Midterm Note (Case) - Management Information System | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Midterm Note (Case) - Management Information System | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Case study: UPS Competes Globally with
Information Technology
Question 1: What are the inputs, processing, and outputs of UPS's
package tracking system?
Inputs: The inputs are detailed information (customer information, package
information), pickup, delivery, current location, bar coded label, special
software program by using the UPS Web site.
Processing: The all information are transmitted to a central
computer, distribution centers, logistical planning, (DIAD) program which
was their drivers had been handheld delivery information Acquisition Device,
called UPS net, DIAD is collected from scan able label on packages, and
changing schedules.
Outputs: UPS served tools that able to a customer which is Cisco Systems, to
include UPS functions, such as tracking and cost calculations, into their own
Web sites. Destination (on the way), pick-up and delivery schedule.
Question 2: What technologies are used by UPS? How are these
technologies related to UPS's business strategy?
Everything is firstly started about “ scannable bar-coded label “. It’s the main
thing that they use their daily work. Also customers know fully, detailed
information about their shipment. Which contains complete information
about the sender, location of where it must go, and date of shipment should
have arrive. If sender wants to get information about the package they can go
to company’s web site and download and print it out. Before the packages
picked up information transmitted to 2 main servers Mahwah, NJ or
Alpharetta, GA and send to nearest distribution centers of its final destination.
Dispatchers of these centers received the information use the special software
plan the most efficiency delivery way to each driver to consider of traffic and
weather conditions.
1. UPS drivers used their daily work activities handheld computer
named Delivery information Acquisition Device (DIAD) which can access
wireless network. Drivers once he/she log in daily routes downloaded onto
their device. The DIAD automatically captures customers signatures
according pickup and delivery information. Package tracking process is then
transmitted to UPS main server and storage on it. From there information
can be accessed to the worldwide. To provide proof of delivery to customers
or to respond customer questions. Process takes only 60 seconds and new
information throughout DIAD to be available on the UPS’s site.
2. In 2009 UPS launched new program called Web Based Posts Sales
Order Management System (OMS) which designed to global shipping
services to provide service dangerous shipment such as high-tech electronics,
aerospace, medical equipment and any other company’s critical
shipment/inventory to fully responsibility.
These technologies involved company’s motto “best service and lowest
They implement “best service” strategy. DIAD helps make it work easier and
quicker for the both sides, customers and company staff. It saves time, collect
the all information make it complete. As for the company side dispatchers
schedule way routes, traffic/weather conditions and notice the drivers.
According to this information drivers can make their work more efficiency.
Company mainly focused on their high level of customer’s satisfaction.
Customers can easily go to company’s Web Site and to get complete
information about the packages. All the package are insured. UPS
approximately spend 1billion USD in a one year customer’s satisfaction
guarantee for their customers while reducing cost low.
Question 3: What strategic business objectives do UPS's information
systems address?
UPS has a several business objectives.
1. : One of the MIS business strategy objective. this Scannable Bar-code
system's objective is to use time more efficiently and use low labor force in
classify the packages destination and reduce human error in classifications
that will reduce the cost. It means by reducing cost they can keep up the
lowest rate.
2. In delivering UPS uses that help drivers to take the most special software
efficient routes to deliver the package, plus this system considers the traffic
and weather conditions.
3. : Every driver has device that has information about at automatically DIAD
captures customer's signature along pickup and delivering information from
UPS's central computer. Every deliver person can access information about
the package and the customer can check the package it delivered or not. Also
the signature that from the delivery will be proof, sender can check it.
4. : contains the customer can know about their packages Cisco system
information more detailed such as shipping rates, determine time in transit,
print labels, schedule a pickup, and track packages. Those actions can get the
high technology to the senders and it can reduce the time losing. They can
check their tracking and cost calculations and shipments cost without the
UPS site.
5. : Advanced delivering system that takes packages from the warehouseOMS
of companies and delivers their fulfillment parts of equipment more quickly
with in efficient routes.
Question 4: What would happen if UPS/s information systems were not
1. : If there were not available for information system, the Customer/ Sender
customer will decrease faster. Senders want to choose the good one which has
high proof and information system and easy to understand system.
2. : For the another countries it will be difficult to get their Global delivering
packages. They will not know how is going their packages. It means no
information about their packages.
3. : Maybe it will be good to saving cost for the company. They Saving Cost
do not need enough employees and machines.
4. Time Losing: Those systems always give the information about their
packages. For the company it is the one of the advantage but if they has
nothing then the company can lose their time.
At lastly, UPS will not be successful as today!
Case study: Will Automation Kill Jobs?
Q1: How does automating jobs pose an ethical dilemma? Who are the
stakeholders? Identify the options that can be taken and the potential
consequences of each.
Automating jobs pose an ethical dilemma in many manners are as:
Loss of jobs - robot jobs loss of employment of the people due to these
people are felt helpless due to job less.
Loss of humanity- human powers and intelligence are less valuable due
to the technological demand or robot work.
Disappear factory jobs- factory jobs are less or finished due to machine
work or heavy load work are done by through technology.
A stakeholder is an individual or a person, organization who is impacted by
the project of the company without stakeholder no one handle the company
project because they have an extra interest have to pay within or outside the
organization for the completion of project.
There are various options are available to the consequences of each are
Some work is done through machines and some for workers.
Those work who take higher time are done by the machines.
Partly work is complete through the technology and partly by the
Labors are done handicraft works or attractive work or any
miscellaneous work in the factory. Due to these jobs are safe of the
Q2: If you were the owner of the factory deciding on whether to acquire
robot perform certain tasks, what people, organization and technology
factor would you consider?
If I am the owner of the factory I take certain decisions regarding
distributing of the work due to these work is effectively done in all manners:
Heavy load work or work which take more time to complete are done
through the technology. Due to these time are safe. Work which consume less
electric expense and maintain expenses are also done through the technology.
Heavy large scale projects which they contain more product's demands in
lesser time are also done through the technology.
Labor works- handicraft work, traditional work, cleanliness work,
repairing of machines, maintain of technological devices, supervision pf
work, duty of on off machines, packaging or loading of carriages and
products are done by the human Labor. There are various factors which are
considering due to the distribution of work between Labor and machines are
as explain below: Human factors: its related to the which type of Labor or
human done what type of work efficiently.
A human factor is also influenced by labor salaries, claims, bonuses,
and compensation amounts, all of which are recognized as a result of the
appointment of automation and labor contributions. The size and persuasion
of human inputs are also regarded.
Organizational factors connected to which sort of company or which
types of products they manufacture if the firm works on a huge scale thus
they must appoint capital intensive technology a s well as vice versa.
Additionally, the organization's budget level, capital investment, and
workload all have an impact on the distribution of robots' job and labor
Technology factors: While using the machines, there are several issues
that directly impact the technology, such as the availability of power, the unit
of electricity, the price of machines, the lifetime of machines, the company's
reasonable cost of technology maintenance charges, and so on.
In conclusion, after reviewing the firm's entire case, I decided that both
aspects are required to manage a successful company since not all tasks
are done by computers or humans. In addition, people introduce a machine to
the trade world.
Case study: How Harmful Are Smartphones?
Q1: Identify the problem described in this case study. In what sense is it
an ethical dilemma?
Problems described in case study are:
1. There are negative effects of technology among children
2. Heavy use of smartphone and social media can negatively affect
children’s mental and physical health.
3. Heavy use of smartphones can cause distraction in classroom and
higher risk of suicide and depression
4. Students ability to focus on educational task decreases
In what sense is it an ethical dilemma?
1. Smartphones provide useful function which are very handy
2. Usage of social media sites for communication has increased
3. Usage of Internet have been increased as it provides solutions to
various problems
From the above reason it can be said that it will be difficult to cease the
use of phones and other technological devices
Q2: Should restrictions be placed on children’s and teenagers’
smartphone use? Why or why not?
Yes, there should be some restriction on the use of smartphones on children
and students as it affects their mental health
1. It is observed that 50% of the students among 78% are addicted
towards their phone.
2. Teenagers who spend 3 to 5 hours on smartphones are more likely to
have risk factor for suicide.
3. Eight graders who are heavy users of social media have 27% higher
risk of depression
4. Excessive use of mobile devices diminishes the capacity of
concentration and contemplation.
All and all the use of smartphones is not suitable for children, they must have
to focus on their studies and also parents and teachers must ensure that they
must indulge children in various other physical activities.
Q3: Can the problem of smartphones reducing cognitive skills be
solved? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
Yes, if the use of smartphones is reduced then the problem of cognitive skills
can be solved.
1. As it has been observed that students who did not bring their phone
to the classroom scored higher compared to those brought the phone in
the classroom
2. Also it is seen that if the school bans smartphones then student’s
examination score goes up substantially as their focus is undivided and
from this step the weakest students’ benefits most.
3. It is seen that if the usage of smartphone is reduced then student is
physically active, gets enough sleep, interacts personally with other
people, concentrate more on the tasks and eventually reduce in stress.
From the above reason it can be clearly said that if the use of smartphone is
reduced then student’s cognitive skills can be increased.
Case study: Smart Products—Coming
Your Way (102)
Q1: Describe the role of information technology in the products described
in this case. How is it adding value to these products? How is it
transforming these products?
The case describes different devices, such as linked running shoes,
electric smart meters, smart gas meters, and so on, that apply information
technology in various ways, from gathering information to processing it to
generating appropriate data.
Under Armour' s connected running shoes collect information on users'
running time, duration, and health status so that they can deliver a report to
users via my fitness app about their health and fitness practice, and eventually
act appropriately.
Information system also stores information about the user's like and
dislikes so that the firm may deliver appropriate adverts to the user, which
helps the firm earn income from other brands whose advertisements are
displayed on the app.
Con Edison firm obtains information about when customers lose
service utilizing information technology in electric smart meters and smart
gas meters, resulting in quick repair and providing real-time payment details.
Using linked running shoes, information technology improves the
customer experience by giving the user with information on its running level,
health status, and detailed assessments of what the user's present scenario is
in terms of his fitness level.
With smart gas meters and electric smart meters, information
technology offers value by allowing customers to fix their meters more
quickly since the provider realizes when the service is already over, and by
assisting customers in using applicable techniques that consume less energy,
lowering costs.
These items are being altered by information technology as they get
smarter step by step as they always detect and collect data so that customers
may consult with the firm with ease. IT has given these items a new shape by
including sensors that offer useful information to both the customer and the
Q2: How are these smart products changing operations and decision
making for these organizations? How are they changing the behavior of
their users?
Because the goods are intelligent enough to collect data on the
customer's likes, dislikes, activity, utilization, duration of use, and so on,
companies may assess their customers' demands and make decisions based on
this information.
Smart electric and gas metros, for examples, Con Edison collects data
on when a client loses service and what damage is done in the system so that
it may make an immediate choice about repairing the meter and providing
real-time payment information to customers. Customers see the firm
favorably as a result of its quick service.
Smart goods capture every element of the consumer associated to the
product, providing brands with data about the customers' demands, likes,
These businesses produce advertisements linked to these demands,
which finally leads people to purchase or make a connection for that product.
Brands affect customer behaviors in this way.
Furthermore, with linked running shoes, customers receive a detailed
analysis on their fitness, which helps them determine how to go with their
running, fitness.
Q3: Are there any ethical issues raised by these smart products, such as
their impact on consumer privacy? Explain your answer.
Informed Consent - Using these smart products which have
sensors to sense data about users’ activity continuously. so does
the user have consent of these continues collection of data.
Privacy - These smart devices are very susceptible to privacy
breaches as products takes information of users’ email, location,
email, etc. So brands should make sure they have strong customer
privacy policy.
Information security - informational security plays a key role,
not just as an intrinsic value, but also instrumentally insofar as it
helps secure other moral values as well.
Physical safety - As these products like connected running shoes
gather information about users’ location continuously this could
lead to concerns over users’ physical safety so brands should
apply strong policies to implement concerns for users’ physical
Case study: Digital Technology Helps
Crayola Brighten Its Brand (98)
Q1: Analyze Crayola’s problem. What management, organization, and
technology factors contributed to the problem?
Technology: Development in technology have led the children to indulged in
more and more of the digital world, and using less of the real world toys and
Organization: The popularity of Crayola crayons is under assault—not by
Crayola’s traditional competitors but by changing times.
Management: Due to development in the technology children are more
drown towards the computers and digital world rather than the toys and
Q2: What competitive strategies is Crayola pursuing? How does digital
technology support those strategies?
Crayola have tried to combine the old with the new. They have begun
to combine product with modern technology, such as when they enhanced
their crayons with technology and created the iMarker, an all-in-one digital
pen, among other things. And technology is also promoting these new items
since they are less messy, keep kids connected to more advanced
technologies, and let children take their creativity to the next level.
Q3: What people issues did Crayola have to address in designing its new
technology-based products?
The main issue that Crayola needed to solve was that parents were
searching for toys that were less messy than conventional markers. The
product should also be needed to increase children's creativity and be easy for
kids to use. Crayola was able to achieve this by making these digital toys are
“100 percent mess-proof,” and technology has helped Crayola make its other
products less messy as well as easier to use.
Q4: How has digital technology changed Crayola’s business model and
the way it runs its business?
In my opinion, digital technology changed the Crayola' s business
model . From now, Crayola spends more money ona lot and it is effective
social media and other digital platforms. Crayola is expanding its activities,
which include online advertising, social media marketing, and other digital
activation programs that allow Crayola to interact with parents and educators
who are willing to raise their children's creativity.
Case study: Can You Run the Company
with Your iPhone?
Q1: What kinds of applications are described here? What business
functions do they support? How do they improve operational efficiency
and decision making?
The main focus of the given case was on to highlight the applications that can
be quite helpful in having the improved productivity that may include email.
calendar, messages, contact management, inventory management, and so on.
These types of apps are quite helpful in planning as with the help of these
apps, it is possible to plan the day's activities in advance. Coordination
becomes quite efficient as messages can be sent and received, communication
becomes prompt. The decision making is also supported by these applications
as they can also be sued to collect the information from the various sources
Productivity is improved as the different types of tasks and activities can be
managed easily and the operations are carried out easily.
Q2: Identify the problems that the business in this case study solved by
using mobile digital devices
A number of issues can be addressed quite easily for instance the paperwork
can be avoided due to digital communication, any last-minute change can
easily be communicated, the time can be saved from converting hardcopy to
softcopy. The technicians can select the printed schedules with order
quantities. The last-minute change in the delivery can easily be done by
informing the driver or shipping person on these digital devices.
Q3: What kinds of businesses are most likely to benefit from equipping
their employees with mobile digital devices such as iPhones and iPads?
By facilitating mobile digital devices such as iPhone and iPad almost every
type of business can be benefited. however, the main benefits can be seen in
the case of retail, real estate, hotel and restaurant, security services,
manufacturing and list goes on.
Q4: One company deploying iPhones has stated, “The iPhone is not a
game changer, it’s an industry changer. It changes the way that you can
interact with your customers” and “with your suppliers.” Discuss the
implications of this statement.
The given statement indicates that there have been important changes by the
use of iPhone in the manner the business is being performed. This has helped
the business to improve productivity. These devices and apps have assisted
business communication and made it faster and easy to communicate with
others. The customers can also be contacted easily by the business.
Case study: Video conferencing:
Something for Everyone
1. Compare the capabilities of Cisco's IX5000 telepresence and the Logitech
SmartDock systems. How do they promote collaboration and innovation?
Cisco's IX5000 is best video conferencing tool while comparing to previous
technologies. Cisco’s IX5000 will support up to 18 participants also three high-
resolution cameras with cinematic sound experience. It also supports the capture of
motion, detects participants. Going up from $299,000 to $339,000. It has capacity
to install less than 8 hours and uses half of the energy to operate.
Logitech SmartDock systems are not stationary for video conference. Logitech
SmartDock systems are mobile also used for interviewing the candidates, can host
the meetings. It is linked to the Microsoft Surface Tablets; it is also compatible to
other Microsoft Office products. This will also allow live document sharing and
2. Why would a company like Produban want to invest in a telepresence
system such as Cisco's IX5000? How are videoconferencing technology and
telepresence related to Produban's business model and business strategy?
Produban serviced nearly 120 companies in some areas like IT
infrastructure, data center design and operation, IT platform design and operation
as a service. Produban also interested in continuous improvement and technology
innovation. By using Cisco IX5000 system it bought people from all over the
world together in order to make good decisions and effectively. Produban invested
in 7th Cisco Telepresence rooms in worldwide range. IX5000 lowered their total
cost of ownership and also installed to space by19 feet by 14 feet. It was with 50
percent less,50 percent less data transmission capacity, the IX 5000 reduced by 30
percent over three years. Produban business model has continuous improvement
for companies.
3. Why would King County, Washington went to implement the Logitech
SmartDock system? What business benefits did it obtain from using this
Different organizations may have profit by utilization of telepresence
administrations like vehicle makers, kitchen item producers and merchants. At the
point where this issue happened at one of their areas, the representatives and the
proprietors able to meet then talk about issue and unravel the circumstance
effectively. Without such framework they will need to make a trip to such area.
Companies which are benefited from using telepresence are those, who have
their operation spread out in different locations like vehicle manufacturers. When
complication arises with Cisco IX5000 now can resolve issues from different
locations. They are able to accomplish these tasks efficiently.
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Case study: UPS Competes Globally with
Information Technology
Question 1: What are the inputs, processing, and outputs of UPS's package tracking system?
Inputs: The inputs are detailed information (customer information, package
information), pickup, delivery, current location, bar coded label, special
software program by using the UPS Web site.
Processing: The all information are transmitted to a central
computer, distribution centers, logistical planning, (DIAD) program which
was their drivers had been handheld delivery information Acquisition Device,
called UPS net, DIAD is collected from scan able label on packages, and changing schedules.
Outputs: UPS served tools that able to a customer which is Cisco Systems, to
include UPS functions, such as tracking and cost calculations, into their own
Web sites. Destination (on the way), pick-up and delivery schedule.
Question 2: What technologies are used by UPS? How are these
technologies related to UPS's business strategy?

Everything is firstly started about “ scannable bar-coded label “. It’s the main
thing that they use their daily work. Also customers know fully, detailed
information about their shipment. Which contains complete information
about the sender, location of where it must go, and date of shipment should
have arrive. If sender wants to get information about the package they can go
to company’s web site and download and print it out. Before the packages
picked up information transmitted to 2 main servers Mahwah, NJ or
Alpharetta, GA and send to nearest distribution centers of its final destination.
Dispatchers of these centers received the information use the special software
plan the most efficiency delivery way to each driver to consider of traffic and weather conditions.
1. UPS drivers used their daily work activities handheld computer
named Delivery information Acquisition Device (DIAD) which can access
wireless network. Drivers once he/she log in daily routes downloaded onto
their device. The DIAD automatically captures customers signatures
according pickup and delivery information. Package tracking process is then
transmitted to UPS main server and storage on it. From there information
can be accessed to the worldwide. To provide proof of delivery to customers
or to respond customer questions. Process takes only 60 seconds and new
information throughout DIAD to be available on the UPS’s site.
2. In 2009 UPS launched new program called Web Based Posts Sales
Order Management System (OMS) which designed to global shipping
services to provide service dangerous shipment such as high-tech electronics,
aerospace, medical equipment and any other company’s critical
shipment/inventory to fully responsibility.
These technologies involved company’s motto “best service and lowest rates“
They implement “best service” strategy. DIAD helps make it work easier and
quicker for the both sides, customers and company staff. It saves time, collect
the all information make it complete. As for the company side dispatchers
schedule way routes, traffic/weather conditions and notice the drivers.
According to this information drivers can make their work more efficiency.
Company mainly focused on their high level of customer’s satisfaction.
Customers can easily go to company’s Web Site and to get complete
information about the packages. All the package are insured. UPS
approximately spend 1billion USD in a one year customer’s satisfaction
guarantee for their customers while reducing cost low.
Question 3: What strategic business objectives do UPS's information systems address?
UPS has a several business objectives.
1. Scannable Bar-code: One of the MIS business strategy objective. this
system's objective is to use time more efficiently and use low labor force in
classify the packages destination and reduce human error in classifications
that will reduce the cost. It means by reducing cost they can keep up the lowest rate.
2. In delivering UPS uses special software that help drivers to take the most
efficient routes to deliver the package, plus this system considers the traffic and weather conditions.
3. DIAD: Every driver has device that has information about at automatically
captures customer's signature along pickup and delivering information from
UPS's central computer. Every deliver person can access information about
the package and the customer can check the package it delivered or not. Also
the signature that from the delivery will be proof, sender can check it.
4. Cisco system: contains the customer can know about their packages
information more detailed such as shipping rates, determine time in transit,
print labels, schedule a pickup, and track packages. Those actions can get the
high technology to the senders and it can reduce the time losing. They can
check their tracking and cost calculations and shipments cost without the UPS site.
5. OMS: Advanced delivering system that takes packages from the warehouse
of companies and delivers their fulfillment parts of equipment more quickly with in efficient routes.
Question 4: What would happen if UPS/s information systems were not available?
1. Customer/ Sender: If there were not available for information system, the
customer will decrease faster. Senders want to choose the good one which has
high proof and information system and easy to understand system.
2. Global delivering: For the another countries it will be difficult to get their
packages. They will not know how is going their packages. It means no
information about their packages.
3. Saving Cost: Maybe it will be good to saving cost for the company. They
do not need enough employees and machines.
4. Time Losing: Those systems always give the information about their
packages. For the company it is the one of the advantage but if they has
nothing then the company can lose their time.
At lastly, UPS will not be successful as today!
Case study: Will Automation Kill Jobs? Q1:
How does automating jobs pose an ethical dilemma? Wh o are the
stakeholders? Identify the
options that can be taken and the potentia l consequences of each.
Automating jobs pose an ethical dilemma in many manners are as:
 Loss of jobs - robot jobs loss of employment of the people due to these
people are felt helpless due to job less.
 Loss of humanity- human powers and intelligence are less valuable due
to the technological demand or robot work.
 Disappear factory jobs- factory jobs are less or finished due to machine
work or heavy load work are done by through technology.
A stakeholder is an individual or a person, organization who is impacted by
the project of the company without stakeholder no one handle the company
project because they have an extra interest have to pay within or outside the
organization for the completion of project.
There are various options are available to the consequences of each are
 Some work is done through machines and some for workers.
 Those work who take higher time are done by the machines.
 Partly work is complete through the technology and partly by the machines.
 Labors are done handicraft works or attractive work or any
miscellaneous work in the factory. Due to these jobs are safe of the worker.
Q2: If you were the owner of the factory deciding on whether to acquire
robot perform certain tasks, what people, organization and technology factor would you consider?

If I am the owner of the factory I take certain decisions regarding
distributing of the work due to these work is effectively done in all manners:
Heavy load work or work which take more time to complete are done
through the technology. Due to these time are safe. Work which consume less
electric expense and maintain expenses are also done through the technology.
Heavy large scale projects which they contain more product's demands in
lesser time are also done through the technology.
Labor works- handicraft work, traditional work, cleanliness work,
repairing of machines, maintain of technological devices, supervision pf
work, duty of on off machines, packaging or loading of carriages and
products are done by the human Labor. There are various factors which are
considering due to the distribution of work between Labor and machines are
as explain below: Human factors: its related to the which type of Labor or
human done what type of work efficiently.
A human factor is also influenced by labor salaries, claims, bonuses,
and compensation amounts, all of which are recognized as a result of the
appointment of automation and labor contributions. The size and persuasion
of human inputs are also regarded.
Organizational factors connected to which sort of company or which
types of products they manufacture if the firm works on a huge scale thus
they must appoint capital intensive technology a s well as vice versa.
Additionally, the organization's budget level, capital investment, and
workload all have an impact on the distribution of robots' job and labor inputs.
Technology factors: While using the machines, there are several issues
that directly impact the technology, such as the availability of power, the unit
of electricity, the price of machines, the lifetime of machines, the company's
reasonable cost of technology maintenance charges, and so on.
In conclusion, after reviewing the firm's entire case, I decided that both
aspects are required to manage a successful company since not all tasks
are done by computers or humans. In addition, people introduce a machine to the trade world.
Case study: How Harmful Are Smartphones?
Q1: Identify the problem described in this case study. In what sense is it an ethical dilemma?
Problems described in case study are:
1. There are negative effects of technology among children
2. Heavy use of smartphone and social media can negatively affect
children’s mental and physical health.
3. Heavy use of smartphones can cause distraction in classroom and
higher risk of suicide and depression
4. Students ability to focus on educational task decreases
In what sense is it an ethical dilemma?
1. Smartphones provide useful function which are very handy
2. Usage of social media sites for communication has increased
3. Usage of Internet have been increased as it provides solutions to various problems
From the above reason it can be said that it will be difficult to cease the
use of phones and other technological devices Q2: Should r
estrictions be placed on children’s and teenagers’
smartphone use? Why or why not?
Yes, there should be some restriction on the use of smartphones on children
and students as it affects their mental health Reasons
1. It is observed that 50% of the students among 78% are addicted towards their phone.
2. Teenagers who spend 3 to 5 hours on smartphones are more likely to have risk factor for suicide.
3. Eight graders who are heavy users of social media have 27% higher risk of depression
4. Excessive use of mobile devices diminishes the capacity of
concentration and contemplation.
All and all the use of smartphones is not suitable for children, they must have
to focus on their studies and also parents and teachers must ensure that they
must indulge children in various other physical activities. Q3: Can the pr
oblem of smartphones reducing cognitive skills be
solved? Why or why not? Explain your answer.
Yes, if the use of smartphones is reduced then the problem of cognitive skills can be solved. Reasons:
1. As it has been observed that students who did not bring their phone
to the classroom scored higher compared to those brought the phone in the classroom
2. Also it is seen that if the school bans smartphones then student’s
examination score goes up substantially as their focus is undivided and
from this step the weakest students’ benefits most.
3. It is seen that if the usage of smartphone is reduced then student is
physically active, gets enough sleep, interacts personally with other
people, concentrate more on the tasks and eventually reduce in stress.
From the above reason it can be clearly said that if the use of smartphone is
reduced then student’s cognitive skills can be increased.
Case study: Smart Products—Coming Your Way (102)
Q1: Describe the role of information technology in the products described
in this case. How is it adding value to these products? How is it
transforming these products?

The case describes different devices, such as linked running shoes,
electric smart meters, smart gas meters, and so on, that apply information
technology in various ways, from gathering information to processing it to generating appropriate data.
Under Armour' s connected running shoes collect information on users'
running time, duration, and health status so that they can deliver a report to
users via my fitness app about their health and fitness practice, and eventually act appropriately.
Information system also stores information about the user's like and
dislikes so that the firm may deliver appropriate adverts to the user, which
helps the firm earn income from other brands whose advertisements are displayed on the app.
Con Edison firm obtains information about when customers lose
service utilizing information technology in electric smart meters and smart
gas meters, resulting in quick repair and providing real-time payment details.
Using linked running shoes, information technology improves the
customer experience by giving the user with information on its running level,
health status, and detailed assessments of what the user's present scenario is in terms of his fitness level.
With smart gas meters and electric smart meters, information
technology offers value by allowing customers to fix their meters more
quickly since the provider realizes when the service is already over, and by
assisting customers in using applicable techniques that consume less energy, lowering costs.
These items are being altered by information technology as they get
smarter step by step as they always detect and collect data so that customers
may consult with the firm with ease. IT has given these items a new shape by
including sensors that offer useful information to both the customer and the enterprise.
Q2: How are these smart products changing operations and decision
making for these organizations? How are they changing the behavior of their users?

Because the goods are intelligent enough to collect data on the
customer's likes, dislikes, activity, utilization, duration of use, and so on,
companies may assess their customers' demands and make decisions based on this information.
Smart electric and gas metros, for examples, Con Edison collects data
on when a client loses service and what damage is done in the system so that
it may make an immediate choice about repairing the meter and providing
real-time payment information to customers. Customers see the firm
favorably as a result of its quick service. HO W
Smart goods capture every element of the consumer associated to the
product, providing brands with data about the customers' demands, likes, dislikes.
These businesses produce advertisements linked to these demands,
which finally leads people to purchase or make a connection for that product.
Brands affect customer behaviors in this way.
Furthermore, with linked running shoes, customers receive a detailed
analysis on their fitness, which helps them determine how to go with their running, fitness.
Q3: Are there any ethical issues raised by these smart products, such as
their impact on consumer privacy? Explain your answer.

Informed Consent - Using these smart products which have
sensors to sense data about users’ activity continuously. so does
the user have consent of these continues collection of data.
Privacy - These smart devices are very susceptible to privacy
breaches as products takes information of users’ email, location,
email, etc. So brands should make sure they have strong customer privacy policy.
Information security - informational security plays a key role,
not just as an intrinsic value, but also instrumentally insofar as it
helps secure other moral values as well.
Physical safety - As these products like connected running shoes
gather information about users’ location continuously this could
lead to concerns over users’ physical safety so brands should
apply strong policies to implement concerns for users’ physical concerns.
Case study: Digital Technology Helps
Crayola Brighten Its Brand
(98) Q1: Analyze
Crayola’s problem. What management, organization, and
technology factors contributed to the problem?
Technology: Development in technology have led the children to indulged in
more and more of the digital world, and using less of the real world toys and games.
Organization: The popularity of Crayola crayons is under assault—not by
Crayola’s traditional competitors but by changing times.
Management: Due to development in the technology children are more
drown towards the computers and digital world rather than the toys and crayons.
Q2: What competitive strategies is Crayola pursuing? How does digital
technology support those strategies?

Crayola have tried to combine the old with the new. They have begun
to combine product with modern technology, such as when they enhanced
their crayons with technology and created the iMarker, an all-in-one digital
pen, among other things. And technology is also promoting these new items
since they are less messy, keep kids connected to more advanced
technologies, and let children take their creativity to the next level.
Q3: What people issues did Crayola have to address in designing its new technology-based products?
The main issue that Crayola needed to solve was that parents were
searching for toys that were less messy than conventional markers. The
product should also be needed to increase children's creativity and be easy for
kids to use. Crayola was able to achieve this by making these digital toys are
“100 percent mess-proof,” and technology has helped Crayola make its other
products less messy as well as easier to use.
Q4: How has digital technology changed Crayola’s business model and
the way it runs its business?

In my opinion, digital technology changed the Crayola' s business
model a lot and it is effective. From now, Crayola spends more money on
social media and other digital platforms. Crayola is expanding its activities,
which include online advertising, social media marketing, and other digital
activation programs that allow Crayola to interact with parents and educators
who are willing to raise their children's creativity.
Case study: Can You Run the Company with Your iPhone? Q1: What
kinds of applications are described here? What business
functions do they support? How do they improve operational efficiency and decision making?
The main focus of the given case was on to highlight the applications that can
be quite helpful in having the improved productivity that may include email.
calendar, messages, contact management, inventory management, and so on.
These types of apps are quite helpful in planning as with the help of these
apps, it is possible to plan the day's activities in advance. Coordination
becomes quite efficient as messages can be sent and received, communication
becomes prompt. The decision making is also supported by these applications
as they can also be sued to collect the information from the various sources
Productivity is improved as the different types of tasks and activities can be
managed easily and the operations are carried out easily.
Q2: Identify the problems that the business in this case study solved by
using mobile digital devices

A number of issues can be addressed quite easily for instance the paperwork
can be avoided due to digital communication, any last-minute change can
easily be communicated, the time can be saved from converting hardcopy to
softcopy. The technicians can select the printed schedules with order
quantities. The last-minute change in the delivery can easily be done by
informing the driver or shipping person on these digital devices.
Q3: What kinds of businesses are most likely to benefit from equipping
their employees with mobile digital devices such as iPhones and iPads?

By facilitating mobile digital devices such as iPhone and iPad almost every
type of business can be benefited. however, the main benefits can be seen in
the case of retail, real estate, hotel and restaurant, security services,
manufacturing and list goes on.
Q4: One company deploying iPhones has stated, “The iPhone is not a
game changer, it’s an industry changer. It changes the way that you can
interact with your customers” and “with your suppliers.” Discuss the
implications of this statement.

The given statement indicates that there have been important changes by the
use of iPhone in the manner the business is being performed. This has helped
the business to improve productivity. These devices and apps have assisted
business communication and made it faster and easy to communicate with
others. The customers can also be contacted easily by the business.
Case study: Video conferencing: Something for Everyone
1. Compare the capabilities of Cisco's IX5000 telepresence and the Logitech
SmartDock systems. How do they promote collaboration and innovation?
Cisco's IX5000 is best video conferencing tool while comparing to previous
technologies. Cisco’s IX5000 will support up to 18 participants also three high-
resolution cameras with cinematic sound experience. It also supports the capture of
motion, detects participants. Going up from $299,000 to $339,000. It has capacity
to install less than 8 hours and uses half of the energy to operate.
Logitech SmartDock systems are not stationary for video conference. Logitech
SmartDock systems are mobile also used for interviewing the candidates, can host
the meetings. It is linked to the Microsoft Surface Tablets; it is also compatible to
other Microsoft Office products. This will also allow live document sharing and editing.
2. Why would a company like Produban want to invest in a telepresence
system such as Cisco's IX5000? How are videoconferencing technology and
telepresence related to Produban's business model and business strategy?

Produban serviced nearly 120 companies in some areas like IT
infrastructure, data center design and operation, IT platform design and operation
as a service. Produban also interested in continuous improvement and technology
innovation. By using Cisco IX5000 system it bought people from all over the
world together in order to make good decisions and effectively. Produban invested
in 7th Cisco Telepresence rooms in worldwide range. IX5000 lowered their total
cost of ownership and also installed to space by19 feet by 14 feet. It was with 50
percent less,50 percent less data transmission capacity, the IX 5000 reduced by 30
percent over three years. Produban business model has continuous improvement for companies.
3. Why would King County, Washington went to implement the Logitech
SmartDock system? What business benefits did it obtain from using this technology?
Different organizations may have profit by utilization of telepresence
administrations like vehicle makers, kitchen item producers and merchants. At the
point where this issue happened at one of their areas, the representatives and the
proprietors able to meet then talk about issue and unravel the circumstance
effectively. Without such framework they will need to make a trip to such area.
Companies which are benefited from using telepresence are those, who have
their operation spread out in different locations like vehicle manufacturers. When
complication arises with Cisco IX5000 now can resolve issues from different
locations. They are able to accomplish these tasks efficiently.