[TÀI LIỆU ] TIẾNG TRUNG| TPU-G102白色油墨(MSDS)- tai lieu khoa hoc| Trường Đại học Hải Phòng

四、急救措施 First-aid measures吸入: 使用合适的呼吸防护装置,如有患者,需保持休息状态并及时进行医护。如有长时间工作者,应多吃含维生素 C 的物品 Inhalation: Using the appropriate respiratory protective equipment, for apatient, need to keep the rest and health care in a timely manner. If there is a long time workers, should eat more contain vitamin C
眼睛接触:立即将眼皮撑开,以缓和流动的水及非刺激性肥皂冲洗患部 20 分钟以上,如疼痛不止,应立 即就医 Eye contact: Distract the eyelid immediately, wash the affected part for 20
minutes or more with moderate flowing water and non-irritating soap,seek medical treatment if feeling painful forever. 皮肤接触:缓和流动的水及非刺激性肥皂冲洗患部 20 分钟以上,必要时应立即就医,如沾到工作服上应 立即换掉并清洗干净方可使用 Skin contact: Wash the affected parts for 20 minutes or more with easing flowing water and non-irritating soap, if necessary, seek medical care immediately, replace and wash the stained clothes before use.
食 之:给患者喝下 240-300 毫升的水,以稀释胃中物质,不可催吐,立即就医若呕吐,让患者身体前 倾,以避免吸入呕吐物,并反覆漱口 Swallow: Drink patients 240-300ml of water to dilute stomach substances, don’t induce vomiting, seek medical care immediately if the patients
vomit ,make patients lean forward to avoid inhalation of vomit, and gargle repeatedl Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!


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[TÀI LIỆU ] TIẾNG TRUNG| TPU-G102白色油墨(MSDS)- tai lieu khoa hoc| Trường Đại học Hải Phòng

四、急救措施 First-aid measures吸入: 使用合适的呼吸防护装置,如有患者,需保持休息状态并及时进行医护。如有长时间工作者,应多吃含维生素 C 的物品 Inhalation: Using the appropriate respiratory protective equipment, for apatient, need to keep the rest and health care in a timely manner. If there is a long time workers, should eat more contain vitamin C
眼睛接触:立即将眼皮撑开,以缓和流动的水及非刺激性肥皂冲洗患部 20 分钟以上,如疼痛不止,应立 即就医 Eye contact: Distract the eyelid immediately, wash the affected part for 20
minutes or more with moderate flowing water and non-irritating soap,seek medical treatment if feeling painful forever. 皮肤接触:缓和流动的水及非刺激性肥皂冲洗患部 20 分钟以上,必要时应立即就医,如沾到工作服上应 立即换掉并清洗干净方可使用 Skin contact: Wash the affected parts for 20 minutes or more with easing flowing water and non-irritating soap, if necessary, seek medical care immediately, replace and wash the stained clothes before use.
食 之:给患者喝下 240-300 毫升的水,以稀释胃中物质,不可催吐,立即就医若呕吐,让患者身体前 倾,以避免吸入呕吐物,并反覆漱口 Swallow: Drink patients 240-300ml of water to dilute stomach substances, don’t induce vomiting, seek medical care immediately if the patients
vomit ,make patients lean forward to avoid inhalation of vomit, and gargle repeatedl Tài liệu giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!

64 32 lượt tải Tải xuống
第 2 页 11
一、物品与厂商资料 Product and company informaon
第 4 页 11
物品名称:TPU-G102 白色油墨
溶剂环己酮 CYC 108-94-1 15-20%
助剂 分散剂 Dispersant 26677-99-6
Additive 流平剂 Flow agent 9006-65-9
合计 Sum 100%
四、急救措施 First-aid measures
吸入: 使用合适的呼吸防护装置,如有患者,需保持休息状态并及时进行医护。如有长时间工作者,应多
吃含维生素 C 的物品
Inhalaon: Using the appropriate respiratory protecve equipment, for a paent, need to keep the rest and health
care in a mely manner. If there is a long me workers, should eat more contain vitamin C
眼睛接触:立即将眼皮撑开,以缓和流动的水及非刺激性肥皂冲洗患部 20 分钟以上,如疼痛不止,应立
Eye contact: Distract the eyelid immediately, wash the aected part for 20 minutes or more with moderate owing
water and non-irritang soap, seek medical treatment if feeling painful forever.
皮肤接触:缓和流动的水及非刺激性肥皂冲洗患部 20 分钟以上,必要时应立即就医,如沾到工作服上应
Skin contact: Wash the aected parts for 20 minutes or more with easing owing water and non-irritang soap, if
necessary, seek medical care immediately, replace and wash the stained clothes before use.
之:给患者喝下 240-300 毫升的水,以稀释胃物质,不可催吐,立即就医若呕吐,让患者身体前倾
Swallow: Drink paents 240-300ml of water to dilute stomach substances, don’t induce voming, seek medical care
immediately if the paents vomit ,make paents lean forward to avoid inhalaon of vomit, and gargle
五、灭火措施 Fire-ghng measures
Suitable exnguisher: Dry chemical powder (ABC), carbon dioxide ,foam 灭火时最大危害:蒸气比空气
The maximum re hazards: Vapor is heavier than air. It may ow to the re source and cause explosion.
第 6 页 11
Special re-ghng mode: Unfavorable re with water. If there are excessive materials not on re, you can use
waster mist to adsorb heat, cool containers and protect persons.
Fire protecon: Wear gas masks, gloves and protecve clothing.
六、泄露处理方法 The treatment method of disclosure 个人注意事:确定清理工作是由受过训练的
Personal notes: determine the cleanup is performed by trained personnel; wearing appropriate personal
protecve equipment such as masks,
gloves and others.
Environmental protecon: Remove all of the re sources; venlate the draining regions; inform the government,
occupaonal Health and Safety and related environmental protecon department.
Methods for cleaning up: Don’t touch the leaked materials; prevent the leaked materials from the sewer or narrow
space; try to stop in the case of security license; contact the re emergency handled units and
suppliers to get help.
七、 安全处理与储存 Safe handling and storage
Handling: The liquid materials are ammable and toxic; maintain venlaon in the workplace, and isolate the re
and heat sources. There should be a “non-pyrotechnic”logo in the workplace.
Storage: Containers remain sealed and stored in a cool, dry, venlated place where no direct sunlight; avoid heat
and re sources; storage areas and work areas on the sub-switches having appropriate re exnguishers
and spill clean-up equipments;( limited storage)
八、 接触控制/个人防护 Contact control/Personal protecon 呼吸防护:防护口罩
Respiraon protecon: Protecve masks
手部防护:防渗手套,材质以聚乙烯醇,Viton,4H,Barricade,CPF3 为佳
protecon: wearing impervious gloves beer made with polyvinyl alcohol
Eyes protecon: Chemical splash-proof goggles or comprehensive-type masks 皮肤及身体防护:质以
,Viton,4H,Barricade,CPF3 的防护连身工作服
Skin and body protecon: wearing protecve coveralls made with polyvinyl alcohol ,Viton,4H,Barricade or CPF3
Hygiene Procedures: General protecve measures, wash the contaminated clothing promptly ,be sure to wash face
and hands aer operaon
九、物理及化学性质 Physical and chemical properes
Thickness:1.35±0.05g/ cm
Ignion point: 64 颜色:白沸点:255
Colour: White Boiling point255 闪点:140 气味:少许刺激性
Flash point: 140 Odor: A lile irritant 十、化学稳定性和反应性 Chemical stability and
reacvity 安定性:正常情况下较稳定
Stability: Relavely stable under normal condions
Possible hazard response under special circumstances: Explosion 应避免之状况:
1 火花、明火,高温和其它着火条件
2 强氧化剂:可能引起爆炸
3 静电、撞击、倒置 Situaon should be avoided:
1.Spark,open res, heat and other re condions
2.Strong oxidizers: possible explosion
3. Stac, impact, inverted
1 氧化物
2 硝酸和二氢乙内醯脲
3 溶剂会侵蚀某些塑料、橡胶 Materials should be avoided:
第 8 页 11
2.Solvents eroding some plascs and rubber
3. Solvent erosion of certain plascs, rubber 危害分解物:一氧化碳、二氧化碳、金属氧化物
Hazardous decomposions: CO CO
MOX 十一、毒性资料 Toxicological informaon
1 短暂的暴露于 200ppm 浓度,会刺激鼻和咽喉
2 暴露于高浓度(大约 10000ppm),会引起动作不协调、失去意识、呼吸衰竭甚
至死亡皮 肤:液体会刺激皮肤引起红斑、干燥脱脂,长期接触会引起皮肤炎眼 睛:其液体挥发
气体会刺激眼睛食 入:
1 因食入而吸收,产生抑制中枢神经,症状如吸入所述
2 若吸入,食入或呕吐时物质吸入肺部,可能导致肺部刺激,肺部组织受损或死
亡死 :人类或动物误食或吸入量超过一定量会导致死亡
Acute toxicity: Volale gas will smulate the eyes, mucous membranes and skin, high concentraon gas may cause
Inspiroaon:1.Exposured to 200ppm concentraon in a short period, nose and throat will be smulated
2.Exposed to high concentraon (about 10000 ppm),may cause in coordinaon, loss of consciousness,
respiratory failure and even death.
Skin: Liquid will smulate the skin, causing erythema. The skin will be dry and skimmed. Long-term exposure may
cause dermas.
Eyes: The volale gas of liquid will irritate the eyes.
1. Adsorpon due to ingeson would press nerves centrals, symptoms as described in inspiraon.
2.Materials inhaled into the lung may cause lung smulaon, lung ssue damage and even death at
theme of inhalaon, ingeson or voming.
Death: Mankind or the animal mistake food or inhale the quanty exceed certain the quanty will cause to die
LDM50mg/kgWhite ratdevour
LDM10000ppm/6HWhite rat, inspiraon
Local response:
500mg/24H(rabbit, skin)cause moderate smulaon
87mg(rabbit, eyes) cause minor smulaon
1 长期暴露可能起皮肤炎
2 肝脏或肾脏损害
Chronic toxicity or long-term toxicity:
1.Long-term exposure may have caused dermas. 2.cause liver or kidney damage
十二、生态资料:Ecological informaon
Environmental impacts:
1. May not to accumulate, to break down in the body
2.released into the soil, be expected to inltrate into ground water or biological decomposion, may be
volalized o. 3.released into water, expecng to be biodegradable 十三、废弃须知 Abandoned know
10 11
1 参考相关法规要求
2 可采用特定的焚化或沙土掩埋法处理
3 不可同民用垃圾一同处理,务必作环保处理,有必要时请洽供应商协助处理
Disposal consideraon
1.reference to the relevant regulatory requirements
2.use a parcular treatment by incineraon or sanitary landll
3.can’t be handled with the civilian garbage together, be sure to make environmental treatment, if
necessary, please contact the suppliers.
十四、运送资料 Transport informaon
1 DOT 49 CFR 将之列为第三类易燃液体、包装等级Ⅱ(美国交通部)
2 IATA/ICAO 分级:3(国际航运组织)
3 IMDG 分级:无分类规定(国际海运组织)
Internaonal transport regulaons:
1.It listed as the third ammable liquids, packaging grade by the DOT 49U.S. Department Of
2. IATA/ICAO classicaon:3(Internaonal navigaon transportaonorganizaon)
3. IMDG classicaon: No classicaon(Internaonal marime
联合国危险货物编号(UN 号):1293
The United Naons dangerous goods code ( UN): 1293 包装:包装可用金属桶,油漆体积不能超过
Packaging: packaging available metal barrels, paint barrels packaging volume volume should not exceed 90%. 十五
、法规信息 Regulatory informaon
化学危险物品安全管理条例(1987 2 17 日国务院发布),针对化学危险品的安全生产、使用、储存
Hazardous chemicals for safe producon, use, storage, transport, loading and unloading are made by the
corresponding provisions of the Regulaons of safe management regarding dangerous chemicals issued by the State
依据《化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范GB 20581-2006),将其划分第 3 类中闪点易燃液
On the basis of" chemical classicaon, precauonary labeling and precauonary statements of" safety
specicaon ( GB 20581-2006 ), dividing the third categories in the ash point of ammable liquids 十六、其他信
Other informaon
参考文献:《化学品安全技术说明书内容和项目顺序GB/T 16483-2008 化学品分类、警示标签
和警示性说明安全规范》GB 20581-2006 化学品分类和危险性公示 通则》GB 13690-2009
References: " Chemical safety technical specicaons content and order of secons" ( GB / T 16483-2008 )
" Chemical classicaon, precauonary labeling and precauonary statements of" safety specicaon ( GB 20581-
2006 )
" Chemicals general rule for classicaon and hazard communicaon" ( GB
13690-2009 ) 填表时间:2023-01-12
Guidance me:2023-01-12 填表部门:研发部
Guidance department: R$D 数据审核单位:研发部 总经
Audit unit: R$D 他:
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惠州市彩森环保涂料有限 公司
产品安全技术说明书(MSDS) 第 1 页 共 11 页 lOMoARcPSD|50202050
惠州市彩森环保涂料有限 公司 一 、 物 品 与 厂 商 资 料 Product and company information 第 2 页 共 11 页 lOMoARcPSD|50202050
惠州市彩森环保涂料有限 公司 第 3 页 共 11 页 lOMoARcPSD|50202050
惠州市彩森环保涂料有限 公司
物品名称:TPU-G102 白色油墨 第 4 页 共 11 页 lOMoARcPSD|50202050
惠州市彩森环保涂料有限 公司
溶剂环己酮 CYC 108-94-1 15-20% Solvent 助剂 分散剂 Dispersant 26677-99-6 1-3% Additive 流平剂 Flow agent 9006-65-9 合计 Sum 100%
四、急救措施 First-aid measures
吸入: 使用合适的呼吸防护装置,如有患者,需保持休息状态并及时进行医护。如有长时间工作者,应多 吃含维生素 C 的物品
Inhalation: Using the appropriate respiratory protective equipment, for a patient, need to keep the rest and health
care in a timely manner. If there is a long time workers, should eat more contain vitamin C
眼睛接触:立即将眼皮撑开,以缓和流动的水及非刺激性肥皂冲洗患部 20 分钟以上,如疼痛不止,应立 即就医
Eye contact: Distract the eyelid immediately, wash the affected part for 20 minutes or more with moderate flowing
water and non-irritating soap, seek medical treatment if feeling painful forever.
皮肤接触:缓和流动的水及非刺激性肥皂冲洗患部 20 分钟以上,必要时应立即就医,如沾到工作服上应
Skin contact: Wash the affected parts for 20 minutes or more with easing flowing water and non-irritating soap, if
necessary, seek medical care immediately, replace and wash the stained clothes before use.
食 之:给患者喝下 240-300 毫升的水,以稀释胃中物质,不可催吐,立即就医若呕吐,让患者身体前倾
Swallow: Drink patients 240-300ml of water to dilute stomach substances, don’t induce vomiting, seek medical care
immediately if the patients vomit ,make patients lean forward to avoid inhalation of vomit, and gargle repeatedly.
五、灭火措施 Fire-fighting measures
适 用 灭 火 器:干粉(ABC)、二氧化碳、泡沫
Suitable extinguisher: Dry chemical powder (ABC), carbon dioxide ,foam 灭火时最大危害:蒸气比空气重,可流
The maximum fire hazards: Vapor is heavier than air. It may flow to the fire source and cause explosion.
特殊灭火方式:不宜用水灭火,如有溢物未著火,可以用水雾吸热来冷却容器,并保护止人员 第 5 页 共 11 页 lOMoARcPSD|50202050
惠州市彩森环保涂料有限 公司
Special fire-fighting mode: Unfavorable fire with water. If there are excessive materials not on fire, you can use
waster mist to adsorb heat, cool containers and protect persons.
Fire protection: Wear gas masks, gloves and protective clothing.
六、泄露处理方法 The treatment method of disclosure 个人注意事项:确定清理工作是由受过训练的人员负责
Personal notes: determine the cleanup is performed by trained personnel; wearing appropriate personal
protective equipment such as masks, gloves and others.
Environmental protection: Remove all of the fire sources; ventilate the draining regions; inform the government,
occupational Health and Safety and related environmental protection department.
清 理 方 式:不要碰触外泄物;避免外泄物进入下水道或狭隘的空间内;在安全许可的情形下,设法阻止,
Methods for cleaning up: Don’t touch the leaked materials; prevent the leaked materials from the sewer or narrow
space; try to stop in the case of security license; contact the fire emergency handled units and suppliers to get help.
七、 安全处理与储存 Safe handling and storage
Handling: The liquid materials are flammable and toxic; maintain ventilation in the workplace, and isolate the fire
and heat sources. There should be a “non-pyrotechnic”logo in the workplace.
Storage: Containers remain sealed and stored in a cool, dry, ventilated place where no direct sunlight; avoid heat
and fire sources; storage areas and work areas on the sub-switches having appropriate fire extinguishers
and spill clean-up equipments;( limited storage)
八、 接触控制/个人防护 Contact control/Personal protection 呼吸防护:防护口罩
Respiration protection: Protective masks
手部防护:防渗手套,材质以聚乙烯醇,Viton,4H,Barricade,CPF3 为佳
protection: wearing impervious gloves better made with polyvinyl alcohol Viton,4H,Barricade,CPF3
眼睛防护:化学防溅护目镜或全面型面罩 第 6 页 共 11 页 lOMoARcPSD|50202050
惠州市彩森环保涂料有限 公司
Eyes protection: Chemical splash-proof goggles or comprehensive-type masks 皮肤及身体防护:材质以聚乙烯醇
,Viton,4H,Barricade,CPF3 的防护连身工作服
Skin and body protection: wearing protective coveralls made with polyvinyl alcohol ,Viton,4H,Barricade or CPF3 卫
Hygiene Procedures: General protective measures, wash the contaminated clothing promptly ,be sure to wash face and hands after operation
九、物理及化学性质 Physical and chemical properties 密度:1.35±0.05g/cm3 燃点:64℃ Thickness:1.35±0.05g/ cm3
Ignition point: 64℃ 颜色:白色沸点:255℃
Colour: White Boiling point:255℃ 闪点:140℃ 气味:少许刺激性
Flash point: 140℃ Odor: A little irritant 十、化学稳定性和反应性 Chemical stability and
reactivity 安定性:正常情况下较稳定
Stability: Relatively stable under normal conditions
Possible hazard response under special circumstances: Explosion 应避免之状况: 1、
火花、明火,高温和其它着火条件 2、
强氧化剂:可能引起爆炸 3、
静电、撞击、倒置 Situation should be avoided:
1.Spark,open fires, heat and other fire conditions
2.Strong oxidizers: possible explosion 3. Static, impact, inverted 应避免之物质 1、 氧化物 2、 硝酸和二氢乙内醯脲 3、
溶剂会侵蚀某些塑料、橡胶 Materials should be avoided: 1.Oxides 第 7 页 共 11 页 lOMoARcPSD|50202050
惠州市彩森环保涂料有限 公司
2.Solvents eroding some plastics and rubber
3. Solvent erosion of certain plastics, rubber 危害分解物:一氧化碳、二氧化碳、金属氧化物
Hazardous decompositions: CO CO2 MOX 十一、毒性资料 Toxicological information
急毒性:挥发气体会刺激眼睛,粘膜和皮肤;高浓度会引起麻醉吸 入: 1、
短暂的暴露于 200ppm 浓度,会刺激鼻和咽喉 2、
暴露于高浓度(大约 10000ppm),会引起动作不协调、失去意识、呼吸衰竭甚
至死亡皮 肤:液体会刺激皮肤引起红斑、干燥脱脂,长期接触会引起皮肤炎眼 睛:其液体挥发
气体会刺激眼睛食 入: 1、
因食入而吸收,产生抑制中枢神经,症状如吸入所述 2、
亡死 亡:人类或动物误食或吸入量超过一定量会导致死亡 LD : ld 50mg/kg(白鼠,吞食) LD : ld
Acute toxicity: Volatile gas will stimulate the eyes, mucous membranes and skin, high concentration gas may cause narcosis.
Inspiroation:1.Exposured to 200ppm concentration in a short period, nose and throat will be stimulated
2.Exposed to high concentration (about 10000 ppm),may cause in coordination, loss of consciousness,
respiratory failure and even death.
Skin: Liquid will stimulate the skin, causing erythema. The skin will be dry and skimmed. Long-term exposure may cause dermatitis.
Eyes: The volatile gas of liquid will irritate the eyes. Ingestion:
1. Adsorption due to ingestion would press nerves centrals, symptoms as described in inspiration.
2.Materials inhaled into the lung may cause lung stimulation, lung tissue damage and even death at
the time of inhalation, ingestion or vomiting.
Death: Mankind or the animal mistake food or inhale the quantity exceed certain the quantity will cause to die
LDM:50mg/kg(White rat,devour)
LDM:10000ppm/6H(White rat, inspiration) 局部反应:
500mg/24H(兔子,皮肤)造成中度刺激 第 8 页 共 11 页 lOMoARcPSD|50202050
惠州市彩森环保涂料有限 公司
87mg(兔子,眼睛)造成轻微刺激 Local response:
500mg/24H(rabbit, skin)cause moderate stimulation
87mg(rabbit, eyes) cause minor stimulation 慢毒性或长期毒性:
1、 长期暴露可能起皮肤炎 2、 肝脏或肾脏损害
Chronic toxicity or long-term toxicity:
1.Long-term exposure may have caused dermatitis. 2.cause liver or kidney damage
十二、生态资料:Ecological information 1,环境影响:
3.释放在水中,预期会进行生物分解 Environmental impacts:
1. May not to accumulate, to break down in the body
2.released into the soil, be expected to infiltrate into ground water or biological decomposition, may be
volatilized off. 3.released into water, expecting to be biodegradable 十三、废弃须知 Abandoned know 第 9 页 共 11 页 lOMoARcPSD|50202050
惠州市彩森环保涂料有限 公司 废弃处理方法: 1、 参考相关法规要求
2、 可采用特定的焚化或沙土掩埋法处理
3、 不可同民用垃圾一同处理,务必作环保处理,有必要时请洽供应商协助处理 Disposal consideration
1.reference to the relevant regulatory requirements
2.use a particular treatment by incineration or sanitary landfill
3.can’t be handled with the civilian garbage together, be sure to make environmental treatment, if
necessary, please contact the suppliers.
十四、运送资料 Transport information 国际运送规定:
1、 DOT 49 CFR 将之列为第三类易燃液体、包装等级Ⅱ(美国交通部)
2、 IATA/ICAO 分级:3(国际航运组织)
3、 IMDG 分级:无分类规定(国际海运组织)
International transport regulations:
1.It listed as the third flammable liquids, packaging grade by the Ⅱ DOT 49(U.S. Department Of Transportation)
2. IATA/ICAO classification:3(International navigation transportationorganization)
3. IMDG classification: No classification(International maritime organization)
联合国危险货物编号(UN 号):1293
The United Nations dangerous goods code ( UN): 1293 包装:包装可用金属桶,油漆体积不能超过包装桶容积 的 90%。
Packaging: packaging available metal barrels, paint barrels packaging volume volume should not exceed 90%. 十五
、法规信息 Regulatory information
化学危险物品安全管理条例(1987 年 2 月 17 日国务院发布),针对化学危险品的安全生产、使用、储存
、运输、装卸等方面均作了相应规定。 第 10 页 共 11 页 lOMoARcPSD|50202050
惠州市彩森环保涂料有限 公司
Hazardous chemicals for safe production, use, storage, transport, loading and unloading are made by the
corresponding provisions of the Regulations of safe management regarding dangerous chemicals issued by the State Council 1987.2.17
依据《化学品分类、警示标签和警示性说明安全规范》(GB 20581-2006),将其划分第 3 类中闪点易燃液 体
On the basis of" chemical classification, precautionary labeling and precautionary statements of" safety
specification ( GB 20581-2006 ), dividing the third categories in the flash point of flammable liquids 十六、其他信 息 Other information
参考文献:《化学品安全技术说明书内容和项目顺序》(GB/T 16483-2008) 《化学品分类、警示标签
和警示性说明安全规范》(GB 20581-2006) 《化学品分类和危险性公示 通则》(GB 13690-2009)
References: " Chemical safety technical specifications content and order of sections" ( GB / T 16483 -2008 )
" Chemical classification, precautionary labeling and precautionary statements of" safety specification ( GB 20581- 2006 )
" Chemicals general rule for classification and hazard communication" ( GB
13690-2009 ) 填表时间:2023-01-12
Guidance time:2023-01-12 填表部门:研发部
Guidance department: R$D 数据审核单位:研发部 总经 理室 Audit unit: R$D 其 他: More details: 第 11 页 共 11 页