Tài liệu Speaking final của môn Tiếng Anh B1/ Đại học nội vụ Hà Nội

Tài liệu Speaking final của môn Tiếng Anh B1/ Đại học nội vụ Hà Nội sẽ giúp bạn đọc đa dạng chủ đề luyện nói , ôn tập và đạt điểm cao hơn !

1. Describe a small business you want to start.
My friend and I had an idea a while back for starting a new business. We are both very health conscious and like to
be active. We also take care with what we eat, but it can be a bit of a bind sometimes trying to control your daily diet
without it becoming boring.
So we learned that there are companies which prepare very healthy meals a big range of them and deliver them
to your home. The meals are pre-packed and frozen so you can just place them in your freezer and use them
whenever you want.so we have prepared ourselves a little knowledge about food and food to fulfill our dream in the
2. Describe a positive change in your life.
The positive change I want to talk about is 'I started exercising and eating healthy every day instead of being lazy and
eating unscientifically'. I find myself very attracted to beautiful fast foods such as milk tea, french fries, tobokki, ...
and I prefer to eat all of them instead of eating in moderation and science. Not all fast food is bad, but eating a lot is
also not a good thing, especially for children. Besides, I found that I spent a lot of time at home just lying in bed
surfing the phone instead of doing physical activities. Thanks to the Covid epidemic, I have realized the importance
of eating healthy and exercising. Every day I look up recipes for healthy dishes for myself and spend about an hour
exercising. A healthy diet and daily exercise help my body become strong and toned, my mood also becomes
happier. This has obviously been a very positive change for me and has slowly become part of my routine during this
time of quarantine.
3. Describe an important decision that you have made.
One of the large decisions I made a year ago was whether or not to go to college. That year I had just completed the
high school exam and was in the process of choosing a major to apply for admission to universities. I was really
stressed because there were so many scenarios in my head for that decision. For example, the investment cost for 4
years of study is huge, moreover, there are additional costs of living and housing during the schooling process. In
addition, when I graduated from school, I didn't know if I could get a good job with the desired salary, etc. I
consulted my parents and my mother agreed to let me study, but my father was quite hesitant with this decision.
After thinking for a long time, consulting many people, I decided to apply for a university majoring in economics. I
don't know if this step of mine is right or wrong, but I believe that with my current efforts and efforts, that year's
decision is completely right.
4. Talk about a sport you like doing or watching.
Honestly, I'm keen on playing sports like volleyball, badminton, running. But what impressed me the most was
swimming. Unlike other sports, there are no rules to follow when you swim. Basically, swimming is just combination
of your leg and arm motions and the natural floatation of the body. I came across a swimming competition when
coming home from study and found my brother stick his eyes to TV screen. I guessed it should be something very
spectacular or interesting and it drew my attention. I came closer to my TV and watched with him, and at the end I
found it worth trying. I want to play this sport because swimming helps me get into shape and build endurance.
Besides, it provides an all-over body workout, as nearly all of my muscles are used during swimming. Additionally, all
daily stress and hardness are set aside when I come to swimming pool where my whole body and brain are released.
. Describe something
healthy you enjoy doing
People do different kinds of activities and several types of exercises to remain fit and healthy. I also have my own
healthy habits, that I enjoy doing, in order to keep healthy without overdoing anything, is to exercise at least about
an hour every day at home. At first I didn't like to exercise because I thought my health was good and my body was
fine so I didn't need to exercise. But since the outbreak of the covid pandemic, I suddenly realized that I did not care
about my health and my body also became weak and no longer as flexible as before. So I decided to exercise to train
myself. During the first week of training, I almost wanted to give up because my whole body ached. But I tried to
persevere and invited my sister to practice with me. Now I have become so much hooked to this physical activity
thing that if I somehow miss exercise for an hour and don’t sweat a little in the day, I feel like my whole day is
ruined.I think exercising every day is healthy because it gives me the energy and endurance needed for my studies.
In addition, exercise is not only good for physical health but also mental health.
6. Describe a time you were late for something.
Usually, I am quite punctual. But, one day I was really late for an important appointment. Today I will talk about that
incident. I have an appointment with my old friends to join a tour in Da Lat for a few days. Before the day of
departure, I prepared quite carefully, with all the necessary tools. I even set an alarm to wake up before 5am to
depart. Apparently, because I was so excited, I couldn't sleep forever and I fell asleep without realizing it. When I
woke up it was 8 am, I hurriedly checked my phone and saw up to 30 missed calls and messages from friends. At that
time, I was very confused and quickly ran to the rendezvous point. I thought people left me behind, but it was the
exact opposite, they sat at a restaurant and waited for me for 3 hours. I felt very guilty so I apologized and explained
my carelessness. My friend's face was a bit uncomfortable at that time but they also because of the trip accepted to
forgive me and we departed immediately.
7. describe an occasion when you forgot something important
Today I am going to share with you the time when I forgot something important. It happened a few months ago
when I had to take an important exam, the national high school exam. The test strictly required candidates to use
blue ball point pen to write the paper. I was sure that morning when I left for the exam that I had put two pens in my
backpack. by the time I reached the examination hall, I quickly opened my backpack to check. To my surprise, they
were both red pens.This could have resulted in my answer booklet being disqualified and I could have fail. Since the
exam was held once a year only, this mistake would not only have cost me valuable time but also affected my college
admission. In panic, I took a deep breath and decided to ask the examiner if he had a spare blue pen that I could
borrow. Luckily, he did. He was willing to lend me one and did not forget to remind me about the regulation. I was
relieved and ready to sit my exam.
8. describe the best party you have been to.
It’s my pleasure to share with you about my attendance at a recent party. It was a birthday party of my friend Linh,
who turned 18 that day. This was also his farewell party just before his departure to Korea to further his study. The
party just happened last month at her house in the hometown. Linh invited almost all of her buddies and we
attended the birthday celebration together. We congregated and bought a present for him. It was such
astonishment of us when we saw her huge birthday cake. We sang the birthday song when Linh cut the cake. We
congratulated her and wished her an excellent academic term ahead and a prosperous life afterwards. Then we
tasted the cake and had a good feast, the foods were quite tasty. To me, this birthday party brought its own
meaning. It was a valuable chance for us to gather together, talk to each other our daily life and share about our
childhood memories.
9. describe a problem in your city.
Health care is a problem for Vietnam and particularly in rural areas. My hometown is also one of the areas that lack
medical facilities and modern equipment to support medical examination and treatment. This is a serious problem
and often the hospitals have less or in some cases no arrangements to deal with the critical patients. Moreover, the
old buildings that hold the hospitals cannot accommodate all the patients together. The root cause of the problem is
poverty. I believe, in order to solve this problem, first, goverment need to make sure that people in the urban areas
have better income opportunities in their own areas so that they don’t have to move into the city. Besides,
healthcare budgets should also be proportionately increased in order to take care of the more healthcare needs, like
paying for building new healthcare facilities and employing more healthcare professionals.
10. describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product.
Last week, I was quite free since it was weekend and was watching television for enjoying my leisure time. I was
switching channels to look for an interesting program when suddenly my eyes got stuck on a TV channel that was
advertising a shampoo product which colors hair. It was a newly launched product in the market to assist the
youngsters and adults who need to dye their hair. The way it was being promoted with the attractive visuals and
discount offers, I liked that advertisement a lot. The most important thing that attracted me towards that
advertisement was the fact that the advertised dye product colours hair differently. This dye product has two
functions together: both incubating and washing hair. You just need to keep it for 10 minutes and then you can wash
your hair. Since it was bringing so much advantage and saving time for me, I immediately made an order and bought
it from the company.
11. describe a piece of electronic equipment that you have.
I have several electronic devices which I use very often. I'm going to talk about my laptop. It has been about 5
months since my father decided to buy me a laptop to congratulate me on getting admitted to university. After a
long time, I always keep my laptop clean and It looks like new. I use own laptop all the time and I find it convenient
to use my laptop because it’s small and light, I can bring it everywhere.In the classroom, I often use to take notes
instead of writing by hand because of typing is quickly and accurately. In addition to studying, I often use the laptop
to relax as surfing the web, listening to music, or playing video games. It's really useful and helps me a lot with my
studies, work and relaxation. To sum up, the laptop has become an essential part of my life and I can hardly think of
a day without it.
*Question part 1 & 3:
1. What's your favorite kind of weather?
I definitely prefer a cool and mild climate. This type of weather always promotes an uplifting my mood. You know, I
can show off my fashionable outfits with different layers and enjoy my favourite hot pot .
2. Is there any type of weather you really don't like?
I don't like it when it rains, because when it rains, I can't go out, and I'm not in a good mood
when it rains.
3. What is the climate like in your country ?
Vietnam is a tropical country, you know, so the climate here is quite hot and humid. What upsets me the most is that
the weather is getting more unpredictable. It can rain dogs and cats in the morning and suddenly clear out in the
4. Does the weather affect people's lives in your country?
I believe that the weather always affects us in every aspect. If it is a gloomy day, I'm pretty sure everyone will easily
get bored or tired of whatever they are doing. In contrast, the sunny days make us feel alive and upbeat.
5. What are the most popular electronic devices in today's world?
As the world gets more and more digital, the pace of adoption of electronic devicesparticularly smart deviceshas
certainly been quick. There are many electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, smart TVs, game
consoles, etc. which are popularly used and prevalent in today's world because they have many uses and functions
to help everyone
6. Do you think people spend too much money on a electronic devices?
Electronic devices like phones play an essential role in society these days, thanks to their advantages. Therefore,
several individuals spend a tremendous amount of money buying or upgrading their phone. Because of their
technologic, economic and fashionable features, phones cost not cheap, even extremely expensive for some sorts of
famous brands. For instance, a new smartphone of Apple can be valued equally to a motorbike or a modern laptop.
7. What would the world be like without computers?
Life without computers would be so pathetic. It would be like hell. There would be no fun. Everything would be so
different. We’d not be able to mail each other or chat with anyone. It would be so difficult to spend a life without
computers. We would not be aware of technology or what things are being discovered. We could get information by
newspaper, television, radio or some other medium but on computers we can get it in detail.
8. Should children be taught to use computers at school?
Students should be using computers. A computer is a tool-- just as a ruler, calculator, or pencil is-- and students need
to learn to use today's tools. Time and money are precious commodities in education, and computers and software
are costly. If used correctly, however, they can support and empower students, provide excitement in learning,
enhance the desire to discover, and open the minds of our students to all kinds of possibilities.
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lOMoARcPSD| 39099223
1. Describe a small business you want to start.
My friend and I had an idea a while back for starting a new business. We are both very health conscious and like to
be active. We also take care with what we eat, but it can be a bit of a bind sometimes trying to control your daily diet without it becoming boring.
So we learned that there are companies which prepare very healthy meals – a big range of them – and deliver them
to your home. The meals are pre-packed and frozen so you can just place them in your freezer and use them
whenever you want.so we have prepared ourselves a little knowledge about food and food to fulfill our dream in the future
2. Describe a positive change in your life.
The positive change I want to talk about is 'I started exercising and eating healthy every day instead of being lazy and
eating unscientifically'. I find myself very attracted to beautiful fast foods such as milk tea, french fries, tobokki, ...
and I prefer to eat all of them instead of eating in moderation and science. Not all fast food is bad, but eating a lot is
also not a good thing, especially for children. Besides, I found that I spent a lot of time at home just lying in bed
surfing the phone instead of doing physical activities. Thanks to the Covid epidemic, I have realized the importance
of eating healthy and exercising. Every day I look up recipes for healthy dishes for myself and spend about an hour
exercising. A healthy diet and daily exercise help my body become strong and toned, my mood also becomes
happier. This has obviously been a very positive change for me and has slowly become part of my routine during this time of quarantine.
3. Describe an important decision that you have made.
One of the large decisions I made a year ago was whether or not to go to college. That year I had just completed the
high school exam and was in the process of choosing a major to apply for admission to universities. I was really
stressed because there were so many scenarios in my head for that decision. For example, the investment cost for 4
years of study is huge, moreover, there are additional costs of living and housing during the schooling process. In
addition, when I graduated from school, I didn't know if I could get a good job with the desired salary, etc. I
consulted my parents and my mother agreed to let me study, but my father was quite hesitant with this decision.
After thinking for a long time, consulting many people, I decided to apply for a university majoring in economics. I
don't know if this step of mine is right or wrong, but I believe that with my current efforts and efforts, that year's decision is completely right.
4. Talk about a sport you like doing or watching.
Honestly, I'm keen on playing sports like volleyball, badminton, running. But what impressed me the most was
swimming. Unlike other sports, there are no rules to follow when you swim. Basically, swimming is just combination
of your leg and arm motions and the natural floatation of the body. I came across a swimming competition when
coming home from study and found my brother stick his eyes to TV screen. I guessed it should be something very
spectacular or interesting and it drew my attention. I came closer to my TV and watched with him, and at the end I
found it worth trying. I want to play this sport because swimming helps me get into shape and build endurance.
Besides, it provides an all-over body workout, as nearly all of my muscles are used during swimming. Additionally, all
daily stress and hardness are set aside when I come to swimming pool where my whole body and brain are released.
5 . Describe something healthy you enjoy doing . lOMoARcPSD| 39099223
People do different kinds of activities and several types of exercises to remain fit and healthy. I also have my own
healthy habits, that I enjoy doing, in order to keep healthy without overdoing anything, is to exercise at least about
an hour every day at home. At first I didn't like to exercise because I thought my health was good and my body was
fine so I didn't need to exercise. But since the outbreak of the covid pandemic, I suddenly realized that I did not care
about my health and my body also became weak and no longer as flexible as before. So I decided to exercise to train
myself. During the first week of training, I almost wanted to give up because my whole body ached. But I tried to
persevere and invited my sister to practice with me. Now I have become so much hooked to this physical activity
thing that if I somehow miss exercise for an hour and don’t sweat a little in the day, I feel like my whole day is
ruined.I think exercising every day is healthy because it gives me the energy and endurance needed for my studies.
In addition, exercise is not only good for physical health but also mental health.
6. Describe a time you were late for something.
Usually, I am quite punctual. But, one day I was really late for an important appointment. Today I will talk about that
incident. I have an appointment with my old friends to join a tour in Da Lat for a few days. Before the day of
departure, I prepared quite carefully, with all the necessary tools. I even set an alarm to wake up before 5am to
depart. Apparently, because I was so excited, I couldn't sleep forever and I fell asleep without realizing it. When I
woke up it was 8 am, I hurriedly checked my phone and saw up to 30 missed calls and messages from friends. At that
time, I was very confused and quickly ran to the rendezvous point. I thought people left me behind, but it was the
exact opposite, they sat at a restaurant and waited for me for 3 hours. I felt very guilty so I apologized and explained
my carelessness. My friend's face was a bit uncomfortable at that time but they also because of the trip accepted to
forgive me and we departed immediately.
7. describe an occasion when you forgot something important
Today I am going to share with you the time when I forgot something important. It happened a few months ago
when I had to take an important exam, the national high school exam. The test strictly required candidates to use
blue ball point pen to write the paper. I was sure that morning when I left for the exam that I had put two pens in my
backpack. by the time I reached the examination hall, I quickly opened my backpack to check. To my surprise, they
were both red pens.This could have resulted in my answer booklet being disqualified and I could have fail. Since the
exam was held once a year only, this mistake would not only have cost me valuable time but also affected my college
admission. In panic, I took a deep breath and decided to ask the examiner if he had a spare blue pen that I could
borrow. Luckily, he did. He was willing to lend me one and did not forget to remind me about the regulation. I was
relieved and ready to sit my exam.
8. describe the best party you have been to.
It’s my pleasure to share with you about my attendance at a recent party. It was a birthday party of my friend – Linh,
who turned 18 that day. This was also his farewell party just before his departure to Korea to further his study. The
party just happened last month at her house in the hometown. Linh invited almost all of her buddies and we
attended the birthday celebration together. We congregated and bought a present for him. It was such
astonishment of us when we saw her huge birthday cake. We sang the birthday song when Linh cut the cake. We
congratulated her and wished her an excellent academic term ahead and a prosperous life afterwards. Then we
tasted the cake and had a good feast, the foods were quite tasty. To me, this birthday party brought its own
meaning. It was a valuable chance for us to gather together, talk to each other our daily life and share about our childhood memories. lOMoARcPSD| 39099223
9. describe a problem in your city.
Health care is a problem for Vietnam and particularly in rural areas. My hometown is also one of the areas that lack
medical facilities and modern equipment to support medical examination and treatment. This is a serious problem
and often the hospitals have less or in some cases no arrangements to deal with the critical patients. Moreover, the
old buildings that hold the hospitals cannot accommodate all the patients together. The root cause of the problem is
poverty. I believe, in order to solve this problem, first, goverment need to make sure that people in the urban areas
have better income opportunities in their own areas so that they don’t have to move into the city. Besides,
healthcare budgets should also be proportionately increased in order to take care of the more healthcare needs, like
paying for building new healthcare facilities and employing more healthcare professionals.
10. describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product.
Last week, I was quite free since it was weekend and was watching television for enjoying my leisure time. I was
switching channels to look for an interesting program when suddenly my eyes got stuck on a TV channel that was
advertising a shampoo product which colors hair. It was a newly launched product in the market to assist the
youngsters and adults who need to dye their hair. The way it was being promoted with the attractive visuals and
discount offers, I liked that advertisement a lot. The most important thing that attracted me towards that
advertisement was the fact that the advertised dye product colours hair differently. This dye product has two
functions together: both incubating and washing hair. You just need to keep it for 10 minutes and then you can wash
your hair. Since it was bringing so much advantage and saving time for me, I immediately made an order and bought it from the company.
11. describe a piece of electronic equipment that you have.
I have several electronic devices which I use very often. I'm going to talk about my laptop. It has been about 5
months since my father decided to buy me a laptop to congratulate me on getting admitted to university. After a
long time, I always keep my laptop clean and It looks like new. I use own laptop all the time and I find it convenient
to use my laptop because it’s small and light, I can bring it everywhere.In the classroom, I often use to take notes
instead of writing by hand because of typing is quickly and accurately. In addition to studying, I often use the laptop
to relax as surfing the web, listening to music, or playing video games. It's really useful and helps me a lot with my
studies, work and relaxation. To sum up, the laptop has become an essential part of my life and I can hardly think of a day without it. *Question part 1 & 3:
1. What's your favorite kind of weather?
I definitely prefer a cool and mild climate. This type of weather always promotes an uplifting my mood. You know, I
can show off my fashionable outfits with different layers and enjoy my favourite hot pot .
2. Is there any type of weather you really don't like?
I don't like it when it rains, because when it rains, I can't go out, and I'm not in a good mood when it rains. lOMoARcPSD| 39099223
3. What is the climate like in your country ?
Vietnam is a tropical country, you know, so the climate here is quite hot and humid. What upsets me the most is that
the weather is getting more unpredictable. It can rain dogs and cats in the morning and suddenly clear out in the afternoon.
4. Does the weather affect people's lives in your country?
I believe that the weather always affects us in every aspect. If it is a gloomy day, I'm pretty sure everyone will easily
get bored or tired of whatever they are doing. In contrast, the sunny days make us feel alive and upbeat.
5. What are the most popular electronic devices in today's world?
As the world gets more and more digital, the pace of adoption of electronic devices—particularly smart devices—has
certainly been quick. There are many electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, smart TVs, game
consoles, etc. which are popularly used and prevalent in today's world because they have many uses and functions to help everyone
6. Do you think people spend too much money on a electronic devices?
Electronic devices like phones play an essential role in society these days, thanks to their advantages. Therefore,
several individuals spend a tremendous amount of money buying or upgrading their phone. Because of their
technologic, economic and fashionable features, phones cost not cheap, even extremely expensive for some sorts of
famous brands. For instance, a new smartphone of Apple can be valued equally to a motorbike or a modern laptop.
7. What would the world be like without computers?
Life without computers would be so pathetic. It would be like hell. There would be no fun. Everything would be so
different. We’d not be able to mail each other or chat with anyone. It would be so difficult to spend a life without
computers. We would not be aware of technology or what things are being discovered. We could get information by
newspaper, television, radio or some other medium but on computers we can get it in detail.
8. Should children be taught to use computers at school?
Students should be using computers. A computer is a tool-- just as a ruler, calculator, or pencil is-- and students need
to learn to use today's tools. Time and money are precious commodities in education, and computers and software
are costly. If used correctly, however, they can support and empower students, provide excitement in learning,
enhance the desire to discover, and open the minds of our students to all kinds of possibilities.