Sách bài tập Right on 8 unit 2 2c Vocabulary

Sách bài tập Right on 8 unit 2 2c Vocabulary được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn học sinh cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

1. Label the pictures. Dán nhãn cho các bc tranh.
Đáp án
1 - car crash
2 - explosion
3 - fire
4 - shipwreck
5 - plane crash
2. Complete the gaps with the words from Exercise 1. Hoàn thành các
khong trng vi các t trong Bài tp 1.
1. We saw a(n) _______ at the traffic lights. It injured two drivers and some
people on the street.
2. The emergency services rescued the ship's crew after the _______.
3. Luckily, no one on the plane or on the ground was injured in the _______.
4. I was terrified when I heard the loud noise of the _______ in the nearby
5. A(n) _______ started in the kitchen because someone left the cooker on.
Đáp án
1 - car crash
2 - shipwreck
3 - plane crash
4 - explosion
5 - fire
3. Choose the correct options. Chọn các phương án đúng.
Đáp án
1 - A
2 - B
3 - A
4 - B
4. Complete the text with the words from the list. Hoàn thành đoạn văn với
các t trong danh sách.
injure ; fire ; relieved ; explosion
Last night, my brother and I were sleeping when we heard a loud noise on the
street outside. It sounded like a(n) 1) _______. We knew that something was
wrong. We looked out of the window and saw that there was a(n) 2) _______
in the house opposite. The firefighters arrived very quickly and put it out. Later,
Dad told us that the accident didn't kill or 3) _______ anyone. I was very 4)
_______ because everyone was safe.
Đáp án
1 - explosion; 2 - fire; 3 - injure; 4 - relieved;
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Preview text:

1. Label the pictures. Dán nhãn cho các bức tranh. Đáp án 1 - car crash 2 - explosion 3 - fire 4 - shipwreck 5 - plane crash
2. Complete the gaps with the words from Exercise 1. Hoàn thành các
khoảng trống với các từ trong Bài tập 1.
1. We saw a(n) _______ at the traffic lights. It injured two drivers and some people on the street.
2. The emergency services rescued the ship's crew after the _______.
3. Luckily, no one on the plane or on the ground was injured in the _______.
4. I was terrified when I heard the loud noise of the _______ in the nearby building.
5. A(n) _______ started in the kitchen because someone left the cooker on. Đáp án 1 - car crash 2 - shipwreck 3 - plane crash 4 - explosion 5 - fire
3. Choose the correct options. Chọn các phương án đúng. Đáp án 1 - A 2 - B 3 - A 4 - B
4. Complete the text with the words from the list. Hoàn thành đoạn văn với các từ trong danh sách.
injure ; fire ; relieved ; explosion
Last night, my brother and I were sleeping when we heard a loud noise on the
street outside. It sounded like a(n) 1) _______. We knew that something was
wrong. We looked out of the window and saw that there was a(n) 2) _______
in the house opposite. The firefighters arrived very quickly and put it out. Later,
Dad told us that the accident didn't kill or 3) _______ anyone. I was very 4)
_______ because everyone was safe. Đáp án
1 - explosion; 2 - fire; 3 - injure; 4 - relieved;