Logframe of gametree môn Tiếng Anh | Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam

1.1. 28% sales rate in the firstyear1.2. 30% sales rate in the nextyear
1.3. 32% sales rate in the 3rdyear. 90% of customers who haveused the service are satisfiedwith the quality2.2. 80% of customers agree toextend the rental contract2.3. 50% of customers agree torecommend the apartment to riends and relatives . Tài liệu giúp bạn tham  khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!


Tiếng Anh (HVNN) 161 tài liệu


Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam 1.6 K tài liệu

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Logframe of gametree môn Tiếng Anh | Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam

1.1. 28% sales rate in the firstyear1.2. 30% sales rate in the nextyear
1.3. 32% sales rate in the 3rdyear. 90% of customers who haveused the service are satisfiedwith the quality2.2. 80% of customers agree toextend the rental contract2.3. 50% of customers agree torecommend the apartment to riends and relatives . Tài liệu giúp bạn tham  khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!

28 14 lượt tải Tải xuống
Project description
Overall objective: +
Meeting housing
Purpose: + Generate
economic profit
1. Number of
customers renting
or buying
2. Level of
satisfaction 3. The
extent of the
project's spread on
social networks
Activities + Activity
1: Construction of
an apartment
building and established
+ Activity 2: Maintain marketing
and focus on customer care,
diversifying customer classes
Objectively verifiable indicators
and targets
+ Number of people wishing to
rent or buy apartments around
the project. + Number of
people wishing to rent an
office + Per capital income of
survey subjects + Land area
29,680 m2
+ Return capital within 13 years,
generate 8319 billion VND in
the next year + profit increase
by 5.2%/year 1.1. 28% sales rate
in the first year
1.2. 30% sales rate in the next
1.3. 32% sales rate in the 3rd
2.1. 90% of customers who have
used the service are satisfied
with the quality 2.2. 80% of
customers agree to extend the
rental contract 2.3. 50% of
customers agree to recommend
the apartment to friends and
relatives 3.1. New interactions
on facebook increased 30% per
week in phase 1 and 10% in
phase 2
3.2. The average post reach is
150 in phase 1 and 500 in phase
3.3 . The engagement rate is 5%
+ Costs contributed by
investors + Human
resources are members of
the project
1. Construction cost:
1208.29 billion VND 2.
Equipment cost: 103.29
billion VND 3. Other
expenses: VND 79.58
Means of verification/
sources of data/ methods
of data collection + Survey
of demand via google
form application
+ Calculation activities of the
accounting department
1.1. Number of contracts
signed and successfully
processed by the sales
2.1. Attitude of customers
when consulting and buying
2.2. Reviews of customers,
reviews on fanpage 2.3.
Number of customers
referred 3.1. Number of
statistics from facebook
+ The State does not
promulgate policies
affecting business activities
1.1. The demand for
apartment selection
consulting services of
young people is high in the
short term 2.1. The
apartment has no adverse
changes in price and
quality 2.2 The members
of the
project fulfill their roles
3.1. Facebook and internet
work stably
+ The group does not have
a sudden change in
+ Financial resources for
the project are provided
fully and on time
lOMoARcPSD| 47708777
Activity 3: Develop
utility services of the
relevant area
4. Provision expense: 146.31
billion dong
5. Loan interest: 31.57 billion
6. Cost of land use: 201.33
billion VND
7. Staff and operating expenses:
million VND/year
8. Customer spending: 24914
million VND/year
9. Advertising expenses: 12%
% of revenue
| 1/2

Preview text:

Project description building and established + Costs contributed by + The State does not fanpage investors + Human promulgate policies
+ Activity 2: Maintain marketing resources are members of affecting business activities Overall objective: + and focus on customer care, the project Meeting housing diversifying customer classes needs.
Objectively verifiable indicators 1.1. The demand for and targets apartment selection 1. Construction cost: consulting services of 1208.29 billion VND 2. young people is high in the + Number of people wishing to Equipment cost: 103.29 short term 2.1. The rent or buy apartments around Purpose: + Generate billion VND 3. Other apartment has no adverse the project. + Number of economic profit expenses: VND 79.58 changes in price and people wishing to rent an Means of verification/ quality 2.2 The members
office + Per capital income of sources of data/ methods of the survey subjects + Land area Outputs: of data collection + Survey 29,680 m2 project fulfill their roles of demand via google 1. Number of well
+ Return capital within 13 years, form application customers renting generate 8319 billion VND in 3.1. Facebook and internet or buying
the next year + profit increase work stably apartments
by 5.2%/year 1.1. 28% sales rate 2. Level of in the first year customer
1.2. 30% sales rate in the next satisfaction 3. The year
+ Calculation activities of the extent of the
1.3. 32% sales rate in the 3rd accounting department project's spread on year social networks
2.1. 90% of customers who have
used the service are satisfied with the quality 2.2. 80% of 1.1. Number of contracts + The group does not have customers agree to extend the signed and successfully a sudden change in rental contract 2.3. 50% of processed by the sales personnel
customers agree to recommend department + Financial resources for the apartment to friends and 2.1. Attitude of customers the project are provided
relatives 3.1. New interactions when consulting and buying fully and on time on facebook increased 30% per 2.2. Reviews of customers, week in phase 1 and 10% in reviews on fanpage 2.3. phase 2 Number of customers
3.2. The average post reach is referred 3.1. Number of
150 in phase 1 and 500 in phase statistics from facebook Activities + Activity 2 Assumption 1: Construction of
3.3 . The engagement rate is 5% an apartment lOMoAR cPSD| 47708777 + Activity 3: Develop billion utility services of the 4. Provision expense: 146.31 relevant area billion dong
5. Loan interest: 31.57 billion dong 6. Cost of land use: 201.33 billion VND
7. Staff and operating expenses: 1988 million VND/year 8. Customer spending: 24914 million VND/year 9. Advertising expenses: 12% 15 % of revenue