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Development Project Charity Bridge Construction In Khao Mang Commune, Mu Cang Chai, Yen Bai môn Quản lý dự án | Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
This is a commune at an altitude of over 1200m above sea level, theterrain is rugged with many cliffs and deep valleys. Khao Mang commune has an area of 66.37 km², the population in 2019 is 5,292 people, the population density reaches 80 people/km². Known for its
stunning terraced rice fields and rich cultural heritage,Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Quản lý dự án (HVNN) 9 tài liệu
Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam 1.7 K tài liệu
Development Project Charity Bridge Construction In Khao Mang Commune, Mu Cang Chai, Yen Bai môn Quản lý dự án | Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
This is a commune at an altitude of over 1200m above sea level, theterrain is rugged with many cliffs and deep valleys. Khao Mang commune has an area of 66.37 km², the population in 2019 is 5,292 people, the population density reaches 80 people/km². Known for its
stunning terraced rice fields and rich cultural heritage,Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Môn: Quản lý dự án (HVNN) 9 tài liệu
Trường: Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam 1.7 K tài liệu
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Tài liệu khác của Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
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Student code Point .
1. Nguyen Van Bach 6654353 8
2. Tran Kieu Bac 6655467 8
3. Cu Trung Kien 6650356 9
4. Nguyen Nam Phuong 6653028 8.5
5. Vu Thi Phuong 6656394 9 6. Ho Anh Viet 6651248 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS
Project Name: Charity Bridge Construction in Khao Mang Commune, Mù Cang Chải
Location: Khao Mang Commune, Mù Cang Chải Town, Yên Bái Province, Vietnam
Project Duration: 11 months
Funding Source: Donations from charitable organizations, individuals, and corporate sponsors
Total Estimated Budget: 550 mil.VND
Khao Mang is a commune of Mu Cang Chai district, Yen Bai province
This is a commune at an altitude of over 1200m above sea level, the terrain is rugged with
many cliffs and deep valleys. Khao Mang commune has an area of 66.37 km², the population
in 2019 is 5,292 people, the population density reaches 80 people/km². Known for its
stunning terraced rice fields and rich cultural heritage, Khao Mang is home to various ethnic
minorities, primarily the H'mong people. Despite its picturesque landscape, Khao Mang faces
significant challenges related to infrastructure, particularly in terms of transportation and
connectivity. The region is characterized by rugged terrain and seasonal weather patterns that
can isolate communities, especially during the rainy season, making access to essential
services such as healthcare, education, and markets difficult.
The construction of a charity bridge in Khao Mang is a critical intervention aimed at
addressing these infrastructural challenges. The current lack of reliable transportation
infrastructure significantly hinders the socio-economic development of the area. During the
rainy season, existing pathways can become impassable, cutting off residents from vital
services and economic opportunities. A well-constructed bridge will serve as a lifeline for the
community, ensuring year-round accessibility and fostering development. I. LEGAL BASIS
1. Law on Public Investment (Law No. 39/2019/QH14): -
This law provides a legal framework for public investment activities, including the
approval and implementation of infrastructure projects. It encourages investment in essential
infrastructure, such as bridges, especially in rural and underdeveloped areas. 2. Decree No.
59/2015/ND-CP on Construction Investment Project Management: -
This decree outlines regulations for managing construction investment projects,
covering aspects such as project planning, design, and implementation. It facilitates the
participation of non-governmental and private organizations in infrastructure projects,
simplifying administrative procedures for charitable projects. lOMoAR cPSD| 47270246
3. Decision No. 29/2021/QD-TTg on Incentives for Charitable and Non-Profit Activities:
- This decision provides various incentives, including tax exemptions, land use incentives,
and financial support for organizations and individuals engaged in charitable and non-profit
activities, such as building bridges in underserved communities.
4. Circular No. 08/2021/TT-BTC on Financial Management of Public and Charitable Funds:
- This circular provides guidelines for the transparent and efficient management of funds
used in public and charitable projects, ensuring that donations for bridge construction are
properly utilized and accounted for.
5. Law on Corporate Income Tax (Amended) (Law No. 32/2013/QH13):
- This law includes provisions for corporate income tax deductions for charitable donations
made by businesses, encouraging corporate participation in funding infrastructure projects such as bridge construction.
6. Decision No. 45/2021/QD-TTg on Socio-Economic Development in Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas: -
This decision focuses on promoting socio-economic development in ethnic minority
and mountainous areas, including Yen Bai province. It mobilizes resources from various
sectors to improve infrastructure and living standards in these regions, supporting charitable
infrastructure projects. 7. Local Government Policies: -
Provincial Decisions and Resolutions: Yen Bai province and Mu Cang Chai district
have local policies that encourage and support charitable activities, including facilitating
permits, providing logistical support, and coordinating with local communities to ensure
successful project implementation. Specific resolutions and decisions may vary, but they
align with national policies to promote infrastructure development. II. PRACTICAL BASIS 1.
Community Need: Khao Mang Commune is a remote area where many residents
face significant challenges due to poor infrastructure. During the rainy season, the lack of a
reliable bridge results in isolation for many villages, severely affecting access to essential
services such as education, healthcare, and markets. Children often miss school, and farmers
cannot transport their goods to market, leading to economic hardship. 2.
Safety Concerns: The current methods of crossing the local river, which include
makeshift wooden bridges and small boats, are unsafe, particularly during periods of high
water. This poses a significant risk to all residents, especially vulnerable groups such as
children, the elderly, and pregnant women. The new bridge will provide a safe and reliable
crossing point, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. 3.
Economic Development: Improved infrastructure will facilitate trade and mobility,
boosting the local economy. Farmers will be able to transport their products to markets more
efficiently, leading to better economic outcomes for families. Additionally, improved access
will attract more visitors to the region, known for its stunning landscapes and cultural
heritage, thus promoting tourism and related economic activities. lOMoAR cPSD| 47270246 4.
Educational Benefits: A safe and reliable bridge will enable children to attend school
more regularly, thus improving educational outcomes. This is crucial for the long-term
development of the community, as education is a key factor in breaking the cycle of poverty
and fostering sustainable development. 5.
Healthcare Access: Improved transportation infrastructure will ensure that residents
can access healthcare facilities more easily, which is particularly important during medical
emergencies. This will lead to better health outcomes and overall quality of life for the community. PART 3. OBJECTIVES
To construct a durable, safe, and accessible bridge in Khao Mang, Mù Cang Chải, to improve
connectivity and quality of life for local residents.
1. Construct a bridge with a length of 25 meters and a width of 6 meters, ensuring a load capacity of up to 10 tons.
2. Implement publicity and educational activities to raise public awareness about the
benefits of the bridge construction project.
3. Deploy adjacent infrastructure development projects to optimize the benefits of the new bridge.
PART 4. OUTPUTS AND ACTIVITIES Logic Intervention Indicators Sources of Verification Assumptions Output 1: Bridge
- Bridge constructed - Completion report, - Adequate funding
Construction Completed to specifications photos, inspection and resources reports available
Activity 1.1: Conduct - Site prepared and
- Site preparation and - Suitable weather site preparation and
foundation completed foundation reports conditions and no foundation work major site issues lOMoAR cPSD| 47270246
Activity 1.2: Build the - Bridge structure - Construction - No significant bridge structure built progress reports, delays in material inspection reports delivery and construction Output 2: Safety and - Bridge passes all
- Safety and quality - Testing equipment Quality Assurance safety and quality test reports and experts available Completed tests Activity 2.1: Conduct - Number of safety
- Safety test reports - All necessary safety safety tests tests conducted equipment is available Activity 2.2: Conduct -Number of quality
- Inspection reports - Inspectors are quality inspections inspections conducted available and qualified
Output 3: Community - Increased - Survey results, - Community Awareness Raised
community awareness attendance records at members are receptive and participation events to engagement efforts Activity 3.1: Conduct
- Number of meetings - Meeting minutes, - Community community meetings and sessions held attendance records members attend and information meetings and sessions sessions
Activity 3.2: Distribute - Number of materials - Distribution - Effective
informational materials distributed and records, media distribution channels and conduct media campaigns conducted coverage and media campaigns engagement
Output 4: Stakeholder - Number of - Meeting minutes, - Stakeholders are
Engagement Enhanced stakeholders engaged attendance records willing to participate
Activity 4.1: Organize - Number of
- Workshop minutes, - Stakeholders are
stakeholder workshops workshops and feedback forms willing to participate and feedback sessions feedback sessions held Activity 4.2: Develop
- Communication plan - Communication - Stakeholders are stakeholder developed and plan documents, receptive to the communication plan implemented feedback reports communication plan Output 5: - Infrastructure
- Completion reports, - Cooperation from
Adjacent Infrastructure projects completed site inspections local authorities and Developed community Activity 5.1: Upgrade
- Roads and drainage - Upgrade reports, - No significant delays surrounding roads and systems upgraded site inspections in project execution drainage systems Activity 5.2: Install
- Public lighting and - Installation reports, - Adequate funding
public lighting and other amenities installed site inspections and timely delivery of amenities materials lOMoAR cPSD| 47270246 Output 6: Regular - Maintenance and
- Maintenance logs, - Continuous support Maintenance and
monitoring protocols monitoring reports and funding for
Monitoring Established in place maintenance activities Activity 6.1: Develop - Maintenance - Maintenance - Resources available maintenance schedule schedule and
schedule documents, for maintenance and protocols protocols developed protocol guidelines
Activity 6.2: Conduct - Number of
- Maintenance logs, - Maintenance teams
regular maintenance and maintenance and inspection reports are available and inspections inspection activities trained conducted
PART 5. PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS Stakeholder Stakeholder's Interest Local Community
Improved access to essential services (education, healthcare),
enhanced connectivity, and economic development. Local Government
Infrastructure development, improved public safety, enhanced
local economy, and community well-being. Donors and Sponsors
Successful project implementation, positive social impact, and
recognition for their contribution and support. Non-Governmental
Social development, community empowerment, and alignment Organizations (NGOs)
with their mission of supporting underprivileged areas. Construction Companies
Successful completion of the project, business opportunities,
and showcasing their expertise in civil engineering. Engineers and Labours
Professional development, successful project execution, and
contribution to community infrastructure. Local Businesses and
Enhanced connectivity, increased customer base, and economic Traders
growth due to improved infrastructure.
Project Management Team Successful project execution, efficient resource management,
and achievement of project goals within the timeline. lOMoAR cPSD| 47270246 Volunteers and
Contributing to community development, gaining experience, Community Workers
and fostering a sense of community ownership and pride.
PART 6. POTENTIAL RISKS & MITIGATION STRATEGIES Risk Description Risk Risk Mitigation Strategies Likelihood Impact Adverse Weather High High - Plan construction activities Conditions around weather forecasts. -
Use weather-resistant materials.
Supply Chain Disruptions Medium High - Establish multiple suppliers. -
Keep a buffer stock of critical materials. Budget Overruns Medium High - Include a contingency fund in the budget. - Regularly monitor expenses and adjust plans. Safety Incidents Low High - Implement strict safety protocols. -
Conduct regular safety training and audits. Community Opposition Low Medium - Engage with community leaders regularly. - Address concerns through public meetings. Technical Issues or Low High - Conduct thorough design Design Flaws reviews. -
Perform regular technical audits and adjustments.
Human Resources: Project managers, engineers, construction workers, community liaison officers.
Material Resources: Construction materials (cement, steel, timber), machinery (excavators, cranes), safety equipment. lOMoAR cPSD| 47270246
Financial Resources: Funding for materials, labor, permits, and contingency.
Technical Resources: Engineering plans, design software, quality inspection tools.
Quality Control Instruments: Equipment and tools for conducting inspections and tests to
ensure construction quality and safety standards are met.
Communication Tools: Reliable communication systems to facilitate coordination among
project team members, stakeholders, and the local community.
PART 8. PROJECT COST AND BUDGET Result Activities Quantity Total Time Cost ( mil. Cost/Unit VND) (mil. VND) Feasibility Study Conduct detailed 1 30 30 Month 1-2 and Site feasibility studies and site Assessment assessments Design and Develop engineering 1 50 50 Month 2-3 Permitting designs, obtain permits, and conduct EIA Construction Procure cement, steel, N/A N/A 100 Month 3-7 Materials timber, concrete Labor Costs
Hire skilled and unskilled N/A N/A 50 Month 3-7 laborers Machinery and Rent/purchase excavators, 1 70 70 Month 3-7 Equipment cranes, concrete mixers
Transportation and Transport materials and N/A N/A 70 Month 3-7 Logistics equipment Community Conduct community 1 20 20 Throughout Awareness meetings and media Campaign campaigns Stakeholder Organize workshops and 1 15 15 Month 2-3 Engagement develop communication Activities plans lOMoAR cPSD| 47270246 Infrastructure Upgrade surrounding N/A N/A 40 Month 3-7 Upgrades roads and drainage systems
Public Lighting and Install public lighting and N/A N/A 30 Month 3-7 Amenities other amenities Maintenance and Develop maintenance N/A N/A 20 Month 3-7
Monitoring Setup schedules and conduct inspections Total: 495
PART 9. PROJECT TIMELINE Phase Activities Finish Duration Start Phase 1:
Feasibility study and site assessment 01/07/2024 31/08/2024 2 months Preparation Stakeholder engagement 01/07/2024 2 months 31/08/2024 Phase 2: Planning 01/09/2024 30/09/2024 1 month
Engineering design development Obtaining necessary permits 01/09/2024 15/10/2024 1.5 months Phase 3:
Identifying and engaging suppliers 01/10/2024 15/10/2024 0.5 Procurement month
Procuring construction materials 15/10/2024 15/11/2024 1 month Phase 4: Site preparation 01/11/2024 15/11/2024 0.5 Construction month Foundation construction 15/11/2024 31/12/2024 1.5 months Superstructure construction
01/01/2025 31/03/2025 3 months Final touches and inspections 30/04/2025 1 month 01/04/2025 Phase 5:
Community engagement and training 01/07/2024 30/04/2025 Ongoing Engagement
Safety and environmental measures 01/11/2024 30/04/2025 Ongoing implementation Phase 6:
Final inspection and project handover 01/05/2025 15/05/2025 0.5 Completion month lOMoAR cPSD| 47270246 Inauguration event 15/05/2025 31/05/2025 0.5 month