IM Revised Syllabus 2 (Fieldtrip seminar) - Tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen

IM Revised Syllabus 2 (Fieldtrip seminar) - Tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen và thông tin bổ ích giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả cao cũng như có thể vận dụng tốt những kiến thức mình đã học.


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IM Revised Syllabus 2 (Fieldtrip seminar) - Tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen

IM Revised Syllabus 2 (Fieldtrip seminar) - Tài liệu tham khảo | Đại học Hoa Sen và thông tin bổ ích giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả cao cũng như có thể vận dụng tốt những kiến thức mình đã học.

76 38 lượt tải Tải xuống
Course ID Course tittle Credits
MK302DE01 International Marketing 3
(To be applied to: Main Semester Extra Semester - …, School year: from …..)
A. Course Specifications
Periods in classroom
Total Lecture/ Laboratory/
Activity Fieldwork
Lecture Lab
Seminar Studio periods room room
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
45 39 0 0 6 90 39 0 6
(1) = (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) = (7) + (8) + (9)
B. Other related Subjects
Pre-requisites Principles of Marketing
Co-requisites Not compulsory
Other required
Students those are used to study foundation subjects, such as:
micro economics, macroeconomics, consumer behaviors,
strategic management, integrated marketing communication
(IMC) and foreign trade are more beneficial in term of learning
this subject.
C. Course Description
This course explores the development of international marketing programs from the
determination of objectives and methods of organization through the execution of research,
advertising, distribution, and production activities. Students examine the international
similarities and differences in marketing functions as related to the cultural, economic,
political, social, and physical dimensions of the environment. Students also consider the
changes in marketing systems and the adoption of marketing philosophies and practices to fill
conditions in different countries.
D. Course Objectives
Learning Outcomes
A student has the ability to analyze, discuss, describe, and demonstrate the marketing
processes and strategies that firms utilize when marketing their products in a foreign
F. Instructional Modes
- Maximum for classroom/ laboratory instruction is 45 periods which consists of 39 for
theoretical lectures and 6 for a field trip, meaning that there is one lesson per week.
Instructor will deliver the lectures in English slides. Students read documents in English.
- Prior going to the class students must read related theories in advance.
- In class, instructors will emphasize important or difficult concepts and ideas.
- It is required pair works among students at the end of any lesson in order to comprehend
knowledge through case studies.
- If there is any problem, students are supposed to discuss with friends or instructor.
No. Course Objectives
Understanding the key terms, definitions, and concepts used in marketing with an
international perspective.
Evaluate different economic, social, cultural, political, and legal environments
influencing international trade.
Explain the impact of global and regional influences on products and services for
consumers and businesses through international marketing research.
Apply basic internationally oriented marketing strategies (total product concept,
pricing, place, and promotion).
G. Textbook and teaching aids
1. Required Textbooks and Materials
Warren J. Keegan, Mark C. Green, Simpson College (2017), Global Marketing, 9th Edition,
Pearson USA
2. Suggested Course Materials
- Hollensen, S., 2010. Global Marketing: A decision-oriented approach, 5th Edition,
Prentice Hall.
- Levinson, Conrad Jay,. Levinson, Jannie (2011). Guerrilla Marketing Remix - The Best
of Guerrilla Marketing, Entrepreneur Press U.S.A
- Friedman. Thomas L. (1999) The Lexus and the Olive Tree Understanding
Globalization, Newly updated and expanded edition, Various Publishers.
- Friedman. Thomas L. (2007) The World Is Flat - The Globalized World in the Twenty-
First Century, Penguin Books
- Doodle, Lowe (2012)
International Marketing Strategy, 6 Edition,
Cengage Learning
3. Websites
H. Assessment
No. Method Description
No. of
Number of students
1 Lecturers
Lecturer will teach theoretical
issues through classroom/
laboratory lectures with power
point, computers, projectors,
videos or case studies.
45 30 students
Each group from 5-6 students
will be assigned a project
according to specific
requirements of lecturer. In
order to complete the
assignment, it is asked to have
presentation at class.
6 5-6 students/group
1. Learning outcomes assessment
* Note: Lecturer and students are allowed to organize the following activities:
Fieldtrip: : students are arranged to visit a foreign company operating business in
Vietnam or a Vietnamese company operating domestically but focusing on exporting.
Seminar: students are allowed to organize a seminar which focuses on International
2. Participation: Based on regulations of Academic Affairs.
3. Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a fundamental value that affects the quality of teaching, learning, and
research at a university. To ensure the maintenance of academic integrity at Hoa Sen
University, students are required to:
(1) Work independently on individual assignments. Collaborating on individual
assignments is considered cheating.
(2) Avoid plagiarism
Plagiarism is an act of fraud that involves the use of ideas or words of another
person without proper attribution. Students will be accused of plagiarism if they:
Assessment Percentage Requirements
1 In class assignment 40%:
Lecturers can choose either quizzes,
group presentations, report, Q&A or
multiple assignments.
2 Final group report 60%:
Each student group must write a
report to either analyze or compare
one or multiple real international
marketing campaign(s). Specific and
real data, evidences or illustrations
are strictly required.
Each group is required to present
their work in class.
Each group member’s contribution
evaluation by peers must be included
in the final report.
Copy in their work one or more sentences from another person without proper
Rephrase, paraphrase, or translate another person’s ideas or words without
proper attribution.
Reuse their own assignments, in whole or in part, and submit them for another
(3) Work responsibly within a working group
In cooperative group assignments, all students are required to stay on task and
contribute equally to the projects. Group reports should clearly state the
contribution of each group member.
Any acts of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero for the task at hand and/or
immediate failure of the course, depending on the seriousness of the fraud. Please consult
Hoa Sen University’s Policy on Plagiarism at
phong- tranh-dao-van . To ensure the maintenance of academic integrity, the university asks
that students report cases of academic dishonesty to the teacher and/or the Dean. The
names of those students will be kept anonymous.
I. Lecturers in charge
J. Course outline
No. Content
Chapter 1: Introduction to International
Chapter 2 & 3: The International
Marketing Environment
Introduce about coursework
Arrange group
Study in class: chapter 1, 2
Chapter 4: Cultural Dynamics / Business
Chapter 5: The Political, legal and
regulatory Environment
Study in class: chapter 3 & 4
3 Chapter 16: Strategic elements of
competitive advantage
Study in class: chapter 5 & 16
4 Chapter 6: Global information system
and Market research
Chapter 9: Global market-entry
strategies: licensing, investment and
Study in class: chapter 6
Oral presentation: group 1
No. Lecturer Contact
1 Le Thi Anh Thu
2 Tran Thi Thu Hien
3 Dang Truong Thuy Anh
strategic alliances
5 Chapter 7: Segmentation, Targeting and
Study in class: chapter 9 & 7
Oral presentation: group 2
6 Chapter 10: Brand and Product
Decisions in Global Marketing
Study in class: chapter 10
Oral presentation: group 3
Chapter 11: Pricing Decisions
Study in class: chapter 11
Oral presentation : group 4
8 Chapter 12: Global Marketing Channels
and Physical Distribution
Study in class: chapter 12
Oral presentation: group 5
Chapter 13, 14: Global Marketing
Communication Decisions
Study in class: chapter 13 & 14
Oral presentation: group 6
Chapter 15: Global Marketing and the
Digital Revolution
Chapter 17: Ethics and Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR)
Students are assigned to one of the
following activities:
Fieldtrip: students are arranged to
visit a foreign company operating
business in Vietnam or a
Vietnamese company operating
domestically but focusing on
Seminar: students are allowed to
organize a seminar which focuses on
International Marketing
Study in class: chapter 15 & 17
Oral presentation: group 7
Group presentation
Turnitin submit
Workshop about Global Marketing
Group presentation
Final presentation: group 1,2, 3,4
Group presentation
Final presentation: group 5,6,7,8
Course Review
Department Head’s comments (Don’t deliver this sheet to students)
Prepared by:
Full name Position Signature
Nguyen Ngoc Dieu Thi Lecturer
Revised by:
Full name Position Signature
Evaluation: Good Satisfactory
Full name Position Signature
Issued under Decision No. . . . ./QĐ-BGH date . . . . . . . . . . . by Rector of Hoa Sen
Each group is required to do the presentation and report about oral presentation. Your group
select any country as you want. Then, you do the presentation or report as following
- No short jeans, No crop top, No Ripped jeans
- All of the members of the groups have to be on time and fully presented. If someone
missing, there is no mark for them.
- The Introduction slide should be included ID members
The powerpoint is required to be well prepared, and presented at the beginning of the class. You
are required to select one country. Then, you fully apply the marketing theory into your specific
The recommended structure:
1. Group introduction
2. Country introduction
Assessment Percentage Requirements
1 In class assignment 20%: Group presentation
Elearning individual
Each student please follow the
deadline of the assignment on
3 Attendance 10%
Student are required to fully
attendance for 15 weeks. Then, you
will get 10%
If absent above 05 weeks, you will
get 0%.
4 Final group report 60%:
Each student group must write a
report to either analyze or compare
one or multiple real international
marketing campaign(s). Specific and
real data, evidences or illustrations
are strictly required.
Each group is required to present
their work in class.
Each group member’s contribution
evaluation by peers must be included
in the final report.
30%: group presentation
30% : group report
3. Body – follow the guideline
4. Conclusion
5. Reference
The guideline:
1.1. Political structure
1.2. Political climate
1.3. Political stability
1.4. Assessment
2.1. Constitution of country
2.2. Components of business laws
2.3. International Trade Agreement
2.4. Assessment
3.1. GDP growth
3.2. Thailand trading statistics
3.2.1. Export condition
3.2.2. Import condition
3.2.3. Trade deficit
3.2. Labor force and unemployment in country
3.3. Inflation rate
3.4. Assessment
4.1. Topography
4.2. Transportation
4.3. Weather
4.4. Minerals
4.5. Summary
5.1. Family
5.2. Education
5.3. Demographics
5.4. Social class
5.5. Living standards and leisure
5.6. Summary
6.1. Aesthetics
6.2. Music, drama, dance
6.3. Religion
6.4. Language.
6.5 Summary
7.1. Manufacturing technology in country
7.2. Information systems
7.3. Summary
8.1. Retailer
8.2. Methods of operation.
8.3. Scale of operation
8.4. Middlemen availability
8.5. Facilities
| 1/18

Preview text:

COURSE OUTLINE Course ID Course tittle Credits MK302DE01 International Marketing 3
(To be applied to: ❍ Main Semester ❍ Extra Semester - …, School year: from …..)
A. Course Specifications Periods Periods in classroom Total Lecture/ Laboratory/ Self-study Lecture Lab periods Seminar Studio Activity Fieldwork periods room room Fieldwork (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 45 39 0 0 6 90 39 0 6
(1) = (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) = (7) + (8) + (9) B. Other r elated Subjects Pre-requisites Principles of Marketing Co-requisites Not compulsory
Students those are used to study foundation subjects, such as:
micro – economics, macroeconomics, consumer behaviors, Other required
strategic management, integrated marketing communication
(IMC) and foreign trade are more beneficial in term of learning this subject. C. Course Description 1
This course explores the development of international marketing programs from the
determination of objectives and methods of organization through the execution of research,
advertising, distribution, and production activities. Students examine the international
similarities and differences in marketing functions as related to the cultural, economic,
political, social, and physical dimensions of the environment. Students also consider the
changes in marketing systems and the adoption of marketing philosophies and practices to fill
conditions in different countries. D. Course Objectives No. Course Objectives E.
Understanding the key terms, definitions, and concepts used in marketing with an 1 international perspective.
Evaluate different economic, social, cultural, political, and legal environments 2
influencing international trade.
Explain the impact of global and regional influences on products and services for 3
consumers and businesses through international marketing research.
Apply basic internationally oriented marketing strategies (total product concept, 4
pricing, place, and promotion). Learning Outcomes
A student has the ability to analyze, discuss, describe, and demonstrate the marketing
processes and strategies that firms utilize when marketing their products in a foreign countries. F. Instructional Modes
- Maximum for classroom/ laboratory instruction is 45 periods which consists of 39 for
theoretical lectures and 6 for a field trip, meaning that there is one lesson per week.
Instructor will deliver the lectures in English slides. Students read documents in English.
- Prior going to the class students must read related theories in advance.
- In class, instructors will emphasize important or difficult concepts and ideas.
- It is required pair works among students at the end of any lesson in order to comprehend
knowledge through case studies.
- If there is any problem, students are supposed to discuss with friends or instructor. 2 No. of No. Method Description Number of students periods
Lecturer will teach theoretical issues through classroom/ 1 Lecturers
laboratory lectures with power 45 30 students point, computers, projectors, videos or case studies. Each group from 5-6 students will be assigned a project Group according to specific assignments 2 requirements of lecturer. In 6 5-6 students/group and order to complete the presentation
assignment, it is asked to have presentation at class. G. T
extbook and teaching aids
1. Required Textbooks and Materials
Warren J. Keegan, Mark C. Green, Simpson College (2017), Global Marketing, 9th Edition, Pearson USA
2. Suggested Course Materials
- Hollensen, S., 2010. Global Marketing: A decision-oriented approach, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall.
- Levinson, Conrad Jay,. Levinson, Jannie (2011). Guerrilla Marketing Remix - The Best
of Guerrilla Marketing, Entrepreneur Press U.S.A
- Friedman. Thomas L. (1999) The Lexus and the Olive Tree – Understanding
Globalization, Newly updated and expanded edition, Various Publishers.
- Friedman. Thomas L. (2007) The World Is Flat - The Globalized World in the Twenty-
First Century, Penguin Books
- Doodle, Lowe (2012) International Marketing Strategy, 6Th Edition, Cengage Learning EMEA 3. W ebsites
-,, H. Asses sment 3
1. Learning outcomes assessment No Assessment Percentage Requirements .
Lecturers can choose either quizzes, 1 In class assignment 40%:
group presentations, report, Q&A or multiple assignments.
Each student group must write a
report to either analyze or compare
one or multiple real international
marketing campaign(s). Specific and
real data, evidences or illustrations are strictly required. 2 Final group report 60%:
Each group is required to present their work in class.
Each group member’s contribution
evaluation by peers must be included in the final report.
* Note: Lecturer and students are allowed to organize the following activities:
Fieldtrip: : students are arranged to visit a foreign company operating business in
Vietnam or a Vietnamese company operating domestically but focusing on exporting.
Seminar: students are allowed to organize a seminar which focuses on International Marketing
2. Participation: Based on regulations of Academic Affairs. 3. Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a fundamental value that affects the quality of teaching, learning, and
research at a university. To ensure the maintenance of academic integrity at Hoa Sen
University, students are required to:
(1) Work independently on individual assignments. Collaborating on individual
assignments is considered cheating. (2) Avoid plagiarism
Plagiarism is an act of fraud that involves the use of ideas or words of another
person without proper attribution. Students will be accused of plagiarism if they: 4
Copy in their work one or more sentences from another person without proper citation.
Rephrase, paraphrase, or translate another person’s ideas or words without proper attribution.
Reuse their own assignments, in whole or in part, and submit them for another class.
(3) Work responsibly within a working group
In cooperative group assignments, all students are required to stay on task and
contribute equally to the projects. Group reports should clearly state the
contribution of each group member.
Any acts of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero for the task at hand and/or
immediate failure of the course, depending on the seriousness of the fraud. Please consult
Hoa Sen University’s Policy on Plagiarism at phong- tranh-dao-van .
To ensure the maintenance of academic integrity, the university asks
that students report cases of academic dishonesty to the teacher and/or the Dean. The
names of those students will be kept anonymous. I. Lecturer s in charge No. Lecturer Contact 1 Le Thi Anh Thu 2 Tran Thi Thu Hien 3 Dang Truong Thuy Anh J. Course outline No. Content Activities
Chapter 1: Introduction to International Introduce about coursework 1 Marketing Arrange group
Chapter 2 & 3: The International Study in class: chapter 1, 2 Marketing Environment
Chapter 4: Cultural Dynamics / Business
Study in class: chapter 3 & 4 2 Customs
Chapter 5: The Political, legal and regulatory Environment 3
Chapter 16: Strategic elements of
Study in class: chapter 5 & 16 competitive advantage 4
Chapter 6: Global information system Study in class: chapter 6 and Market research Oral presentation: group 1
Chapter 9: Global market-entry
strategies: licensing, investment and 5 strategic alliances 5
Chapter 7: Segmentation, Targeting and
Study in class: chapter 9 & 7 Positioning Oral presentation: group 2 6 Chapter 10: Brand and Product Study in class: chapter 10 Decisions in Global Marketing Oral presentation: group 3 7 Study in class: chapter 11 Chapter 11: Pricing Decisions Oral presentation : group 4 8
Chapter 12: Global Marketing Channels Study in class: chapter 12 and Physical Distribution Oral presentation: group 5
Chapter 13, 14: Global Marketing
Study in class: chapter 13 & 14 9 Communication Decisions Oral presentation: group 6
Chapter 15: Global Marketing and the
Study in class: chapter 15 & 17 Digital Revolution Oral presentation: group 7
Chapter 17: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Students are assigned to one of the following activities:
Fieldtrip: students are arranged to 10
visit a foreign company operating business in Vietnam or a Vietnamese company operating domestically but focusing on exporting
Seminar: students are allowed to
organize a seminar which focuses on International Marketing 11 Turnitin submit Group presentation
Workshop about Global Marketing 12
Final presentation: group 1,2, 3,4 Group presentation
Final presentation: group 5,6,7,8 13 Group presentation 14 OFF Preview 15 Preview Course Review OFF 6 Department Head’ s comments (Don’ t del
iver this sheet to students) Prepared by: Full name Position Signature Nguyen Ngoc Dieu Thi Lecturer
Date:……/……../………. Revised by: Full name Position Signature
Evaluation: ❍ Good Satisfactory Full name Position Signature 7
Issued under Decision No. . . . ./QĐ-BGH date . . . . . . . . . . . by Rector of Hoa Sen University. 8 No Assessment Percentage Requirements . 1 In class assignment 20%: Group presentation
Each student please follow the Elearning individual 2 10% deadline of the assignment on assignment elearning Student are required to fully
attendance for 15 weeks. Then, you 3 Attendance 10% will get 10%
If absent above 05 weeks, you will get 0%.
Each student group must write a
report to either analyze or compare
one or multiple real international
marketing campaign(s). Specific and
real data, evidences or illustrations are strictly required.
Each group is required to present 4 Final group report 60%: their work in class.
Each group member’s contribution
evaluation by peers must be included in the final report. 30%: group presentation 30% : group report
Each group is required to do the presentation and report about oral presentation. Your group
select any country as you want. Then, you do the presentation or report as following guidelines. Requirement: -
No short jeans, No crop top, No Ripped jeans -
All of the members of the groups have to be on time and fully presented. If someone
missing, there is no mark for them. -
The Introduction slide should be included ID members Content:
The powerpoint is required to be well prepared, and presented at the beginning of the class. You
are required to select one country. Then, you fully apply the marketing theory into your specific product. The recommended structure: 1. Group introduction 2. Country introduction 9
3. Body – follow the guideline 4. Conclusion 5. Reference The guideline: 1. POLITICS 1.1. Political structure 1.2. Political climate 1.3. Political stability 1.4. Assessment 2. LEGAL 2.1. Constitution of country
2.2. Components of business laws
2.3. International Trade Agreement 2.4. Assessment 3. ECONOMICS 3.1. GDP growth
3.2. Thailand trading statistics 3.2.1. Export condition 3.2.2. Import condition 3.2.3. Trade deficit
3.2. Labor force and unemployment in country 3.3. Inflation rate 3.4. Assessment 4. GEOGRAPHICAL SETTING 4.1. Topography 4.2. Transportation 4.3. Weather 4.4. Minerals 4.5. Summary 5. SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT 5.1. Family 5.2. Education 5.3. Demographics 5.4. Social class
5.5. Living standards and leisure 5.6. Summary 6. CULTURE ENVIRONMENT 6.1. Aesthetics 6.2. Music, drama, dance 6.3. Religion 6.4. Language. 6.5 Summary 7. TECHNOLOGY
7.1. Manufacturing technology in country 7.2. Information systems 7.3. Summary 8. TRADING INFRASTRUCTURE 8.1. Retailer 8.2. Methods of operation. 8.3. Scale of operation 8.4. Middlemen availability 8.5. Facilities 10