MARKETING MANAGEMENT | Học viện Báo chí và Tuyên truyền

The main objective of this course is to help students develop a broad and pragmatic
understanding of the central role that marketing plays in modern business and society. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!


Marketing 2 tài liệu

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MARKETING MANAGEMENT | Học viện Báo chí và Tuyên truyền

The main objective of this course is to help students develop a broad and pragmatic
understanding of the central role that marketing plays in modern business and society. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!

58 29 lượt tải Tải xuống
lOMoARcPSD| 46560390
(Tentative and subject to change)
Instructor: Kim, Jun Beom (김준범)
Room: 59-604
Telephone: 02-880-6937
Office hours: by appointment
Teaching Assistant: 김송현 (
Course Venue:
Lecture Time:
Mon 2:00pm to 4:50pm
The main objective of this course is to help students develop a broad and pragmatic
understanding of the central role that marketing plays in modern business and society.
Marketing is the business function that is charged with generating profits by providing values
to customers and recapturing some of that value. Business organization must understand the
market by identifying and measuring customers’ needs and wants, select the most appropriate
target customers, and develop marketing programs that satisfy both customers’ needs as well
as the firm’s needs for profits. As consumers, you already have some anecdotal knowledge
about marketing. In this course, you will take the perspective of a business and learn that
there are critical and systematic approaches to think about marketing and its role in business
and modern society.
Text book: Principles of Marketing, 17th Edition, by Kotler and Armstrong, Pearson. This
is a very popular book that is being used in many other universities. Please use the text book
as main reference.
Harvard cases: We will use the following three Harvard Cases for group and individual case
“Starbucks: Delivering Customer Service”
“IKEA Invades America”
The cases are available at the following link.
lOMoARcPSD| 46560390
The following are major components for the final grade.
Exam 1
Exam 2
Assignment 1: Allbirds memo (Individual)
Assignment 2: Marketing Puzzle Exercise (Group)
o Assignment 3: Two Case Write-ups (Group) 3*2%
o Final Project Report (Group) 18% o Class Attendance/Participation
(Individual) 10%
D.1 Exam
There will be two exams in total. Some of the details are as follows.
o Each exam will have two parts of “multiple-choice” questions and short essay
o Vast majority of the questions will be largely based on lecture slides, class discussions,
additional reading materials, and video clips.
o The exam material will not be cumulative. However, it should be kept in mind that
most topics in the course are interrelated; thus answering questions relating to a
particular topic may require some knowledge of prior topics.
The following are the exam dates.
Exam 1
10/21(Saturday 11:00AM)
Exam 2
12/18(Monday 11:00AM)
D.2 Assignments
Assignment 1 (Individual): Allbirds Exercise. Please read a short article “How Allbirds Lost
Its Way” and answer why Allbirds brand extension was not successful (one page max, 11 font
size). Will be graded on 0 to 2 (highest).
Assignment 2 (Group): Marketing Puzzle. The purpose of this exercise is to help you
appreciate that marketing is not an abstract subject that exists only as definitions in your
textbook. This assignment requires you to use your skills as an observational researcher and
observe and document some specific market activity as it happens around you. Further details
will be announced at the beginning of the semester. In addition to two-page written report,
each group will present their puzzles during the class on the submission date. In terms of
presentation, each team will have about 10 minutes and does not need to make any separate
presentation files.
Assignment 3 (Group): Case Write-up. Each group will work on two discussion cases and
submit a power point presentation file that summarizes their findings/answers to the
lOMoARcPSD| 46560390
discussion questions (~10 pages). Before the case discussion, selected groups (one from
even-numbered group and the other from odd-numbered group) will share/present their
recommendations to the class (20 minutes including Q&A). More details will follow during
the class.
D.3 Group Project
Group Formation
Students are required to work within a group consisting of about four members. Students will
be randomly assigned to groups. Late submission may result in a penalty.
Written Report
For the group project, you are assumed to work for an existing business organization and
develop a marketing plan for a new business by introducing product or service to the market.
This is designed as a holistic exercise in which each team is required to think end-to-end: (1)
assess market opportunities by analyzing customers, competitors, and the company (“3 Cs”),
(2) identify the marketing strategy (“STP”), and (3) design effective marketing programs by
selecting appropriate strategies for product, pricing, promotion, and place (“4 Ps”). To
accomplish these goals, it is very important that each team becomes domain experts on
their chosen market. More detailed instructions will be provided during the class. Your final
deliverable is a power point file and
1. it cannot exceed 30 pages excluding appendix,
2. the slides should be complete and self-contained and a reader should be able to
understand the material without referencing other materials and,
3. provide appropriate citations whenever you use ideas and arguments that draw
on others' work.
The report is due by December 13 (Wednesday) 5pm.
To ensure and encourage teamwork among the members, each person will have an
opportunity to evaluate other members in her/his group at the end of the semester. The
individual performance on the group project may be adjusted based on the peer evaluation
D.4 Class Attendance
Classroom experience is very important in your learning process and students are expected to
attend every class. In addition to lectures, there will be numerous small, in-class group
exercises throughout the semester. These exercises will be in the form of small caselets
(written or video), or discussion questions that will be available during class. Each group of
students will then get some time (10-15 minutes) to discuss the assignment with one another.
Following this, I will ask one or more groups to provide their answers. The other groups are
expected to add their comments. Group participation points will only be given to members of
the group who are present for the discussion.
lOMoARcPSD| 46560390
NOTE: If you know in advance that you are going to be absent, please communicate with the
instructor immediately. D.5 Class Participation
There will also be individual class participation points. Students will be credited for insightful
questions or comments that will benefit other students during class discussions. On the other
hand, students will be penalized for disruptive or negative behaviors during the class.
lOMoARcPSD| 46560390
The following is a tentative schedule and is subject to change.
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Preview text:

lOMoAR cPSD| 46560390
(Tentative and subject to change) A. GENERAL INFORMATION
Instructor: Kim, Jun Beom (김준범) Room: 59-604 Telephone: 02-880-6937 Email: Office hours: by appointment
Teaching Assistant: 김송현 ( Course Venue: TBA Lecture Time: Mon 2:00pm to 4:50pm
The main objective of this course is to help students develop a broad and pragmatic
understanding of the central role that marketing plays in modern business and society.
Marketing is the business function that is charged with generating profits by providing values
to customers and recapturing some of that value. Business organization must understand the
market by identifying and measuring customers’ needs and wants, select the most appropriate
target customers, and develop marketing programs that satisfy both customers’ needs as well
as the firm’s needs for profits. As consumers, you already have some anecdotal knowledge
about marketing. In this course, you will take the perspective of a business and learn that
there are critical and systematic approaches to think about marketing and its role in business and modern society. C. COURSE MATERIAL
Text book: Principles of Marketing, 17th Edition, by Kotler and Armstrong, Pearson. This
is a very popular book that is being used in many other universities. Please use the text book as main reference.
Harvard cases: We will use the following three Harvard Cases for group and individual case discussion.
“Starbucks: Delivering Customer Service” “IKEA Invades America”
The cases are available at the following link. lOMoAR cPSD| 46560390 D. GRADING
The following are major components for the final grade. o Exam 1 30% o Exam 2 30% o
Assignment 1: Allbirds memo (Individual) 2% o
Assignment 2: Marketing Puzzle Exercise (Group) 4% o
Assignment 3: Two Case Write-ups (Group) 3*2% o Final Project Report (Group)
18% o Class Attendance/Participation (Individual) 10% D.1 Exam
There will be two exams in total. Some of the details are as follows. o
Each exam will have two parts of “multiple-choice” questions and short essay questions. o
Vast majority of the questions will be largely based on lecture slides, class discussions,
additional reading materials, and video clips. o
The exam material will not be cumulative. However, it should be kept in mind that
most topics in the course are interrelated; thus answering questions relating to a
particular topic may require some knowledge of prior topics.
The following are the exam dates. Exam 1 10/21(Saturday 11:00AM) Exam 2 12/18(Monday 11:00AM) D.2 Assignments
Assignment 1 (Individual): Allbirds Exercise. Please read a short article “How Allbirds Lost
Its Way” and answer why Allbirds brand extension was not successful (one page max, 11 font
size). Will be graded on 0 to 2 (highest).
Assignment 2 (Group): Marketing Puzzle. The purpose of this exercise is to help you
appreciate that marketing is not an abstract subject that exists only as definitions in your
textbook. This assignment requires you to use your skills as an observational researcher and
observe and document some specific market activity as it happens around you. Further details
will be announced at the beginning of the semester. In addition to two-page written report,
each group will present their puzzles during the class on the submission date. In terms of
presentation, each team will have about 10 minutes and does not need to make any separate presentation files.
Assignment 3 (Group): Case Write-up. Each group will work on two discussion cases and
submit a power point presentation file that summarizes their findings/answers to the 2 lOMoAR cPSD| 46560390
discussion questions (~10 pages). Before the case discussion, selected groups (one from
even-numbered group and the other from odd-numbered group) will share/present their
recommendations to the class (20 minutes including Q&A). More details will follow during the class.
D.3 Group Project Group Formation
Students are required to work within a group consisting of about four members. Students will
be randomly assigned to groups. Late submission may result in a penalty. Written Report
For the group project, you are assumed to work for an existing business organization and
develop a marketing plan for a new business by introducing product or service to the market.
This is designed as a holistic exercise in which each team is required to think end-to-end: (1)
assess market opportunities by analyzing customers, competitors, and the company (“3 Cs”),
(2) identify the marketing strategy (“STP”), and (3) design effective marketing programs by
selecting appropriate strategies for product, pricing, promotion, and place (“4 Ps”). To
accomplish these goals, it is very important that each team becomes domain experts on
their chosen market.
More detailed instructions will be provided during the class. Your final
deliverable is a power point file and
1. it cannot exceed 30 pages excluding appendix,
2. the slides should be complete and self-contained and a reader should be able to
understand the material without referencing other materials and,
3. provide appropriate citations whenever you use ideas and arguments that draw on others' work.
The report is due by December 13 (Wednesday) 5pm. Peer-evaluation
To ensure and encourage teamwork among the members, each person will have an
opportunity to evaluate other members in her/his group at the end of the semester. The
individual performance on the group project may be adjusted based on the peer evaluation result.
D.4 Class Attendance
Classroom experience is very important in your learning process and students are expected to
attend every class. In addition to lectures, there will be numerous small, in-class group
exercises throughout the semester. These exercises will be in the form of small caselets
(written or video), or discussion questions that will be available during class. Each group of
students will then get some time (10-15 minutes) to discuss the assignment with one another.
Following this, I will ask one or more groups to provide their answers. The other groups are
expected to add their comments. Group participation points will only be given to members of
the group who are present for the discussion. 3 lOMoAR cPSD| 46560390
NOTE: If you know in advance that you are going to be absent, please communicate with the
instructor immediately. D.5 Class Participation
There will also be individual class participation points. Students will be credited for insightful
questions or comments that will benefit other students during class discussions. On the other
hand, students will be penalized for disruptive or negative behaviors during the class. 4 lOMoAR cPSD| 46560390
The following is a tentative schedule and is subject to change. 5