TC202DE01. Corporate Finance (moi) - tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen

TC202DE01. Corporate Finance (moi) - tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen và thông tin bổ ích giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả cao cũng như có thể vận dụng tốt những kiến thức


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TC202DE01. Corporate Finance (moi) - tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen

TC202DE01. Corporate Finance (moi) - tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen và thông tin bổ ích giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả cao cũng như có thể vận dụng tốt những kiến thức

38 19 lượt tải Tải xuống
Course ID Course title Credits
Corporate finance 3
To be applied to Semester 14.1A School year 2014-2015 under Decision No
1200/2012/QĐ-BGH date 1/10/2012
A. Course Specifications:
Periods Periods in classrooms
Lab room Fieldwork
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
45 42 03 90 42 00 03
(1) = (2) + (3) = (5) + (6) + (7)
B. Other related Subjects:
Other related Subjects Course ID Course title
C. Course Description:
The course is designed to equip students with the basic concepts of
corporate finance. Learning experience includes: introduction to finance;
investment making decisions; pricing of financial instruments such as bonds
and stocks; the relationship between risk and return; cost of capital; and
introduction to portfolio theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).
D. Course Objectives:
No. Course Objectives
Introduce conceptual framework of corporate finance
Provide sound knowlegde and introduce the relationship between risk
and return
Apply different pricing techniques in evaluating financial instruments
Employ different investement criteria to evaluate investment projects
Apply critical thinking, problem-solving and presentation skills to
individual and/or group activities dealing with practical issues
E. Learning Outcomes:
No. Learning Outcomes
Understand the goals of corporations and roles of financial managers
Have an understanding of the relationship between risk and return
Understand and employ investment criteria in making investment
Apply different evaluation techniques in pricing bonds and stocks
Understand and determine costs of capital
F. Instructional Modes:
The course will be conducted though various instruction models such as lecturing,
seminar, and class discussion. Student will spend most of their time in lecture room
by having lectures, class discussion and student mini-seminar will be strongly
encouraged by lecturers.
G. Textbooks and teaching aids:
Required Textbooks and Materials:
Brealey et al. (2009), Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 6
edition, McGraw-Hill (Newest version updated until 2012)
H. Assessment Methods (Requirements for Completion of the Course):
1. Description of learning outcomes assessment
Students will be continuously assesed during the course. The assessment
method includes several techniques such as closed-book exam, and group
assignment as a tool for lecturers to examine students ability to understand
apply academic in practice.
2. Summary of learning outcomes assessment
Assessment Forms
Mid-term 60 Open book exam 30% Week 8
Test minutes
Mini-Test 14 weeks Do the Mini-test (5
minutes) in class
Week 2-14
Final Test 90
Open book exam Week 15
Total 100%
Subordinate semester: test will be take place in class.
3. Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a fundamental value that affects the quality of
teaching, learning, and research at a university. To ensure the maintenance of
academic integrity at Hoa Sen University, students are required to:
Work independently on individual assignments
Collaborating on individual assignments is considered cheating.
Avoid plagiarism
Plagiarism is an act of fraud that involves the use of ideas or words of
another person without proper attribution. Students will be accused of
plagiarism if they:
i. Copy in their work one or more sentences from another person
without proper citation.
ii. Rephrase, paraphrase, or translate another person’s ideas or words
without proper attribution.
iii. Reuse their own assignments, in whole or in part, and submit them
for another class.
Work responsibly within a working group
In cooperative group assignments, all students are required to stay on
task and contribute equally to the projects. Group reports should
clearly state the contribution of each group member.
Any acts of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero for the task at
hand and/or immediate failure of the course, depending on the seriousness of
the fraud. Please consult Hoa Sen University’s Policy on Plagiarism at To ensure the
maintenance of academic integrity, the university asks that students report cases
of academic dishonesty to the teacher and/or the Dean. The names of those
students will be kept anonymous.
I .Teaching Staff:
Office location Hours Position
Nam Nguyen
Thanh Lecturer
2 Trang To Thi Tu Lecturer
Minh Nguyen
Tuong Lecturer
J. Outline of Topics to be covered (Learning Schedule):
Main semester: Once per week
Subordinate semester: Twice per week
Week Topics References
1 Introduction to Corporate Finance Chapter 1&2 t.b.a
2 Time value of money Chapter 5 t.b.a
3 Time value of money (Cont.) Chapter 5 t.b.a
4 Bonds and their valuation Chapter 6 t.b.a
5 Stocks and their valuation Chapter 7 t.b.a
6 Project investment criteria and budgeting
capital decision
Chapter 8 t.b.a
7 Part A: Project investment criteria and
budgeting capital decision (Cont.)
Part B: Cash flow projection
Chapter 8&9 t.b.a
8 Mid-term test+ continue teaching
9 Cash flow projection (Cont.) Chapter 9 t.b.a
10 Introduction to risk and return Chapter 11 t.b.a
11 Risk and return: Capital Asset Pricing
Model (CAPM)
Chapter 12 t.b.a
12 Capital structure and cost of capital Chapter 13 t.b.a
13 Part A: Capital structure and cost of
capital (Cont.)
Part B: Corporate financing
Chapter 13&14 t.b.a
14 Corporate financing (Cont.) Chapter 14 t.b.a
15 Review
Subject is designed with the participant of guest speaker who will share reality from
experience or students will be attended the seminar during the subjects
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COURSE OUTLINE Course ID Course title Credits TC202DE01 Corporate finance 3
To be applied to Semester 14.1A School year 2014-2015 under Decision No
1200/2012/QĐ-BGH date 1/10/2012
A. Course Specifications: Periods Periods in classrooms Self- Total Lecture/ Lecture Activity study Lab room Fieldwork periods* Seminar room periods (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 45 42 03 90 42 00 03
(1) = (2) + (3) = (5) + (6) + (7) B. Other related Subjects: Other related Subjects Course ID Course title Prerequisites: 1. QT101DE01 Microeconomics 2. C. Course Description:
The course is designed to equip students with the basic concepts of
corporate finance. Learning experience includes: introduction to finance;
investment making decisions; pricing of financial instruments such as bonds
and stocks; the relationship between risk and return; cost of capital; and
introduction to portfolio theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). D. Course Objectives: No. Course Objectives 1.
Introduce conceptual framework of corporate finance 2.
Provide sound knowlegde and introduce the relationship between risk and return 3.
Apply different pricing techniques in evaluating financial instruments 4.
Employ different investement criteria to evaluate investment projects 5.
Apply critical thinking, problem-solving and presentation skills to
individual and/or group activities dealing with practical issues E. Learning Outcomes: No. Learning Outcomes 1.
Understand the goals of corporations and roles of financial managers 2.
Have an understanding of the relationship between risk and return 3.
Understand and employ investment criteria in making investment decisions 4.
Apply different evaluation techniques in pricing bonds and stocks 5.
Understand and determine costs of capital F. Instructional Modes:
The course will be conducted though various instruction models such as lecturing,
seminar, and class discussion. Student will spend most of their time in lecture room
by having lectures, class discussion and student mini-seminar will be strongly encouraged by lecturers.
G. Textbooks and teaching aids:
Required Textbooks and Materials:
Brealey et al. (2009), Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 6th
edition, McGraw-Hill (Newest version updated until 2012)

H. Assessment Methods (Requirements for Completion of the Course):
1. Description of learning outcomes assessment
Students will be continuously assesed during the course. The assessment
method includes several techniques such as closed-book exam, and group
assignment as a tool for lecturers to examine students ability to understand apply academic in practice. 2.
Summary of learning outcomes assessment Component Duratio Percentag Assessment Forms Schedule s n e Mid-term 60 Open book exam 30% Week 8 Test minutes Mini-Test
14 weeks Do the Mini-test (5 20% Week 2-14 minutes) in class Final Test 90 Open book exam Week 15 50% minutes Total 100%
Subordinate semester: test will be take place in class. 3. Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a fundamental value that affects the quality of
teaching, learning, and research at a university. To ensure the maintenance of
academic integrity at Hoa Sen University, students are required to:
Work independently on individual assignments
Collaborating on individual assignments is considered cheating. Avoid plagiarism
Plagiarism is an act of fraud that involves the use of ideas or words of
another person without proper attribution. Students will be accused of plagiarism if they:
i. Copy in their work one or more sentences from another person without proper citation.
ii. Rephrase, paraphrase, or translate another person’s ideas or words without proper attribution.
iii. Reuse their own assignments, in whole or in part, and submit them for another class.
Work responsibly within a working group
In cooperative group assignments, all students are required to stay on
task and contribute equally to the projects. Group reports should
clearly state the contribution of each group member.
Any acts of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero for the task at
hand and/or immediate failure of the course, depending on the seriousness of
the fraud. Please consult Hoa Sen University’s Policy on Plagiarism at To ensure the
maintenance of academic integrity, the university asks that students report cases
of academic dishonesty to the teacher and/or the Dean. T he names of those
students will be kept anonymous. I .Teaching Staff: Professor’s No. Office location Hours Position name Nam Nguyen 1 Lecturer Thanh 2 Trang To Thi Tu Lecturer Minh Nguyen 3 Lecturer Tuong
J. Outline of Topics to be covered (Learning Schedule):
Main semester: Once per week
Subordinate semester: Twice per week Week Topics References Homework 1
Introduction to Corporate Finance Chapter 1&2 t.b.a 2 Time value of money Chapter 5 t.b.a 3 Time value of money (Cont.) Chapter 5 t.b.a 4 Bonds and their valuation Chapter 6 t.b.a 5 Stocks and their valuation Chapter 7 t.b.a 6
Project investment criteria and budgeting Chapter 8 t.b.a capital decision 7
Part A: Project investment criteria and Chapter 8&9 t.b.a
budgeting capital decision (Cont.) Part B: Cash flow projection 8
Mid-term test+ continue teaching 9 Cash flow projection (Cont.) Chapter 9 t.b.a 10
Introduction to risk and return Chapter 11 t.b.a 11
Risk and return: Capital Asset Pricing Chapter 12 t.b.a Model (CAPM) 12
Capital structure and cost of capital Chapter 13 t.b.a 13
Part A: Capital structure and cost of Chapter 13&14 t.b.a capital (Cont.) Part B: Corporate financing 14 Corporate financing (Cont.) Chapter 14 t.b.a 15 Review Notice:
Subject is designed with the participant of guest speaker who will share reality from
experience or students will be attended the seminar during the subjects