Tài liệu ôn tập học phần môn IELTS vocabulary (IELTS) | Đại học Bách Khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng

Tài liệu ôn tập học phần môn IELTS vocabulary (IELTS) | Đại học Bách Khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả cao cũng như có thể vận dụng tốt những kiến thức mình đã học

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Tài liệu ôn tập học phần môn IELTS vocabulary (IELTS) | Đại học Bách Khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng

Tài liệu ôn tập học phần môn IELTS vocabulary (IELTS) | Đại học Bách Khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả cao cũng như có thể vận dụng tốt những kiến thức mình đã học

96 48 lượt tải Tải xuống
Đề bài: In the modern world, it is possible to shop, work, and communicate with
people via the Internet and live without face-to-face contact with others. Is it a
positive or negative development in your opinion?
- In the modern world = in the digital age = in the technological world/ globe
- Shop = shopping online
- Work = remoted-work = work at home = work without office
- Communicate = chatting = interact = online conversation
- Via = through = by
- Face-to-face contact = directly communicate/interact = direct conversation
- Positive = advantage = benefit = good aspect = pros = merit
- Negative = disadvantage = problem = drawback = cons = demerit
- Development = progress = trend = tendency
In the digital age, it is possible to shopping online, work without office and
online conversation with people through the Internet and live without direct
conversation. In my opinion, I think this trend has both advantages and
Body 1: Lợi ích
- P: thuận tiện
- E: shop: có nhiều sự lựa chọn hàngh óa, giá cả giữa các cửa hang thông qua
các trang bán hang trực tuyến: shopee, amazon,… => không mất thời gian ra
Work: không cần tới office => có thể sắp xếp cv linh hoạt và tối ưu
Communicate: giữ liê nlạc với nhau thông qua các trang mhx: fb, ig,…
VD: học sinh lên thànhp hố để học thì có thể gọi điện cho bố mẹ của họ nhờ
chắc nang gọidđiện, video qua các ứndugụng => vô cùng thuận lợi và hiệu
- P: tiết kiệm thời gian
- E: People không phải tốn hang giờ di chuyển trên đường để đến nơi làm
việc, các shop, các địa điểm để trao đổi thông tin, trò chuyện
Tiết kiệm thời gian => có thể các việc khác hoặc đơn giản là nghỉ ngơi
Body: bất lợi
P: Ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe
E: Vì tiếp xúc với các thiết bị điện tử trong thời gian dài => dẫn đến mọi
người có nguy cơ mắc các bệnh: cận thị, béo phì,…
E: 1 báo cáo,….. người lớn làm việc ở nhà có nguy cơ bị béo phì,…. Cao
gấp bao nhiêu lầnso với những người làm việc bên ngoài
- P: hạn chế các mqh xã hội
- E: khi ở nhà mua sắm, làm việc, giao tiếp => con người thiếu đi sự tương tác
xã hội với thế giới thực => gây ảnh hưởng đến các mối quan hệ => dẫn đến
các căn bệnh tâm lý khác: trầm cảm, tự kỷ,..
Bài viết Bài làm
In the digital age, it is possible to
shopping online, work without office,
online connection with people through
the Internet and live directly
communicate with people. I think this
trend will has both advantages and
Rising of Internet and technology has
a lot of positive effects. Firstly, it offers
tremendous convenience. People have
many choices from commodities to
prices among ecommerce platforms
such as Shoppee, Amazon, Alibaba.
Thus, they don’t spend any time for go
out. Moreover, people don’t need to go
to the office because they can handle
work flexibly and optimally.
Furthermore, communication becomes
In the digital age, it is possible to
shopping online, work without office,
online connection with people through
the Internet and directly communicate
with people. I think this trend will have
both advantages and disadvantages.
Rising/Development of Internet and
technology has a lot of positive effects
on human. Firstly, it offers tremendous
convenience. This is because, people
have many choices from types to prices
among e-commerce platforms such as
Shopee, Amazon and Alibaba. Thus,
they don’t spend any time on going out
to buy commodities. Another
key/primary/main/merit of this
development is that/moreover people
would not need to go to the office,
because they can handle work flexibly
easily via socical networks. For
instance, students going to university
far from their house can call their
family through functions of
applications such as Messenger, Zalo
and Facetime. Secondly, online
communicating allows them to save
time. People have spend a lot of time
traveling on road to get to work,
school, shopping or meeting friend.
Therefore, this action can help them to
save time and do other activities or rest
and relax.
Despite the advantages of online
activities, there are also drawbacks.
These action has influence on people’s
health. People are exposed to devices
for long periods of time thus, it leads to
they have risk of diseases such as: sore
eyes, beriberi, fattigue or cancer.A
research reports that adults working at
home have higher risks of core eyes
than adults working at the office.
Beside that, these actions also limit
people’s social relationships because
shopping, working, comunicating
through Internet lacks interaction with
social and real life. Thus, it effects on
quality relationships moreover and
leads to mental health problems.
In conclusion, while there are benefit
to possible to shop, work and
communicate with people online, the
lack of face-to-face contact can have
negative influences. Therefore,
balacing online and offline interaction
is very significant to maintain healthy
relationships and social connections in
the technological globle.
and optimally at their home.
Furthermore, communication becomes
easily via some/certain/most social
networks. For instance, students going
to university far from their house can
call their family through functions of
applications such as Messenger, Zalo
and Facetime. Secondly, online
communicating allows people to save
time/ time-saving. They have spent a
lot of time traveling on road to get to
work, school, shopping or meeting
friends. Therefore, this action can help
them to save time and do other
activities or just simply relax.
Despite the advantages of online
activities, there are also some
drawbacks. These actions have
negative/detrimental/severe influence
on people’s health. People exposing to
electric devices for long period of time;
thus, they can easily suffer from a
variety of diseases such as
which leads to they have risk of
diseases such as sore eyes, beriberi,
obesity, fatigue or cancer. A research
reports that adults working at home
have higher risks of sore eyes (health
problems related to eyes) than those
working at the office. Beside that, these
actions also
limit/restrict/constrain/reduce people’s
social relationships. To be specific,
shopping, working, communicating
through Internet lacks interaction with
social and real life. As a result, it
effects on quality of relationships and
leads to mental health problems such as
depression and anxiety.
In conclusion, while there are benefits
to shop, work and communicate with
people by the Internet, the lack of face-
to-face contact can bring negative
influences. Therefore, balancing online
and offline interaction is very
significant to maintain healthy
relationships and social connections in
the technological globle.
| 1/4

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Đề bài: In the modern world, it is possible to shop, work, and communicate with
people via the Internet and live without face-to-face contact with others. Is it a
positive or negative development in your opinion?
- In the modern world = in the digital age = in the technological world/ globe - Shop = shopping online
- Work = remoted-work = work at home = work without office
- Communicate = chatting = interact = online conversation - Via = through = by
- Face-to-face contact = directly communicate/interact = direct conversation
- Positive = advantage = benefit = good aspect = pros = merit
- Negative = disadvantage = problem = drawback = cons = demerit
- Development = progress = trend = tendency
In the digital age, it is possible to shopping online, work without office and
online conversation with people through the Internet and live without direct
conversation. In my opinion, I think this trend has both advantages and disadvantages. Body 1: Lợi ích - P: thuận tiện
- E: shop: có nhiều sự lựa chọn hàngh óa, giá cả giữa các cửa hang thông qua
các trang bán hang trực tuyến: shopee, amazon,… => không mất thời gian ra ngoài
Work: không cần tới office => có thể sắp xếp cv linh hoạt và tối ưu
Communicate: giữ liê nlạc với nhau thông qua các trang mhx: fb, ig,…
VD: học sinh lên thànhp hố để học thì có thể gọi điện cho bố mẹ của họ nhờ
chắc nang gọidđiện, video qua các ứndugụng => vô cùng thuận lợi và hiệu quả. - P: tiết kiệm thời gian
- E: People không phải tốn hang giờ di chuyển trên đường để đến nơi làm
việc, các shop, các địa điểm để trao đổi thông tin, trò chuyện
Tiết kiệm thời gian => có thể các việc khác hoặc đơn giản là nghỉ ngơi Body: bất lợi
P: Ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe
E: Vì tiếp xúc với các thiết bị điện tử trong thời gian dài => dẫn đến mọi
người có nguy cơ mắc các bệnh: cận thị, béo phì,…
E: 1 báo cáo,….. người lớn làm việc ở nhà có nguy cơ bị béo phì,…. Cao
gấp bao nhiêu lầnso với những người làm việc bên ngoài
- P: hạn chế các mqh xã hội
- E: khi ở nhà mua sắm, làm việc, giao tiếp => con người thiếu đi sự tương tác
xã hội với thế giới thực => gây ảnh hưởng đến các mối quan hệ => dẫn đến
các căn bệnh tâm lý khác: trầm cảm, tự kỷ,.. Bài viết Bài làm
In the digital age, it is possible to
In the digital age, it is possible to
shopping online, work without office,
shopping online, work without office,
online connection with people through online connection with people through
the Internet and live directly
the Internet and directly communicate
communicate with people. I think this
with people. I think this trend will have
trend will has both advantages and
both advantages and disadvantages. disadvantages.
Rising of Internet and technology has
Rising/Development of Internet and
a lot of positive effects. Firstly, it offers technology has a lot of positive effects
tremendous convenience. People have
on human. Firstly, it offers tremendous
many choices from commodities to
convenience. This is because, people
prices among ecommerce platforms
have many choices from types to prices
such as Shoppee, Amazon, Alibaba.
among e-commerce platforms such as
Thus, they don’t spend any time for go Shopee, Amazon and Alibaba. Thus,
out. Moreover, people don’t need to go they don’t spend any time on going out
to the office because they can handle to buy commodities. Another work flexibly and optimally.
key/primary/main/merit of this
development is that/moreover people
would not need to go to the office,
Furthermore, communication becomes because they can handle work flexibly
easily via socical networks. For and optimally at their home.
instance, students going to university
Furthermore, communication becomes
far from their house can call their
easily via some/certain/most social family through functions of
networks. For instance, students going
applications such as Messenger, Zalo
to university far from their house can
and Facetime. Secondly, online
call their family through functions of
communicating allows them to save
applications such as Messenger, Zalo
time. People have spend a lot of time
and Facetime. Secondly, online
traveling on road to get to work,
communicating allows people to save
school, shopping or meeting friend.
time/ time-saving. They have spent a
Therefore, this action can help them to lot of time traveling on road to get to
save time and do other activities or rest work, school, shopping or meeting and relax.
friends. Therefore, this action can help
Despite the advantages of online
them to save time and do other
activities, there are also drawbacks.
activities or just simply relax.
These action has influence on people’s
health. People are exposed to devices
Despite the advantages of online
for long periods of time thus, it leads to activities, there are also some
they have risk of diseases such as: sore drawbacks. These actions have
eyes, beriberi, fattigue or cancer.A
negative/detrimental/severe influence
research reports that adults working at
on people’s health. People exposing to
home have higher risks of core eyes
electric devices for long period of time;
than adults working at the office.
thus, they can easily suffer from a
Beside that, these actions also limit variety of diseases such as
people’s social relationships because
which leads to they have risk of
shopping, working, comunicating
diseases such as sore eyes, beriberi,
through Internet lacks interaction with
obesity, fatigue or cancer. A research
social and real life. Thus, it effects on
reports that adults working at home
quality relationships moreover and
have higher risks of sore eyes (health
leads to mental health problems.
problems related to eyes) than those
In conclusion, while there are benefit
working at the office. Beside that, these to possible to shop, work and actions also
communicate with people online, the
limit/restrict/constrain/reduce people’s
lack of face-to-face contact can have
social relationships. To be specific,
negative influences. Therefore,
shopping, working, communicating
balacing online and offline interaction
through Internet lacks interaction with
is very significant to maintain healthy
social and real life. As a result, it
relationships and social connections in effects on quality of relationships and the technological globle.
leads to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.
In conclusion, while there are benefits
to shop, work and communicate with
people by the Internet, the lack of face-
to-face contact can bring negative
influences. Therefore, balancing online
and offline interaction is very
significant to maintain healthy
relationships and social connections in the technological globle.