Group 2 Morpho exercises - words - Khoa học dữ liệu | Trường Đại học Khoa học Tự nhiên, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

1. dorm, pants, pub - Clipping. 2. medicare, happenstance - Blending. 3. laser, AIDS, IMF - Acronymy. 4. long haired, cornflakes - Compounding. 5. campus, discotheque - Coinage. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !


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Group 2 Morpho exercises - words - Khoa học dữ liệu | Trường Đại học Khoa học Tự nhiên, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh

1. dorm, pants, pub - Clipping. 2. medicare, happenstance - Blending. 3. laser, AIDS, IMF - Acronymy. 4. long haired, cornflakes - Compounding. 5. campus, discotheque - Coinage. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !


91 46 lượt tải Tải xuống
lOMoARcPSD| 46342985
lOMoARcPSD| 46342985
Morphology Exercises- Words
I. By what processes of word formation are the following words formed?
1. dorm, pants, pub
2. medicare, happenstance
3. laser, AIDS, IMF
4. long-haired, cornflakes
5. campus, discotheque Coinage
6. ecosystem, interesting
7. beg, administrate, enthuse
Back formation
8. cashmere, denim, pasteurize
9. empty (v), bottle (v)
II. Write the full forms of the following blends.
1. Chunnel=
16. vitamin
2. transceiver
3. travelogue
4. bit
5. twirl
6. flurry
7. flare
8. smash
9. telethon
1. Chunnel = channel + tunnel
16. vitamin = vital + aminoacid
2. Transceiver = transmitter + receiver
17. daisy = day's + eye
lOMoARcPSD| 46342985
Morphology Exercises- Words
3. travelogue = travel + catalogue 18. gerrymander = gerry + salamander
4. bit = Binary + digIT 19. positron = positive + election
5. twirl = twist + whirl 20. farewell = fare + thee + well
6. flurry = flutter + hurry 21. moped = motor + pedal
7. flare = Glame + glare 22. breathalyzer = breath + analyzer
8. smash = smack + mash 23. telex = teleprinter + exchange
9. telethon = telephone + marathon 24. paratroops = parachute + troops
10. pixel = picture + element 25. glimmer = gleam + shimmer
11. fortnight = fēowertyne + niht 26. sportscast = sports + broadcast
12. Interpol=international criminal police organization 27. Bollywood = Bombay + hollywood
13. motel = Motor + Hotel 28. hangry = angry + hungry
14. spam = Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages 29. Brexit = Britain + exit
15. sitcom = situation + comedy 30. emoticon = emotion + icon
III. What expressions do the following acronyms stand for?
1. COD => Cash On Delivery
2. DIY => Do It Yourself
3. FAQ => Frequently Asked Questions
4. PR => Public Relations
5. MC => Master of Ceremonies
6. SOS => Save Our Souls
7. ESL => English as Second Language
lOMoARcPSD| 46342985
Morphology Exercises- Words
8. EFL => English as a Foreign Language
9. GMO => Genetically Modified Organism
10. IQ => Intelligence Quotient
11. RIP => Rest In Peace
12. A.D => Anmo Domini
13. B.C => Before Christ
14. i.e. => id est
15. e.g. => exempli gratia
16. GMT => Greenwich Mean Time
17. WHO => World Health Organization
18. WTO => World Trade Organization
19. UNICEF => United Nations Children’s Fund
20. UNESCO => United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
21. 3G (4G, 5G…) => Third-generation mobile telephone system
22. BBC => British Broadcasting Corporation
23. CNN => Cable News Network
24. FIFA => Fédération Internationale de Football Association
25. ASAP/ asap => As Soon As Possible
26. NASA => National Aeronautics and Space Administration
27. DOB => Date Of Birth
28. PRC (in “made in PRC”) => People’s Republic Of China
lOMoARcPSD| 46342985
Morphology Exercises- Words
Bike bicycle
Doc doctor
Exam examination
Gent gentleman
Grannie grandmother
Movie moving picture
Phone telephone
Vet veterinarian
Zoo zoological park
Co-ed co-educational
Decaf decaffeinated
Flu influenza
Gas gasoline
Lab laboratory
Mike microphone
Photo photograph
Pop popular music
1. dorm dormitory 11. taxi - taximeter cab
2. memo memorandum 12. pram - perambulator
3. bra - brassiere 13. polio - poliomyelitis
4. pant - pantaloons 14. prom - promenade dance
lOMoARcPSD| 46342985
Morphology Exercises- Words
5. prof - professor
15. sarge - sergeant
6. fan - fanatic
16. com - communist
7. wig - periwig
17. metro - metropolitan
8. grad - graduate
Perm - permanent
9. pub - public house
Grandma - grandmother
10. prep - preparatory
San France - San Francisco
21. cello - violoncello
1. Acquaintance
11. Injuries
2. Assumptions
3. Collision
lOMoARcPSD| 46342985
Morphology Exercises- Words
6. Length
7. Sale
8. Qualification
9. Seflessness
10. Collision
Group 2:
Nguyễn Phú Qúy
Võ Lê Kiều Anh
Nguyễn Thanh Hương
Đoàn Thị Thanh Tú
| 1/6

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lOMoAR cPSD| 46342985 lOMoAR cPSD| 46342985 Morphology Exercises- Words
I. By what processes of word formation are the following words formed? 1. dorm, pants, pub Clipping 2. medicare, happenstance Blending 3. laser, AIDS, IMF Acronymy 4. long-haired, cornflakes Compounding 5. campus, discotheque Coinage 6. ecosystem, interesting Affixation 7. beg, administrate, enthuse Back formation
8. cashmere, denim, pasteurize Borrowing 9. empty (v), bottle (v) Conversion
II. Write the full forms of the following blends. 1. Chunnel= 16. vitamin 2. transceiver 17.daisy 3. travelogue 18.gerrymander 4. bit 19.positron 5. twirl 20.farewell 6. flurry 21.moped 7. flare 22.breathalyzer 8. smash 23.telex 9. telethon 24.paratroops 10. pixel 25.glimmer 11. fortnight 26.sportscast 12. Interpol 27.Bollywood 13. motel 28.hangry 14. spam 29.Brexit 15. sitcom 30.emoticon 1. Chunnel = channel + tunnel
16. vitamin = vital + aminoacid
2. Transceiver = transmitter + receiver 17. daisy = day's + eye lOMoAR cPSD| 46342985 Morphology Exercises- Words
3. travelogue = travel + catalogue
18. gerrymander = gerry + salamander 4. bit = Binary + digIT
19. positron = positive + election 5. twirl = twist + whirl
20. farewell = fare + thee + well 6. flurry = flutter + hurry 21. moped = motor + pedal 7. flare = Glame + glare
22. breathalyzer = breath + analyzer 8. smash = smack + mash
23. telex = teleprinter + exchange
9. telethon = telephone + marathon
24. paratroops = parachute + troops 10. pixel = picture + element 25. glimmer = gleam + shimmer
11. fortnight = fēowertyne + niht
26. sportscast = sports + broadcast
12. Interpol=international criminal police organization
27. Bollywood = Bombay + hollywood 13. motel = Motor + Hotel 28. hangry = angry + hungry
14. spam = Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages 29. Brexit = Britain + exit
15. sitcom = situation + comedy 30. emoticon = emotion + icon
III. What expressions do the following acronyms stand for?
1. COD => Cash On Delivery 2. DIY => Do It Yourself
3. FAQ => Frequently Asked Questions 4. PR => Public Relations
5. MC => Master of Ceremonies 6. SOS => Save Our Souls
7. ESL => English as Second Language lOMoAR cPSD| 46342985 Morphology Exercises- Words
8. EFL => English as a Foreign Language
9. GMO => Genetically Modified Organism
10. IQ => Intelligence Quotient 11. RIP => Rest In Peace 12. A.D => Anmo Domini 13. B.C => Before Christ 14. i.e. => id est 15. e.g. => exempli gratia
16. GMT => Greenwich Mean Time
17. WHO => World Health Organization
18. WTO => World Trade Organization
19. UNICEF => United Nations Children’s Fund
20. UNESCO => United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
21. 3G (4G, 5G…) => Third-generation mobile telephone system
22. BBC => British Broadcasting Corporation
23. CNN => Cable News Network
24. FIFA => Fédération Internationale de Football Association
25. ASAP/ asap => As Soon As Possible
26. NASA => National Aeronautics and Space Administration 27. DOB => Date Of Birth
28. PRC (in “made in PRC”) => People’s Republic Of China lOMoAR cPSD| 46342985 Morphology Exercises- Words IV. Bike – bicycle Bus – omnibus Doc – doctor Exam – examination Gent – gentleman Grannie – grandmother Movie – moving picture Phone – telephone Vet – veterinarian Zoo – zoological park Co-ed – co-educational Coke – coca-cola Decaf – decaffeinated Flu – influenza Fridge – refrigerator Gas – gasoline Lab – laboratory Maths – mathematics Mike – microphone Photo – photograph Plane – airplane Pop – popular music V. 1. dorm – dormitory 11. taxi - taximeter cab 2. memo – memorandum 12. pram - perambulator 3. bra - brassiere 13. polio - poliomyelitis 4. pant - pantaloons 14. prom - promenade dance lOMoAR cPSD| 46342985 Morphology Exercises- Words 5. prof - professor 15. sarge - sergeant 6. fan - fanatic 16. com - communist 7. wig - periwig 17. metro - metropolitan 8. grad - graduate 18. Perm - permanent 9. pub - public house 19. Grandma - grandmother 10. prep - preparatory
20. San France - San Francisco 21. cello - violoncello VI 1. Acquaintance 11. Injuries 2. Assumptions 12. Likelihood 3. Collision 13. Descent lOMoAR cPSD| 46342985 Morphology Exercises- Words 4. Relief 14. Payment 5. Probability 15. Cancellation 6. Length 7. Sale 8. Qualification 9. Seflessness 10. Collision Group 2: Nguyễn Phú Qúy Võ Lê Kiều Anh Nguyễn Thanh Hương Đoàn Thị Thanh Tú