Ôn tập câu Bị động - English Linguistics | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam

Ôn tập câu Bị động - English Linguistics | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

Nhc li:
B đng: BE + pp
- Xc đnh Ch ng, đng t, tân ng, mđ ch thi gian, nơi ch"n
- Đưa tân ng xu"ng l'm ch ng
- Đưa đng t ch(nh v* b đng (th- ph.i ph/ h0p)
- Mđ ch nơi ch"n + by sb + mđ ch thi gian
Thì Chủ động Bị động
Hiện tại đơn I clean the floor The floor by me is cleaned
S + is/am/are + PP + by sb
Tương lai đơn I will cook the meal The meal by mewill be cooked
S + will be + PP + by sb
Quá khứ đơn He did his
His homework by himwas done
S + was/were + PP + by sb
Hiện tại tiếp
We are playing
Football is being played by us
S + is/am/are + being + PP + by sb
Quá khứ tiếp
They were watching
TV by themwas being watched
S + was/ were + being + PP + by sb
Tương lai tiếp
They will be singing
that song
That song by them will being sung
S + will + being PP by sb
Hiện tại hoàn
I have done my
My homework by mehas been done
S + have been + PP + by sb
Quá khứ hoàn
He had taken the
last train
the last train by him had been taken
S + had been + PP + by sb
Tương lai hoàn
He will have done
this task
this task by him will have been done
S + will have been + PP by sb
Tương lai gần I am going to take
the bus
the bus by me is going to be taken
S + is/am/are + going + to + be + PP +
by sb
Modal verb They might do the
the homework by themmight be done
S + modal verb + be + PP by sb
19:00 1/8/24
8. Bị động - okeeeeeeeeee
They might have
done the homework
the homework might have been done
by them
S + modal verb + have been PP by sb
Dng kh7ng đnh
1. I am cooking meal in the kitchen at 3.00pm
→ Meal is being cooked in the kitchen by me at 3.00 pm
2. She makes a cake every monday
→ A cake is made by her every monday.
3. They have ridden bicycles in the park since 4.00 (HTHT)
→ Bicycles have been ridden in the park by them since 4.00
4. They will get the letters tomorrow
→ The letters will be gotten by them tomorrow (gotten = got)
5. She had not received her results/^/ yet
→ Her results had not been received by her yet.
Dng câu hMi
- Yes - no question
6. Do they teach English here?
= Is English taught by them here?
They teach English here → English is taught (by them) here
→ Is English taught here?
7. Has Tom finished the work?
Tom has finished the work
The work has finished by Tombeen
Has the work been finished by Tom?
8. Why did not they help him?
why : vì sao + tr6 đô8ng t9 + chủ ng: + đô8ng t9 ch;nhe
They did not help him?
= he was not helped
= Why was he not helped?
9. Is she making a big cake for the party? → Is a big cake being
made for the party by her?
10. Must we finish the test before ten?
19:00 1/8/24
8. Bị động - okeeeeeeeeee
Must the test ?BE finished BY US BEFORE TEN
11. Did the teacher give some exercises? (BE + PP)
Were some exercises given by the teacher?
Chip gave Kid a letter.
→ Kid was given a letter by Chip
Did exercises have been given by the teacher?
12. Have they changed the window of the laboratory? (BE + PP)
→ They have changed the window of the laboratory
the window of the laboratory has been changed (by them)
→ Has the window of the laboratory been changed?
13. Is she going to write a poem? (be going to V → be going to be
→ She is going to write a poem
→ A poem is going to be written by her.
14. Must we finish the test before ten? (yes no question)
→ We must finish the test before ten
→ The test must be finished by us before ten.
→ Must the test be finished by us before ten?
15. Have you finished your homework?
Has your homework been finished by you?
CL 2 dạng câu hNi
- Yes-no question: Tr6 đô8ng t9 + chủ ng: + đô8ng t9?
- Khác: T9 đQ hNi + tr6 đô8ng t9 + chủ ng: + đô8ng t9 ch;nh?
Câu hMi vSi t đT hMi
16. How did the police find the lost man?
→ The police found the lost man
→ The lost man was found by the police
→ How was the lost man found by the police?
19:00 1/8/24
8. Bị động - okeeeeeeeeee
17. What time can the boys hand in their papers?
→ The boys can hand in their papers?
→ Their papers can be handed in by the boys
→ What time can their papers be by the boys?handed in
→ What time can the boys’ papers be (by them)?handed in
18. How many marks does the teacher give you?
→ The teacher gives you
→ You are given by the teacher
→ How many marks are you given by the teacher?
19. How long have they waited for the doctor?
→ They have waited for the doctor
→ The doctor has been waited by them
→ How long has the doctor been been waited by them
1. We can’t go along here because the road ____
A. is repairing
B. repaired
C. is being repaired
D. repairs
2. The story I’ve just read _____ Agathan Christie
A. was written
B. was written by
C. was written from
D. wrote by
3. Something funny ____ in class yesterday. (WHAT HAPPENED)
A. happened
B. was happened
C. happens
D. is happened
4. Many US automobiles ____ in Detroit, Michigan
A. manufacture B. have manufactured
C. are manufactured D. are manufacturing
5. A lot of pesticide residue can ____ on unwashed produce
19:00 1/8/24
8. Bị động - okeeeeeeeeee
A. find B. found
C. be finding D. be found
6. We ____ by a loud noise during the night
A. woke up B. are woken up
C. were woken up D. were waking up
7. How did that window ____?
A. get brokenB. broke C. got broken D. broken
Note: đôi khi get + PP ~ be PP
t- đ. h/i s0 l1 Does/ did/ will
8. Some film stars ___ difficult to work with
A. are said be
B. are said to be
C. say to be
D. said to be
Note: D2ng people said that
EX: People said that he is an intelligent boy
→ It was said that he is an intelligent boy
→ He was said to be an intelligent boy
People that he here for 10 years.said had lived
→ It was said that he had lived here for 10 years.
→ He was said to have lived here for 10 years.
S1 + V + that + S2 + V’ + O
→ It be + (bị đô8ng của V) + that + S2 + V’ + O
→ Khi V, V’ ccng thì hoă8c V’ xey ra sau V (V’ >= V)
S1 be + (bị đô8ng của V) của V’to V nguyên m6u
Khi V’ xey ra trưgc V thì
S1 be + (bị đô8ng của V) của V’to have + PP
People says that he wants some coffee
→ It is said that he wants some coffee
→ He is said to want some coffee
People says that he will be a doctor
→ It is said that he will be a doctor
→ He is said to be a doctor
19:00 1/8/24
8. Bị động - okeeeeeeeeee
People says that he did that exercise well
→ It is said that he did that exercise well
→ He is said to have done that exercise well
People says that she sang last night
→ It is said that she sang last night
→ She is said to have sung last night
People said that he has a car
→ It was said that he has a car
→ He was said to have a car
People said that he had owned a villa
→ It was said that he had owned a villa
→ He was said to have owned a villa
People say that some films stars are difficult to work with
9. Vitamin C ____ by human body. It gets into bloodstream quickly
A. absorbs easily B. is easily absorbing
C. is easily absorbed D. absorbed easily
10. Why did Tom keep making jokes about me? I don’t enjoy ___
A. be laughed B. to be laughed
C. laughing D. being laughed
11. Today, many serious childhood diseases ____ by early
A. are preventing B. can prevent
C. prevent D. can be prevented
12. __________ about the eight o’clock flight to Chicago?
A. Have been an announcement made
B. Has been an announcement been made
C. Has an announcement been made
D. Has been an announcement made
Have/ Has + S + PP?
13. Has the committee made its decision yet? - Not yet. They are
still _____ the proposal
A. considering
19:00 1/8/24
8. Bị động - okeeeeeeeeee
B. have considered
C. being considered
D. considered
14. I might watch this programme. It ___ very funny
A. Supposes to be
B. is supposed being
C. is supposed to be
D. was supposed be
My best friend is Quan. We both study in similar secondary school. the
We also live in a similar neighborhood. We have many memories HAD
together. Having a best friend like Quan makes my life simpler. In any
tough situations, we support each other. Whenever I am in difficult
troubles, my best friend encourages me by giving me all the SUPPORT
as well as helping me. We plan our weeks and spend time together. My
best friend has been my emotional support. Nobody can replace my best
friend, Quan, in my life.
→ Quá nhiju câu đơn → mkc tiêu: không dcng câu đơn
because…,.../so/although / despite / in spite of
However, …/In addition to that = Additionally = Moreover = Furthermore
Hedging language (không d/ng nh0ng extreme words: can/must/
everybody / nobody/ the best → s3 ch4 quan)
Computer is the best device → Computer can/might be the best
everybody → somebody
19:00 1/8/24
8. Bị động - okeeeeeeeeee
| 1/7

Preview text:

19:00 1/8/24 8. Bị động - okeeeeeeeeee Nhc li: B đng: BE + pp
- Xc đnh Ch ng, đng t, tân ng, mđ ch thi gian, nơi ch"n
- Đưa tân ng xu"ng l'm ch ng
- Đưa đng t ch(nh v* b đng (th- ph.i ph/ h0p)
- Mđ ch nơi ch"n + by sb + mđ ch thi gian Thì Chủ động Bị động Hiện tại đơn I clean the floor
The floor is cleaned by me
S + is/am/are + PP + by sb Tương lai đơn I will cook the meal
The meal will be cooked by me
S + will be + PP + by sb Quá khứ đơn He did his
His homework was done by him homework
S + was/were + PP + by sb Hiện tại tiếp We are playing
Football is being played by us diễn football
S + is/am/are + being + PP + by sb Quá khứ tiếp
They were watching TV was being watched by them diễn TV
S + was/ were + being + PP + by sb Tương lai tiếp They will be singing That song by them will being sung diễn that song
S + will + being PP by sb Hiện tại hoàn I have done my
My homework has been done by me thành homework
S + have been + PP + by sb Quá khứ hoàn He had taken the
the last train had been taken by him thành last train
S + had been + PP + by sb
Tương lai hoàn He will have done
this task will have been done by him thành this task
S + will have been + PP by sb Tương lai gần I am going to take
the bus is going to be taken by me the bus
S + is/am/are + going + to + be + PP + by sb Modal verb They might do the
the homework might be done by them homework
S + modal verb + be + PP by sb about:blank 1/7 19:00 1/8/24 8. Bị động - okeeeeeeeeee They might have
the homework might have been done done the homework by them
S + modal verb + have been PP by sb Dng kh7ng đnh
1. I am cooking meal in the kitchen at 3.00pm
→ Meal is being cooked in the kitchen by me at 3.00 pm
2. She makes a cake every monday
→ A cake is made by her every monday.
3. They have ridden bicycles in the park since 4.00 (HTHT)
→ Bicycles have been ridden in the park by them since 4.00
4. They will get the letters tomorrow
→ The letters will be gotten by them tomorrow (gotten = got)
5. She had not received her results/^/ yet
→ Her results had not been received by her yet. Dng câu hMi - Yes - no question 6. Do they teach English here?
= Is English taught by them here?
They teach English here → English is taught (by them) here → Is English taught here? 7. Has Tom finished the work? Tom has finished the work
The work has been finished by Tom
Has the work been finished by Tom? 8. Why did not they help him?
why : vì sao + tr6 đô8ng t9 + chủ ng: + đô8ng t9 ch;nhe They did not help him? = he was not helped = Why was he not helped?
9. Is she making a big cake for the party? → Is a big cake being made for the party by her?
10. Must we finish the test before ten? about:blank 2/7 19:00 1/8/24 8. Bị động - okeeeeeeeeee
Must the test BE finished BY US ? BEFORE TEN
11. Did the teacher give some exercises? (BE + PP)
Were some exercises given by the teacher? Chip gave Kid a letter.
→ Kid was given a letter by Chip
Did exercises have been given by the teacher?
12. Have they changed the window of the laboratory? (BE + PP)
→ They have changed the window of the laboratory
→ the window of the laboratory has been changed (by them)
→ Has the window of the laboratory been changed?
13. Is she going to write a poem? (be going to V → be going to be PP)
→ She is going to write a poem
→ A poem is going to be written by her.
14. Must we finish the test before ten? (yes no question)
→ We must finish the test before ten
→ The test must be finished by us before ten.
→ Must the test be finished by us before ten?
15. Have you finished your homework?
Has your homework been finished by you? CL 2 dạng câu hNi
- Yes-no question: Tr6 đô8ng t9 + chủ ng: + đô8ng t9?
- Khác: T9 đQ hNi + tr6 đô8ng t9 + chủ ng: + đô8ng t9 ch;nh? Câu hMi vSi t đT hMi 16. How
did the police find the lost man?
→ The police found the lost man
→ The lost man was found by the police
→ How was the lost man found by the police? about:blank 3/7 19:00 1/8/24 8. Bị động - okeeeeeeeeee
17. What time can the boys hand in their papers?
→ The boys can hand in their papers?
→ Their papers can be handed in by the boys
→ What time can their papers be handed in by the boys?
→ What time can the boys’ papers be handed in (by them)? 18. How many marks does the teacher give you? → The teacher gives you
→ You are given by the teacher
→ How many marks are you given by the teacher?
19. How long have they waited for the doctor?
→ They have waited for the doctor
→ The doctor has been waited by them
→ How long has the doctor been been waited by them BUI TÂ8P TWNG HZP
1. We can’t go along here because the road ____ A. is repairing B. repaired C. is being repaired D. repairs
2. The story I’ve just read _____ Agathan Christie A. was written B. was written by C. was written from D. wrote by
3. Something funny ____ in class yesterday. (WHAT HAPPENED) A. happened B. was happened C. happens D. is happened
4. Many US automobiles ____ in Detroit, Michigan A. manufacture B. have manufactured C. are manufactured D. are manufacturing
5. A lot of pesticide residue can ____ on unwashed produce about:blank 4/7 19:00 1/8/24 8. Bị động - okeeeeeeeeee A. find B. found C. be finding D. be found
6. We ____ by a loud noise during the night A. woke up B. are woken up C. were woken up D. were waking up 7. How did that window ____? A. get brokenB. broke C. got broken D. broken
Note: đôi khi get + PP ~ be PP
t- đ. h/i s0 l1 Does/ did/ will

8. Some film stars ___ difficult to work with A. are said be B. are said to be C. say to be D. said to be Note: D2ng people said that
People said that he is an intelligent boy
→ It was said that he is an intelligent boy
→ He was said to be an intelligent boy
People said that he had lived here for 10 years.
→ It was said that he had lived here for 10 years.
→ He was said to have lived here for 10 years. S1 + V + that + S2 + V’ + O
→ It be + (bị đô8ng của V) + that + S2 + V’ + O
→ Khi V, V’ ccng thì hoă8c V’ xey ra sau V (V’ >= V)
S1 be + (bị đô8ng của V) to V nguyên m6u của V’ Khi V’ xey ra trưgc V thì
S1 be + (bị đô8ng của V) to have + PP của V’
People says that he wants some coffee
→ It is said that he wants some coffee
→ He is said to want some coffee
People says that he will be a doctor
→ It is said that he will be a doctor → He is said to be a doctor about:blank 5/7 19:00 1/8/24 8. Bị động - okeeeeeeeeee
People says that he did that exercise well
→ It is said that he did that exercise well
→ He is said to have done that exercise well
People says that she sang last night
→ It is said that she sang last night
→ She is said to have sung last night People said that he has a car
→ It was said that he has a car → He was said to have a car
People said that he had owned a villa
→ It was said that he had owned a villa
→ He was said to have owned a villa
People say that some films stars are difficult to work with
9. Vitamin C ____ by human body. It gets into bloodstream quickly A. absorbs easily B. is easily absorbing C. is easily absorbed D. absorbed easily 10.
Why did Tom keep making jokes about me? I don’t enjoy ___ at A. be laughed B. to be laughed C. laughing D. being laughed 11.
Today, many serious childhood diseases ____ by early immunization A. are preventing B. can prevent C. prevent D. can be prevented 12.
__________ about the eight o’clock flight to Chicago?
A. Have been an announcement made
B. Has been an announcement been made
C. Has an announcement been made
D. Has been an announcement made Have/ Has + S + PP? 13.
Has the committee made its decision yet? - Not yet. They are still _____ the proposal A. considering about:blank 6/7 19:00 1/8/24 8. Bị động - okeeeeeeeeee B. have considered C. being considered D. considered 14.
I might watch this programme. It ___ very funny A. Supposes to be B. is supposed being C. is supposed to be D. was supposed be
My best friend is Quan. We both study in the similar secondary school.
We also live in a similar neighborhood. We have many memories HAD
together. Having a best friend like Quan makes my life simpler. In any
tough situations, we support each other. Whenever I am in difficult
troubles, my best friend encourages me by giving me all the SUPPORT
as well as helping me. We plan our weeks and spend time together. My
best friend has been my emotional support. Nobody can replace my best friend, Quan, in my life.
→ Quá nhiju câu đơn → mkc tiêu: không dcng câu đơn
because…,.../so/although / despite / in spite of
However, …/In addition to that = Additionally = Moreover = Furthermore
Hedging language (không d/ng nh0ng extreme words: can/must/
everybody / nobody/ the best → s3 ch4 quan)
Computer is the best device → Computer can/might be the best device everybody → somebody about:blank 7/7