Word Formation - English Linguistics | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam

Word Formation - English Linguistics | Học viện Ngoại giao Việt Nam được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

1. Cách nhận biết từ loại:
: danh từ thường có các hậu tố sau:a. Cánh nhận biết danh từ
-TION/ -ATION tion (sự ngăn chặn) tion ( sự/ vật phát minh)preven , inven ,
preservation ( sự bảo tồn) tion ( sự bảo tồn) ation ( thông tin), conserva , inform
-MENT , employ , development ( sự phát triển) ment (việc làm)
disappointment ( sự thất vọng) ment ( dụng cụ), instru
-ENCE/-ANCE existence ( sự tồn tại), differ , ence ( sự khác nhau)
importance ( sự quan trọng)
-NESS rich , happi , business ( sự giàu có) ness ( hạnh phúc) ness (việc
kinh doanh)
-ER (chỉ người) teacher, speaker, worker, writer, singer
-OR or ( nhà sáng chế) or ( diễn viên (chỉ người) sailor, invent , visitor, act
nam), editor ( biên tập viên)
-IST ist ( nhà vật lý học) ist ( người đánh máy)(chỉ người) physic , typ ,
biologist ( nhà sinh học) ist ( nhà hóa học), chem , guitarist
-AR/-ANT/-EE ar ( người ăn xin) ant ( người phụ tá)(chỉ người) begg , assist ,
employ interviewee ( người làm công), ee ( người được phỏng vấn)
-ING teaching ( việc dạy học) ing ( sự hiểu biết), understand ,
schooling, building
-AGE teen , marriage ( đám cưới), passage ( giới trẻ) age (đoạn văn,
chuyến đi...) age ( bưu kiện) age, pack , drain
-SHIP ship friend ( tình bạn), scholar , championship ( học bổng) ship (
chức vô địch)
-ISM sm sm cism sm (chủ nghĩa) pessimi , optimi , criti , ideali (chủ nghĩa duy tâm)
-(I)TY possibil , responsibil , reality ( khả năng) ity ( trách nhiệm) ity
( sự thực) ty (vẻ đẹp) ty (sự an toàn) ty ( sự đa dạng), beau , safe , varie
(verb)-AL al (sự từ chối) al ( sự đến) al ( sự sống sót)refus , arriv , surviv
-TH width ( chiều rộng) th (hơi ấm) th ( sức mạnh), warm , streng ,
youth ( tuổi trẻ) th ( sự thật) th ( chiều sâu), tru , dep
b. Cánh nhận biết tính từ: tính từ thường có các hậu tố sau:
-FUL ful ( hại) ful ( ích) ful ( thành công)harm , use , success ,
helpful ( hay giúp đỡ), beautiful
-LESS less , care , tree(nghĩa phủ định) homeless ( vô gia cư) less ( bất cẩn)
(noun)-Y y y y y (có nhiều) rain , snow , sand , wind
(noun)-LY (có vẻ, hàng ngày giờ.ngày..) manly, friendly, ly mother , yearly ( hàng
năm), hour , daily ( hàng giờ) ly ( hàng ngày)
-ISH foolish ( mù quáng) ish ( ích kỉ) ish ( trẻ con), self , child
(noun)-AL al al , natur(thuộc về) industrial ( thuộc về công nghiệp) , agricultur ,
-OUS ous ous poison , nerv , dangerous ( độc hại) ous ( nhút nhát) , fam
-IVE ive ( hấp dẫn)active, expensive, attract , progressive
-IC ic ic ( thuộc về kinh tế)artist , electric, econom
-ABLE able ( đếm được) able ( thời thượng)count , fashion ,
comfortable (thoải mái) able ( có thể chấp nhận), accept
c. Cánh nhận biết động từ: động từ thường có tiền tố hoặc hậu tố sau:
Tiền tố danger, large, rich (làm giàu), courage (động viên) EN- en en en en
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WORD Formation ly thuyet
-FY classify, modify, satisfy
-IZE ize ize ize, -ISE social , modern , industrial
-EN widen, frighten, brighten, sharpen
-ATE considerate, translate, nominate
: trạng từ thường có hậu tố d. Cánh nhận biết trạng từ -LY. Ex: beautifully, carefully,
suddenly, carelessly, recently ...
Lưu ý: Một số trạng từ đặc biệt cần ghi nhớ:
- good (a) well (adv): giỏi, tốt
- late (a) late / lately (adv): trễ, chậm
- ill (a) ill (adv): xấu, tồi, kém
- fast (a) fast (adv): nhanh
- hard (a) hard (adv): tích cực, vất vả, chăm chỉ hardly (adv): hầu như không
2. Chức năng của một số từ loại:
a. Danh từ (Noun)
Sau tính từ (adj + N) .They are interesting books
- mạo từ: a /an / the
- từ chỉ định: this, that, these, those, every, each, ..
- từ chỉ số lượng: many, some, few, little, several ..
- tính từ sở hữu: my, his, her, your, our, their, its..
He is a student.
These are beautiful.flowers
She needs some water.
Sau ngoại động từ (V O)cần She buys .books
She meets a lot of .people
Sau giới từ (prep. + N) He talked about the story yesterday.
He is interested in .music
Trước V chia thì (N làm chủ từ) has just arrived.The main
Sau enough (enough + N) I don’t have enough to buymoney
that house.
b. Tính từ (Adj)
Trước N (Adj + N) This is an interesting books.
Sau TO BE I am tired.
Sau: become, get, look, feel, taste, smell, seem
It becomes hot.
She feels sad.
Sau trạng từ (adv + adj) It is extremely .cold
I’m terribly .sorry
She is very beautiful.
Sau keep / make The news made me happy.
Sau too ( be + too + adj) That house is too small.
Trước enough (be + adj + enough) The house isn’t large enough.
Trong cấu trúc: be + so + adj + that She was so that she can’t speak.angry
A, an, the, this, that, his, her, their, my, +
(Adj) + Noun
My car is blue.new
Trong câu cảm thán:
- How + adj + S + V
- Wht + (a / an) + adj + N
How the girl is!beautiful
What an interesting film!
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WORD Formation ly thuyet
c. Trạng từ (Adv)
Sau V thường He drove carefully.
Trước Adj I meet an extremely handsome man.
Giữa cụm V She has already finished the job.
Đầu câu trước hoặc dấu phẩy I couldn’t come the party.Unfortunately,
Sau too V + too + adv They walked too to catch the bus.slowly
Trong cấu trúc V + so + adv + that Jack drove so that he caused an accident.fast
Trước enough V + adv + enough You should write enough for everyclearly
body to read.
EXERCISE II: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences
1. The facsimile was invented by Alexander Bain , an...............in 1843 England
2. In Britain, they ..............every milk bottle thirty times use
3. When you accidentally cut yourself, you should try to stop the .........first. blood
4. This restaurant is ...................for its weatern food. fame
5. ................., I don’t have much homework today. I'll go with you. luck
6. Don’t .............the victim who get shock with blankets or coats. hot
7. She's beautiful with a ..............smile. (love)
8. Bell experimented with ways of transmiting ...........over a long distance. ( )speak
9. "The Lost Shoes" is one of the .............stories I like best. (tradition)
10. His parents are very ............of him (pride)
11. Every week, there are two ...........from Ha Noi to Nha Trang. ( )fly
12. There are three trains .............from Ha Noi to Lao Cai ( day)
13. My aunt lives in a ..........area of the country. (mountain)
14. By recycling we can save ...............resources (nature)
15. Go straight ahead and take the ................on the left ! (two)
16. The tiger wanted to see the farmer's ..................... (wise)
17. The scouts do the ..........................work. (volunteer)
18. The library in our city has over 50 ........... ( employ)
19. When she was young, Mrs Nhung wanted to be an .................. ( act)
20. Last year we had an .................summer holiday. (enjoy)
21.Farmer have....................time off than workers do (little)
22. Ba will be a ................artist one day. (fame)
23. Go straight ahead and take the ................on the left ! two
24. The .........of the new guest caused trouble to my aunt. arrive
25. I live in the ...........part of the country. south
26. We often end our letters with our ............... sign
27. What a very .............old man he is! learn
28. Don’t leave the light on . It wastes ……………………… (electric)
29. Those clothes are ……………for cold weather (suit)
30. I hope we have ………….weather for our holidays (sun) .
31. ……………we have just passed the examination (luck)
32. The production of corn needs good ……….. (fertilize)
33. I’m afraid you’ve …………me because that’s not what I meant (understand) .
34. It was a ………………..song and she sang …………. (beauty) .
35. This river is very …………for swimmers (danger) .
36.It is a three star hotel but it is not very…………. EXPENSE
37. The facsimile was…………by Alexander Bain in 1943. )INVENT
38. New ideas can be…………by private inventors. DEVELOP
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39. Is Quang Trung school your first……….position . TEACH
40. It is .................................... to eat too much sugar and fat. HEATH
41. If you can give a reasonable …....for your bad behavior last night, I’ll forgive you. EXPLAIN
42. My brother often does experiments about electricity for............... PLEASE
43. There are many cultural ................. between his country and mine. DIFFER
44. After taking an aspirin, her headache..................... APPEAR
45. The .......................she gave last night was marvelous. PERFORM
46. What is the ........................ of Thomas Edison? NATION
47. Is PETRONAS Twin Town the ................ building in the world ? HIGH
48. Ha Long Bay is in ..................Vietnam. NORTH
49. The temple was built by the local ....................over 100 years ago. INHABIT
50. The little village is very quiet and…… (peace)
51. .Many people still to believe that smoking is……… ( )harm
52. He is interested in the………of old buildings (preserve)
53. The……..area of the city is not very attractive (industry)
54. His performance in Hamlet was most………… ( impress)
55. We are having a …………….time in Hue. ( )wonder
56. The teacher ……………English in class 8A now is Mr. Hoang. ( )teach
57. She had a bad cold yesterday, but today she is………………….... ( )good
58. Nam was absent from class two days ago because of his…………..… ( )sick
59. Some stamp……………..are from abroad. ( )collect
60. The …………………...of the computers games become very rich. )(invent
61. We should ……………… our rice paddies regularly to get a better crop. ( )fertilizer
62. She often drives very…………………. . She has had 3 accidents this year. ( )care
63. We ought to pour the …………..into intended shapes. ( )mix
64. They began to go in the………………of Ha Long beach. (direct)
65. Don’t bend over suddenly because this can cause .................... (faint)
66. Share your recycling story with our ........................... ! (read)
67. Compost is a wonderful ............................. It helps plants grow.
68. A fairy appeared and ............. changed her old clothes. (magic)
69. D.E Huges was the ...................... of microphone. (invent)
70. He is ..........active in spite of his old age. ( )wonder
71. Coke is a ...................of cola flavour, water carbon dioxide and sugar. (mix)
72. He has ................. bought a new house. (recent)
73.What is the ......................... of Thomas Edison ? (nation)
74. There are ten ........................... in the race. (compete)
75. How many ............... holidays do you have ? (nation).
76. The number of ........... poeple increase daily (home).
77 He used all his ........... to force the door open (strong).
78. ........... he failed the final exam (luck).
79. We are waiting for the .............. of his plane (arrive).
80. It may rain. The sky is ................... ( cloud )
81. I prefer real animals to ..................ones. (wood)
82. They sat ...........by the stream. (quiet)
83. He never takes his father’s .................. (advise )
84 Don’t worry about her .............. ( complain)
85. Conservationists believe that we should preserve the ......rainforests in the world. tropic
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21:01 1/8/24 WORD Formation ly thuyet WORD FORMATION
1. Cách nhận biết từ loại:
a. Cánh nhận biết danh từ: danh từ thường có các hậu tố sau: -TION/ -ATION
prevention (sự ngăn chặn), invention ( sự/ vật phát minh),
preservation ( sự bảo tồn), conservation ( sự bảo tồn), information ( thông tin) -MENT
development ( sự phát triển), employment (việc làm),
disappointment ( sự thất vọng), instrument ( dụng cụ) -ENCE/-ANCE
existence ( sự tồn tại), difference ( sự khác nhau),
importance ( sự quan trọng) -NESS
richness ( sự giàu có), happiness ( hạnh phúc), business (việc kinh doanh)
-ER (chỉ người)
teacher, speaker, worker, writer, singer
-OR (chỉ người)
sailor, inventor ( nhà sáng chế), visitor, actor ( diễn viên
nam), editor ( biên tập viên)
-IST (chỉ người)
physicist ( nhà vật lý học), typist ( người đánh máy),
biologist ( nhà sinh học), chemist ( nhà hóa học), guitarist
-AR/-ANT/-EE (chỉ người)
beggar ( người ăn xin), assistant ( người phụ tá), employ interview
ee ( người làm công),
ee ( người được phỏng vấn) -ING
teaching ( việc dạy học), understanding ( sự hiểu biết),
schooling, building -AGE
teenage ( giới trẻ), marriage ( đám cưới), passage (đoạn văn,
chuyến đi...), package ( bưu kiện) age , drain -SHIP
friendship ( tình bạn), scholarship ( học bổng), championship ( chức vô địch)
-ISM (chủ nghĩa) pessimism sm , optimi
, criticism, idealism (chủ nghĩa duy tâm) -(I)TY
possibility ( khả năng), responsibil , real ity ( trách nhiệm) ity
( sự thực), beauty (vẻ đẹp), safety (sự an toàn), variety ( sự đa dạng) (verb)-AL
refusal (sự từ chối), arrival ( sự đến) al ( sự sống sót) , surviv -TH
width ( chiều rộng) , warmth (hơi ấm), strength ( sức mạnh),
youth ( tuổi trẻ), truth ( sự thật), depth ( chiều sâu)
b. Cánh nhận biết tính từ
: tính từ thường có các hậu tố sau: -FUL
harmful ( có hại), useful ( có ích), successful ( thành công),
helpful ( hay giúp đỡ), beautiful
(nghĩa phủ định)
homeless ( vô gia cư), careless ( bất cẩn), treeless
(noun)-Y (có nhiều) y rain y
, snow , sandy, windy
(noun)-LY (có vẻ, hàng ngày giờ.ngày..)
manly, friendly, motherly, yearly ( hàng
năm), hourly ( hàng giờ), daily ( hàng ngày) -ISH
foolish ( mù quáng), selfish ( ích kỉ), childish ( trẻ con)
(noun)-AL (thuộc về)
industrial ( thuộc về công nghiệp), al natur , agricultural, musical -OUS
poisonous ( độc hại), nervous ( nhút nhát) ous , danger ous , fam -IVE
active, expensive, attractive ( hấp dẫn), progressive -IC
artistic , electric, economic ( thuộc về kinh tế) -ABLE
countable ( đếm được), fashionable ( thời thượng),
comfortable (thoải mái), acceptable ( có thể chấp nhận)
c. Cánh nhận biết động từ: động từ thường có tiền tố hoặc hậu tố sau: Tiền tố EN- danger en , large, en rich (làm giàu), en courage (động viên) en about:blank 1/4 21:01 1/8/24 WORD Formation ly thuyet -FY
classify, modify, satisfy -IZE, -ISE socialize ize , modern ize , industrial -EN
widen, frighten, brighten, sharpen -ATE
considerate, translate, nominate
d. Cánh nhận biết trạng từ: trạng từ thường có hậu tố -LY.
Ex: beautifully, carefully,
suddenly, carelessly, recently ...
Lưu ý: Một số trạng từ đặc biệt cần ghi nhớ: - good (a) well (adv): giỏi, tốt - late (a)
late / lately (adv): trễ, chậm - ill (a) ill (adv): xấu, tồi, kém - fast (a) fast (adv): nhanh - hard (a)
hard (adv): tích cực, vất vả, chăm chỉ hardly (adv): hầu như không
2. Chức năng của một số từ loại: a. Danh từ (Noun)
Sau tính từ (adj + N)
They are interesting books. Sau
- mạo từ: a /an / the He is a student.
- từ chỉ định: this, that, these, those, every, each, .. These flowers are beautiful.
- từ chỉ số lượng: many, some, few, little, several .. She needs some water.
- tính từ sở hữu: my, his, her, your, our, their, its..
Sau ngoại động từ (V
cần O) She buys books.
She meets a lot of people.
Sau giới từ (prep. + N)
He talked about the story yesterday.
He is interested in music.
Trước V chia thì (N làm chủ từ) has just arrived. The main Sau enough (enough + N)
I don’t have enough money to buy that house. b. Tính từ (Adj) Trước N (Adj + N)
This is an interesting books. Sau TO BE I am tired.
Sau: become, get, look, feel, taste, smell, seem It becomes hot. She feels sad.
Sau trạng từ (adv + adj) It is extremely cold. I’m terribly sorry. She is very beautiful. Sau keep / make The news made me happy.
Sau too ( be + too + adj)
That house is too small.
Trước enough (be + adj + enough)
The house isn’t large enough.
Trong cấu trúc: be + so + adj + that
She was so angry that she can’t speak.
A, an, the, this, that, his, her, their, my, … + My new car is blue. (Adj) + Noun Trong câu cảm thán: - How + adj + S + V
How beautiful the girl is!
- Wht + (a / an) + adj + N
What an interesting film! about:blank 2/4 21:01 1/8/24 WORD Formation ly thuyet c. Trạng từ (Adv) Sau V thường He drove carefully. Trước Adj
I meet an extremely handsome man. Giữa cụm V
She has already finished the job.
Đầu câu hoặc trước dấu phẩy
Unfortunately I couldn’ , t come the party. Sau too V + too + adv
They walked too slowly to catch the bus.
Trong cấu trúc V + so + adv + that Jack drove so fast that he caused an accident.
Trước enough V + adv + enough
You should write clearly enough for every body to read. EXERCISE II:
Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete sentences
1. The facsimile was invented by Alexander Bain , an...............in 1843 England
2. In Britain, they ..............every milk bottle thirty times use
3. When you accidentally cut yourself, you should try to stop the .........first. blood
4. This restaurant is ...................for its weatern food. fame
5. ................., I don’t have much homework today. I'll go with you. luck
6. Don’t .............the victim who get shock with blankets or coats. hot
7. She's beautiful with a ..............smile. (love)
8. Bell experimented with ways of transmiting ...........over a long distance. (speak)
9. "The Lost Shoes" is one of the .............stories I like best. (tradition)
10. His parents are very ............of him (pride)
11. Every week, there are two ...........from Ha Noi to Nha Trang. (fly)
12. There are three trains .............from Ha Noi to Lao Cai ( day)
13. My aunt lives in a ..........area of the country. (mountain)
14. By recycling we can save ...............resources (nature)
15. Go straight ahead and take the ................on the left ! (two)
16. The tiger wanted to see the farmer's ..................... (wise)
17. The scouts do the ..........................work. (volunteer)
18. The library in our city has over 50 ........... ( employ)
19. When she was young, Mrs Nhung wanted to be an .................. ( act)
20. Last year we had an .................summer holiday. (enjoy)
21.Farmer have....................time off than workers do (little)
22. Ba will be a ................artist one day. (fame)
23. Go straight ahead and take the ................on the left ! two
24. The .........of the new guest caused trouble to my aunt. arrive
25. I live in the ...........part of the country. south
26. We often end our letters with our ............... sign
27. What a very .............old man he is! learn
28. Don’t leave the light on . It wastes ……………………… (electric)
29. Those clothes are ……………for cold weather (suit)
30. I hope we have ………….weather for our holidays (sun) .
31. ……………we have just passed the examination (luck)
32. The production of corn needs good ……….. (fertilize)
33. I’m afraid you’ve …………me because that’s not what I meant (understand) .
34. It was a ………………..song and she sang …………. (beauty) .
35. This river is very …………for swimmers (danger) .
36.It is a three star hotel but it is not very…………. EXPENSE
37. The facsimile was…………by Alexander Bain in 1943. INVENT)
38. New ideas can be…………by private inventors. DEVELOP about:blank 3/4 21:01 1/8/24 WORD Formation ly thuyet
39. Is Quang Trung school your first……….position . TEACH
40. It is .................................... to eat too much sugar and fat. HEATH
41. If you can give a reasonable …....for your bad behavior last night, I’ll forgive you. EXPLAIN
42. My brother often does experiments about electricity for............... PLEASE
43. There are many cultural ................. between his country and mine. DIFFER
44. After taking an aspirin, her headache..................... APPEAR
45. The .......................she gave last night was marvelous. PERFORM
46. What is the ........................ of Thomas Edison? NATION
47. Is PETRONAS Twin Town the ................ building in the world ? HIGH
48. Ha Long Bay is in ..................Vietnam. NORTH
49. The temple was built by the local ....................over 100 years ago. INHABIT
50. The little village is very quiet and…… (peace)
51. .Many people still to believe that smoking is……… (harm)
52. He is interested in the………of old buildings (preserve)
53. The……..area of the city is not very attractive (industry)
54. His performance in Hamlet was most………… ( impress)
55. We are having a …………….time in Hue. (wonder)
56. The teacher ……………English in class 8A now is Mr. Hoang. (teach)
57. She had a bad cold yesterday, but today she is………………….... (good)
58. Nam was absent from class two days ago because of his…………..… ( ) sick
59. Some stamp……………..are from abroad. (collect)
60. The …………………...of the computers games become very rich. (invent)
61. We should ……………… our rice paddies regularly to get a better crop. (fertilizer)
62. She often drives very…………………. . She has had 3 accidents this year. (care)
63. We ought to pour the …………..into intended shapes. (mix)
64. They began to go in the………………of Ha Long beach. (direct)
65. Don’t bend over suddenly because this can cause .................... (faint)
66. Share your recycling story with our ........................... ! (read)
67. Compost is a wonderful ............................. It helps plants grow.
68. A fairy appeared and ............. changed her old clothes. (magic)
69. D.E Huges was the ...................... of microphone. (invent)
70. He is ..........active in spite of his old age. (wonder)
71. Coke is a ...................of cola flavour, water carbon dioxide and sugar. (mix)
72. He has ................. bought a new house. (recent)
73.What is the ......................... of Thomas Edison ? (nation)
74. There are ten ........................... in the race. (compete)
75. How many ............... holidays do you have ? (nation).
76. The number of ........... poeple increase daily (home).
77 He used all his ........... to force the door open (strong).
78. ........... he failed the final exam (luck).
79. We are waiting for the .............. of his plane (arrive).
80. It may rain. The sky is ................... ( cloud )
81. I prefer real animals to ..................ones. (wood)
82. They sat ...........by the stream. (quiet)
83. He never takes his father’s .................. (advise )
84 Don’t worry about her .............. ( complain)
85. Conservationists believe that we should preserve the ......rainforests in the world. tropic about:blank 4/4