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Writing: Letter - Tiếng Anh 3 | Trường Đại học Kiểm Sát Hà Nội
Writing: Letter - Tiếng Anh 3 | Trường Đại học Kiểm Sát Hà Nội được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Tiếng Anh 3 (TA3) 19 tài liệu
Đại Học Kiểm sát Hà Nội 226 tài liệu
Writing: Letter - Tiếng Anh 3 | Trường Đại học Kiểm Sát Hà Nội
Writing: Letter - Tiếng Anh 3 | Trường Đại học Kiểm Sát Hà Nội được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Môn: Tiếng Anh 3 (TA3) 19 tài liệu
Trường: Đại Học Kiểm sát Hà Nội 226 tài liệu
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3. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Na – K9I
4. Nguyễn Thành Sinh – K9I
5. Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn – K9I Hà Nội – 2022 CONTENTS 1.
WARM UP ................................................................................................................2
2. A SUCCESSFUL LETTER CONSISTS OF......................................................3
A successfull letter consists of .............................................................................4
Các yếu tố liên quan đến tiêu chí viết thư ..........................................................5
Contact for the request of the topic:....................................................................4
Purpose of the letter:...........................................................................................4
Key features and bullet points:...........................................................................5
3. KINDS OF LETTER...........................................................................................6
4. LETTERS OF GIVING INFORMATION........................................................7
Common structure ……………………………………………………………………………………..8
Useful language…………………………………………………………………………………………9
5. LETTERS OF APOLOGY..................................................................................9
Common structure of a formal letter of apology....................................................9
Useful language....................................................................................................14
6. EXERCISE ........................................................................................................14
TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO.....................................................................................16
BIÊN BẢN THẢO LUẬN NHÓM........................................................................17 2 I. WARM UP
The game is called: “ VÒNG QUAY MAY MẮN “ , there are 6 question , each
question has 4 answers A, B, C, D. The person who raises their hand the fastest will have the right to answer.
Question 1: A time when someone does not to work or school but is free to
do what they want, such as travel or relax. A. Holiday B. Today C. Sunday D. Tuesday
Question 2: A shelter consisting of a sheet of cloth supported by poles and
ropes, used especially for camping. A. Cabin B. Tent C. Mobi home D. Apartment
Question 3: When you visit famous or interesting places, especially as tourists. A. Sightseeing B. Holiday C. Travel D. Visit
Question 4: To go from one place to another, or to several places, especially ones that are far away. A. Sightseeing B. Trip C. Travel D. Scenery
Question 5: A peaceful time, place, or situation is quiet and calm without any worry or excitement. A. Relax B. Peaceful C. Chaos D. War
Question 6: The natural features of a particular part of a country that you can
see, such as mountains, forests, deserts etc. A. View 3 B. World C. Scene D. Scenery. II.
a. A successfull letter consists of
1. An appropriate greeting: (Dear Mr. Nhân, Dear Sir/Madam, etc.)
2. An introductory paragraph which clearly states your reason for writing
3. A main body in which develops the subject
4. A conclusion in which you summarize the subject 5. An appropriate ending.
E.g: your faithfully/sincerely + full name, Best wishes + first name
b. Các yếu tố liên quan đến tiêu chí viết thư
1. Contact for the request of the topic:
The layout of the Letter of Apology above is said to be relatively complete
and consistent with the form of a letter; There is a beginning of the message,
the body of the message, and a conclusion. The writer tries to relate to the
content of the topic in the opening of the letter, but the overarching content 4
in the opening of the letter needs to be expressed more clearly and specifically.
2. Purpose of the letter:
“I'm writing to say sorry that I couldn't attend the meeting last week. I feel really
bad about missing the meeting really hope that I could explain what happened to me last week.”
The writer can show that the purpose of the letter is an apology letter, specifically
that the writer feels sorry for not attending the meeting last week. However, the
writer should try to condense the information in the request of the topic more
clearly in the purpose of the letter. 3. Voiceover:
According to the above problem analysis, Letter of Apology is a formal/sincere
letter (the recipient is a superior) so this letter is a letter with a formal tone.
“ I'm writing to say sorry that I couldn't attend the meeting last week ”. The tone
here is informal with the use of "sorry". Although it means sorry, the use of "sorry"
is not appropriate in this context (usually used in speech and between friends).
“Sadly, the meeting had already started when I was still at the repair shop and also my phone was dead…”.
Here, the writer uses "sadly" and "also" which reduces the formality of the letter
somewhat and does not fit the analyzed context. At the same time, the writer
describes his dead battery phone as "dead"; This is an expression usually only used in spoken language.
Throughout the letter, the writer has not reached a consensus in choosing the tone
of voice when intimate and formal words/expressions such as "sorry" and "express
my apology" are interspersed. This affects the overall tone of the letter.
4. Key features and bullet points: Apologize for not attending
In addition to the element of tone mentioned above, the writer has relatively
expressed the content in this bullet point at the beginning of the letter. However, in
the form of an apology letter, the writer needs to show a certain "sincerity" in his 5
apology, so the writer should try to write more expressions to support the apology. mine.
Explain why you couldn't attend
“ Last Wednesday, I was on my way to the office then my motorcycle broke down
and I wasn't able to find any repair shop nearby. I had to drag it with me for about
thirty minutes before I could find a mechanic to help me fix it ”
In the first body paragraph, the writer stated that the reason for not attending the
meeting was because “the motorbike was broken and could not find a repair shop
nearby”. Then the writer also added an additional idea that "have to drive the car
for about 30 minutes to find a car repair shop". The reasons given here are
considered reasonable and understandable in the apology letter.
Say what you will do to make up for it
“ I have already asked our collegues about the contents of the meeting and have
taken some notes to make sure I can fully understand the meeting last week ”
The writer offers a solution to express his regret by "ask other colleagues about the
content of the meeting as well as take notes to understand the meeting". The writer
has come up with a reasonable solution for missing his meeting. The expression for
this bullet point is considered reasonable
” Also, I would like to invite everyone to lunch tomorrow ”
In the next paragraph, the writer adds the compensation solution that the writer will
“invite everyone for lunch tomorrow”. The solution here is said to be inappropriate
for the recipient of the mail and for the purpose of apologizing. If this is an apology
letter to a friend, the solution here will be more appropriate.
“ Once again, I want to express my apologies, and I hope I can compensate for my absence in the future. "
Finally, the writer once again repeated his apology.
In the body of the article, the writer can state the content of the bullet points, but
the distribution of the content is still uneven (the writer focuses on the content and
explains a lot in the "reason for absence") at the same time. The choice of 6
expressions is still not suitable for the analysis of the requirements, leading to the
limitation of Task Acivement criteria. III. KINDS OF LETTER 1. Formal Formal greetings and endings
Formal language ( Complex sentence, non- colloquial language, advanced vocabulary ) No abbreviated forms 2. Informal Informal greetings and endings
Informal language styles (indioms, phrasal verbs, colloquial enghish and omission of pronouns Abbreviated forms
It is essential that you are able to identify what type of question you’re required to write. Follow this rule:
If the question includes the word ‘friend’, use informal language.
If the question does not include the word ‘friend’, use formal language.
The only exception is if the letter is to a close family member when you would also use an informal tone.
One situation that can be confusing is where the person you have to write to is a
neighbour, as in our sample question. Assume that you do not know them very well and keep the letter formal.
This leads us on to the opening of your letter – the greeting. 7
1. Common structure a. Reason for writing b. First point c. Further points d. Ending the letter
2. Useful languages Reason for writing To inform good - I am writing to inform you that/ let you know that...... - I feel delighted to inform you - I would like to inform you that - You will be pleased to hear that...... To infrom bad - I feel obliged to inform news you... - We regret to inform you that - I am afraid it would not be possible to... To response - I am writing in response information to your letter requesting information about..... - I am writing to provide you with information about... - I am writing to reply to your enquiry about... First point
- The first thing I would like to inform you of/to tell you is
- The first thing I wish to inform you of is...... V. LETTERS OF APOLOGY
With the Letter of Apology essay format, or for Task 1 of the Writing General Test
in general, candidates need to understand the layout of a letter to be able to create a 9
quick and appropriate outline for themselves. with the requirements of the topic.
With this type of letter, the writer needs to show sincerity and persuasion in the apology.
Common structure of a formal letter of apology BEGINNING STATE THE REASON FOR YOUR LETTER - Why are you writing the
letter? (Tại sao viết thư) - Give a brief details and express your regret about the trouble caused to the writer BODY arrange your point in EXPLAIN THE WHOLE paragraph CIRCUMSTANCES AND OFFER AN APOLOGY - Give explanation -Give appropriate apology STATE ANY PROMISE RECTIFY THE SITUATION - Do you promise any refund?
- Do you offer any discount to compensate the inconvenience caused to the writer? - Do you assure any improvement in the future? -How do you feel about the situation? CLOSING Once again express your
regret about the situation and your expectation to serve the writer again in the future 10
Take the following sample Letter of Apology as an example:
Problem Analysis: You missed an important meeting with your manager last week,
write a letter to apologize and explain your absence and offer a solution to correct your mistake. Letter format: Apology letter
Writing tone: formal/sincere (since the recipient of the letter is your boss) Dear Mr. Williams,
I'm writing to say sorry that I couldn't attend the meeting last week. I feel really bad
about missing the meeting really hope that I could explain what happened to me last week. 11
Last Wednesday, I was on my way to the office then my motorcycle broke down
and I wasn't able to find any repair shop nearby. I had to drag it with me for about
thirty minutes before I could find a mechanic to help me fix it. Sadly, the meeting
had already started when I was still at the repair shop and also my phone was dead
so I couldn't call anyone to inform about my absence.
I have already asked our collegues about the contents of the meeting and have
taken some notes to make sure I can fully understand the meeting last week. Also, I
would like to invite everyone to lunch tomorrow.
Once again, I want to express my apologies, and I hope I can compensate for my absence in the future. Yours faithfully, Victor. Useful language
Give a brief description of the issue -I am afraid I -I regret to say that
-We are very sorry that you received a defective
- Thank you for your letter informing me that
Apologize for an action, mistake or omission -I apologize for/ for not - I must apologize for Explanation - I am extremely sorry for 12 - This was due to - This was because if - This reason for this was
-The reason for this has been that I forgot / misunderstood
- Promise to rectify the situation (if possible)
- I am coming to...... next week, so I.......
- I am pleased to inform you that we are prepared to replace your
faulty………….. with a new one. The conclusion
- Please accept our apologies for having delivered a fault product to you
- We very much regret for the inconvenience the holiday...... has caused to you
- We hope that the refund/replacement will restore your confidence in us. VI. EXERCISE
EX 1: Your neighbour has written to you to complain about the noise from your flat.
Write a letter to your neighbour. In your letter:
explain the reason for the noise Having the flat rewired
offer your neighbour an apology
Sorry the noise has disturbed them
tell them what action you will take.
Ask electrician to be as quiet as possible. Pay for additional electrician so job finished sooner.
All you need to do to create your plan is to add in the details from the question, like this:
1) Dear ..... (neighbour) 13
2) Paragraph 1: Purpose – to apologise for the noise
3) Paragraph 2: explain the reason for the noise (bullet point 1) Having the flat rewired
4) Paragraph 3: offer your neighbour an apology (bullet point 2)
Sorry the noise has disturbed them
5) Paragraph 4: tell them what action you will take (bullet point 3)
Ask electrician to be as quiet as possible. Pay for additional electrician so job finished sooner. 6) Signoff Paragraph 1
In the first paragraph, you must state the reason for writing the letter, that is, its purpose.
=> Paragraph 1: Purpose – to apologise for the noise
Many students make the mistake of missing this purpose sentence out but it's very
important. Including it will gain you marks.
It only requires one sentence. He’s an example appropriate to our letter of apology.
=> I am writing to apologise for all the noise coming from my flat over the past few days.
Top vocabulary tip: Do not use contractions in formal letters. They are informal language.
For a letter of apology to a friend, it would be appropriate to write, I’m writing to
apologise / to say sorry for... Paragraph 2
In the second paragraph, you write about bullet point 1.
Paragraph 2: explain the reason for the noise (bullet point 1) Having the flat rewired 14
Remember to keep the language formal for this question. Aim for around 50 words
for paragraph 2, 3 and 4. You could write something like this.
I am having the whole place rewired at the moment as I was experiencing some
electrical faults that could not be repaired. The old wiring had been in since the flat
was built and needed replacing so I had no choice but to undertake this necessary work. Paragraph 3
The third paragraph should cover the second bullet point.
Paragraph 3: offer your neighbour an apology (bullet point 2)
Sorry the noise has disturbed them
I do appreciate that there has been a lot of banging going on during the day. I
sincerely apologise for this and regret that you have been disturbed. I was hoping
that most of the work would be done while you were out at work but I admit that it
did continue into the evening the other day. Paragraph 4
Paragraph 4 addresses the third bullet point.
Paragraph 4: tell them what action you will take (bullet point 3)
Ask electrician to be as quiet as possible. Pay for additional electrician so job finished sooner.
To get the job finished as quickly as possible, I will employ an additional
electrician. Although there will inevitably still be some noise, I will ask them to be
as quiet as possible and be sure to finish by 5 p.m. when I believe that you usually get home.
Now we just need to add the signoff we decided on earlier and our letter is complete. 15 TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO
1. Giáo trình English 3 của Trường Đại học Kiểm sát Hà Nội
2. Tài liệu tham khảo của Ielts Jacky
3. Sách Giải thích ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh của Mai Lan Hương .
Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc
BIÊN BẢN THẢO LUẬN NHÓM 1. Môn học: Tiếng Anh 3 2. Nhóm: Lớp K9I
Đề tài thảo luận: Writing – Letter 3. Phân công nhiệm vụ 16 STT HỌ VÀ TÊN NHIỆM VỤ ĐƯỢC PHÂN GHI CHÚ CÔNG 1 Chu Bích Ngọc
Xây d•ng nô €i dung, thiết kế Nhóm trư•ng powerpoint, điều hành 2 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Na
Xây d•ng nô €i dung, hình thức Thư kí thuyết trình, báo cáo 3 Nguyễn Thành Sinh
Xây d•ng nô €i dung, thiết kế powerpoint 4 Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn
Xây d•ng nô €i dung, hình thức thuyết trình 4. Nội dung thảo luận:
- Địa điểm: Nhóm họp tại Thư viện trường Đại học Kiểm sát Hà Nội. Thời gian Nội dung công việc Thành viên Đánh giá tham gia 10/10/2022 Nhóm họp nhận và
Tất cả các Tất cả thành viên đều tham phân công nhiệm vụ. thành viên
gia nhiê €t tình, thảo luâ €n, phân công nhiê €m vụ.
12/10/2022 Nhóm họp, nô €p kết quả Tất cả các Các thành viên tham gia
nghiên cứu, thảo luâ €n thành viên
năng n„, có trách nhiê €m, nhóm.
nô €p kết quả đ…ng hạn.
Nghiêm t…c trong việc xây d•ng đề tài nhóm.
15/10/2022 Nhóm họp hoàn thiê €n Tất cả các Các thành viên tham gia bài làm, thảo luâ €n thành viên
hoàn thiê €n tốt ph‰n bài ch†nh s‡a, b„ sung,
làm, thảo luâ €n sôi n„i, có đưa ra kết quả cuối
tinh th‰n trách nhiê €m khi cˆng. làm viê €c nhóm.
5 . Nhận xét của giáo viên bộ môn: 17
...................................................................................................................................... STT Họ và tên Lớp Điểm số 1 Chu Bích Ngọc K9I 2 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Na K9I 3 Nguyễn Thành Sinh K9I 4 Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn K9I
Hà Nội, ngày 15 tháng 10 năm 2022 Người viết biên bản Nguyễn Thị Thanh Na 18