Undergraduate program major of electrical and electronics engineering technology | Trường Đại học sư phạm kỹ thuật TP Hồ Chí Minh

Training engineers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology have fundamental science knowledge, fundamental and advanced knowledge of Electrical-Electronics Engineering; have the ability to analyze, solve the problem and evaluate solutions. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

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Undergraduate program major of electrical and electronics engineering technology | Trường Đại học sư phạm kỹ thuật TP Hồ Chí Minh

Training engineers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology have fundamental science knowledge, fundamental and advanced knowledge of Electrical-Electronics Engineering; have the ability to analyze, solve the problem and evaluate solutions. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

72 36 lượt tải Tải xuống
Major of
May 2019
Independence – Liberty - Happiness
Education Program: Industrial Electricity
Level: Undergraduate
Major: Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology
Type of Program: Full time
(Decision No……date….on………)
1. Duration of Study: 4 years
2. Student Enrollment: High-school Graduates
3. Grading System, Curriculum and Graduation Requirements
Grading System: 10
Curriculum: Based on regulations of Decision No 43/2008/BGDDT
Graduation Requirements:
General condition: Based on regulations of Decision No 43/2008/BGDDT
Condition of specialty: None
4. The objectives and Expected Learning Outcomes
4.1 Goals
Training engineers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology have fundamental science
knowledge, fundamental and advanced knowledge of Electrical-Electronics Engineering; have the
ability to analyze, solve the problem and evaluate solutions; have the ability to build and manage
electrical power supply and automatic electric drive systems; have the communication skill and team
work; and have an appropriate professional attitude to meet the development requirements of industry
and society. Students after graduation will able to work at:
1. Power companies;
2. Companies and factories have requirements on designing, operating and maintaining the electrical
power supply, automatic electric drive systems,
3. Research institutes, training institutions, vocational training centers related to the field of electrical
and electronics engineering;
4. Other companies.
4.2 Objectives
1. Have the ability to work in the manufacturing practices of electrical and electronics engineering
with the ability to identify and solve important issues in many areas of application areas.
2. Have the ability to develop successful careers in industry, academic and community service,
demonstrate the technical leadership in business, careers and communities.
3. Have the ability to participate in the process of promoting comprehensive economic
development in the Southern of Vietnam through a combination of technical proficiency,
leadership spirit and entrepreneurship spirit.
4. Have the ability easily adapt to new technologies, methods and tools to keep abreast of the
development of electrical engineering industry with the ability to respond to the challenges of
changing environments.
4.3 Program Learning Outcomes:
No. Program outcomes Competence level
1 Knowledge and argument to solve technical problems
The ability to identify, propose and solve complex technical
problems by applying the principles of engineering, science and
Applying natural science knowledge and mathematical analysis
to build, test, operate and maintain electrical systems and similar
The ability to use differential math and integral math to describe
the operating characteristics of electrical systems.
The ability to absorb and apply new knowledge, career skills
and personal skills
The ability to receptive and apply new knowledge by using
appropriate learning strategies.
The ability to perceive moral and professional responsibilities in
technical situations and to make arguments based on
consideration of the effects of technical solutions in the
economic, social and environmental context, and global.
Effective communication skills and skills to teamwork in a
multidisciplinary environment
The ability to communicate effectively in a technical group,
create a cohesive and collaborative environment, set goals, plan
tasks to meet goals
The ability to read and present with images, technical drawings,
text and speak effectively in technical and non-technical
Skills of designing the electrical systems and automatic
electric drive in the corporate and social context
The ability to analyze, design, implement and operating power
supply and distribution systems, automatic electric drive systems
to create solutions to meet specific needs consider to the health,
safety and community welfare, as well as economic,
environmental and social factors.
The ability to analyze, design the programmable control circuits,
(digital and analog) components in the electrical system based on
technical standards for construction, inspection, operation and
maintenance of electrical systems
The ability to develop and implement experiments, analyze and
interpret data, and use technical arguments to make conclusions.
The ability to apply project management techniques in works
related to electrical systems
Describe the expected level of Expected Learning Outcomes
Competence level Description
0.0 ≤ CL≤ 1.0 Basic
Remember: Students remember / recognize / recall knowledge
by actions such as defining, repeating, listing, identifying,
identifying, ...
1.0 < CL ≤ 2.0
Understand: Students create knowledge from materials and
knowledge by actions such as explanation, classification,
illustration, reasoning, ...
2.0 < CL ≤ 3.0
Application: Students implement/ apply knowledge to create
products such as models, real objects, simulation products,
reports, ...
3.0 < CL ≤ 4.0
Analysis: Students analyze materials / knowledge into details /
parts and show their overall relationship by actions such as
analysis, classification, comparison, synthesis, ...
4.0 < CL ≤ 5.0
Assessment: Students make judgments, predictions about
knowledge / information according to standards, criteria and
indicators that have been determined by actions such as
comments, criticisms, proposals, .. .
5.0 < CL ≤ 6.0 Excellent
Creativity: Students create / arrange / organize / design /
generalize details / parts in a new / new way to create new
structures / models / products.
5. Blocks of knowledge in the whole program: 149 credits (without Physical Education, Military
Education). 132+17 = 149 TC
6. Allocation of credits
Groups of Courses Credits
Total Compulsion Elective
Foundation science courses 67 45 4
Political Education 13 13 0
Social Science 4 0 4
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 27 27 0
Informatics 3 3 0
Introduction to Electrical & Electronics
Engineering Technology
3 3 0
English 17
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
82 76 15
Fundamental EEE courses 26 20 6
Advanced EEE courses 30 21 9
Practice and laboratory 17 17 0
Industry Internship 3 3 0
Capstone project 6 6 0
7. Program content
A – Compulsory courses
7.1. Foundation science courses: 49
No. Course’s ID Course name Credits Note
I. Political Education and General
1.1 LLCT130105E 3
Philosophy of Marxism and
1.2 LLCT120214E
Political economics of
Marxism and Leninism
1.3 LLCT120405E 2
Scientific socialism
1.4 LLCT120314E
Ho Chi Minh’s ideology
1.5 LLCT220514E
History of Vietnamese
communist party
1.6 GELA220405E General Laws 2
II. Introduction to Electrical &
Electronics Engineering
2.1 IEET130145E Introduction to Electrical &
Electronics Engineering
2+1 1
III. Informatics 3
3.1 CPGRL13006E C programming language 2+1 1 lab
V. Mathematics and Natural
5.1 MATH132401E Calculus I 3
5.2 MATH132501E Calculus II 3
5.3 MATH142601E Calculus III 3
5.4 MATH132901E Probability and Applied Statistics 3
5.5 PHYS130402E Principles of Physics 1 3+1 1 lab
5.6 PHYS230402E Principles of Physics 2 3+1 1 lab
5.7 GCHE130603E General chemistry 3
AMEE142044E Applied Mathematics for Electrical
and Electronics Engineering
VI. Social Science
(choose 02 among the 12 courses)
6.1 GEEC220105E General Economics 2
6.2 SYTH220491E Creativity Methodologies 2
6.3 PLSK320605E Planning Skill 2
6.4 INMA220305E Introduction to Management 2
6.5 INSO321005E Introduction to Sociology 2
6.6 IQMA220205E Introduction to Quality
Introduction to Logics 2
Presentation Skills 2
Systems Thinking 2
University Learning Methods 2
Vietnamese Culture 2
Writing Scientific and Technical
Supplementary Courses 17
EHQT130137E Academic English 1 3
7.2 3
EHQT230237E Academic English 2
7.3 3
EHQT330337E Academic English 3
EHQT430437E Academic English 4
TEEN120146E Technical English 1
TEEN230246E Technical English 2
Physical Education 5
1. Physical Education 1 1
PHED110613E 2. Physical Education 2 1
3. Physical Education 3
National Defense Education 165
7.2. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Courses
7.2.1. Fundamental EEE courses: 26
No. Course’s ID Course name Credits Note
EEE related courses 26
1. ELCI140144E Electrical Circuits 4
2. BAEL340662E Basic Electronics 4
3. DIGI330163E Digital System 3
4. POEL330262E Power Electronics 3
5. MICR330363E Microprocessor 3
6. ELMA230344E Electric Machines 3
7. 3Elective Fundamental course 1
8. 3Elective Fundamental course 2
Self-selected interdisciplinary 1, 2 (Students choose 2 of
the following subjects)
1. ELFI230344E Electromagnetic fields 3
2. EMIN330244E Electrical Measurement and Instruments 3
3. ELIN330444E Electronic instruments 3
4. EEMA230544E Electronic and Electrical Materials 3
5. SISY330164E Signals and systems 3
7.2.2.a Advanced EEE courses: 38 credits
No. Course’s ID Course name Credits Note
I Compulsory 29
1. ELDR346445E Automatic Electric Drive 4
2. ELPS246545E Power Supply System 4
3. IPSC343045E Industrial power system control 4
4. RENE346745E Renewable Energy 4
5. POSY346645E Power System 4
6. PRED316945E Project on Electric Drive 1
7. PRES316845E Project on Power Supply System 1
Project on Industrial power
system control
Professional development topics
in the direction of power system -
Không tính TC Giảm
để đủ 132 TC
Professional development topics
in the direction of Electric Drive -
Không tính TC Giảm
để đủ 132 TC
Professional development topics
in the direction of Renewable
Không tính TC Giảm
để đủ 132 TC
II Elective 9
Elective Advanced course 1 3 Project/
Elective Advanced course 2 3 Project/
Elective Advanced course 3 3 Project/
Lighting Techniques in
Residential and Industrial
Building Access Control and
Security System
4. SPEM437644E Special Electrical Machine &
Calculation of Electrical Machine
5. PLSU438445E Power Station and Power Plant 3
6. ENAE437945E Energy Audit and Efficiency 3
7. POQA438545E Power Quality in Power System 3
8. BMSY438345E Building Management System 3
9. SSAS438045E ATS and Power Backup System 3
10. PJMA438145E Industrial Management & Project
11. PIPS437745E The Problems in Power Systems 3
12. APES437845E Application power electronics 3
Relay Protection and Automation
in Industrial Power System
AI Facility and Application Electronics and
15. IMPR432463E Image Processing Electronics and
CIDE431163E Electronic circuit design 3
BIME331665E Design models on computers 3
INSK331663E Industrial skills 3
Advanced Microprocessor
ROBO320246E Industrial robot 3
Automation and
SCDA420946E SCADA System 3
Automation and
INCO321546E Intelligent Control 3
Automation and
Identify and control the system 3
Automation and
MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)
24. MOOC348645 Solar Energy: Photovoltaic (PV)
Energy Conversion
3 Need to certificate
25. MOOC348745
Understanding Nuclear Energy
3 Need to certificate
26. MOOC348845
Algorithm Design and Analysis
3 Need to certificate
27. MOOC348945
Supply Chain Design
3 Need to certificate
7.2.2.b. Advanced EEE courses: 20 (courses in workshop, industrial internship, without
Extracurricular activities + seminars specialized)
No. Course’s ID Course name Credits Note
Practice and experiment 17
1. ELPR320762E Electronics in Practice 2
2. ELPR210644E Electricity in Practice 1
3. PREN427045E Practice on Renewable Energy 2
4. PRDI310263E Digital System in Practice 1
5. PRMI320463E Microprocessor in Practice 2
6. PREM310744E Electric Machine in Practice 1
7. POEP320262E Power Electronics in Practice 2
Industrial power system control in
9. PRES327145E Power Supply System in Practice 2
10. PELE327245E Electric Drive in Practice 2
Internship 3
11. ININ439045E Industry Internship 3
12. SPSE329145E Extracurricular activities + seminars
7.2.3. Graduation Thesis ( 7or graduation examination):
No. Course’s ID Course name Credits Note
1 FIPR479245E Graduation Thesis 7
12. Curriculum Distribution (Expectation, and only main semesters: 1, 2,…, 8)
Open Courses
No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite
(if any)
1. LLCT150105E Principles of Marxist-Leninism 5
2. LLCT230214E Vietnamese Communist Party Policy of
3. GELA220405E General Laws 2
4. PHED110513E Physical Education 1 1
5. PHED130715E Physical Education 3 3
Total 14
Semester 1:
No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite
(if any)
1. MATH132401E Calculus I 3
2. LLCT130105E
Philosophy of Marxism and
3. LLCT120214E 2
Political economics of Marxism
and Leninism
4. PHYS130402E Principles of Physics 1 3
5. GCHE130603E General chemistry 3
PHED110613E Physical Education 2 1
7. IEET130145E Introduction to Electrical & Electronics
Engineering Technology
8. EHQT130137E
Academic English 1
3 Bổ sung CLC tiếng
9. EHQT230237E
Academic English 2
3 Bổ sung CLC tiếng
Total 20
Semester 2:
No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite
(if any)
1. PHYS110602E Principles of Physics - Laboratory 1 1
2. MATH132501E Calculus II 3
3. LLCT120314E Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology 2
4. LLCT120405E 2
Scientific socialism
5. LLCT120314E
Ho Chi Minh’s ideology
6. CPGRL13006E C programming language 3
7. ELCI140144E Electrical Circuits 4
8. 3
EHQT230237E Academic English 2
9. Elective Social Science 1 2
10. EHQT330337E Academic English 3 3 Bổ sung CLC tiếng
11. TEEN120146E Technical English 1 2 Bổ sung CLC tiếng
Total 20
Semester 3:
No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite
(if any)
1. LLCT220514E
History of Vietnamese communist
2. PHYS210602E Principles of Physics - Laboratory 2 1
3. MATH142601E Calculus III 3
4. ELPR210644E Electricity in Practice 1
5. MATH132901E Mathematical Statistics for Engineers 3
6. BAEL340662E Basic Electronics 4
7. ELMA230344E Electric Machines 3
8. 3
EHQT330337E Academic English 3
9. 3
Elective Fundamental course 1
10. EHQT430437E Academic English 4 3 Bổ sung CLC tiếng
11. TEEN230246E Technical English 2 3 Bổ sung CLC tiếng
Total 21
Semester 4:
No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite
(if any)
1. DIGI330163E Digital System 3
2. AMEE142044E Applied Mathematics for Electrical and
Electronics Engineering
3. POEL330262E Power Electronics 3
4. ELPS246545E Power Supply System 4
5. PREM310744E Electric Machine in Practice 1
6. ELPR320762E Electronics in Practice 2
7. 3Elective Fundamental course 2
Total 20
Semester 5:
No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite
(if any)
1. MICR330363E Microprocessor 3
2. POSY346645E Power System 4
3. ELDR346445E Automatic Electric Drive
4. PRES316845E Project on Power Supply System 1
5. POEP320262E Power Electronics in Practice
6. PRDI310263E Digital System in Practice 1
7. PRES327145E Power Supply System in Practice 2
Total 17
Semester 6:
No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite
(if any)
Elective Social Science 2 2
2. SPSE329145E Extracurricular activities + seminars
3. IPSC343045E Industrial power system control 4
RENE346745E Renewable Energy 4
5. PRED316945E Project on Electric Drive 1
6. PRMI320463E Microprocessor in Practice 2
7. PELE327245E Electric Drive in Practice 2
8. PTPM329645E Professional development topics in the
direction of power system - ME
Không tính TC
Total 19
Semester 7:
No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite
(if any)
Project on Industrial power system
2. Elective Advanced course 1 3
3. Elective Advanced course 2 3
4. Elective Advanced course 3 3
5. 2
PREN427045E Practice on Renewable Energy
Industrial power system control in
7. PTEA429745E Professional development topics in the
direction of Electric Drive - Automation
Không tính TC
PTRE429845E Professional development topics in the
direction of Renewable Energy
Không tính TC
Total 18
Semester 8:
No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite
(if any)
1. ININ439045E Industry Internship 3
2. FIPR479245E 6Graduation Thesis
Total 9
Note: Extracurricular activities + seminars specialized 2 credits:
Encourage students to start participating from the first semester of the program but will be required in
semesters 5,6,7 to get better quality.
13. Brief description of course contents
[1] Introduction to Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology Credits: 3
Distribution of learning time: 2/1/6
Prerequisites: None
Course Description: This course provides the learner with knowledge of expected learning
outcomes for Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology, framework program and
education program of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology, roles, positions and
missions of engineer in Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology and training fields and
technology have been and will be applied Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology.
1. Horowitz and Hill, Art of Electronics, third Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
Reference books:
1. Luis Moura and Izzat Darwazeh, Introduction to Linear Circuit Analysis and Modelling: From
DC to RF Newnes, 2005
2. David Money Harris, Sarah L. Harris, Digital design and computer architecture, Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, 2007.
3. David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The
Hardware/Software Interface, Fourth Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2008.
4. Neil Storey, Electronics: A Systems Approach (4th edition), Prentice Hall, 2009.
[2] Calculus I Credits: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3 (3/0/6)
Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition: None
Course Description: This course helps students review the general and advanced mathematical
knowledge: Cardinality of a set: rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers. Limit:
function, limit of a function, continuous function. Differential calculus: derivative, differential,
Taylor-Maclaurin expansion, the survey on function, curve in polar coordinates. Calculus of
single variable: volume fraction uncertainty, definite integrals, generalized integrals. Chain:
Chain number, string functions, power series, Taylor-Maclaurin sequence, Fourier series, Fourier
expansion, trigonometric series.
1. K. Smith, M. Strauss and M. Toda, Calculus 6th National Edition–Kendall Hunt.
[3] Introduction to C programming language Credits: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3 (2/1/6)
Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition: None
Course Description: This course provides an introduction to computing and program
development in the C programming language. This includes a brief introduction to basic
computer concepts, studying the syntax and semantics of the basic control structures of C,
learning C's fundamental data types, structures, and pointer, understanding the design and
methodical construction of computer programs, learning how to test and debug programs, and
lastly, practice in these through creating several programs in C.
1. Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, C: How to Program, 7th Edition, Pearson, 2012
[4] Calculus II Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3 (3/0/6)
Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition: Calculus I
Course Description: This course provides the learnerwith contents: Matrix-determinant: the
matrix, the form of matrix, inverse matrix, determinants, matrix classes. System of Linear
Equations: linear systems, Cramer rule, Gauss method, homogeneous system. Space Vector:
Space Vector, subspace, linear independence, linear dependence, basis, dimension, Euclidean
space. Diagonal matrix-quadratic form: eigenvalues, eigenvectors, private space, diagonal
matrix, quadratic form, canonical form, the surface level 2. Differential calculus of function of
several variables: function of several variables, derivative, differential, extreme of function of
several variables, calculus applications in geometry in space.
1. K. Smith, M. Strauss and M. Toda, Calculus 6th National Edition–Kendall Hunt.
[5] Mathematical Statistics for Engineers
Distribution of learning time: 3 (3/0/6)
Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition: Calculus I
Course Description: This module consists of descriptive statistics, fundamental probability,
random variables and probability distribution laws, characteristics of random variables,
parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, regression and analysis of variance.
1. Probability and Statistics for Engineering and Science by Devore, 8th Edition (published by
Cengage Learning), 8th edition with Enhanced Web Assign, regular edition ISBN
[6] Principles of Physics 1 Credit: 4
Distribution of learning time: 4(3/1/8)
Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition: None
Course Description: This course provides the learnerwith contents: the mechanics: point
dynamics, the law of conservation, solid motion. Thermodynamics: kinetic molecular theory,
principles of Thermodynamics I, principles of Thermodynamics II. Electricity and magnetism:
electric field, magnetic, variability of electrical magnetic field.
1. R.A. Serway & J.W. Jewett;
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 9
Edition; ISBN for bundle 9781285143811
2. Hallyday, R. Resnick, J. Walker, , John Willey & Sons, 1999.Fundamentals of Physics
[7] Electrical Circuits Credit: 4
Distribution of learning time: 4/0/8
Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition: Advanced Mathematics & General Physics
Course Description: This course provides the learnerwith basic contents about circuit analysis,
established circuit under impact sine, circuit analysis methods, circuit theorems, two port
network, circuit analysis in time-domain, circuit analysis in the frequency domain, draw the
frequency characteristics of the transfer function.
1. Introduction to Electrical Circuits, R. Dorf and J Svoboda, 8th Edition
[8] Electronic and Electrical Materials Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6
Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition:Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics Foundation executive
Course Description: This course equips students to structure the content, technology type
manufacturing electrical materials, electronic materials feature electrical com in the electricity
sector, electronic; The nature electrical, mechanical, chemical, electronics,... of material:
conductive, insulating, superconductors, semiconductors, power flow control.
1. Ian P. Jones. Materials Science for Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Oxford University
Press, 2001.
Other supplemental materials:
2. W. D. Callister. Materials, Science and Engineering. Willey, 2000.
3. W.F. Smith and J. Hashemi. Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering.3rd ed.
McGraw-Hill, 2003.
4. M. Ohring. Engineering Materials Science. Academic Press2, 2001.
5. J.L.Shackelford. Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering. Prentice Hall, 2003.
6. D.V. Morgan and K. Board. An Introduction to Semiconductor Micro technology. 2002.
[9] Calculus III Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3 (3/0/6)
Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition: Calculus II
Course Description: This course provides the learner with contents: multiple integral: double
integral, application for calculated area of flat domain, calculate the surface area, object volume,
triple integrals, and applications for the object volume. Line integral: lineintegral type one and
applications,line integral type one and applications, Green formula, condition of line integral
does not depend on integrating line. Surface integral: Integral surface type one, type two, the
Ostrogratskiformula, vector field, flux and divergence, vector format of Ostrogratski formula,
Stokes formula, circulation and vortex vector, vector format of Stokes formula.
1. K. Smith, M. Strauss and M. Toda, Calculus 6th National Edition–Kendall Hunt.
[10] Basic Electronics Credit: 4
Distribution of learning time: 4/0/8
Prerequisites: Advanced Mathematics 3 & General Physics
Former subjects of condition: Electrical Circuits& General Physics
Course Description: This course provides the learner with knowledge of electronic components,
present the structure and principles of operation of the electronic components, analyze, and
explain the principle of operation of simple electronic circuits. Analyze the frequency response
of the amplifier circuit, analyze and design the audio power amplifier circuits, distinguish the
type of feedback, analyze and design application circuits used op_amp, analyze the principle of
operation of the oscillator circuits, analyze and design the simple DC sources provide electronic
1. Thomas L.Floyd - Electronic Devices – Prentice Hall, 2012.
2. Albert Malvino - Electronic Principle- Mc Graw Hill, 2015
[11] Electricity in practice Credit: 1
Distribution of learning time: 0/1/0.6
Prerequisites:electrical safety, electrical circuit
Former subjects of condition: electrical circuit, electrical and electronic materials, basic
electronics, electrical measurement, and instrument in practice, electrical safety.
Course Description: learners perform contents in basic electrical installation technology,
calculation method for constructing and installing; quality inspection, electrical machine
installation technology and operating common electrical machines.
1. Herbert W. Jackson, Dale Temple, and Brian E. Kelly, Introduction to Electric Circuits Lab
Manual, 9th Edition, ISBN: 9780195438147
[12] Digital System Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6
Prerequisites: Basic Electronics
Former subjects of condition: Electrical Circuits & General Physics
Course Description: This course provides the learner with knowledge of digital systems, the
basic logic gate, the fundamental theorem of Boolean algebra, the combinational circuits,
sequential circuit, of the basics of digital integrated circuits TTL and CMOS, characteristic
parameters of digital integrated circuits, classify integrated circuits, the principle of changing
between analog and digital signals, operational structure and application of the memory, the
principles of the digital oscillator circuit.
1. Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, : Principles and Applications, 12th Ed.Digital Systems
Prentice Hall, 2015
2. Anil K. Maini, Digital Electronics, John Wily & Sons, 2007
[13] Automatic Control Systems Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6
Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition: Electrical Circuits, Electrical Measurement and Instruments,
Complex Functions and Laplace Transforms, Basic Electronics
Course Description: This course provides the learner with knowledge of the components of an
automatic control system, the method of building mathematical models of the automatic control
system including: transfer function, signal graph and equation of state, the problem of control
and observation, the stable survey methods of automatic control systems: survey methods of
quality of control system: accuracy, time domain, frequency domain and the design methods of
automatic control system so that the stable system and achieve quality targets.
1. Norman S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, Sixth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Farid Golnaraghi And Benjamin C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, Ninth Edition, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
[14] Electrical Machines Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6
Prerequisites: Electrical Circuits
Former subjects of condition:Advanced Mathematics 3, General Physics, Electronic and
Electrical Materials, Electrical Circuits, Electrical Measurement and Instruments.
Course Description: This course provides the learner with knowledge of basic structure,working
principle, meaning of the electromagnetic relations of DC machine, transformers, asynchronous
machines, synchronous machines, special machines and electrical instruments. Methods for
calculating variables, technical parameters of electrical machines and electrical instruments,
work characteristics (rule) of electrical machines and electrical instruments, the method of
implementation, control modes of electrical machines and electrical instruments.
1. P. C. Sen, Principles of Electrical Machinery and Power Electronics, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc. 2nd edition, Inc., 1997 (Required)
Reference books:
1. Kelemen, J. A., 2003. ECE 3300 Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed., WMU IEEE Student Branch.
2. Fitzgerald, Kingsley and Umans, Electrical Machinery, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York,
2003. (Reference)
3. Alternating Current Machines, 5th ed., Halstead Press, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1983.
[15] Electrical Measurement and Instruments Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6
Prerequisites: Electrical Circuits
Former subjects of condition:Electrical Circuits, Basic Electronics
Course Description: This course provides the learner with knowledge of concept of
measurement and electrical measure, understand the principles of structure and operations of the
directive devices, known about measurement of electrical quantities structure, the method of
measuring the electrical quantities such as current, voltage, resistance, capacitance, inductance,
frequency, phase angle, power, analyse and estimate measurement errors, understand the
principles and operation of the electrical measurement system in industry.
1. Prithwiraj Purkait, Budhaditya Biswas, Santanu Das, Chiranjib Koley, Electrical and
Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation, McGraw - Hill, 2013
[16] Power Supply System Credit: 4
Distribution of learning time: 4/0/8
Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition:Circuits, electric-electronic instruments; Electronic measurement
and instrumentation; electrical safety.
Course Description: This course equips learner’s contents of the method for determining the
load calculation, calculate voltage loss, power loss, and short circuit calculations, select the
number and transformer capacity, diagrams distribution substations and redundant power.
Function and operating principle of the switchgear, medium and low voltage protection, the
method selected conductors, cables, switchgear protect- sectioning measurement, distribution
cabinet low and medium voltage, offset low voltage network power plant and industrial lighting
1. Electric Power Transmission and Distribution, , 2008.S. Sivanagaraju
Reference books:
1. Electric Power Distribution Engineering, Third Edition, Turan Gonen, 2008.
2. Electrical Distribution Engineering; Anthony J. Pansini, 2006.
3. Electric Power Distribution Equipment and Systems; T. A. Short, 2004.
4. Electric Power Substations Engineering; John D. McDonald, 2012.
5. Power System Operation, 3rd Edition by , , 1994.Robert Miller James Malinowski
[17] Electronics in Practice Credit: 2
Distribution of learning time: 0/2/4
Prerequisites: Basic electronics
Former subjects of condition: electrical circuit, electrical and electronic materials, basic
electronics, and electricity in practice, electrical measurement and instrument in practice,
electrical safety.
Course Description: in this course, learners perform contents in usage of instruments in
electronics; to recognize the basic electronic components such as R, L, C, diode, BJT, FET, OP-
AMP; verification of basic application circuits of the electronic components between theory and
reality, from which analysis of circuit operation in practice; Applying the practical application
circuits, analyzing of operation of basic electronic circuit in practice.
1. Harry Kybett and Earl Boysen, All New Electronics Self-Teaching Guide, Third Edition,
Wiley Publishing, Inc. 2008
[18] Microprocessor Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6
Prerequisites: Digital System
Former subjects of condition:Digital System, Basic Electronics.
Course Description: This course provides the learnerwith knowledge of the role and functions of
the processor, the processor system; historical development of processor generations, the basic
parameters to assess the ability of the processor; the structure and role of the components in the
block diagram of 8-bit microprocessors, principles of operation of 8-bit microprocessors;
historical development of microcontrollers, advantages and disadvantages when using
microcontrollers, internal and external structure of 8-bit microcontroller; function of peripheral
devices: timer/counter, interrupts, data transfer of microcontroller, Assembly language, C
language to program the microcontroller.
1. Martin P. Bates, PIC Microcontrollers, Third Edition: An Introduction to Microelectronics,
Newnes; 3 Edition,, 2011.
2. Richard H. Barnett, Sarah Cox, Larry O'Cull, Embedded C Programming and the Microchip
PIC, Delmar Publishers Inc, 1 edition, 2003.
[19] Power Electronics Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6
Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition: Electrical Circuits; Basic Electronics; Electric Machines,
Electricity Instrument; Electrical Measurement and Instruments.
Course Description:This course provides the learnerwith knowledge of basic power electronic
accessories, specialized. The structure, operating principles, waveform and parameters: the
uncontrolled and controller rectifiercircuits; modified circuit, switching voltage AC, transform
DC voltage, inverse and select the DC power supply.
1. N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland and W. P. Robbins, “Power Electronics: Converters, Application
and Design,” John Wiley, 3 Edition.
[20] Automatic Electric Drive Credit: 4
Distribution of learning time: 4/0/8
Prerequisites: Advanced Mathematics, Computer Science Basic, Electric, Electric tools, basic
electronics, power electronics
Former subjects of condition:Electric - Electric tools, power electronics
Course Description: This course equips learners content on the characteristics of the electric
drive system, method of adjusting the motor speed direct current and alternating current, the
calculation method features engines in the different working state, characteristic construction
methods and choose equipment for power transmission and working principles of the new
1. Electric drives, N. K. DW, P. K. SEN, 1999.
2. Fundamentals of electric drives, Mohamed E.L, Sharkawi, 2000.
3. Fundamentals of Electrical Drives-, Andre Veltman, Duco, W.J., Pulle-Rik-W, Springer-
[21] Power System Credit: 4
Distribution of learning time: 4/0/8
Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition:Circuits, electric-electronic instruments; Electronic measurement
and instrumentation; electrical safety.
Course Description: This course equips learners contents of the load forecasting method, the
method of calculating voltage loss, power loss, short circuit calculations on high-voltage
network , methods for selecting the number and capacity of transformers, substations diagram of
voltage from 110 kV or more; Function and operating principle of the switchgear, high-voltage
protection, methods selected conductors, cables, switchgear, equipment limits the short circuit
current to high-voltage network and power control methods pressure, reducing energy losses in
power system.
1. Power System Operation 3rd Edition, Robert Miller, James Malinowski, 1994.
[22] Project on Power Supply System Credit: 1
Distribution of learning time: 1/0/2
Prerequisites: Power Supply
Former subjects of condition:the circuit, power-electronic instruments; Electronic measurement
and instrumentation; power supply, power system.
Course Description: This course equips learners method electricity distribution network design
workshop includes content about features workshops, data load, load grouping, bar wiring
diagram, determine the load calculation at each level, choose the number and capacity MBA,
choose backup power generators, power offset selected and offset schemes, choose the wire /
cable, select switchgear / protect / measurement, power distribution cabinets select, calculate
lightning, grounding calculations and estimates made.
1. Electric Power Transmission and Distribution, , 2008.S. Sivanagaraju
2. Electric Power Distribution Engineering, Third Edition, Turan Gonen, 2008.
3. Electrical Distribution Engineering; Anthony J. Pansini, 2006.
4. Electric Power Distribution Equipment and Systems; T. A. Short, 2004.
5. Electric Power Substations Engineering; John D. McDonald, 2012.
6. Power System Operation, 3rd Edition by , , 1994.Robert Miller James Malinowski
[23] Electrical machine in practice Credit: 1
Distribution of learning time: 0/1/2
Prerequisites:electrical machine
Former subjects of condition: electrical circuit, electrical and electronic materials, basic
electronics, electricity in practice, electrical measurement and instrument in practice, electrical
Course Description: learners perform contents in installation technology of basic electricity,
calculation method for constructing and installing; quality inspection, repairing, installing
technology of electrical machine; manufacturing technology of winding in details, assembling
and operating common electrical machines.
1. D. P. Kothari B. S. Umr, e, Laboratory Manual for Electrical Machines, I K International
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 2014
2. D.K. Chaturvedi, Electrical Machines Lab Manual with MATLAB Programs, I K
International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 2015
[24] Programmable Logic Controller Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6
Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition:Introduction to Computer, Digital, automatic control systems,
Electric-electronic instruments, automatic control system, automatic Drive Technologies
Course Description: This course equips learner’s contents of the method for determining the
output of the sensors, how to calculate the value of output as required, the type of sensor
connection and actuators with controllers PLC, functional and operational principles of PLC and
application scripts.
1. L. A. Bryan and E. A. Bryan, Programmable Controllers: Theory and implementation,
Second Edition, An Industrial Text Company Publication Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
2. Hugh Jack, , April 14 2005.Automation Manufacturing Systems with PLCs
[25] Digital Systems in Practice Credit: 1
Distribution of learning time: 0/1/2
Prerequisites: None.
Former subjects of condition: Electricity in practice and Electronics in practice.
Course Description: This course instructs students to practice digital electronic circuits such as
logic gates, Flip-Flops, counters, registers, integrated circuit designs and sequential circuits,
memory ICs, ADC, DAC circuits, and applications.
1. Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, : Principles and Applications, 12th Ed. Digital Systems
Prentice Hall, 2015
2. Anil K. Maini, Digital Electronics, John Wily & Sons, 2007
[26] Power electronics in Practice Credit: 2
Distribution of learning time: 0/2/1.3
Prerequisites:Basic Electronics, Electronic and Electrical Materials,
Former subjects of condition: Electrical Circuits, Electrical Circuits, Electrical Measurement in
Practice, Electronics in Practice, Electrical Safety.
Course Description: This course provides learners knowledgeaboutinstallation of circuits,
operatiion of circuits, waveforms of circuits, DC-DC converter, DC-AC converter, AC-DC
converter, IGBT. The learners are able to regconise and to repair faults in power electronics
system, and to design PWM circuits.
1. O.P. Arora , Power Electronics Laboratory: Theory, Practice, and Organization, Alpha
Science International Ltd, 2006
[27] Power Supply System in Practice Credit: 2
Distribution of learning time: 0/2/4
Prerequisites:Power Supply System, ElectricMachines, Electrical Circuits, Electricity
Instrument, Electricity in Practice, Electric Machine in Practice.
Former subjects of condition: Power Supply System, ElectricMachines, Electrical Circuits,
Electricity Instrument, Electricity in Practice, Electric Machine in Practice.
Course Description: This course provides the learner to work in Power Supply System such as:
power transmission line model, power substation model, capacitor control system model, power
plant model, power relay protection model; Learners are able to recognize supply power system
drawings and to investigate low and medium voltage distribution systems.
1. DE LORENZO electrical power engineering, user manual.
2. Labvol electrical power engineering, user manual
3. Electricity and Electronics: Lab Manual, Howard H. Gerrish, William E., Jr. Dugger
4. Electrical Power Supply Laboratory Manual
[28] Project on Electric Drive Credit: 1
Distribution of learning time: 1/0/2
Prerequisites: Advanced Mathematics, Computer Science Basic, Electric, Electric tools, basic
electronics, power electronics, electrical drives automation, electrical control equipment
Former subjects of condition:: the circuit, power-electronic instruments; Electronic
measurement and instrumentation; automatic electric drive.
| 1/31

Preview text:

Independence – Liberty - Happiness
Education Program: Industrial Electricity Level: Undergraduate
Major: Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology
Type of Program: Full time
(Decision No……date….on………)
1. Duration of Study: 4 years
2. Student Enrollment: High-school Graduates
3. Grading System, Curriculum and Graduation Requirements Grading System: 10
Curriculum: Based on regulations of Decision No 43/2008/BGDDT
Graduation Requirements:
General condition: Based on regulations of Decision No 43/2008/BGDDT
Condition of specialty: None
4. The objectives and Expected Learning Outcomes 4.1 Goals
Training engineers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology have fundamental science
knowledge, fundamental and advanced knowledge of Electrical-Electronics Engineering; have the
ability to analyze, solve the problem and evaluate solutions; have the ability to build and manage
electrical power supply and automatic electric drive systems; have the communication skill and team
work; and have an appropriate professional attitude to meet the development requirements of industry
and society. Students after graduation will able to work at: 1. Power companies;
2. Companies and factories have requirements on designing, operating and maintaining the electrical
power supply, automatic electric drive systems,
3. Research institutes, training institutions, vocational training centers related to the field of electrical and electronics engineering; 4. Other companies. 4.2 Objectives
1. Have the ability to work in the manufacturing practices of electrical and electronics engineering
with the ability to identify and solve important issues in many areas of application areas.
2. Have the ability to develop successful careers in industry, academic and community service,
demonstrate the technical leadership in business, careers and communities.
3. Have the ability to participate in the process of promoting comprehensive economic
development in the Southern of Vietnam through a combination of technical proficiency,
leadership spirit and entrepreneurship spirit. 2
4. Have the ability easily adapt to new technologies, methods and tools to keep abreast of the
development of electrical engineering industry with the ability to respond to the challenges of changing environments.
4.3 Program Learning Outcomes: No. Program outcomes Competence level 1
Knowledge and argument to solve technical problems
The ability to identify, propose and solve complex technical 5 1.1
problems by applying the principles of engineering, science and math.
Applying natural science knowledge and mathematical analysis 5.5 1.2
to build, test, operate and maintain electrical systems and similar systems.
The ability to use differential math and integral math to describe 1.3 5
the operating characteristics of electrical systems.
The ability to absorb and apply new knowledge, career skills 2 and personal skills
The ability to receptive and apply new knowledge by using 2.1 5
appropriate learning strategies.
The ability to perceive moral and professional responsibilities in 4
technical situations and to make arguments based on 2.2
consideration of the effects of technical solutions in the
economic, social and environmental context, and global.
Effective communication skills and skills to teamwork in a 3
multidisciplinary environment
The ability to communicate effectively in a technical group, 5 3.1
create a cohesive and collaborative environment, set goals, plan tasks to meet goals
The ability to read and present with images, technical drawings, 5.5 3.2
text and speak effectively in technical and non-technical environments
Skills of designing the electrical systems and automatic 4
electric drive in the corporate and social context
The ability to analyze, design, implement and operating power 5.5
supply and distribution systems, automatic electric drive systems 4.1
to create solutions to meet specific needs consider to the health,
safety and community welfare, as well as economic,
environmental and social factors.
The ability to analyze, design the programmable control circuits, 5.5
(digital and analog) components in the electrical system based on 4.2
technical standards for construction, inspection, operation and
maintenance of electrical systems
The ability to develop and implement experiments, analyze and 4.3 5.5
interpret data, and use technical arguments to make conclusions.
The ability to apply project management techniques in works 4.4 4.5 related to electrical systems
Describe the expected level of Expected Learning Outcomes 3 Competence level Description
Remember: Students remember / recognize / recall knowledge 0.0 ≤ CL≤ 1.0 Basic
by actions such as defining, repeating, listing, identifying, identifying, ...
Understand: Students create knowledge from materials and 1.0 < CL ≤ 2.0
knowledge by actions such as explanation, classification, illustration, reasoning, ... Qualified
Application: Students implement/ apply knowledge to create 2.0 < CL ≤ 3.0
products such as models, real objects, simulation products, reports, ...
Analysis: Students analyze materials / knowledge into details / 3.0 < CL ≤ 4.0
parts and show their overall relationship by actions such as
analysis, classification, comparison, synthesis, ...
Competently Assessment: Students make judgments, predictions about
knowledge / information according to standards, criteria and 4.0 < CL ≤ 5.0
indicators that have been determined by actions such as
comments, criticisms, proposals, .. .
Creativity: Students create / arrange / organize / design / 5.0 < CL ≤ 6.0 Excellent
generalize details / parts in a new / new way to create new
structures / models / products.
5. Blocks of knowledge in the whole program: 149 credits (without Physical Education, Military Education). 132+17 = 149 TC
6. Allocation of credits Groups of Courses Credits Total Compulsion Elective
Foundation science courses 67 45 4 Political Education 13 13 0 Social Science 4 0 4
Mathematics and Natural Sciences 27 27 0 Informatics 3 3 0
Introduction to Electrical & Electronics 3 3 0 Engineering Technology English 17
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 82 76 15 Courses Fundamental EEE courses 26 20 6 Advanced EEE courses 30 21 9 Practice and laboratory 17 17 0 Industry Internship 3 3 0 Capstone project 6 6 0 7. Program content
A – Compulsory courses
7.1. Foundation science courses: 49 No. Course’s ID Course name Credits Note I.
Political Education and General 13 Laws 1.1 LLCT130105E Philosophy of Marxism and 3 4 Leninism 1.2 LLCT120214E Political economics of 2 Marxism and Leninism 1.3 LLCT120405E Scientific socialism 2 1.4 LLCT120314E Ho Chi Minh’s ideology 2 1.5 LLCT220514E History of Vietnamese 2 communist party 1.6 GELA220405E General Laws 2 II.
Introduction to Electrical & 3 Electronics Engineering Technology 2.1 IEET130145E
Introduction to Electrical & 2+1 1 Electronics Engineering Practice Technology III. Informatics 3 3.1 CPGRL13006E C programming language 2+1 1 lab V.
Mathematics and Natural 27 Sciences 5.1 MATH132401E Calculus I 3 5.2 MATH132501E Calculus II 3 5.3 MATH142601E Calculus III 3 5.4 MATH132901E
Probability and Applied Statistics 3 5.5 PHYS130402E Principles of Physics 1 3+1 1 lab 5.6 PHYS230402E Principles of Physics 2 3+1 1 lab 5.7 GCHE130603E General chemistry 3 AMEE142044E
Applied Mathematics for Electrical 5.8 4 and Electronics Engineering VI. Social Science 4
(choose 02 among the 12 courses) 6.1 GEEC220105E General Economics 2 6.2 SYTH220491E Creativity Methodologies 2 6.3 PLSK320605E Planning Skill 2 6.4 INMA220305E Introduction to Management 2 6.5 INSO321005E Introduction to Sociology 2 6.6 IQMA220205E Introduction to Quality 2 Management 6.7 INLO220405E Introduction to Logics 2 6.8 PRSK320705E Presentation Skills 2 6.9 SYTH220505E Systems Thinking 2 6.10 ULTE121105E University Learning Methods 2 6.11 IVNC320905E Vietnamese Culture 2 6.12
Writing Scientific and Technical TDTS320805E 2 Documents VII. Supplementary Courses 17 7.1 EHQT130137E Academic English 1 3 7.2 EHQT230237E Academic English 2 3 7.3 EHQT330337E Academic English 3 3 EHQT430437E Academic English 4 3 TEEN120146E Technical English 1 2 TEEN230246E Technical English 2 3 5 VIII. Physical Education 5 PHED110513E 1. Physical Education 1 1 PHED110613E 2. Physical Education 2 1 PHED130715E 3. Physical Education 3 3 (compulsory) IX.
National Defense Education 165 periods
7.2. Electrical and Electronics Engineering Courses
7.2.1. Fundamental EEE courses: 26 No. Course’s ID Course name Credits Note EEE related courses 26 1. ELCI140144E Electrical Circuits 4 2. BAEL340662E Basic Electronics 4 3. DIGI330163E Digital System 3 4. POEL330262E Power Electronics 3 5. MICR330363E Microprocessor 3 6. ELMA230344E Electric Machines 3 7.
Elective Fundamental course 1 3 8.
Elective Fundamental course 2 3
Self-selected interdisciplinary 1, 2 (Students choose 2 of the following subjects) 1. ELFI230344E Electromagnetic fields 3 2. EMIN330244E
Electrical Measurement and Instruments 3 3. ELIN330444E Electronic instruments 3 4. EEMA230544E
Electronic and Electrical Materials 3 5. SISY330164E Signals and systems 3
7.2.2.a Advanced EEE courses: 38 credits No. Course’s ID Course name Credits Note I Compulsory 29 1. ELDR346445E Automatic Electric Drive 4 2. ELPS246545E Power Supply System 4 3. IPSC343045E
Industrial power system control 4 4. RENE346745E Renewable Energy 4 5. POSY346645E Power System 4 6. PRED316945E Project on Electric Drive 1 7. PRES316845E Project on Power Supply System 1 8. Project on Industrial power PISC414545E 1 system control 9.
Professional development topics Không tính TC Giảm PTPM329645E
in the direction of power system - 2 để đủ 132 TC ME 10.
Professional development topics Không tính TC Giảm PTEA429745E
in the direction of Electric Drive - 2 để đủ 132 TC Automation 11.
Professional development topics Không tính TC Giảm PTRE429845E in the direction of Renewable 2 để đủ 132 TC Energy II Elective 9
Elective Advanced course 1 3 Project/ 6 Assignment
Elective Advanced course 2 3 Project/ Assignment
Elective Advanced course 3 3 Project/ Assignment 1. MATLAB/SIMULINK for Power MSET437345E 3 Electricals. 2. Lighting Techniques in 3 LTRI437445E Residential and Industrial 3. Building Access Control and 3 SSSY437545E Security System 4. SPEM437644E
Special Electrical Machine & 3
Calculation of Electrical Machine 5. PLSU438445E Power Station and Power Plant 3 6. ENAE437945E Energy Audit and Efficiency 3 7. POQA438545E Power Quality in Power System 3 8.
BMSY438345E Building Management System 3 9. SSAS438045E ATS and Power Backup System 3 10. PJMA438145E
Industrial Management & Project 3 Management 11. PIPS437745E The Problems in Power Systems 3 12. APES437845E Application power electronics 3 13.
Relay Protection and Automation REPR438245E 3 in Industrial Power System 14. AI Facility and Application Electronics and 3 AIFA436864E Telecommunication 15. IMPR432463E Image Processing Electronics and 3 Telecommunication 16. Industrial CIDE431163E Electronic circuit design 3 Electronics 17. Industrial BIME331665E Design models on computers 3 Electronics 18. Industrial INSK331663E Industrial skills 3 Electronics 19. Advanced Microprocessor Industrial ADMI330763E 3 Electronics 20. Automation and ROBO320246E Industrial robot 3 Control 21. Automation and SCDA420946E SCADA System 3 Control 22. Automation and INCO321546E Intelligent Control 3 Control 23. Automation and
Identify and control the system 3 Control
MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) 24. MOOC348645
Solar Energy: Photovoltaic (PV) 3 Need to certificate Energy Conversion
photovoltaic-pv-energy-delftx-pv1x-0 25. MOOC348745 3 Need to certificate
Understanding Nuclear Energy
nuclear-energy-delftx-nuclear01x-0 7 26. MOOC348845 3 Need to certificate
Algorithm Design and Analysis
https://www.edx.org/course/algorithm- design-analysis-pennx-sd3x 27. MOOC348945 3 Need to certificate Supply Chain Design
https://www.edx.org/course/supply-chain- design-mitx-ctl-sc2x-2
7.2.2.b. Advanced EEE courses: 20 (courses in workshop, industrial internship, without
Extracurricular activities + seminars specialized)
No. Course’s ID Course name Credits Note Practice and experiment 17 1. ELPR320762E Electronics in Practice 2 2. ELPR210644E Electricity in Practice 1 3. PREN427045E Practice on Renewable Energy 2 4. PRDI310263E Digital System in Practice 1 5. PRMI320463E Microprocessor in Practice 2 6. PREM310744E Electric Machine in Practice 1 7. POEP320262E Power Electronics in Practice 2 8.
Industrial power system control in 2 IPSP425245E practice 9. PRES327145E
Power Supply System in Practice 2 10. PELE327245E Electric Drive in Practice 2 Internship 3 11. ININ439045E Industry Internship 3 12. SPSE329145E
Extracurricular activities + seminars 2 specialized
7.2.3. Graduation Thesis (or graduation examination): 7 No. Course’s ID Course name Credits Note 1 FIPR479245E Graduation Thesis 7 12.
Curriculum Distribution (Expectation, and only main semesters: 1, 2,…, 8) Open Courses No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite (if any) 1. LLCT150105E Principles of Marxist-Leninism 5 2. LLCT230214E
Vietnamese Communist Party Policy of 3 Revolution 3. GELA220405E General Laws 2
4. PHED110513E Physical Education 1 1
5. PHED130715E Physical Education 3 3 Total 14 Semester 1: No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite (if any) 1. MATH132401E Calculus I 3 2. LLCT130105E Philosophy of Marxism and 3 Leninism 3. LLCT120214E
Political economics of Marxism 2 8 and Leninism 4. PHYS130402E Principles of Physics 1 3 5. GCHE130603E General chemistry 3 6. PHED110613E Physical Education 2 1 7. IEET130145E
Introduction to Electrical & Electronics 3 Engineering Technology 8. EHQT130137E Academic English 1 3 Bổ sung CLC tiếng anh 9. EHQT230237E Academic English 2 3 Bổ sung CLC tiếng anh Total 20 Semester 2: No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite (if any) 1. PHYS110602E
Principles of Physics - Laboratory 1 1 2. MATH132501E Calculus II 3 3. LLCT120314E Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology 2 4. LLCT120405E Scientific socialism 2 5. LLCT120314E Ho Chi Minh’s ideology 2 6. CPGRL13006E C programming language 3 7. ELCI140144E Electrical Circuits 4
8. EHQT230237E Academic English 2 3 9. Elective Social Science 1 2 10. EHQT330337E Academic English 3 3 Bổ sung CLC tiếng anh 11. TEEN120146E Technical English 1 2 Bổ sung CLC tiếng Total 20 Semester 3: No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite (if any) 1. LLCT220514E
History of Vietnamese communist 2 party 2. PHYS210602E
Principles of Physics - Laboratory 2 1 3. MATH142601E Calculus III 3 4. ELPR210644E Electricity in Practice 1
5. MATH132901E Mathematical Statistics for Engineers 3 6. BAEL340662E Basic Electronics 4
7. ELMA230344E Electric Machines 3
8. EHQT330337E Academic English 3 3 9.
Elective Fundamental course 1 3
10. EHQT430437E Academic English 4 3 Bổ sung CLC tiếng 11. TEEN230246E Technical English 2 3 Bổ sung CLC tiếng Total 21 Semester 4: No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite (if any) 1. DIGI330163E Digital System 3 9 2.
AMEE142044E Applied Mathematics for Electrical and 4 Electronics Engineering 3. POEL330262E Power Electronics 3 4. ELPS246545E Power Supply System 4 5.
PREM310744E Electric Machine in Practice 1 6. ELPR320762E Electronics in Practice 2 7.
Elective Fundamental course 2 3 Total 20 Semester 5: No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite (if any) 1. MICR330363E Microprocessor 3 2. POSY346645E Power System 4 3.
ELDR346445E Automatic Electric Drive 4 4. PRES316845E Project on Power Supply System 1 5.
POEP320262E Power Electronics in Practice 2 6. PRDI310263E Digital System in Practice 1 7. PRES327145E
Power Supply System in Practice 2 Total 17 Semester 6: No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite (if any) 1. Elective Social Science 2 2 2. SPSE329145E
Extracurricular activities + seminars 2 specialized 3. IPSC343045E
Industrial power system control 4 4. RENE346745E Renewable Energy 4 5.
PRED316945E Project on Electric Drive 1 6.
PRMI320463E Microprocessor in Practice 2 7. PELE327245E Electric Drive in Practice 2 8.
PTPM329645E Professional development topics in the Không tính TC 2 direction of power system - ME Total 19 Semester 7: 10 No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite (if any) 1.
Project on Industrial power system PISC414545E 1 control 2.
Elective Advanced course 1 3 3.
Elective Advanced course 2 3 4.
Elective Advanced course 3 3 5. 2
PREN427045E Practice on Renewable Energy 6.
Industrial power system control in IPSP425245E 2 practice 7.
PTEA429745E Professional development topics in the Không tính TC 2
direction of Electric Drive - Automation 8.
PTRE429845E Professional development topics in the Không tính TC 2 direction of Renewable Energy Total 18 Semester 8: No. Code Course name Credits Prerequisite (if any) 1. ININ439045E Industry Internship 3 2. FIPR479245E Graduation Thesis 6 Total 9
Note: Extracurricular activities + seminars specialized 2 credits:
Encourage students to start participating from the first semester of the program but will be required in
semesters 5,6,7 to get better quality. 11 13.
Brief description of course contents SEMESTER 1 [1]
Introduction to Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology Credits: 3
Distribution of learning time: 2/1/6 Prerequisites: None
Course Description:
This course provides the learner with knowledge of expected learning
outcomes for Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology, framework program and
education program of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology, roles, positions and
missions of engineer in Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology and training fields and
technology have been and will be applied Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology. Textbooks:
1. Horowitz and Hill, Art of Electronics, third Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2015. Reference books: 1.
Luis Moura and Izzat Darwazeh, Introduction to Linear Circuit Analysis and Modelling: From DC to RF Newnes, 2005 2.
David Money Harris, Sarah L. Harris, Digital design and computer architecture, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2007. 3.
David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The
Hardware/Software Interface, Fourth Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2008. 4.
Neil Storey, Electronics: A Systems Approach (4th edition), Prentice Hall, 2009. [2] Calculus I Credits: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3 (3/0/6) Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition: None

Course Description: This course helps students review the general and advanced mathematical
knowledge: Cardinality of a set: rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers. Limit:
function, limit of a function, continuous function. Differential calculus: derivative, differential,
Taylor-Maclaurin expansion, the survey on function, curve in polar coordinates. Calculus of
single variable: volume fraction uncertainty, definite integrals, generalized integrals. Chain:
Chain number, string functions, power series, Taylor-Maclaurin sequence, Fourier series, Fourier
expansion, trigonometric series. Textbook:
1. K. Smith, M. Strauss and M. Toda, Calculus 6th National Edition–Kendall Hunt.
[3] Introduction to C programming language Credits: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3 (2/1/6) Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition:
Course Description: This course provides an introduction to computing and program
development in the C programming language. This includes a brief introduction to basic
computer concepts, studying the syntax and semantics of the basic control structures of C,
learning C's fundamental data types, structures, and pointer, understanding the design and
methodical construction of computer programs, learning how to test and debug programs, and
lastly, practice in these through creating several programs in C. Textbook:
1. Paul Deitel and Harvey Deitel, C: How to Program, 7th Edition, Pearson, 2012 12 SEMESTER 2 [4] Calculus II Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3 (3/0/6) Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition:
Calculus I
Course Description: This course provides the learnerwith contents: Matrix-determinant: the
matrix, the form of matrix, inverse matrix, determinants, matrix classes. System of Linear
Equations: linear systems, Cramer rule, Gauss method, homogeneous system. Space Vector:
Space Vector, subspace, linear independence, linear dependence, basis, dimension, Euclidean
space. Diagonal matrix-quadratic form: eigenvalues, eigenvectors, private space, diagonal
matrix, quadratic form, canonical form, the surface level 2. Differential calculus of function of
several variables: function of several variables, derivative, differential, extreme of function of
several variables, calculus applications in geometry in space. Textbook:
1. K. Smith, M. Strauss and M. Toda, Calculus 6th National Edition–Kendall Hunt. [5]
Mathematical Statistics for Engineers
Distribution of learning time: 3 (3/0/6) Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition:
Calculus I
Course Description: This module consists of descriptive statistics, fundamental probability,
random variables and probability distribution laws, characteristics of random variables,
parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, regression and analysis of variance. Textbook:
Probability and Statistics for Engineering and Science by Devore, 8th Edition (published by
Cengage Learning), 8th edition with Enhanced Web Assign, regular edition ISBN 1111655499
[6] Principles of Physics 1 Credit: 4
Distribution of learning time: 4(3/1/8) Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition: None

Course Description: This course provides the learnerwith contents: the mechanics: point
dynamics, the law of conservation, solid motion. Thermodynamics: kinetic molecular theory,
principles of Thermodynamics I, principles of Thermodynamics II. Electricity and magnetism:
electric field, magnetic, variability of electrical magnetic field. Textbooks:
1. R.A. Serway & J.W. Jewett; Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, 9th
Edition; ISBN for bundle 9781285143811
2. Hallyday, R. Resnick, J. Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, John Willey & Sons, 1999. [7] Electrical Circuits Credit: 4
Distribution of learning time: 4/0/8 Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition: Advanced Mathematics & General Physics
Course Description: This course provides the learnerwith basic contents about circuit analysis,
established circuit under impact sine, circuit analysis methods, circuit theorems, two port
network, circuit analysis in time-domain, circuit analysis in the frequency domain, draw the
frequency characteristics of the transfer function. Textbook:
Introduction to Electrical Circuits, R. Dorf and J Svoboda, 8th Edition SEMESTER 3
[8] Electronic and Electrical Materials Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6 Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition:Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics Foundation executive
Course Description: This course equips students to structure the content, technology type
manufacturing electrical materials, electronic materials feature electrical com in the electricity
sector, electronic; The nature electrical, mechanical, chemical, electronics,... of material:
conductive, insulating, superconductors, semiconductors, power flow control. Textbooks:
Ian P. Jones. Materials Science for Electrical and Electronic Engineers. Oxford University Press, 2001.
Other supplemental materials:
W. D. Callister. Materials, Science and Engineering. Willey, 2000.
3. W.F. Smith and J. Hashemi. Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering.3rd ed. McGraw-Hill, 2003.
4. M. Ohring. Engineering Materials Science. Academic Press2, 2001.
5. J.L.Shackelford. Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering. Prentice Hall, 2003.
6. D.V. Morgan and K. Board. An Introduction to Semiconductor Micro technology. 2002. [9] Calculus III Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3 (3/0/6) Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition:
Calculus II
Course Description: This course provides the learner with contents: multiple integral: double
integral, application for calculated area of flat domain, calculate the surface area, object volume,
triple integrals, and applications for the object volume. Line integral: lineintegral type one and
applications,line integral type one and applications, Green formula, condition of line integral
does not depend on integrating line. Surface integral: Integral surface type one, type two, the
Ostrogratskiformula, vector field, flux and divergence, vector format of Ostrogratski formula,
Stokes formula, circulation and vortex vector, vector format of Stokes formula. Textbook:
1. K. Smith, M. Strauss and M. Toda, Calculus 6th National Edition–Kendall Hunt. [10] Basic Electronics Credit: 4
Distribution of learning time: 4/0/8
Prerequisites: Advanced Mathematics 3 & General Physics
Former subjects of condition:
Electrical Circuits& General Physics
Course Description: This course provides the learner with knowledge of electronic components,
present the structure and principles of operation of the electronic components, analyze, and
explain the principle of operation of simple electronic circuits. Analyze the frequency response 14
of the amplifier circuit, analyze and design the audio power amplifier circuits, distinguish the
type of feedback, analyze and design application circuits used op_amp, analyze the principle of
operation of the oscillator circuits, analyze and design the simple DC sources provide electronic circuits. Textbooks:
1. Thomas L.Floyd - Electronic Devices – Prentice Hall, 2012.
2. Albert Malvino - Electronic Principle- Mc Graw Hill, 2015 [11]
Electricity in practice Credit: 1
Distribution of learning time: 0/1/0.6
Prerequisites:electrical safety, electrical circuit
Former subjects of condition: electrical circuit, electrical and electronic materials, basic
electronics, electrical measurement, and instrument in practice, electrical safety.
Course Description: learners perform contents in basic electrical installation technology,
calculation method for constructing and installing; quality inspection, electrical machine
installation technology and operating common electrical machines. Textbook:
1. Herbert W. Jackson, Dale Temple, and Brian E. Kelly, Introduction to Electric Circuits Lab
Manual, 9th Edition, ISBN: 9780195438147 SEMESTER 4 [12] Digital System Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6
Prerequisites: Basic Electronics
Former subjects of condition: Electrical Circuits & General Physics
Course Description: This course provides the learner with knowledge of digital systems, the
basic logic gate, the fundamental theorem of Boolean algebra, the combinational circuits,
sequential circuit, of the basics of digital integrated circuits TTL and CMOS, characteristic
parameters of digital integrated circuits, classify integrated circuits, the principle of changing
between analog and digital signals, operational structure and application of the memory, the
principles of the digital oscillator circuit. Textbooks:
1. Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, Digital :
Systems Principles and Applications, 12th Ed. Prentice Hall, 2015
2. Anil K. Maini, Digital Electronics, John Wily & Sons, 2007 [13]
Automatic Control Systems Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6 Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition: Electrical Circuits, Electrical Measurement and Instruments,
Complex Functions and Laplace Transforms, Basic Electronics
Course Description: This course provides the learner with knowledge of the components of an
automatic control system, the method of building mathematical models of the automatic control
system including: transfer function, signal graph and equation of state, the problem of control
and observation, the stable survey methods of automatic control systems: survey methods of 15
quality of control system: accuracy, time domain, frequency domain and the design methods of
automatic control system so that the stable system and achieve quality targets. Textbooks:
1. Norman S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, Sixth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Farid Golnaraghi And Benjamin C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, Ninth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [14] Electrical Machines Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6
Prerequisites: Electrical Circuits
Former subjects of condition:Advanced Mathematics 3, General Physics, Electronic and
Electrical Materials, Electrical Circuits, Electrical Measurement and Instruments.
Course Description: This course provides the learner with knowledge of basic structure,working
principle, meaning of the electromagnetic relations of DC machine, transformers, asynchronous
machines, synchronous machines, special machines and electrical instruments. Methods for
calculating variables, technical parameters of electrical machines and electrical instruments,
work characteristics (rule) of electrical machines and electrical instruments, the method of
implementation, control modes of electrical machines and electrical instruments. Textbooks:
1. P. C. Sen, Principles of Electrical Machinery and Power Electronics, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc. 2nd edition, Inc., 1997 (Required) Reference books:
1. Kelemen, J. A., 2003. ECE 3300 Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed., WMU IEEE Student Branch. (Required)
2. Fitzgerald, Kingsley and Umans, Electrical Machinery, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 2003. (Reference)
3. Alternating Current Machines, 5th ed., Halstead Press, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1983. (Reference) [15]
Electrical Measurement and Instruments Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6
Prerequisites: Electrical Circuits
Former subjects of condition:Electrical Circuits, Basic Electronics
Course Description: This course provides the learner with knowledge of concept of
measurement and electrical measure, understand the principles of structure and operations of the
directive devices, known about measurement of electrical quantities structure, the method of
measuring the electrical quantities such as current, voltage, resistance, capacitance, inductance,
frequency, phase angle, power, analyse and estimate measurement errors, understand the
principles and operation of the electrical measurement system in industry. Textbook:
1. Prithwiraj Purkait, Budhaditya Biswas, Santanu Das, Chiranjib Koley, Electrical and
Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation, McGraw - Hill, 2013 [16] Power Supply System Credit: 4
Distribution of learning time: 4/0/8 Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition:Circuits, electric-electronic instruments; Electronic measurement
and instrumentation; electrical safety. 16
Course Description: This course equips learner’s contents of the method for determining the
load calculation, calculate voltage loss, power loss, and short circuit calculations, select the
number and transformer capacity, diagrams distribution substations and redundant power.
Function and operating principle of the switchgear, medium and low voltage protection, the
method selected conductors, cables, switchgear protect- sectioning measurement, distribution
cabinet low and medium voltage, offset low voltage network power plant and industrial lighting calculations. Textbooks:
1. Electric Power Transmission and Distribution, S. Sivanagaraju, 2008. Reference books:
1. Electric Power Distribution Engineering, Third Edition, Turan Gonen, 2008.
2. Electrical Distribution Engineering; Anthony J. Pansini, 2006.
3. Electric Power Distribution Equipment and Systems; T. A. Short, 2004.
4. Electric Power Substations Engineering; John D. McDonald, 2012.
5. Power System Operation, 3rd Edition by Robert Miller, James Malinowski, 1994. [17]
Electronics in Practice Credit: 2
Distribution of learning time: 0/2/4
Prerequisites: Basic electronics
Former subjects of condition: electrical circuit, electrical and electronic materials, basic
electronics, and electricity in practice, electrical measurement and instrument in practice, electrical safety.
Course Description: in this course, learners perform contents in usage of instruments in
electronics; to recognize the basic electronic components such as R, L, C, diode, BJT, FET, OP-
AMP; verification of basic application circuits of the electronic components between theory and
reality, from which analysis of circuit operation in practice; Applying the practical application
circuits, analyzing of operation of basic electronic circuit in practice. Textbook:
1. Harry Kybett and Earl Boysen, All New Electronics Self-Teaching Guide, Third Edition, Wiley Publishing, Inc. 2008 SEMESTER 5 [18] Microprocessor Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6
Prerequisites: Digital System
Former subjects of condition:Digital System, Basic Electronics.
Course Description: This course provides the learnerwith knowledge of the role and functions of
the processor, the processor system; historical development of processor generations, the basic
parameters to assess the ability of the processor; the structure and role of the components in the
block diagram of 8-bit microprocessors, principles of operation of 8-bit microprocessors;
historical development of microcontrollers, advantages and disadvantages when using
microcontrollers, internal and external structure of 8-bit microcontroller; function of peripheral
devices: timer/counter, interrupts, data transfer of microcontroller, Assembly language, C
language to program the microcontroller. Textbooks:
1. Martin P. Bates, PIC Microcontrollers, Third Edition: An Introduction to Microelectronics, Newnes; 3 Edition,, 2011.
2. Richard H. Barnett, Sarah Cox, Larry O'Cull, Embedded C Programming and the Microchip
PIC, Delmar Publishers Inc, 1 edition, 2003. 17 [19] Power Electronics Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6 Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition: Electrical Circuits; Basic Electronics; Electric Machines,
Electricity Instrument; Electrical Measurement and Instruments.
Course Description:This course provides the learnerwith knowledge of basic power electronic
accessories, specialized. The structure, operating principles, waveform and parameters: the
uncontrolled and controller rectifiercircuits; modified circuit, switching voltage AC, transform
DC voltage, inverse and select the DC power supply. Textbook:
1. N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland and W. P. Robbins, “Power Electronics: Converters, Application
and Design,” John Wiley, 3rd Edition. [20]
Automatic Electric Drive Credit: 4
Distribution of learning time: 4/0/8
Prerequisites: Advanced Mathematics, Computer Science Basic, Electric, Electric tools, basic electronics, power electronics
Former subjects of condition:Electric - Electric tools, power electronics
Course Description: This course equips learners content on the characteristics of the electric
drive system, method of adjusting the motor speed direct current and alternating current, the
calculation method features engines in the different working state, characteristic construction
methods and choose equipment for power transmission and working principles of the new powertrain. Textbook:
1. Electric drives, N. K. DW, P. K. SEN, 1999.
2. Fundamentals of electric drives, Mohamed E.L, Sharkawi, 2000.
3. Fundamentals of Electrical Drives-, Andre Veltman, Duco, W.J., Pulle-Rik-W, Springer- International-Publishing-2016. [21] Power System Credit: 4
Distribution of learning time: 4/0/8 Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition:Circuits, electric-electronic instruments; Electronic measurement
and instrumentation; electrical safety.
Course Description: This course equips learners contents of the load forecasting method, the
method of calculating voltage loss, power loss, short circuit calculations on high-voltage
network , methods for selecting the number and capacity of transformers, substations diagram of
voltage from 110 kV or more; Function and operating principle of the switchgear, high-voltage
protection, methods selected conductors, cables, switchgear, equipment limits the short circuit
current to high-voltage network and power control methods pressure, reducing energy losses in power system. Textbook:
1. Power System Operation 3rd Edition, Robert Miller, James Malinowski, 1994. [22]
Project on Power Supply System Credit: 1
Distribution of learning time: 1/0/2
Prerequisites: Power Supply 18
Former subjects of condition:the circuit, power-electronic instruments; Electronic measurement
and instrumentation; power supply, power system.
Course Description: This course equips learners method electricity distribution network design
workshop includes content about features workshops, data load, load grouping, bar wiring
diagram, determine the load calculation at each level, choose the number and capacity MBA,
choose backup power generators, power offset selected and offset schemes, choose the wire /
cable, select switchgear / protect / measurement, power distribution cabinets select, calculate
lightning, grounding calculations and estimates made. Textbook: 1.
Electric Power Transmission and Distribution, , 2008. S. Sivanagaraju 2.
Electric Power Distribution Engineering, Third Edition, Turan Gonen, 2008. 3.
Electrical Distribution Engineering; Anthony J. Pansini, 2006. 4.
Electric Power Distribution Equipment and Systems; T. A. Short, 2004. 5.
Electric Power Substations Engineering; John D. McDonald, 2012. 6.
Power System Operation, 3rd Edition by Robert Miller, , 1994. James Malinowski [23]
Electrical machine in practice Credit: 1
Distribution of learning time: 0/1/2
Prerequisites:electrical machine
Former subjects of condition: electrical circuit, electrical and electronic materials, basic
electronics, electricity in practice, electrical measurement and instrument in practice, electrical safety.
Course Description: learners perform contents in installation technology of basic electricity,
calculation method for constructing and installing; quality inspection, repairing, installing
technology of electrical machine; manufacturing technology of winding in details, assembling
and operating common electrical machines. Textbooks: 1. D. P. Kothari B.
, S. Umre, Laboratory Manual for Electrical Machines, I K International
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 2014
2. D.K. Chaturvedi, Electrical Machines Lab Manual with MATLAB Programs, I K
International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, 2015 SEMESTER 6 [24]
Programmable Logic Controller Credit: 3
Distribution of learning time: 3/0/6 Prerequisites: None
Former subjects of condition:Introduction to Computer, Digital, automatic control systems,
Electric-electronic instruments, automatic control system, automatic Drive Technologies
Course Description: This course equips learner’s contents of the method for determining the
output of the sensors, how to calculate the value of output as required, the type of sensor
connection and actuators with controllers PLC, functional and operational principles of PLC and application scripts. Textbooks:
1. L. A. Bryan and E. A. Bryan, Programmable Controllers: Theory and implementation,
Second Edition, An Industrial Text Company Publication Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
2. Hugh Jack, Automation Manufacturing Systems with PLCs, April 14 2005. 19 [25]
Digital Systems in Practice Credit: 1
Distribution of learning time: 0/1/2 Prerequisites: None.
Former subjects of condition: Electricity in practice and Electronics in practice.
Course Description: This course instructs students to practice digital electronic circuits such as
logic gates, Flip-Flops, counters, registers, integrated circuit designs and sequential circuits,
memory ICs, ADC, DAC circuits, and applications. Textbooks:
1. Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, Digital Systems: Principles and Applications, 12th Ed. Prentice Hall, 2015
2. Anil K. Maini, Digital Electronics, John Wily & Sons, 2007 [26]
Power electronics in Practice Credit: 2
Distribution of learning time: 0/2/1.3
Prerequisites:Basic Electronics, Electronic and Electrical Materials,
Former subjects of condition: Electrical Circuits, Electrical Circuits, Electrical Measurement in
Practice, Electronics in Practice, Electrical Safety.
Course Description: This course provides learners knowledgeaboutinstallation of circuits,
operatiion of circuits, waveforms of circuits, DC-DC converter, DC-AC converter, AC-DC
converter, IGBT. The learners are able to regconise and to repair faults in power electronics
system, and to design PWM circuits. Textbook: 1. O.P
. Arora , Power Electronics Laboratory: Theory, Practice, and Organization, Alpha
Science International Ltd, 2006 [27]
Power Supply System in Practice Credit: 2
Distribution of learning time: 0/2/4
Prerequisites:Power Supply System, ElectricMachines, Electrical Circuits, Electricity
Instrument, Electricity in Practice, Electric Machine in Practice.
Former subjects of condition: Power Supply System, ElectricMachines, Electrical Circuits,
Electricity Instrument, Electricity in Practice, Electric Machine in Practice.
Course Description: This course provides the learner to work in Power Supply System such as:
power transmission line model, power substation model, capacitor control system model, power
plant model, power relay protection model; Learners are able to recognize supply power system
drawings and to investigate low and medium voltage distribution systems. Textbooks:
1. DE LORENZO electrical power engineering, user manual.
2. Labvol electrical power engineering, user manual
3. Electricity and Electronics: Lab Manual, Howard H. Gerrish, William E., Jr. Dugger
4. Electrical Power Supply Laboratory Manual [28]
Project on Electric Drive Credit: 1
Distribution of learning time: 1/0/2
Prerequisites: Advanced Mathematics, Computer Science Basic, Electric, Electric tools, basic
electronics, power electronics, electrical drives automation, electrical control equipment
Former subjects of condition:: the circuit, power-electronic instruments; Electronic
measurement and instrumentation; automatic electric drive. 20