Tài liệu về The most memorable trip của môn Tiếng Anh B1

Tài liệu về The most memorable trip của môn Tiếng Anh B1 sẽ giúp bạn đọc  học tập ,ôn luyện dễ dàng và đạt điểm cao hơn ! 

The most memorable trip
The sun was setting when we were driving down the South of New Zealand. My
dad was driving and my cousins, sister, mom , my uncle and aunt were all sitting
in the back seat while I was sleeping. We had been on the road for almost two
days now and I was very tired.
Suddenly, a big “SQUEAK” woke me up from my nap. The car had stopped by
itself, and the engine wasn’t turning on. My dad got out of the car to check if
anything was wrong. My dad looked very worried and told us: “One of the front
tires has gone flat!” But it was a rental car so we couldn’t just leave it there. My
mom tried to get a signal but we were in the middle of nowhere so there was no
luck. We decided to sleep in the car for the night and think about solutions to get
out of there the next day. My stomach grumbled and I woke up in the middle of
the night. I gently shook my mom to wake her up: “Mom, I'm hungry. I can't sleep
with an empty stomach.” I said. “I know sweetie, wait a little more, okay?” My
mom told me to cheer up and go to sleep. The next morning, my dad and uncle
wanted to go buy breakfast, but the closest grocery store was nearly 7 kilometers
away from where we were! When my sister finally got the signal, her phone
suddenly ran out of battery. I was so hungry that I burst into tears. Luckily, my
mom found a bag of chips in the car. We all devoured the bag of chips and
finished it within seconds. We also shared the last two bottles of water, those
were the only two things that were left. We had something in our stomachs, well
at least for a while. About three hours later, we decided to start pushing the car.
An hour went by, and everyone was tired. “I want to go home. We're never going
to get out of here!” I complained. That's when my sister cried: “I can see a motel
sign!” We hurried over there, and it really was a motel! The owner was a local and
he looked quite surprised when we told him our story. “You're lucky that you
didn't get bitten, there are many wild animals around this area at night.” He told
lOMoARcPSD| 39099223
The owner was very kind and let us stay for free that night. He even fixed the tires
for us! We thanked the owner and left for the beach. We headed down to
Queenstown to continue our road trip. We really enjoyed the road trip and apart
from the little incident, the trip was really fun!
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lOMoARcPSD| 39099223 The most memorable trip
The sun was setting when we were driving down the South of New Zealand. My
dad was driving and my cousins, sister, mom , my uncle and aunt were all sitting
in the back seat while I was sleeping. We had been on the road for almost two
days now and I was very tired.
Suddenly, a big “SQUEAK” woke me up from my nap. The car had stopped by
itself, and the engine wasn’t turning on. My dad got out of the car to check if
anything was wrong. My dad looked very worried and told us: “One of the front
tires has gone flat!” But it was a rental car so we couldn’t just leave it there. My
mom tried to get a signal but we were in the middle of nowhere so there was no
luck. We decided to sleep in the car for the night and think about solutions to get
out of there the next day. My stomach grumbled and I woke up in the middle of
the night. I gently shook my mom to wake her up: “Mom, I'm hungry. I can't sleep
with an empty stomach.” I said. “I know sweetie, wait a little more, okay?” My
mom told me to cheer up and go to sleep. The next morning, my dad and uncle
wanted to go buy breakfast, but the closest grocery store was nearly 7 kilometers
away from where we were! When my sister finally got the signal, her phone
suddenly ran out of battery. I was so hungry that I burst into tears. Luckily, my
mom found a bag of chips in the car. We all devoured the bag of chips and
finished it within seconds. We also shared the last two bottles of water, those
were the only two things that were left. We had something in our stomachs, well
at least for a while. About three hours later, we decided to start pushing the car.
An hour went by, and everyone was tired. “I want to go home. We're never going
to get out of here!” I complained. That's when my sister cried: “I can see a motel
sign!” We hurried over there, and it really was a motel! The owner was a local and
he looked quite surprised when we told him our story. “You're lucky that you
didn't get bitten, there are many wild animals around this area at night.” He told us. lOMoAR cPSD| 39099223
The owner was very kind and let us stay for free that night. He even fixed the tires
for us! We thanked the owner and left for the beach. We headed down to
Queenstown to continue our road trip. We really enjoyed the road trip and apart
from the little incident, the trip was really fun!