Have u ever been stalked on facebook - English Linguistics | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam

Have u ever been stalked on facebook - English Linguistics | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Have u ever been stalked on facebook? It can be a bit creepy and threatening to u,
right. Surprisingly, it is a guilty pleasure of many people among us.
Initially, i’m gonna give u the definition of facebook stalking before answering the
question: Why can it be considered as a guilty pleasure.
This popular term in the digital age can be defined as the use of Fb to follow the
online actions of individuals in a serious way. But wait, you may not differentiate
checking someone out and stalking them. For example, u are impressed by a new
guy on your first day at work. U look him up on Fb to see his public profile, his
picture from recent trips. That’s checking out. On the other hand, if u go through
his entire profile seeing all his photos, checking his post everyday. That’s a stalker.
I mean, fb serveillance is more serious. It may include excessive viewing of a
particular users wall, status updates, uploaded photos; keeping track off
comments and reactions of the targets; finding out all friends in the lists and their
Why scrutinizing Facebook can be described as a guilty pleasure? It involves 2
main factors: the genuine joy and the sense of guilt.
Firstly, it satisfies your curiosity. People have the desire to know more about
personal information. They want to stay informed and updated. Undoubtedly, fb is
a great tool. Let’s imagine, u have a crush on a hot guy at school, he piques your
curiosity, then u decide to perform serveillance activities via social networking site
to know more about his interest as well as his characteristics. Somehow, it nurtures
your love for him.
However, the guiltiness comes from the negative effects.
The first reason is the indulging in Fb stalking can trigger the feeling of envy.
Following secretly someone else’s profile on a regular basis can make u
inconfident and jealous due to their glamarous lifestyle. Your are not satisfied with
your own life when using fb as a tool for comparison.
21:38 1/8/24
Have u ever been stalked on facebook
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21:38 1/8/24
Have u ever been stalked on facebook
Have u ever been stalked on facebook? It can be a bit creepy and threatening to u,
right. Surprisingly, it is a guilty pleasure of many people among us.
Initially, i’m gonna give u the definition of facebook stalking before answering the
question: Why can it be considered as a guilty pleasure.
This popular term in the digital age can be defined as the use of Fb to follow the
online actions of individuals in a serious way. But wait, you may not differentiate
checking someone out and stalking them. For example, u are impressed by a new
guy on your first day at work. U look him up on Fb to see his public profile, his
picture from recent trips. That’s checking out. On the other hand, if u go through
his entire profile seeing all his photos, checking his post everyday. That’s a stalker.
I mean, fb serveillance is more serious. It may include excessive viewing of a
particular user’s wall, status updates, uploaded photos; keeping track off
comments and reactions of the targets; finding out all friends in the lists and their relationships.
Why scrutinizing Facebook can be described as a guilty pleasure? It involves 2
main factors: the genuine joy and the sense of guilt.
Firstly, it satisfies your curiosity. People have the desire to know more about
personal information. They want to stay informed and updated. Undoubtedly, fb is
a great tool. Let’s imagine, u have a crush on a hot guy at school, he piques your
curiosity, then u decide to perform serveillance activities via social networking site
to know more about his interest as well as his characteristics. Somehow, it nurtures your love for him.
However, the guiltiness comes from the negative effects.
The first reason is the indulging in Fb stalking can trigger the feeling of envy.
Following secretly someone else’s profile on a regular basis can make u
inconfident and jealous due to their glamarous lifestyle. Your are not satisfied with
your own life when using fb as a tool for comparison. about:blank 1/1