Tài liệu học tập hội thoại Lesson 4: Challenges môn English | Đại học Bách Khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng

Tài liệu học tập hội thoại Lesson 4: Challenges môn English | Đại học Bách Khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả cao cũng như có thể vận dụng tốt những kiến thức mình đã học

Set 7:
1. Are you a person who takes risks or are you usually very careful?
2. What is a big achievement in your life so far?
3. What will be a big challenge for you in the future?
4. What did you do to overcome all the difficulties in your life?
5. Do you think patience is important? Why?
Situation 7
Make a conversation with your friend to talk about the most challenging stage in
your life. You should say:
1/ What the stage was
2/ What you did to overcome
3/ Who supported you during that time
4/ How those challenges have helped you
5/ What you think about challenges in life
Remember to start and end the dialogue properly.
A: Hi! Long time no see. How are you today?
B: I’m doing great. Thank you. And you?
A: I’m pretty good. Thanks. Do you have a girlfriend?
B: No. I don’t have girlfriend. I’m a single.
A: Have you had lunch yet?
B: Yes, I have.
A: Okay! Can I ask you some questions, please?
B: Of course.
A: Today, we will talk about the most challenging stage in our life.
What was the stage?
B: The stage was when I studied E to prepare for the graduation exam.
A: What did you do to overcome it?
B: I spend 8 hours a day studying E. I listen to E to music to improve my reading
and listening skills. One day I will learn 10 vocabulary and grammar. Then I will
do a small test and play E games.
A: Who did support you during that time?
B: I am very happy because my friends and family are always by my side and
support me. My fiends are always dedicated and help me in my studies.
A: What do you think about challenges in life?
B: Our lives are full of difficulties and challenges. It we do not have the courage,
will and energy to overcome, we will never get out of that deep hole.
A: Thank you for answering my questions
I invite you to coffee on Monday morning?
B: See you at 8 a.m Monday. Bye Bye.
Set 8:
1. Describe the worst journey you’ve had.
2. What is the most challenging stage of your life?
3. What did you do to overcome all the difficulties in your life?
4. What is your biggest achievement?
5. Have you ever lost your patience? When?
Situation 8
Make a conversation with your friend to talk about an important change in your life.
You should say:
1/ What is was about and explain why this was an important change in your life.
2/ How it affected your life
3/ What you did to adapt to changes in your life
4/ And why this was an important change in your life.
Remember to start and end the dialogue properly.
A: Hi! Long time no see. How are you today?
B: I’m doing great. Thank you. And you?
A: I’m pretty good. Thanks. Do you have a girlfriend?
B: No. I don’t have girlfriend. I’m a single.
A: Have you had lunch yet?
B: Yes, I have.
A: Okay! Can I ask you some questions, please?
B: Of course.
A: What was an important change in your life?
B: The most important change in my life was transferring school in my 2 nd year
as a student. I studied at DA university and then I transferred to SG university of
A: How did it affectied your life?
B: I had to move to Saigon to live and study. When I arrived in a new city, I was
very scared, the wather here is quite hot, the traffic is crowded, the cost of food
and housing is expensive. And new school, new teachers and everything is so
different from my old school.
A: Who did support you during that time?
B: I am very happy because my friends and family are always by my side and
support me. My fiends are always dedicated and help me in my studies.
A: What did you do to adapt to changes in your life?
B: I have to learn how to live here to adapt to the weather. I work part- time to earn
money to cover my life. And learn to make new friends.
A: Why was an important change in your life?
B: Bacause this is a good educational environment for me to study it help me to
improve myself better in another environment . It’s an opportunity for me to go
further and find a job I love after I graduate.
A: Thank you for answering my questions
I invite you to coffee on Monday morning?
B: See you at 8 a.m Monday. Bye Bye.
Set 9:
1. How much money do you spend on buying clothes each month?
2. How often do you read news about the environment? Is it usually good news or bad
3. What should we do to protect the environment?
4. Can you tell me some advantages of online shopping?
5. What kind of trash do you throw away or recycle every week?
Situation 9
Imagine you ordered a printer online two weeks ago. You paid for delivery within 24
hours, but it hasn’t arrived. Call the supplier and:
1/ Complain about the inconvenience caused
2/ Provide some information about your full name, your product, order code, etc.
3/ Ask the supplier to solve this problem
4/ Request the refund
Remember to start and end the dialogue properly.
B: Ting ting ting
A: Hello, this is … store. How can I help you?
B: I ordered I printer two weeks ago and paid for delivery within 24 hours, but it
hasn’t arrived.
A: Okay, I see. Can you provide me some information about your full name, order
code, etc.
B: My full name is …
My order code is ABC123
B: Can you help me to solve it ?
A: Yes of couse, I will help you.
B: Can I get refund?
A: Okay, you can get money back within 2 days.
B: Thank you for helping me. Can I invite you to coffee on Monday morning?
A: Yes. See you at 8 a.m Monday.
B: Ok. Have a nice day.
Set 10:
1. How much of your day do you spend looking at a screen (e.g., computer, TV)?
2. Do you have any good news about the environment in your country?
3. In your country, does anyone try to raise public awareness of preserving the
4. Do you prefer going to brick-and-mortar stores to shopping online? Why?
5. Do you think recycling is very essential? Why?
You are doing a survey about recycling rubbish in your area. Make a conversation with
your neighbor to:
1/ Ask for permission to do the survey
2/ Ask how much rubbish he/she recycle
3/ Ask how often he/she recycle
4/ Ask what he/she often recycle
5/ Suggest some good ways to improve recycling things in the area
Remember to start and end the dialogue properly.
A: Hi! Long time no see. How are you today?
B: I’m doing great. Thank you. And you?
A: I’m pretty good. Thanks. Do you have a girlfriend?
B: No. I don’t have girlfriend. I’m a single.
A: Have you had lunch yet?
B: Yes, I have.
A: Okay! Can I ask you some questions, please?
B: Of course.
A: I’m going a survey about recycling rubbish in our area. Can you help me?
B: Oh! Realy? Why not? Let me help you?
A: Okay. So How much rubbish do you recycle?
B: ohh! I recycle much rubbish.
A: How often do you recycle?
B: I often recycle a week.
A: What do you recycle?
B: I often recycle much rubbish. Like: glass bottles, plastic bage plastic bottle,
metal, magazines, newspapes, books.
A: Can you show me some good ways to improve recyclable things in the area?
B: Garbage sorting, putting all of the recyclable trash into the carrect bin.
A: Thank you for answering my questions
I invite you to coffee on Monday morning?
B: See you at 8 a.m Monday. Bye Bye.
Set 11:
1. Which events do you celebrate in your family or country?
2. Do people wear special costumes or masks at festivals?
3. At what age do you think people become adults?
4. Describe a hotel you stayed at recently.
5. Musical instruments can be important national and cultural symbols. What are some
other important symbols of your country or culture?
Situation 11
Imagine your grandmother is going to be ninety years old next week. You and your
family plan to prepare for the celebration. Discuss this list. Decide what you would
like to do, and who is in charge of organizing each item.
1/ type of celebration
2/ type of food and drink
3/ type of music
4/ type of place
5/ date and time
6/ how many people will be at the party
Remember to start and end the dialogue properly.
A: Hi! Long time no see. How are you today?
B: I’m doing great. Thank you. And you?
A: I’m pretty good. Thanks. Do you have a girlfriend?
B: No. I don’t have girlfriend. I’m a single.
A: Have you had lunch yet?
B: Yes, I have.
A: Okay! Can I ask you some questions, please?
B: Of course.
A: Hey, our grandmother is going to be 90 years old next week. Let’s held the
birthday party.
B: That’s great idea!
A: What are we buying for food and drink?
B: We’re buying birthday cake, fruit, confectionery, flower, candle, soft drink.
A: What type of music we are turning on ?
B: We’re turning on music happy birthday, lyrical music, love music.
A: Where are we celebrating?
B: We’re celebrating at home.
A: What time and date are we celebrating?
B: We’re celebrating at 19h00 p.m, November 20.2022.
A: How many people will be at the party.
B: We’re inviting 20 people.
A: Thank you for answering my questions
I invite you to coffee on Monday morning?
B: See you at 8 a.m Monday. Bye Bye.
Set 12:
1. When do you have parties? What is your favourite festival or celebration in your
2. Are there special celebrations in your country for young people as they become adults?
3. Describe a day you remember from a holiday.
4. What is the most important stage of your life?
5. Does your country have a traditional type of music and musical instrument?
Situation 12
You plan to take six months off and take the trip of a lifetime. Make a conversation
with your friend to discuss:
1/ When you plan to visit
2/ Why you want to visit those places
3/ What type of transportation you intend to use
4/ What you hope to do in each place
5/ What will be easy to do on the trip and what will be difficult to do in your opinion
Remember to start and end the dialogue properly.
A: Hi! Long time no see. How are you today?
B: I’m doing great. Thank you. And you?
A: I’m pretty good. Thanks. Do you have a girlfriend?
B: No. I don’t have girlfriend. I’m a single.
A: Have you had lunch yet?
B: Yes, I have.
A: Okay! Today, we will talk bout the trip of a lifetime.
Can I ask you some questions, please?
B: Of course.
A: When do you plan to visit?
B: I am going to visit at the end of summer this year
A: Why do you want to visit those please?
B: Because it has many beautiful scenery, delicious food and famous singers and
A: What type of transportation are you intered to use?
B: I will us a motorbike or a taxi.
A: What do you hope to do I each place?
B: I will discover new things in every place. And every place I go T will take
pictures as a souvenir.
A: What will be easy to do on the trip?
What will be difficult to do on trip?
B: On the trip, the easy thing to do is create and share holiday memories.
The weather will make it difficult.
A: Thank you for answering my questions
I invite you to coffee on Monday morning?
B: See you at 8 a.m Monday. Bye Bye.
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Preview text:

1. Are you a person who takes risks or are you usually very careful?
2. What is a big achievement in your life so far?
3. What will be a big challenge for you in the future?
4. What did you do to overcome all the difficulties in your life?
5. Do you think patience is important? Why? Situation 7
Make a conversation with your friend to talk about the most challenging stage in your life. You should say: 1/ What the stage was 2/ What you did to overcome
3/ Who supported you during that time
4/ How those challenges have helped you
5/ What you think about challenges in life
Remember to start and end the dialogue properly.
A: Hi! Long time no see. How are you today?
B: I’m doing great. Thank you. And you?
A: I’m pretty good. Thanks. Do you have a girlfriend?
B: No. I don’t have girlfriend. I’m a single. A: Have you had lunch yet? B: Yes, I have.
A: Okay! Can I ask you some questions, please? B: Of course.
A: Today, we will talk about the most challenging stage in our life. What was the stage?
B: The stage was when I studied E to prepare for the graduation exam.
A: What did you do to overcome it?
B: I spend 8 hours a day studying E. I listen to E to music to improve my reading
and listening skills. One day I will learn 10 vocabulary and grammar. Then I will
do a small test and play E games.
A: Who did support you during that time?
B: I am very happy because my friends and family are always by my side and
support me. My fiends are always dedicated and help me in my studies.
A: What do you think about challenges in life?
B: Our lives are full of difficulties and challenges. It we do not have the courage,
will and energy to overcome, we will never get out of that deep hole.
A: Thank you for answering my questions
I invite you to coffee on Monday morning?
B: See you at 8 a.m Monday. Bye Bye. Set 8:
1. Describe the worst journey you’ve had.
2. What is the most challenging stage of your life?
3. What did you do to overcome all the difficulties in your life?
4. What is your biggest achievement?
5. Have you ever lost your patience? When? Situation 8
Make a conversation with your friend to talk about an important change in your life. You should say:
1/ What is was about and explain why this was an important change in your life. 2/ How it affected your life
3/ What you did to adapt to changes in your life
4/ And why this was an important change in your life.
Remember to start and end the dialogue properly.
A: Hi! Long time no see. How are you today?
B: I’m doing great. Thank you. And you?
A: I’m pretty good. Thanks. Do you have a girlfriend?
B: No. I don’t have girlfriend. I’m a single. A: Have you had lunch yet? B: Yes, I have.
A: Okay! Can I ask you some questions, please? B: Of course.
A: What was an important change in your life?
B: The most important change in my life was transferring school in my 2 nd year
as a student. I studied at DA university and then I transferred to SG university of economics.
A: How did it affectied your life?
B: I had to move to Saigon to live and study. When I arrived in a new city, I was
very scared, the wather here is quite hot, the traffic is crowded, the cost of food
and housing is expensive. And new school, new teachers and everything is so different from my old school.
A: Who did support you during that time?
B: I am very happy because my friends and family are always by my side and
support me. My fiends are always dedicated and help me in my studies.
A: What did you do to adapt to changes in your life?
B: I have to learn how to live here to adapt to the weather. I work part- time to earn
money to cover my life. And learn to make new friends.
A: Why was an important change in your life?
B: Bacause this is a good educational environment for me to study it help me to
improve myself better in another environment . It’s an opportunity for me to go
further and find a job I love after I graduate.
A: Thank you for answering my questions
I invite you to coffee on Monday morning?
B: See you at 8 a.m Monday. Bye Bye.
1. How much money do you spend on buying clothes each month?
2. How often do you read news about the environment? Is it usually good news or bad news?
3. What should we do to protect the environment?
4. Can you tell me some advantages of online shopping?
5. What kind of trash do you throw away or recycle every week? Situation 9
Imagine you ordered a printer online two weeks ago. You paid for delivery within 24
hours, but it hasn’t arrived. Call the supplier and:
1/ Complain about the inconvenience caused
2/ Provide some information about your full name, your product, order code, etc.
3/ Ask the supplier to solve this problem 4/ Request the refund
Remember to start and end the dialogue properly. B: Ting ting ting
A: Hello, this is … store. How can I help you?
B: I ordered I printer two weeks ago and paid for delivery within 24 hours, but it hasn’t arrived.
A: Okay, I see. Can you provide me some information about your full name, order code, etc. B: My full name is … My order code is ABC123
B: Can you help me to solve it ?
A: Yes of couse, I will help you. B: Can I get refund?
A: Okay, you can get money back within 2 days.
B: Thank you for helping me. Can I invite you to coffee on Monday morning?
A: Yes. See you at 8 a.m Monday. B: Ok. Have a nice day. Set 10:
1. How much of your day do you spend looking at a screen (e.g., computer, TV)?
2. Do you have any good news about the environment in your country?
3. In your country, does anyone try to raise public awareness of preserving the environment?
4. Do you prefer going to brick-and-mortar stores to shopping online? Why?
5. Do you think recycling is very essential? Why? Situation
You are doing a survey about recycling rubbish in your area. Make a conversation with your neighbor to:
1/ Ask for permission to do the survey
2/ Ask how much rubbish he/she recycle
3/ Ask how often he/she recycle
4/ Ask what he/she often recycle
5/ Suggest some good ways to improve recycling things in the area
Remember to start and end the dialogue properly.
A: Hi! Long time no see. How are you today?
B: I’m doing great. Thank you. And you?
A: I’m pretty good. Thanks. Do you have a girlfriend?
B: No. I don’t have girlfriend. I’m a single. A: Have you had lunch yet? B: Yes, I have.
A: Okay! Can I ask you some questions, please? B: Of course.
A: I’m going a survey about recycling rubbish in our area. Can you help me?
B: Oh! Realy? Why not? Let me help you?
A: Okay. So How much rubbish do you recycle?
B: ohh! I recycle much rubbish. A: How often do you recycle? B: I often recycle a week. A: What do you recycle?
B: I often recycle much rubbish. Like: glass bottles, plastic bage plastic bottle,
metal, magazines, newspapes, books.
A: Can you show me some good ways to improve recyclable things in the area?
B: Garbage sorting, putting all of the recyclable trash into the carrect bin.
A: Thank you for answering my questions
I invite you to coffee on Monday morning?
B: See you at 8 a.m Monday. Bye Bye.
1. Which events do you celebrate in your family or country?
2. Do people wear special costumes or masks at festivals?
3. At what age do you think people become adults?
4. Describe a hotel you stayed at recently.
5. Musical instruments can be important national and cultural symbols. What are some
other important symbols of your country or culture? Situation 11
Imagine your grandmother is going to be ninety years old next week. You and your
family plan to prepare for the celebration. Discuss this list. Decide what you would
like to do, and who is in charge of organizing each item. 1/ type of celebration 2/ type of food and drink 3/ type of music 4/ type of place 5/ date and time
6/ how many people will be at the party
Remember to start and end the dialogue properly.
A: Hi! Long time no see. How are you today?
B: I’m doing great. Thank you. And you?
A: I’m pretty good. Thanks. Do you have a girlfriend?
B: No. I don’t have girlfriend. I’m a single. A: Have you had lunch yet? B: Yes, I have.
A: Okay! Can I ask you some questions, please? B: Of course.
A: Hey, our grandmother is going to be 90 years old next week. Let’s held the birthday party. B: That’s great idea!
A: What are we buying for food and drink?
B: We’re buying birthday cake, fruit, confectionery, flower, candle, soft drink.
A: What type of music we are turning on ?
B: We’re turning on music happy birthday, lyrical music, love music. A: Where are we celebrating?
B: We’re celebrating at home.
A: What time and date are we celebrating?
B: We’re celebrating at 19h00 p.m, November 20.2022.
A: How many people will be at the party.
B: We’re inviting 20 people.
A: Thank you for answering my questions
I invite you to coffee on Monday morning?
B: See you at 8 a.m Monday. Bye Bye. Set 12:
1. When do you have parties? What is your favourite festival or celebration in your country?
2. Are there special celebrations in your country for young people as they become adults?
3. Describe a day you remember from a holiday.
4. What is the most important stage of your life?
5. Does your country have a traditional type of music and musical instrument? Situation 12
You plan to take six months off and take the trip of a lifetime. Make a conversation with your friend to discuss: 1/ When you plan to visit
2/ Why you want to visit those places
3/ What type of transportation you intend to use
4/ What you hope to do in each place
5/ What will be easy to do on the trip and what will be difficult to do in your opinion
Remember to start and end the dialogue properly.
A: Hi! Long time no see. How are you today?
B: I’m doing great. Thank you. And you?
A: I’m pretty good. Thanks. Do you have a girlfriend?
B: No. I don’t have girlfriend. I’m a single. A: Have you had lunch yet? B: Yes, I have.
A: Okay! Today, we will talk bout the trip of a lifetime.
Can I ask you some questions, please? B: Of course. A: When do you plan to visit?
B: I am going to visit at the end of summer this year
A: Why do you want to visit those please?
B: Because it has many beautiful scenery, delicious food and famous singers and act.
A: What type of transportation are you intered to use?
B: I will us a motorbike or a taxi.
A: What do you hope to do I each place?
B: I will discover new things in every place. And every place I go T will take pictures as a souvenir.
A: What will be easy to do on the trip?
What will be difficult to do on trip?
B: On the trip, the easy thing to do is create and share holiday memories.
The weather will make it difficult.
A: Thank you for answering my questions
I invite you to coffee on Monday morning?
B: See you at 8 a.m Monday. Bye Bye.