Writing 2 | Academy Writing C1 | Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Trong khóa học "Academic Writing C1" tại Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, "Writing 2" là một phần quan trọng giúp sinh viên rèn luyện kỹ năng viết văn học thuật ở mức độ nâng cao.


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Writing 2 | Academy Writing C1 | Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM

Trong khóa học "Academic Writing C1" tại Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, "Writing 2" là một phần quan trọng giúp sinh viên rèn luyện kỹ năng viết văn học thuật ở mức độ nâng cao.

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lOMoARcPSD| 40190299
Writing 2
Academic Writing C1 (Đại hc Khoa hc Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại hc Quc gia Thành
ph H Chí Minh)
lOMoARcPSD| 40190299
Writing preparation for Mid term
Describe a very emo 琀椀 onal moment or day in your
Each of us who also have special days, maybe when we fall in love, when we travel
and have a deep experience, or when we know new best friend. To me, the day that
I can’t forgot is the 昀椀 rst day I go to in the university. There were many memory
in that day. They make me feel so happy whenever I think about them.
I went to the university with my father. We prepared for the trip carefully.
Because living in the countryside, I and my father moved very soon. At 5:00
am we began leave from our house to the university. And at 8:00 am in that
day we arrived at Ho Chi Minh City. This is the 昀椀 rst 琀椀 me I came to Ho
Chi Minh City. It’s very beau 琀椀 ful and bustling. Many high buildings and
roads which have many transport and people made me feel strange.
Then we arrived at university at 8:00 am. When I just put my foot in the school
portal, I was holding my father’s hand as the ac 琀椀 on of a child. I was
surprised because the school’s too big and very large. There are so much people in
the university. I can’t dis 琀椀 nguish between students and teachers. Many
teachers are young like as students. Moreover, the school have many modern
facility. There are so much condi 琀椀 oners, li 昀琀 s, rooms, etc. I felt so small and
lost in space.
However, people in here make me got on well quickly. Teachers is very friendly,
they are dedicated with students. They guided me about customary of school. In
addi 琀椀 on, students in this school are very sociable, ac 琀椀 ve. In the hall of
school, there are many groups of students. They study and discuss together. All of
things gave me a grate mo 琀椀 va 琀椀 on so that I can learn harder.
I and my father were so happy in that day. Mee 琀椀 ng new people, new scenes
created an unforge 琀琀 able feeling. My father said that: “I hope you will happy
and con 昀椀 dent when you study in this school. Try to see your future”. I will
never forget that moment. I believe that I will be successful which what I chose.
lOMoARcPSD| 40190299
Where did the event take place?
The event was hosted at the College Sports ground. As soon as I stepped foot on the
College premises, it was beau 琀椀 fully decorated with lovely 昀氀 owers and props,
hear 琀昀 elt and mo 琀椀 va 琀椀 onal quotes, along with photo frames of our gradua
琀椀 ng class. The frames and billboards displayed our en 琀椀 re three-year journey.
describe a favorite building or kind of architecture
The building: landmark 81
When? Được xây khi nào (dùng cho đề Describe a new building
that has in
uenced your city)
What? Có những features gì đặc bit: view, entertainment facili
(dùng cho đề Describe an interes
ng part of your country và
Describe a building tourists can visit)
Nói nó có nhng ảnh hưởng tt và xuđến thành ph (dùng cho đề
Describe a new building that has in
uenced …)
3. Band 8 Sample
Vietnam has various impressive buildings but for me, the most
outstanding skyscraper is Landmark 81, located in the centre of Ho Chi
Minh city. If I remember correctly, it was built in 2015 and is currently
the highest building in Vietnam, with 81 昀氀 oors.
This building is inspired by the image of a rising bamboo, referring to the
rising prosperity and modernity of Vietnam. It a 琀琀 racts not only domes
琀椀 c but also interna 琀椀 onal tourists, which contributes to the
economy of the country. The Landmark is made of glass and is equipped
with LED systems, which light up at night and give the tower a beau 琀椀
ful colour.
This tower is a mixed-use project including the bo 琀琀 om half with a commercial
centre and the top half occupied by restaurants, lounges and apartments.
Therefore, people can either visit the mall or enjoy the splendid view of the city
from the restaurants or lounges on higher 昀氀 oors of the building.
lOMoARcPSD| 40190299
In my opinion, not only does it contribute to the economy but also brings pride to
Vietnam. It is proof that Vietnamese are able to create amazing skyscrapers that
can compare to any other country in the world. However, since it a 琀琀 racts
too many people, other historical buildings are being forgo 琀琀 en. For
example, the younger genera 琀椀 on doesn’t recognise the Independence
Palace or Saigon Opera house, which has both historical and cultural values of
the country.
There are many people who believe that living in a house is the
best. However, some people disagree with this opinion and instead prefer to live in
an apartment. This essay makes comparison of the two and chooses the most
preferred option.
To begin with, living in a 昀氀 at de 昀椀 nitely brings several advantages to a
resident. One of the most important reasons behind this is the huge convenience it o
昀昀 ers. An apartment is a part of large building giving a feel of living in a small societal
association which takes responsibility of any 昀椀 x or repair or maintenance required.
For example, if one needs to repair the roof, the maintenance charges are borne by the
landlord. Moreover, various facilities as well as amenities are available nearby
including shopping mall, tuition centre, medical store, bus station and so on.
On the other hand, living in an owned house does not o 昀昀 er the facilities that one
can avail while living in an apartment. One reason for this is that it is quite lonely to
stay in a house which occupies a large land area bringing boredom and snatching the
joy of living with so many people around. For example, it would be such a dull
experience of sitting alone in the garden with no one around to share life experiences.
In addition to
this, maintenance and cleanliness of the house are borne by the owner and thus it is
costly to live in a house.
Conclusively, living in an apartment is comparatively better than staying lonely in a
house. Though a house provides a large spacious area to move around but living in
an apartment enhances more social interaction and adds more excitement to life.
lOMoARcPSD| 40190299
A Comparison and Contrast Between Shopping
Online and Tradi 琀椀 onal Shopping
Since 琀椀 me immemorial, shopping has been an integral part of human life. Over
琀椀 me, technological advancements have brought changes in the way people do
their shopping. Notably, the advent of online shopping has paved
way for an alterna 琀椀 ve mode of shopping from the tradi 琀椀
onal shopping and has been embraced globally. This paper
compares and contrasts shopping online with tradi 琀椀 onal shopping.
lOMoARcPSD| 40190299
Tradi 琀椀 onal shopping refers to the ac 琀椀 vity in which consumers purchase
goods and services by physically visi 琀椀 ng a given seller or store. When it comes
to purchasing daily necessi 琀椀 es like groceries, tradi 琀椀 onal shopping is
considered an essen 琀椀 al (Aryani et al., 2021). On the other hand, online
shopping is the process of purchasing goods over the internet with the use of
internet-enabled devices such as phones and computers. Tradi 琀椀 onal shopping
methods have been in use for ages. It is the most common prac 琀椀 ce that people
use to purchase products. Online shopping is, on the other hand, more recent prac
琀椀 ce of shopping. It is, however, considered by many, especially those in urban
set-ups as the most convenient way of shopping (Aryani et al., 2021).
Both tradi 琀椀 onal and online shopping methods o 昀昀 er a variety of stores to
choose from. Most, if not all, physical stores available, have corresponding online stores
that o 昀昀 er the same products. Like tradi 琀椀 onal stores, online stores o 昀昀 er a
variety of items to pick from. Specialty stores, retailers and whole sellers can be found
online. Both shopping methods give similar deals and o 昀昀 ers in their stores to their
customers. They both o 昀昀 er seasonal sales, end of season sales, and stock
clearance sales. The promo 琀椀 ons from both tradi 琀椀 onal and online stores are
usually o 昀昀 ered at similar 琀椀 mes of the month. Most tradi 琀椀 onal and online
stores also o 昀昀 er return policies to their customers. Refund or exchange of a product
is typically allowed upon customers request for defec 琀椀 ve or undesired items.
In spite of the similari 琀椀 es between online and tradi 琀椀 onal shopping,
di 昀昀 erences are plenty. When making an online purchase, a customer is
unable to touch, feel, smell or even try out a product they are purchasing. A
customer is therefore unable to e 昀昀 ec 琀椀 vely asses and determine the
quality of a product. This may a 昀昀 ect a customer’s decision to purchase
an item, especially for those items that may require one to try them out like
shoes and clothes. This is, however, not the case with tradi 琀椀 onal
shopping where one gets to see, examine, feel, touch, smell and even try out
a product then make payment upon sa 琀椀 sfac 琀椀 on (Daroch et al.,
lOMoARcPSD| 40190299
Online shopping is handier, 琀椀 me-saving, and more convenient as compared to
tradi 琀椀 onal shopping. One is able to go through thousands of items and do
comparisons, check for o 昀昀 ers and ul 琀椀 mately make a purchase within
minutes at the comfort of their seat at any 琀椀 me. This, however, is not possible in
tradi 琀椀 onal stores since one has to physically visit the store to make a purchase.
Some tradi 琀椀 onal stores also have opera 琀椀 onal hours which, with increasingly
busy lifestyles, may turn out to be inconveniencing to some customers.
Online shopping may require one to give out their details for delivery as well as
payment methods and contact details which may pose security threats. This is
not the case with tradi 琀椀 onal shopping where one walks in and walks out with
their purchased item without giving out any of their details. Moreover, when doing
online shopping, one needs to factor in the 琀椀 me taken to deliver the item,
which may at 琀椀 mes take longer than desired, unlike in tradi 琀椀 onal stores
where one walks out with the item upon payment.
Overall, both online and tradi 琀椀 onal shopping have similari 琀椀 es
and di 昀昀 erences as well as advantages and disadvantages. This
largely in 昀氀 uences the customer’s decision on which method to use in
doing their shopping. Some aspects of both methods of shopping may be
a disadvantage to some people, while being bene 昀椀 cial to others, as
in the case of knowledge of computers for older genera 琀椀 ons. The
preference and bene 昀椀 ts are, thus, more personal than communal.
There have been many advances in technology over the past 昀椀昀琀 y
years. These have revolu 琀椀 onized the way we communicate with
people who are far away. Compare and contrast methods of
communica 琀椀 on used today with those which were used in the past.
(Có nhiu 琀椀 ến b v công ngh trong hơn năm mươi năm qua. Điều này đã
cách mng hóa cách chúng ta giao 琀椀 ếp vi những người xa. Bn hãy so sánh
và đối
lOMoARcPSD| 40190299
chiếu các phương pháp giao 琀椀 ếp được s dng ngày nay vi các
phương pháp từng s dng trong quá kh)
Before the advent of computers and modern technology, people communica 琀椀
ng over long distances used tradi 琀椀 onal means such as le 琀琀 ers and the
telephone. Nowadays we have a vast array of communica 琀椀 on tools that can
complete this task, ranging from email to instant messaging and video calls. While
the present and previous means of communica 琀椀 on are similar in their general
form, they di 昀昀 er in regard to their speed and the range of tools available.
One similarity between current and previous methods of communica 琀椀 on
relates to the form of communica 琀椀 on. In the past, both wri 琀琀 en forms
such as le 琀琀 ers were frequently used, in addi 琀椀 on to oral forms such as
telephone calls. Similarly, people nowadays use both of these forms. Just as in
the past, wri 琀琀 en forms of communica 琀椀 on are prevalent, for example via
email and text messaging. In addi 琀椀 on, oral forms are s 琀椀 ll used, including
the telephone, mobile phone, and voice messages via instant messaging
However, there are clearly many di 昀昀 erences in the way we communicate over
long distances, the most notable of which is speed. This is most evident in rela 琀椀
on to wri 琀琀 en forms of communica 琀椀 on. In the past, le 琀琀 ers would take
days to arrive at their des 琀椀 na 琀椀 on. In contrast, an email arrives almost
instantaneously and can be read seconds a 昀琀 er it was sent. In the past, if it was
necessary to send a short message, for example at work, a memo could be passed
around the o ce, which would take some 琀椀 me to circulate. This is di 昀昀
erent from the current situa 琀椀 on, in which a text message can be sent
Another signi 昀椀 cant di 昀昀 erence is the range of communica 琀椀 on methods. Fi 昀琀
y years ago, the tools available for communica 琀椀 ng over long distances were primarily
the telephone and the le 琀琀 er. By comparison, there are a vast array of communica 琀椀
on methods available today. These include not only the telephone, le 琀琀 er, email, and
text messages already men 琀椀 oned, but also video conferences via so 昀琀 ware such
lOMoARcPSD| 40190299
Skype, mobile phone apps such as WeChat, and social media such as
Facebook and Twi 琀琀 er.
In conclusion, methods of communica 琀椀 on have greatly advanced over the past
昀椀昀琀 y years. While there are some similari 琀椀 es, such as the forms of
communica 琀椀 on, there are signi 昀椀 cant di 昀昀 erences, chie y in rela
on to the speed of communica 琀椀 on and the range of communica 琀椀 on tools
available. Undoubtedly, technology will con 琀椀 nue to progress in the future, and
the advanced tools we use today may one day also become outdated.
Model Answer 1:
I have had the opportunity to see several impressive buildings in di 昀昀
erent ci 琀椀 es of my country. But, they look so impressive and unique
that it has become very di cult to choose one over the others as far as
their looks and architectural designs are concerned. However, there is one
building which looks way more impressive to me than other buildings, and I
would like to provide some informa 琀椀 on on it here.
It is located in the capital city of my country which is popularly known as
the largest shopping mall in South Asia. I am talking about “Jamuna Future
Park”. This building is so huge, with a gross leasable area of 1,614,586
square feet, that even though the construc 琀椀 on of this building started
in 2002, it was actually completed in the year of 2013.
Anyway, I have seen it many 琀椀 mes, and when I saw it for the 昀椀 rst 琀椀 me about a few
years ago, all I could see was a gigan 琀椀 c building, standing tall with its 7 oors. The
building also had a tower-like entrance which was made of large tower
construc 琀椀 ons and beau 琀椀 fulIn addi 琀椀 on to that, I could also see that the surface
each oor of the building was glazing exquisitely with all kinds of beau 琀椀 ful looking
琀椀 les and marble stones. Finally, the ligh 琀椀 ng scheme inside that building was so
beau 琀椀 ful and matched so perfectly with the decora 琀椀 on inside that I felt like I
actually spending my 琀椀 me in a "dreamland".
lOMoARcPSD| 40190299
The building impressed me because it was a “mini modern city” by itself with its
own power plant, indoor transporta 琀椀 on facili 琀椀 es, facili 琀椀 es for live
entertainment, theme park, gymnasium, swimming pool, health club, food court,
world-class movie theatre and Wi-Fi internet system. Besides, the interior of the
building was so spacious one could literally get lost in it while looking at its
elegant interior and decora 琀椀 on. All in all, it was a building worth visi 琀椀 ng.
A Place I Call Home
My home is situated in the city. It is not too big nor too small, just
the perfect size. My family lives in the home. It comprises of my
father, mother, sister and grandparents. We live in our ancestral
home so my home is very vintage.
It is very old but remains to be super strong. There are six rooms in
my home. Each family member has a unique room which they have
decorated as per their liking. For instance, my elder sister is a big fan
of music, so her walls are filled with posters of musicians like BTS,
RM, and more.
Our drawing room is a large one with a high ceiling. We still use the
vintage sofa set which my grandmother got as a wedding gift.
Similarly, there is a vintage TV and radio which she uses till date.
Adjoining the drawing room is my bedroom. It is my favourite room
because it contains everything that I love. I have a pet guinea pig
which lives in a cage in my room. We also have a storeroom which is
filled with things we don’t use but also cannot discard.
Our lawn in front of the house has a little garden. In that garden, my
mother is growing her own kitchen garden. She is passionate about it
lOMoARcPSD| 40190299
and brings different seeds every month to grow them out and use
them in our food.
The fondest memories I have in a place is my terrace. Our terrace is
huge with many plants. I remember all the good times we have spent
there as a family. Moreover, we play there a lot when my cousins come
over. Thus, every nook and corner of my home is special to me.
Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas
Appreciation Towards My Home
I know a lot of people who do not have homes or not as big as mine.
It makes me more grateful and appreciates my home more. Not
everyone gets the fortune to have a good home and a loving family,
but luckily, I have been blessed with both.
I am thankful for my home because when I grow up, I can look back
at the wonderful memories I made here. The walk down the memory
lane will be a sweet one because of the safety and security my home
has given me. It is indeed an ideal home.
Conclusion of My Home Essay
My home is important to me because for better or worse, it helps me
belong. It makes me understand my place in time and connect with the
world and the universe at large. Thus, I am grateful to have a place I
can call home.
FAQ on My Home Essay
Question 1: What is the importance of a home?
lOMoARcPSD| 40190299
Answer 1: Home offers us security, belonging and privacy in addition
to other essential things. Most importantly, it gives us a place with a
centring where we leave every morning and long to return every night.
Question 2: Why is home important to a family?
Answer 2: A home signifies a lot more than a house. It is because we
find comfort in our home as it contains memories and a place where
our bonds strengthen. It is where we get plenty of benefits.
My House Essay 500 Words
A home is a special place that provides comfort to all who reside in it. This is because a
home is brimming with love and vitality. Just like anyone fortunate, I too have a home
and a caring family. In this essay about my home, I will describe its characteristics and
share its significance in my life.
A Peaceful Place I Call Home
Nestled within the heart of the city lies my beloved home. It’s not overly spacious, nor is it
too petite; rather, it’s just the right size for my family and me. Our household consists of my
father, mother, sister, and grandparents. What makes our dwelling particularly special is its
vintage character, as it’s been passed down through generations.
Despite its age, our home stands resilient and strong. It boasts six rooms, each with a
unique touch that reflects the individuality of its occupant. For instance, my elder sister,
a passionate music enthusiast, has adorned her walls with posters featuring her
favorite musicians, including BTS and RM.
The centerpiece of our home is the spacious living room, boasting lofty ceilings.
Here, we still cherish the vintage sofa set that my grandmother received as a
wedding gift. Adjoining it, you’ll find antique relics like an old television and radio,
both of which my grandmother continues to use to this day.
My personal sanctuary lies just next door my bedroom. It’s my most cherished
space, housing all the things I hold dear. Notably, my pet guinea pig resides in a cozy
cage here. Additionally, our storage room is a repository of items we no longer employ
but can’t quite bring ourselves to part with.
Also Read: Essay on Education
lOMoARcPSD| 40190299
Stepping outside, our front lawn boasts a charming garden. It’s here that my
mother tends to her kitchen garden, a labor of love where she cultivates various
seeds, introducing new varieties each month to enhance our culinary experiences.
Yet, the fondest memories I hold dear are tethered to our terrace. This spacious
outdoor haven is adorned with an array of flourishing plants. It’s witnessed countless
joyous family moments and serves as a playground when my cousins come to visit. As
a result, every nook and cranny of my home carries a special place in my heart.
In the course of life, I’ve come to a profound realization – not everyone enjoys the
same kind of home as I do. Some have considerably less, and sadly, some have no
home at all. This awareness has deepened my sense of gratitude and appreciation for
the place I fondly call home. I understand that not everyone is fortunate enough to have
a good home and a loving family, and for this, I feel truly blessed.
Appreciation Towards My Home
The reason I hold my home in such high regard is that, as I journey through life, I
know that I will look back on the cherished memories I’ve created here with warmth
and nostalgia. The simple act of reminiscing about those moments will be all the more
special due to the consistent sense of safety and security that my home has always
provided. It genuinely is an ideal place to live.
In conclusion
My home occupies a unique and cherished place in my heart because it instills in me a
profound sense of belonging, regardless of the circumstances. It aids me in
comprehending my role in the world and my connection to the vast universe. For this
reason, I am profoundly thankful to have a place that I can wholeheartedly call my own.
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lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299 Writing 2
Academic Writing C1 (Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh) lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299
Writing preparation for Mid term
Describe a very emo 琀椀 onal moment or day in your life
Each of us who also have special days, maybe when we fall in love, when we travel
and have a deep experience, or when we know new best friend. To me, the day that
I can’t forgot is the 昀椀 rst day I go to in the university. There were many memory
in that day. They make me feel so happy whenever I think about them.
I went to the university with my father. We prepared for the trip carefully.
Because living in the countryside, I and my father moved very soon. At 5:00
am we began leave from our house to the university. And at 8:00 am in that
day we arrived at Ho Chi Minh City. This is the 昀椀 rst 琀椀 me I came to Ho
Chi Minh City. It’s very beau 琀椀 ful and bustling. Many high buildings and
roads which have many transport and people made me feel strange.

Then we arrived at university at 8:00 am. When I just put my foot in the school
portal, I was holding my father’s hand as the ac
琀椀 on of a child. I was
surprised because the school’s too big and very large. There are so much people in
the university. I can’t dis 琀椀 nguish between students and teachers. Many
teachers are young like as students. Moreover, the school have many modern
facility. There are so much condi 琀椀 oners, li 昀琀 s, rooms, etc. I felt so small and lost in space.
However, people in here make me got on well quickly. Teachers is very friendly,
they are dedicated with students. They guided me about customary of school. In
addi 琀椀 on, students in this school are very sociable, ac 琀椀 ve. In the hall of
school, there are many groups of students. They study and discuss together. All of
things gave me a grate mo 琀椀 va 琀椀 on so that I can learn harder.
I and my father were so happy in that day. Mee 琀椀 ng new people, new scenes
created an unforge 琀琀 able feeling. My father said that: “I hope you will happy
and con 昀椀 dent when you study in this school. Try to see your future”. I will
never forget that moment. I believe that I will be successful which what I chose. lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299
Where did the event take place?
The event was hosted at the College Sports ground. As soon as I stepped foot on the
College premises, it was beau 琀椀 fully decorated with lovely 昀氀 owers and props,
hear 琀昀 elt and mo 琀椀 va 琀椀 onal quotes, along with photo frames of our gradua
琀椀 ng class. The frames and billboards displayed our en 琀椀 re three-year journey.
describe a favorite building or kind of architecture
The building: landmark 81
When? – Được xây khi nào (dùng cho đề Describe a new building
that has in
昀氀 uenced your city)
What? Có những features gì đặc biệt: view, entertainment facili 琀椀 es
(dùng cho đề Describe an interes
琀椀 ng part of your country và
Describe a building tourists can visit)

Nói nó có những ảnh hưởng tốt và xấu gì đến thành phố (dùng cho đề
Describe a new building that has in
昀氀 uenced …) 3. Band 8 Sample
Vietnam has various impressive buildings but for me, the most
outstanding skyscraper is Landmark 81, located in the centre of Ho Chi
Minh city. If I remember correctly, it was built in 2015 and is currently
the highest building in Vietnam, with 81 昀氀 oors.
This building is inspired by the image of a rising bamboo, referring to the
rising prosperity and modernity of Vietnam. It a 琀琀 racts not only domes
琀椀 c but also interna 琀椀 onal tourists, which contributes to the
economy of the country. The Landmark is made of glass and is equipped
with LED systems, which light up at night and give the tower a beau 琀椀 ful colour.
This tower is a mixed-use project including the bo 琀琀 om half with a commercial
centre and the top half occupied by restaurants, lounges and apartments.
Therefore, people can either visit the mall or enjoy the splendid view of the city
from the restaurants or lounges on higher 昀氀 oors of the building. lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299
In my opinion, not only does it contribute to the economy but also brings pride to
Vietnam. It is proof that Vietnamese are able to create amazing skyscrapers that
can compare to any other country in the world. However, since it a 琀琀 racts
too many people, other historical buildings are being forgo 琀琀 en. For
example, the younger genera 琀椀 on doesn’t recognise the Independence
Palace or Saigon Opera house, which has both historical and cultural values of the country.
There are many people who believe that living in a house is the
best. However, some people disagree with this opinion and instead prefer to live in
an apartment. This essay makes comparison of the two and chooses the most preferred option.
To begin with, living in a 昀氀 at de 昀椀 nitely brings several advantages to a
resident. One of the most important reasons behind this is the huge convenience it o
昀昀 ers. An apartment is a part of large building giving a feel of living in a small societal
association which takes responsibility of any 昀椀 x or repair or maintenance required.
For example, if one needs to repair the roof, the maintenance charges are borne by the
landlord. Moreover, various facilities as well as amenities are available nearby
including shopping mall, tuition centre, medical store, bus station and so on.
On the other hand, living in an owned house does not o 昀昀 er the facilities that one
can avail while living in an apartment. One reason for this is that it is quite lonely to
stay in a house which occupies a large land area bringing boredom and snatching the
joy of living with so many people around. For example, it would be such a dull
experience of sitting alone in the garden with no one around to share life experiences. In addition to
this, maintenance and cleanliness of the house are borne by the owner and thus it is costly to live in a house.
Conclusively, living in an apartment is comparatively better than staying lonely in a
house. Though a house provides a large spacious area to move around but living in
an apartment enhances more social interaction and adds more excitement to life. lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299
A Comparison and Contrast Between Shopping
Online and Tradi
琀椀 onal Shopping
Since 琀椀 me immemorial, shopping has been an integral part of human life. Over
琀椀 me, technological advancements have brought changes in the way people do
their shopping. Notably, the advent of online shopping has paved
way for an alterna
琀椀 ve mode of shopping from the tradi 琀椀
onal shopping and has been embraced globally. This paper
compares and contrasts shopping online with tradi 琀椀 onal shopping. lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299
Tradi 琀椀 onal shopping refers to the ac 琀椀 vity in which consumers purchase
goods and services by physically visi 琀椀 ng a given seller or store. When it comes
to purchasing daily necessi 琀椀 es like groceries, tradi 琀椀 onal shopping is
considered an essen 琀椀 al (Aryani et al., 2021). On the other hand, online
shopping is the process of purchasing goods over the internet with the use of
internet-enabled devices such as phones and computers. Tradi 琀椀 onal shopping
methods have been in use for ages. It is the most common prac 琀椀 ce that people
use to purchase products. Online shopping is, on the other hand, more recent prac
琀椀 ce of shopping. It is, however, considered by many, especially those in urban
set-ups as the most convenient way of shopping (Aryani et al., 2021).
Both tradi 琀椀 onal and online shopping methods o 昀昀 er a variety of stores to
choose from. Most, if not all, physical stores available, have corresponding online stores
that o 昀昀 er the same products. Like tradi 琀椀 onal stores, online stores o 昀昀 er a
variety of items to pick from. Specialty stores, retailers and whole sellers can be found
online. Both shopping methods give similar deals and o 昀昀 ers in their stores to their
customers. They both o 昀昀 er seasonal sales, end of season sales, and stock
clearance sales. The promo 琀椀 ons from both tradi 琀椀 onal and online stores are
usually o 昀昀 ered at similar 琀椀 mes of the month. Most tradi 琀椀 onal and online
stores also o 昀昀 er return policies to their customers. Refund or exchange of a product
is typically allowed upon customers request for defec 琀椀 ve or undesired items.
In spite of the similari 琀椀 es between online and tradi 琀椀 onal shopping, the
di 昀昀 erences are plenty. When making an online purchase, a customer is
unable to touch, feel, smell or even try out a product they are purchasing. A
customer is therefore unable to e 昀昀 ec 琀椀 vely asses and determine the
quality of a product. This may a 昀昀 ect a customer’s decision to purchase
an item, especially for those items that may require one to try them out like
shoes and clothes. This is, however, not the case with tradi 琀椀 onal
shopping where one gets to see, examine, feel, touch, smell and even try out
a product then make payment upon sa 琀椀 sfac 琀椀 on (Daroch et al., 2021). lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299
Online shopping is handier, 琀椀 me-saving, and more convenient as compared to
tradi 琀椀 onal shopping. One is able to go through thousands of items and do
comparisons, check for o 昀昀 ers and ul 琀椀 mately make a purchase within
minutes at the comfort of their seat at any 琀椀 me. This, however, is not possible in
tradi 琀椀 onal stores since one has to physically visit the store to make a purchase.
Some tradi 琀椀 onal stores also have opera 琀椀 onal hours which, with increasingly
busy lifestyles, may turn out to be inconveniencing to some customers.
Online shopping may require one to give out their details for delivery as well as
payment methods and contact details which may pose security threats. This is
not the case with tradi 琀椀 onal shopping where one walks in and walks out with
their purchased item without giving out any of their details. Moreover, when doing
online shopping, one needs to factor in the 琀椀 me taken to deliver the item,
which may at 琀椀 mes take longer than desired, unlike in tradi 琀椀 onal stores
where one walks out with the item upon payment.
Overall, both online and tradi 琀椀 onal shopping have similari 琀椀 es
and di 昀昀 erences as well as advantages and disadvantages. This
largely in 昀氀 uences the customer’s decision on which method to use in
doing their shopping. Some aspects of both methods of shopping may be
a disadvantage to some people, while being bene 昀椀 cial to others, as
in the case of knowledge of computers for older genera 琀椀 ons. The
preference and bene 昀椀 ts are, thus, more personal than communal.
There have been many advances in technology over the past 昀椀昀琀 y
years. These have revolu
琀椀 onized the way we communicate with
people who are far away. Compare and contrast methods of
琀椀 on used today with those which were used in the past.
(Có nhiều 琀椀 ến bộ về công nghệ trong hơn năm mươi năm qua. Điều này đã
cách mạng hóa cách chúng ta giao 琀椀 ếp với những người ở xa. Bạn hãy so sánh và đối lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299
chiếu các phương pháp giao 琀椀 ếp được sử dụng ngày nay với các
phương pháp từng sử dụng trong quá khứ)
Before the advent of computers and modern technology, people communica 琀椀
ng over long distances used tradi 琀椀 onal means such as le 琀琀 ers and the
telephone. Nowadays we have a vast array of communica 琀椀 on tools that can
complete this task, ranging from email to instant messaging and video calls. While
the present and previous means of communica 琀椀 on are similar in their general
form, they di 昀昀 er in regard to their speed and the range of tools available.
One similarity between current and previous methods of communica 琀椀 on
relates to the form of communica 琀椀 on. In the past, both wri 琀琀 en forms
such as le 琀琀 ers were frequently used, in addi 琀椀 on to oral forms such as
telephone calls. Similarly, people nowadays use both of these forms. Just as in
the past, wri 琀琀 en forms of communica 琀椀 on are prevalent, for example via
email and text messaging. In addi 琀椀 on, oral forms are s 琀椀 ll used, including
the telephone, mobile phone, and voice messages via instant messaging services.
However, there are clearly many di 昀昀 erences in the way we communicate over
long distances, the most notable of which is speed. This is most evident in rela 琀椀
on to wri 琀琀 en forms of communica 琀椀 on. In the past, le 琀琀 ers would take
days to arrive at their des 琀椀 na 琀椀 on. In contrast, an email arrives almost
instantaneously and can be read seconds a 昀琀 er it was sent. In the past, if it was
necessary to send a short message, for example at work, a memo could be passed
around the o 昀케 ce, which would take some 琀椀 me to circulate. This is di 昀昀
erent from the current situa 琀椀 on, in which a text message can be sent immediately.
Another signi 昀椀 cant di 昀昀 erence is the range of communica 琀椀 on methods. Fi 昀琀
y years ago, the tools available for communica 琀椀 ng over long distances were primarily
the telephone and the le 琀琀 er. By comparison, there are a vast array of communica 琀椀
on methods available today. These include not only the telephone, le 琀琀 er, email, and
text messages already men 琀椀 oned, but also video conferences via so 昀琀 ware such as lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299
Skype, mobile phone apps such as WeChat, and social media such as Facebook and Twi 琀琀 er.
In conclusion, methods of communica 琀椀 on have greatly advanced over the past
昀椀昀琀 y years. While there are some similari 琀椀 es, such as the forms of
communica 琀椀 on, there are signi 昀椀 cant di 昀昀 erences, chie 昀氀 y in rela 琀
椀 on to the speed of communica 琀椀 on and the range of communica 琀椀 on tools
available. Undoubtedly, technology will con 琀椀 nue to progress in the future, and
the advanced tools we use today may one day also become outdated. Model Answer 1:
I have had the opportunity to see several impressive buildings in di 昀昀
erent ci 琀椀 es of my country. But, they look so impressive and unique
that it has become very di 昀케 cult to choose one over the others as far as
their looks and architectural designs are concerned. However, there is one
building which looks way more impressive to me than other buildings, and I
would like to provide some informa 琀椀 on on it here.
It is located in the capital city of my country which is popularly known as
the largest shopping mall in South Asia. I am talking about “Jamuna Future
Park”. This building is so huge, with a gross leasable area of 1,614,586
square feet, that even though the construc 琀椀 on of this building started
in 2002, it was actually completed in the year of 2013.
Anyway, I have seen it many 琀椀 mes, and when I saw it for the 昀椀 rst 琀椀 me about a few
years ago, all I could see was a gigan 琀椀 c building, standing tall with its 7 昀氀 oors. The
building also had a tower-like entrance which was made of large tower
construc 琀椀 ons and beau 琀椀 fulIn addi 琀椀 on to that, I could also see that the surface of
each 昀氀 oor of the building was glazing exquisitely with all kinds of beau 琀椀 ful looking
琀椀 les and marble stones. Finally, the ligh 琀椀 ng scheme inside that building was so
beau 琀椀 ful and matched so perfectly with the decora 琀椀 on inside that I felt like I was
actually spending my 琀椀 me in a "dreamland". lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299
The building impressed me because it was a “mini modern city” by itself with its
own power plant, indoor transporta 琀椀 on facili 琀椀 es, facili 琀椀 es for live
entertainment, theme park, gymnasium, swimming pool, health club, food court,
world-class movie theatre and Wi-Fi internet system. Besides, the interior of the
building was so spacious one could literally get lost in it while looking at its
elegant interior and decora 琀椀 on. All in all, it was a building worth visi 琀椀 ng. A Place I Call Home
My home is situated in the city. It is not too big nor too small, just
the perfect size. My family lives in the home. It comprises of my
father, mother, sister and grandparents. We live in our ancestral
home so my home is very vintage.
It is very old but remains to be super strong. There are six rooms in
my home. Each family member has a unique room which they have
decorated as per their liking. For instance, my elder sister is a big fan
of music, so her walls are filled with posters of musicians like BTS, RM, and more.
Our drawing room is a large one with a high ceiling. We still use the
vintage sofa set which my grandmother got as a wedding gift.
Similarly, there is a vintage TV and radio which she uses till date.
Adjoining the drawing room is my bedroom. It is my favourite room
because it contains everything that I love. I have a pet guinea pig
which lives in a cage in my room. We also have a storeroom which is
filled with things we don’t use but also cannot discard.
Our lawn in front of the house has a little garden. In that garden, my
mother is growing her own kitchen garden. She is passionate about it lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299
and brings different seeds every month to grow them out and use them in our food.
The fondest memories I have in a place is my terrace. Our terrace is
huge with many plants. I remember all the good times we have spent
there as a family. Moreover, we play there a lot when my cousins come
over. Thus, every nook and corner of my home is special to me.
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Appreciation Towards My Home
I know a lot of people who do not have homes or not as big as mine.
It makes me more grateful and appreciates my home more. Not
everyone gets the fortune to have a good home and a loving family,
but luckily, I have been blessed with both.
I am thankful for my home because when I grow up, I can look back
at the wonderful memories I made here. The walk down the memory
lane will be a sweet one because of the safety and security my home
has given me. It is indeed an ideal home.
Conclusion of My Home Essay
My home is important to me because for better or worse, it helps me
belong. It makes me understand my place in time and connect with the
world and the universe at large. Thus, I am grateful to have a place I can call home. FAQ on My Home Essay
Question 1: What is the importance of a home? lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299
Answer 1: Home offers us security, belonging and privacy in addition
to other essential things. Most importantly, it gives us a place with a
centring where we leave every morning and long to return every night.
Question 2: Why is home important to a family?
Answer 2: A home signifies a lot more than a house. It is because we
find comfort in our home as it contains memories and a place where
our bonds strengthen. It is where we get plenty of benefits.
My House Essay 500 Words
A home is a special place that provides comfort to all who reside in it. This is because a
home is brimming with love and vitality. Just like anyone fortunate, I too have a home
and a caring family. In this essay about my home, I will describe its characteristics and
share its significance in my life.
A Peaceful Place I Call Home
Nestled within the heart of the city lies my beloved home. It’s not overly spacious, nor is it
too petite; rather, it’s just the right size for my family and me. Our household consists of my
father, mother, sister, and grandparents. What makes our dwelling particularly special is its
vintage character, as it’s been passed down through generations.
Despite its age, our home stands resilient and strong. It boasts six rooms, each with a
unique touch that reflects the individuality of its occupant. For instance, my elder sister,
a passionate music enthusiast, has adorned her walls with posters featuring her
favorite musicians, including BTS and RM.
The centerpiece of our home is the spacious living room, boasting lofty ceilings.
Here, we still cherish the vintage sofa set that my grandmother received as a
wedding gift. Adjoining it, you’ll find antique relics like an old television and radio,
both of which my grandmother continues to use to this day.
My personal sanctuary lies just next door – my bedroom. It’s my most cherished
space, housing all the things I hold dear. Notably, my pet guinea pig resides in a cozy
cage here. Additionally, our storage room is a repository of items we no longer employ
but can’t quite bring ourselves to part with.
Also Read: Essay on Education lOMoAR cPSD| 40190299
Stepping outside, our front lawn boasts a charming garden. It’s here that my
mother tends to her kitchen garden, a labor of love where she cultivates various
seeds, introducing new varieties each month to enhance our culinary experiences.
Yet, the fondest memories I hold dear are tethered to our terrace. This spacious
outdoor haven is adorned with an array of flourishing plants. It’s witnessed countless
joyous family moments and serves as a playground when my cousins come to visit. As
a result, every nook and cranny of my home carries a special place in my heart.
In the course of life, I’ve come to a profound realization – not everyone enjoys the
same kind of home as I do. Some have considerably less, and sadly, some have no
home at all. This awareness has deepened my sense of gratitude and appreciation for
the place I fondly call home. I understand that not everyone is fortunate enough to have
a good home and a loving family, and for this, I feel truly blessed.
Appreciation Towards My Home
The reason I hold my home in such high regard is that, as I journey through life, I
know that I will look back on the cherished memories I’ve created here with warmth
and nostalgia. The simple act of reminiscing about those moments will be all the more
special due to the consistent sense of safety and security that my home has always
provided. It genuinely is an ideal place to live. In conclusion
My home occupies a unique and cherished place in my heart because it instills in me a
profound sense of belonging, regardless of the circumstances. It aids me in
comprehending my role in the world and my connection to the vast universe. For this
reason, I am profoundly thankful to have a place that I can wholeheartedly call my own.