
: :
 <6 64 454 4< 456
406 <0=> =0 40< 406 ==064
%39%9 $9
99'94$( ; ;
; 4<57
%39%9 $9
!%( ;
The exiSteflce of the digital iflfraStructure of My MeSSageS iS Mafldatory. The Tax
Ageflcy iS the Siflgle, obliged provider of thiS iflfraStructure. The uSe of it iS, hoWever
flot Mafldatory for either public orgaflizatioflS or citizeflS/buSifleSSeS. The deployMeflt of
thiS digital poSt Solutiofl ifl SWedefl haS thuS beefl highly depefldeflt ofl the ifltereStS by
public orgaflizatioflS, citizeflS afld buSifleSSeS. HoWever, the fluMberS of Sefldiflg afld
receiviflg uSerS are progreSSiflg fairly SloWly. By Dec. 2015, there Were oflly 9 flatioflal
authoritieS that uSe My MeSSageS. Ifl 2014 a deployMeflt proceSS Started for the
MuflicipalitieS. At the MoMeflt there are oflly feW MuflicipalitieS that uSe My MeSSageS.
Comparative analySiS
The digitizatiofl approach of the three Scafldiflaviafl coufltrieS haS provefl to be rather
diSSiMilar, Which iS clearly depicted ifl the three SlogaflS for the e-goverflMeflt StrategieS:
7BC-191!%9DE+B'9)91E*B99!9993 99
BeloW, We coMpare the three differeflt approacheS related to policy, deSigfl afld effect.
The DafliSh, NorWegiafl afld SWediSh e-goverflMeflt policieS cafl be placed ofl a
cofltifluuM froM
Mafldatory to volufltary.
DeflMark exertS
a Mafldatory Strategy,
cefltrally cofltrolled by the MifliStry of Fiflaflce ifl a Much cloSed Maflfler, priMarily
Seekiflg cefltral goverflMeflt coSt reductioflS by legal MeaflS toWardS citizeflS.
NorWay, other the other hafld exertS a Softer Strategy; digital coMMuflicatiofl iS the
default optiofl, but citizeflS cafl Still chooSe to coMMuflicate by phySical Mail. Ifl
SWedefl, the citizeflS May chooSe freely Whether the Will receive digital Mail or flot.
A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice 141
Table 2. E-government policy attributes for the Scandinavian countries.
Centralized, top-doWn,
Centralized, top-doWn/
bottom-up, citizen-centric
Centralized, bottom-up,
Political anchor.
of e-gov.
MiniStry of Finance,
Dig. Agency (DIGST)
Min. for Modernization&
DIFI +Min of Finance
MiniStry of Trade, the
Tax Agency.
GoalS of Strategy
Reduce public Sector
Efficiency, effectivity and
Reduce public Sector
coStS, improve Security.
Legal meanS toWardS
citizenS and buSineSSeS.
Mix of legal meanS and
nudging of citizenS.
Nudging of public
CitizenS’ rightS
Digital by default.
Citizen cannot chooSe.
Digital by default, but
citizenS can chooSe
Digital iS voluntary.
CitizenS can chooSe,
CitizenS’ demandS
Cannot demand digital
Conditionally yeS; if
digital com. iS Supported
Cannot demand digital
Rapid, fixed period,
Specific targetS.
SloWer, no fixed period,
no Specific targetS.
Digital comm. evolveS
incremental, dynamic.
The public iflStitutiofl haS the reSpoflSibility to eflSure that the digital MeSSage haS
beefl coMMuflicated afld every public iflStitutiofl iS obliged to coMply With the digital
Strategy. Evefl
bottoM-up through the fleedS of public iflStitutioflS to reduce coStS coMMuflicatiflg With
citizeflS. ThiS Strategy haS beefl that digital coMMuflicatiofl Should be volufltary afld
SiMple to uSe for both public iflStitutioflS afld citizeflS.
caflflot deMafld
or SWedefl,
NorWay haS a More citizefl-cefltric approach, Where citizeflS actually cafl deMafld digital
coMMuflicatiofl if thiS iS Supported by the ifldividual ageflcieS. DeflMark haS choSefl a
rapid iMpleMefltatiofl period, aiMiflg at digitiziflg 80% of public coMMuflicatiofl Withifl
3 yearS. Further, DeflMark haS reduced cefltral (State) fufldiflg of public iflStitutioflS
accordiflg to aflticipated coSt reductioflS prior to the iMpleMefltatiofl period. NorWay haS
choSefl a Softer iMpleMefltatiofl Strategy: coMply or explaifl Why flot; WhereaS digital
coMMuflicatiofl ifl SWedefl evolveS dyflaMically accordiflg to fleedS afld opportuflitieS.
The deSigfl choiceS May alSo be partly grouflded ifl the overall approacheS of the
three coufltrieS, depicted ifl the three SlogaflS above. While exeMptiofl for citizeflS cafl
oflly be graflted ifl the DafliSh caSe if citizeflS actively Meet at toWfl hall afld declare that
they do flot poSSeSS a coMputer, NorWegiafl citizeflS cafl be exeMpt oflly be oMittiflg to
regiSter their eMail addreSS. Cofltrary, the SWediSh citizeflS that Waflt to coMMuflicate
digitally actively fleed to regiSter. For the buSifleSSeS Sector, ifl both DeflMark afld
NorWay, buSifleSSeS are obliged to coMMuflicate digitally Without poSSibility of beiflg
exeMpt. A receflt DafliSh iflveStigatiofl of uSer-friefldlifleSS of buSifleSS-orieflted digital
SolutioflS revealed that big coMpaflieS fifld DafliSh Digital PoSt (e-BokS) too reStricted
for iflStaflce due to lack of iflterflal operatioflS of MeSSageS afld lack of role-baSed uSer
to coMplex [25]. The
NorWegiafl GoverflMeflt
requireMefltS ifl the legal docuMefltS. The private coMpafly e-BokS A/S (that operated
the DafliSh MTS) WaS authorized ifl NorWay, but had to adjuSt the DafliSh verSiofl of the
Solutiofl to be able to coMply With NorWegiafl requireMefltS [15]. The SWediSh Solutiofl
lackS requireMefltS’ traflSpareflcy Siflce the developMeflt WaS afl ifl-houSe project.
142 A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice
Table 3. E-government design attributes for the Scandinavian countries
How many digital
solutions must citiZens
cope with
FeW other solutions. The
Ombudsman has that only
one SDP is promoted.
2 Secure solutions
A variety of different
unsecure solutions.
A variety of different
Degree of choice
Citizens have no choices,
only one MTA, UA and eID
Citizens can choose
betWeen 2 MTAs, 4 eIDs
Citizens have no choice of
MTA, but choose 3 UAs
Exemption for citiZens
to receive digital
Citizens are registered as
digital by default; they must
apply for exemption
Citizens must actively
register to be digital and
can be exempt.
Digital communication is
voluntary so no need for
Business model, public
Central gov. provides
support by reducing State
fund. Fee for using CMS.
Each institution has to pay
for implement. costs for
integration With CMS
Each institution has to pay
for implement. Cost for
integration With CMS.
The three coufltrieS have progreSSed differefltly ifl the iMpleMefltatiofl proceSSeS.
Heflce, a coMpariSofl of effectS caflflot be Made directly. The adoptiofl ifl DeflMark
developed SloWly the firSt yearS, aS ShoWfl ifl table 1. The Majority of public iflStitutioflS
Were regiStered ifl 2010, hoWever the fluMber of Seflt MeSSageS Were loW iflitially, but
have iflcreaSed ifl the tWo laSt yearS. The NorWegiafl developMeflt reSeMbleS SoMeWhat
the firSt yearS of the DafliSh iMpleMefltatiofl proceSS, See alSo table 1. HoWever, there
haS beefl iflitiated a public caMpaigfl to accelerate the adoptiofl rate. SiMilarly, SWedefl
haS a fairly SloW pace of uptake due to volufltarifleSS.
The direct ecofloMic beflefitS of the DafliSh Digital PoSt project haS flot beefl
officially evaluated, but Siflce the GoverflMeflt haS reduced the State fufldiflg of public
iflStitutioflS froM beforehafld, the project haS reduced public coStS froM 2013 to 2015
by More thafl 800 Milliofl DKK. Afl evaluatiofl ifl 2013 foufld a direct deficit of More
100 Milliofl DKK due to public iflStitutioflS flot beiflg able to Sefld aS Mafly digital poStS
aS aflticipated. The NorWegiafl or SWediSh projectS do flot have thiS autoMatic reductiofl
of State fufldiflg afld beflefitS froM the digitizatiofl project haS flot beefl eStiMated.
A recogflized probleM ifl the DafliSh caSe iS that citizeflS afld buSifleSSeS do flot
acceSS their digital coMMuflicatiofl. For iflStaflce, the Share of flofl-held Mafldatory
vehicle iflSpectioflS WaS raiSed by 50% Whefl DafliSh Police Started uSiflg digital
coMMuflicatiofl afld plate-reMoval of vehicleS doubled [17]. Civil ServafltS report that
citizeflS perceive both poSitive afld flegative coflSequeflceS, afld that SoMe civil ServafltS
fifld the digital Service to citizeflS So poor that they refraifl froM uSiflg it [5]. Evefl ifl
2014 civil ServafltS perceive afl iflcreaSed Work load due to digital coMMuflicatiofl.
6 ConcluSionS
The cofltiflual Shift to digital coMMuflicatiofl ifl SocietieS iS appareflt ifl the three
Scafldiflaviafl coufltrieS. Digital poSt SolutioflS have beefl iMpleMeflted to puSh
chaflflelS. There are SiMilaritieS betWeefl the three coufltrieS, but aS haS beefl ShoWfl ifl
thiS paper, there are alSo Sigflificaflt differeflceS. All three coufltrieS are drivefl by the
idea of a “digital firSt choice”, Which MeaflS that citizeflS Should priMarily uSe digital
MeaflS for their coMMuflicatiofl With the public Sector. But Whefl Such a “choice” iS
Made Mafldatory, aS ifl DeflMark, there iS actually flo choice. Ifl NorWay, there are
policy afld iflfraStructural arraflgeMefltS to Make the uSe of digital poSt aS a firSt, but Still
real choice. Ifl SWedefl, there are oflly flofl-coercive policy declaratioflS about digital
A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice 143
firSt choice. Afl iflfraStructure for digital poSt haS beefl rolled out, but the Strategy iS to
let public iflStructioflS afld exterflal uSerS to chooSe freely hoW to coMMuflicate. To
chooSe digital poSt ifl SWedefl MuSt be afl active choice.
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lectronic Government and Electronic Participation

H.J. Scholl et al. (Eds.)

© 2016 The authors and IOS Press.

This article is published online with Open Access by IOS Press and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0). doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-670-5-135

First ChoiCe, Free ChoiCe or No ChoiCe

Differences in Secure Digital Post in the Scandinavian Countries

Arild JANSEN a 1), JeSper B. BERGER b), Göran GOLDKUHL c) a UniverSity of OSlo,,

b Ærø Kommune,

c Linkøping UniverSity, goran.goldkuhl@liu.Se


AbStract. As part of their egovernment plans, many countries aim at digitizing their communication With its

citizens and the business sector. The effects of e-government depend on particular policy and design decisions. The aim of this paper is to compare the enactment of particular policies in supposedly similar

contexts. The comparative case constitutes digital communication betWeen public sector and citizens in the Scandinavian countries. From a grounded approach, We have described the policy, design and effects elements of the three case settings. Our study indicates that apparently similar solutions in comparable contexts may be

enacted in rather different Ways and have quite different effects. The three countries operate on a scale of coercion from mandatory (Denmark), over nudging (NorWay) to voluntary (SWeden).

KeyWords: e-government, digital communication, policy, design, effect

  1. Introduction

Digitizatiofl of coMMuflicatiofl betWeefl public adMifliStratiofl afld citizeflS SeeMS to

be a global trefld ifl SocietieS’ developMefltS. PerSoflal MeetiflgS afld ordiflary Mail are replaced by digital chaflflelS for coMMuflicatiofl. There are great challeflgeS ifl deSigfliflg

afld iMpleMefltiflg digital coMMuflicatiofl, oftefl labelled aS “digital by default” or

“digital firSt choice” [14,22]. The aMbitioflS are that citizeflS afld buSifleSSeS Should chooSe digital MeaflS firSt. It MuSt hoWever be queStiofled if “digital firSt choice” alWayS

iS a real choice. What iS the effect of differeflt flatioflal StrategieS for iMpleMefltiflg

digital coMMuflicatiofl? We Waflt to addreSS theSe queStioflS through a coMparative Study of StrategieS afld architecture for digital poSt ifl the three Scafldiflaviafl coufltrieS.

DeflMark, NorWay afld SWedefl have rather SiMilar political SySteMS, it iS lot of

cooperatiofl betWeefl theM, afld they are actively participatiflg ifl the Europeafl IflforMatiofl Society projectS. We Would expect that their ICT policieS reSeMble a lot.

HoWever, there are a fluMber of differeflceS, related to their Specific hiStory afld diStiflct

traditioflS. ThiS iS alSo reflected ifl their differeflt digitizatiofl StrategieS [See 14, 19, 22]. Although the overall goalS ifl all three coufltrieS are SiMilar ifl that digital

coMMuflicatiofl Should be the preferred chaflflel, each coufltry haS defifled rather differeflt digital chaflflel StrategieS.

    1. Research framework “From policy to design and effects”

Our reSearch fraMeWork departS froM a SiMple Model for e-goverflMeflt reSearch coflSiStiflg of three flotioflS: policy, deSigfl afld effectS [10]. Cefltral ifl the Model iS

1 Corresponding Author

136 A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice

deSigfl proceSS afld deSigfled productS of e-goverflMeflt artefactS. DeSigfl iS ifl thiS

cofltext coflSidered to be a proceSS of policy iMpleMefltatiofl, folloWiflg a diStiflct Strategy, Where the policy backgroufld iS Seefl aS eSSefltial cofltext to the deSigfl proceSS.

The third eleMeflt; the effectS are the Specific reSultS (of e.g. uSe) of afld correSpofldiflg coflSequeflceS for actorS iflvolved. The aflalySiS ifl thiS paper Will focuS ofl three levelS:

  1. The flatioflal policy level, iflcludiflg idefltifyiflg goal, legal afld orgaflizatioflal MeaSureS, but liMited to What iS relevaflt for the Specific caSeS.
  2. The deSigfl level, Meafliflg hoW digital chaflflel Strategy iS iMpleMeflted aS e- goverflMeflt architecture afld the Supportiflg iflforMatiofl iflfraStructure, iflcludiflg

aflalyziflg techflical afld orgaflizatioflal characteriSticS, buSifleSS Model, etc.

  1. The effect level, coMpriSiflg citizeflS’ afld public iflStitutioflS’ reSpoflSeS to the policy afld iMpleMefltatiofl through their adoptiofl, uSe afld the coflSequeflceS.

TheSe three projectS are aflalyzed ifl our Study: “Digital Posti ifl DeflMark, “Sikker

Digital Post” (EflgliSh: Secure Digital PoSt)ii ifl NorWay afld “Mina meddelanden” (EflgliSh: My MeSSageS)iii ifl SWedefl. Other SolutioflS exiSt; hoWever, theSe projectS coflStitute the Major flatioflal iflitiativeS. Our reSearch fraMeWork iS depicted ifl figure 1.

Overall SoCietal ConditionS


General poliCy framework (valueS & regulationS)

SpeCifiC digital poSt poliCy (valueS & regulationS)



USe & adoption

ConSequenCeS for individualS, organiSationS &


ArChiteCture for digital poSt

InStitutional arrangementS for digital poSt

Figure 1. Basic conceptualization of study domain

ExiSting egov SolutionS aS enablerS & barrierS

Our reSearch iS ofl the Whole baSed ofl a qualitative approach, iflcludiflg aflalySiS of

policy docuMefltS, StrategieS afld project deScriptioflS aS Well aS relevaflt reviSioflS ifl laWS afld regulatioflS, etc. We have adopted a Sort of “grouflded” approach aS flo Specific

theorieS or propoSitioflS guided the aflalySiS [6]. HoWever, We have uSed a Set of factorS related to policy afld deSigfl aS ShoW ifl Table 2 & 3 beloW ifl coMpariflg our three caSeS.

  1. Policy
    1. Denmark

The policy paperS that regulate digital coMMuflicatiofl With public Sector ifl DeflMark coMpriSe: 1) the flatioflal e-goverflMeflt Strategy, 2) legal regulatioflS afld

3) legal agreeMefltS betWeefl the DafliSh goverflMeflt afld Subordiflate public iflStitutioflS.

The DafliSh flatioflal e-goverflMeflt Strategy 2011-2015: The digital path to future welfare [22], uflderpiflS a fleW e-goverflMeflt paradigM. Accordiflg to Jæger afld Löfgrefl

  1. DafliSh e-goverflMeflt haS developed Siflce the 1990ieS froM “DafliSh valueS” like deMocracy, citizeflS’ IT rightS, traflSpareflcy, buttofl-up experiMefltal approacheS, citizeflS’ eMpoWerMeflt afld Social iflcluSiofl, to More cefltrally cofltrolled e-goverflMeflt,

A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice 137

priMarily to iflcreaSe public Sector efficieflcy. The curreflt 2011-2015 Strategy carrieS the

Slogafl that “thoSe that cafl, MuSt [be digital]” afld it iS clearly Stated that “it Will be Mafldatory to uSe digital SolutioflS ifl Writtefl coMMuflicatiofl With public Sector” [22, p.

5] for both buSifleSSeS (froM 2013) afld citizeflS (froM 2014). The coercive Strategy iS a reSult of lack of taflgible beflefitS froM forMer e-goverflMeflt StrategieS.

    1. Norway

NorWay iS a rather Sector-orieflted afld decefltralized, but uflitary State Where the

MuflicipalitieS have autofloMy Withifl the flatioflal legal fraMeWork. Ofle iMplicatiofl iS that NorWegiafl reforM proceSSeS Might be More SegMeflted afld Sector-orieflted thafl ifl

other coufltrieS. The MifliSter for Moderflizatiofl, Which coordiflateS public Sector

reforMS, lauflched a fleW digitizatiofl prograM ifl 2016, focuSiflg ofl efficieflcy afld uSer- orieflted ServiceS, but alSo ofl iflflovatiofl ifl private Sector, cofltifluiflg forMer StrategieS.

The fleW prograM iS Streflgthefliflg “Digital aS firSt optiofl” aS afl overall priflciple,

Meafliflg that “Digital coMMuflicatiofl iS to be the gefleral rule for cofltact With the public Sector. Paper-baSed SolutioflS Will Still be afl optiofl, but coMMuflicatiofl Will be

digital by default” [14]. All citizeflS afld buSifleSSeS Will receive Mail froM the public Sector aS certified digital Mail, uSiflg Secure eID for autheflticatiofl.

    1. Sweden

The iflitiative for digital poSt ifl SWedefl did flot coMe froM a political-MifliSterial

level. It WaS a public authority iflitiative aroufld 2009: The SWediSh Tax Ageflcy, Which had exteflSive coMMuflicatiofl With tax payerS ofl tax declaratioflS afld other taxatiofl

iSSueS. The coSt reductiofl for SWitchiflg to digital poSt WaS eStiMated to be high.

ThiS iflitiative WaS diScuSSed Withifl afl authority coMMittee for “buSifleSS Set up afld operatiofl”, coflSiStiflg of Several public authoritieS. TheSe authoritieS had becoMe

reSpoflSible oWflerS of the SWediSh flatioflal buSifleSS liflk portal verkSaMt.Se, Which WaS lauflched 2009. There WaS afl ifltereSt (froM the Ageflcy for EcofloMic afld Regioflal

GroWth afld the SWediSh CoMpaflieS RegiStratiofl Office) to have digital poSt aS afl

ifltegrated part of thiS buSifleSS liflk portal, but the Tax Ageflcy had a Stroflg iflcefltive ifl gettiflg ofle digital Solutiofl that covered both citizeflS afld buSifleSSeS. IflStead, a Separate

digital Solutiofl WaS choSefl called “Mifla Meddelafldefl” (My MeSSageS). The developMeflt of thiS joifled-up digital coMMuflicatiofl Service haS beefl iflflueflced by differeflt policy StateMefltS ofl e-goverflMeflt developMeflt ifl SWedefl.

  1. Digital architecture
    1. Principles for digital post architectures – certified mail systems

Ifl 1999, the Stafldardizatiofl Sector of the Iflterflatioflal TelecoMMuflicatiofl Ufliofl publiShed the recoMMefldatiofl X.400, Which defifleS the gefleric SySteM architecture of

MeSSage Hafldliflg ServiceS, MHS [20]. ThiS architectural Model haS beefl adopted With Miflor chaflgeS by Mafly Mailiflg SySteMS today, iflcludiflg MoSt CMS (Certified Mail

SySteMS). It iflcludeS a gefleric iflfraStructure: Mail TraflSfer SySteM (MTS) that

cofltaiflS MeSSage TraflSfer AgefltS (MTA) afld cafl coflflect With USer AgefltS (UA); furtherMore MeSSage StoreS (MS) afld AcceSS UflitS (AU), Which cafl be deviSeS that

coflvert digital MaSSageS to phySical Mail. The fuflctioflal Model of the gefleric X.400 MHS iS illuStrated ifl figure 2 beloW.

138 A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice

    1. Denmark

All public iflstitutiofls cafl register as seflder afld recipieflt. All persofls age 15+ are autoMatically registered as recipieflts based ofl their uflique persofl ID (CPR). Citizefls

cafl apply for exeMptiofl. Citizefls cafl register phofle flo. afld e-Mail for flotificatiofl.

Public iflstitutiofls sefld Messages froM various applicatiofl systeMs (UAs). The citizefl cafl iflitiate Messages through the UA, which the MTA delivers as a secure e-Mail or via

a web service to the public iflstitutiofl. There is ofle authorized MTS-provider.

Figure 2. Systems architecture of the generic X.400 MHS, called CMS (from Tauber [20] )

The citizefl UA coflsist of the flatioflal eID, the citizefl portal ( afld the Digital Post froflt-efld systeM. The recipieflt has the respoflsibility to provide access to a

device that cafl rufl the flatioflal portals, Iflterflet access afld afl active eID to be able to

coMMuflicate with public iflstitutiofls, afld to be able to receive Messages that May have legal or ecofloMic coflsequeflces. The goverflMeflt Made it Mafldatory for public

iflstitutiofls to offer Digital Post as a coMMuflicatiofl chaflflel for citizefls already ifl 2010. Digital Post was lauflched ifl 2010, but by the tiMe the Law was passed ifl 2012, alMost flo busiflesses had registered afld less thafl ofle of five citizefls.

    1. Norway

The Norwegiafl CMS is based ofl a siMplified afld asyMMetric versiofl of the gefleric MHS Model. The citizefls that accept to use a digital coMMuflicatiofl chaflflel are offered

the optiofl to choose betweefl two Mail boxes: Digipost by Postefl Norge afld e-Boks by

e-Boks AS. The ifltefltiofl is that they shall receive Mail froM public ageflcies ifl the saMe Mailbox as froM private seflders. Receipt afld storiflg of digital Mail froM public

ageflcies are free of charge for the citizefls, as are the use of ID-portal to log ofl.

A citizefl May however iflteract with public ageflcies ifl differeflt ways. The Most typical sceflario is whefl a citizefls coMplete a “digital forM” available froM a public

ageflcy, florMally by usiflg a secure logifl/autheflticatiofl service provided by the flatioflal eID. If the citizefl is registered ifl the exeMptiofl register, a paper-based Message shall be

seflt. All public iflstitutiofls have to register as seflder ifl CMS. All persofls age 15+ cafl register as recipieflts based ofl their uflique persofl ID, but they do flot have to.

    1. Sweden

Public iflstitutiofls that qualify cafl register as seflder ifl My Messages. Busiflesses

(legal efltities) afld citizefls cafl register, based ofl their uflique busifless/citizefl ID as recipieflts. Recipieflts Must register a phofle flo. afld e-Mail for flotificatiofls. Public

iflstitutiofls sefld Messages froM various applicatiofl systeMs (UAs) to MTA. These

Messages cafl be dispatched froM these applicatiofl systeMs (e.g. case hafldliflg systeMs), usiflg differeflt techfliques, iflto the Message traflsfer systeM. The Tax Ageflcy

is respoflsible for this architecture afld the provisiofl of the Maifl iflfrastructural coMpofleflts). There are procedures of orgaflizatioflal, cofltractual afld techflical

A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice 139

affiliatiofl. The Specific type of MeSSage fleedS alSo to be regiStered. Natioflal ageflcieS

afld MuflicipalitieS cafl be affiliated to thiS MeSSage traflSfer Service. There iS ofle Mail- box (“Mifl MyfldighetSpoSt” adMifliStered by the Tax Ageflcy) that hafldleS oflly

MeSSageS froM the public Sector. BeSideS thiS Mail-box, there exiSt at the MoMeflt tWo

coMMercial digital Mail-boxeS that are certified to diStribute MeSSageS froM the public Sector. A citizefl cafl chooSe to receive MeSSageS froM the public Sector digitally or by

ordiflary Mail. The digital choice MuSt be afl active choice. If flo Such choice iS

regiStered, the default optiofl iS ordiflary Mail. The citizefl cafl alSo chooSe Which Mail- box operator to uSe for digital poSt; i.e. the public digital Mail-box or ofle of the

coMMercial ofleS. It iS alSo poSSible to chooSe flot to receive MeSSageS froM SoMe diSpatchiflg public ageflcieS; i.e. deSelectiflg SoMe public ageflcy froM digital poSt

  1. Adoption and effectS
    1. Denmark

The fluMber of regiStered citizeflS afld yearly MeSSageS are ShoWfl ifl table 1, ShoWiflg clearly hoW Mafldatory e-goverflMeflt booStS adoptiofl afld uSe. Afl evaluatiofl

of the Digital PoSt buSifleSS caSe for 2013 afld foufld that public iflStitutioflS had realized

leSS Digital PoSt, thuS leSS poStal coSt reductiofl thafl expected, See Berger afld AflderSefl [4]. Siflce the State budget WaS reduced beforehafld, the authorS eStiMated that public

iflStitutioflS had had a direct deficit of More thafl 100 Milliofl DKK. The buSifleSS caSe WaS alSo evaluated for 2014 for local goverflMefltS afld ShoWed agaifl a direct deficit of

38 Milliofl DKK (79 Milliofl DKK ifl 2013). ESpecially SMall buSifleSS oWflerS Were

fruStrated about the iMpleMefltatiofl proceSS, the coMplexity of the Solutiofl, afld that they had to pay to be Supported aloflg With the lack of Support reSourceS. Civil ServafltS

experieflced iflcreaSed Workload With Digital PoSt due to itS coMplexity, lack of

iflteroperability afld the iflcreaSed deMafld for aSSiStaflce froM eSpecially vulflerable citizeflS [1]. Civil ServafltS report that citizeflS loSe Welfare rightS afld beflefitS becauSe

they are flot able to acceSS Digital PoSt. Elderly afld vulflerable citizeflS, that depefld ofl

public beflefitS, May alSo Suffer froM techflo aflxiety [e.g. 11]. Social WorkerS Stated that forciflg citizeflS to be digital Worked agaiflSt their treatMeflt of the clieflt.

The public iflStitutiofl that hafldleS child Support Started Sefldiflg coflfirMatiofl letterS

ifl 2013 to Siflgle parefltS ifl Digital PoSt. More thafl 300 Siflgle parefltS did flot See the Digital PoSt, SubSequefltly they loSt child Support. The Couflcil of Appeal ruled, ofl

behalf of Several coMplaifltS, that the deciSiofl Should be reverSed [21]. The turbuleflce of iMpleMefltiflg Digital PoSt Were criticiSed ifl DafliSh Media [12].

    1. Norway

SoMe State ageflcieS have offered a SiMple digital poSt Service to citizeflS, baSed ofl

uflcoordiflated afld rather uflSecure SolutioflS. The Tax directorate haS uSed the digital Mail Service offered by Altiflfl Siflce 2005 to iflforM citizeflS about the aSSeSSMeflt of

taxeS. Ifl 2015, 93 % of all tax payer received digital flotice froM through Altiflfl.

DIFI put itS firSt verSiofl iflto operatiofl fall 2014 afld haS the overall reSpoflSible for operatiflg the Solutiofl. Ifl Muflicipal Sector, a coMMofl digital Mail Service haS beefl

offered Siflce 2013, baSed ofl a Solutiofl developed by Bergefl Muflicipality ifl 2011. The Cofltact afld reServatiofl regiSter afld DigipoSt Were put iflto operatiofl late 2014, While

E-BokS WaS available Spriflg 2015. By April 2016, 21% are uSerS of CMS, While 2.3 % are regiStered for exeMptiofl. HoWever, about 90.5 are regiStered ifl the CRR, afld Will

140 A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice

receive “uflSecured” digital MeSSageS, but flot fleceSSarily by SDP. Other State ageflcieS uSe their oWfl Mailbox SySteM for uflSecure Mail. Table 1 beloW ShoW SoMe data ofl the adoptiofl of Digital poSt ifl the three coufltrieS.

Table 1. E-government policy attributes for the Scandinavian countries








Citizens registered (%)







Citizens exempt (%)







Public institutions (#)







Messages G2C (Million per year)








Citizens registered with SDP (%) In CCR)


21 % (90%)

Citizens exempt (%)


2.1 %

Public institutions (state + municipal)



121+ 200

Messages G2C (Million per year)





Citizens registered with SDP


260 K

Public institutions (state + municipal)



    1. Sweden

The exiSteflce of the digital iflfraStructure of My MeSSageS iS Mafldatory. The Tax Ageflcy iS the Siflgle, obliged provider of thiS iflfraStructure. The uSe of it iS, hoWever

flot Mafldatory for either public orgaflizatioflS or citizeflS/buSifleSSeS. The deployMeflt of

thiS digital poSt Solutiofl ifl SWedefl haS thuS beefl highly depefldeflt ofl the ifltereStS by public orgaflizatioflS, citizeflS afld buSifleSSeS. HoWever, the fluMberS of Sefldiflg afld

receiviflg uSerS are progreSSiflg fairly SloWly. By Dec. 2015, there Were oflly 9 flatioflal authoritieS that uSe My MeSSageS. Ifl 2014 a deployMeflt proceSS Started for the MuflicipalitieS. At the MoMeflt there are oflly feW MuflicipalitieS that uSe My MeSSageS.

  1. Comparative analySiS

The digitizatiofl approach of the three Scafldiflaviafl coufltrieS haS provefl to be rather diSSiMilar, Which iS clearly depicted ifl the three SlogaflS for the e-goverflMeflt StrategieS:

DK: “Those than can must”; NO: Digital as first choice; SE: As simple as possible for civil servants and citizens.

BeloW, We coMpare the three differeflt approacheS related to policy, deSigfl afld effect.

    1. Policy

The DafliSh, NorWegiafl afld SWediSh e-goverflMeflt policieS cafl be placed ofl a

cofltifluuM froM Mafldatory to volufltary. DeflMark exertS a Mafldatory Strategy, cefltrally cofltrolled by the MifliStry of Fiflaflce ifl a Much cloSed Maflfler, priMarily

Seekiflg cefltral goverflMeflt coSt reductioflS by legal MeaflS toWardS citizeflS.

NorWay, other the other hafld exertS a Softer Strategy; digital coMMuflicatiofl iS the default optiofl, but citizeflS cafl Still chooSe to coMMuflicate by phySical Mail. Ifl SWedefl, the citizeflS May chooSe freely Whether the Will receive digital Mail or flot.

A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice 141

Table 2. E-government policy attributes for the Scandinavian countries.





Centralized, top-doWn,


Centralized, top-doWn/

bottom-up, citizen-centric

Centralized, bottom-up,


Political anchor. of e-gov. Strategy

MiniStry of Finance,

Dig. Agency (DIGST)

Min. for Modernization&

DIFI +Min of Finance

MiniStry of Trade, the

Tax Agency.

GoalS of Strategy

Reduce public Sector


Efficiency, effectivity and


Reduce public Sector

coStS, improve Security.


Legal meanS toWardS

citizenS and buSineSSeS.

Mix of legal meanS and

nudging of citizenS.

Nudging of public


CitizenS’ rightS

Digital by default.

Citizen cannot chooSe.

Digital by default, but

citizenS can chooSe

Digital iS voluntary.

CitizenS can chooSe,

CitizenS’ demandS

Cannot demand digital


Conditionally yeS; if

digital com. iS Supported

Cannot demand digital



Rapid, fixed period,

Specific targetS.

SloWer, no fixed period,

no Specific targetS.

Digital comm. evolveS

incremental, dynamic.

The public iflStitutiofl haS the reSpoflSibility to eflSure that the digital MeSSage haS beefl coMMuflicated afld every public iflStitutiofl iS obliged to coMply With the digital

coMMuflicatiofl Strategy. Evefl Softer, the SWediSh approach haS beefl developed bottoM-up through the fleedS of public iflStitutioflS to reduce coStS coMMuflicatiflg With

citizeflS. ThiS Strategy haS beefl that digital coMMuflicatiofl Should be volufltary afld SiMple to uSe for both public iflStitutioflS afld citizeflS.

While citizeflS caflflot deMafld digital coMMuflicatiofl ifl DeflMark or SWedefl, NorWay haS a More citizefl-cefltric approach, Where citizeflS actually cafl deMafld digital

coMMuflicatiofl if thiS iS Supported by the ifldividual ageflcieS. DeflMark haS choSefl a rapid iMpleMefltatiofl period, aiMiflg at digitiziflg 80% of public coMMuflicatiofl Withifl

3 yearS. Further, DeflMark haS reduced cefltral (State) fufldiflg of public iflStitutioflS

accordiflg to aflticipated coSt reductioflS prior to the iMpleMefltatiofl period. NorWay haS choSefl a Softer iMpleMefltatiofl Strategy: coMply or explaifl Why flot; WhereaS digital coMMuflicatiofl ifl SWedefl evolveS dyflaMically accordiflg to fleedS afld opportuflitieS.

    1. Design

The deSigfl choiceS May alSo be partly grouflded ifl the overall approacheS of the

three coufltrieS, depicted ifl the three SlogaflS above. While exeMptiofl for citizeflS cafl oflly be graflted ifl the DafliSh caSe if citizeflS actively Meet at toWfl hall afld declare that

they do flot poSSeSS a coMputer, NorWegiafl citizeflS cafl be exeMpt oflly be oMittiflg to

regiSter their eMail addreSS. Cofltrary, the SWediSh citizeflS that Waflt to coMMuflicate digitally actively fleed to regiSter. For the buSifleSSeS Sector, ifl both DeflMark afld

NorWay, buSifleSSeS are obliged to coMMuflicate digitally Without poSSibility of beiflg

exeMpt. A receflt DafliSh iflveStigatiofl of uSer-friefldlifleSS of buSifleSS-orieflted digital SolutioflS revealed that big coMpaflieS fifld DafliSh Digital PoSt (e-BokS) too reStricted

for iflStaflce due to lack of iflterflal operatioflS of MeSSageS afld lack of role-baSed uSer

profileS; WhereaS ofle-perSofl coMpaflieS fifld the Solutiofl to coMplex [25]. The NorWegiafl GoverflMeflt haS folloWed a More traflSpareflt approach, Specifyiflg the

requireMefltS ifl the legal docuMefltS. The private coMpafly e-BokS A/S (that operated

the DafliSh MTS) WaS authorized ifl NorWay, but had to adjuSt the DafliSh verSiofl of the Solutiofl to be able to coMply With NorWegiafl requireMefltS [15]. The SWediSh Solutiofl lackS requireMefltS’ traflSpareflcy Siflce the developMeflt WaS afl ifl-houSe project.

142 A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice

Table 3. E-government design attributes for the Scandinavian countries




How many digital solutions must citiZens

cope with

FeW other solutions. The

Ombudsman has that only one SDP is promoted.

2 Secure solutions

A variety of different unsecure solutions.

A variety of different solutions.

Degree of choice

Citizens have no choices,

only one MTA, UA and eID

Citizens can choose

betWeen 2 MTAs, 4 eIDs

Citizens have no choice of

MTA, but choose 3 UAs

Exemption for citiZens

to receive digital messages

Citizens are registered as

digital by default; they must apply for exemption

Citizens must actively

register to be digital and can be exempt.

Digital communication is

voluntary so no need for exemption.

Business model, public institutions

Central gov. provides

support by reducing State fund. Fee for using CMS.

Each institution has to pay

for implement. costs for integration With CMS

Each institution has to pay

for implement. Cost for integration With CMS.

    1. Effects

The three coufltrieS have progreSSed differefltly ifl the iMpleMefltatiofl proceSSeS. Heflce, a coMpariSofl of effectS caflflot be Made directly. The adoptiofl ifl DeflMark

developed SloWly the firSt yearS, aS ShoWfl ifl table 1. The Majority of public iflStitutioflS Were regiStered ifl 2010, hoWever the fluMber of Seflt MeSSageS Were loW iflitially, but

have iflcreaSed ifl the tWo laSt yearS. The NorWegiafl developMeflt reSeMbleS SoMeWhat

the firSt yearS of the DafliSh iMpleMefltatiofl proceSS, See alSo table 1. HoWever, there haS beefl iflitiated a public caMpaigfl to accelerate the adoptiofl rate. SiMilarly, SWedefl

haS a fairly SloW pace of uptake due to volufltarifleSS.

The direct ecofloMic beflefitS of the DafliSh Digital PoSt project haS flot beefl officially evaluated, but Siflce the GoverflMeflt haS reduced the State fufldiflg of public

iflStitutioflS froM beforehafld, the project haS reduced public coStS froM 2013 to 2015 by More thafl 800 Milliofl DKK. Afl evaluatiofl ifl 2013 foufld a direct deficit of More thafl

100 Milliofl DKK due to public iflStitutioflS flot beiflg able to Sefld aS Mafly digital poStS aS aflticipated. The NorWegiafl or SWediSh projectS do flot have thiS autoMatic reductiofl of State fufldiflg afld beflefitS froM the digitizatiofl project haS flot beefl eStiMated.

A recogflized probleM ifl the DafliSh caSe iS that citizeflS afld buSifleSSeS do flot acceSS their digital coMMuflicatiofl. For iflStaflce, the Share of flofl-held Mafldatory

vehicle iflSpectioflS WaS raiSed by 50% Whefl DafliSh Police Started uSiflg digital coMMuflicatiofl afld plate-reMoval of vehicleS doubled [17]. Civil ServafltS report that

citizeflS perceive both poSitive afld flegative coflSequeflceS, afld that SoMe civil ServafltS

fifld the digital Service to citizeflS So poor that they refraifl froM uSiflg it [5]. Evefl ifl 2014 civil ServafltS perceive afl iflcreaSed Work load due to digital coMMuflicatiofl.

6 ConcluSionS

The cofltiflual Shift to digital coMMuflicatiofl ifl SocietieS iS appareflt ifl the three Scafldiflaviafl coufltrieS. Digital poSt SolutioflS have beefl iMpleMeflted to puSh

coMMuflicatiofl betWeefl public iflStitutioflS afld citizeflS/buSifleSS to Such digital chaflflelS. There are SiMilaritieS betWeefl the three coufltrieS, but aS haS beefl ShoWfl ifl

thiS paper, there are alSo Sigflificaflt differeflceS. All three coufltrieS are drivefl by the

idea of a “digital firSt choice”, Which MeaflS that citizeflS Should priMarily uSe digital MeaflS for their coMMuflicatiofl With the public Sector. But Whefl Such a “choice” iS

Made Mafldatory, aS ifl DeflMark, there iS actually flo choice. Ifl NorWay, there are policy afld iflfraStructural arraflgeMefltS to Make the uSe of digital poSt aS a firSt, but Still real choice. Ifl SWedefl, there are oflly flofl-coercive policy declaratioflS about digital

A. Jansen et al. / First Choice, Free Choice or No Choice 143

firSt choice. Afl iflfraStructure for digital poSt haS beefl rolled out, but the Strategy iS to let public iflStructioflS afld exterflal uSerS to chooSe freely hoW to coMMuflicate. To chooSe digital poSt ifl SWedefl MuSt be afl active choice.


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