Present perfect continuous - Tiếng Anh 3 | Trường Đại học Kiểm Sát Hà Nội

Present perfect continuous - Tiếng Anh 3 | Trường Đại học Kiểm Sát Hà Nội được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!


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Đại Học Kiểm sát Hà Nội 226 tài liệu

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Present perfect continuous - Tiếng Anh 3 | Trường Đại học Kiểm Sát Hà Nội

Present perfect continuous - Tiếng Anh 3 | Trường Đại học Kiểm Sát Hà Nội được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

96 48 lượt tải Tải xuống
Full name:Nguyen Le Trung Nguyen
Ha Noi – 2023
1.Present Perfect............................................................................................................. 4
1.1.1. Affirmative sentence:.....................................................................................4
1.1.2.Negative sentence............................................................................................4
1.1.3.Interrogative sentence.....................................................................................5
1.2.Recognizing signs..................................................................................................5
1.3. Usages:.................................................................................................................7
2.Present Perfect Continuous..........................................................................................8
2.1. Form:....................................................................................................................8
2.1.1. Affirmative sentence:.....................................................................................9
2.1.2. Negative sentence:..........................................................................................9
2.1.3. Interrogative sentence:...................................................................................9
2.2. Recognizing signs...............................................................................................10
2.3. Usages:...............................................................................................................10
1. Physical appearance:.................................................................................................12
2. Modern and Traditional:...........................................................................................13
English is an international language, and learning English, along with focusing on
vocabulary and grammar, brings a range of significant benefits. In today's globalized
world, the use of English has become essential not only in personal communication but
also in work and academic environments. In this introduction, we will explore the
advantages of learning English and emphasize the importance of focusing on vocabulary
and grammar. By engaging in the process of learning and improving English language
skills, we can experience tremendous benefits in our personal lives, career opportunities,
and exploration of the world through the wealth of information provided in English.
1.Present Perfect
The present perfect tense in English is used to describe an action or event that has
happened in the past and has a connection or impact on the present. This tense is typically
formed by using "have" or "has" (depending on the subject) followed by the past
participle of the verb.
1.1.1. Affirmative sentence:
S + have/ has + V3
*Notes: He/ She/ It/ Singular noun / Uncountable noun + has + V3
I/ We/ You/ They/ Plural noun + have + V3
*For example:
-I have eaten dinner already.
-She has finished her homework.
-We have visited that museum before.
-They have bought a new car.
-He has lived in London for five years.
1.1.2.Negative sentence
Subject + have/ has+not + V3
He/ She/ It/ Singular noun / Uncountable noun + has + not + V3
I/ We/ You/ They/ Plural noun + have + not + V3
*Notes: has not = hasn't
have not = haven't
*For example:
- She has not prepared for dinner since 6:30 p.m.
- He has not eaten this kind of food before.
- We haven't met each other for a long time.
- He hasn't come back to his hometown since 2000.
1.1.3.Interrogative sentence
-Interrogative sentences using auxiliary verbs (Yes/No questions)
Have/ has + S + V3?
*For example:
- Q: Have you finished your homework?
A: Yes, I have/ No, I haven't.
- Q: Has she seen that movie yet?
A: Yes, she has./ No, she hasn't.
-Interrogative sentences using question words starting with Wh-
Wh- + have/ has + S + V3?
For example
- What have you been doing all day?
- Why haven't you finished your work yet?
1.2.Recognizing signs
The present perfect has the following telltale signs:
-"Have" or "has": The Present Perfect tense uses "have" for subjects in the first and
second person (I, you, we, they), and "has" for subjects in the third person singular (he,
she, it). When you see these words in a sentence, it could be a sign of the Present Perfect
Example:"I have seen that movie before."
"She has finished her work."
-"Already": The word "already" is often used in a sentence to emphasize that an action
has been completed before the present moment.
Example:"Have you already eaten dinner?"
"He has already visited that city."
-"Just": The word "just" is commonly used to indicate that an action has occurred recently
before the present moment.
Example:"We have just arrived at the hotel."
"Has she just finished her presentation?"
-"For" and "since": The use of "for" and "since" in a sentence indicates a duration of time
that has passed since an action or event occurred. This is also a common sign in the
Present Perfect tense.
Example:"We have been friends for 10 years."
"He has worked here since 2010."
-"Ever": The word "ever" is used in a sentence to ask about an indefinite time in the past
or to indicate that something has happened at any time up to the present.
Example:"Have you ever been to Paris?"
"Has she ever won an award?"
-"Recently" or "lately": The words "recently" or "lately" are often used to refer to a recent
time period, indicating that an action has occurred within the past few days, weeks, or
Example:"Have you seen him recently?"
"They have traveled to many countries recently."
-"In the past": The phrase "in the past" is used to indicate that an action has happened in
the past and is still relevant to the present.
Example:"I have visited France in the past."
"She has worked for several companies in the past."
-There are also some signs such as:
never:chưa từng, không bao giờ
for+ quãng thời gian: trong khoảng (for a year, for a long time, …)
since+ mốc thời gian: từ khi (since 1992, since june,...)
yet:chưa (dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi)
so far = until now = up to now = up to the present
1.3. Usages:
Function 1.
We use the present perfect tense to express an
action that has been completed up to the present
moment without mentioning when it happened.
(Diễn tả một hành động đã hoàn thành cho tới
thời điểm hiện tại mà không đề cập tới nó xảy ra
khi nào)
Example:I have done all my homeworks
Function 2.
We use the present perfect continuous tense to
express an action that started in the past and is
still ongoing in the present.(Diễn tả một hành
động bắt đầu ở quá khứ và đang tiếp tục ở hiện
Example:They have been married for nearly fifty
Function 3.
We use the present perfect tense to express an
action that was done in the past and is still
ongoing in the present.(Diễn tả một hành động đã
từng làm trước đây và bây giờ vẫn còn làm)
Example:He has written three books and he is
Working on another book.
Function 4.
We use the present perfect tense with the adverb
"ever" to express an experience until the present
moment.(Diễn tả một kinh nghiệm cho tới thời
điểm hiện tại thường dùng trạng từ ever)
Example:My last birthday was the worst day I
ever have ever had
Function 5.
We use the past simple tense to express an
action that occurred in the past but is important at
the time of speaking.(Diễn tả một hành động trong
quá khứ nhưng quan trọng tại thời điểm nói)
Example: I can’t get in my house. I have lost my
2.Present Perfect Continuous.
2.1. Form:
The present perfect continuous tense is used to describe an action that started in the past,
is currently ongoing, and may continue into the future. This tense is formed by using
"have/has been" followed by the base form of the verb, combined with "been" and the -
ing form of the main verb.
I have been studying for three hours.
They have been playing soccer since morning.
She has been working in that company for five years.
The present perfect continuous tense is often used when emphasizing the
connection between the past and present, and when the action is not yet completed.
2.1.1. Affirmative sentence:
S + have/has + been + V-ing
*Note: • He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít/ Danh từ không đếm được sử dụng has
• I/You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều sử dụng have
*Example:- I have been studying at this school for 3 years.
- She has been playing sports for a month.
2.1.2. Negative sentence:
S + have/has + not + been + V-ing
*Note: has not = hasn’t
have not = haven’t
*Example: - I haven't been playing basketball for 5 years.
- He hasn't been playing games with me in a year.
2.1.3. Interrogative sentence:
Have/Has + subject + been + present participle (verb-ing) + object?
For example: Have you been studying for the exam?
Has she been working on this project?
Remember that we use "have" with the pronouns I, you, we, they, and "has" with the
pronouns he, she, it.
2.2. Recognizing signs
The Present Perfect Continuous has the following telltale signs:
“Have/has been" + verb-ing:
Example:She has been working on her project all day.
Duration of time:
Example:We have been waiting for the bus for an hour.
"For" and "since":
Examples:They have been studying English for three months.
He has been playing the guitar since he was a child.
Ongoing actions or situations:
Examples: I have been learning to play the piano for years.
They have been living in that house since last year.
Result or effect on the present:
Examples: He is tired because he has been running all day.
She has been cooking, so the kitchen smells delicious.
2.3. Usages:
Function 1.
The present perfect continuous tense is often
used to describe an action or state that started
in the past and is still ongoing in the present, or
has relevance to the present.
I have been studying English for two
They have been playing soccer since this
She has been working as a nurse for five
Function 2.
The present perfect continuous tense is often
used to talk about an action that started in the
past, continued for a shorter period of time
within a larger time frame, and is still ongoing.
She has been studying for three hours while
her friend has already finished her
Function 3.
Expressing innovation or change: This tense is
used to describe a change or progress that has
occurred in the past and has an impact on the
The city has been growing rapidly in the past
We've been redecorating our house, and it
looks amazing now
Function 4.
The present perfect continuous tense can be
used to describe an uncertain or indefinite
action that may or may not have occurred in the
They have been waiting for the train, but it
hasn't arrived yet.
Function 5.
Expressing frustration or disappointment with a
prolonged situation in the past: This tense can
also be used to convey frustration or
disappointment with a situation that has been
ongoing in the past and has an impact on the
I have been waiting for you all afternoon!
1. Physical appearance:
Face /fe s/ɪ Khuôn mặt She has a beautiful and radiant face.
Hair /heər/ Tóc He has long and silky hair
Eyes /a z/ɪ Mắt Her eyes are deep and expressive.
Nose /no z/ʊ Mũi His nose is straight and very charming
Mouth /ma θ/ʊ Miệng She has a bright and beautiful smile.
Ears / rz/ɪ Tai Her ears are small and pleasing to the eye.
Teeth /ti θ/ː Răng He has a set of white and perfect teeth.
Skin /sk n/ɪ Da Her skin is fair and smooth.
Muscles / m səlz/ˈ ʌ Cơ bắp He exercises to have firm muscles.
Height /ha t/ɪ Chiều cao She has a height that suits a fairy.
Body shape / b di e p/ˈ ɑː ʃ ɪ Dáng người She has a slender and confident body shape.
Stomach / st mək/ˈ ʌ Dạ dày He has a flat stomach and well-defined abs.
Scar /sk r/ɑː Vết sẹo She has a small scar on her arm.
Mole /mo l/ʊ Nốt ruồi He has a neat mole on his cheek.
Complexion /kəm pl k ən/ˈ ɛ ʃ Nước da Her complexion is even and translucent.
Chin /t n/ʃɪ Cằm His chin is sharp and masculine.
Eyebrows / a bra z/ˈ ɪˌ ʊ Chân Mày Her eyebrows are thick and beautifully frame
her face.
Lips /l ps/ɪ Môi His lips are vibrant and enticing.
Weight /we t/ɪ Cân nặng He lost weight and achieved his ideal weight
2. Modern and Traditional:
Modern / m dən/ˈ ɒ Hiện đại, liên quan đến thời đại
hiện tại hoặc gần đây.
The modern smartphone
has revolutionized the way
we communicate.
Traditional /trə d ənl/ˈ ɪʃ Truyền thống, đại diện cho
những giá trị phong cách từ
quá khứ.
She wears a traditional
dress to celebrate her
cultural heritage.
/kən t mpərəri/ˈ ɛ Đương đại, liên quan đến thời
đại hiện tại xu hướng mới
The contemporary art
exhibition showcases the
latest trends in the art
Classic / klæs k/ˈ ɪ C điển, tồn tại qua thời gian
và có giá trị vượt thời gian.
The little black dress is a
classic piece of fashion that
never goes out of style.
Futuristic / fju t ə r st k/ˌ ː ʃ ˈ ɪ ɪ Tiên tiến, liên quan đến tương
lai và công nghệ tiên tiến.
The concept car features
futuristic design elements
and advanced technology.
Vintage / v nt d /ˈ ɪ ɪ ʒ Cổ điển, liên quan đến thiết kế,
phong cách từ quá khứ
She loves collecting
vintage vinyl records from
the 1960s.
Old-fashioned / o ld ənd/ˌ ʊ ˈ ʃ Lỗi thời, không phổ biến hoặc
không thuộc v thời trang hiện
He still writes letters with a
fountain pen, which seems
old-fashioned in the digital
Innovative / ve t v/ˈɪ ˌ ɪ ɪ Sáng tạo, liên quan đến việc tạo
ra cái mới, đổi mới hình dạng,
kiểu dáng hoặc phong cách.
The company's innovative
product design won them
several awards.
Timeless / ta mləs/ˈ ɪ Bất hủ, tồn tại đẹp mãi mãi,
không bị lỗi thời.
The little black dress is a
timeless fashion staple that
can be worn for any
Progressive /prə r s v/ˈɡ ɛ ɪ Tiến bộ, phát triển thông qua
thời gian tuân thủ các xu
hướng mới nhất
The company implemented
progressive policies to
promote diversity and
inclusion in the workplace.
Conventional /kən v n ənl/ˈ ɛ ʃ Thông thường, phổ biến và
chấp nhận được theo quy ước
hoặc tiêu chuẩn hiện tại.
The wedding ceremony
followed conventional
traditions and customs.
Cutting-edge / k t ŋ d /ˈ ʌ ɪ ˌɛ ʒ Tiên tiến, dẫn đầu trong công
nghệ, thiết kế và xu hướng.
The new smartphone has
cutting-edge features, such
as facial recognition and
augmented reality.
Heritage / h r t d /ˈ ɛ ɪ ɪ ʒ Di sản, đại diện cho những giá
trị phong cách được thừa kế
và truyền lại.
The historic building is a
part of our cultural
Retro / r tro /ˈ ɛ ʊ Hoài cổ, liên quan đến phong
cách hoặc thiết kế được lấy
cảm hứng từ quá khứ.
She decorated her living
room with retro furniture
from the 1950s.
Avant-garde / v ŋ rd/ˌɑː ɒ ˈɡɑː Tiên phong, liên quan đến
những ý tưởng phong cách
nghệ thuật tiên tiến, không theo
truyền thống.
The avant-garde artist
pushes the boundaries of
traditional art with their
experimental installations.
In conclusion, the act of learning English and dedicating oneself to enhancing vocabulary
and grammar skills offers remarkable advantages. The ability to use English not only
improves communication skills but also opens up career prospects and provides access to
a diverse range of global information. Additionally, learning English contributes to
intellectual development and cultural understanding, fostering empathy and appreciation
for different perspectives. Furthermore, mastering English vocabulary and grammar
enables us to become lifelong learners and contribute to our personal and professional
growth. Therefore, investing time and effort into learning English and improving
vocabulary and grammar skills is highly beneficial for our individual lives and careers in
today's world.
1.Cambridge English dictionary.
2. Macmillan dictionary.
3. Sarah Cunningham; Peter Moor (2005), New Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate -
Student’s Book, Edinburgh, Pearson Longman.
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Full name:Nguyen Le Trung Nguyen Class:K10D Ha Noi – 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.Present Perfect.............................................................................................................4
1.1.1. Affirmative sentence:.....................................................................................4
1.1.2.Negative sentence............................................................................................4
1.1.3.Interrogative sentence.....................................................................................5
1.2.Recognizing signs..................................................................................................5
1.3. Usages:.................................................................................................................7
2.Present Perfect Continuous..........................................................................................8
2.1. Form:....................................................................................................................8
2.1.1. Affirmative sentence:.....................................................................................9
2.1.2. Negative sentence:..........................................................................................9
2.1.3. Interrogative sentence:...................................................................................9
2.2. Recognizing signs...............................................................................................10
2.3. Usages:...............................................................................................................10
1. Physical appearance:.................................................................................................12
2. Modern and Traditional:...........................................................................................13
V.REFERENCES:............................................................................................................16 I.INTRODUCTION
English is an international language, and learning English, along with focusing on
vocabulary and grammar, brings a range of significant benefits. In today's globalized
world, the use of English has become essential not only in personal communication but
also in work and academic environments. In this introduction, we will explore the
advantages of learning English and emphasize the importance of focusing on vocabulary
and grammar. By engaging in the process of learning and improving English language
skills, we can experience tremendous benefits in our personal lives, career opportunities,
and exploration of the world through the wealth of information provided in English. II.GRAMMAR 1.Present Perfect 1.1.Form
The present perfect tense in English is used to describe an action or event that has
happened in the past and has a connection or impact on the present. This tense is typically
formed by using "have" or "has" (depending on the subject) followed by the past participle of the verb.
1.1.1. Affirmative sentence: S + have/ has + V3
*Notes: He/ She/ It/ Singular noun / Uncountable noun + has + V3
I/ We/ You/ They/ Plural noun + have + V3 *For example: -I have eaten dinner already.
-She has finished her homework.
-We have visited that museum before. -They have bought a new car.
-He has lived in London for five years. 1.1.2.Negative sentence Subject + have/ has+not + V3
He/ She/ It/ Singular noun / Uncountable noun + has + not + V3
I/ We/ You/ They/ Plural noun + have + not + V3 *Notes: has not = hasn't have not = haven't *For example:
- She has not prepared for dinner since 6:30 p.m.
- He has not eaten this kind of food before.
- We haven't met each other for a long time.
- He hasn't come back to his hometown since 2000.
1.1.3.Interrogative sentence
-Interrogative sentences using auxiliary verbs (Yes/No questions) Have/ has + S + V3? *For example:
- Q: Have you finished your homework?
A: Yes, I have/ No, I haven't.
- Q: Has she seen that movie yet?
A: Yes, she has./ No, she hasn't.
-Interrogative sentences using question words starting with Wh- Wh- + have/ has + S + V3? For example
- What have you been doing all day?
- Why haven't you finished your work yet? 1.2.Recognizing signs
The present perfect has the following telltale signs:
-"Have" or "has": The Present Perfect tense uses "have" for subjects in the first and
second person (I, you, we, they), and "has" for subjects in the third person singular (he,
she, it). When you see these words in a sentence, it could be a sign of the Present Perfect tense.
Example:"I have seen that movie before." "She has finished her work."
-"Already": The word "already" is often used in a sentence to emphasize that an action
has been completed before the present moment.
Example:"Have you already eaten dinner?"
"He has already visited that city."
-"Just": The word "just" is commonly used to indicate that an action has occurred recently before the present moment.
Example:"We have just arrived at the hotel."
"Has she just finished her presentation?"
-"For" and "since": The use of "for" and "since" in a sentence indicates a duration of time
that has passed since an action or event occurred. This is also a common sign in the Present Perfect tense.
Example:"We have been friends for 10 years."
"He has worked here since 2010."
-"Ever": The word "ever" is used in a sentence to ask about an indefinite time in the past
or to indicate that something has happened at any time up to the present.
Example:"Have you ever been to Paris?" "Has she ever won an award?"
-"Recently" or "lately": The words "recently" or "lately" are often used to refer to a recent
time period, indicating that an action has occurred within the past few days, weeks, or months.
Example:"Have you seen him recently?"
"They have traveled to many countries recently."
-"In the past": The phrase "in the past" is used to indicate that an action has happened in
the past and is still relevant to the present.
Example:"I have visited France in the past."
"She has worked for several companies in the past."
-There are also some signs such as:
never:chưa từng, không bao giờ
for+ quãng thời gian: trong khoảng (for a year, for a long time, …)
since+ mốc thời gian: từ khi (since 1992, since june,...)
yet:chưa (dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi)
so far = until now = up to now = up to the present 1.3. Usages: Function 1.
We use the present perfect tense to express an
action that has been completed up to the present
Example:I have done all my homeworks
moment without mentioning when it happened.
(Diễn tả một hành động đã hoàn thành cho tới
thời điểm hiện tại mà không đề cập tới nó xảy ra khi nào) Function 2.
Example:They have been married for nearly fifty
We use the present perfect continuous tense to years.
express an action that started in the past and is
still ongoing in the present.(Diễn tả một hành
động bắt đầu ở quá khứ và đang tiếp tục ở hiện tại) Function 3.
Example:He has written three books and he is
We use the present perfect tense to express an Working on another book.
action that was done in the past and is still
ongoing in the present.(Diễn tả một hành động đã
từng làm trước đây và bây giờ vẫn còn làm) Function 4.
Example:My last birthday was the worst day I
We use the present perfect tense with the adverb ever have ever had
"ever" to express an experience until the present
moment.(Diễn tả một kinh nghiệm cho tới thời
điểm hiện tại thường dùng trạng từ ever) Function 5.
Example: I can’t get in my house. I have lost my
We use the past simple tense to express an keys
action that occurred in the past but is important at
the time of speaking.(Diễn tả một hành động trong
quá khứ nhưng quan trọng tại thời điểm nói)
2.Present Perfect Continuous. 2.1. Form:
The present perfect continuous tense is used to describe an action that started in the past,
is currently ongoing, and may continue into the future. This tense is formed by using
"have/has been" followed by the base form of the verb, combined with "been" and the - ing form of the main verb. Examples:
I have been studying for three hours.
They have been playing soccer since morning.
She has been working in that company for five years.
The present perfect continuous tense is often used when emphasizing the
connection between the past and present, and when the action is not yet completed.
2.1.1. Affirmative sentence: S + have/has + been + V-ing
*Note: • He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít/ Danh từ không đếm được sử dụng has
• I/You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều sử dụng have
*Example:- I have been studying at this school for 3 years.
- She has been playing sports for a month.
2.1.2. Negative sentence:
S + have/has + not + been + V-ing *Note: has not = hasn’t have not = haven’t
*Example: - I haven't been playing basketball for 5 years.
- He hasn't been playing games with me in a year.
2.1.3. Interrogative sentence:
Have/Has + subject + been + present participle (verb-ing) + object?
For example: Have you been studying for the exam?
Has she been working on this project?
Remember that we use "have" with the pronouns I, you, we, they, and "has" with the pronouns he, she, it.
2.2. Recognizing signs
The Present Perfect Continuous has the following telltale signs:
“Have/has been" + verb-ing:
Example:She has been working on her project all day. Duration of time:
Example:We have been waiting for the bus for an hour. "For" and "since":
Examples:They have been studying English for three months.
He has been playing the guitar since he was a child.
Ongoing actions or situations:
Examples: I have been learning to play the piano for years.
They have been living in that house since last year.
Result or effect on the present:
Examples: He is tired because he has been running all day.
She has been cooking, so the kitchen smells delicious. 2.3. Usages: Function 1. Examples:
The present perfect continuous tense is often
I have been studying English for two
used to describe an action or state that started hours.
in the past and is still ongoing in the present, or has relevance to the present.
They have been playing soccer since this morning.
She has been working as a nurse for five years. Function 2. Example:
The present perfect continuous tense is often
She has been studying for three hours while
used to talk about an action that started in the
her friend has already finished her
past, continued for a shorter period of time homework..
within a larger time frame, and is still ongoing. Function 3. Examples:
The city has been growing rapidly in the past
Expressing innovation or change: This tense is decade.
used to describe a change or progress that has
We've been redecorating our house, and it
occurred in the past and has an impact on the looks amazing now present. Function 4. Example:
The present perfect continuous tense can be
They have been waiting for the train, but it
used to describe an uncertain or indefinite hasn't arrived yet.
action that may or may not have occurred in the past. Function 5.
Expressing frustration or disappointment with a Example:
prolonged situation in the past: This tense can
also be used to convey frustration or
I have been waiting for you all afternoon!
disappointment with a situation that has been
ongoing in the past and has an impact on the present. III.VOCABULARY:
1. Physical appearance: WORD PRONUNCIATION MEANING EXAMPLE Face /fe s/ ɪ Khuôn mặt
She has a beautiful and radiant face. Hair /heər/ Tóc He has long and silky hair Eyes /a z/ ɪ Mắt
Her eyes are deep and expressive. Nose /no z/ ʊ Mũi
His nose is straight and very charming Mouth /ma θ/ ʊ Miệng
She has a bright and beautiful smile. Ears / rz/ ɪ Tai
Her ears are small and pleasing to the eye. Teeth /ti θ/ ː Răng
He has a set of white and perfect teeth. Skin /skɪn/ Da Her skin is fair and smooth. Muscles / m ˈ səlz/ ʌ Cơ bắp
He exercises to have firm muscles. Height /ha t/ ɪ Chiều cao
She has a height that suits a fairy. Body shape / b ˈ di ɑː e ʃ p/ ɪ Dáng người
She has a slender and confident body shape. Stomach / st ˈ mək/ ʌ Dạ dày
He has a flat stomach and well-defined abs. Scar /skɑːr/ Vết sẹo
She has a small scar on her arm. Mole /mo l/ ʊ Nốt ruồi
He has a neat mole on his cheek. Complexion /kəm pl ˈ ɛk ən/ ʃ Nước da
Her complexion is even and translucent. Chin /t n/ ʃɪ Cằm
His chin is sharp and masculine. Eyebrows / a ˈ bra ɪˌ z/ ʊ Chân Mày
Her eyebrows are thick and beautifully frame her face. Lips /l ps/ ɪ Môi
His lips are vibrant and enticing. Weight /we t/ ɪ Cân nặng
He lost weight and achieved his ideal weight
2. Modern and Traditional: WORD PRONUNCIATION MEANING EXAMPLE Modern / m ˈ dən/ ɒ
Hiện đại, liên quan đến thời đại The modern smartphone
hiện tại hoặc gần đây. has revolutionized the way we communicate. Traditional /trə d ˈ ənl/ ɪʃ
Truyền thống, đại diện cho She wears a traditional
những giá trị và phong cách từ dress to celebrate her quá khứ. cultural heritage. Contemporar /kən t ˈ mpərəri/ ɛ
Đương đại, liên quan đến thời The contemporary art y
đại hiện tại và xu hướng mới exhibition showcases the nhất. latest trends in the art world. Classic / klæs ˈ k/ ɪ
Cổ điển, tồn tại qua thời gian The little black dress is a
và có giá trị vượt thời gian. classic piece of fashion that never goes out of style. Futuristic / fju ˌ ːt əʃ rˈ st ɪ k/ ɪ
Tiên tiến, liên quan đến tương The concept car features
lai và công nghệ tiên tiến. futuristic design elements and advanced technology. Vintage / v ˈ nt ɪ dɪ /ʒ
Cổ điển, liên quan đến thiết kế, She loves collecting phong cách từ quá khứ vintage vinyl records from the 1960s. Old-fashioned / o ˌ ld ʊ fæ ˈ ənd/ ʃ
Lỗi thời, không phổ biến hoặc He still writes letters with a
không thuộc về thời trang hiện fountain pen, which seems đại old-fashioned in the digital age. Innovative / nə ˈɪ ve ˌ ɪt v/ ɪ
Sáng tạo, liên quan đến việc tạo The company's innovative
ra cái mới, đổi mới hình dạng, product design won them
kiểu dáng hoặc phong cách. several awards. Timeless / ta ˈ mləs/ ɪ
Bất hủ, tồn tại và đẹp mãi mãi, The little black dress is a không bị lỗi thời. timeless fashion staple that can be worn for any occasion. Progressive /prə r ˈɡ sɛ v/ ɪ
Tiến bộ, phát triển thông qua The company implemented
thời gian và tuân thủ các xu progressive policies to hướng mới nhất promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Conventional /kənˈv n ɛ ənl/ ʃ
Thông thường, phổ biến và The wedding ceremony
chấp nhận được theo quy ước followed conventional
hoặc tiêu chuẩn hiện tại. traditions and customs. Cutting-edge / k ˈ t ʌ ŋɪ d ˌɛ /ʒ
Tiên tiến, dẫn đầu trong công The new smartphone has
nghệ, thiết kế và xu hướng. cutting-edge features, such as facial recognition and augmented reality. Heritage / h ˈ r ɛ tɪ dɪ /ʒ
Di sản, đại diện cho những giá The historic building is a
trị và phong cách được thừa kế part of our cultural và truyền lại. heritage. Retro /ˈr tro ɛ / ʊ
Hoài cổ, liên quan đến phong She decorated her living
cách hoặc thiết kế được lấy room with retro furniture cảm hứng từ quá khứ. from the 1950s. Avant-garde / v ˌɑː ŋ ɒ rd/ ˈɡɑː
Tiên phong, liên quan đến The avant-garde artist
những ý tưởng và phong cách pushes the boundaries of
nghệ thuật tiên tiến, không theo traditional art with their truyền thống. experimental installations. IV.CONCLUSION:
In conclusion, the act of learning English and dedicating oneself to enhancing vocabulary
and grammar skills offers remarkable advantages. The ability to use English not only
improves communication skills but also opens up career prospects and provides access to
a diverse range of global information. Additionally, learning English contributes to
intellectual development and cultural understanding, fostering empathy and appreciation
for different perspectives. Furthermore, mastering English vocabulary and grammar
enables us to become lifelong learners and contribute to our personal and professional
growth. Therefore, investing time and effort into learning English and improving
vocabulary and grammar skills is highly beneficial for our individual lives and careers in today's world. V.REFERENCES:
1.Cambridge English dictionary. 2. Macmillan dictionary.
3. Sarah Cunningham; Peter Moor (2005), New Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate -
Student’s Book, Edinburgh, Pearson Longman.