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Dạng động từ môn Tiếng Anh | Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
* Verb + V_ing- admit, advise, anticipate, avoid, complete, consider,
delay, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy, finish, forget, keep,mind, mention, miss, postpone, practice, protest, quit,recall, recollect, recommend, regret, resent, resist, risk,stop, suggest, understand, fancy, imagine, involve, justify,escape, save, forgive, endure. .Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Tiếng Anh (HVNN) 161 tài liệu
Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam 1.7 K tài liệu
Dạng động từ môn Tiếng Anh | Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
* Verb + V_ing- admit, advise, anticipate, avoid, complete, consider,
delay, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy, finish, forget, keep,mind, mention, miss, postpone, practice, protest, quit,recall, recollect, recommend, regret, resent, resist, risk,stop, suggest, understand, fancy, imagine, involve, justify,escape, save, forgive, endure. .Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Môn: Tiếng Anh (HVNN) 161 tài liệu
Trường: Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam 1.7 K tài liệu
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lOMoAR cPSD| 53331727 * Verb + V_ing -
admit, advise, anticipate, avoid, complete, consider, be was/were been light lit lit
delay, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy, finish, forget, keep, beat beat beaten lose lost lost mind,
mention, miss, postpone, practice, protest, quit, become became become make made made recall, recollect,
recommend, regret, resent, resist, risk, begin began begun mean meant meant
stop, suggest, understand, fancy, imagine, involve, justify, bend bent bent meet met met
escape, save, forgive, endure. bet bet bet pay paid paid -
can’t stand, can’t bear, can’t help, it’s worth, it’s no use, bite bit bitten put put put
it’s useless, it's no good, there's no point in blow blew blown read read read - give up, put off,
go on, carry on, keep up break broke broken ride rode
ridden Ving còn dùng sau: When, before,
after, while, if… bring
brought brought ring rang rung Chú ý: build built built rise rose risen
Allow, advise, forbit và permit…+ ving burst burst burst run ran run
Allow, advise, forbit và permit…+ O + to inf buy bought bought say said said Ving đứng sau các
giới từ: interested, fond of, keen on, catch caught caught see saw
seen excited about, famous for,
surprised at, satisfied with, get choose chose chosen seek sought sought tired of, fed up with. come came come sell sold sold
Have fun, have a good time, have trouble, spend time, cost cost cost send sent sent spend
money, give up, carry on, look forward. cut cut cut set set set * Verb + TO V
- ask, afford, agree, appear, arrange, afford, attempt, beg, deal dealt dealt sew sewed sewn/sewed
care, claim, choose, consent, decide, decline, demand, dig dug dug shake shook shaken desire,
expect, fail, forget, hope, wish, dare, learn, do did done shine shone shone manage, mean, offer,
plan, intend, prepare, pretend, draw drew drawn shoot shot
shot promise, refuse, seem, struggle, tend, threaten, wait, can’t drink drank drunk show
showed shown afford, take care, turn out, make sure. eat ate eaten shrink shrank shrunk
* Verb + O + TO V/NOT TO INF fall fell fallen shut shut shut
- ask, assist, beg, believe, cause, command, consider, feed fed fed sing sang sung advise,
allow, challenge, convince, dare, direct, drive, feel felt felt sink sank sunk urge, enable,
encourage, expect, forbid, force, hire, hire, fight fought fought sit sat sat help, invite, mean,
need, order, permit, teach, persuade, find found found sleep slept
slept remind, repire, teach, tell,
want, warn, would like,… fly flew flown speak spoke
spoken V + V – bare inf (nguyên thể không to) forbid
forbade forbidden spend spent spent Let: cho phép, để cho forget forgot forgotten split split split
Make: bắt buộc freeze froze frozen spread spread spread
May (might) should, had better, ought to, have to, must, get got got spring sprang sprung
can (could). give gave given stand stood stood go went gone steal stole stolen Giới từ grow grew grown stick stuck stuck 1. AT, IN, ON hang hung hung sting stung stung
1.1. AT : dùng trước thời gian ngắn: giờ, phút giây ... have had had stink stank stunk
At 10 o'clock; at this moment; at 10 a.m hear heard heard strike struck struck
1.2. ON : dùng trước thời gian chỉ: ngày, thứ ngày (trong lịch ...) hide hid hidden swear swore sworn On Sunday; on this day.... hit hit hit sweep swept
swept 1.3. IN : dùng trước thời gian dài: tháng, mùa, năm, ... hold held held swim swam swum
In June; in July; in Spring; in 2005... 2. IN, INTO, OUT OF hurt hurt hurt swing swung swung
2.1. IN: dùng chỉ vị trí (địa điểm - không chuyển hướng) keep kept kept take took taken
In the classroom; in the concert hal; in the box.... know knew known teach taught taught
2.2. INTO: dùng chỉ sự chuyển động từ ngoài vào trong. lay laid laid tear tore torn I go into the classroom. lead led led tell told told
2.3. OUT OF: dùng chỉ sự chuyển động từ trong ra ngoài. leave left left think thought thought I go out of the classroom. 3. FOR, DURING, SINCE: lend lent lent thrown threw thrown
3.1. FOR : dùng để đo khoảng thời gian let let let understand understood understood
For two months... For four weeks.. For the last few years... lie lay lain wake woke woken 3.2. DURING : dùng để chỉ hành động xảy ra
trong suốt thời gian của wear wore worn sự vật, sự kiện: win won won
During christman time; During the film; During the play... write wrote written
3.3. SINCE : dùng để đánh dấu thời gian
Since last Saturday, since Yesterday. √
4. AT, TO Loại Some any o A lof/lotso f t Much many li ttlA e f e A w 4.1.
AT: dùng chỉ sự cố định ở một vị trí nào đó tương đối
nhỏ, vì nếu diện tích nơi đó lớn hơn ta dùng "in". √
At the door; At home; At school đđ √ √ √ √ In Ha Noi; In the world N hi ều √ √ √ √ √ 4.2.
TO: dùng chỉ sự chuyển động tới một nơi nào đó. K’ đ √ √ √ √ √ Go to the window; Go to the market P’ đ √ √ √
5 . ON, OVER, ABOVE. (ở trên )
5.1. ON: dùng chỉ vị trí đứng liền ngay ở trên ? √ √ √ √ On the table; on the desk ...
5.2. OVER: dùng chỉ các lớp/thứ tự ở lần trên (áo, quần
) I usually wear a shirt over my singlet.
5.3. ABOVE: Với nghĩa là trên nhưng chỉ sự cao hơn so với vật khác thấp hơn.
The ceiling fans are above the pupils.
The planes fly above our heads.
6 . TILL, UNTIL (tới, cho tới khi )
6.1. TILL: dùng cho thời gian và không gian.
Wait for me till next Friday (thời gian)
They walked till the end of the road. (không gian)
6.2. UNTIL: dùng với thời gian.
He did not come back until 11.pm yesterday. (thời gian)