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Nghiên cứu khoa học đề tài áp dụng ứng dụng vào việc học phát âm tiếng anh cho người mới | Đại học Kinh tế Kỹ thuật Công nghiệp
Tầm quan trọng của phát âm trong việc học tiếng Anh: Phát âm là yếu tố quan trọng giúp người học giao tiếp hiệu quả và hiểu rõ nội dung. Phát âm chính xác không chỉ giúp truyền đạt thông điệp rõ ràng mà còn tạo ấn tượng tốt với người nghe. Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu: Nghiên cứu nhằm khám phá và đánh giá hiệu quả của các ứng dụng công nghệ trong việc hỗ trợ học phát âm tiếng Anh cho người mới.
Phương pháp nghiên cứu (KTKTCN) 6 tài liệu
Đại học Kinh tế kỹ thuật công nghiệp 1 K tài liệu
Nghiên cứu khoa học đề tài áp dụng ứng dụng vào việc học phát âm tiếng anh cho người mới | Đại học Kinh tế Kỹ thuật Công nghiệp
Tầm quan trọng của phát âm trong việc học tiếng Anh: Phát âm là yếu tố quan trọng giúp người học giao tiếp hiệu quả và hiểu rõ nội dung. Phát âm chính xác không chỉ giúp truyền đạt thông điệp rõ ràng mà còn tạo ấn tượng tốt với người nghe. Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu: Nghiên cứu nhằm khám phá và đánh giá hiệu quả của các ứng dụng công nghệ trong việc hỗ trợ học phát âm tiếng Anh cho người mới.
Môn: Phương pháp nghiên cứu (KTKTCN) 6 tài liệu
Trường: Đại học Kinh tế kỹ thuật công nghiệp 1 K tài liệu
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Tài liệu khác của Đại học Kinh tế kỹ thuật công nghiệp
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It is undeniable that English has become a vital language in today's globalized
world. In the academic realm, correct pronunciation plays a significant role in
helping students gain the confidence to express their thoughts and ideas effectively.
However, the current situation of students, especially majored freshmen in English,
is still relatively shy, and there are also many problems with English pronunciation.
One of the best ways for students to improve their pronunciation is to use teaching
tools, and the English Pronunciation Application (EPA) is considered the most
common application that helps enhance pronunciation. Previous research has
examined the effectiveness of using the English Pronunciation Application (EPA) as
a pronunciation teaching tool. An example of this is Andreas Bambang Prabowo
Kusumo's 2021 study, where they examined the topic of “‘Application of English
pronunciation’ to improve students' pronunciation: The Effectiveness” through a
pre-experimental design with 32 students’ pre-and post-tests. Research results
show that after students are taught to use EPA, their pronunciation is particularly
good. The value of the T-test is higher than table T, 14.03 > 1.9990, which means
that teaching pronunciation in the EPA application is effective. Nevertheless, there is
no research on the effectiveness of using other popular applications today in
improving pronunciation for students. For this reason, our research group decided
to choose the topic "A Study on the effectiveness of using applications in improving
pronunciation for English Majored-freshmen in the Faculty of Foreign Languages at
Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City" for our research paper with the aim of
searching for the effectiveness of the use of applications in improving pronunciation
and application usage to learn English pronunciation for students, especially for
English Majored-freshmen in Faculty of Foreign Languages at Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City.>>
1.2. Research objectives:
The major goal of this study was to study on the effectiveness of the use of
applications in improving pronunciation for English majored freshmen in Faculty of
foreign languages at IUH. The study was conducted according to three main
research objectives. First, this study investigated the popular applications to
improve pronunciation for English majored freshmen in Faculty of Foreign
Languages at IUH. Second, learn about the effectiveness of using applications in
improving pronunciation for English majored freshmen in Faculty of Foreign
Languages at IUH. Finally, the study found a way to use the applications to learn
pronunciation for English-majoring freshmen in the Faculty of Foreign Languages at
IUH. With the support of these recommendations, students may improve their
accent and pronunciation in English.> >
1.3. Research questions:
a. What popular applications can improve pronunciation for English majored
freshmen in Faculty of foreign languages at IUH?>>>
b. How effective is the use of application in improving pronunciation for
English majored freshmen in Faculty of Foreign Languages at IUH?>>
c. How to use the English pronunciation learning application for English
majored freshmen in Faculty of Foreign Languages at IUH? >>
1.4. Scope of the study
To explore the effects of applications on English pronunciation improvement,
the research team, through a quantitative approach, engaged 100 English major
students of IUH. To ensure efficiency, an online survey was conducted. A
questionnaire, distributed via a Google form link, served as the data collection tool.
Following data analysis, charts and tables were constructed to illustrate the findings and draw relevant conclusions.
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Definitions of key terms
Our research focuses on the usefulness of using applications to improve
pronunciation for English major freshmen, therefore "pronunciation" is the first
keyword we want readers to grasp. The form of pronunciation through online
applications, specifically the Elsa Speak application; because the primary purpose of
this application is to detect and correct incorrect pronunciation for users, thereby
assisting us in improving pronunciation, "Elsa Speak" is the second keyword we
want to research. So far, many students, particularly those studying English
Linguistics, have used this strategy to significantly improve their pronunciation.
That is why we selected "English Linguistic Students" as the third keyword for our study. 2.1.1. Pronunciation
Nafisa Raimovna Kobilova (2022) exposed that “The exact meaning of
pronunciation is how word is pronounced. If we change in pronunciation, the
meaning will be changed pronunciation is the production of sounds that we use to
make meaning. It includes attention to the sounds of a language (segments), such as
intonation, syllable, phrasing, stress, timing, rhythm how the voice is projected
(voice quality) and attention to gestures and expressions that are closely related to
the way we speak a language. A broad definition of pronunciation includes both
suprasegmental and segmental features. These all-features work in combination
when we speak and are therefore usually pronunciation as an integral part of
spoken language”. Harmer (2007) defines pronunciation as the way the sounds of a
language are made, the way how and where the word stress and sentence stress are
placed, and the way pitch and intonation are used to indicate our feeling and our
meaning. Yates and Zelinski in Hasan (2014:31) state that pronunciation refers to
how we produce the sound that we use to make meaning when we speak. It includes
the consonants and vowels of a language (segments), aspects of speech beyond the
level of individual segments, such as stress, timing, rhythm, intonation, phrasing
(suprasegmental aspects) and how the voice is projected (voice quality). Gilakjani
(2012:119) assumes that pronunciation is a set of habits of producing sounds. The
habit of producing a sound is acquired by repeating it over and over again by being
corrected when it is pronounced wrongly. On the other hand, Dalton in Hassan
(2014:32) defines the pronunciation as production of significant sound which is
used as a part a code of particular language and to achieve meaning in the context of
use. Hornby (1987:497) said that pronunciation is the way in which language is
spoken; the way in which the word is pronounced; the way a person speaks the word of language.
In my perspective, Nafisa Raimovna Kobilova's (2022) definition is fairly
accurate. I agree with that point of view because it displays all aspects of
pronunciation and provides a definition of nearly flawless pronunciation. 2.1.2. Elsa Speak
As we mentioned above, Elsa Speak is the form of pronunciation through
online applications to improving pronunciation. Before diving into it, review some
of the researchers’ definition of Elsa Speak below. According to Nguyen Khanh Ngoc
& Nguyen Thi My Thanh (2023), Elsa Speak is a comprehensive language learning
application that excels in five key areas: Content Design, Pedagogical Design,
Assessment or Flexibility Design, Multimedia Design, and Automatic Speech
Recognition Design. Each aspect contributes significantly to the effectiveness of
pronunciation practice for learners. In addition, Alma Nabila Hanna, Vera Yulia
Harmayanthi, Sari Astuti (2022) defines Elsa Speak is a speech recognition software and
built in with Artificial Intelligence (AI) for learning English. The app is supported by
features such as speech recognition technology, proven personalized curriculum, free
online dictionary, and free assessment test. However, Nguyen Quoc Hung, Thai Kim
Phung, Phan Hien, Dang Ngoc Hoang Thanh (2021) mentioned that Elsa Speak is an
English teaching website with an effective and impressive application of AI technology.
It also has a mobile version for Android and iOS. Elsa Speak focuses on tutoring English pronunciation in the best way.
In my opinion, I agreed with Alma Nabila Hanna, Vera Yulia Harmayanthi, Sari
Astuti definition because it shows all the features in the application that users need to know before using Elsa Speak.
2.1.3. English Linguistic Students
Sabbott (2013) stated that Students classified as English linguistics are those who
struggle to learn or communicate in English, frequently originate from non-English
speaking families, and usually need specialized or modified instruction in both academic
courses and the English language. Linguistic
Society of America also add that English
language linguistic students research the structural representation of various language
aspects (like sound or meaning), the theoretical interpretation of various language
models, and the interactions between various language components. Linguists formulate
and put to the test scientific theories. The University of Chicago, Division of the
Humanities Linguistics assumed that a major in linguistics entails learning about various
perspectives of human dialect, counting sounds (phonetics, phonology), words
(morphology), sentences (language structure), and meaning (semantics). Linguistics is
one of the most fascinating perspectives on human knowledge and behavior. It can
involve examining how dialects change over time (verifiable etymology); how dialect
varies from situation to situation, group to bunch, and put to put (sociolinguistics,
dialectology); how people use dialect in context (pragmatics, talk investigation); how to
illustrate dialect perspectives (computational phonetics); how people acquire or acquire
dialect (dialect procurement); and how people deal with dialect (psycholinguistics,
exploratory etymology) .An English Language student is defined by Study Smarter as the
one who considers dialect methodically. Study the components of language and word
sorts in linguistics, gain a better understanding of how words and sentences are shaped,
and in this manner create a more profound understanding of their implications.
Department of Linguistics - University at Buffalo (2017) mentioned that English
Linguistic students conduct scientific research on language, methodically examining both
the specific and general features of language, including the history of language families,
the means by which children and adults acquire language, the way language use is
processed in the mind, and the relationship between language use and gender and race.
Birmingham City University thinks linguistics is a very descriptive field; linguistics
research typically relies on observation and reflects on the analysis of human languages
by dissecting their form, evolution, development, and function. Linguistics is the
scientific study of language, and its goals include defining how languages are developed
in the human mind and explaining how human languages are formed and how they work.
This includes language structure, grammar, syntax, semantics, and phonetics. Linguistics
research aims to answer questions about how our brains construct sentences (structure),
how we learn new languages (language acquisition), and why languages change. It
investigates the social, cultural, philosophical, and political factors that influence
language. It is like breaking down languages and figuring out how they function.
In my opinion, I agree with Birmingham City University's statement because it
presents the entire idea and all the easily understandable aspects of English language learners.
2.2. Results of previous studies
2.2.1. “English pronunciation application” as a media to improve students’
pronunciation: the effectiveness (2021)
The study paper ““English pronunciation application” as a media to improve
students’ pronunciation: the effectiveness” is written by the authors Athirotur Rifqiyah,
Sukma Nur Ardini and AB Prabowo KA 2021 to research. The effectiveness of the
English Phonics Application (EPA) as a classroom media phonics. The study has 3 main
objectives: 1) evaluate students' pronunciation ability before teaching using EPA, 2)
evaluate students' pronunciation ability after learning to use EPA, and 3) determine There
is a clear difference in students' pronunciation ability before and after using EPA. The
study was conducted at SMA Kesatrian 2 Semarang, specifically in Class X Science III,
during the 2018/2019 school year with a sample of 32 students from Class X Science III.
The study design used a pre-test design with a one-group post-test pre-test design. Data
were collected using a valid and reliable instrument, graded with moderate difficulty and
good discriminatory power. The T-test was used to analyze the data. The study aimed to
answer questions related to the effectiveness of the English Pronunciation Application
(EPA) in improving students' pronunciation ability. Research shows that students'
pronunciation skills were initially not good enough before being taught using EPA.
However, after teaching with EPA, their pronunciation skills improved significantly. The
T-test value (14.03) exceeds the T-table (1.9990), showing the effectiveness of teaching
pronunciation using EPA. The article ends by providing suggestions for teachers to
integrate EPA into their pronunciation teaching.
2.2.2. The Effectiveness of Elsa Speaking Application in Improving English Pronunciation (2022)
The study paper “The Effectiveness of Elsa Speaking Application in Improving
English Pronunciation” is written by the authors Dina Rismawati, Yayan Suryana and
Vina Agustiana 2022 to investigate and evaluate the effectiveness of Elsa application in
improving English pronunciation in middle school students. Written by and describes
student behavior. The purpose of the Elsa application is to use it when learning English
pronunciation. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of her Elsa
application in improving students' English pronunciation and to describe students'
attitudes towards using Elsa application in the language learning process. This study was
conducted in a middle school with middle school students. Data were collected through
pre- and post-test assessments, and analysis was performed quantitatively. Statistical
analysis included a comparison of T-counts and T-tables, and a questionnaire was used to
collect information about students' attitudes toward the Elsa application. The purpose of
the study was to answer questions regarding the effectiveness of the Elsa application in
improving English pronunciation in middle school students and to investigate middle
school students' attitudes toward the use of the application in language learning. This
study found that the Elsa application was effective in improving students' pronunciation
skills, as shown by the T-number being higher than the T-table. Rejection of the null
hypothesis (Ho) and acceptance of the alternative hypothesis (Ha) confirmed the validity
of Elsa's proposal. Furthermore, the survey results showed that students have a positive
attitude towards using the Elsa app for learning English pronunciation, indicating that the
Elsa app not only improves pronunciation but also improves the learning process. It was
suggested that students' positive attitudes could be maintained. This conclusion suggests
that English teachers can use different applications to improve students' English skills,
based on the positive results observed with the Elsa application.
2.2.3. The Effectiveness of Using Cake Application on Students' Pronunciation Skills
at Smp Unismuh Makassar (2023)
The study paper “The Effectiveness of Using Cake Application on Students'
Pronunciation Skills at Smp Unismuh Makassar” is written by the authors Sri Hermawati,
Nurdevi Bte Abdul and St. Asmayanti AM 2023 to find out how using Cake applications
contributes to improving students' skills, written by Nurdevi Bte Abdul, St.Asmayanti
AM 2023. SMP Unismuh Makassar's pronunciation skills in her 9 classes. The main
purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of cake application in improving
the pronunciation skills of 9th grade students. Specifically, this study aims to identify
significant differences in students' pronunciation skills before and after using the Cake
application. This study used a quantitative approach with a preliminary experimental
design. This study was conducted with SMP Unismuh Makassar specifically in her 9th
grade class. Researchers administered a pretest to assess students' initial pronunciation
skills, followed by treatment using the Cake application. After treatment, a posttest was
conducted to assess changes in students' pronunciation skills. The analysis includes a
comparison of T-test values and T-table values. The subjects of this study include her 9th
grade students of SMP Unismuh Makassar. The sample includes her 33 students in class
IX.A. The purpose of the study was to answer questions regarding the effectiveness of
the Cake Her application in improving the pronunciation skills of 9th graders and
whether there is a significant difference in pronunciation skills before and after using the
application. This study revealed that the T-test value of pronunciation skills was higher
than the T-table value (8.21 > 2.03693). This led to the rejection of the null hypothesis
and acceptance of the alternative hypothesis. This shows that there is a significant
difference in students' pronunciation skills before and after using the Cake application.
2.2.4. The Use of English Conversation Application to Improve the Students’ Pronuncition Skill
The study “The use of english conversation application to improve the students’
pronunciation skill” was written by Berkah Awalia, H.M Basri Dalle, Eka Prabawati Rum
at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia. This study used a quantitative
approach to collect and analyze data to finding how conversation appllication improve the
student’s pronunciation skill. Quantitive data are collected from 160 students, each class
consisted of 32 students and they were divided into five classes via questionnaire.
Researchers evaluated students' pronunciation through a pre-test, revealing their average
skill level and challenges with vowel sounds. This led to students struggling with clear
communication and prioritizing speed over accuracy. The pre-test results showed 57.57%
of students in a "poor" category. To address this, students participated in six sessions
using an English conversation application, practicing pronunciation with different
materials in each session. A post-test at the end demonstrated significant improvement in
accurate phoneme usage, with the percentage of students categorized as "poor" dropping
to only 14.79% (improvement from 57.57% to 85.21%). This suggests that utilizing an
English conversation application is an effective method for enhancing students'
pronunciation skills, particularly in mastering precise phoneme production. Like in
phonemes, the researcher also finds the problem is students in intonation and sentence
stress. The pre-test revealed that a significant portion of students (56.65%) struggled with
these aspects, often prioritizing speaking quickly rather than accurately. After six sessions
using the application, a post-test showed a significant improvement in student
performance. The researcher compared pre- and post-test scores, and a T-test confirmed
the positive impact of the application (T-test score exceeding the T-table value). This
suggests that using such applications can be a valuable tool in enhancing student
pronunciation, particularly in areas beyond individual letter sounds. It highlights the
importance of exploring appropriate media to support and develop students' pronunciation skills.
2.2.5. Improving Students’ Pronunciation Skill Using Elsa Speak Application(2022)
The study “Improving students’ pronunciation skill using Elsa Speak application”
was written by Anggraini, Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika. Qualitative and
quantitative are also used to obtain data regarding the use of the ELSA Speak Application
to improve students' pronunciation skills. In this study, the subject is students of Easy
English Course (EEC) at Basic class level which consists of 30 students. This research
was conducted during a pronunciation teaching course. For data collection, researchers
used several instruments such as a list of observations and questionnaires. This study
explored the effectiveness of the ELSA Speak application in enhancing student
pronunciation. The research employed a three-cycle approach, utilizing Communicative
Language Teaching (CLT) methodology throughout. Cycle 1 focused on foundational
pronunciation skills. Students received training in using the app, practiced word
repetition, and received immediate corrections and feedback. After this cycle, their
average score on a pronunciation test significantly increased from 60 to 70. Cycle 2 built
upon the previous cycle and introduced students to more challenging vocabulary and
exercises. This resulted in further improvement, with the average score reaching 75.
Cycle 3 continued with similar activities but incorporated drills and practice to solidify
learning. Students also received more complex exercises in the form of sentences. By the
end of this cycle, the average score rose to a very good 80. The results indicate that the
ELSA Speak application significantly improved students' pronunciation skills. Compared
to traditional methods, the application offered advantages such as instant feedback,
various learning categories, and the ability for students to learn independently. This study
suggests that incorporating ELSA Speak into teaching can be a valuable tool for
enhancing student pronunciation.
2.2.6. What EFL Learners Say about YouTube Use to Improve Pronunciation in a
Blended Learning Environment (2018)
The study “What EFL Learners Say about YouTube Use to Improve
Pronunciation” was written by Asri Purnamasari, English Education Department, Faculty
of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia. The study
employed the explanatory sequential mixed methods design, in which the quantitative
data was collected and analyzed first and then the qualitative data was collected to help
explain or elaborate the previously obtained quantitative results (Pardede, 2018). The
study involved 26 freshmen majoring in Management at a private university in Jakarta,
Indonesia, who were attending a General English class in the first semester of 2017/2018
Academic Year. This study investigated the use of YouTube videos for pronunciation
learning. The majority of participants found them accessible (78%) and practical (86%).
Participants praised YouTube for making pronunciation learning easier (82.1%) and
found the videos interesting and motivating (80%). Interestingly, all interviewees stated
they could access videos anytime, anywhere, highlighting the benefit of personalized
learning versus a fixed classroom setting. The study supports the use of multimedia in
learning, concluding that YouTube's combination of sound, visuals, and written
instructions facilitates the learning process. Additionally, the study suggests that
YouTube can be particularly beneficial for introverted students, allowing them to practice
in private and build confidence before engaging with others.
The research was conducted at Faculty of Foreign Languages in Industrial
University of Ho Chi Minh City. I have been studying here for 3 years. Because I
have studied and mastered specialized English courses before so I understand the
difficulties that students have to face when pronuncing English during the
curriculumn. And there are some teachers suggested that they can use
applications as a way to enhance their pronunciation skills. Therefore, I choose
this place to conduct so that I can find out if these applications can be effectively
helped students with their pronuncing. 3.2.Participants
This study included 100 first-year English major students from K19 at the
Faculty of Foreign Languages at the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City.
Their ages range from 18 to 19. The study was done at the end of the second
semester, after the students had completed one speaking skills courses called
"Speaking 1". I chose them as my participants because they have recently
completed one topic of speaking 1, have identified the issues that they have
encountered during their pronunciation, and have suggested solutions to address those difficulties.
3.3. Research methodology and research method
3.3.1.Research Methodology:
We use quantitative methods to evaluate the effectiveness of pronunciation
applications of English majors in their first year at the Faculty of Foreign
Languages (FFL) of the Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH). We used
this method because progress in pronunciation is clearly measured. We survey
questions to collect data on student progress. These survey questions not only
showed trends in pronunciation improvement but also told us whether there
were significant differences between students who used and those who did not
use pronunciation apps. By focusing on precise outcomes, this quantitative
approach aims to provide generalizable evidence of the impact of pronunciation apps. 3.3.2 Research Method:
With this research article, we used quantitative methods through
questionnaire to survey the effectiveness of pronunciation applications for first-
year students majoring in English at the Faculty of Foreign Languages (FFL) of the
University. Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH). We chose
questionnaire because questionnaire are a popular way of collecting data, it
collected data from more people without too much effort in a short period. This
has helped us be sure of the reliability of the data while still ensuring the quantity
of data collected. Besides, participants can answer questions comfortably, easily
and quickly. We use a questionnaire consisting of 14 questions, in which the
questions revolve around the following issues: •
Self-reported pronunciation proficiency before and after using the application •
Frequency and duration of application use. •
Perceived strengths and weaknesses of the application in improving pronunciation. •
Student attitudes towards using technology for pronunciation learning. 3.4. Procedure
The data collected in the study was taken from freshmen majoring in Foreign
Languages at Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry. Collect information about
using applications to improve pronunciation for freshmen English majors at IUH.
There are two main stages in data collection. First, the online survey questionnaire
was sent to the class of 100 students, and once data collection was complete, data
analysis was initiated. Finally, the survey results were included in the analysis 3.5. Data analysis
The information collected through a questionnaire was meticulously
organized and analyzed using Microsoft Excel. This software streamlined the
processing, management, and validation of data, directly contributing to our
primary objectives. Statistical methods like standard deviation - a statistical
quantity used to measure the dispersion of data in a set of values. It indicates the
volatility of data compared to the average value. This helped identify factors
influencing pronunciation improvement among students Faculty of Foreign
Languages (FFL) learners at Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH).
Excel's capabilities enabled us to quantify participant feedback and represent it as
percentages, facilitating clear visualization of findings through pie charts and
aiding in informed decision-making. QUESTIONAIRE INTRO:
We are group 5, with the following members: Le Hoang Yen, Nguyen Thi
Thu Dinh, Tran Diem Hong, Nguyen Cao Dang, and Nguyen Hong Danh. We are
researching the effectiveness of using applications in improving pronunciation for
english majored freshmen in Faculty of Foreign languages at Industrial University
of Ho Chi Minh city. We hope you can spend about 10 minutes to answer our
team’s questions which can help our group finish this survey! All of your
responses will be critical to our team's ability to complete the study. The
information gathered will be kept confidential and used just for this study. Thank you for participating.
1. How frequently do you use pronunciation applications to improve your English pronunciation? a. Daily b. Weekly c. Monthly d. Rarely e. Never
2. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the effectiveness of pronunciation
applications in enhancing your pronunciation skills? a. 1 (Not satisfied at all) b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 (Very satisfied)
3. What specific pronunciation challenges do you face in learning English? a. Vowel sounds b. Consonant sounds c. Word stress d. Sentence intonation e. Other (please specify)
4. How confident are you in your current English pronunciation skills? a. Very confident b. Somewhat confident c. Neutral d. Not very confident e. Not confident at all
5. Do you believe that using pronunciation applications has positively impacted your
overall English communication skills? a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree
6. How many hours per week do you dedicate specifically to pronunciation practice using applications? a. 0-1 hours b. 1-2 hours c. 2-3 hours d. 3-4 hours e. More than 4 hours
7. Which pronunciation application do you find most effective for improving your English pronunciation? a. Duolingo b. ELSA Speak c. Pronunciation Power d. FluentU e. Other (please specify)
8. What features of pronunciation applications do you find most helpful in your learning process? a. Interactive exercises
b. Feedback on individual sounds
c. Sentence and phrase practice
d. Real-life conversation simulations e. Other (please specify)
9. Have you experienced any challenges or difficulties while using pronunciation applications? a. Technical issues b. Lack of motivation
c. Difficulty understanding feedback
d. Limited variety in practice materials e. Other (please specify)
10. How likely are you to recommend pronunciation applications to your peers for
improving English pronunciation? a. Very likely b. Likely c. Neutral d. Unlikely e. Very unlikely
11. In your opinion, how important is it for English majored freshmen to
incorporate pronunciation applications in their language learning journey? a. Extremely important b. Important c. Neutral d. Not very important e. Not important at all
12. Do you feel that the use of pronunciation applications has increased your
motivation to practice English pronunciation? a. Yes, significantly b. Yes, to some extent c. Neutral d. No, not really e. No, not at all
13. How would you rate the accessibility of pronunciation applications in terms of cost and availability? a. Very accessible b. Accessible c. Neutral d. Inaccessible e. Very inaccessible
14. To what extent do you believe that pronunciation applications should be
integrated into the curriculum for English majored freshmen? a. Fully integrated b. Partially integrated c. Neutral d. Minimally integrated e. Not integrated at all