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Unit1: Casa study
Unit1: Casa study
Tiếng anh chuyên ngành (BKDN) 5 tài liệu
Trường Đại học Bách khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng 411 tài liệu
Unit1: Casa study
Unit1: Casa study
Môn: Tiếng anh chuyên ngành (BKDN) 5 tài liệu
Trường: Trường Đại học Bách khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng 411 tài liệu
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Tài liệu khác của Trường Đại học Bách khoa, Đại học Đà Nẵng
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NHÓM: 08 LỚP: DHKQ17A - 420300344101
NGÀY: 10/01/2023
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Thực hiện các yêu cầu trong TASK 1 và phần WRITING của case study sau:
1-What problems do you think Hudson will face on entering the European market? Make a list of your ideas?
We think Hudson will face the following problems when entering the European market:
+ Hudson had to create a high quality and durable product.
+ Competition from established industries.
+ Higher cost of establishment.
+ Lower profits or losses in first few years.
2-Which of the findings do you think may have contributed to the company’s lower market share in its home market?
We think among those findings that may have contributed to the company's decrease in market share in the domestic market is competition from Asian companies selling similar products at much lower prices.
1. Work in small groups as directors of the Hudson Corporation. Hold an informal meeting. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option listed above. Choose two of the marketing strategies which Hudson should focus on to expand sales in European markets. -Option 1: Reposition the brand + advantages:
Help affirm the product, affirm the influence of the company, help the product have its own mark, create high persuasion for customers, make it easy for customers to distinguish from other products of the same type + disadvantages:
The rapid obsolescence of products that are difficult to survive for a long time, competition between products less and less obvious differences in benefits. -Option 2: Develop the Hudson brand + advantages:
Stimulate demand and create brand loyalty.
Provide the necessary information to the customer,
Reach target customers quickly and widely with vivid, intuitive and attention-grabbing Advertising information + disadvantages:
Expensive cost
Viewers pay little attention to the brand passing through in the movie
-Option 3: Hire a top designer + advantages:
New and exclusive design Products that fit your needs + disadvantages:
It will be very risky if you choose a design unit that is not reputable, works unprofessionally.
Huge cost to hire a top designer
-Option 4: Develop a wider product range + advantages:
The advantage is that the product range is wider with more product types + disadvantages:
The downside will be that other brands copy the product and sell it at a lower price
-Option 5: Stretch the Hudson brand + advantages:
- increasing the presence of the Hudson brand in the market, helping businesses have more business opportunities.
- allowing brand to diversify their offerings, increase market share and increase profits.- The cost of promoting a product through a brand extension is lower than the cost of promoting a new product without a brand identity. The original brand will communicate the message on its own.
+ disadvantages:
- Product will have to face many risks.This may result in images negatively affect the image of original/core brand.
- If the manager is too dependent on original brand without investment this is enough for gender programs introduce high-quality watches and jewellery, customers will have the opportunity to perceive and try the product discover.
Option 6: Develop sales using e-commerce + advantages:
Regardless of geographical distance
Trade regardless of time
Easily grow and deliver better products and services Reduce personnel costs + disadvantages:
Competitive prices
Two of the marketing strategies which Hudson should focus on to expand sales in European markets are: Hire a top designer and Develop sales using e-commerce
2. WRITING: As the CEO of Hudson Corporation, write an e-mail to the head of European Marketing Associates, David Wright, summarising the actions you agreed to take at your meeting, with your reasons. Suggest a time for a meeting with David Wright and his associates.
To: David Wright
From: G8 Subject: Marketing strategie for europe – option
Dear Mr. David Wright,
I am G8 - the CEO of Hudson Corporation. Today, I am writing this email to tell you something about European Marketing issues. According to the problems we are facing right now, as far as I can tell that our company can change some policies to expand our suitcase market and increase the benefits.
However, after analyzing several marketing strategies for approaching the European market, we suppose that using e-commerce and hiring a top designer are the two options that have the best chance of succeeding.
First, I think that we should utilize e-commerce to increase sales because of the Internet’s rapid growth in 4.0 era, few people rely on television or newspapers to get product information. Most people use the internet and E-commerce is an ideal way to transform your brand from a brick-and-mortar store into a beloved online brand. You can completely expand your product range without having to worry about relocation or scalability. Your online store is open all day, and every day, which means customers can visit your store anytime, anywhere, regardless of their schedule. Energy-saving weather when making purchases and easily get your product information without spending much time for customers. There is a better chance of giving a better comparison between products given their price and characteristics. Besides, we can understand the goals and preferences of customers to buy products through the provision of demographic information and the number of searches.
The second is hiring a top designer. It will save your time. A designer, though, can do the same amount of work to create unique assets that aren’t based on the same templates a hundred other brands are using. And in a lot of cases, they can create those unique designs even faster than you can using templates. Great designers, though, are constantly on the lookout for new ideas they can combine and adapt into designs that boost your brand.
Above is our selection and analysis. I'm sure we have a lot to discuss, so can we meet through Zoom on January 24th at 9 am to exchange more about this issue?
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Best wishes,
CEO of Hudson Corporation
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