Tài liệu về Transport của môn Tiếng Anh B1 / Đại học nội vụ Hà Nội

Tài liệu về Transport của môn Tiếng Anh B1 / Đại học nội vụ Hà Nội sẽ giúp bạn ôn luyện từ vựng  và đạt điểm cao hơn !


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Tài liệu về Transport của môn Tiếng Anh B1 / Đại học nội vụ Hà Nội

Tài liệu về Transport của môn Tiếng Anh B1 / Đại học nội vụ Hà Nội sẽ giúp bạn ôn luyện từ vựng  và đạt điểm cao hơn !

114 57 lượt tải Tải xuống
-means of transporta 琀椀 on / modes of transport/ types of transport: any vehicle that you use
to commute(di chuyển/ đi lại) or carry (ch/ mang vác) goods (commodi 琀椀 es)-hàng hoá.
-Popular (a) common/ prevalent-thinh hanh/ trendy : ph biến/ thnh hành(A) >popularly-used
(a)/ commonly-used/ prevalently-used (a)
->The most prevalent/ commonly-used means of transport in my country is the motorbike.
-): đi lại/ go from this place to another.
->Most of the people in my country commute by motorbikes.
(some people/ some of the people…./ most people/ most of the people…./ ….)
-popularity (n) -prevalence (n) s ph biến/ s thnh hành.
Ex: what’s the most popular means of transport in your country?
->the most popular means of transport in my country is the motorbike.
->the most commonly-used mode of transport in my country is the motorbike and the reason
(ly do) for its popularity is the reasonable price (giá c phải chăng) and its convenience (s
thun 琀椀 n).
- exible (adj)-linh hot ->able to change to suit new conditions or situations +a
exible working schedule (1 lch trình làm vic linh hot).
+you’re very exible since you’re able to change to suit new conditions.
-> exibility (n)
?what’s your favourite means of transport?
->well, I really PREFER to travel/ commute by motorbikes since they are exible. I mean, I
can stop wherever (bt c nơi nào) I want without depending on other passengers (hành khách).
->I love travelling by motorbikes since I love the FLEXIBILITY AND the CONVENIENCE of this means
of transport.
-proac 琀椀 ve (adj)
->Personally, I prefer PRIVATE MEANS (pt cá nhân) TO PUBLIC MEANS since commu 琀椀 ng by
motorbikes or bikes helps me to be more PROACTIVE in terms of (v mt) 琀椀 me.
travel/ commute (v
-PRIVATE MEANS (phương 琀椀 n cá nhân)= PERSONAL VEHICLE (xe riêng).
Bikes, motorbikes, personal cars, ….
CONVENIENCE. This is because when travelling by motorbikes or personal cars, we can be
more PROACTIVE in terms of 琀椀 me, and we can stop wherever we want without
depending on other passengers.
is one of the causa 琀椀 ve factors (the -
reasons) of environmental issues (vấn đề mt) such as global warming (nóng lên toàn
cu), air pollu 琀椀 on nhim kk) and climate change (biến đổi khí hu). The increase
in something… (n)
is also the top reason of tra c
problems such as tra c jams ( ùn tc giao thông ) or tra c accidents (tai nn giao
Increase (v)-> increasing (adj)
-PUBLIC MEANS: (Pt công cng): buses (coaches), trains, or planes.
-travelling by public means REDUCES environmental issues (vấn đề mt) such as global
warming (nóng lên toàn cu), air pollu 琀椀 on (ô nhim kk) and climate change (biến đổi
khí hu)=> public means are very ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY.
ACCIDENTS because the SAFETY RECORD (thông s mức độ an toàn) of public means is be
琀琀 er.
-Travelling by public means INCREASES the sense of COMMUNITY (tang nh cộng đồng).
+Have an opportunity to SOCIALIZE w ith (giao lưu vs) other FELLOW PASSENGERS.
the increase in the number of private means
-Besides, the increasing
-a low sense of exibility.
->the 昀椀 rst and foremost downside of public means is the low sense of exibility
since we have to DEPEND ON the schedules (lch trình) of di 昀昀 erent trains or planes.
-a low sense of comfort:
->public means are usually overcrowded; therefore, travelling by public means some
mes is not really comfortable and safe.
(REDUCES environmental issues (vấn đề mt) such as global warming (nóng lên toàn cu),
air pollu 琀椀 on (ô nhim kk) and climate change (biến đổi khí hu)=> public means are
1. What is your favourite means of transport?
-private or public means? Cars or motorbikes? -why?
2. Do you prefer to travel by public means of private means? Why?
3. What are the bene 昀椀 ts of travelling by public means?
4. ________the drawbacks (downsides)___________?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of private means?
6. What will become the most popular means of transport in your country?
7. How do you o 昀琀 en travel to school/ to work every day?
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-means of transporta 琀椀 on / modes of transport/ types of transport: any vehicle that you use
to commute(di chuyển/ đi lại) or carry (chở/ mang vác) goods (commodi 琀椀 es)-hàng hoá.
-Popular (a) common/ prevalent-thinh hanh/ trendy : phổ biến/ thịnh hành(A) –>popularly-used
(a)/ commonly-used/ prevalently-used (a)
->The most prevalent/ commonly-used means of transport in my country is the motorbike.
travel/ commute (v -): đi lại/ go from this place to another.
->Most of the people in my country commute by motorbikes.
(some people/ some of the people…./ most people/ most of the people…./ ….)
-popularity (n) -prevalence (n) sự phổ biến/ sự thịnh hành.
Ex: what’s the most popular means of transport in your country?
->the most popular means of transport in my country is the motorbike.
->the most commonly-used mode of transport in my country is the motorbike and the reason
(ly do) for its popularity is the reasonable price (giá cả phải chăng) and its convenience (sự thuận 琀椀 ện).
-昀氀 exible (adj)-linh hoạt ->able to change to suit new conditions or situations +a 昀氀
exible working schedule (1 lịch trình làm việc linh hoạt).
+you’re very 昀氀 exible since you’re able to change to suit new conditions.
->昀氀 exibility (n)
?what’s your favourite means of transport?
->well, I really PREFER to travel/ commute by motorbikes since they are 昀氀 exible. I mean, I
can stop wherever (bất cứ nơi nào) I want without depending on other passengers (hành khách).
->I love travelling by motorbikes since I love the FLEXIBILITY AND the CONVENIENCE of this means of transport.
-proac 琀椀 ve (adj)
->Personally, I prefer PRIVATE MEANS (pt cá nhân) TO PUBLIC MEANS since commu 琀椀 ng by
motorbikes or bikes helps me to be more PROACTIVE in terms of (về mặt) 琀椀 me. lOMoARcPSD| 39099223
-PRIVATE MEANS (phương 琀椀 ện cá nhân)= PERSONAL VEHICLE (xe riêng).
Bikes, motorbikes, personal cars, …. • Upsides:
CONVENIENCE. This is because when travelling by motorbikes or personal cars, we can be
more PROACTIVE in terms of 琀椀 me, and we can stop wherever we want without
depending on other passengers. • Downsides:
- the increase in the number of private means
is one of the causa 琀椀 ve factors (the
reasons) of environmental issues (vấn đề mt) such as global warming (nóng lên toàn
cầu), air pollu 琀椀 on (ô nhiễm kk) and climate change (biến đổi khí hậu). The increase in something… (n) -Besides, the increasing number of PERSONAL VEHICLES
is also the top reason of tra 昀케c
problems such as tra 昀케c jams ( ùn tắc giao thông ) or tra 昀케c accidents (tai nạn giao thông).
Increase (v)-> increasing (adj)
-PUBLIC MEANS: (Pt công cộng): buses (coaches), trains, or planes. Upsides:
-travelling by public means REDUCES environmental issues (vấn đề mt) such as global
warming (nóng lên toàn cầu), air pollu 琀椀 on (ô nhiễm kk) and climate change (biến đổi
khí hậu)=> public means are very ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY.
ACCIDENTS because the SAFETY RECORD (thông số mức độ an toàn) of public means is be 琀琀 er.
-Travelling by public means INCREASES the sense of COMMUNITY (tang 琀 nh cộng đồng).
+Have an opportunity to SOCIALIZE w ith (giao lưu vs) other FELLOW PASSENGERS. lOMoARcPSD| 39099223 • Downsides:
-a low sense of 昀氀 exibility.
->the 昀椀 rst and foremost downside of public means is the low sense of 昀氀 exibility
since we have to DEPEND ON the schedules (lịch trình) of di 昀昀 erent trains or planes.
-a low sense of comfort:
->public means are usually overcrowded; therefore, travelling by public means some 琀
椀 mes is not really comfortable and safe.
(REDUCES environmental issues (vấn đề mt) such as global warming (nóng lên toàn cầu),
air pollu 琀椀 on (ô nhiễm kk) and climate change (biến đổi khí hậu)=> public means are
1. What is your favourite means of transport?
-private or public means? Cars or motorbikes? -why?
2. Do you prefer to travel by public means of private means? Why?
3. What are the bene 昀椀 ts of travelling by public means?
4. ________the drawbacks (downsides)___________?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of private means?
6. What will become the most popular means of transport in your country?
7. How do you o 昀琀 en travel to school/ to work every day?