Thống kê xã hội học (MATH137) | Trường Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nội

Thống kê xã hội học (MATH137) | Trường Đại học Sư phạm Hà Nộivới những kiến thức và thông tin bổ ích giúp sinh viên tham khảo, ôn luyện và phục vụ nhu cầu học tập của mình cụ thể là có định hướng, ôn tập, nắm vững kiến thức môn học và làm bài tốt trong những bài kiểm tra, bài tiểu luận, bài tập kết thúc học phần, từ đó học tập tốt và có kết quả cao cũng như có thể vận dụng tốt những kiến thức mình đã học vào thực tiễn cuộc sống.

Part 1: Listen to the recording TWICE then choose A, B or C to best answer the questions
1. What is the purpose of the woman's visit?
A. business B. pleasure C. business and pleasure
2. Where will the woman stay during her trip?
A. at a friend's home B. at a hotel C. at a university dormitory
3. About how long will the woman be in the country?
A. one or two days B. three or four days C. more than four days
4. What things are in the woman's luggage?
A. clothing, computer, and books
B. CD player, clothing, and books
C. books, gifts and computer
5. What other piece of information do we learn about the woman?
A. Her parents are on the same trip.
B. She enjoys traveling to different countries.
C. She was born in that country.
Part 2: You will hear a man, David, being interviewed about his life as a professional footballer.
For questions 6-10, mark A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
questions. The recording will be played TWICE.
6. How long has David been a professional football player?
A. one match B. two years C. four years D. two matches
7. When was first he included in the club?
A. When he was seventeen. B. When he was twelve.
C. When he was fifteen. D. When he was fourteen.
8. What is in a normal day for David?
A. fitness training and tactics B. fitness training and a full match
C. fitness training only D. fitness training, tactics and a full match
9. What do the team not watch videos about?
A. the opposition B. playing at home
C. their own performance. D. warming up
10. What does David say about the diet of a footballer?
A. It is often unpleasant and bad. B. It has lots of rice, meat and pasta.
C. Footballers have to be careful about what they eat. D. They drink alcohol regularly.
Part 3: You’re going to hear the information about a new variant of the covid-19 virus. Listen and
choose the correct answer. The recording will be played TWICE.
11. A new variant of the covid-19 virus is beginning ______
A. to spared worldwide B. to spread in Botswana
C. to have a great influence all over the world D. to spread worldwide
12. When was a new variant of the covid-19 virus first reported?
A. on 19 of November B. on 9 of November
th th
C. on 26 of November D. on 29 of November
th th
13. What have many countries reinstated?
A. mask wearing B. travel bans C. social distancing D. working from home
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14. How many genetic changes in Omicron have scientists discovered?
A. 50 B. 40 C. 60 D. 20
15. How long might it take scientists to find out how dangerous Omicron is?
A. a few weeks B. days C. hours D. ages
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from that of the other words.
16. A. arrested B. maintained C. provided D. fascinated
17. A. picture B. psychology C. produce D. inspire
18. A. ancestor B. analyse C. ancient D. advantage
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main
stress in each of the following word.
19. A. linguistics B. geology C. prehistoric D. researcher
20. A. effect B. effort C. marine D. preserve
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
21. Mason is truly a friend. He will always be with me and never let me down. reliable
A. generous B. independent C. decisive D. dependable
22. It is advisable that everyone in a family shares the household .duties
A. views B. ideas C. jobs D. chores
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
23. I'd go mad if I had to do a job like working on a supermarket checkout.dead-end
A. boring B. dangerous C. fascinating D. demanding
24. These days, many people only read printed newspapers as they tend to access once in a while
information online.
A. regularly B. attentively C. occasionally D. selectively
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined word or phrase that must be changed in
order for the sentence to be correct.
25. The children had so difficult time when they began school in their new neighbourhood that their
parents decided never to move again.
26. The Americans are the most concerned than the Chinese with physical attractiveness when
choosing a wife or a husband.
27. Every national team which contains world-class talents is capable of lighting up the tournament
and write its name into football folklore.
28. When parents allow his children to spend many hours watching television, the children are not
likely to be physically fit.
29. It is said that these good life skills will make young people become more confidential.
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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
30. Tom and Linda are talking about jobs they would like to choose.
- Tom: “I think working as a policeman is a challenging job.”
- Linda: “__________
A. It’s a good idea. B. Never mind.
C. I’m sorry, but I agree with you. D. That’s exactly what I think.
31. Peter and Mary are discussing about volunteer work.
- Peter: "Would you like to join our volunteer group this summer vacation?”
- Mary: “___________”
A. Do you think I would? B. I wouldn't. Thank you
C. Yes, you're a good friend D. Yes, I'd love to. Thanks.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
32. There are both advantages and disadvantages of living in families with three or four generations,
also known as ________ families.
A. single-parent B. extended C. nuclear D. crowded
33. A/ An________ studies how people behave and how their minds work.
A. geologist B. astronomer C. linguist D. psychologist
34. She looks ________ with a straight nose and long black hair.
A. attract B. attractive C. attractively D. attraction
35. If we take part in a lot of volunteer activities, we ________ a lot of valuable experience in life.
A. would have B. would have had C. had had D. will have
36. I don't know what to say to break the ________ with someone I've just met at the party.
A. ice B. rule C. leg D. air
37. He used to smoke a lot, ________ now he doesn’t smoke any more.
A. since B. therefore C. but D. as
38. It is important that men should share household tasks __________ their wives.
A. to B. with C. for D. against
39. Washing machine or vacuum cleaner can help you to _________ time while doing housework.
A. kill B. save C. spend D. waste
40. If you have any problem, please call Ann. She'll always __________a sympathetic ear.
A. bring B. borrow C. give D. lend
41. My cousin is interested in studying our prehistoric ancestors and ancient buildings, so she has
decided to become a/an___________.
A. geologist B. biologist C. archaeologist D. activist
42. Their company has___________donated $ 10,000 to a charity organization in our town.
A. yet B. already C. since D. never
43. We had to queue for a long time in front of the __________ to buy some tickets for movie Purple
A. blockbuster B. soundtract C. box office D. performance
44. Computers that once took up entire rooms are now ___________to put on desktops and into
A. small enough B. smaller than C. so small D. as small as
45. The average__________ watches television for about 15 hours a week.
A. spectator B. observer C. audience D. viewer
46. Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, and dish washers are labor __________ devices which help
us do housework easily and quickly.
A. improving B. making C. saving D. employing
47. She ____________the artist a very charming compliment on his oil
A. showed B. paid C. made D.
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48. We have our ___________ of course, but we are still quite satisfied with our life.
A. odds and ends B. ups and downs C. safe and sound D. ins and outs
49. The movie was really ____________but was still pleasurable.
A. amusing B. terrified C. scary D. interesting
50. People __________outlook on life is optimistic are usually happy people.
A. whose B. which C. that D. who
51. Electric lights are __________, clean, and give more light than gas.
A. economy B. economical C. economic D. economics
52. There __________ two stone lions at the gate of that old house. Isn’t that right?
A. used to be B. used to being C. were used to D. being used
53. Before the plane __________, the flight attendant told everyone to fasten their seat belts and put
their chairs in an upright position.
A. got off B. broke down C. kept on D. took off
Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the numbered space in the following passage.
Amparo Lasén, the Spanish sociologist who conducted the study found that Londoners use
their cell phones the least in public. If they are with others, they prefer to let calls be answered by
voice mail (a recorded message) and then they check for messages later. If the English do answer a
call on the street, they seem to dislike talking with others around. They tend to move away from a
crowded sidewalk and seek out a place ____________ they cannot be heard, such as the far side(54)
of a subway entrance or even the edge of a street. They seem to feel that the danger of the traffic is
(55) ___________ to the risk of having their conversation be overheard. This has led to a behavior
that Lasén has called "clustering." At a busy time of day on the streets of London, you may find
small crowds of cell phone users grouped together, each one talking into a cell phone. Even when it
is raining—as it is often in London—people still prefer not to hold their conversations where others
could hear. They talk _____________ their umbrellas or in a doorway. (56)
In Paris, however, there are stricter rules about how and when to use cell phones. It is not
considered polite to use a phone in a restaurant, ______________, though it might be acceptable(57)
in the more informal setting of a café. One special custom that has developed in cafés seems unique
to Paris. Young women often place their cell phones on the table beside them to signal that they are
expecting someone. When the friend arrives, the phone is _____________. In fact, the French(58)
are generally very disapproving of phone use in public and are quick to express that disapproval,
even to strangers.
(Adapted from “Advanced Reading Power” by Beatrice S. Mikulecky and Linda Jeffries)
54. A. which B. when C. where D. what
55. A. preferable B. accessible C. suitable D. responsive
56. A. on B. under C. in D. after
57. A. therefore B. moreover C. however D. for instance
58. A. put away B. put back C. put down D. put aside
Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions
People have defined ‘skyscraper’ in a number of ways over the years: an ornament on the top
of a building, a high-flying bird, a very tall man and a sail at the top of a mast. At the end of the
nineteenth century, the word was used to refer to buildings of ten storeys or more. Later, a lift was
used to take people up to the higher floors, as in the most famous skyscraper, the Empire State
Building. During the Middle Ages, the people lived in the cities of northern Europe began towho
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build great cathedrals. Tall spires were added to make these churches higher and bring them closer to
In the nineteenth century, as cities grew more crowded with people looking for work, the
value of land . New businesses were starting and in order to make room for offices on arocketed
small plot of land, it was necessary to build higher. But the problem was that to put up a stone
building of such height, the walls on the ground floor would have to be more than two metres thick
to hold the weight of the building. So another material was required to make skyscrapers possible.
About this time, three buildings were put up that used iron or steel to support great weight
with safety. They were the Crystal Palace in London, the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Brooklyn
Bridge in New York. From then on, architects started to experiment with buildings that had steel
frames and they have made huge progress. Today, the tallest skyscrapers are a hundred storeys or
more, compared to the first ten -storey skyscrapers, which seem tiny.
(Adapted from by Bessie Dendrinos & Bessie Mitsikopoulou)Exam Preparation in School
59. What could be the best title for the passage?
A. Why skyscrapers were needed. B. The most famous skyscrapers in the world today.
C. The people who designed skyscrapers. D. Problems during construction of skyscrapers.
60. The word " " in paragraph 1 refers to ________ .who
A. the churches B. the people C. the cities D. the middle ages
61. According to paragraph 1, in the Middle Ages, people built tall churches because ______ .
A. they were more beautiful B. they felt like approaching God
C. they took in more people D. they started to build great cathedrals
62. The word "rocketed" in paragraph 2 mostly means ______ .
A. rose B. dropped C. fluctuated D. drew
63. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a structure using iron or
steel to support great weight with safety?
A. The Eiffel Tower. B. Crystal Palace. C. Fogo Island Inn D. The Brooklyn Bridge.
Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions
American movies create myths about college life in the United States. These stories are
entertaining, but they are not true. You have to look beyond Hollywood movies to understand what
college is really like. Thanks to the movies, many people believe that college students party and
socialize more than they study.
Movies almost never show students working hard in class or in the library. Instead, movies
show them eating, talking, hanging out, or dancing to loud music at wild parties. While it is true that
American students have the freedom to participate in activities, they also have academic
responsibilities. In order to succeed, they have to attend classes and study hard. Another movie myth
is that athletics is the only important extracurricular activity. In fact, there is a wide variety of
nonacademic activities on campus such as special clubs, service organizations, art, and theater
programs. This variety allows students to choose what interests them. Even more important, after
graduation, students’ résumés look better to employers if list a few extracurricular activities. they
Most students in the movies can easily afford higher education. If only this were true! While
it is true that some American college students are wealthy, most are from families with moderate
incomes. Up to 80% of them get some type of financial aid. Students from middle and lower-income
families often work part-time throughout their college years. There is one thing that many college
students have in common, but it is not something you will see in the movies. They have parents who
think higher education is a priority, a necessary and important part of their children's lives.
Movies about college life usually have characters that are extreme in some way: super
athletic, super intelligent, super wealthy, super glamorous, etc. Movies use these stereotypes, along
with other myths of romance and adventure because audiences like going to movies that include
these elements. Of course, real college students are not like movie characters at all. So the next time
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you want a taste of the college experience, do not go to the movies. Look at some college websites or
brochures instead.
Take a walk around your local college campus. Visit a few classes. True, you may not be able
to see the same people or exciting action you will see in the movies, but you can be sure that there
are plenty of academic adventures going on all around you!
64. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. You should see college movies to understand college life.
B. Movies about college life are similar to life and fun to watch.
C. American students do not like to watch Hollywood movies.
D. American colleges in the movies are not like those in reality.
65. The phrase in the second paragraph is closest in meaning toacademic responsibilities
A. learning duties B. training skills C. caring professions D. teaching methods
66. The word in the second paragraph refers to ___________.“they”
A. résumés B. activities C. students D. employers
67. The word in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to “____________”.“moderate”
A. unlimited B. not high C. not steady D. sensible
68. American parents believe in ____________.
A. the extracurricular activities that help ensure their children’s jobs
B. the necessity of higher education in their children's lives
C. how movie-makers describe American college life
D. the quality of their children's college lives
69. Many American students have to work part-time throughout their college years because ______.
A. they can earn money for their expenses B. they want to gain experience
C. their parents force them to D. they are not allowed to work full-time
70. Which of the following could best serve as the title of the passage?
A. Extracurricular Activities and Job Opportunities
B. Hollywood Movies: The Best About College Life
C. American College Life and the Movies
D. Going to College: The Only Way to Succeed in Life
Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (5 pts)
1. With the _______________ of the Internet and the World Wide Web, businessmen do not have as
much traveling as they used to. (DEVELOP)
2. Spending time helping the disadvantaged children gave me real__________________. (PLEASE)
3. The doctor advises her not to go out this week because her disease is_________________. If she
goes out, other people may catch it easily from her. (INFECTION)
4. They had a/an ________________ life, so they can decide everything on their own. (DEPEND)
5. Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin and James Watt are among the greatest _________________
of all time. (INVENT)
Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (5 pts)
1. I think Jenny will be suitable for the work because she (work)________________ as a teacher for
a long time.
2. 3. Bone and ivory needles (find)________________ at archaeological sites indicate that clothes
(sew)_______________ for about 17,000 years.
4. That schoolgirl often goes to school late to avoid (check)________________ the old lesson.
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5. David never wastes his time; he tries (improve)_________________ himself at every opportunity.
6. I (walk)________________ along the street when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.
7. Don’t worry! I (give)________________ her this message as soon as she returns.
8.9. Left-hand traffic, a custom (exist)______________ in Britain, (date)________________ back to
the days when English people went to and fro on horseback.
10. Jimmy (not, buy)________________ a new laptop yet although his computer broke down.
Complete the new sentence so that it means the same as the given one, using NO MORE THAN
FIVE words. Write the missing words in the given spaces (5 pts)
1. In Viet Nam students often give flowers to their teachers on Vietnamese Teachers’ Day.
->In Viet Nam teachers __________________________________________by their students on
Vietnamese Teachers’ Day.
2. I think that Lan needs to have more patience to be a teacher.
-> I think that Lan is not_____________________________________________ a teacher.
3. I’m sure that they had practised hard for the games as they won a lot of medals.
-> They must____________________________________for the games as they won a lot of medals.
4. During my travel in Amsterdam, I came across an old friend.
-> While I___________________________________________, I came across an old friend.
5. That was such a difficult exercise that nobody could do it.
-> That was so__________________________________________nobody could do it.
Use the given and other words to complete the following sentences so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence. Do not change the word given in brackets. (5 pts)
1. Surprisingly, Argentina was defeated by Saudi Arabia in their first match of the 2022 World Cup.
2. I have never seen a more interesting film than ( MOST)Me Before You.
3. Jack is punished now because he did not do his homework last night. (IF)
4. She doesn’t know whether she should apply for that job. (MINDS)
5. Laura spent 4 years living in Madrid and then she moved to Barcelona. (AFTER)
SECTION 2: Paragraph writing. (10 pts)
What invention do you think is the most important to our life? Why?
In about 120 – 150 words , write a paragraph to express your opinion.
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Preview text:

Part 1: Listen to the recording TWICE then choose A, B or C to best answer the questions
1. What is the purpose of the woman's visit?
A. business B. pleasure C. business and pleasure
2. Where will the woman stay during her trip?
A. at a friend's home B. at a hotel C. at a university dormitory
3. About how long will the woman be in the country?
A. one or two days B. three or four days C. more than four days
4. What things are in the woman's luggage?
A. clothing, computer, and books
B. CD player, clothing, and books C. books, gifts and computer
5. What other piece of information do we learn about the woman?
A. Her parents are on the same trip.
B. She enjoys traveling to different countries.
C. She was born in that country.
Part 2: You will hear a man, David, being interviewed about his life as a professional footballer.
For questions 6-10, mark A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
questions. The recording will be played TWICE.
6. How long has David been a professional football player? A. one match B. two years C. four years D. two matches
7. When was first he included in the club? A. When he was seventeen. B. When he was twelve. C. When he was fifteen. D. When he was fourteen.
8. What is in a normal day for David?
A. fitness training and tactics
B. fitness training and a full match C. fitness training only
D. fitness training, tactics and a full match
9. What do the team not watch videos about? A. the opposition B. playing at home C. their own performance. D. warming up
10. What does David say about the diet of a footballer?
A. It is often unpleasant and bad.
B. It has lots of rice, meat and pasta.
C. Footballers have to be careful about what they eat. D. They drink alcohol regularly.
Part 3: You’re going to hear the information about a new variant of the covid-19 virus. Listen and
choose the correct answer. The recording will be played TWICE.
11. A new variant of the covid-19 virus is beginning ______ A. to spared worldwide B. to spread in Botswana
C. to have a great influence all over the world D. to spread worldwide
12. When was a new variant of the covid-19 virus first reported? A. on 19th of November B. on 9th of November C. on 26th of November D. on 29th of November
13. What have many countries reinstated? A. mask wearing B. travel bans C. social distancing D. working from home Trang 1/8-Mã đề 468
14. How many genetic changes in Omicron have scientists discovered? A. 50 B. 40 C. 60 D. 20
15. How long might it take scientists to find out how dangerous Omicron is? A. a few weeks B. days C. hours D. ages  
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
from that of the other words.
16. A. arrested B. maintained C. provided D. fascinated 17. A. picture B. psychology C. produce D. inspire 18. A. ancestor B. analyse C. ancient D. advantage
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main
stress in each of the following word.
19. A. linguistics B. geology C. prehistoric D. researcher 20. A. effect B. effort C. marine D. preserve
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.

21. Mason is truly a reliable friend. He will always be with me and never let me down. A. generous B. independent C. decisive D. dependable
22. It is advisable that everyone in a family shares the household duties. A. views B. ideas C. jobs D. chores
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.

23. I'd go mad if I had to do a dead-end job like working on a supermarket checkout. A. boring B. dangerous C. fascinating D. demanding
24. These days, many people only read printed newspapers once in a while as they tend to access information online. A. regularly B. attentively C. occasionally D. selectively
Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined word or phrase that must be changed in
order for the sentence to be correct.
25. The children had so difficult time when they began school in their new neighbourhood that their A B C
parents decided never to move again. D
26. The Americans are the most concerned than the Chinese with physical attractiveness when A B C choosing a wife or a husband. D
27. Every national team which contains world-class talents is capable of lighting up the tournament A B C
and write its name into football folklore. D
28. When parents allow his children to spend many hours watching television, the children are not A B likely to be physically fit. C D
29. It is said that these good life skills will make young people become more confidential. Trang 2/8-Mã đề 468 A B C D
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.
30. Tom and Linda are talking about jobs they would like to choose.
- Tom: “I think working as a policeman is a challenging job.” - Linda: “__________” A. It’s a good idea. B. Never mind.
C. I’m sorry, but I agree with you.
D. That’s exactly what I think.
31. Peter and Mary are discussing about volunteer work.
- Peter: "Would you like to join our volunteer group this summer vacation?” - Mary: “___________” A. Do you think I would? B. I wouldn't. Thank you C. Yes, you're a good friend D. Yes, I'd love to. Thanks.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
32. There are both advantages and disadvantages of living in families with three or four generations,
also known as ________ families. A. single-parent B. extended C. nuclear D. crowded
33. A/ An________ studies how people behave and how their minds work. A. geologist B. astronomer C. linguist D. psychologist
34. She looks ________ with a straight nose and long black hair. A. attract B. attractive C. attractively D. attraction
35. If we take part in a lot of volunteer activities, we ________ a lot of valuable experience in life. A. would have
B. would have had C. had had D. will have
36. I don't know what to say to break the ________ with someone I've just met at the party. A. ice B. rule C. leg D. air
37. He used to smoke a lot, ________ now he doesn’t smoke any more. A. since B. therefore C. but D. as
38. It is important that men should share household tasks __________ their wives. A. to B. with C. for D. against
39. Washing machine or vacuum cleaner can help you to _________ time while doing housework. A. kill B. save C. spend D. waste
40. If you have any problem, please call Ann. She'll always __________a sympathetic ear. A. bring B. borrow C. give D. lend
41. My cousin is interested in studying our prehistoric ancestors and ancient buildings, so she has
decided to become a/an___________. A. geologist B. biologist C. archaeologist D. activist
42. Their company has___________donated $ 10,000 to a charity organization in our town. A. yet B. already C. since D. never
43. We had to queue for a long time in front of the __________ to buy some tickets for movie Purple Hearts. A. blockbuster B. soundtract C. box office D. performance
44. Computers that once took up entire rooms are now ___________to put on desktops and into wristwatches. A. small enough B. smaller than C. so small D. as small as
45. The average__________ watches television for about 15 hours a week. A. spectator B. observer C. audience D. viewer
46. Washing machines, vacuum cleaners, and dish washers are labor __________ devices which help
us do housework easily and quickly. A. improving B. making C. saving D. employing
47. She ____________the artist a very charming compliment on his oil painting. A. showed B. paid C. made D. took Trang 3/8-Mã đề 468
48. We have our ___________ of course, but we are still quite satisfied with our life. A. odds and ends B. ups and downs C. safe and sound D. ins and outs
49. The movie was really ____________but was still pleasurable. A. amusing B. terrified C. scary D. interesting
50. People __________outlook on life is optimistic are usually happy people. A. whose B. which C. that D. who
51. Electric lights are __________, clean, and give more light than gas. A. economy B. economical C. economic D. economics
52. There __________ two stone lions at the gate of that old house. Isn’t that right? A. used to be
B. used to being C. were used to D. being used
53. Before the plane __________, the flight attendant told everyone to fasten their seat belts and put
their chairs in an upright position. A. got off B. broke down C. kept on D. took off
Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the numbered space in the following passage.
Amparo Lasén, the Spanish sociologist who conducted the study found that Londoners use
their cell phones the least in public. If they are with others, they prefer to let calls be answered by
voice mail (a recorded message) and then they check for messages later. If the English do answer a
call on the street, they seem to dislike talking with others around. They tend to move away from a
crowded sidewalk and seek out a place (54) ____________ they cannot be heard, such as the far side
of a subway entrance or even the edge of a street. They seem to feel that the danger of the traffic is
(55) ___________ to the risk of having their conversation be overheard. This has led to a behavior
that Lasén has called "clustering." At a busy time of day on the streets of London, you may find
small crowds of cell phone users grouped together, each one talking into a cell phone. Even when it
is raining—as it is often in London—people still prefer not to hold their conversations where others
could hear. They talk (56) _____________ their umbrellas or in a doorway.
In Paris, however, there are stricter rules about how and when to use cell phones. It is not
considered polite to use a phone in a restaurant, (57)______________, though it might be acceptable
in the more informal setting of a café. One special custom that has developed in cafés seems unique
to Paris. Young women often place their cell phones on the table beside them to signal that they are
expecting someone. When the friend arrives, the phone is (58) _____________. In fact, the French
are generally very disapproving of phone use in public and are quick to express that disapproval, even to strangers.
(Adapted from “Advanced Reading Power” by Beatrice S. Mikulecky and Linda Jeffries) 54. A. which B. when C. where D. what 55. A. preferable B. accessible C. suitable D. responsive 56. A. on B. under C. in D. after 57. A. therefore B. moreover C. however D. for instance 58. A. put away B. put back C. put down D. put aside
Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions
People have defined ‘skyscraper’ in a number of ways over the years: an ornament on the top
of a building, a high-flying bird, a very tall man and a sail at the top of a mast. At the end of the
nineteenth century, the word was used to refer to buildings of ten storeys or more. Later, a lift was
used to take people up to the higher floors, as in the most famous skyscraper, the Empire State
Building. During the Middle Ages, the people
who lived in the cities of northern Europe began to Trang 4/8-Mã đề 468
build great cathedrals. Tall spires were added to make these churches higher and bring them closer to heaven.
In the nineteenth century, as cities grew more crowded with people looking for work, the
value of land rocketed. New businesses were starting and in order to make room for offices on a
small plot of land, it was necessary to build higher. But the problem was that to put up a stone
building of such height, the walls on the ground floor would have to be more than two metres thick
to hold the weight of the building. So another material was required to make skyscrapers possible.
About this time, three buildings were put up that used iron or steel to support great weight
with safety. They were the Crystal Palace in London, the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Brooklyn
Bridge in New York. From then on, architects started to experiment with buildings that had steel
frames and they have made huge progress. Today, the tallest skyscrapers are a hundred storeys or
more, compared to the first ten -storey skyscrapers, which seem tiny. (Adapted from
by Bessie Dendrinos & Bessie Mitsikopoulou)
Exam Preparation in School
59. What could be the best title for the passage?
A. Why skyscrapers were needed.
B. The most famous skyscrapers in the world today.
C. The people who designed skyscrapers. D. Problems during construction of skyscrapers.
60. The word "who" in paragraph 1 refers to ________ . A. the churches B. the people C. the cities D. the middle ages
61. According to paragraph 1, in the Middle Ages, people built tall churches because ______ . A. they were more beautiful
B. they felt like approaching God C. they took in more people
D. they started to build great cathedrals
62. The word "rocketed" in paragraph 2 mostly means ______ . A. rose B. dropped C. fluctuated D. drew
63. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a structure using iron or
steel to support great weight with safety? A. The Eiffel Tower. B. Crystal Palace. C. Fogo Island Inn D. The Brooklyn Bridge.
Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions
American movies create myths about college life in the United States. These stories are
entertaining, but they are not true. You have to look beyond Hollywood movies to understand what
college is really like. Thanks to the movies, many people believe that college students party and
socialize more than they study.
Movies almost never show students working hard in class or in the library. Instead, movies
show them eating, talking, hanging out, or dancing to loud music at wild parties. While it is true that
American students have the freedom to participate in activities, they also have academic
. In order to succeed, they have to attend classes and study hard. Another movie myth
is that athletics is the only important extracurricular activity. In fact, there is a wide variety of
nonacademic activities on campus such as special clubs, service organizations, art, and theater
programs. This variety allows students to choose what interests them. Even more important, after
graduation, students’ résumés look better to employers if they list a few extracurricular activities.
Most students in the movies can easily afford higher education. If only this were true! While
it is true that some American college students are wealthy, most are from families with moderate
incomes. Up to 80% of them get some type of financial aid. Students from middle and lower-income
families often work part-time throughout their college years. There is one thing that many college
students have in common, but it is not something you will see in the movies. They have parents who
think higher education is a priority, a necessary and important part of their children's lives.
Movies about college life usually have characters that are extreme in some way: super
athletic, super intelligent, super wealthy, super glamorous, etc. Movies use these stereotypes, along
with other myths of romance and adventure because audiences like going to movies that include
these elements. Of course, real college students are not like movie characters at all. So the next time Trang 5/8-Mã đề 468
you want a taste of the college experience, do not go to the movies. Look at some college websites or brochures instead.
Take a walk around your local college campus. Visit a few classes. True, you may not be able
to see the same people or exciting action you will see in the movies, but you can be sure that there
are plenty of academic adventures going on all around you!
64. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. You should see college movies to understand college life.
B. Movies about college life are similar to life and fun to watch.
C. American students do not like to watch Hollywood movies.
D. American colleges in the movies are not like those in reality.
65. The phrase “academic
responsibilities in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to “__________”. A. learning duties B. training skills C. caring professions D. teaching methods
66. The word “they” in the second paragraph refers to ___________. A. résumés B. activities C. students D. employers
67. The word “moderate” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to “____________”. A. unlimited B. not high C. not steady D. sensible
68. American parents believe in ____________.
A. the extracurricular activities that help ensure their children’s jobs
B. the necessity of higher education in their children's lives
C. how movie-makers describe American college life
D. the quality of their children's college lives
69. Many American students have to work part-time throughout their college years because ______.
A. they can earn money for their expenses
B. they want to gain experience C. their parents force them to
D. they are not allowed to work full-time
70. Which of the following could best serve as the title of the passage?
A. Extracurricular Activities and Job Opportunities
B. Hollywood Movies: The Best About College Life
C. American College Life and the Movies
D. Going to College: The Only Way to Succeed in Life
Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (5 pts)
1. With the _______________ of the Internet and the World Wide Web, businessmen do not have as
much traveling as they used to. (DEVELOP)
2. Spending time helping the disadvantaged children gave me real__________________. (PLEASE)
3. The doctor advises her not to go out this week because her disease is_________________. If she
goes out, other people may catch it easily from her. (INFECTION)
4. They had a/an ________________ life, so they can decide everything on their own. (DEPEND)
5. Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin and James Watt are among the greatest _________________ of all time. (INVENT)
Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (5 pts)
1. I think Jenny will be suitable for the work because she (work)________________ as a teacher for a long time.
2. 3. Bone and ivory needles (find)________________ at archaeological sites indicate that clothes
(sew)_______________ for about 17,000 years.
4. That schoolgirl often goes to school late to avoid (check)________________ the old lesson. Trang 6/8-Mã đề 468
5. David never wastes his time; he tries (improve)_________________ himself at every opportunity.
6. I (walk)________________ along the street when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.
7. Don’t worry! I (give)________________ her this message as soon as she returns.
8.9. Left-hand traffic, a custom (exist)______________ in Britain, (date)________________ back to
the days when English people went to and fro on horseback.
10. Jimmy (not, buy)________________ a new laptop yet although his computer broke down.
Complete the new sentence so that it means the same as the given one, using NO MORE THAN
FIVE words. Write the missing words in the given spaces (5 pts)

1. In Viet Nam students often give flowers to their teachers on Vietnamese Teachers’ Day.
->In Viet Nam teachers __________________________________________by their students on Vietnamese Teachers’ Day.
2. I think that Lan needs to have more patience to be a teacher.
-> I think that Lan is not_____________________________________________ a teacher.
3. I’m sure that they had practised hard for the games as they won a lot of medals.
-> They must____________________________________for the games as they won a lot of medals.
4. During my travel in Amsterdam, I came across an old friend.
-> While I___________________________________________, I came across an old friend.
5. That was such a difficult exercise that nobody could do it.
-> That was so__________________________________________nobody could do it.
Use the given and other words to complete the following sentences so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence. Do not change the word given in brackets. (5 pts)

1. Surprisingly, Argentina was defeated by Saudi Arabia in their first match of the 2022 World Cup. (WHICH)
2. I have never seen a more interesting film than Me Before You. ( MOST)
3. Jack is punished now because he did not do his homework last night. (IF)
4. She doesn’t know whether she should apply for that job. (MINDS)
5. Laura spent 4 years living in Madrid and then she moved to Barcelona. (AFTER)
SECTION 2: Paragraph writing. (10 pts)
What invention do you think is the most important to our life? Why?
In about 120 – 150 words , write a paragraph to express your opinion.
___________________________________________________________________________ Trang 7/8-Mã đề 468