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Module 10: Take care! - Tiếng Anh 3 | Trường Đại học Kiểm Sát Hà Nội
Module 10: Take care! - Tiếng Anh 3 | Trường Đại học Kiểm Sát Hà Nội được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Tiếng Anh 3 (TA3) 19 tài liệu
Đại Học Kiểm sát Hà Nội 226 tài liệu
Module 10: Take care! - Tiếng Anh 3 | Trường Đại học Kiểm Sát Hà Nội
Module 10: Take care! - Tiếng Anh 3 | Trường Đại học Kiểm Sát Hà Nội được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
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Trường: Đại Học Kiểm sát Hà Nội 226 tài liệu
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Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening and Reading Member list : Group 4
1.Nguy4n Ng5c Huy6n (leader) 2. Đ9ng Đ:i Nam
3. Ph:m Đo=n Phan Sơn Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Independence- Freedom-Happiness Hanoi, 12thDecember 2023 GROUP MEETING MINUTES Group 4 – Class K11CE I. Participants. 1. Nguy/n Ng0c Huy1n 2. Đ3ng Đ4i Nam 3. Ph4m Đo6n Phan Sơn
II. The purpose of the meeting: Discussion and mission assignment.
III. Discussion issue: Module 10: Take care!
IV. Meeting content, Review. The first meeting
- Time: 4pm – 5pm on 07/12/2023. - Meeting: Google meet.
- Common task: Edit and complete file word. The second meeting
- Time: 9pm-10pm on 15/12/2023. - Meeting: Google meet.
- Common task: Edit and complete power point presentation. * Review
In general, the members are conscious and complete the tasks assigned to
each individual. Each person was fully present, on time consciously in the group's
general discussions, and completed the construction on schedule according to the set requirements.
Member list and task assignment 2 No. Full Name Mission assignment Ranking 1, Content development, Nguyn Ngc administration, 1 A Huyn synthesis, power point design, presentation Build content, 2 Đng Đi Nam synthesize, A knowledge, present Build content, Phm Đo$n Phan 3 synthesize, A Sơn knowledge, present
Summary of group work results
The team has finished products including: + 01 PowerPoint presentation + 01 file Word
The team completes the task in the spirit of cooperation, seriousness and the
product is the result of the whole team.
2, Proposals, recommendations (if any)
Above is the entire deployment plan of the group 1 of K11C class. Our team
would like to thank her for inspiring learning and understanding of psychology
through interesting lessons in the "English 2" module. We wish you health and
enthusiasm. In the implementation process, we tried our best, cooperated, and
worked seriously to produce the product. However, we are not immune to
shortcomings. We are looking forward to your guidance and enthusiastic 3
comments so that we can have more experience and improve better. We sincerely thank you! Leader Nguy4n Ng5c Huy6n Member Member
Ph:m Đo=n Phan Sơn Đ9ng Đ:i Nam 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS
A/ INTRODUCTION....................................................................................6
B/ CONTENT..................................................................................................6
I. VOCABULARY.......................................................................................7
II. GRAMMAR………………………………………………...…….……..8
1.The formula and how to use: Used to..............................................….8
2. The formula and how to use: Pass Continuous tense.............................10
III. READING..........................................................................................12
C/ CONCLUSION.........................................................................................16 5 A/ INTRODUCTION
As technology advances, society becomes more and more developed,
people seem to have to work more, maybe two or three times as much. Is it
because of the busy at work that people's moments of rest are becoming less
and less? People really need moments of rest to relax after stressful and
tiring days, to restore their best working state. that's why we made this topic. B/ CONTENT I. VOCABULARY 1.Vocabulary Verb Meaning Example
The condition of the body and the degree My father and my Health
to which it is free from illness, or the state mother are in good [n]
of being well// sức khỏe health.
A condition that makes a person become Frank is allergic to sick or develop skin or breathing problems peanuts.
Allergic[n] because they have eaten cert ain foods or
been near certain substances//dị ứng
A disease of the body or mind// sự ốm yếu She had five days off Illness[n] work due to illness.
Not strong of clear; slight// ngất xỉu She gave me a faint Faint[n] smile of recognition.
Feeling as if everything turning around, I fell dizzy with
and that you are not able to balance and excitement as I went up
Dizzy[n] may fall over//ngất xỉu to collect the award.
A part of your body that has become Put your foot into cold
bigger because of illness or injury//sưng water to help the Swelling[n] tấy swelling go down.
A small solid piece of medicine that a My mother takes three
person swallows without chewing or four pills a day. Pill[n]
[=crushing with the teeth]//thuốc uống 7
[An] illness of people,animals,plants,etc..., They reported a sudden
caused by infection of a failure of health outbreak of the disease
Disease[n] rather than by accident//bệnh tật in the south of country.
A lot of small red spots on the skin//phát I’ve got an itchy rash ban all over my chest. Rash[n]
A common infectious illness that causes Robby has a bad case Flu[n]
fever and headache//cảm cúm of the flu. 2.Practices
1.The spider's bite can cause pain and swelling.
2.The pill tastes bitter.
3. Disease of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body.
4.When I'm stressed I break out in a rash.
5.Three members of the band went down with flu.
6.There is no greater riches than health.
7.I like cats but unfortunately I'm allergic to them.
8.A mysterious illness is affecting all the animals.
9.He felt faint for lack of food.
10.He felt sick and dizzy and then passed out. II. GRAMMAR
1. USED TO: t]ng, đ_ t]ng a. Theory 8
The main reason for using “used to” is to emphasize a contrast between the
present and the past. You want to say that you did something in the past, but you
don’t do it now. “Used to” is not used to talk about the recent past.
For example: I used to lived in Ho Chi Minh city (tôi đ" t#ng s$ng % th&nh
ph$ H' Ch( Minh - nhưng hiê ,n t-i không c/n n0a). b. Structure Structure Example c. Usage
When I was four, I used to Positive S + used to + V-inf......
eat ice cream every day.
S + never used to + V-inf..... She didn’t use to go to Negative
S + didn’t use to + V-inf..... supermarket.
Did you use to read book Question Did + S + use to....? every day?
- Use “used to” to talk about a repeated action, a habit, or something you did
for months or years, but you do NOT do now.
EX: I used to play with doll. (Now I don’t play with doll)
- There are things in the past that happened many times. Use “used to” when
you want to talk about something that happened regularly in the past, but it does not happen now.
EX: When I was younger, I used to eat pizza almost every day! (Now I don’t eat pizza every day)
- Use ‘used to” to emphasize a contrast between the past and present, when
something that was true in the past, but it is not true in the present.
EX: This used to be a restaurant. Now, it’s a bank! d. Exercises
Task 1: Complete using the correct form of used to.
1. I didn’t...to do much skiing. 9 A. Use B. Used
2. We....to walk to school when we were children. A. Use B. Used
3. They.... not to let women join this club. A. Use B. Used
4. There... to be a lake here years ago. A. Use B. Used
5. John didn’t....to like Mary when they were teenagers. A.Use B. Used
6.When did they...to live here? A.Use B. Used
7.Why did you....to use this old photocopier? A.Use B. Used
8. We never....to have electricity in our house. A.Use B. Used
9. I hardly ever....to have time for going out. A.Use B. Used
10. Did they....to let you smoke in cinemas? A.Use B. Used
1-A 2-B 3-B 4-B 5-A 6-A 7-A 8-B 9-B 10-A 2. PAST CONTINUOUS.
a. The definition of the past continues.
The grammatical form used for an action that someone was doing or an event that
was happening at a particular time. b. Usage
-Expresses an action that was happening at a time in the past
EX: I was playing football at 4PM yesterday.
-Expresses two actions that happened at the same time in the past
EX: Mary was studying when her mom was cooking breakfast. 10
-Describes an action that was happening when another action intervened in the past
EX: While she was washing the dishes, her parent came back home. c. Structure Structure Example Positive S + was/were + V-ing I was learning to the news Negative S + was/were + not + V-ing You was not doing it again Interrogativ Was/ Were + S + V-ing...? Was I listening to the news? e d. Identification sign
Trong câu có các tr4ng từ chỉ thời gian trong quá khứ kèm theo thời điểm xác định.
– at + time + time in the past (at 12 o’clock last night,…)
– at this time + time in the past . (at this time two weeks ago, …)
– in + year (in 2000, in 2005) – in the past.
+ Appears from “When” to express an action is happening and another action interjected.
+ In addition to relying on the use of the past continuous, the context of the
sentence, you should also consider using, acting process when words such as: while, when, and so on. e. Exercise Task 1: .
1. My brother and sister _____ playing tennis at 11am yesterday. A. are B. was C. were
2. _____ you still working at 7pm last night? A. Were B. Are C. Was
3. At 8.30am today I _____ driving to work. 11 A. was B. am C. were
4. We _____ sleeping when the police came. A. was B. weren't C. won't
5. Why _____ he having lunch at 4pm? A. was B. does C. were
6. Was he not _____ his homework? A. doing B. do C. done
7. Snow _____ lightly. Suddenly a reindeer appeared.
A. fell B. was falling C. is falling
8. Somebody threw a shoe at him _____ he was speaking. A. after B. when C. while
9. They ________ TV when I arrived.
A. were watching B. were watched C. watched
10. I was reading a detective story _____ I heard a noise. A. during B. while C. when 1. were 6. doing 2. were 7. was falling 3. was 8. while 4. weren’t 9. were watching 5. was 10. when III. READING Task 1:
1.Three centuries ago, people had much shorter lives. In 1700, insurance
companies put the average life expectancy of a new-born baby at only fourteen
years! The average life expectancy in the world today is sixty-six years, and in
some countries it is much higher: in Japan or France, for example, the average is 12
more than eighty. This is mainly because of better diet, better hygiene and better
healthcare. Even in the olden days though, it is interesting that if people survived
to be an adult they often lived to be sixty or seventy.
2.Having children was much more dangerous in those days: one in every nine
women died in childbirth. Even so, women used to have many more children than
they do today: in 1800 the average American family had seven children – today the
average is less than two. Perhaps the reason for this was that so many babies died:
even a hundred years ago, 20% of children died before they were five.
3.One reason that there were so many diseases was that people knew much
less about hygiene: even rich people didn’t use to wash much - many people
thought that it was dangerous to take a bath, so they often once or twice a year.
Instead they used perfume to cover body odour. Poor people didn’t even have
toilets or clean water and most had lice in their hair, bodies, clothes and beds.
4. There was no toothpaste in those days either: and only rich people used
toothbrushes. Of course, toothache was very common, but there were no
professional dentists until the middle of the nineteenth century. Before that, if you
had toothache you had to go to the barber’s. He not only cut hair, but also used to
take out teeth and perform other small operations.
5. And even if you did see a professional doctor, many of their methods seem
very strange today. In the eighteenth century, doctors treated almost any illness the
same way: by removing blood from the patient - and they often used leeches to
help them! Hospitals could also be dangerous places. At the end of the nineteenth
century, more than half the patients in hospital died - usually from illnesses they
didn’t have when they went in!
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1. In Japan, today the average life expectancy is sixty-six. (False)
(The average life expectancy is more than eighty - sentence 2, paragraph 1)
2. If people survived childhood, they often lived another forty or fifty years. (True) 13
3. 20% of women died in childbirth. (False)
(one in every nine women died in childbirth - sentence 1, paragraph 2)
4. Rich people had good hygiene, but many poor people smelled and had lice. (False)
(people knew much less about hygiene: even rich people didn’t use to wash
much - many people thought that it was dangerous to take a bath, so they
often once or twice a year -sentence 1, paragraph 3)
5. Barbers did many of the operations that doctors and dentists do today.(True)
6. People often caught illnesses while they were in hospital and died.(True) Task 2:
It is well-known that life expectancy is longer in Japan than in most other
countries. A recent report also shows that Japan has the longest health expectancy
in the world. A healthy long life is the result of the improvement in social
environment. Scientists are trying to work out exactly what elderly Japanese
people so health, and whether there is a lesson to be learnt from their lifestyles for
the rest of us. Should we make any changes to our eating habits, for instance, or go
jogging each day before breakfast? Is there some secret ingredient in the Japanese
diet that is particularly beneficial to the human body?
Another factor which contributes to the rapid population aging in Japan is a
decline in birthrate. Although longer life should be celebrated, it is actually
considered a social problem. The number of older people had doubled in the last
half century that has increased pension and medical costs. The country could soon
be dealing with an economic problem, if there was so many old people to be
looked after, and relatively few younger people working and paying taxes to support them.
Raising the retirement age from 65 to 70 could be one solution to the
problem. Work can give the elderly a sense of responsibility and mission in life.
It's important that the elderly play active roles in the society and live in harmony with all generations. 14
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Raising the retirement age
B. A healthy eating habits
C. Pride and challenges for long life expectancy in Japan.
D. The Japanese healthy lifestyle
2. Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage?
A. Japan is a country with the longest health expectancy in the world
B. The improvement in social environment leads to a healthy long life
C. There is a decrease in birthrate
D. Genetically modified food helps the Japanese live longer 3. The word “
” in paragraph 2 refers to _______. which
A. another factor B. rapid population C. social problem D. longer life
4. Which of the following is closet in meaning to the word “dealing with” in the passage?
A. increasing B. celebrating C. facing D. working
5. What solution to the problem with the rapid population aging in Japan does the author propose?
A. Decreasing birth rate B. Increasing birthrate
C. Decreasing retirement age D. Increasing retirement age 1-C 2-D 3-A 4-C 5-D C/ CONCLUSION 15
Through this essay, hopefully, it can give you valuable knowledge to apply to
study and work more professionally. And please note that the above is just the
structure of the letter and the popular essay, still many more types of operational
life. So, let's continue to learn and practice skills to own a write, professional real argument. Source:
1. New cutting edge- intermediate (https://vk.com/doc368729094_618577234?
2. https://tailieumoi.vn/tai-lieu/37015/50-bai-tap-thi-qua-khu-tiep-dien-co-dap- an-chi-tiet-jk9jh 16