từ vựng tiếng anh chuyên nghành du lịch môn Tiếng Anh | Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam

hemRequirement something that you must do, or something you need
Sales consultant someone who advises people about tourSales process a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result:
Travel insurance an agreement in which you pay a company money and they pay your costs if you have an accident, injury, etc. Visa an official mark, usually made in a passport, that allows you to enter or
leave a particular country. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham  khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!


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từ vựng tiếng anh chuyên nghành du lịch môn Tiếng Anh | Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam

hemRequirement something that you must do, or something you need
Sales consultant someone who advises people about tourSales process a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result:
Travel insurance an agreement in which you pay a company money and they pay your costs if you have an accident, injury, etc. Visa an official mark, usually made in a passport, that allows you to enter or
leave a particular country. Tài liệu giúp bạn tham  khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao. Mời đọc đón xem!

69 35 lượt tải Tải xuống
lOMoARcPSD| 46836766
1. Adjective for job skills:
Calm Friendly Flexible (Linh hoạt ) Extrovert (
Hướng able to change or ngoại)
be changed easily accordi an energetic person who
ng to the situation enjoys being with
other people
Nervous Lazy Smart Shy
Disorganized Creative Confident Hardworking not good at planting
or organizing things
Scruffy Practical Organized Unfriendly
= Dirty relating to experience, re
al situations,or actions ra
ther than ideas or imagin
Jobs :
Check-in clerk a person who serves customers in a shop ( Lễ tân )
Chef a skilled and trained cook who works in a hotel or restaurant
Flight attendant someone who serves passengers on an aircraft
Pilot a person who flies an aircraft
Porter a person whose job is to carry things, especially travellers' bags at railway Receptionist
who welcomes and helps visitors and answers the phone Resort rep
Tour guide who show visitors around places of interest
Tour operator a company thatmakes arrangements for travel and places to stay,often selling
these together as package holidays
Tourist information
Travel agent a person or company that arranges tickets, hotel rooms, etc. for people going
on holiday or making a journey
Waiter a man whose job is to bring the food to customers at their tables in a restaurant Nouns:
Catering any job making or serving food
Charter flight Those who book a charter flight hire the entire aircraft
Destination the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken Excursion
a short journey usually made for pleasure, often by a group of people
Public sector businesses and industries that are owned or controlled by the government
Retail the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in shops
Shift a group of workers who do a job for a period of time during the day or night,
or the period of time itself
Tourist attraction a place that people visit for pleasure and interest, usually while they are on
2. Tourism features and attractions :
Harbour Castle Damp
-an area of water next to the a large strong building, built in slightly wet, especially in a way coast,
often protected from the the past by a ruler or important that is not pleasant or sea by a thick wall,
where ships person to protect the people comfortable and boats can shelter inside from attack
lOMoARcPSD| 46836766
Music festival Concert Metro
a performance of music by one an underground electric railway
or more musicians or singers system in some cities
Campsite Countryside Nightlife
a place in a campground or by entertainment and social itself where you can camp activities that
happen in the
evening in bars and clubs
Waterfall Art gallery Temperate
water, especially from a river or a building where works of art neither very hot nor very cold stream,
dropping from a higher can be seen by the public
to a lower point, sometimes
from a great height
Chilly Heritage Coastline
= cold features belonging to the the shape of the land next to the
culture of a particular society, sea
such as traditions, languages, or
buildings, that were created in the past
and still have historical
Specialist industry terms :
Domestic tourism is defined as traveling within your own country of residence, either for business or
leisure purposes.
Inbound tourism is also a form of international tourism.When you enter another country, this is
inbound tourism for the destination country. Outbound tourism you go from your own country to
another one Nouns:
Carnival public enjoyment and entertainment involving wearing unusual clothes, dancing, and eating
and drinking, usually held in the streets of a city
Cathedral a very large, usually stone, building for Christian worship. It is the largest and most
important church of a diocese
Climate the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place
Desert an area, often covered with sand or rocks, where there is very little rain and not many plants
Expenditure an amount of money, time, or effort that is spent
Historic monument an old building or place that is an important part of a country's history
Landscape a large area of land, especially in relation to its appearance
Receipt something such as a piece of paper or message proving that money, goods,
or information have been received
Theme park a large permanent area for public entertainment, with entertaining
activities and big machines to ride on or play games on
Remote far away in distance
Spectacular very exciting to look at
Unspoilt an unspoiled place is beautiful because it has not been changed or damaged by
Nouns :
lOMoARcPSD| 46836766
Brochure Tour provider
a type of small magazine that contains pictures someone who provide tour service and
information on a product or a company
Client Representative
a customer or someone who receives services someone who speaks or does something officially
for another person or group of people
Commission Supplement
a group of people who have been formally something that is added to something else in
chosen to discover information about a problem order to improve it or complete it or
examine the reasons why the problem exists
Direct selling Transfer
the activity of selling products directly to to move someone or something from one place,
customers rather than through stores vehicle, person, or group to another
Inclusive tour Wholesaler
Tour that includes everything someone who buys and sells goods in large
amounts to shops and businesses
Itinerary Package holiday
a detailed plan or route of a journey a holiday organized by a travel company for
which you pay a fixed price that includes the cost
of the hotel and travel, and sometimes food
Domestic relating to a person's own country ( noi dia ) Incoming
arriving at or coming towards a place
Independent not influenced or controlled in any way by other people, events, or things
Specialist someone who has a lot of experience, knowledge, or skill in a particular subject Adverbs
In advance before a particular time, or before doing a particular thing (dat trc)
In bulk in large amounts
3. Reasons for travel
Sightseeing Pilgrimage
the activity of visiting interesting places, a special journey made by a pilgrim ( hanh especially by
people on holiday huong)
Trade fair Day trip
a large event at which companies show and sell Tour or excursion that leaves in the morning and
their products and try to increase their business returns the same evening
Study tour Festival
trip to a country or an area that includes visits, a special day or period, usually in memory of a lectures,
and classes religious event, with its own social activities,
to walk a long distance, usually over land such as
hills, mountains, or forests
food, or ceremonies
Weekend break
Trip that includes Saturday and Sunday
Conference Familiarization
an event, sometimes lasting a few days, at which
there is a group of talks on a particular subject, or
a meeting in which especially business matters are
discussed formally (hoi nghi,hoi thao )
Wedding Incentive tour
a marriage ceremony and any celebrations such Tour that encourages a person to do something, as a
meal or a party that follow it or reward for good work
lOMoARcPSD| 46836766
Specialist industry terms
Business tourism
Fam trip (familiarization trip)
Incentive tour
Leisure torism
VFR (visiting friends and relatives)
a very hard building material made by mixing together cement, sand, small stones, and water Fly-drive
an organized holiday that includes your air ticket and the use of a car Motivaion
enthusiasm for doing something Safari
an organized journey to look at, or sometimes hunt, wild animals, especially in Africa Trend
a general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving
Adjectives Authentic
it is real, true, or what people say it is High-rise
a tall modern building with many floors Long-haul >< Short-haul something that
takes effort over a long time, rather than just a few days, weeks, etc.
Sales terms
Advantage Benefit Consultant
a condition giving a greater a helpful or good effect, or someone who advises people on
chance of success something intended to help a particular subject
Awareness Browse Convince
Knowing about something and to look through a book or to persuade someone or make
probably being interested in it magazine without reading someone certain
everything, or to walk around a
shop looking at several things
without intending to buy any of
lOMoARcPSD| 46836766
Contact details Information on how to contact a person or entity, typically including a telephone
number, address etc
Foreign currency money from a country that is not your own
Initial enquiry form Dien thong tin ban dau
Rapport a good understanding of someone and an ability to communicate well with
Requirement something that you must do, or something you need
Sales consultant someone who advises people about tour
Sales process a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result:
Travel insurance an agreement in which you pay a company money and they pay your costs if you
have an accident, injury, etc.
Visa an official mark, usually made in a passport, that allows you to enter or
leave a particular country
Transport words
Cruise a journey on a large ship for pleasure, during which you visit several places
Crossing a place where something such as a road, river, etc. can be crossed safely, or a place where a
road and a railway meet and cross each other
Journey the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle
Tour a visit to a place or area, especially one during which you look around the
place or area and learn about it
Light aircraft a small plane suitable for carrying only a small number of passengers
Helicopter a type of aircraft without wings, that has one or two sets of large blades that go round very
fast on top.
Cruise ship a large ship like a hotel, that people travel on for pleasure
Liner a large ship for carrying passengers in comfort on long journeys
Ferry a boat or ship for taking passengers and often vehicles across an area of water, especially as a
regular service
Hovercraft a vehicle that travels quickly just above the surface of water or land by producing a current
of air under it to support it
Hydrofoil a large boat that is able to travel quickly above the surface of the water on wing-like
Port a town by the sea or by a river that has a harbour, or the harbour itself
Airport a place where aircraft regularly take off and land, with buildings for passengers to wait in
Terminal the area or building at a station, airport, or port that is used by passengers leaving or arriving
by train, aircraft, or ship
Runway a long, level piece of ground with a specially prepared smooth, hard surface on which aircraft
take off and land
Cabin a separate space in an aircraft for passengers or for the people operating it, or a room on a ship
equipped with beds for sleeping
Pier a long structure sticking out from the land over the sea, where people can walk or large boats can
be tied,
Station a building and the surrounding area where buses or trains stop for people to get on or off
Carriage a vehicle with four wheels that is usually pulled by horses and was used mainly in the past
Terminus the last stop or the station at the end of a bus or train route
Motorway a wide road for fast-moving traffic, with a limited number of places at which drivers can
enter and leave it
lOMoARcPSD| 46836766
Track a path or rough road that is made of soil rather than having a surface covered with stone or other
Steward a person whose job it is to organize a particular event, or to provide services
to particular people, or to take care of a particular place
Purser an officer on a ship who deals with the ship's accounts, or a person on a passenger ship or
aircraft who is responsible for taking care of passengers
Conductor someone who directs the performance of musicians or a piece of music
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Preview text:

lOMoAR cPSD| 46836766 Vocabulary 1. Adjective for job skills: Calm
Friendly Flexible (Linh hoạt ) Extrovert (
Hướng able to change or ngoại)
be changed easily accordi an energetic person who
ng to the situation enjoys being with other people Nervous Lazy Smart Shy Disorganized Creative Confident
Hardworking not good at planting or organizing things Scruffy Practical Organized Unfriendly = Dirty relating to experience, re al situations,or actions ra ther than ideas or imagin ation Keywords Jobs : Check-in clerk
a person who serves customers in a shop ( Lễ tân )
Chef a skilled and trained cook who works in a hotel or restaurant Flight attendant
someone who serves passengers on an aircraft
Pilot a person who flies an aircraft
Porter a person whose job is to carry things, especially travellers' bags at railway Receptionist
who welcomes and helps visitors and answers the phone Resort rep
Tour guide who show visitors around places of interest Tour operator
a company thatmakes arrangements for travel and places to stay,often selling
these together as package holidays Tourist information officer Travel agent
a person or company that arranges tickets, hotel rooms, etc. for people going
on holiday or making a journey
Waiter a man whose job is to bring the food to customers at their tables in a restaurant Nouns: Catering
any job making or serving food
Charter flight Those who book a charter flight hire the entire aircraft Destination
the place where someone is going or where something is being sent or taken Excursion
a short journey usually made for pleasure, often by a group of people
Public sector businesses and industries that are owned or controlled by the government
Retail the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in shops Shift
a group of workers who do a job for a period of time during the day or night, or the period of time itself Tourist attraction
a place that people visit for pleasure and interest, usually while they are on holiday
2. Tourism features and attractions : Harbour Castle Damp
-an area of water next to the a large strong building, built in slightly wet, especially in a way coast,
often protected from the the past by a ruler or important that is not pleasant or sea by a thick wall,
where ships person to protect the people comfortable and boats can shelter inside from attack lOMoAR cPSD| 46836766 Music festival Concert Metro a performance of music by one
an underground electric railway or more musicians or singers system in some cities Campsite Countryside Nightlife
a place in a campground or by entertainment and social itself where you can camp activities that happen in the evening in bars and clubs Waterfall Art gallery Temperate
water, especially from a river or a building where works of art neither very hot nor very cold stream,
dropping from a higher can be seen by the public to a lower point, sometimes from a great height Chilly Heritage Coastline
= cold features belonging to the the shape of the land next to the
culture of a particular society, sea
such as traditions, languages, or
buildings, that were created in the past and still have historical importance Keyword Specialist industry terms :
Domestic tourism is defined as traveling within your own country of residence, either for business or leisure purposes.
Inbound tourism is also a form of international tourism.When you enter another country, this is
inbound tourism for the destination country. Outbound tourism you go from your own country to another one Nouns:
Carnival public enjoyment and entertainment involving wearing unusual clothes, dancing, and eating
and drinking, usually held in the streets of a city
Cathedral a very large, usually stone, building for Christian worship. It is the largest and most important church of a diocese Climate
the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place
Desert an area, often covered with sand or rocks, where there is very little rain and not many plants
Expenditure an amount of money, time, or effort that is spent
Historic monument an old building or place that is an important part of a country's history Landscape
a large area of land, especially in relation to its appearance Receipt
something such as a piece of paper or message proving that money, goods,
or information have been received
Theme park a large permanent area for public entertainment, with entertaining
activities and big machines to ride on or play games on Adjectives Remote far away in distance Spectacular very exciting to look at Unspoilt
an unspoiled place is beautiful because it has not been changed or damaged by people Keywords Nouns : lOMoAR cPSD| 46836766 Brochure Tour provider
a type of small magazine that contains pictures someone who provide tour service and
information on a product or a company Client Representative
a customer or someone who receives services
someone who speaks or does something officially
for another person or group of people Commission Supplement
a group of people who have been formally something that is added to something else in
chosen to discover information about a problem order to improve it or complete it or
examine the reasons why the problem exists Direct selling Transfer
the activity of selling products directly to
to move someone or something from one place,
customers rather than through stores vehicle, person, or group to another Inclusive tour Wholesaler
Tour that includes everything someone who buys and sells goods in large
amounts to shops and businesses Itinerary Package holiday
a detailed plan or route of a journey a holiday organized by a travel company for
which you pay a fixed price that includes the cost
of the hotel and travel, and sometimes food Adjectives Domestic
relating to a person's own country ( noi dia ) Incoming
arriving at or coming towards a place
Independent not influenced or controlled in any way by other people, events, or things
Specialist someone who has a lot of experience, knowledge, or skill in a particular subject Adverbs In advance
before a particular time, or before doing a particular thing (dat trc) In bulk in large amounts 3. Reasons for travel Sightseeing Pilgrimage
the activity of visiting interesting places, a special journey made by a pilgrim ( hanh especially by people on holiday huong) Trade fair Day trip
a large event at which companies show and sell Tour or excursion that leaves in the morning and
their products and try to increase their business returns the same evening Study tour Festival
trip to a country or an area that includes visits, a special day or period, usually in memory of a lectures,
and classes religious event, with its own social activities, Trek food, or ceremonies
to walk a long distance, usually over land such as Weekend break hills, mountains, or forests
Trip that includes Saturday and Sunday Conference Familiarization
an event, sometimes lasting a few days, at which
there is a group of talks on a particular subject, or
a meeting in which especially business matters are
discussed formally (hoi nghi,hoi thao ) Wedding Incentive tour
a marriage ceremony and any celebrations such Tour that encourages a person to do something, as a
meal or a party that follow it or reward for good work lOMoAR cPSD| 46836766 Keywords Specialist industry terms Business tourism Ecotourism
Fam trip (familiarization trip) Incentive tour Leisure torism
VFR (visiting friends and relatives)
Nouns Concrete
a very hard building material made by mixing together cement, sand, small stones, and water Fly-drive holiday
an organized holiday that includes your air ticket and the use of a car Motivaion
enthusiasm for doing something Safari
an organized journey to look at, or sometimes hunt, wild animals, especially in Africa Trend
a general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving Adjectives Authentic
it is real, true, or what people say it is High-rise
a tall modern building with many floors Long-haul >< Short-haul something that
takes effort over a long time, rather than just a few days, weeks, etc. Sales terms Advantage Benefit Consultant
a condition giving a greater a helpful or good effect, or someone who advises people on chance of success
something intended to help a particular subject Awareness Browse Convince Knowing about something and to look through a book or to persuade someone or make
probably being interested in it
magazine without reading someone certain
everything, or to walk around a
shop looking at several things
without intending to buy any of them Keywords Nouns lOMoAR cPSD| 46836766
Contact details Information on how to contact a person or entity, typically including a telephone number, address etc Foreign currency
money from a country that is not your own
Initial enquiry form Dien thong tin ban dau Rapport
a good understanding of someone and an ability to communicate well with them
Requirement something that you must do, or something you need Sales consultant
someone who advises people about tour
Sales process a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result:
Travel insurance an agreement in which you pay a company money and they pay your costs if you
have an accident, injury, etc.
Visa an official mark, usually made in a passport, that allows you to enter or leave a particular country Transport words
Cruise a journey on a large ship for pleasure, during which you visit several places
Crossing a place where something such as a road, river, etc. can be crossed safely, or a place where a
road and a railway meet and cross each other Journey
the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle
Tour a visit to a place or area, especially one during which you look around the
place or area and learn about it
Light aircraft a small plane suitable for carrying only a small number of passengers
Helicopter a type of aircraft without wings, that has one or two sets of large blades that go round very fast on top. Cruise ship
a large ship like a hotel, that people travel on for pleasure
Liner a large ship for carrying passengers in comfort on long journeys
Ferry a boat or ship for taking passengers and often vehicles across an area of water, especially as a regular service
Hovercraft a vehicle that travels quickly just above the surface of water or land by producing a current of air under it to support it
Hydrofoil a large boat that is able to travel quickly above the surface of the water on wing-like structures Port
a town by the sea or by a river that has a harbour, or the harbour itself
Airport a place where aircraft regularly take off and land, with buildings for passengers to wait in
Terminal the area or building at a station, airport, or port that is used by passengers leaving or arriving by train, aircraft, or ship
Runway a long, level piece of ground with a specially prepared smooth, hard surface on which aircraft take off and land
Cabin a separate space in an aircraft for passengers or for the people operating it, or a room on a ship
equipped with beds for sleeping
Pier a long structure sticking out from the land over the sea, where people can walk or large boats can be tied,
Station a building and the surrounding area where buses or trains stop for people to get on or off
Carriage a vehicle with four wheels that is usually pulled by horses and was used mainly in the past Terminus
the last stop or the station at the end of a bus or train route
Motorway a wide road for fast-moving traffic, with a limited number of places at which drivers can enter and leave it lOMoAR cPSD| 46836766
Track a path or rough road that is made of soil rather than having a surface covered with stone or other material Steward
a person whose job it is to organize a particular event, or to provide services
to particular people, or to take care of a particular place
Purser an officer on a ship who deals with the ship's accounts, or a person on a passenger ship or
aircraft who is responsible for taking care of passengers Conductor
someone who directs the performance of musicians or a piece of music